61497 spring catalogue text

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The highest bidder for a lot shall be the Purchaser thereof, subject to the right of the Auctioneer by whom the sale is conducted to refuse to accept any bidding if he thinks proper to do so and also subject as to every lot, to any reserved price that the Vendor may have put on the lot. If in the opinion of the Auctioneer any dispute shall arise as to the last or best bidding for any lot, the lot in dispute shall be put up again at the last undisputed bidding.


A person shall not retract a bidding and only bidding of one or more guineas will be accepted.


Every lot will be sold and must be taken by the purchaser with all faults and errors of description (if any) and from the fall of the hammer the lot shall be and remain at the Purchaser’s risk; but no lot shall be removed from the Sale Premises until it has been paid for in cash nor without a pass from the Secretary of the Society or his Clerk.


No set off nor any deduction against or from the purchase money of any lot will under any circumstances be recognised or allowed by the Auctioneers.


Excepting in any case that may come within the terms of, and as is mentioned in, the proviso in this condition hereinafter contained, no warranty whatever will be given with, nor shall any warranty be implied with or in respect of any lot, nor shall any damages or compensation be payable to any Purchaser in respect of any fault in any lot or any error of description (if any) of any lot. Provided nevertheless that this condition shall not extend (a) to any lots as to which a representation is expressly made by the owner and printed under the description of the lot in this Catalogue that such lot is fertile or competent as a stock-getter, or to that effect, if such representation be inaccurate, nor (b) to any bull of 12 months old and over at the date of sale (see Rule 9 of the Society’s Rules and Regulations).


If any purchaser shall fail to comply with condition No. 2 hereof, the Auctioneers shall be at liberty to re-sell the lot or lots bought by him or her by either public auction or private contract and the deficiency in price (if any) occasioned by such re-sale, together with all charges and expenses attending the same, and also all charges and expenses attending the keeping and maintenance of the lot or lots until re-sale, shall be made good and paid by the defaulter at the present sale: but, if there be any surplus upon any such re-sale, the defaulter shall not be entitled thereto.

Seventh The Society’s Rules and Regulations, which will be on display at the Sale, shall be deemed to be incorporated in and shall form part of these Conditions of Sale.

AUCTIONEERS Brightwells Easters Court, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0DE.  (01568) 611166

THE HEREFORD CATTLE SOCIETY : 01432 272057 Fax: 01432 377529 E-Mail: postroom@herefordcattle.org Web Site: www.herefordcattle.org


Mr. Robert Thomas Risbury Herefords Herefordshire

Chief Steward: Mr. A.R. Owen Stewards: Mrs. A. Allman, Miss R. Leake & Mr. C.T. Davies AWARDS Male Champion

Female Champion

1st - £ 25:00

2nd - £ 20:00


The Rowington Challenge Cup £ 50:00


The Stanton Long Trophy £ 50:00

3rd - £ 15:00

4th - £ 10:00

(Prizemoney will only be awarded in the case of those animals sold)


3. 4.

Sale Rules: All entries will be sold under the Hereford Cattle Society Rules and Regulations which will be displayed at the time of Sale. After Sales: Exhibitors are requested to note Council’s instructions that any animal(s) sold outside the sale ring at the market must be booked through the Auctioneers and the relevant commission paid. Champions: The Champions and Reserves will be sold in catalogue order. Retest: See notes on next page.


The notes describing each animal included in the auction particulars and Health Declarations in the Index have in all cases been supplied by the seller. The Society cannot accept any liability to the purchaser of any animal for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from any details or instructions supplied by the seller of that animal which are incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading in any way.

Animals Sold Requiring Re-Test i.e purchased for Export including Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Shetland and Orkneys A.

Animals sold for export will require re-test before shipment and will therefore have to return home to the Vendor’s premises (unless other agreed arrangements have been made) and the required tests conducted as soon as practicable following the Sale. e.g. – Animals sold to go to Northern Ireland must have remained on a single holding of origin for a period of 30 days and must be subjected to a second T.B. test prior to shipment.


The costs of testing, return transit and all other reasonable expenses must be borne by the Purchaser. During the period of testing, the animal will remain at the Purchaser’s risk. If, however, any animal should fail its test, the sale will become null and void.


Payment for animals sold under these Conditions must be made by the Purchaser to the Auctioneers on the day of Sale who will hold such payments until notice has been received from the Vendor that the animal has passed its final test and is in transit.


Entries from Exhibitors prepared to offer their animals subject to the above are designated in the catalogue “Eligible for Re-Test”.

Health Declaration All cattle entered for this Sale will be accompanied by a completed Health Declaration Card which will be on display alongside each entry.

UNDERSTANDING THE BREEDPLAN PERFORMANCE RECORDING INFORMATION IN THIS CATALOGUE Only Hereford GROUP BREEDPLAN EBVs or INTERIM EBVs with Accuracy (Acc) can be validly compared between herds. ESTIMATED BREEDING VALUES (EBVS) The EBV is the best estimate of an animal's genetic merit for that trait. ACCURACY An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information

that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the lower the likelihood of change in the animal's EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or it's relatives. Accuracy below 75% should be considered low. CALVING EASE Calving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information.

More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving. DIR: Direct calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of its progeny. DTRS: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier

calving. BIRTH AND FERTILITY GL: Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter

gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth. BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age.

The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. SS: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity.

Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny. GROWTH MILK: 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal's milking ability. For sires, this EBV is

indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves. 200: 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300

days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth to early ages. 400: 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500

days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for yearling weight. 600: 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900

days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. MWT: Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of

age. Smaller, or more moderate EBVs are generally more favourable.

CARCASE CWT: Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of

650 days. 2

EMA: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm ) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300kg dressed

carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. FAT: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300kg dressed

carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity. RBY%: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a

300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300kg carcase size. IMF%: Intra-muscular Fat Percent EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intra-muscular fat at the 12/13th rib site in a 300kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable. Indexes combine the EBVs with economic information for specific market and production systems to

rank animals based on relative profit values. Terminal index

The Hereford Terminal index is aimed at a commercial herd using Hereford bulls over dairy cross cows to breed steers and heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. All progeny are destined for slaughter and no replacement females are selected from within the herd. There is some emphasis on calving ease while finishing steers at around 600 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system. Use this index in a commercial herd to produce progeny for slaughter. The index has moderate emphasis on easier calving (ie getting a live calf with minimal human interference) while producing calves that will then grow quickly to market specifications at around 16 months of age. The index is focused on slaughter animals and does not account for maternal traits and is therefore not suited to breeding replacement females. If you are using smaller framed cows or heifers in your herd, then you should also put extra emphasis on a higher Calving Ease Direct EBV when selecting a sire using this index. Self Replacing index

The Hereford Self Replacing index is aimed at a Hereford herd selecting replacement females from within the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off at 22 months of age. There is emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish steers for slaughter at around 620 kg live weight (320 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system supplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase. This Self Replacing index is also suitable to using Hereford sires over mixed breed cows where replacement females are sourced from within the herd. There may be some hybrid vigour expressed in the progeny depending on the breed type of the cows used. Therefore you should consider placing extra emphasis on the Calving Ease EBVs (more positive) of the sire to allow for possible heavier birth weights of his calves due to hybrid vigour. Use this index in both commercial and pedigree herds where you are balancing the requirements of selecting replacement females while also producing animals for slaughter. The Hereford GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values contained in this Sale Catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeders. Neither the Hereford Cattle Society nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of this data.

Percentile Bands for 2014 Born Calves Hereford Terminal Index (GBP)

Hereford Self Replacing Index (GBP)

-2.5 +2.7 +0.9




-1.1 +1.3 +0.4





-0.7 +1.0 +0.2






-0.5 +0.8 +0.2







-0.5 +0.7 +0.1








-0.4 +0.6 +0.1



+1.4 +29 +53 +68






-0.3 +0.5 +0.1




+1.5 +28 +51 +66






-0.3 +0.5 +0.0





+1.7 +27 +50 +64






-0.2 +0.4 +0.0






+1.9 +26 +49 +62






-0.1 +0.4 +0.0



Top 45%




+2.1 +26 +47 +60






-0.1 +0.3 +0.0



Top 50%




+2.2 +25 +46 +58






-0.1 +0.3 -0.1



Top 55%




+2.4 +24 +45 +57





+1.5 +0.0 +0.2 -0.1



Top 60%




+2.5 +24 +43 +55





+1.4 +0.0 +0.2 -0.1



Top 65%




+2.7 +23 +42 +53





+1.4 +0.1 +0.2 -0.1



Top 70%




+2.9 +22 +41 +51





+1.3 +0.1 +0.1 -0.1



Top 75%




+3.0 +21 +39 +49





+1.2 +0.2 +0.1 -0.2



Top 80%




+3.3 +20 +38 +47





+1.1 +0.3 +0.0 -0.2



Top 85%




+3.5 +19 +36 +44





+1.0 +0.3 +0.0 -0.2



Top 90%




+3.9 +17 +32 +39





+0.8 +0.4 -0.1 -0.3



Top 95%




+4.4 +9 +18 +23





+0.6 +0.6 -0.2 -0.4



Top 99%




+5.4 +4







+0.2 +1.0 -0.5 -0.6



Low Value

-19.7 -10.7


+7.6 -1










Percentile Band

Calving Calving Ease Ease DIR DTRS (%) (%)

Gestation Length (days)

Top Value

+11.0 +8.1


-3.6 +49 +83 +117 +111 +19 +3.8



Top 1%




-1.9 +39 +71 +94

+89 +15 +1.8


Top 5%




-1.0 +35 +63 +83

+79 +11 +1.4

Top 10%




+0.4 +33 +60 +77



Top 15%




+0.9 +31 +57 +74


Top 20%




+1.1 +30 +55 +71

Top 25%




Top 30%



Top 35%


Top 40%

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt (kg)

600 Day Wt (kg)

Mat. Cow Wt (kg)

200 Eye Retail Day Scrotal Carcase Muscle Rib Beef Milk Size Wt Area Fat Yield (kg) (cm) (kg) (sq cm) (mm) (%)

IMF (%)

+2.5 -1.6 -1.4

“SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE” The Hereford Cattle Society is offering a financial incentive to users of certified “Superior Carcase Sires”. These are bulls which have been identified from their Breedplan records as having potential to produce improved carcase quality in their progeny. Purchasers of a “Superior Carcase Sire” will be eligible to claim £5.00 per calf on the progeny of the bull - confined to a maximum of 100 calves during a claim period of up to 4 years (3 crops of calves) from the purchase date of the bull. The incentive may only be claimed once in the bull’s life and is confined to the original purchaser. Claims to be submitted by the owner of the bull at 6 monthly intervals for calves up to 6 months of age by 30th June and the 31st December each year – no payments will be made in respect of any calf that is over 6 months of age at the time the claim is received. All claims must be supported by an official list obtained by the owner of the bull from, in the case of England, Scotland & Wales – BCMS (British Cattle Movement Service) and in Northern Ireland – APHIS (Animal & Public Health Information Service). Calves will be subject to a random DNA test for sire verification and checks will be made with the appropriate authorities that the bull was present on the farm at the time of conception of the calves.


D.N.A. Screening in respect of Bulls for Pedigree Breeding and Export On behalf of all Members registering Hereford Cattle, the Society has adopted a policy of DNA Testing all bulls used for breeding. All are DNA profiled, resulting in a Sire Verification (SV) confirming that the bull tested is by the sire recorded and in some instances a full Parentage Verification (PV) confirming that the bull tested is by the sire and out of the dam recorded. Tests conducted in respect of Genetic Defects include HYPOTRICHOSIS (HY) so as to aid management decisions when using bulls identified as carriers (HYC). Symptoms of the defect:Partial to almost complete lack of hair. Affected calves are often born with very short, fine, kinky hair that may fall out leaving bare spots or areas particularly susceptible to rubbing. The condition may vary in expression as the animal matures and is usually less noticeable in older animals. The haircoat colour will sometimes appear “frosted” or “silverish”. Tail switch may be underdeveloped. Such symptoms can only occur when a male carrier is mated with a female carrier and then only 25% of the offspring exhibit the defect to varying degrees, there being no effect on the animal’s physical development. Results on all bulls will be displayed at the Sale on the “Pen Cards”, i.e. Hypotrichosis Free – HYF or Hypotrichosis Carrier – HYC. Should any further information be required please contact the Society’s Office.

The following table sets out the new classifications for Johnes Disease in respect of those herds belonging to a CHeCS approved Herd Health Scheme:-



Level 1:

This is directly equivalent to the previous CheCS Accredited free status. Level 1 status is associated with the lowest risk source when buying in stock. Health plan required. Herds with Level 2 status have had one or two clear consecutive herd tests. Health plan required. Herds with Level 3 status have reactors identified at the annual herd test, but these are no more than 3% of the animals tested. Health plan required. Herds with Level 4 status have reactors identified at the annual herd test, and these amount to more than 3% of the animals tested. Health plan required. Any herd that is not carrying out the required testing or does not have a suitable health plan in place automatically falls into this category. Level 5 status is considered to be the greatest risk source when buying in stock.

Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5:

The Hereford Cattle Society Sale Herd Health Report ALL ENTRIES HAVE BEEN TB TESTED AND ARE BVD TESTED & VACCINATED PJ & AC Allman (Greenyards) Amberley Court, Sutton St Nicholas, Herefordshire, HR1 3BX Herd last tested clear from TB on 04/01/16 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free for BVD since 2007 - Herd Testing for BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela Monitored Clear from Johnes for 9 Consecutive Years – Level 1 LR & AM Ayre (Frenchstone P.) Great Frenchstone, Queensnympton, South Molton, EX36 4JH Herd last tested clear from TB on 10/11/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Accredited free from IBR Accredited free from Lepto Monitored Clear from Johnes for 7 Consecutive Years – Level 1 G Blandford (Bosa) Temple Court, Bosbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1HA Herd last tested clear from TB in November 2015 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD– Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Accredited free from Lepto – Herd Testing for Lepto Monitored Clear from Johnes for 5 Consecutive Years – Level 1 RA Bradstock & Ptnrs (Free Town) Free Town, Tarrington, Herefordshire, HR1 4JB Herd last tested clear from TB on 07/08/15 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd Testing for BVD since 2014 – Vaccinating sale animals against BVD using Bovela Mrs JM Cant & Partners (Panmure) Easter Knox, Arbirlot, By Arbroath, Angus, DD11 2PZ Herd last tested clear from TB on 16/12/14 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD since 24/09/09 - Herd testing for BVD since 2006 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Vaccinating Females Only against IBR using Rispoval Monitored Clear from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 1 MJ Clark (Lowesmoor) Lowesmoor Farms Ltd, Bankside House, Lowesmoor Cherington, GL8 8SP Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD - Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD Herd Testing for IBR Monitored Clear from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 1 R Coates (RTC) Ashmere, Glen Road, Newton Harcourt, Leicester, LE8 9FH Herd last tested clear from TB on 07/01/16 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd Testing for BVD since 2015 – Vaccinating against BVD Herd Testing for IBR since 2015 - Vaccinating against IBR Herd Testing for Lepto since 2015 - Vaccinating against Lepto Monitored Clear from Johnes for 1 Year – Level 2

Mrs S Cowle (Highhedges) 15 Station Road, Quainton, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4BW Herd last tested clear from TB on 19/10/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) - Elite Status Accredited free from BVD – Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Accredited free from IBR – Herd Testing for IBR Accredited free from Lepto – Herd Testing for Lepto Monitored Clear from Johnes for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 1 SFJ Dale (Phocle) Frank H Dale Ltd. Mill Street. Leominster. Herefordshire.HR6 8EF Herd last tested clear from TB on 05/08/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis R Edwards & E Smith (Classic) 1 Drive Cottage, Eysey Manor, Eysey Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6LP Herd last tested clear from TB on 24/11/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela Herd Testing for IBR Herd Testing for Lepto Fir Farm Ltd (Firbosa) Rectory Farm, Lower Swell, Stow on the Wold, Gloucestershire, GL54 2JR Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free for BVD since 14/12/11 Accredited free for IBR since 22/12/14 Accredited free for Lepto since 22/12/14 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 1 Year – Level 1 Mrs CS Fletcher (Barwise) Barwise Hall, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6TD Herd last tested clear from TB on 25/01/14 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec All Sale animals tested against IBR Herd Testing for Lepto since 2015 - Vaccinating against Lepto using Leptovoid Monitored Clear from Johnes for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 1 NJ Griffiths (Grifford) Pear Tree Farm, Bickford, Penkridge, Staffordshire, ST19 5QJ Herd last tested clear from TB in October 2015 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec HA Hatt (Weybrook) Weybrook Farm, Sherborne St John, Basingstoke, RG24 9LE Herd last tested clear from TB on 06/03/15 -- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD since 08/03/13 - Herd testing for BVD since 08/03/13 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Accredited free from IBR since 08/03/13 - Herd testing for IBR since 08/03/13 Accredited free from Lepto since 08/03/13 - Herd testing for Lepto since 08/03/13 Accredited free from Johnes for 4 Consecutive Years – Level 2 AJ & LR Hobson (Eldersfield) Marsh Court Farm Ltd, Eldersfield, Gloucester, GL19 4PN Herd last tested clear from TB on 26/10/15 -- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Vaccinating sale animals against BVD using Bovilis Vaccinating sale animals against Lepto using Leptavoid Monitored Clear from Johnes for approximately 5 Years A Hughes & R Hurd (Invictus) 11 Whitehall Street, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 8NB Herd last tested clear from TB May 2015 Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free for BVD since 03/01/12 Accredited free for IBR since 11/01/13 Accredited free for Lepto since 11/01/13 Monitored Clear from Johnes – Level 1

