Design Portfolio

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Analysis of Designs Eduardo De Jesus Hernandez Herrera CS 615 Designing Information MSED Information Technology Western Oregon University

Effort and Reward  2 Good examples  2 Bad examples

Low Effort, High Reward. The Thepicture picturemakes makesthe the reader readerthink thinkabout aboutthe the potential potentialnegative negativeeffects effects of ofclimate climatechange change

Combination Combinationof of colors is very light colors is very light and andisiseasy easyto toread read

Paragraph Paragraphis isvery very short shortand andcontains contains an anidea ideathat thatis islinked linked to tothe thepicture. picture.

Low Effort High Reward Paragraphs Paragraphsare arevery very short shorton onand andvery very descriptive descriptive The Theblack blackbackground background grabs the grabs theattention attention of the viewer giving of the viewer giving ititaatouch touchofof simplicity simplicity

Having Havingone onegraphic graphic and four words and four wordscreate create aalow lowaalow loweffort effortand and high reward image high reward image

High Effort Low Reward Even Eventhough thoughthe thedesign designlooks lookssimple, simple,itit isishard hardtototell tellwhat what aatoilet toiletpaper paperisisdoing doing folded sideways, in my opinion. It folded sideways, in my opinion. It requires requiressome somethought, thought,and andtwo twoofofmy my friends friendsdid didnot notget getthe theidea ideaofofthe thead. ad.

Even Eventhough thoughititmay may seem clear that every seem clear that every inkjet inkjetpaper paperbelongs belongs totoaabathroom, bathroom,ititisis hard hardtotounderstand understand why the toilet paper is why the toilet paper is folded. folded. Letters Lettersseem seemtototiny tinytotodiffuse diffusethe the idea of the message. idea of the message.

High Effort, Low Reward I see that the script is I see that the script is extremely extremelyextensive. extensive. The TheTitle Titleisiskind kindofofeye eye catchy catchy

The picture is kind of funny and grabs the The picture is kind of funny and grabs the attention attention

Paragraphs are too Paragraphs are too long. It is hard long. It is hard to tell what the to tell what the ad is about. ad is about.

Theme  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design

The Thecolors colorsofofthe the design are simple and design are simple and beautiful: beautiful:light lightblue blue and yellow. Very and yellow. Very effective effectivefor forthis thistype type ofofcreation creation

The Thewhite whiteon onthe the background background helps helpstoto emphasize emphasize “sales” “sales”and andthe the house” house”

Having Havingseveral several pictures picturesofofthe thehouse house makes makesvery veryclear clear what whatthe thepurpose purposeofof the thesite siteis. is.

Good Design

The Thetheme themeisiswell well made madebecause becausethe the pictures are directly pictures are directly related relatedtotothe thepurpose purpose ofofthe site. the site.

Blue, Blue,green green and andwhite whiteare are aagreat great combination combinationof of colors. colors.

Combination Combinationofofblack blackand andwhite whiteon on the pictures, and having the pictures, and havingthe the featured featuredhouses housesinincolor colorhelp help grab the attention of grab the attention ofthe the viewer. viewer.

The Thebackground backgroundseems seemsvery very fussy and the date of the fussy and the date of the show showdoes doesnot notcombine combinewith with the background the background

Bad Design

It is hard to read the title. It is hard to read the title. The white of the letters The white of the letters fades with the background. fades with the background.

The Thecombination combination of ofred/orange red/orange with withblue blue does not does not create createaagood good match of match of colors. colors.

The Thepig pigdoes doesnot nothave have any connection with the any connection with the rest restofofthe thedesign. design.

Bad Design

The Thebackground backgroundisis not notaaconsistent consistent color. color.I Idon’t don’tthink think ititmatches matcheswith withthe the pink pinkpig pigand andthe the blue. blue.

The Thecombination combinationofof colors colorsisisso sobad bad that is almost that is almost impossible impossibletotoread read some someparts partsofofthe the text. text.

Picture Words And Concrete Verbs  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design Low Loweffort effortand andhigh highreward. reward. Only Onlyfour fourwords wordsfor forthe the whole wholeidea ideaof ofthe thedesign. design.

