Tips To Help You Find The Perfect Job
Below we've listed 6 steps and suggestions, which, when followed, will get you where you'd really like to be a lot faster; so let's have a look at them.
1: Your Personal Life Must Be In Order (as much as possible) Prior to looking for a new job, endeavor to put your personal life in order, and be ready to accept whatever it takes to find your new job. You'll require support at home and some quality time in order to find the job you really want. Your job campaign will now become your 'job' for the time being, and should be placed above all other priorities. It's time to make a commitment!
Of course I'm not suggesting you ignore your family, but some things will have to be sacrificed. As an example, if you must choose between going to your child's concert or working on your resume, you must go to the concert. However, if the choice is between working on your cover letter or watching Monday Night Football, I'm sure you know what your choice must be.
2: Set Your Target Set the amount of time you intend working on your job search each and every week, and stick to it! Remember, just like a lot of other things in life, you're only going to get out of this as much as you put into it. Spend as much time as it takes to create the perfect cover letter and resume.
3: Start Gathering Facts Now it's time to start gathering facts, figures, and prior career accomplishments. Begin with dates of employment, job descriptions and your responsibilities, major achievements, salary progression, educational background, special skills that make you unique, and include any courses you've undertaken since high school or college. This should include any training or courses provided and paid for by your company. Get all this information down on paper because you'll need it to write your resume, for your cover letter, and for interviews.
4: Create Your Portfolio If an advertising agency is looking for new clients, the first thing they do is show you their portfolio. This will include their achievements, copies of their finest work, and the astounding results achieved through their endeavors. Well, you also are selling a product, and that product is YOU! Imagine that you own a company called 'Me Inc.' - you're the CEO of this company and you must create a product that your customers (in this case we're referring to potential employers) will see great value in and will want to buy. During a job interview, your portfolio will demonstrate and support your abilities. Anything that's not confidential or the property of your previous employers should be kept in your portfolio. People, like marketing personnel, artists, designers, architects and so on will especially see the value in maintaining an up-to-date portfolio.
5: Who Would You Like To Work For? Next, make a list of the companies you believe you'd like to work for. Write down their address and contact information, including the name of the CEO or Manager if you can find it. This information can be found with a little research on the internet but usually a simple search on the company's website with prove sufficient. Lots of local business journals will annually publish a 'Lists' edition of their journal: this will include their top 10 to 25 companies in varying categories, and this could include the largest public and private companies, largest public relations and advertising companies, largest non-profit organizations, and so on. By creating your lists it will help you focus your energies on a smaller group of companies.
6: Get Yourself Organized - and Consider These Next Six Suggestions Get yourself a private cell phone so you're not making calls from your current workplace: get rid of all cute and silly greetings. Have an answering machine at home and ensure your outgoing message is professional. Appearance is very important. Remember - first impressions count! Ensure that you have the right attire for attending interviews. This doesn't mean you need to wear a suit; however your wardrobe should match the industry you're applying to work in. Create a quiet area in your home to devote to your job searching efforts. A home office would be perfect if you have the space. Ensure that your email address is appropriate. Sugary and funny email addresses don't work in a work environment, and certainly won't make a good impression on a potential employer. In all ways you must project the image you want to convey to your employer.
Have your references ready. Choose people you trust implicitly. Collect names and their contact details including phone number and email address. You must always ask your references for permission to use them as your reference, then advise them in advance that they may be called in the near future. Be organized! Your organized desk will be your very best friend, particularly when you receive an unexpected call from someone looking to hire. Create a tracking system clearly showing who you have sent resumes to and the job you were applying for. Include as much information for each position as you can.