WJ Hutchings & Sons (Fisher) Fisher Farm, South Mundham, Chichester, PO20 1ND Herd last tested clear from TB on 07/01/14 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Herd testing for BVD since 1994 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Herd testing for IBR since 1994 Herd testing for Lepto since 1994 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 21 Consecutive Years JW & R Johnson (Real) 110 Bridle Road, Burton Joyce, Nottingham, NG14 5FP Herd last tested clear from TB on 22/03/16 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Vaccinating against IBR at weaning using Respoval 4 DE, ED & AL Jones (Dendor) Gwastadgoed, Llanwnog, Caersws, SY17 5NZ Herd last tested clear from TB in October 2015 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD - Vaccinating against BVD Monitored free from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 1 Mr & Mrs D Kelly (Netherhall) Nether Hall, Mansergh, Kirkby, Lonsdale, Cumbria, LA6 2EW Herd last tested clear from TB on 31/10/14 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD – Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Vaccinating against Lepto using Spirovac Monitored free from Johnes for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 1 W & R Kemp & Sons (Auckvale) Wigdon Walls Farm, St Helens, Bishop Auckland, DL14 0LN Herd last tested clear from TB on November 2014- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Sale animals tested negative for BVD, IBR, Lepto & Johnes Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec R Lancaster (Shadwell) Shadwell Estate Co Ltd, Nunnery Stud, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2QE Herd last tested clear from TB in January 2014 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD since 2012 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Herd testing for IBR Accredited free from Lepto since 2013 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 6 Consecutive Years – Level 1 TD & WT Livesey (Normanton) Manor Farm, The Hollow, Normanton le Heath, LE67 2TJ Herd last tested clear from TB on 28/01/16 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD – Herd Testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Monitored Clear from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 2 M Ludgate (Rempstone) Scotsgrove Farm, Scotsgrove, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3RX Herd last tested clear from TB in September 2015 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Herd Testing for BVD since 2013 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Herd Testing for IBR since 2013 Herd Testing for Lepto since 2013 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 2 DJ Makin (Adzor) Stocks House Farm, Wellington, Herefordshire, HR4 8AZ Herd last tested clear from TB on 20/10/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Herd testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela

J & W McMordie (Solpoll) Solitude, Ballygowan, Co Down, BT23 6NA Herd last tested clear from TB on 19/11/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of AFBI Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD since 2010 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela Accredited free from Johnes for 6 Consecutive Years – Level 1 Mouboon Farm Partnership (Mouboon) Mouboon Farm, Carey, Herefordshire, HR2 6NG Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD since 23/11/12 - Herd testing for BVD since 23/11/12 – Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Vaccinating against Lepto using Leptavoid Monitored Clear for Johnes – Level 1 B, H & MR Myers (Boundless) Boundless Farm, Park Lane, Brook, Nr Godalming, GU8 5LF Herd last tested clear from TB on 27/01/14 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD since Jan 15 – Herd testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Herd testing for IBR Herd testing for Lepto All young Stock (12-21 months) tested clear for Johnes AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd (Cleland) North Standen House, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0QZ Herd last tested clear from TB on 01/02/16 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Vaccinating herd against BVD using Bovilis Accredited free from IBR since 05/11/15 Accredited free from Lepto since 05/11/15 Monitored Clear for Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 1 Newtoncroft Farms (Newtoncroft) Croft Farm, Newton Harcourt, Leicester, Leicester, LE8 9FH Herd last tested clear from TB on 04/01/16 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd testing for BVD since 01/16 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Herd testing for IBR since 01/16 Herd testing for Lepto since 01/16 Monitored Clear for Johnes for 1 Year Mrs JA Pudge (Black Hall) Black Hall Farm, Kings Pyon, Herefordshire, HR4 8PS Herd last tested clear from TB on 08/06/15 – Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD & Herd Testing for BVD for 2 years - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela P & AM Riley (Blakesley) Kirby Grounds, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8RQ Herd last tested clear from TB on 03/12/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD – Herd testing for BVD since 2012 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Accredited free from IBR - Herd testing for IBR since 2012 Accredited free from Lepto – Herd testing for Lepto since 2012 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 4 Consecutive Years – Level 1 TDJ Roderick (Brangwyn) The Bank Farm, Scurlage Castle, Scurlage, Reynoldston, Gower, Swansea, SA3 1BA Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD since 2014 - Herd testing for BVD since 2014 Accredited free from IBR since 2014 -Herd testing for IBR since 2014 Accredited free from Lepto since 2014 - Herd testing for Lepto since 2014 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 4

DD Rowley & Partners (Hollowseal) Hollows Farm, Sandy Lane, Netherseal, Swadlincote,Derbyshire DE12 8BU Herd last tested clear from TB on 24/11/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD since 2011 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Accredited free from Lepto since 2008 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 9 Consecutive Years – Level 1 HM Scarterfield Ltd (Cathedral) Leggatts Farm, Old Park Lane, Fishbourne, West Sussex, PO18 8AP Herd last tested clear from TB on 15/01/16 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD – Herd testing for BVD since 2013 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Herd testing for IBR since 2013 Herd testing for Lepto since 2013 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 3 Consecutive Years – Level 2 G & MC Shepherd (Moorside) Moorside House Farm, Moorside Lane, Woodplumpton, Preston, PR4 0TB Herd last tested clear from TB on 18/12/14 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD – Herd testing for BVD since 2012 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Vaccinating against Lepto using Leptavoid Monitored Clear from Johnes for 5 Consecutive Years – Level 1 Speirs Farms Ltd (Pepperstock) Pepsal End Farm, Pepperstock, Luton, Beds, LU1 4LH Herd last tested clear from TB on 08/11/12 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec PRJ & LR Vincent (Pulham) White House Farm, Coles Common, Pulham Market, Diss, Norfolk, IP21 4XT Herd last tested clear from TB on 21/10/13 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD since 06/11/14 – Herd testing for BVD since Dec 2012 - Vaccinating against BVD Accredited free from IBR since 21/10/13 – Herd testing for IBR since Dec 2012 - Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis IBR Marker Accredited free from Lepto since 21/10/13 – Herd testing for Lepto since Dec 2012 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 4 Consecutive Years – Level 1 G & R Watkins (Hollybush) Pulpits Farm, Field Lane, Little Hereford, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 4AU Herd last tested clear from TB on 23/06/15 Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Accredited free from BVD – Herd testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovela Vaccinating against Lepto using Spirovax Monitored Clear from Johnes for 2 Consecutive Years – Level 2 JR Whitlow (HighHouse) High House Farm, Abbots Morton, Worcester, WR7 4NA Herd last tested clear from TB on 12/02/16 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd testing for BVD since 2013 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Herd testing for IBR since 2013 – Vaccinating against IBR using Bovilis Herd testing for Lepto since 2013 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 1 Year – Level 2

Miss H Whittaker (Coley) Coley Walks Farm, Coley Hall Lane, Norwood Green, Halifax, W Yorkshire, HX3 8RD Herd last tested clear from TB in January 2013 – Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest) Herd testing for BVD since 2012 - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovilis Herd testing for IBR since 2012 Herd testing for Lepto since 2012 Monitored Clear from Johnes for 4 Consecutive Years WD Wiggin M.P. (Parliament) Felhampton Farm, Upton Bishop, Herefordshire, HR9 7UB Herd last tested clear from TB on 17/08/15 - Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD – Herd testing for BVD - Vaccinating against BVD Accredited free from IBR – Herd testing for IBR Accredited free from Lepto – Herd testing for Lepto Monitored Clear for Johnes – Level 1 JRB Wilson & Sons (Romany) Cowbog, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8EH Herd last tested clear from TB on April 2012 - Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Accredited free from BVD - Vaccinating against BVD using Bovidec Monitored Clear for Johnes for 5 Consecutive Years – Level 1 Disclaimer: The health information above is as supplied by or on behalf of the breeder. The health status of individual animals may differ from the herd declaration.The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and not The Hereford Cattle Society.

INDEX Exhibitor



Allman, PJ & AC 01432880027 07860824703



Ayre, LR & AM 01769579460 Richard Gray



Birch, B & Brindley, G 07891613950 07711203070



Blandford, G 01531640209 07817707745


Bradstock & Partners, RA 01432890238 07734200508


Cant & Partners, Mrs JM 07974705430 Audrey



Clark, MJ 01285760427 07929637573


Coates, R 07871752375


Cowle, Mrs S 01296658310 07770666887


Dale, SFJ 07866080050


Edwards, R & Smith, E 07742752300


Fir Farm Ltd 07917247238 Mike Caunter


Fletcher, Mrs CS 01768353430 07711415694 Griffiths, NJ 01785712534 07718069029


36,41 35


Hatt, HA 01256850083 07836702277


Hobson, AJ & LR 01452 840169


Hughes, A & Hurd R 07861899646 07584130061



Hutchings & Sons, WJ 01243262252 07881944394



Johnson, JW & R 01159313184 Jones, DE, ED & AL 01686688266 07974416527 Jen

37 19


Kelly, Mr & Mrs D 01524 273927 07808050030 David


Kemp & Sons, W & R 01388603395 07803692545


Lancaster, R. (Shadwell Estate) 01842756920


Livesey, TD & WT 07710386329 Tim 07791917382 William


Ludgate, M 01844 214875 07711472210 07725558051 James

51,70,86 25,67,69

Makin, DJ 01432830241 07961033283


McMordie, J & W 02897528222 07891903243 William


Mouboon Farm Partnership 01432 840209 H Rudge


Myers, B, H & MR 01428683077



Nesbitt Farms Ltd, AE 01488 686832 07788412098 - Philip Kale 1,126-128


Newtoncroft Farms 01162593837 07990686854



Pudge, Mrs JA 01432830361 07985078581


Riley, P & AM 07583596742 - Edward Thompson


Roderick, TDJ 01792390389


Rowley & Partners, DD 01827373293 07724743611


Scarterfield Ltd, HM 01243572732


Shepherd, G & MC 07778191964



Speirs Farms Ltd 01582450962 07979463480


Vincent, PRJ & LR 01379676906 07767838208


Watkins, G & R 01584711323


Whitlow, JR 01386793880


Whittaker, Miss H 01422 202690 07811207244


Wiggin, WD 02072198175


Wilson & Sons, JRB 01573 440278 07980253496




HEREFORD CATTLE SOCIETY WE ALSO AUCTION 4 X 4 VEHICLES (the largest in Europe) CARS AND COMMERCIALS FINE ART THOROUGHBRED AND SPORT HORSES, HUNTERS, WELSH PONIES AND COBS PLANT AND MACHINERY FARMS AND HOUSES IN ADDITION WE ARE ESTATE AGENTS, HOUSE LETTING AGENTS, AGRICULTURAL PROFESSIONAL VALUERS Visit our website at:- www.brightwells.com Head Office: Easters Court, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 ODE Telephone 01568 611166 Fax 01568 611802 For Property Enquiries Telephone our Hereford Office on 01432 343800 or Builth Wells on 01982 553614


Class 1

6 Heifers born on or before 31/08/14 AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

1 Cleland 1 Joyful 8th (P) UK286682 600482

Born 07/04/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 Crown Royal (P) (UK041215 4927) Sire - Bromley 1 Midas (S) (UK300694 700521) D. Bosa 1 Mindbender Lass 402 (P) (UK301116 300402) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Joyful 4th (P) (UK286682 300241) D. Titcomb 1 Joyful 1st (P) (UK280021 300030) Running with Cleland 1 Luther - UK286682 500474 from 02/12/15 to 14/01/16 Organic (Soil Association). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.0 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.6 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) -0.1 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +25 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +50 63% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +58 67% +58

+5 39% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.7 49% -0.1

-0.3 45% +0.3

-0.3 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.8 70% +2.1


B, H & MR Myers

2 Boundless 1 Bliss 1296 (P) UK261626 701296

Born 03/06/2014

S.Boundwood 1 Route 66 (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK162222 700154) Sire - Boundless 1 Jasper (P) (UK261626 301173) D. Boundless 1 Snowdrop 953 (P) (UK261626 700953) S. Romany 1 Angus 41H A14 (S) (UK562010 700246) Dam - Boundless 1 Bliss 775 (P) (UK261626 400775) D. Boundless 1 Bliss 341 (P) (UK261626 400341) The "Bliss" family continue to produce consistantly good cattle, and this heifer is no exception with both Boundwood 1 Route 66 and Romany 1 Angus 41H A14 in her breeding - all supported by a good set of EBV's. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.3 31% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.6 26% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.9 36% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +46 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 64% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 48% -0.1

+0.9 43% +0.3

+0.9 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.8 68% +2.1

Milk -+5

TD & WT Livesey

3 Normanton 1 Blue Button 3rd J249 (P) AI UK206099 100395

Born 14/06/2014

S.Br Moler ET (42516026) Sire - Venture Moler-989 (Imp DNK) (77811-00078) D. Churchill Lady 989 (41167231) S. Normanton 1 Eastern Promise (P) (UK206099 700079) Dam - Normanton 1 Blue Button 1st J030 (P) (UK206099 200249) D. Badlingham Bonny 98th (UK220024 201030) Running with Normanton 1 Laertes - UK206099 300369 from 25/11/15 to 25/01/16 "Button" is by Cogent Beef sire Venture Moler-989 and out of a very milky "Eastern Promise" daughter. 2015 Maternal brother is one of the stand out calves. "Button" has performance data to back up her breeding with gestation length in the top 10% and calving ease direct in the top 5% and daughters in the top 1%. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +6.2 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.8 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -0.3 62% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.2 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +19 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +38 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +44 57% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.3 48% -0.1

+0.2 43% +0.3

+0.2 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) -0.7 66% +2.1

Milk -+5

B, H & MR Myers

4 Boundless 1 Jodie 1302 (P) UK261626 601302

Born 26/06/2014

S.Boundwood 1 Route 66 (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK162222 700154) Sire - Boundless 1 Jasper (P) (UK261626 301173) D. Boundless 1 Snowdrop 953 (P) (UK261626 700953) S. Romany 1 Angus 41H A14 (S) (UK562010 700246) Dam - Boundless 1 Jodie 843 (P) (UK261626 200843) D. Boundless 1 Jodie (P) (XD1N/M15/27) From our most dominant family. A pretty heifer with Boundwood 1 Route 66 as a Grand Sire and Romany 1 Angus 41H A14 on the female side. Another good set of EBV's. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.8 31% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.9 27% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.8 36% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 54% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 62% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 46% -0.1

+0.3 42% +0.3

+0.3 42% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.6 56% +2.1

Milk -+5

R Edwards & E Smith

5 Classic 1 Jodie 2nd (P) UK269231 100050

Born 14/07/2014

S.Classic 1 Crusader (P) (UK261607 500101) Sire - Frys Cross 1 Toro (P) (UK269231 700007) D. Costhorpe 1 Susie 297 (P) (UK200424 400297) S. Dorepoll 1 73J Jonathan 499 (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 4997) Dam - Classic 1 Jodie (P) AI (UK261607 100076) D. Thornby 1 Sonia (P) (UKNR0936 00527) "Jodie 2nd" a smart, stylish, feminine heifer out of one of our best breeding cows. Shows all the right qualities to make a great cow. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.4 29% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.2 24% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 56% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +49 49% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 49% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.0 63% +2.1

Milk -+5

JRB Wilson & Sons

6 Romany 1 Ishbel H12 M4 (P) UK562010 401062

Born 29/08/2014

S.Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Sire - Romany 1 Heavyduty A84 H12 (P) (UK562010 100751) D. Romany 1 Lucy A49 (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK562010 400292) S. SMH Castro 0001 ET (Imp DNK) (114588-00001) Dam - Romany 1 Ishbel D1 J66 (P) (UK562010 400887) D. Romany 1 Ishbel L46 T27 (P) (UKRO0982 00325) A long, sweet heifer with great style. Dam by previous Sire of the Year SMH Castro 0001 ET. Sire Romany 1 Heavyduty A84 H12 by 3 times Sire of the Year Baybridge 1 Atlas. "Ishbel" has a well balanced set of EBV's and is the type of heifer we really like. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.0 30% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.5 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.3 41% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 54% +58