The Thepicture pictureisisvery verydescriptive. descriptive.ItItshows showsaacan canofof Pepsi Pepsismiling, smiling,making makingthe theviewer viewerthat thatthey theywill will smile as well if they avoid sugar. smile as well if they avoid sugar.

The The background backgroundisis very verysimple simple and andcenters centersall all the the information informationto to the thepicture. picture.

Good Design

The Thedesign designshows showstwo two basic words in basic words in onomatopoeia. onomatopoeia.This This words wordsimmediately immediately grab grabthe theattention attentionofof the thereader. reader.

The Thesubtitle subtitleand andthe thetitle titleclearly clearly express expresswhat whatthe thebook bookisis about aboutininvery veryfew fewwords. words.

Two Twopictures pictures create createaaperfect perfect connection connectionwith with the words meow the words meow and andruff ruffof ofthe thetitle title

Bad Design Even though this design is very clever, I don’t Even though this design is very clever, I don’t think it makes a good job making the viewer want think it makes a good job making the viewer want to buy this drink. to buy this drink.

The Theletters lettersare aretoo toosmall smalland andititisishard hard for me to understand why there for me to understand why thereisis so somany manywords wordsfor forthis thisdrink. drink.

Even Eventhough though the theword word gingervating gingervating may maybe becatchy, catchy, I Istill stillbelieve believe that thatisisnot notaa good gooddesign. design.

Bad Design I Idon’t don’tthink thinkthe thepicture picturemakes makesaagood goodconnection connection with withthe theintent intentofofthe themessage. message.InInfact, fact,I Idon’t don’teven even understand what this design is about. understand what this design is about.

I Idon’t don’tsee seewhy whythey theydid didnot not get getrid ridof ofthis thisobject. object. There Thereare areseveral severaltools tools that thatare areable ableto toget getrid ridof of it. it.Maybe Maybeis isrelated relatedto tothe the intent intentof ofthe thedesign? design? I Idon’t don’tsee seewhy why the thebottom bottom part partshows shows some sometype typeof of rocky rocky background. background.

Audience (Targeting an identifiable audience)

 2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Audience Good Design The Thecigarette cigarette makes makesvery very clear clearwhat whatthe the main mainaudience audience isisintended intendedtoto attract. attract. Probably Probablyadding adding aaquestion questionmark mark would have would have helped helpedto tograb grab more the more the attention attentionof ofthe the viewer. viewer.

The Thered redletters letters help helpto to emphasize emphasizethe the main maingoal goalof of the themessage. message.

Good Design Audience The Thepicture pictureisis very verystrong strongand and makes makesthe the viewer viewerthink think about aboutthe the negative negative consequences consequences ofofsmoking smoking The Themain mainintent intentof ofthe the design is clearly design is clearly stated. stated.The Thewords words clearly express clearly express what whatthis this audience audienceisis directed directedto. to. AAfew fewwords wordsdescribe describe aapersonal story personal storyofofaa smoker, smoker,making making smokers aware smokers awareofofthe the possible side effects. possible side effects.

Audience Bad Design The Theaudience audiencethat thatisis expected expectedtotobe beimpacted impacted by bythis thisadd addisisnot notlimited limited totoblonde blondeyoung youngwomen. women.I I don’t don’tthink thinkthat thatthe thedesign design made a good job made a good job addressing addressingwho whothey they wanted wantedto toinform. inform. The Thecolors colorsofofthe thedesign designmake makethe theletters lettersvery very easy to read. I think it is a good design easy to read. I think it is a good design overall, overall,but butthe theaudience audienceisisnot notvery veryclear. clear.I I think thinkthat thatchildren childrenand andpeople peopleover over50 50 years old are not going to be impacted years old are not going to be impactedby by this thisad. ad.Maybe Maybethey theyonly onlywanted wantedtotoinform inform blonde blondeand andyoung youngwomen? women?

The Theletters lettersare are too toosmall. small.They They are arevery veryhard hardto to read. read.

Audience Bad Design

Visual Context  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Visual Context Good Design

The Thelocation locationof of the theplace placeis is also alsodisplayed displayed attracting attractingnew new potential potential clients. clients.

The Thetea teapot potcreates createsaaperfect perfect visual visualdesign designfor foraatea tea company company

The Thedesign designisis simple, simple,yet yet very verywell well made. made.

