Spanish Conversation: Advanced Winter 2013 Instructor
Eduardo Herrera MSED
Mailing Address PO Box 11036 Portland OR 97211
Course Description: For students working beyond the intermediate level. Class will be entirely in Spanish. Two or more years of Spanish experience or equivalent experience (like living in a Spanish-speaking country).
Text: Spanish Two Years. Nassy Levy. Additional Readings will be provided each week.
Course Objectives: Communication: 1.1 Interpersonal Participate in academic conversations Summarize and present long-complicated stories 1.2 Interpretative Read and listen to information involving basic political, legal, economic, medical vocabulary Listen and watch a video about different activities Read about recreational activities and news of different countries Read information of general interest in Spanish language media 1.3 Presentational Present information of a specific topic using what was learned in the course to the whole class Culture 2.1 Practices and Perspectives Discuss outdoor activities and popular places to relax with friends 2.2 Target Culture CSE 627 Syllabus Pg 1 of 6
Acquire information about current events through Spanish language sources Comparisons 3.1 Language Talk about new vocabulary through the recognition of cognates • Compare: Spanish and English infinitives; construction of negatives between English and Spanish; 3.2 Culture • Compare: places where teens gather to spend free time; the selection of news stories in Spanish language media sources to those in media sources in English Latin dances in the United States 4. Communities Locate local groups of foreign language Spanish speakers and native Spanish speakers
Online Homework Students are expected to revise the course website, respond to questions by the posted date and time and then respond to other students and the instructor. Appropriate responses make a substantial contribution to the assignment. Do not simply create phrases such as “ Me gusta eso” or “¡Buen trabajo! Rather, add new ideas of your own, include quotes from your peers and comment on them, and comment on why you find a particular idea intriguing. Be creative!! 1. This is not a self-paced course. It is designed on a weekly format and to be successful you will need to practice the exercises and material given in the class. 2. Discussions require frequent checking and participation. Check them regularly. Stay current and up-to-date. Replies posted late will not become a part of the discussion and will likely be missed by other participants. Discussions cannot be “caught-up” once others have moved on. Monitor discussions for responses to your own posts and be prepared to post follow-up messages. 3. Your success depends upon your ability to master course content. 4. Because this is a non-credit class, your schedule can be quite flexible. This does not mean, however, that there is less work than in a credit class. Courses at PCC carry an expectation of 4 hours of homework for every hour in class. This equates to 8 hours/week.
What You Can Expect of Me as Your Instructor: 1. When you email me, I will respond within 48 hours (usually much faster). If you send me something, I will respond with a “Got it” email. If you do not hear from me, check to make sure I received it. (Assignments submitted on the class website should show you when they have been posted successfully). 2. Open communication and instructor availability are critical to the success of a course. Talk to me or email me any time you have questions. If you need to talk by phone, my number is 360-773-9110. Please email me to let me know you are trying to reach me by phone and I will arrange an appointment to talk.
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3. Please email me anytime you are confused or unclear on instructions. I will respond quickly. If your question would be of interest to others in the class, I will post my responses on our course announcements page. 4. I will do my best to respond to assignments with feedback within a week. I will be preparing class materials each week as well as monitoring discussions and assignments. Having course materials available on time will be my top priority, but I will move as quickly as possible on feedback.
Class Assignments and Expectations: Note: When you e-mail me any correspondence, please include, in the subject heading of the email, the text “SPA I assignment” or “SPA I question” so that I know your email is associated with this class. I am inundated with e-mails, and this will ensure that I recognize your message as high-priority. 1. Read assigned articles, explore resources assigned weekly, practice the vocabulary and be prepared to actively participate in our weekly class. 2. Complete your weekly assignments on time and following instructions. 3. Complete a final Presentation using the content learn in our class.
Class Schedule (subject to change – see course web site for updates) Week 1
Primera Semana
Topics Introductions Course overview Introduction Explicación de la Clase Libros que están disponibles Organizar Grupos Social Networking Cantando una canción Artículos en Español Lectura
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Segunda Semana
Tercera Semana
Cuarta Semana
Quinta Semana
Artículo Lectura Gramática Preterite Tense of Irregular Verbs Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática The Present Tense Subjunctive Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática The Present Perfect Subjunctive Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Convivio: Comidas de Latinoamerica
Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática Uses of the Subjunctive Mood Tenses Dependent Clauses Impersonal Constructions Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica
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Sexta Semana
Septima Semana
Octava Semana
Artículo Lectura Gramática Uses of the Subjunctive Mood Tenses Dependent Clauses Impersonal Constructions Sequences of Tenses Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática Expresions Idiomaticas Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática Repaso Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura: Latinoamerica Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Convivio: Comidas de Latinoamerica
Octava Semana
Canción Artículo Lectura Gramática Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura: Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Canción
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Decima Semana
Finals Week
Artículo Lectura Gramática Ejercicios Formación de Grupos. Presentación de Lectura Presentacion de Estudiantes: Latinoamerica Final Presentations Due Convivio: Comidas de Latinoamerica Libros
1. Cien años de soledad (Spanish Edition) [Paperback] Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2. Las venas abiertas de America Latina (Spanish Edition) [Paperback] Eduardo H. Galeano (Author) 3. Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú y así me nació la conciencia [Paperback] Elizabeth Burgos (Author)ú-nacióconciencia/dp/9682313155/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357694851&sr=11&keywords=rigoberta+menchu+asi+me+nacio
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