+10 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 50% -0.1

+0.2 46% +0.3

+0.2 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) -+2.1


Class 2 8 Heifers born on or between 01/09/14 and 31/12/14 J & W McMordie

7 Solpoll 1 Starlet M1 (P) AI UK9330013 27905

Born 01/09/2014

S.Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Sire - Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345) D. Panmure 1 Plum E2 (P) (UK540081 100251) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet J15 (P) TM (UK9330013 26273) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet E8 (DH) (UK9330013 23576) "Henry" x "Dynamite" an outstanding combination, bred the new breed record priced bull and heifer in the HCS Show & Sale last year. Also bred the NI Female of the Year 2015 & National Show Calf Champion & Male Champion. For more details see www.solpollherefords.co.uk February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.6 43% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.3 36% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) +0.0 67% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.2 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 62% +58

+10 39% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.7 51% -0.1

+0.0 46% +0.3

+0.0 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.3 70% +2.1


J & W McMordie

8 Solpoll 1 Starlet M6 (P) AI UK9330013 28034

Born 16/09/2014

S.NS Keno 005 (Service Sire)(P) (397264/02) Sire - Moeskaer Keno 1222 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01222) D. Golden-Oak 1G Kashmir 7K (C02765935) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet J22 (P) (UK9330013 26402) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet V4 (P) AI (UK3313 19527) Sweet "Keno" daughter out of a smart "Dynamite" heifer. Has top 10% EMA & RBY figures. "Starlet V4" had 11 calves with us including the 2006 NI April Sale Champion. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -12.1 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.4 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) +1.3 65% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.8 39% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 63% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +77 61% +58

+3 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.2 50% -0.1

+0.8 46% +0.3

+0.8 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.1 69% +2.1





Page 1

Think EBVs! Abattoir Trial 2008: An extra £35/finished calf from high EBV sires

Kent On-Farm Study: An extra £30/finished calf from high EBV sires

University Trial 2002: An extra £17/finished calf from high EBV sires Alnwick On-Farm Study: An extra £25/finished calf from high EBV sires

University Trial 2006: An extra £29/finished calf from high EBV sires

High EBV bulls can be worth around £4000 more than lower EBV bulls over their lifetime …and this is before the added value of their retained daughters Can you afford to let this pass you by? Use EBVs to buy your new bull today

For more information contact EBLEX on 0870 241 8829 or visit www.eblex.org.uk

J & W McMordie

9 Solpoll 1 Starlet M8 (P) AI ET UK9330013 28067

Born 22/09/2014

S.Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P)(Imp IRL) (IE371040 660450) Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U10 (P) (UK3313 19107) S. RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (Imp CAN) (RLOA/37U/20) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet E21 (P) AI (UK9330013 23952) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet W6 (P) (UK93313 20367) Full sister to "Jethro", second top price April 2013 Show & Sale and to "Starlet M10", NI Calf Show Female Champion. "Dynamite" an outstanding show and breeding bull, "Dynasty" a renowned female breeder. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.1 51% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.8 48% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) +2.1 51% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.4 45% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 66% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 65% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +73 65% +58

+5 54% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 54% -0.1

+0.6 50% +0.3

+0.6 50% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.2 71% +2.1


J & W McMordie

10 Solpoll 1 Starlet M9 (P) UK9330013 28082

Born 23/09/2014

S.Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Sire - Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345) D. Panmure 1 Plum E2 (P) (UK540081 100251) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet J13 (P) (UK9330013 26236) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet R33 (P) (GM1X/R33/30) "Starlet J13's" full brother "Geronimo" was NI Bull of the Year & Champion & Top Price Hereford October 2011 Show & Sale. "Starlet R33" also granddam of "Ferrari", widely used by Genus with over 400 pedigree calves & 130 000 straws sold. "M9" has Top 5% EMA & RBY figures. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.2 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.1 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.1 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 62% +58

+5 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.1 51% -0.1

+1.1 46% +0.3

+1.1 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.5 70% +2.1


NJ Griffiths

11 Grifford 1 Meredith (P) AI UK177197 400001

Born 13/10/2014

S.Normanton 1 Casa Nova (P) (UK206099 100024) Sire - Normanton 1 Eastern Promise (P) (UK206099 700079) D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021) S. Gomer Foreman (DH) TM (UK749020 300028) Dam - Normanton 1 Blewit 6th J6 (P) (UK206099 600267) D. Normanton 1 Blewit A6 (P) (UK206099 400006) A well formed, stylish heifer. First in her class at Newport Show, second at Burwarton. Daughter of 2011 Bull of the Year Normanton 1 Eastern Promise. Eligible for Retest

J & W McMordie

12 Solpoll 1 Starlet M14 (P) UK9330013 28174

Born 17/10/2014

S.Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Sire - Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345) D. Panmure 1 Plum E2 (P) (UK540081 100251) S. Solpoll 1 Charlie (P) TF (UK93313 22736) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet F20 (P) (UK9330013 24464) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet B9 (P) AI (UK93313 21896) "Starlet F20" is huge, one of our biggest cows. "M14" has top 1% EMA & IMF figures. "Henry" an outstanding sire, surely the most consistent in the breed today with a large quantity of semen exported already to Scandinavia. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.7 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.5 36% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.9 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +81 62% +58

+7 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+1.1 51% -0.1

+0.3 47% +0.3

+0.3 47% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.9 71% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

13 Greenyards 1 Truelove M323 (P) AI UK312145 700323

Born 05/12/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Dam - Greenyards 1 Truelove 3rd (P) (UK312145 500055) D. Greenyards 1 Truelove (P) (UK542756 200100) BW 35kg. A smart show type heifer. "Truelove" family came from"Graceland/Chapelton" herds, have bred "Dougie", "Flynn", "Homer" and more. "Daffy" a leading Australian sire. Group reared and fed entirely on home grown feeds. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +3.7 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.3 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) +0.6 68% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.1 33% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +21 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +47 55% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +60 56% +58

+2 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.5 36% -0.1

+0.8 36% +0.3

+0.8 36% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.3 70% +2.1


LR & AM Ayre

14 Frenchstone P. 1 Ella Delena 2nd (P) AI UK365046 500164

Born 23/12/2014

S.Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P)(Imp IRL) (IE371040 660450) Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U10 (P) (UK3313 19107) S. Bosa 1 Mr Bean (P) (UK301116 300353) Dam - Frenchstone P. 1 Delena 2nd (P) (UK365046 200112) D. Dalena P. 1 Dearest 4th (P) (UK345059 300109) "Ella Delena" has it all going for her. She has breeding of Champions all the way sired from Solpoll 1 Dynamite, her dam goes back to Bosa 1 Mr Bean. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -10.9 46% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.2 43% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) +1.4 63% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.4 39% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +54 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 59% +58

+3 47% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 48% -0.1

+0.6 44% +0.3

+0.6 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.4 66% +2.1


Class 3 10 Heifers born on or after 01/01/15 B, H & MR Myers

15 Boundless 1 Crystal 1332 (P) UK261626 101332

Born 01/01/2015

S.Romany 1 Angus 41H A14 (S) (UK562010 700246) Sire - Boundless 1 Dollar (P) (UK261626 700827) D. Boundless 1 Paula 437 (P) (UK261626 200437) S. Boundless 1 Voltage (P) (UK261626 600217) Dam - Boundless 1 Crystal 894 (P) (UK261626 400894) D. Boundless 1 Crystal 333 (P) (UK261626 300333) Another good "Crystal" heifer with 30 years of breeding behind her, and a particulary milky mother. Will grow to be a good cow. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +1.1 34% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.5 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +42 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +52 52% +58

+0 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.0 67% +2.1


P Riley

16 Blakesley 1 Lupin (P) UK202392 300249

Born 02/01/2015

S.Costhorpe 1 Voyager (P) (UK200424 100119) Sire - Kinglee 1 E-Bay (P) (UK200976 500226) D. Costhorpe 1 Starlet S24 (P) (1XKQ/S24/31) S. FS 1 Versache (P) AI (UK543086 700037) Dam - Blakesley 1 Gem (P) (UK202392 400166) D. Kilbrannan 1 Apple (P) (UK201624 400023) "Lupin" is a good Summer Show prospect. She is the last pedigree calf by Kinglee 1 E-Bay, sire of Blakesley 1 Kimberly. Her mother "Gem" is a huge milky cow. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest).

WJ Hutchings & Sons

17 Fisher 1 Clover M413 (P) UK263027 400413

Born 08/02/2015

S.Fisher 1 Cracker (P) AI (UK263027 400189) Sire - Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347) D. Fisher 1 Eva C190 (P) (UK263027 500190) S. Allendale Waterloo B50 (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (AEDB50) Dam - Fisher 1 Clover J361 (P) AI (UK263027 100361) D. Fisher 1 Clover W86 (P) (UK263027 600086) 48 month TB Area. The first female to be offered by "Jaguar", she has great potential as a show animal and primarily as a breeder. She has a pedigree full of top breeding cattle that are well proven. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +5.3 30% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.5 25% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 54% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 55% +58

+4 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.3 57% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

18 Greenyards 1 Beata M339 (P) AI UK312145 200339

Born 17/02/2015

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Greenyards 1 Flynn (P) (UK312145 500097) Dam - Greenyards 1 Beata K239 (P) (UK312145 700239) D. Dendor 1 Beata 9th (P) (UK700495 100157) BW 36kg. A "Daffy" heifer to show & breed. This heifer has been shown with her mother, Reserve Senior Female Royal Three Counties Show 2015 & Overall Champion Bromyard 2015. "M339" shown by a 8yr old in Young Handlers. Group reared & fed entirely on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.7 37% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 27% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) +0.2 67% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.3 38% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +25 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +51 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +64 58% +58

+5 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.5 48% -0.1

+0.9 45% +0.3

+0.9 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.5 68% +2.1


DE, ED & AL Jones

19 Dendor 1 Molly 44th (P) UK700495 100759

Born 19/02/2015

S.SMH Casanova (114588-00007) Sire - SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030) D. Abelone Plum (82681-00349) S. Solpoll 1 Gilbert (P) TF (UK9330013 25164) Dam - Dendor 1 Molly 41st (P) (UK700495 600652) D. Dendor 1 Molly 31st (P) (UK700495 700464) "Euro's" daughters are easily fleshed, milky and full of breed character. Her dam, "Molly 41st" Female of the year 2014 and her sire "Gilbert" Sire of the Year 2014. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.2 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 62% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +47 57% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 55% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.5 68% +2.1

Milk -+5

WJ Hutchings & Sons

20 Fisher 1 Clover M421 (P) UK263027 500421

Born 15/03/2015

S.Bararps Johnny (62612) Sire - Bondes i Hubert (Imp DNK) (61536-00246) D. Juelsg. Betsy Plum AI (82681-00360) S. Fisher 1 Cracker (P) AI (UK263027 400189) Dam - Fisher 1 Clover F277 (P) (UK263027 100277) D. Fisher 1 Clover C198 (P) AI (UK263027 600198) 48 month TB Area. From a very successful female line in the Fisher herd. Dam "Clover F277" was shown as a heifer and was Poll Champion at the South of England & Newbury Shows. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +3.7 28% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 23% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +18 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +40 50% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +49 50% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +0.0 63% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mrs JA Pudge

21 Black Hall 1 Daffy (P) UK314369 600017

Born 16/03/2015

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J (DH) (UK104917 101220) D. Auckvale Lively Lucinda 835F (DH) (UK104917 100835) S. Appleridge 1 Gunner 109 (P) AI (UK328254 600109) Dam - Shirley 1 Dinky (P) (UK321332 600188) D. Shirley 1 Summer (P) (UK321332 700154) Very sweet heifer. Sired by Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest

G & MC Shepherd

22 Moorside 1 Jane 6th (P) AI ET UK185962 700048

Born 01/04/2015

S.RU 20X Boulder 57G (C02682477) Sire - CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S (Semen)(Imp CAN) (C02880797) D. Golden-Oak 46B Keepsake 23K (C02765936) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Dam - Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) D. Romany 1 Jane R5 B38 (P) (UK562010 700351) "Jane" is a sweet and feminine heifer. Her dam was joint Poll Female of the Year 2014. She is the first "Jane" heifer to be offered for sale. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.0 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +4.6 34% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +35 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +64 55% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +83 54% +58

+10 46% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 39% -0.1

+1.4 34% +0.3

+1.4 34% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.0 63% +2.1


A Hughes & R Hurd

23 Invictus 1 Lois 1st (P) AI UK381352 300077

Born 02/04/2015

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Solpoll 1 Gilbert (P) TF (UK9330013 25164) Dam - Dendor 1 Lois 25th (P) TF (UK700495 500637) D. Dendor 1 Lois 13th (P) (UK700495 600365) Invictus 1 Lois took the Championship at Cornwall Calf Show 2015, her only time shown. Her Dam from the Dendor 1 Lois family took the Junior Female Championship at the National Poll Show 2013. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest

B Birch & G Brindley

24 Sky High 1 Bikini Babe (P) UK167077 700169

Born 11/04/2015

S.Lowesmoor 1 Hercules (P) (UK321209 200778) Sire - Lowesmoor 1 Komondor (P) (UK321209 700930) D. Lowesmoor 1 Regina 580 (P) (UK321209 700580) S. Fisher 1 Ensign E254 (P) (UK263027 600254) Dam - Lowesmoor 1 Bikini 905 (P) (UK321209 300905) D. Lowesmoor 1 Bikini 496 (P) (UK321209 700496) A young heifer full of style and class. Her dam Lowesmoor 1 Bikini 905 was an exceptional show heifer and has made a super young cow. "Bikini Babe" will make a great show heifer.


Class 4

8 Bulls born on or before 15/03/14 M Ludgate

25 Rempstone 1 245N Comply-or-Die (P) AI UK287953 600245

Born 23/09/2013

S.Remitall Nation Wide ET 93N (Ser/Sire) (PC02833462) Sire - Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) D. Remitall Sally 131K (Donor) (PC02762709) S. Dendor 1 Unicorn (P) (UK700495 600050) Dam - Ford Abbey 1 Tuna 5th (P) AI (UK301445 700861) D. Ford Abbey 1 Tuna (P) (UK301445 500082) "Comply-or-Die" is a very correct, well balanced bull with deep and predictable pedigree. 1st in class at National Poll Show. Used on heifers. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -9.6 49% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.9 46% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) +0.6 52% +0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +68 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +86 61% +58

+8 47% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +4.9 70% +2.1


Mrs S Cowle

26 Highhedges Loftus (X) (DH) UK290092 300012

Born 07/01/2014

S.F.H. Diamond (X) ET (Imp IRL) (IE311317 690143) Sire - Mara Epic (X)(DH) (UK201977 400134) D. Mara Blossom 26th (DH) (UK201977 100068) S. Mara Archer (DH) (UK201977 300056) Dam - Mara Diadem 26th (X)(DH) (UK201977 400155) D. Mara Diadem 21st (X)(DH) (UK201977 300098) DNA Tested (SV) Strong, dark, well marked bull with great top line & spring of rib. Well balanced, good feet, excellent temperament, easy to handle, shown successfully. Dam is large, eye-catching, milky cow. Both parents are easy calving. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.4 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +21 33% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +41 30% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +54 31% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.9 38% +2.1

Milk -+5

27 W I T H D R A W N

SFJ Dale

Bred by: DM Jones

28 Phocle Lamborghini (DH) UK301553 700468

Born 08/02/2014

S.Phocle Formula "1" (DH) (UK301553 400339) Sire - Phocle Jag 386 (DH) ET (UK301553 200386) D. Phocle N3 Dowager 123V (DH) (UK301553 500123) S. Hazel Dreamstone (Imp DNK) (74864-00087) Dam - Phocle Countess 112H (DH) (UK300818 100112) D. Dogmersfield Park Countess 051 (UK287049 300051) DNA Tested (SV) Retest

Heifers 1st calf. Bred from the very best of Phocle bloodlines. Eligible for February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.4 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.6 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.2 59% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.4 34% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 50% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 53% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +83 57% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.8 40% -0.1

+1.5 38% +0.3

+1.5 38% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.2 54% +2.1

Milk -+5

AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

29 Cleland 1 Lincoln (P) UK286682 100449

Born 08/03/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 Crown Royal (P) (UK041215 4927) Sire - Bromley 1 Midas (S) (UK300694 700521) D. Bosa 1 Mindbender Lass 402 (P) (UK301116 300402) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Oyster Gem 18th (P) (UK286682 200366) D. Titcomb 1 Oyster Gem 2nd (P) (UK280021 100119) DNA Tested (SV) Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +3.4 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.4 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.9 64% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +0.9 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +60 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 59% +58

