My Nightmare in the Dugout_Rina

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Written by Rina Sakashita In the eyes of Tadao Edo

My nightmare in the dugout



Page 1: Cover page Page 2: Dedication Page 3: Content Page 4: Packet Page 8: Notes Page 10: Foreword Page 11: Historical narrative Page 15: About the author Page 16: Bibliogaphy









Notes Listening reference / Notes じいじは戦争中に学校から送り出されて、線とうきの部品や爆弾の 部品や爆弾の部品を作った。 ⼯場の中では先⽣の指⽰を丁寧に聞いてしっかり働いた、その時 は、15ぐらい。 ⼀番上のお兄さんは20歳で兵隊になり、へえりえとう南の島に派 遣されて亡くなった。 ⼆番⽬のお兄さんは、17歳で戦地には、⾏かなっかったので家に いた。 三番⽬は、じいじ。戦地には⾏かなかった学徒動員でhitachi市にあ る、⼯場に連れて⾏かれて働いた。 四番⽬のお兄さんは12歳で家で、家事のお⼿伝いをしていた。

じいじは茨城県の⽥舎に住んでいて、家の⽬の前にあった⽵やぶに (およそ20メートル離れたところ)、防空壕をつくり暮らしてい た。

⽥舎に1936年に新しい軍事⼯場が家の近くにできて、空襲のく るようになった。私の話は、その空襲の4、5回あった中の⼀番 4、5回空襲はあったが⼀番⼤きかった⼯場はもっと遠く怖いです 怖いです ⿁いさんたちは、戦争 お母さんとお⽗さん、四番⽬ も、鰹 よしこ、正義、ひさおが五番⽬の弟で、かずみが、⼀番下 の6番⽬の⼥の⼦です。 ギリギリ6⼈が⼊る(防空壕) ひこうじようが爆破空襲 空襲警報、ならない 空襲警報なかった

Notes 厚⽊は毎⽇空襲 ⼯場もいっぱいい 相模湾 から上がってくる迷わないい ⽥舎とは茨城県、逃げる、 荷物背負い厚⽊の裏まで、⽟は⼀回だけバルカー、5年⽣の時に、 ⾃転⾞で30分ぐらいのところの農家に⾏ってくわの⽊カイコの餌 切っ⽪をむくこもり別れてお⼿伝いをした。

終戦間際の、季節1995ねんの6⽉11:00頃空襲警報なかっ た、その⽇の服装は、とても暑かったので短パンに半袖の服を着て いました。 お⽗さんも似たような、格好でした。


Foreword My nightmare in the dugout: My grandfathers story (86 years old) Foreword

World War Ⅱ started from 1939 until 1945. The War started from Europe. In World War Ⅱ, over 35 million to 60 million people died and with millions more were wounded or left homeless. Meanwhile most of parts of the world was involved. Japan was fighting together with Germany and Italy. The biggest attack that Japan did to America was the pearl Harbor attack. The attack was in Hawaii, on Sunday, December 7 , 1941. The attack came without warning very early in the morning. It was made by Japanese submarines and carrier­ launched aircraft. The United States Navy and Army forces were completely surprised. More than 2,300 Americans were killed in the two­hour attack. Eight battleships were sunk or damaged. Many cruisers and destroyers were hit. Most of the United States planes were destroyed on the ground. Japanese losses 129 men, several submarines, and 29 of the more than 350 airplanes. America's biggest attack was dropping the atomic bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This attack was one of the attack that made Japan lose.

My Nightmare in the Dug Out

It was a hot early day in June around 11 am. My most horrible experience in my life was in 1945. When World War Ⅱ was still going on.This is a story when I was a teenager. I lived in the countryside of Ibaraki prefecture in Japan. Ibaraki had lots of rich nature at that time and I had great living time there. However, suddenly a war started. I didn't predict that war would be continued for such a long time. I was 15 years old when the nightmare happened. At that time, I was a student at a middle school. I had 2 elder and 2 younger brothers, and one little sister.

When World War Ⅱ started, everyone who lived in Japan needed to assist the Japanese army. So even though children who were studying at primary schools, they needed to go to some farms far away by bicycles, and needed to help the farmers to grow vegetables. Some of them were requested to baby­sit farmer’s babies while their children's mothers worked at the farms.

