Promoting LEGO Overview
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LEGO Brief 04
Brief Description
Target Audience
Develop the creative direction and materials for a campaign that would promote and encourage children to play LEGO.
LEGO nurtures creativity. The concept was to promote LEGO by celebrating it through a proposed series of exhibitions that woud travel the country.
Parents, young families, students, primary and secondary school children.
Proposed concept for an exhibition, along with promotional materials, printed exhibition guide and a proposed post exhibition publication that would conclude the series of exhibitions.
Promoting LEGO Promotional Posters
Blog Address
Module Code
Board no.
Brief 04 LEGO
Design Concept
Production Specification
A series of posters that use images of things people have created using the same amount of LEGO to promote and reflect the concept of the exhibition. Majority of the target audience would have already played LEGO before, therefore each poster will have a different set of creations accompanied by a statement / question that aims to engage and relate with people’s memories of playing LEGO.
These posters will be put up around city centres, working both as a set and individually to promote the exhibition.
Size 594mm x 841mm Print method Each poster screenprinted with black and selected colour. Stock
Promoting LEGO Exhibition Guide
Blog Address
Module Code
Board no.
Brief 04 LEGO
Design Concept
Content / Context
Production Specification
Exhibition guide, driven by the photos of work that are featured at the exhibition, along with coloured inserts that hold the information for each designer / creative.
Photos of work featured and history of what they have Size created along with a brief description, biography and contact 150mm x 200mm details for each individual Pages 24 Print Processed colours
Cover Stock Heavy Matte Spread Stock 80gsm white Inserts stock 80gsm pastel coloured
Promoting LEGO Post Exhibition Publication
Blog Address
Module Code
Board no.
Brief 04 LEGO
Design Concept
Concent / Context
Production Specification
Design direction for a post exhibition publication that collates the creations people have made during the exhibition, out of exactly the same amount of LEGO bricks provided. Showcasing the creative diversity that people can achieve even with such a limited number of materials.
The content of the publication will be driven by the photos of things people have made, accompanied by the details of the creator, the name and brief description of what they have made. The publication aims to conclude and further extend the idea that it strives to achieve with the initial exhibitions - To celebrate / promote by showcasing that LEGO is for everyone and that it nurtures creativity.
Size 160mm x 250mm Pages 62 Print Processed colours Cover Stock Heavy Gloss Spread Stock 130gsm matte
Promoting LEGO Proposed Website
Website Concept
Design Direction
Proposed website design for MAKE exhibition, allowing users to log on and view the latest news in regards to the exhibition. The site will be intended to detail locations that it will be exhibiting at, opening times, latest news and updates and things people have created while also offering people the chance to upload their creations for the ones who were not able to attend the exhibition itself.
The design direction of the site sits alongside the printed materials. Utilising the same 4 colours of red, blue, yelow and white throughout except for the photos. It’s kept to the most minimal as it intends to be focused on the content.
Blog Address
Module Code
Board no.
Brief 04 LEGO