+6 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.1 44% -0.1

+0.5 41% +0.3

+0.5 41% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.5 67% +2.1


J & W McMordie

30 Solpoll 1 Lord Keno (P) AI UK9330013 27651

Born 12/03/2014

S.NS Keno 005 (Service Sire)(P) (397264/02) Sire - Moeskaer Keno 1222 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01222) D. Golden-Oak 1G Kashmir 7K (C02765935) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Stardust J6 (P) (UK9330013 25956) D. Solpoll 1 Stardust F19 (P) (UK9330013 24442) DNA Tested (SV) Performance class winner Royal Ulster on his only show appearance before running with our heifers last year. His granddam was Junior Female Champion NI National 2010 on her only show appearance. Despite Moeskaer Kenos negative calving figure we had 6 calves all born unassisted from heifers. For more details see www.solpollherefords.co.uk February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.3 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.4 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.8 72% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.6 41% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 62% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +70 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +95 60% +58

+9 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.2 46% -0.1

+0.3 43% +0.3

+0.3 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.4 67% +2.1


AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

31 Cleland 1 Lennox (P) UK286682 700455

Born 12/03/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 Crown Royal (P) (UK041215 4927) Sire - Bromley 1 Midas (S) (UK300694 700521) D. Bosa 1 Mindbender Lass 402 (P) (UK301116 300402) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Oyster Gem 11th (P) (UK286682 600307) D. Titcomb 1 Oyster Gem 2nd (P) (UK280021 100119) DNA Tested (SV) Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +3.1 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.5 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.2 72% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.5 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +65 67% +58

+6 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.9 45% -0.1

+0.6 43% +0.3

+0.6 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.8 70% +2.1


WJ Hutchings & Sons

32 Fisher 1 Legacy L395 (P) UK263027 700395

Born 14/03/2014

S.Doonbiddie Hustler (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (GEW/R51/31) Sire - Fisher 1 Cracker (P) AI (UK263027 400189) D. Fisher 1 Susan V65 (P) (UK263027 600065) S. Yalgoo Boulder Z250 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (SODZ250) Dam - Fisher 1 Susan H318 (P) AI (UK263027 700318) D. Fisher 1 Susan D231 (P) (UK263027 400231) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) 48 mth TB Area. Group reared and running out until sale. One of the best "Cracker" bulls. Shown at Newbury 2015, one of the 1st prize InterBreed Pair. Will be used in the herd prior to sale. "Susan H318" a top breeding cow with good conformation, loads of milk and a really consistant breeder of top cattle. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +2.3 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.3 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.1 73% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.8 46% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 65% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 66% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +64 68% +58

+4 49% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.1 51% -0.1

+1.5 49% +0.3

+1.5 49% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.5 71% +2.1


Class 5 7 Bulls born on or between 16/03/14 and 30/04/14 J & W McMordie

33 Solpoll 1 Lawyer (P) UK9330013 27706

Born 20/03/2014

S.Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Sire - Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345) D. Panmure 1 Plum E2 (P) (UK540081 100251) S. Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P)(Imp IRL) (IE371040 660450) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet C7 (S) (UK93313 22397) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet S33 (P) (GM1X/S33/31) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) Another quality "Henry" son, whose 3 sons averaged ÂŁ10,325 in last Aprils sale in Hereford, before going on to be UK & NI Sire of the Year. "Lawyer" was joint NI Bull of the Year 2015 and has a great set of figures and has cows in calf. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.1 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 39% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+2.2 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.7 41% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 65% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +59 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 62% +58

+9 44% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 46% -0.1

+1.2 43% +0.3

+1.2 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.7 70% +2.1


AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

34 Cleland 1 Laird (S) UK286682 100470

Born 26/03/2014

S.NS Keno 005 (Service Sire)(P) (397264/02) Sire - Moeskaer Keno 1222 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01222) D. Golden-Oak 1G Kashmir 7K (C02765935) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Juliet 3rd (P) (UK286682 200233) D. Dendor 1 Juliet 5th (P) (UK700495 400034) DNA Tested (SV) Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.6 41% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -5.9 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.7 72% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.9 42% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +89 66% +58

+3 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 48% -0.1

+0.8 45% +0.3

+0.8 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +6.6 70% +2.1


Mrs CS Fletcher

35 Barwise 1 Lekhwair (P) UK103000 400777

Born 02/04/2014

S.Don Pancho Decathle (Ser/Sire)(P) (392651/02) Sire - Barwise 1 Wellington (P) ET (Imp ARG) (UK103000 300111) D. Don Pancho X40 Etiqueta (Donor (P) (413142/02) S. HF 4L Beyond 36N (Ser/Sire) (C02828255) Dam - Barwise 1 Graceful (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK103000 600359) D. Gold-N 1S RE Gloria 58G (Donor) (PC02677548) DNA Tested (SV) "Lekhwair" is a long, dark, well built bull with EBV's in the top 10% for growth, and the top 5% and 10% for carcase traits. By the same sire and out of an Embryo sister to the dam of "Lancer" - sold to Robert Wilson for the Romany herd. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.9 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.2 39% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.3 73% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.9 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +68 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +96 66% +58

+4 47% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.5 44% -0.1

+1.0 41% +0.3

+1.0 41% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.1 71% +2.1


Fir Farm Ltd

36 Firbosa 1 Locksmith 46 (P) UK331873 600046

Born 03/04/2014

S.Reydon 1 Phoenix (S) AI (UK240439 100111) Sire - Bosa 1 Jones (P) TM (UK301116 500852) D. Bosa 1 Julia 624 (P) (UK301116 100624) S. Alderville 1 Preston (P) AI (UK163345 300240) Dam - Bosa 1 Abby 850 (P) (UK301116 300850) D. Derryswood 1 Abby (P) (UK261720 100001) DNA Tested (PV) A heifers first calf, "Locksmith" is a solid bull. Other than creep feed as a calf, he has received no grain, having been fed only forage. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.3 38% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.4 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 54% +58

+3 35% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.1 58% +2.1


JW & R Johnson

37 Real 1 Lancelot (P) AI UK141731 700157

Born 07/04/2014

S.RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (Imp CAN) (RLOA/37U/20) Sire - Leos Pride 1 Ellis (P) AI (UK183306 200044) D. Leos Pride 1 Elisia-Rose (P) AI (UK183306 300010) S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Dam - Real 1 Jenny G3 (P) AI (UK141731 700108) D. Real 1 Jenny D10 (P) (UK141731 400084) DNA Tested (SV) Leos Pride 1 Ellis was Bull of the Year 2010. "Jenny G3" was her mothers last calf at 16 yrs of age. Her grandmother also bred till she was 16 yrs of age. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.1 46% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.4 41% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 56% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 55% +58

+9 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.5 67% +2.1


HM Scarterfield Ltd

38 Cathedral 1 Donatello (P) UK268508 100088

Born 24/04/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 10H Headliner (S) AI (UK041215 4437) Sire - Rosewood 1 Hugo 10H H1 (P) AI (UK9150388 09927) D. Romany 1 Dawn R22 F15 (P) (UK562010 500615) S. Yalgoo Boulder Z250 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (SODZ250) Dam - Barwise 1 Anni-Stazia (P) AI (UK103000 300524) D. Barwise 1 Anni-Fern (P) (UK103000 600352) An easy fleshing bull with great carcassing. A blend of top Scottish and Irish pedigrees would make this bull an asset in any herd. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.0 33% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.1 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.6 64% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +0.5 34% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 56% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 54% +58

+6 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 38% -0.1

-0.4 36% +0.3

-0.4 36% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.7 65% +2.1


Speirs Farms Ltd

39 Pepperstock 1 Luisetti (P) UK244821 100188

Born 27/04/2014

S.Velleyhill 1 Ho Boy (P) AI (UK323076 700086) Sire - Bosa 1 Howzat (P) (UK301116 300766) D. Bosa 1 Eva 158 (P) (UK301116 400158) S. Boundwood 1 Route 66 (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK162222 700154) Dam - Boundless 1 Madonna 1138 (P) (UK261626 301138) D. Boundless 1 Madonna 784 (P) (UK261626 600784) DNA Tested (PV) A well muscled, smart, young bull, that will make a good stockbull. His dam Boundless 1 Madonna 1138 always rears a fantastic calf. Sired by Bosa 1 Howzat , a superior carcase sire and a prolific stock getter. First progeny for sale by him. TB 4 year, tested clear BVD, Lepto, IBR & Johnes 22/02/16. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.4 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.5 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.2 43% +0.6


Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --



Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +59 50% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +76 52% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.4 67% +2.1

Milk -+5

Class 6 8 Bulls born on or between 01/05/14 and 15/07/14 SFJ Dale

Bred by: DM Jones

40 Phocle Levi (DH) AI ET UK301553 600474

Born 01/05/2014

S.Yarram Pompeii V055 (Imp Sem) (YPH/V055/03) Sire - Free Town Baron (DH) AI (UK301210 200337) D. Free Town Praise AI (BJ/J24/123) S. Phocle National (DH) AI (MT/N03/127) Dam - Phocle N3 Dowager 123V (DH) (UK301553 500123) D. Phocle A1 Dowager P12 (DH) AI (MT/P12/128) DNA Tested (PV) Bred from our top female, a high performance bull achieving 700kg on his 1st birthday. Eligible for Retest

Fir Farm Ltd

41 Firbosa 1 Luther 50 (P) UK331873 300050

Born 01/05/2014

S.Lowesmoor 1 Banker (S) (UK321209 200344) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Cohen G630 (P) (UK306142 700630) D. Eldersfield 1 Regina A140 (P) (UK306142 700140) S. Velleyhill 1 Ho Boy (P) AI (UK323076 700086) Dam - Bosa 1 Laurel 752 (P) (UK301116 300752) D. Bosa 1 Laurel 368 (P) (UKHM0262 00368) DNA Tested (PV) Has been finished on a forage based diet, receiving no concentrate. Would make a great bull for either pedigree or commercial use. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.1 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.3 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +51 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +66 59% +58

+5 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.4 60% +2.1


RA Bradstock & Partners

42 Free Town Lustre (X) (DH) UK301210 600922

Born 14/05/2014

S.Mawarra Vice Admiral (X)(Semen)(Imp AUS) (HRPD232) Sire - Free Town Jacob (X)(DH) AI (UK301210 300786) D. Free Town Prettymaid (DH) AI (UK301210 500634) S. Yarram Pompeii V055 (Imp Sem) (YPH/V055/03) Dam - Free Town Pleasure (DH) AI (UK301210 200358) D. Free Town Playful (DH) AI (UK301210 200022) DNA Tested (SV)

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

A dark, stylish bull, featuring top Australian genetics. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.3 38% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.0 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 67% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.7 50% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.4 41% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +69 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +88 58% +58

+11 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 46% -0.1

+0.6 44% +0.3

+0.6 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.0 68% +2.1


RA Bradstock & Partners

43 Free Town Liberator (DH) UK301210 200925

Born 24/05/2014

S.Trillick Transformer (Imp IRL) (IE251104 760671) Sire - Spinney Dublin (DH) (UK203266 501201) D. Spinney Dowager 161 (DH) (UK203268 400161) S. Free Town Maximus AI (BJ/M40/126) Dam - Free Town Benign (DH) (UK301210 100147) D. Free Town Benison (BJ/K21/124) DNA Tested (SV) "Liberator" full brother to "Hotspur" successful sire for JJ Farrell, Eire. 2nd prize Royal Three Counties 2015. "Benign" a grand "Maximus" daughter, from our top family, in calf again at 14 yrs. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.6 51% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -6.1 47% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.2 69% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.2 45% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 65% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +54 66% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +76 65% +58

+3 52% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.4 50% -0.1

+0.4 48% +0.3

+0.4 48% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.6 72% +2.1


W & R Kemp & Sons

44 Auckvale Lighthouse 1416L (DH) UK104917 101416

Born 03/06/2014

S.HH Advance 4140P (Ser/Sire) (42475836) Sire - Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) D. B Miss Homaker 905J (Donor) (41143296) S. Auckvale Barnstormer (DH) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK104917 600539) Dam - Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) D. Auckvale Lively 4th (DH) (UK104917 700519) Superior Carcase Sire DNA Tested (SV) "Lighthouse" is full brother to "Highflyer", sold Spring Sale 2012 for 4,100gns to Henry and Esther Rudge (2015 Commercial herd comp winners). He is one of the last sons of "Advance 790E". "Advance" has been one of the breeds top sires, please see his EBV's. Tested negative for BVD, IBR, Lepto & Johnes. Naturally reared, ready to work. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.8 41% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.4 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.9 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.8 43% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 65% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +59 65% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 63% +58

+14 49% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.1 47% -0.1

+0.8 44% +0.3

+0.8 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.2 71% +2.1


WJ Hutchings & Sons

45 Fisher 1 Legend L407 (P) UK263027 500407

Born 19/06/2014

S.Doonbiddie Hustler (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (GEW/R51/31) Sire - Fisher 1 Cracker (P) AI (UK263027 400189) D. Fisher 1 Susan V65 (P) (UK263027 600065) S. Costhorpe 1 Top Gun (P) (UKLE0060 00362) Dam - Fisher 1 Orange W99 (P) (UK263027 500099) D. Fisher 1 Orange R16 (P) AI (1XHT/R16/30) From 48 mth TB area. Group reared and running out until sale. The last "Cracker" bull to be offered from the Fisher herd, out of the oldest cow in the herd - she was shown as a heifer and has bred very well, correct, with good size, muscling, milks well. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.1 43% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.0 38% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +24 66% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 66% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +64 67% +58

+0 53% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.1 69% +2.1


W & R Kemp & Sons

46 Auckvale Legend 1424L (DH) UK104917 201424

Born 26/06/2014

S.HH Advance 4140P (Ser/Sire) (42475836) Sire - Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) D. B Miss Homaker 905J (Donor) (41143296) S. Auckvale Broadside (DH) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK104917 700540) Dam - Auckvale Lively 958G (DH) (UK104917 500958) D. Brusselton Lively Lucinda (DH) AI (UK107661 300004) Superior Carcase Sire DNA Tested (SV) "Legend" the last son of "Advance 790E". "Advance" has been one of the breeds top bulls in the breed for carcase and maternal traits, breeding calves with low birth weights and fast growth. "Legend's" dam is one of our top cows, his grand dam kept breeding till she was almost 15 yrs old. Naturally reared, ready to work. Tested negative for BVD, IBR, Lepto & Johnes. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.1 41% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.2 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.7 73% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.6 44% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 65% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 65% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 62% +58

+12 47% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.4 49% -0.1

+1.1 46% +0.3

+1.1 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.5 71% +2.1


HA Hatt

47 Weybrook 1 Dominion (P) UK281577 200194

Born 07/07/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Sire - Classic 1 National (P) AI (UK269231 500012) D. Classic 1 Jemima (P) (UK261607 500087) S. Dendor 1 Flinder (P) AI (UK700495 100451) Dam - Weybrook 1 Dawn 8th (P) (UK281577 600156) D. Romany 1 Dawn R5 B2 (P) (UK562010 300305) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (PV) A very smart, stylish young bull from the "Dawn" family. His G.D. Romany 1 Dawn R5 B2 is still in the herd, her progeny have been outstanding. Classic 1 National - his first calf to be sold made 2,800gns Spring S&S. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.5 31% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.2 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 35% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.4 26% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 51% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 50% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 31% -0.1

+0.6 28% +0.3

+0.6 28% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.9 59% +2.1

Milk -+5

Class 7 9 Bulls born on or between 16/07/14 and 12/09/14 Miss H Whittaker

48 Coley 1 Maverick (Scurs Removed) UK132143 400347

Born 21/08/2014

S.Aldersley 1 Edgar (P) AI ET (UK163345 400143) Sire - Alderville 1 Lars (P) (UK163345 100357) D. Aldersley 1 Lady Lynda 23rd (P) AI (UK163345 500116) S. Baldinnie 1 Fighter (P) (UK541851 700255) Dam - Coley 1 Plummie 258 (P) (UK132143 600258) D. Romany 1 Plum A84 D59 (P) (UK562010 200521) DNA Tested (PV)

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

"Maverick" is a dark, well muscled bull. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.8 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.9 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 36% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.8 27% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +23 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +45 57% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +60 55% +58

+3 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 30% -0.1

+0.7 29% +0.3

+0.7 29% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.6 65% +2.1


RA Bradstock & Partners

49 Free Town Maxim (DH) AI UK301210 500928

Born 04/09/2014

S.SNS Generator 28X (Semen)(Imp CAN) (AKNA/28X/119) Sire - Free Town Maximus AI (BJ/M40/126) D. Free Town Paean (BJ/E13/119) S. Free Town Flamenco (DH) (UK301210 200631) Dam - Free Town Blithe (DH) (UK301210 500816) D. Free Town Blissful (DH) (UK301210 700447) "Maxim" a bull of great width and thickness, after his sire "Maximus", Royal Champion. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.4 49% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.3 48% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.7 74% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) +1.3 70% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.9 48% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 68% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 68% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +81 70% +58