Visual Context Good Design The Thecontext contextisis perfect perfectfor for showing showingthe the world worldan anIrish Irish company. company.

Showing Showingold oldbuildings buildings from Ireland from Irelandcreate create aawonderful visual wonderful visual context. context.

Old OldIrish Irish clothing clothinggive givethe the design designaa wonderful wonderful touch. touch.

Showing Showingblue blue letters lettersofofthe the Irish IrishAirlines Airlines clearly clearlyshow showthe the purpose purposeofofthe the design. design.

Having Havingletters letters sideways sideways make makethe the design designhard hardto to read. read.

Visual Context Bad Design Even Eventhough thoughthe thedesign designisis related to graphic related to graphic design, design,I Idon’t don’tthink think that showing a that showing a paintbrush paintbrushmakes makesitit very veryclear clearfor forthe the viewer. viewer.

This Thisdesign design does doesnot noteven even show showwith with clarity claritywhat whatitit isisfor. for.

Visual Context Bad Design

Embellishment, Enhancement, Embodiment  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design Embellishment Different Differenttextures textureson on the thedesign designshow showhow how embellishment embellishment techniques techniquesare areused used ininthis thiscontext. context.

Even Eventhough thoughthere thereisiswhite white colors colorson onthe the background, background,ititisisstill stilleasy easy totoread readthe thesubtitles. subtitles.

The Thecolors colorson onthe the background backgroundmake makeaa good goodcombination. combination.

Good Design Embellishment This Thisisisaavery verynice nicedesign designthat thatisis created createdwith withdifferent differenttones tonesofofpink pink There Thereare aredifferent differentflowers flowers on onthe thedesign designcreating creating aaline lineof ofsymmetry symmetryand and embellishment. embellishment.

The Thedesign designshows showsboth both simplicity simplicityand andcreativity creativity

Bad Design Enhancement

The Thedesign designdoes doesnot notcreate createaavery verygood goodjob jobatat enhancing enhancingeach eachaspect aspectofofthe theconsequences consequencesofof using usingsteroids. steroids.

Using Usingblue blueletters lettersfor forthe thetitle titleand and black blackbackground backgroundfor forboth boththe the title titleand andsubtitles subtitlesdoes doesnot nothelp help enhance enhancethe theideas ideasof ofthe the design. design.

The TheSecond Secondsubtitle subtitleisisso so small smallthat thatisishard hardtototell tell what whatisisthe thepurpose purposeof ofthe the design design

Bad Design Enhancement The Themessage messageisisnot notvery very clear. It can be clear. It can behard hardtoto understand understandfor forsome some people. people.

The size of the letters is to The size of the letters is to small making even harder small making even harder to understand the idea. to understand the idea.

The The combination combinationofof colors colorsisisgood, good, but butthe the enhancement enhancementofof the themessage messageisis very verypoor. poor.

Proximity  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design Proximity The Thecategories categoriesofof the thedesign designare arewell well group together. group together.

This Thisisisalso alsoaagood good design designbecause because the thecontrast contrast grabs grabsthe the attention attentionofofthe the reader. reader. Even Eventhough thoughisishard hard to read white letters to read white letters on onaablack black background, background,the the design seems design seemspretty pretty good. good.

Blue Blueand andgray gray give giveaagood good style styletotothe the astronomy astronomy magazine. magazine.

Good Design Proximity The Theinformation information ofofthe themagazine magazine isiswell wellgrouped grouped on onthe theright rightside side ofofthe thecover. cover.

The Thewhite whiteletters letters located locatedon onthe the dark side of dark side ofthe the magazine make magazine make ititititeasy easyto toread. read.

Bad Design Proximity All Allthe theinformation information on the design on the designdoes does not have any logical not have any logical sequence. sequence.There Thereisis no proximity no proximityon onthe the design. design.

Bad Design Proximity Even Eventhough though information informationisisgroup group into similar into similar categories, categories,the thecolors colors don’t really make don’t really makethe the information informationeasy easytoto read. read.For Forexample, example, this monitor this monitorhas hasaa green greenbackground backgroundand and all other monitors all other monitors have haveblue blue background. background.