Some students took silk from silkworms or took some barks from trees. So all of people living in Japan tried their best that they could do at that time. And people who were older than 20 years old needed to go to the front of battleground, so my biggest brother who was 20 years old went to the war (to an island) and I couldn’t see him again. I saw quiet tears dripping down my family's faces. I was still 15 years old, so I studied at a school in Japan. However the Japanese government required all of the children in Japan to work for the Japanese army, So I was sent from my school to somewhere a faraway military factory. I needed to make some parts of the air fighter and bombs for the Japanese army at there in order to assist the Japanese army. I worked at a factory in Hitachi city for one year. As we worked i noticed all students faces was dark as the color of the night. Each day they came to the military factory everyone got thinner and mostly they had almost used all the energy to work. No one talked it was silent,we could only hear some instructions from the teacher and some machines moving. “ Why do I need to do so?” “Why did the war start?” “Why do we need to be apart from my family ?" As I started thinking about all these things I couldn't stop thinking about it and it never my feelings never stopped, I got so exhausted and I wanted to cry. How many times I thought about this phrase. One year later, I graduated from the military factory and went back to my home town. And then I started to work with my father at my father's farm. “Finally I’m very happy to be at home with my family ” this was all I could think. All this was for victory of Japan and to survive.

Most of all people living there had a cave called dugout for ensure their security. We had a dugout near my house as well in a bamboo grove. The bamboo grove was near my house about just 20 meters away from. My house was far from a new military factory that was made in 1936, so there were 4 or 5 times of air raids. However we were living in the real countryside so there was no emergency alarms ringing even though an fighter bomber were coming. Therefore we always needed to pay attention to the fighter’s sound and bombs. That day when the air raid came, I was working with my father at our farm as usual. My dad and I were wearing short sleeves and short pants because it was a humid day. I was weeding with my father in the paddy field and then we heard the big sound of a fighter and later we heard the sound of the bombs. I was just thinking back about the war that we experienced. I shouted; “Dad the fighters are coming there might be a bomb! Let's tell our brothers and go to the dugout”. I wanted to protect my little brothers and sisters at first. I was so worried if my little brothers and sisters were safely in the shelter. I noticed that even if we fight against each other I really love them and they were my precious treasure and I even thought they were more valuable than my life. I was surprised that I had an expression like that. So we rushed into the dugout , my mom and my little brothers and sister were already in the camp, so I was very relieved. However it was the biggest air raid that. The new military factory was blown up by the American army, it was a blown air strike. In the camp , 6 people: my mother Yoshiko, my father Masayoshi, my little sister Kasumi, my brothers Katuo, Hisao, and me could barely fit inside. I was in the dugout for only one hour and a half, but I felt like it was a whole day in the dugout. I was scared in there.

From my little sight I saw fire, from my little ears I heard the sound of the planes, and my little heart was frozen of terror in the dugout. However all of us believed that we could survive in this horrible situation and this united body encouraged me. I thought if I might be terrified, little brothers and sister might be more terrified, so I tried to be strong. Of course I was also scared but I wanted to encourage my little brothers and sister. It was a hard job to be strong in such situation and sometimes my heart was almost broken but we could survive. Because I wanted to protect my little brothers and sister, my heart was always strong. After this nightmare happened, there was a blow air strike at the HItachi military factory where I used to work for the army. I was terrified again, even though I was not there anymore. We all survived, except for my biggest brother who went to the battle ground. But even though Japan lost, I will never forget this event. This horrible experience reminds again that war is a scary thing and that should never happen again all over the world.

About the author About the author

My name is Rina Sakashita and I am Japanese. I am 12 years old. I used to live in Boston between 2008~2010. Then I used to live in Singapore between 2010~2011 and then I moved back to Japan. Then I came to Istanbul! I am studying in Istanbul International Community School. I like to go to shopping malls here! And my hobby is to read fantasy and mystery books, plus I love to swim, To take amazing photos is one of my photos too!I am very energetic and I love to move around in fact I do swimming, tennis, ice skating,and Badminton. On the other hand I also love art.( to draw real life things.)I used to do the Violin too.I also love to cook! I will be really happy if you read this story and never forget this event.

About the author

I like to go to shopping malls here! And my hobby is to read fantasy and mystery books, plus I love to swim, To take amazing photos is one of my photos too!I am very energetic and I love to move around in fact I do swimming, tennis, ice skating,and Badminton. On the other hand I also love art.( to draw real life things.)I used to do the Violin too.I also love to cook! I will be really happy if you read this story and never forget this event.

Bibliography Britannica. “World War 2.” Britannica School, Britannica, 2016, ModuleId=10005155 n_pacific.php Portfolio made with Canva

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