+5 53% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.5 53% -0.1

+1.2 51% +0.3

+1.2 51% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.7 71% +2.1


J & W McMordie

50 Solpoll 1 Majesty (P) AI UK9330013 27927

Born 05/09/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Remitall Olympian 262L (Ser/Sire) ET (PC02789145) Dam - Christies 1 Olympic Amber (P) ET (UK9151098 27834) D. Remitall Amber 96H (Donor) (PC02704801) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) A true figures curve bender with CE, BW, SS, EMA, RBY, IMF, TI & SRI all in the top 10%. His dam is a flush mate to "Radar", sire of some great females in our herd and "Gilbert", hugely successful stockbull at Dendor. "Daffy" is very easy calving sire. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.6 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.7 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.6 46% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +0.8 71% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.7 35% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 60% +58

+8 44% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.2 38% -0.1

+0.8 36% +0.3

+0.8 36% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.3 70% +2.1


TD & WT Livesey

51 Normanton 1 Mr Moreton (P) AI UK206099 200417

Born 06/09/2014

S.Normanton 1 Casa Nova (P) (UK206099 100024) Sire - Normanton 1 Eastern Promise (P) (UK206099 700079) D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021) S. Hillrow 1 Casino (P) (UK220024 300674) Dam - Normanton 1 Porcini 1st F9 (P) (UK206099 600134) D. Huntingfield 1 Pearl (P) (XK1J/L09/26) DNA Tested (PV) "Moreton" is a long, clean, bull by the 2011 Bull of the Year Normanton 1 Eastern Promise. He has performance data to back up his breeding, with Birth Weight and EMA in the top 15% and Retail Beef Yield in the top 5%. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +3.1 45% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.3 40% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.4 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.4 69% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.2 42% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +18 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +39 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +46 61% +58

+4 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.5 48% -0.1

+0.9 45% +0.3

+0.9 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.0 70% +2.1


RA Bradstock & Partners

52 Free Town Maximillian (DH) AI UK301210 700930

Born 07/09/2014

S.SNS Generator 28X (Semen)(Imp CAN) (AKNA/28X/119) Sire - Free Town Maximus AI (BJ/M40/126) D. Free Town Paean (BJ/E13/119) S. Spinney Dublin (DH) (UK203266 501201) Dam - Free Town Dialect (DH) (UK301210 700797) D. Free Town Dialogue (DH) (UK301210 600460) "Maximillin" a bull of great width and thickness, after his sire "Maximus", Royal Champion. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.3 50% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.3 48% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.1 73% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +2.9 69% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.6 49% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 67% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 68% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +77 70% +58

+1 53% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 54% -0.1

+0.8 51% +0.3

+0.8 51% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.3 71% +2.1


JRB Wilson & Sons

53 Romany 1 Magnate F57 M25 (P) AI ET UK562010 401083

Born 08/09/2014

S.Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Sire - Romany 1 Frisky A84 F57 (P) (UK562010 400663) D. Romany 1 Dawn W21 41H (P) (UK562010 200178) S. Remitall Online 122L (Ser/Sire) (NGA/122L) Dam - Romany 1 Lucy A49 (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK562010 400292) D. JVJ 832W Mindy 6H (Donor) (IGH/6H) DNA Tested (PV) A thick, easy fleshing, stylish bull by the homebred sire "Frisky". This bull's dam is an outstanding breeding cow, with 14 progeny already on the ground. Moving forward we can see this type of bull being very sought after in the future. One of the highest performance poll bulls currently available. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.4 43% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.8 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 68% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.8 43% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +40 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +66 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +86 57% +58

+15 48% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.8 47% -0.1

+0.4 44% +0.3

+0.4 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.1 59% +2.1


J & W McMordie

54 Solpoll 1 Mr Daffy (P) AI UK9330013 27931

Born 10/09/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Dainty J24 (P) (UK9330013 26461) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty W7 (P) (UK93313 20404) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) "Dainty W7" dam of "Karate Kid" sold for 10500gns April 2015 Show & Sale. He has a well balanced set of figures with several in top 10%. "Dynamite" daughters are great cows and make up a large part of our herd. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.7 41% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.2 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.6 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.5 68% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.9 44% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 63% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 61% +58

+6 43% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.3 47% -0.1

+1.0 46% +0.3

+1.0 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.5 68% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

55 Greenyards 1 Marden (P) UK312145 200311

Born 12/09/2014

S.Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Sire - Greenyards 1 Henry (P) (UK312145 600161) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) S. Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Dam - Greenyards 1 Hannah H142 (P) (UK312145 100142) D. Greenyards 1 Beata 2nd (P) (UK312145 500020) DNA Tested (PV) BW 43kg. A good modern bull by "Henry", sire of "Legend" Champion Spring 2015. His mother "Hannah H142" a show cow of repute. "Marden" shows modern top muscle development, Rib Eye and Loin meeting today's butchery requirement. Group reared and fed entirely on home produced feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.9 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.4 29% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.3 66% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.6 33% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 62% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +54 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +65 63% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 38% -0.1

+0.8 36% +0.3

+0.8 36% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.0 72% +2.1

Milk -+5

PJ & AC Allman

56 Greenyards 1 Matchmaker (P) UK312145 300312

Born 12/09/2014

S.Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Sire - Greenyards 1 Henry (P) (UK312145 600161) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) S. Harvie Dan Ricochet 167U (Ser/Sire) (C02912999) Dam - Greenyards 1 Ricochet (P) AI ET (Imp CAN) (UK312145 600168) D. DTHF Ravin 144R (Donor) (C02874829) DNA Tested (PV) BW 35kg. A striking. dark "Henry" sired son. Top muscle and much more. His mother "Ricochet" imported as an embryo. Has bags of shape and loads of milk. "Matchmaker" has no "Hustler" in his breeding so will be an outcross for many. Again, group reared all on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.8 29% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.3 22% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.6 63% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.3 33% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 60% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 38% -0.1

+0.1 35% +0.3

+0.1 35% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.2 69% +2.1

Milk -+5

Class 8 8 Bulls born on or between 13/09/14 and 30/09/14 J & W McMordie

57 Solpoll 1 Milkyway (P) UK9330013 27986

Born 14/09/2014

S.Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Sire - Panmure 1 Henry (P) (UK540081 400345) D. Panmure 1 Plum E2 (P) (UK540081 100251) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Dainty G2 (P) TM (UK9330013 24604) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U16 (P) (UK3313 19214) DNA Tested (SV) Full brother to "Kitkat" sold for 10800gns last April, whose first son in our herd is outstanding. "Milkyway" was Male Champion NI Calf Show and has top 1% EMA & RBY figures. His granddam "Dainty U16" had 13 calves including "Jingle Bells" sold to Highfields herd and "Dainty K18" Junior Female Champion NI Calf Show 2013, also sired by "Henry". February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.0 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.7 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.1 75% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +4.0 42% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 62% +58

+10 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.4 47% -0.1

+1.4 44% +0.3

+1.4 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.3 71% +2.1


J & W McMordie

58 Solpoll 1 Maverick (P) AI UK9330013 27975

Born 14/09/2014

S.Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P)(Imp IRL) (IE371040 660450) Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U10 (P) (UK3313 19107) S. Christies 1 Radar (P) ET (UK9151098 27845) Dam - Solpoll 1 Dainty G17 (P) (UK9330013 25094) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty D1 (P) (UK93313 22854) DNA Tested (SV) A powerful "Dynamite" son, he has top 5% Growth & top 1% Retail Yield figures. His dam bred the top price bull at the Premier Sale 2015. From our best breeding Dainty line. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.8 49% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 46% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.0 77% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.6 71% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.6 48% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +40 68% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 68% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +86 66% +58

+8 54% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.3 53% -0.1

+1.4 50% +0.3

+1.4 50% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.5 73% +2.1


R Lancaster

59 Shadwell 1 Bomber M768 (P) AI ET UK221120 500768

Born 15/09/2014

S.Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P)(Imp IRL) (IE371040 660450) Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U10 (P) (UK3313 19107) S. Yarram Pompeii V055 (Imp Sem) (YPH/V055/03) Dam - Badlingham Blossom 138th AI (UK220024 500774) D. Badlingham Blossom 115th (DH) (UK220024 400444) DNA Tested (PV) "Bomber" was born easily, weighing just 40kgs. He is a bull that oozes class. "Bomber" was Male Champion at the Peterborough Festival Calf Show, he has an awesome pedigree, with his sire and dam's side full of Champions. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -15.5 47% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.2 44% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 71% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +3.3 53% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.2 45% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +66 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +90 62% +58

+6 49% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 48% -0.1

+0.4 47% +0.3

+0.4 47% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.2 68% +2.1


DE, ED & AL Jones

60 Dendor 1 Maverick (P) UK700495 200746

Born 17/09/2014

S.Christies 1 Radar (P) ET (UK9151098 27845) Sire - Solpoll 1 Gilbert (P) TF (UK9330013 25164) D. Solpoll 1 Pansy D3 (P) (UK93313 22935) S. Yalgoo Boulder Z250 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (SODZ250) Dam - Dendor 1 Ruby 9th (P) AI (UK700495 300453) D. Dendor 1 Ruby (P) (1XFL/R30/30) DNA Tested (SV) An extremely stylish son of "Gilbert" - loads of colour and blessed with bone - for this reason he has been lightly used at home. "Ruby 9th" also dam of "Ruby 14th" top price female HCS April Sale 2013 and "Leroy" sold to A & P Massey - Hollyvale Herefords. "Maverick" has a temperament and a set of testicles to die for!!! He is in the top 10% for 200, 400 DW and milk. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.1 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.8 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+3.1 71% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.0 43% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 63% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 61% +58

+10 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 48% -0.1

+0.2 46% +0.3

+0.2 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.8 70% +2.1


G & R Watkins

61 Hollybush 1 Merloc (P) UK300294 500650

Born 18/09/2014

S.SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030) Sire - Dendor 1 Jibba Jabba (P) (UK700495 600610) D. Dendor 1 Jano 13th (P) (UK700495 700401) S. Te Taumata Superstar (Imp Sem) (0308020616) Dam - Ford Abbey 1 Pinprick 10th (P) AI ET (UK301445 500901) D. Moigne 1 Pinprick 19th (P) (YM1X/P55/29) DNA Tested (PV) family.

Dark coloured, quiet and thick set. Good legs and feet, good milking cow

JRB Wilson & Sons

62 Romany 1 Mandate D1 M51 (S) UK562010 101108

Born 19/09/2014

S.Remitall Olympian 262L (Ser/Sire) ET (PC02789145) Sire - SMH Castro 0001 ET (Imp DNK) (114588-00001) D. DXB 60G Katie 58M (C02815462) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Dam - Romany 1 Dawn A84 D37 (P) (UK562010 400495) D. Romany 1 Dawn K39 P18 (P) (1GXS/P18/29) DNA Tested (SV) A powerful, easy fleshing bull, with good structure. His dam is a much admired cow and his sire is a previous Hereford Sire of the Year. He's a well balanced, correct bull, two aspects we find important. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.4 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.5 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.2 75% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.7 47% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 65% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +86 60% +58

+6 52% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.8 51% -0.1

+0.3 49% +0.3

+0.3 49% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.9 57% +2.1


R Lancaster

63 Shadwell 1 Beethoven M774 (P) AI ET UK221120 400774

Born 20/09/2014

S.Doonbiddie Hustler (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (GEW/R51/31) Sire - Aldersley 1 Edgar (P) AI ET (UK163345 400143) D. Aldersley 1 Evelyn (P) AI (1RXC/M03/27) S. Yarram Pompeii V055 (Imp Sem) (YPH/V055/03) Dam - Badlingham Blossom 138th AI (UK220024 500774) D. Badlingham Blossom 115th (DH) (UK220024 400444) DNA Tested (PV) "Beethoven" is a bull with great bone and muscle, he's by the impressive Aldersley 1 Edgar and out of the great "Blossom" family. He was shown at Newbury and Newark, winning 1st both times and also Male Champion at Newark. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.8 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.5 38% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.0 70% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.4 44% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +69 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +89 59% +58

+7 47% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.7 47% -0.1

+1.1 46% +0.3

+1.1 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.2 58% +2.1


JR Whitlow

64 HighHouse Maximus (DH) AI UK315476 400003

Born 30/09/2014

S.Yarram Star General S206 AI (YPHS206) Sire - Yarram Star General W251 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (YPHW251) D. Yarram Marinda P224 AI (YPHP224) S. Border Rancher G98 (DH) (UK300364 701198) Dam - Border Roulette J105 (DH) (UK300364 401034) D. Border Roulette G77 (DH) (UK300364 701177) DNA Tested (SV) "Maximus" is a long muscular bull, unpampered, fit and ready for work. His dam is from noted "Roulette" family, with milk, 600 day wt, TI & SRI EBV's in top 5% of the breed. His sire "Star General" bred 2013 Bull of the Year (Tullamore) Knockmountagh Chief 2. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.3 33% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.5 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 66% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +0.4 41% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 58% +58

+12 42% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.4 46% -0.1

+0.1 45% +0.3

+0.1 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.5 63% +2.1


Class 9 12 Bulls born on or between 01/10/14 and 30/11/14 HA Hatt

65 Weybrook 1 Oyster Boy 197 (P) UK281577 500197

Born 02/10/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Sire - Classic 1 National (P) AI (UK269231 500012) D. Classic 1 Jemima (P) (UK261607 500087) S. Dendor 1 Flinder (P) AI (UK700495 100451) Dam - Weybrook 1 Oyster Girl 3rd (P) (UK281577 500148) D. Weybrook 1 Oyster Girl 2nd (P) (UK281577 100130) DNA Tested (SV) An excellent young bull out of a great cow and by Classic 1 National bringing so many good bloodlines together. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +1.2 31% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.6 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 58% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +4.5 34% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 47% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +66 51% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +85 54% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.4 32% -0.1

+1.5 33% +0.3

+1.5 33% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.1 48% +2.1

Milk -+5

DD Rowley & Partners

66 Hollowseal 1 Marshall (S) UK164517 300386

Born 09/10/2014

S.Venture Moler-989 (Imp DNK) (77811-00078) Sire - Clipston 1 Moler 563 (DH) (UK201909 200654) D. Clipston Pansy K2 (UK201909 200563) S. Bosa 1 Dabinate (P) (UK301116 600454) Dam - Hollowseal 1 Easter Rose 57th (P) (UK164517 200329) D. Hollowseal 1 Easter Rose 30th (P) (UK164517 500108) DNA Tested (PV) "Marshall" is from our top cow family. GD "Easter Rose 30th" winner of many prizes and dam "Easter Rose 57th" is full sister to Hollowseal 1 Goliath - Reserve Poll Bull of the Year 2011. www.hollowsealherefords.co.uk February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +5.8 37% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.6 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +24 56% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +43 55% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +54 53% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +0.3 62% +2.1

Milk -+5

M Ludgate

67 Rempstone 1 Show-me-the-Money H321 (P) UK287953 500321

Born 10/10/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Sire - Solpoll 1 Hollywood (P) AI (UK9330013 25584) D. Solpoll 1 Stardust F9 (P) AI (UK9330013 24265) S. Sarabande Ubique (DH) AI (UK280332 600004) Dam - Studmore Rose 3rd (DH) (UK281257 100092) D. Studmore Rose (DH) (UK281257 200002) This bull was our favourite of his group as soon as he hit the ground. He is big topped, muscular and clean. He shows breed character and is beautifully balanced on very sound legs. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.7 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.3 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +74 50% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +97 51% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +5.0 65% +2.1

Milk -+5

WJ Hutchings & Sons

68 Fisher 1 Mc Coy (P) UK263027 200411

Born 11/10/2014

S.Fisher 1 Cracker (P) AI (UK263027 400189) Sire - Fisher 1 Jaguar J347 (P) (UK263027 100347) D. Fisher 1 Eva C190 (P) (UK263027 500190) S. Yalgoo Boulder Z250 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (SODZ250) Dam - Fisher 1 Susan J343 (P) AI (UK263027 400343) D. Fisher 1 Susan D231 (P) (UK263027 400231) DNA Tested (SV) From 48 month TB area. Group reared and running out until sale. The first bull to be offered by "Jaguar" who was Inter Breed Male Champion S of E and Res Male Champion N.P.S. 2015. "Mc Coy" is a bull we really rate, excellent temperament, good size, conformation & top quality. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +2.8 33% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.3 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +59 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +73 58% +58