The Thecolors colorsofofthe the background background don’t don’tseem seemtoto have any have any harmony harmony

Contact Contact information information or orother other categories categories don’t don’tseem seem to be placed to be placed ininaalogical logical sequence sequence

Alignment  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design

The Theinformation information isiswell wellaligned, aligned, centered centeredand and easy easytotoread. read.

The Thewhite whitebackground background facilitates facilitatestotoread read the whole the whole message. message.

Good Design

All Allthe thepictures picturesare are well aligned with well aligned with each eachother. other.

Even though the colors Evendon’t though theto colors seem have seem to have a don’t logical sequence, a logicalofsequence, because the because the of the alignment alignment the information is easy is easy toinformation read. to read.

Even Eventhough thoughmany many pictures have different pictures have different colors colorsand andcontrast contrast with withno noprevious previous planning, planning,the thedesign design still stilllooks looksgood good because becauseofofthe the alignment. alignment.

Bad Design I Idon’t don’tthink thinkthe thealignment alignmentofofthe theletters letters“polar “polar bear” bear”match matchwith withthe therest restofofthe thepicture. picture.ItIt does doesmatch matchaalittle littlewith withthe thepaw pawofofthe thebear bear but not with rest of the picture. but not with rest of the picture.

White Whiteletters letterson onaawhite white background don’t make background don’t make aagood goodcombination combinationfor for reading readingpurposes. purposes.

Letters Lettersare aretoo toosmall, small,and andititisishard hardtoto tell tellwhat whatthe themessage messageisisfor. for.This Thismay may be a wrong assumption because I don’t be a wrong assumption because I don’t know knowthe theoriginal originalsize sizefor forthe thedesign designbut but that is my impression that is my impression

I Idon’t don’tthink thinkthat thatthe the green combines with green combines with the thepink pinkbackground background

Bad Design

From Frommy myperspective, perspective, this is a bad this is a bad alignment. alignment.The Theintent intent ofofthe thecreator creatorwas wastoto find findharmony harmonyinin random randomspots, spots,but butI I don feel like the don feel like thewhole whole design looks messy. design looks messy.

I Iam amnot notsure sureififthey they intended intendedtotocreate createaa design designthat thathad hadthe the objects outside of objects outside of the frame, but it the frame, but it does doesnot notlook look professional professional

Repetition  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

This Thisisisaagood goodand and simple design. It simple design. Itrelies relies on onrepetition repetitionofofreal real objects: objects:

Having two similar products on the right side and two similar products on the left side Having two similar products on the right side and two similar products on the left side creates createsaanice nicebackground backgroundbased basedon onrepetition. repetition.

Repetition Good Design Having Havingcans cansrotating rotating on different on different directions directions create createaasense sense ofofaa“natural “natural picture” picture”

The Therepetition repetitionisis based basedon onreal real objects. objects.I Ithink thinkthis thisisis aareally reallygood gooddesign. design.

Good Design

This Thisisisaabackground background that gives that givesaatouch touchofof simplicity. simplicity.

Bad Design Repetition The Theflowers flowersare areaagreat great idea, but the letters idea, but the letters don’t don’tdo doaagreat greatjob job describing what this describing what thisisis for. for.

The Thecolor colorofofthe theletters letters may be good, but the may be good, but the design designlooks looksincomplete incomplete

Bad Design Repetition They Theytried triedcreating creatingaa background backgroundfull fullofof squares squaresininorder ordertoto create repetition, create repetition,but butitit does doesnot notlook lookvery very professional because professional because the theorder orderofofcolors colorsisisnot not very consistent nor very consistent nor organized organized

This Thisisisaavery verywonderful wonderful design that give design that givethe the impression impressionthat thatwas was handmade, handmade,however, however, the theletters lettersdon’t don’tmake makeaa good repetition. good repetition.

Contrast  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

This Thisisisaagreat greatdesign design that is simple and that is simple and attractive. attractive.

Good Design

Three Threecolors colors make makeaagreat great design, design,pink, pink, white whiteand andblack. black.

Different Differentshades shadesofof pink create a pink create a wonderful wonderfuland and simple simpledesign. design.

Good Design

Wonderful Wonderfuldesign designthat that emphasize the hair emphasize the hair style. style.