+4 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.8 64% +2.1


M Ludgate

69 Rempstone 1 Borat H324 (P) UK287953 100324

Born 12/10/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Sire - Solpoll 1 Hollywood (P) AI (UK9330013 25584) D. Solpoll 1 Stardust F9 (P) AI (UK9330013 24265) S. Broadfield Avenger (DH) (UK301674 300202) Dam - Rempstone 1 Dowager 4th (P) (UK287953 600049) D. Studmorepoll 1 Dowager 3rd (DH) (UK281257 400102) "Borat" is a long, clean, big topped son of "Hollywood". "Hollywood" has thrown us milky daughters and muscular sons, all with flawless structure. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.0 34% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.9 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 53% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +64 48% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 49% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.6 65% +2.1

Milk -+5

TD & WT Livesey

70 Normanton 1 Muscle Man (P) UK206099 200438

Born 03/11/2014

S.Doonbiddie Hustler (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (GEW/R51/31) Sire - Alvian 1 Emperor (P) AI (UK162452 400191) D. Alvian 1 Butler Lass R4 (P) AI (XH1Y/R04/30) S. Hollowseal 1 Wombat (P) (UK164517 200077) Dam - Normanton 1 Grifola 3rd (P) (UK206099 200095) D. Coleorton 1 Gwen (P) (X1LX/P02/29) DNA Tested (PV) Another bull from the noted "Grifola" family. "Muscle Man" lives up to his name and has been admired by all visitors. Tremendous hindquarter and great through his top. His eye muscle area is in the top 10%. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.8 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.5 39% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.6 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.6 42% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +24 62% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 58% +58

+1 42% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 46% -0.1

+0.5 44% +0.3

+0.5 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.4 69% +2.1


Miss H Whittaker

71 Coley 1 Maximilian (P) AI UK132143 500348

Born 10/11/2014

S.Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Sire - Romany 1 Frisky A84 F57 (P) (UK562010 400663) D. Romany 1 Dawn W21 41H (P) (UK562010 200178) S. Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe (P) (UK125853 400115) Dam - Coley 1 Clara 286 (P) (UK132143 600286) D. Barbern 1 Claret 2nd (P) (UK181148 200082) DNA Tested (PV) "Maximilian" is a medium sized bull full of muscle. +10 for milk. Sire Romany 1 Frisky A84 F57 (Cogent) and dam Coley 1 Clara 286 - Female Champion at Three Counties 2014, sired by Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe - Bull of the Year and Poll Show Champion 2012. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.7 43% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.2 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -0.4 63% +0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 55% +58

+10 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +4.6 65% +2.1


G & MC Shepherd

72 Moorside 1 Montgomery (S) AI UK185962 100042

Born 11/11/2014

S.Injemira Advance V093 (IHSV093) Sire - Injemira Advance Z080 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (IHSZ080) D. Injemira Harmony V121 (IHSV121) S. CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S (Semen)(Imp CAN) (C02880797) Dam - Moorside 1 Jane (P) AI (UK185962 600012) D. Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) DNA Tested (SV) "Monty" brings growth, meat, length, and easy calving. Definately a curve bender. Make "Monty" your field marshal! Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.7 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.0 36% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.0 64% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.1 52% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.6 43% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +65 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +93 59% +58

+14 48% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.1 48% -0.1

+1.1 46% +0.3

+1.1 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.1 58% +2.1


Mr & Mrs D Kelly

73 Netherhall 1 Nationwide M019 (P) AI ET UK103719 402019

Born 12/11/2014

S.Remitall Nation Wide ET 93N (Ser/Sire) (PC02833462) Sire - Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) D. Remitall Sally 131K (Donor) (PC02762709) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Dam - Romany 1 Ishbel A84 H34 (P) (UK562010 400775) D. Romany 1 Ishbel R22 C23 (P) (UK562010 500405) DNA Tested (PV) He is the last son to be offered out of the 2012 Hereford Female of the year, Romany 1 Ishbel A84 H34. Full brother to Sky High 1 Korker who was sold into the Coley herd at 6 months of age for an undisclosed figure and went on to be Champion at the Royal Highland Show 2015. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.1 48% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.9 46% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.6 75% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +4.2 38% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +46 66% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +79 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +104 61% +58

+11 49% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.5 49% -0.1

+0.3 44% +0.3

+0.3 44% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +6.0 70% +2.1


Miss H Whittaker

74 Coley 1 Monte (P) AI UK132143 600349

Born 14/11/2014

S.Doonbiddie Hustler (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (GEW/R51/31) Sire - Aldersley 1 Edgar (P) AI ET (UK163345 400143) D. Aldersley 1 Evelyn (P) AI (1RXC/M03/27) S. Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe (P) (UK125853 400115) Dam - Coley 1 Evita 282 (P) (UK132143 200282) D. Coley 1 Eva 134 (P) (UK132143 100134) DNA Tested (PV) "Monte" is a bull with great potential, having Aldersley 1 Edgar as sire and Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe on the dam side. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.8 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.1 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) +1.4 61% +0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 61% +58

+6 43% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.8 68% +2.1


PRJ & LR Vincent

75 Pulham Miracle (X) (DH) AI UK227409 200099

Born 20/11/2014

S.Yallaroo Tornado T008 AI (5FPT008) Sire - Mawarra Sentimental ET1 (X)(Semen) ET (Imp AUS) (HRPA229) D. Mawarra Miss Titania 123 ET6 ET (HRPQ044) S. Sarabande Huggy Bear (DH) (UK280332 200042) Dam - Pulham Blossom 7th (DH) (UK227409 200050) D. Badlingham Blossom 142nd (UK220024 701007) First National Calf Show 2015. Dam, Pulham Blossom 7th, directly descends from the famous Badlingham Blossom line. SAC Elite herd. www.pulhamherefords.co.uk Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement

LR & AM Ayre

76 Frenchstone P. 1 Eclipse (P) UK365046 400163

Born 28/11/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 73J Jonathan 499 (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 4997) Sire - Dorepoll 1 499 High Society (P) (UK9041215 05815) D. Dorepoll 1 T1 Tessa 480 (P) (UK041215 4802) S. Frenchstone P. 1 Sofitel (P) (UK365046 500094) Dam - Frenchstone P. 1 Calla (P) (UK365046 200133) D. Dalena P. 1 Dearest 4th (P) (UK345059 300109) DNA Tested (PV) This is the last bull we sell by Dorepoll 1 499 High Society - Reserve Bull of the Year 2012. His dam is strong and milky. He brings style all the way. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.3 31% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.5 26% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 34% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.3 20% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 40% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 37% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 37% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.3 22% -0.1

+0.7 21% +0.3

+0.7 21% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.8 46% +2.1

Milk -+5

Class 10 11 Bulls born on or between 01/12/14 and 31/01/15 PJ & AC Allman

77 Greenyards 1 Marquis (P) AI UK312145 200318

Born 01/12/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Dorepoll 1 122L Crusader (S) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5174) Dam - Greenyards 1 Countess (P) (UK312145 300067) D. Greenyards 1 Contessa (P) (UK542756 200079) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) BW 37kg. A well marked "Daffy" son mixing "Remitall Online" and Australian genetics. Group reared on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +1.9 37% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.1 26% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.6 44% +0.6


EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves


Gest. Len. (days) +0.2 63% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.6 32% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 54% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +66 55% +58

+6 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.3 35% -0.1

+0.9 35% +0.3

+0.9 35% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.9 70% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

78 Greenyards 1 Maestro (P) AI UK312145 600322

Born 05/12/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Dam - Greenyards 1 Echo (P) (UK542756 600118) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (SV) BW 36kg. A striking "Daffy" son. "Echo 118" a one time show cow, full sister to "Lotty" Female of the Year 2010. Great muscle development with smooth light bone, a real modern Hereford. Again, group reared entirely on home grown food. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +2.4 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.3 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.8 67% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +1.3 66% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.9 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +24 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +66 60% +58

+5 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.7 44% -0.1

+1.0 43% +0.3

+1.0 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.0 71% +2.1


R Coates

79 RTC 1 Mountain Man J20 (P) UK200308 500276

Born 05/12/2014

S.Sdr Ydby Apollo (Semen)(Imp DNK) (67387-00680) Sire - Slyk's 1 Elevation (P)(Imp DNK) (56477-01263) D. Slyk's 1 Velux (56477-01214) S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Dam - Classic 1 Jubilee (P) AI (UK269231 600020) D. Hawkesbury 1 Jubilee (P) (UK202835 100020) DNA Tested (SV) "Mountain Man" has a fantastic pedigree, grandson of "Nationwide" on the dams side and Sdr Ydby Apollo on the sires side. "MM" has a fantastic top line with little waste and well fleshed. "MM" has a self replacing index of +33. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.5 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.0 26% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 47% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 44% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 44% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.3 58% +2.1

Milk -+5

PJ & AC Allman

80 Greenyards 1 Magician (S) UK312145 100324

Born 07/12/2014

S.Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Sire - Greenyards 1 Henry (P) (UK312145 600161) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) S. Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Dam - Greenyards 1 Truelove 2nd (P) (UK542756 600146) D. Graceland 1 Truelove (P) (UK24248 6833) DNA Tested (SV) BW 38kg. Such a good bull. "Truelove 2nd" a full sister to "Dougie" and "Flynn". Again, great top muscle from a "Henry" sired son. This one is Matty's pick. Group reared on entirely home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.9 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.4 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.7 37% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.1 25% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +65 53% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.2 28% -0.1

+0.3 27% +0.3

+0.3 27% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.2 70% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mrs JM Cant & Partners

81 Panmure 1 Munchkin (S) UK540081 300477

Born 08/12/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 499 Emperor (P) AI (UK9041215 5373) Sire - Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102) D. Hawkesbury 1 Verity (P) (UK202835 400051) S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Dam - Panmure 1 Blessing G7 (P) (UK540081 600326) D. Panmure 1 Blessing C12 (P) (UK540081 200224) Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.2 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.0 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.3 61% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.1 31% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 53% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 53% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 50% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.7 34% -0.1

+0.6 32% +0.3

+0.6 32% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +5.4 50% +2.1

Milk -+5

TDJ Roderick

82 Brangwyn 1 Merchalago (P) UK722542 100151

Born 13/12/2014

S.Brangwyn 1 Generator (P) AI (UK722542 500078) Sire - Brangwyn 1 King (P) (UK722542 600121) D. Brangwyn 1 Empress (P) (UK722542 700038) S. Hilton 1 Count (P) (UK543146 100060) Dam - Brangwyn 1 Ferrari (P) (UK722542 100067) D. Brangwyn 1 Damson (P) (UK722542 100018) A dark bull, voted Dyfed Bull Calf in our herd competition, photo on website.

Newtoncroft Farms

83 Newtoncroft 1 Marnitz (P) UK200308 600277

Born 14/12/2014

S.RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (Imp CAN) (RLOA/37U/20) Sire - Leos Pride 1 Ellis (P) AI (UK183306 200044) D. Leos Pride 1 Elisia-Rose (P) AI (UK183306 300010) S. Klondike 707B 15D (Semen)(P)(Imp CAN) (BIV/15D/30) Dam - Newtoncroft 1 Truelove 55 (P) AI (UK200308 100055) D. Newtoncroft 1 Lady Butler N11 (P) AI (1AXN/N11/28) DNA Tested (PV) "Ellis" 2010 Bull of the Year. Top price bull in Hereford market 2010 7,000gns. A correct bull with bags of style. From our best breeding line in herd. Member of Biobest Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.6 45% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.6 41% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +49 50% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 51% +58

+5 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.1 65% +2.1


G & MC Shepherd

84 Moorside 1 Mandela (P) AI UK185962 200043

Born 18/12/2014

S.Aldersley 1 Dwight (P) (UK163345 500011) Sire - Blakelaw 1 Calzaghe (P) (UK125853 400115) D. Blakelaw 1 Yvonne (P) (UK125853 500067) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Dam - Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) D. Romany 1 Jane R5 B38 (P) (UK562010 700351) DNA Tested (PV) "Mandela's" breeding combines a Poll Cow of the Year and a Poll Bull of the Year. He is thick set and well proportioned, worthy of serious consideration. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.2 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.8 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.2 58% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.4 36% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 52% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 56% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 53% +58

+5 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 41% -0.1

+0.7 39% +0.3

+0.7 39% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.3 53% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

85 Greenyards 1 Milo (P) UK312145 600329

Born 22/12/2014

S.Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Sire - Greenyards 1 Henry (P) (UK312145 600161) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) S. Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Dam - Greenyards 1 Beata 2nd (P) (UK312145 500020) D. Dendor 1 Beata 9th (P) (UK700495 100157) DNA Tested (SV) BW 39kgs. A real herd sire, good markings, again top muscle from "Henry". His mother was successfully shown as a youngster and has bred many show animals. This one is my pick, also the choice of F. Klein formerly Vern Herefords. Group reared on home produced feed. Well worth a look. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.0 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.8 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.3 35% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.2 26% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +51 53% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 54% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 32% -0.1

+0.6 29% +0.3

+0.6 29% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.4 69% +2.1

Milk -+5

TD & WT Livesey

86 Normanton 1 Mr Lovett (P) UK206099 500441

Born 07/01/2015

S.Normanton 1 Casa Nova (P) (UK206099 100024) Sire - Normanton 1 Eastern Promise (P) (UK206099 700079) D. Normanton 1 Jews Ear C21 (P) AI (UK206099 500021) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Normanton 1 Grifola D60 (P) AI (UK206099 200060) D. Coleorton 1 Gwen (P) (X1LX/P02/29) "Mr Lovett" is full brother to "Jupiter" who was Reserve Male Champion Great Yorkshire Show 2013. The "Grifola" family consistantly produces some of the best cattle in the herd. He has great promise as a breeding bull. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.7 47% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.6 44% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +20 50% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +43 51% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +53 50% +58

+4 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.7 55% +2.1


Mrs JM Cant & Partners

87 Panmure 1 Maverick (P) UK540081 600480

Born 13/01/2015

S.Dorepoll 1 499 Emperor (P) AI (UK9041215 5373) Sire - Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102) D. Hawkesbury 1 Verity (P) (UK202835 400051) S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Dam - Panmure 1 Blessing G6 (P) (UK540081 200322) D. Panmure 1 Blessing A4 (P) (UK540081 400135) Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.1 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.9 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.0 31% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.5 20% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 48% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 45% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 45% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 23% -0.1

+0.2 22% +0.3

+0.2 22% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.1 57% +2.1

Milk -+5

Class 11 12 Bulls born on or after 01/02/15 G & MC Shepherd

88 Moorside 1 Magic (P) AI ET UK185962 300044

Born 21/02/2015

S.Injemira Advance V093 (IHSV093) Sire - Injemira Advance Z080 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (IHSZ080) D. Injemira Harmony V121 (IHSV121) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Dam - Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) D. Romany 1 Jane R5 B38 (P) (UK562010 700351) SUPERIOR CARCASE SIRE DNA Tested (PV) Out of joint Poll Female of the Year 2014, "Magic" offers an enviable pedigree with easy calving EBV's. He is a fast growing bull with good legs, loin and length. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +6.1 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.0 39% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.2 51% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.0 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +59 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +85 59% +58

+10 51% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.5 44% -0.1

+0.7 43% +0.3

+0.7 43% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.9 68% +2.1


G Blandford

89 Bosa 1 Ken (P) UK301116 600986

Born 28/02/2015

S.Udel 1 BC Bluechip (P) AI (Imp IRL) (IE371040 650920) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Carter J773 (P) (UK306142 300773) D. Eldersfield 1 Rosalind E421 (P) (UK306142 100421) S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Dam - Bosa 1 Priscilla 895 (P) (UK301116 600895) D. Bosa 1 Priscilla 02 (P) (UK301116 200002) DNA Tested (PV)

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.4 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.9 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.1 69% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.4 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +84 58% +58

+7 35% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 42% -0.1

+0.7 40% +0.3

+0.7 40% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.2 67% +2.1


PRJ & LR Vincent

90 Pulham 1 Momentous (S) AI UK227409 500109

Born 01/03/2015

S.Allendale Waterhouse D1 (P) (AEDD1) Sire - Days Calibre G74 (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (DAYG74) D. Allendale Dawn C62 (P) AI (AEDC62) S. Solpoll 1 Ferrari (P) AI (UK9330013 24044) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet K6 (P) AI (UK9330013 26597) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet G16 (P) (UK9330013 25072) DNA Tested (SV) Stylish, long, dark coloured bull. Sired by Days Calibre G74, Dubbo Show & Sale (Australia) Grand Champion, sold for breed record of $90,000. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. SAC Elite. www.pulhamherefords.co.uk February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.1 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.1 24% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) +0.7 63% +0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +64 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 53% +58

+12 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.0 65% +2.1


WD Wiggin M.P.

Bred by: PT English

91 Churchlands Estate 1 Batavia 73 VC (P) {DLF IEF HYF}

UK201521 300173

Born 03/03/2015

S.Wiranya Batavia (Semen)(P)(Imp AUS) (RGP/S5/01) Sire - Churchlands Estate 1 Batavia (P) AI (UK201521 500014) D. Panmure 1 Plum T9 (P) AI TF (UKAN0401 00235) S. Romany 1 Cosmic A51 C37 (P) (UK562010 100422) Dam - Churchlands Estate 1 Violet Cos (P) (UK201521 400055) D. Greenyards 1 Violet 2nd (P) (UK542756 200121)

MJ Clark

92 Lowesmoor 1 Masterpiece (P) UK321209 201037

Born 07/03/2015

S.Udel 1 R51 Windjammer (P) AI (Imp IRL) (IE371040 660533) Sire - Dendor 1 Tia Tia (P) (UK700495 400489) D. Dendor 1 Jano 10th (P) (UK700495 600197) S. Eldersfield 1 Egbert U26 (P) (UK306142 500026) Dam - Lowesmoor 1 Sylvan 601 (P) (UK321209 700601) D. Lowesmoor 1 Sylvan 300 (P) (UK321209 700300) Strong, dark bull. Half brother to "Sylvan 974" - Reserve Female October Sale 2015. "601" one of our top breeding cows. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.8 37% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.4 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 64% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +51 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 59% +58

+8 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.0 71% +2.1


Newtoncroft Farms

93 Newtoncroft 1 MacGyver (S) UK200308 500283

Born 08/03/2015

S.RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (Imp CAN) (RLOA/37U/20) Sire - Leos Pride 1 Ellis (P) AI (UK183306 200044) D. Leos Pride 1 Elisia-Rose (P) AI (UK183306 300010) S. Newtoncroft 1 Michigan (P) AI (UK200308 500080) Dam - Newtoncroft 1 Bluebell 154 (P) (UK200308 200154) D. Newtoncroft 1 Bluebell S3 (P) (1AXN/S03/31) DNA Tested (SV) "Ellis" 2010 Bull of the Year. Top price bull in Hereford market 2010, 7,000gns. A young bull with plenty of growth potential, excellent milking line. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.5 43% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.1 38% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +23 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +45 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +54 53% +58

+5 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.7 68% +2.1

LR & AM Ayre


Bred by: Molgaard V/lb O Ravn

94 Aland Leopold (P) AI (Imp DNK) 45392-00260

Born 12/03/2015

S.Remitall Super Duty 42S (Semen)(Imp CAN) (C02881216) Sire - Gouldingpoll 1 Superduty (Semen)(P) AI ET (Imp IRL) (IE191198 990477) D. Romany 1 Lucy A84 F26 (P) (UK562010 400628) S. R M R 1 Pilot ET (49422-00427) Dam - Aland 1 Freja (45392-00212) D. Aland 1 Carla (45392-00187) DNA Tested (SV) "Leopold" was imported late last year - he was so good we could not leave him behind. He is an outstanding young bull, his pedigree is outstanding. He will be a very strong bull, full of style and width. He will make a great show bull. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.5 29% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.8 22% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 30% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.6 21% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 34% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 32% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +79 31% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.1 23% -0.1

+0.7 20% +0.3

+0.7 20% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) -+2.1

Milk -+5

A Hughes & R Hurd

Bred by: R Hobbs

95 Kea 1 Maestro (P) UK384065 500654

Born 16/03/2015

S.Dendor 1 Vindicator (P) (UK700495 500077) Sire - Kea 1 Vinnie (P) (UK384065 100496) D. Dendor 1 Lois 12th (P) (UK700495 100353) S. Topgen 1 Supremo (P) AI (UK151791 13311) Dam - Dendor 1 Molly 21st (P) (UK700495 400349) D. Dendor 1 Molly 11th (P) (UK700495 100199) DNA Tested (SV) "Maestro" is a tremendously growthy bull from the renown Dendor "Molly" family. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.9 34% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.6 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.0 30% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +0.8 26% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +23 42% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +40 42% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +49 41% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 32% -0.1

+0.1 30% +0.3

+0.1 30% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) -+2.1

Milk -+5

G & R Watkins

96 Hollybush 1 Max (P) UK300294 100667

Born 23/03/2015

S.SMH Euro 30E (Imp DNK) (114588-00030) Sire - Dendor 1 Jibba Jabba (P) (UK700495 600610) D. Dendor 1 Jano 13th (P) (UK700495 700401) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet G12 (P) (UK9330013 24943) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet C15 (P) (UK93313 22622) DNA Tested (SV) Lovely dark coloured, thick set, quiet bull. Good legs and feet. Good milking cow family.

DE, ED & AL Jones

97 Dendor 1 Mufasa (P) UK700495 500763

Born 01/04/2015

S.Christies 1 Radar (P) ET (UK9151098 27845) Sire - Solpoll 1 Gilbert (P) TF (UK9330013 25164) D. Solpoll 1 Pansy D3 (P) (UK93313 22935) S. Dendor 1 Vindicator (P) (UK700495 500077) Dam - Dendor 1 Jano 13th (P) (UK700495 700401) D. Dendor 1 Jano 10th (P) (UK700495 600197) DNA Tested (SV) Group reared until time of sale. Has excellent quarters and hind leg structure. Full of meat through his loin to his plates. An easy doing calf whos dam has excellent maternal traits. "Jano 13th's" 4 previous sons are all working in Pedigree Herds. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest subject to prior arrangement February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves



Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.5 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.7 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 58% +58

+6 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.7 71% +2.1


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100 Firbosa 1 Elke 25 (P) UK331873 600025

Born 28/05/2014

S.Lowesmoor 1 Banker (S) (UK321209 200344) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Cohen G630 (P) (UK306142 700630) D. Eldersfield 1 Regina A140 (P) (UK306142 700140) S. Bosa 1 Countrywide (P) (UK301116 100414) Dam - Bosa 1 Elke 747 (P) (UK301116 500747) D. Bosa 1 Elke 485 (P) (UK301116 200485) Running with Panmure 1 Knightsman - UK540081 600417 from 01/02/16 upto date of sale. Will be PD'd before the sale. DNA Tested (PV) From one of our main female lines, and a daughter of the easy fleshing Eldersfield 1 Cohen G630. Will make a great cow. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.0 42% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.6 37% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +24 61% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 61% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +63 58% +58

+0 39% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.8 60% +2.1


Fir Farm Ltd

101 Firbosa 1 Elke 09 (P) UK331873 400009

Born 04/01/2014

S.Lowesmoor 1 Banker (S) (UK321209 200344) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Cohen G630 (P) (UK306142 700630) D. Eldersfield 1 Regina A140 (P) (UK306142 700140) S. Real 1 Baldric (P) (UK141731 500050) Dam - Bosa 1 Elke 591 (P) (UK301116 300591) D. Reydon 1 Elke 89 (P) (UK240439 700089) Running with Panmure 1 Knightsman - UK540081 600417 from 01/02/16 upto date of sale. Will be PD'd before the sale. DNA Tested (PV) Group reared until the sale. Will make a nice cow, characterful of the breed. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.1 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.4 38% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 58% +58

-2 42% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.8 60% +2.1


Fir Farm Ltd

102 Firbosa 1 Anxiety 81 (P) UK331873 600081

Born 29/06/2014

S.Reydon 1 Phoenix (S) AI (UK240439 100111) Sire - Bosa 1 Jones (P) TM (UK301116 500852) D. Bosa 1 Julia 624 (P) (UK301116 100624) S. Solpoll 1 Aristocrat (P) (UK93313 21174) Dam - Bosa 1 Anxiety 516 (P) (UK301116 500516) D. Lynsore 1 Anxiety 2nd (P) (XQ1B/S02/31) Running with Panmure 1 Knightsman - UK540081 600417 from 01/02/16 upto date of sale. Will be PD'd before the sale. DNA Tested (PV) Group reared and running in the group until sale. These heifers have not been pushed. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.1 41% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.0 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 57% +58

+6 39% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.3 60% +2.1


Fir Farm Ltd

103 Firbosa 1 Margaret 88 (P) UK331873 600088

Born 13/07/2014

S.Reydon 1 Phoenix (S) AI (UK240439 100111) Sire - Bosa 1 Jones (P) TM (UK301116 500852) D. Bosa 1 Julia 624 (P) (UK301116 100624) S. Reydon 1 Tremendous (P) (UKE0544 00385) Dam - Bosa 1 Margaret 349 (P) (UK301116 600349) D. Reydon 1 Margaret M61 (P) (1XJL/M61/27) Running with Panmure 1 Knightsman - UK540081 600417 from 01/02/16 upto date of sale. Will be PD'd before the sale. DNA Tested (PV) Out of one of our best females - Bosa 1 Margaret 349 - this will make a fantastic cow. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.5 44% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.1 38% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 60% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +67 58% +58

+3 40% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.9 59% +2.1


R Edwards & E Smith

104 Classic 1 Justa-Lady (P) UK269231 500047

Born 22/04/2014

S.Sdr Ydby Apollo (Semen)(Imp DNK) (67387-00680) Sire - Slyk's 1 Elevation (P)(Imp DNK) (56477-01263) D. Slyk's 1 Velux (56477-01214) S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK9041215 5185) Dam - Classic 1 Jennifer (P) AI (UK269231 400004) D. Hawkesbury 1 Jubilee (P) (UK202835 100020) "Justa-Lady" a big, strong, powerful heifer, backed up with a great pedigree and figures. Sure to grow into a great cow. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.9 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.7 26% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 50% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +73 50% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.8 62% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mouboon Farm Partnership

105 Mouboon Oyster Lass M232 (X) (DH) UK310483 600232

Born 04/09/2014

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Highflyer 1020H (DH) (UK104917 401020) D. Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) S. Auckvale Fieldmaster 831F (DH) (UK104917 400831) Dam - Mouboon Oyster Lass H35 (X)(DH) (UK310483 700135) D. Mouboon Oyster Lass A03 (X)(DH) (UK310483 100003) "Highflyer's" excellent EBV's with +15 for milk has produced some beautiful, well grown heifers that milk with ease. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.0 29% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.2 24% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +50 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +63 56% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.9 66% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mouboon Farm Partnership

106 Mouboon Beauty M236 (DH) UK310483 300236

Born 10/09/2014

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Highflyer 1020H (DH) (UK104917 401020) D. Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) S. Clipston Action (DH) (UK201909 600014) Dam - Mouboon Beauty D61 (DH) (UK310483 300061) D. Border Beauty V38 (UK300364 600238) "Highflyer's" excellent EBV's with +15 for milk has produced some beautiful, well grown heifers that milk with ease. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.5 30% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.1 27% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +26 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +49 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 57% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +1.7 66% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mouboon Farm Partnership

107 Mouboon Curly M228 (DH) UK310483 200228

Born 02/09/2014

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Highflyer 1020H (DH) (UK104917 401020) D. Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) S. Border General V85 (UK300364 400285) Dam - Mouboon Curly G05 (DH) (UK310483 500105) D. Mouboon Curly D41 (DH) (UK310483 400041) "Highflyer's" excellent EBV's with +15 for milk has produced some beautiful, well grown heifers that milk with ease. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.3 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 29% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +73 56% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.3 66% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mouboon Farm Partnership

108 Mouboon Ruth M234 (X) (DH) UK310483 100234

Born 04/09/2014

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Highflyer 1020H (DH) (UK104917 401020) D. Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) S. Auckvale Fieldmaster 831F (DH) (UK104917 400831) Dam - Mouboon Ruth J157 (X)(DH) (UK310483 100157) D. Border Ruth C89 (X)(DH) (UK300364 200689) "Highflyer's" excellent EBV's with +15 for milk has produced some beautiful, well grown heifers that milk with ease. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.6 28% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.4 23% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +35 56% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 58% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +79 55% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.2 64% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mouboon Farm Partnership

109 Mouboon Curly M225 (DH) UK310483 600225

Born 01/09/2014

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Highflyer 1020H (DH) (UK104917 401020) D. Auckvale Lively 689D (DH) (UK104917 200689) S. Clipston Action (DH) (UK201909 600014) Dam - Mouboon Curly D41 (DH) (UK310483 400041) D. Aultoun Curly 16th (SDG/R06/129) "Highflyer's" excellent EBV's with +15 for milk has produced some beautiful, well grown heifers that milk with ease. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.4 32% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.0 29% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +54 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 57% +58

+7 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +2.3 67% +2.1


Mrs JM Cant & Partners

110 Panmure 1 Plum M10 (P) UK540081 500486

Born 18/03/2015

S.Dorepoll 1 499 Emperor (P) AI (UK9041215 5373) Sire - Hawkesbury 1 Volcano (P) (UK202835 600102) D. Hawkesbury 1 Verity (P) (UK202835 400051) S. Romany 1 Distiller A84 D53 (P) (UK562010 200514) Dam - Panmure 1 Plum H15 (P) (UK540081 100370) D. Panmure 1 Plum T6 (P) AI (UKAN0401 00225) Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.2 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.3 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 52% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +4.2 63% +2.1

Milk -+5

Mrs JA Pudge

111 Black Hall 1 Mother (P) UK314369 300014

Born 15/03/2015

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J (DH) (UK104917 101220) D. Auckvale Lively Lucinda 835F (DH) (UK104917 100835) S. Appleridge 1 Gunner 109 (P) AI (UK328254 600109) Dam - Shirley 1 Autumn (P) (UK321332 600195) D. Shirley 1 Princess (P) (UK321332 100127) "Mother" is the first heifer to be sold from the Black Hall herd. Sweet and easy to handle. Sired by Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J. Member of SAC Premium Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest

Mrs JA Pudge

112 Black Hall Dilly UK314369 200020

Born 21/03/2015

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J (DH) (UK104917 101220) D. Auckvale Lively Lucinda 835F (DH) (UK104917 100835) S. Laxfield Sir John (DH) (UK740187 300394) Dam - Gomer Prunella J24 (DH) (UK749020 100124) D. Gomer Prunella G53 (DH) (UK749020 700053) Very sweet heifer. Sired by Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest

Mrs JA Pudge

113 Black Hall Tinker Bell (P) UK314369 300021

Born 19/04/2015

S.Auckvale Advance 790E (DH) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK104917 500790) Sire - Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J (DH) (UK104917 101220) D. Auckvale Lively Lucinda 835F (DH) (UK104917 100835) S. Wenlock Irrigation (DH) (UK310442 500219) Dam - Broadacres 1 Mary (P) (UK309191 300011) D. Highfields P. 1 Tamerisk 7th (P) AI (UK305156 100248) DNA Tested (PV) Nice, dark coloured heifer. Very quiet. Sired by Auckvale Jim Lad 1220J. Member of SAC Premium Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest

B, H & MR Myers

114 Boundless 1 Raine 1291 (P) UK261626 201291

Born 25/05/2014

S.Churchlands Estate 1 Pegasus (P) (UK201521 200025) Sire - Frys Cross 1 Oberon (P) (UK269231 200002) D. Costhorpe 1 Nadia 302 (P) (UK200424 200302) S. Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) Dam - Boundless 1 Raine 1170 (P) AI (UK261626 701170) D. Boundless 1 Raine 842 (P) (UK261626 100842) A heifer from one of our main breeding families. With Churchlands Estate 1 Pegasus on Grand Dam side and Solpoll 1 Dynamite on the Grand Sire and with a balanced set of EBV's. Member of Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest). February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.1 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.7 33% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.1 40% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 63% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +67 64% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 50% -0.1

+0.4 47% +0.3

+0.4 47% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.8 60% +2.1

Milk -+5

AJ & LR Hobson

115 Eldersfield 1 Pearl L1031 (P) UK306142 201031

Born 30/05/2014

S.Costhorpe 1 Top Gun (P) (UKLE0060 00362) Sire - Fisher 1 Ensign E254 (P) (UK263027 600254) D. Fisher 1 Clover S13 (P) AI (1XHT/S13/31) S. Dendor 1 Trooper (P) (UKM9000 00241) Dam - Eldersfield 1 Pearl W97 (P) (UK306142 600097) D. Lowesmoor 1 Oyster Gem F19 (P) (1WCX/F19/21) Running with Rough Moor 1 Lorenzo - UK307266 600119 from 02/12/15 to 12/02/16. Will be PD checked prior to sale. Pretty heifer from a mother who bred consistently, should make a good cow. Well fleshed but not overly so.

AJ & LR Hobson

116 Eldersfield 1 Amy L1026 (P) UK306142 401026

Born 07/05/2014

S.Dendor 1 Trooper (P) (UKM9000 00241) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Southern Cross B218 (P) (UK306142 100218) D. Lowesmoor 1 Regina 559 (P) (UKGF0200 00559) S. Lowesmoor 1 Boston (P) ET (Imp CAN) (UK321209 700349) Dam - Eldersfield 1 Amy G577 (P) (UK306142 300577) D. Eldersfield 1 Amethyst 205 (P) (UK306142 200205) Running with Rough Moor 1 Lorenzo - UK307266 600119 from 02/12/15 to 12/02/16. Will be PD checked prior to sale. Good sturdy heifer with even temperament. Well fleshed but not overly so.