The Thecolor colorbox box emphasizes emphasizeswhat what the thepurpose purposeofofthe the design is. design is.

This Thisisisaahigh higheffort effort and low reward. and low reward.ItItisis really reallyhard hardtoto understand understandthe the meaning of the meaning of the design. design.

Bad Design This may be a good This may be a good piece pieceofofart, art,but butititisisnot not aavery good tool of very good tool of communication. communication.

The Themessage messageisisnot not related to the related to the background. background.The The message messagereads: reads: Capitalism is Capitalism is selfishness. selfishness.

Bad Design

Emphasis  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design The Thecolor coloron on the thegraphics graphics give giveemphasis emphasis totothe the7up 7up drinks. drinks.

Even Eventhough thoughthe the letters are very letters are very small smallthe thedesign designisis still stillvery verygood. good.I I have havenotice noticethat that several old several old designs designsthat thathave have have that trend. have that trend.

Good Design. Having Havingthe thedrink drinkinin color colorcreates creates emphasis emphasisininthe the product. product.

This Thisisisaa wonderful wonderful design designbased based on onthe the emphasis emphasisofofthe the picture. picture.

Bad Design

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The Thewhite white letters lettersare arenot not emphasized emphasized with withthe the background. background.ItIt isishard hardtototell tell what whatthe themain main purpose purposeofofthe the design designis. is.

The Theletters lettersare arenot not emphasized in a emphasized in a wise wisemanner. manner.The The background makes background makes the theletters lettersfade. fade.

Bad Design

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The Thedate dateand and time timeofofthe the event eventare are emphasized emphasized with withthe thecolor. color. Unfortunately, Unfortunately,itit does doesnot notmatch match the therest restofofthe the design. design.

Good design Color

The Thesimple simplered red on onthe the background backgroundand and the thecolor colorof ofthe the cans cansemphasize emphasize the theappearance appearance ofofthe thedesign. design.

Good Design Color Having Havingblack, black, blue blueand andwhite white as asmain maincolors colors help helpthe the enhance enhancethe thered red ofofthe theCocaCocaCola Colalogo. logo.The The goggles gogglesofofthe the bear bearmatch matchthe the Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Design. Design.

tino tinoherrera: herrera: I Ibelieve believethat thatthe the combination of combination of colors colorsisisjust just random. There random. Thereisisno no planning when the planning when the design designwas wasmade. made.

Bad Design Color

There Thereisisno no clear clear combination combinationofof colors. colors.Many Many combinations combinations don’t don’teven even match. match.

Bad Design Color

The The combination combinationof of colors colorsis is terrible. terrible.Many Many viewers viewerswon’t won’t even be able even be ableto to read readmany manyof of the thewords. words.

The Thewords wordsare are blurry. blurry.ItItisishard hard totoread readthem. them.

Style  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs.

Type and Style  2 Good Designs  2 Bad Designs

Good Design The Theold oldstyle styleof ofthe thedesign designand and the thecontrast contrastshow showaa wonderful wonderfulcombination combinationof of colors colorsand andletters. letters.

The Thedesign design using usingaasepia sepia color color emphasizes emphasizes the themonitor. monitor.

Good Design The Themodern modernfont font combined combinedwith withthe the color colorcreate createaa nice, nice,and andmodern modern style styleofofthe thedesign. design.

The Thegray gray background background help helpto to enhance enhanceboth both designs, designs,as as well wellas asthe the white whitetitles. titles.

Bad Designs The Thescript scriptstyle styleofofthe theletters lettersdon’t don’t match with the other letter match with the other letter styles. styles.There Thereare aretoo toomany many kinds of letters. Maybe kinds of letters. Maybehaving having only two style of letters would only two style of letters would help? help? I Iknow knowthat thatI I only onlyhave haveto to look lookat atthe the style styleof ofthe the ads, ads,but butI I wonder wonderififthis this information informationisis real? real?

Bad Design ItItisishard hardto toread readTabitha Tabitha letters on this design. letters on this design.ItIt isisvery verydecorative, decorative,but but ititisishard to read all hard to read allthe the letters of the message. letters of the message.

I Idon’t don’tthink thinkthat that the themotorcycle motorcycle matches matchesthe the rest restofofthe the picture picture

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