AJ & LR Hobson

117 Eldersfield 1 Regina L1019 (P) UK306142 401019

Born 28/04/2014

S.Costhorpe 1 Top Gun (P) (UKLE0060 00362) Sire - Fisher 1 Ensign E254 (P) (UK263027 600254) D. Fisher 1 Clover S13 (P) AI (1XHT/S13/31) S. Lowesmoor 1 Banker (S) (UK321209 200344) Dam - Eldersfield 1 Regina G564 (P) (UK306142 400564) D. Eldersfield 1 Regina C291 (P) (UK306142 400291) Running with Rough Moor 1 Lorenzo - UK307266 600119 from 02/12/15 to 12/02/16. Will be PD checked prior to sale. Good strong heifer from a line that milks well. Good temperament. Well fleshed but not overly so.

AJ & LR Hobson

118 Eldersfield 1 Bobbie L1000 (P) UK306142 601000

Born 13/04/2014

S.Dendor 1 Trooper (P) (UKM9000 00241) Sire - Eldersfield 1 Southern Cross B218 (P) (UK306142 100218) D. Lowesmoor 1 Regina 559 (P) (UKGF0200 00559) S. Eldersfield 1 Aethelberht U19 (P) (UK306142 500019) Dam - Eldersfield 1 Laurel J746 (P) (UK306142 400746) D. Eldersfield 1 Laurel B173 (P) (UK306142 500173) Running with Rough Moor 1 Lorenzo - UK307266 600119 from 02/12/15 to 12/02/16. Will be PD checked prior to sale. DNA Tested (PV) Another pretty heifer from our "Laurel" line. Nice temperament and length of loin from her father.

AJ & LR Hobson

119 Eldersfield 1 Lilac L997 (P) UK306142 300997

Born 13/04/2014

S.Costhorpe 1 Top Gun (P) (UKLE0060 00362) Sire - Fisher 1 Ensign E254 (P) (UK263027 600254) D. Fisher 1 Clover S13 (P) AI (1XHT/S13/31) S. Eldersfield 1 Aethelberht U19 (P) (UK306142 500019) Dam - Eldersfield 1 Lilac H655 (P) (UK306142 400655) D. Eldersfield 1 Lilac B224 (P) (UK306142 700224) Running with Rough Moor 1 Lorenzo - UK307266 600119 from 02/12/15 to 12/02/16. Will be PD checked prior to sale. Sturdy but sweet heifer with calm temperament. Well fleshed but not overly so.

Mrs S Cowle

120 Highhedges Blossom 5-13 (X) (DH) UK290092 100010

Born 01/09/2013

S.F.H. Diamond (X) ET (Imp IRL) (IE311317 690143) Sire - Mara Epic (X)(DH) (UK201977 400134) D. Mara Blossom 26th (DH) (UK201977 100068) S. Clipston Bowman (DH) (UK201909 200038) Dam - Lowergrove Blossom (UK288198 100002) D. Mara Blossom U12 (DH) (UK201977 100019) Running with Border Burlington J35 - UK300364 401334 from 05/06/15 to 22/10/15. PD'd in calf 22/10/15. Attractive, sweet natured heifer from our favourite "Blossom" family. Full sister retained. An exciting prospect. "Burlington J35" has a TI +50 & SRI +60. Member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.2 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.1 36% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.6 27% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +19 50% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +38 52% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +49 55% +58

+3 35% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.1 38% -0.1

+0.4 34% +0.3

+0.4 34% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.4 50% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

121 Greenyards 1 Kissangel M315 (P) UK312145 600315

Born 28/11/2014

S.Greenyards 1 Euripides (P) (UK312145 100058) Sire - Greenyards 1 Henry (P) (UK312145 600161) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) S. CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S (Semen)(Imp CAN) (C02880797) Dam - Greenyards 1 Kissangel J188 (P) AI (UK312145 500188) D. Greenyards 1 Kissangel (P) (UK542756 100120) BW 32kg. "Henry" sire of "Jubilee" Female Champion HCB Christmas Calf Show 2014 & "Legend" Show Champion HCS S&S 2015. "J188" "Stamina" cow out of full sister to "Eagle" sire of Bull of the Year 2014. "M315" a modern heifer, great loin & top muscle development. Group reared, fed entirely on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.5 34% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.4 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.2 23% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 53% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +51 48% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +60 49% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 26% -0.1

+0.6 23% +0.3

+0.6 23% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.0 65% +2.1

Milk -+5

PJ & AC Allman

122 Greenyards 1 Kay M319 (P) AI UK312145 300319

Born 04/12/2014

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Dam - Greenyards 1 Kay F95 (P) (UK312145 300095) D. Baldinnie 1 Kay 10th (P) AI (UK541851 600086) BW 36kg. A heifer showing great genetics. Mixture of Baldinnie female lines with top Australian genetics in Wirruna Daffy D1. Group reared, fed entirely on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.3 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.8 31% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) +0.7 68% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.8 33% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +21 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +42 55% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +53 56% +58

+4 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.4 36% -0.1

+0.7 36% +0.3

+0.7 36% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) -0.1 70% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

123 Greenyards 1 Echo M346 (P) AI UK312145 200346

Born 19/03/2015

S.Mount Difficult Fellis Y12 AI (MTTY12) Sire - Wirruna Daffy D1 (Semen)(Imp AUS) (WNAD1) D. Mount Difficult Last Day A205 (MTTA205) S. Greenyards 1 Flynn (P) (UK312145 500097) Dam - Greenyards 1 Echo K242 (P) (UK312145 300242) D. Dendor 1 Echo 6th (P) (UK700495 500147) BW 42kg. A smart "Daffy" heifer with loads of potential. Dam's half sister "Lotty" Female of the Year 2010. Group reared, fed entirely on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +2.1 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.6 28% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) +1.1 67% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +3.2 34% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +26 58% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 55% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +66 55% +58

+4 36% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.0 39% -0.1

+1.1 38% +0.3

+1.1 38% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +1.8 68% +2.1


PJ & AC Allman

124 Greenyards 1 Grace M354 (P) UK312145 300354

Born 10/05/2015

S.Greenyards 1 Archie (P) AI (UK306162 100006) Sire - Greenyards 1 Flynn (P) (UK312145 500097) D. Graceland 1 Truelove (P) (UK24248 6833) S. Mosston Muir 1 Crawford (P) AI (UK540221 600144) Dam - Greenyards 1 Grace G109 (P) (UK312145 300109) D. Dendor 1 Contessa 5th (P) (1XFL/S27/31) BW 44kg. We don't sell many of this breeding. A "Flynn" heifer out of the family that has produced "Archie" and "June", Bull and Female of the Year 2006 and other show Champions. Group reared, fed entirely on home grown feed. Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.7 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.8 36% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 55% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 51% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 51% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +4.0 65% +2.1

Milk -+5

Newtoncroft Farms

125 Newtoncroft 1 Truelove 278 (P) UK200308 700278

Born 23/12/2014

S.RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (Imp CAN) (RLOA/37U/20) Sire - Leos Pride 1 Ellis (P) AI (UK183306 200044) D. Leos Pride 1 Elisia-Rose (P) AI (UK183306 300010) S. Dorepoll 1 10H Headliner (S) AI (UK041215 4437) Dam - Newtoncroft 1 Truelove 76 (P) AI (UK200308 100076) D. Newtoncroft 1 Lady Butler N11 (P) AI (1AXN/N11/28) "Ellis" 2010 Bull of the Year. Top price bull in Hereford market 2010 - 7,000gns. "Truelove 76" had 2 Championships in 2010. Our best breeding line in herd. Overstocking forces sale. Member of Biobest Health Scheme. Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.5 45% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +3.2 40% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 49% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 46% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +66 46% +58

+8 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.1 55% +2.1


AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

126 Cleland 1 Oyster Gem 30th (P) UK286682 100463

Born 19/03/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 Crown Royal (P) (UK041215 4927) Sire - Bromley 1 Midas (S) (UK300694 700521) D. Bosa 1 Mindbender Lass 402 (P) (UK301116 300402) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Oyster Gem 15th (P) (UK286682 500313) D. Cleland 1 Oyster Gem 5th (P) (UK286682 100148) Running with Cleland 1 Luther - UK286682 500474 from 02/12/15 to 14/01/16 Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +4.7 39% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.5 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.0 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +23 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +59 65% +58

+2 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.5 49% -0.1

+0.2 45% +0.3

+0.2 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.4 69% +2.1


AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

127 Cleland 1 Glissade 20th (P) UK286682 200485

Born 30/04/2014

S.Dorepoll 1 Crown Royal (P) (UK041215 4927) Sire - Bromley 1 Midas (S) (UK300694 700521) D. Bosa 1 Mindbender Lass 402 (P) (UK301116 300402) S. Dendor 1 Toff (P) AI (UKM9000 00254) Dam - Titcomb 1 Glissade 2nd (P) (UK286682 600027) D. Fisher 1 Glissade L32 (P) AI (1XHT/L32/26) Running with Cleland 1 Luther - UK286682 500474 from 02/12/15 to 14/01/16 Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +5.6 40% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.1 35% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) -1.2 37% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +22 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +46 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +52 67% +58

+0 43% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.5 50% -0.1

-0.3 45% +0.3

-0.3 45% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +0.7 70% +2.1


AE Nesbitt Farms Ltd

128 Cleland 1 Clover 8th (P) UK286682 300486

Born 01/05/2014

S.NS Keno 005 (Service Sire)(P) (397264/02) Sire - Moeskaer Keno 1222 AI ET (Imp DNK) (69957-01222) D. Golden-Oak 1G Kashmir 7K (C02765935) S. Seaconpoll 1 Rumpus (P) AI (UK151791 13042) Dam - Cleland 1 Clover 5th (P) (UK286682 400354) D. Cleland 1 Clover 3rd (P) (UK286682 600146) Running with Cleland 1 Luther - UK286682 500474 from 02/12/15 to 14/01/16 Organic (Soil Association). Member of Hi Health Herdcare Cattle Health Scheme (Biobest). Accredited Leptospirosis and IBR Free (05/11/15). Johnes Risk Level 1 (19/11/15). Eligible for Retest February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.3 38% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 30% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.7 38% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +25 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +43 64% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +58 67% +58

+2 38% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 51% -0.1

+0.4 46% +0.3

+0.4 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +2.7 68% +2.1


DJ Makin

129 Adzor Magnolia (DH) UK300916 200120

Born 09/09/2014

S.GH Simba 21E (Semen) ET (Imp CAN) (GAH/21E/128) Sire - Elms School Yogi Bear (DH) AI (UK301149 500015) D. Elms School Tipple (DH) (UK301149 200005) S. Free Town Baron (DH) AI (UK301210 200337) Dam - Hollingwood Lily (DH) AI (UK306139 500440) D. Llanthony Dawn (DH) (UK724077 700245) Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.0 36% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.4 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 57% +58

+8 37% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.8 67% +2.1


DJ Makin

130 Adzor Mockingbird (X) (DH) UK300916 500123

Born 13/09/2014

S.GH Simba 21E (Semen) ET (Imp CAN) (GAH/21E/128) Sire - Elms School Yogi Bear (DH) AI (UK301149 500015) D. Elms School Tipple (DH) (UK301149 200005) S. Mara Archer (DH) (UK201977 300056) Dam - Mara Bonny 36th (X)(DH) (UK201977 200195) D. Mara Bonny 27th (X)(DH) (UK201977 700144) Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.2 35% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.6 32% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 57% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 56% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 54% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +3.3 66% +2.1

Milk -+5

DJ Makin

131 Adzor Magic (X) (DH) UK300916 300135

Born 16/10/2014

S.GH Simba 21E (Semen) ET (Imp CAN) (GAH/21E/128) Sire - Elms School Yogi Bear (DH) AI (UK301149 500015) D. Elms School Tipple (DH) (UK301149 200005) S. F.H. Diamond (X) ET (Imp IRL) (IE311317 690143) Dam - Mara Bonny 24th (X)(DH) (UK201977 300133) D. Mara Bonny T6 (DH) (UKNS0582 00054) Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme. February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.9 37% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.2 34% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) --




Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 59% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 59% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 57% +58

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











Birth Wt. (kg) +4.1 67% +2.1

Milk -+5

G & MC Shepherd

132 4 x GRADE 1 EMBRYOS:S. Spurstow 1 Recruit 1st (P) AI ET (Imp USA) (UK172412 300111) Service Sire - Romany 1 Lawbreaker RE L23 (P) UK562010 701002 D. Romany 1 Dawn A84 G2 (P) (UK562010 300676) S. Baybridge 1 Atlas (P) AI (UK341166 100084) Donor Dam - Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) D. Romany 1 Jane R5 B38 (P) (UK562010 700351) Four Embryos from the 2014 Joint Poll Female of the Year, by Cogent's latest star "Lawbreaker". "Jane's" embryo's show good fertility. Please note there will be an additional Registration.

42.00 Semen Royalty fee due at the time of Calf

Donor Dam - Romany 1 Jane A51 E66 (P) (UK562010 200598) February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.3 46% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.4 44% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.2 56% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) +2.1 47% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +2.7 45% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 63% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 67% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +81 63% +58

+3 57% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.1 54% -0.1

+0.9 49% +0.3

+0.9 49% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.6 62% +2.1


Service Sire - Romany 1 Lawbreaker RE L23 (P) UK562010 701002 February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +1.3 29% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.7 27% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.1 74% +0.6


Gest. Len. (days) -+0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +6.5 44% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +37 60% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +66 62% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +89 57% +58

+11 41% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+1.2 49% -0.1

+1.4 46% +0.3

+1.4 46% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.3 52% +2.1


J & W McMordie

133 3 x GRADE A EXPORTABLE EMBRYOS:S. Udel 1 R51 Vindicator (P) (IE371040 660450) Service Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P) (UK93313 22887) D. Solpoll 1 Dainty U10 (P) (UK3313 19107) S. RLOA R271 Dynasty 37U (P) ET (RLOA/37U/20) Donor Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet E21 (P) AI (UK9330013 23952) D. Solpoll 1 Starlet W6 (P) ( UK93313 20367) Full siblings to Lot 9 ("Starlet M8"), "Jethro" second top price April 2013 Show & sale and to "Starlet M10", NI Calf Show Female Champion. "Dynamite" an outstanding show and breeding bull, "Dynasty" a renowned female breeder. Embryos are stored with Kilpatrick Cattle ET, Ayr and are exportable Donor Dam - Solpoll 1 Starlet E21 (P) AI(UK9330013 23952) February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.7 58% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.2 55% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.8 56% +0.6

+47 60% +36

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Gest. Len. (days) +0.9 55% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.4 46% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 72% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 71% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 73% +58

+6 69% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.2 54% -0.1

+0.2 49% +0.3

+0.2 49% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +3.1 78% +2.1


Service Sire - Solpoll 1 Dynamite (P)(UK93313 22887) February 2016 Hereford BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.14 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -24.4 83% -0.5

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.7 78% -1.0

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.8 90% +0.6

+50 77% +36

Gest. Len. (days) +3.6 84% +0.8 Eye Muscle Area (Sq.cm) +1.4 65% +1.7

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 90% +25

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 90% +45

600 Day Wt.(kg) +85 90% +58

+3 83% +5

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.8 71% -0.1

+1.0 68% +0.3

+1.0 68% -0.1





Birth Wt. (kg) +4.5 94% +2.1


Important Notice To Prospective Purchasers ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE Can all purchasers please complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.

Please fold and detach along this perforation


Brightwells Ltd.

Alternatively it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale

SALE….……………………………………………………………………………..…………….………………. DATE……………….………………………………………………………………..………….…………………. TRADING NAME………………….……………………………………..……………………………………. PARTNERS NAMES (if applicable)…………..…………………………………………………………. ………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..……………………………….….………………………………………… FULL POSTAL ADDRESS…………………………..…………………………………………………………. …………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..….……………………………………….………………………………… POSTCODE………………………….…………………………………….………………………………………. TEL. NO. ……………………………………………...…………………….……………………………………. BRIGHTWELLS ACCOUNT NO. (if known)…………………………………………..………………. HOLDING NO. …………………………………….……………………………………………………………. HERD/FLOCK PREFIX …………………………………………………………………………… LOT NUMBER(s) …………….…………………………………………….…………………..…

AWARDS Females Class 1

First £ 25:00

Second £ 20:00

Third £ 15:00

Fourth £ 10:00

2 3 Female Champion (The Stanton Long Challenge Cup) £50-00 Reserve _________________


Bulls 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Male Champion (The Rowington Challenge Cup) £50-00 _________________

Reserve _________________

Autumn Show & Sale – Tuesday 11th October, 2016

Hereford Market Livestock Centre Roman Road Hereford HR4 7AN

Tel: 01432 761882

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