Catalogue ÂŁ5
Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale At The Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern, WR13 6NW Incorporating The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale
Wednesday 28th October 2015 The country’s leading Sport and Riding Horse sale
01568 619777
Location Map For further information please call 01568 619777 or email: Brightwells Auctioneers, Horse and Pony Dept., Easters Court, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0DE. Fax 01568 619710
Three Counties Show Ground WR13 6NW
MALVERN PERFORMANCE HORSE & PONY SALE Conduct of Sale Performance & Viewing Period 8.00 am onwards. Sale Commences 11.00 am PASSPORTS NOTES The Horse Passports (England) Regulations 2004 state that ‘after 28th February 2005 no person shall sell a horse without a passport’. All Horses and Ponies entered at Brightwells Sales after February 28th 2005 must travel to the sales with their Passport, except foals sold at foot which are under 6 months old. The passport must be surrendered to the Auctioneers on arrival at the sale site. If no passport is presented we will be unable to offer that entry and all entry fees will be forfeited.The authenticity and accuracy of each entry's passport is the sole responsibility of the vendor. Any inaccuracies that may occur should be dealt with between the vendor and purchaser. Fur full details on The Horse Passports (England) Regulations 2004 please contact DEFRA on 0207 9048164 or via the website
IMPORTANT All persons attending do so entirely at their own risk. Horses can be dangerous, especially when handling those with which you are not familiar. Please do not enter those areas and walkways reserved for horses. Riders must wear hard hats at all times on the showground.
Wednesday 28th October 2015 Sale day Telephone numbers: 07778 110 837
General Information Situation The Sale will be held at the Three Counties Showground, Great Malvern, WR13 6NW. The site is signed from the Motorway and all major roads. All boxes and cars enter through the Yellow Gate. Delivery/ Stabling Loose boxes will be available for all Lots from 5.00pm on the Tuesday evening - gates are open until 9.00p.m. All those vendors arriving in the evening are warned that not all stables have lighting and that certain areas, in and around, the stable facility are unlit. You are advised to bring adequate torches or illumination if arriving the night before. The stable gates will re-open at 7.30am. Please note there will be no admittance outside these hours. Lots must be on sale premises by 10.00am on day of sale. All box allocations will be dealt with by The Stable Manager, Mr. Derek Morgan (Tel: 07798 881345). The Stable Manager’s office is at the end of the Brightwells Stable Blocks. Straw will be available. Hay, water buckets and mangers are NOT supplied by the Showground. We regret that under no circumstances will stabling be made available for horses not entered for the sale. Please ensure that your lot has adequate food and water throughout the sale day. Viewing Ridden Horses will show their paces and ability in the Trials Area between 8.00am and 11.00am. It is hoped that all Vendors will make full use of the trial grounds and jumps to show their horses to the best advantage. Trial rides for any prospective purchaser may be offered at the vendor’s discretion, on the understanding that all risk and responsibility for any incidents or accident are at the risk of the trial rider and not with the vendor, vendor’s agent or the auctioneers. Reserve Prices Unless written instructions are lodged with the Auctioneer on the form provided, lots will be sold without reserve. Commission Bids Should any prospective purchaser be unable to attend the sale the Auctioneers will personally be pleased to execute Commissions on their behalf at no extra charge, Lots being obtained as cheaply as other bids allow. Private Sales All private sales made on the Sale Day must be booked through the Auctioneers. Pass Outs No Lots will be allowed to leave the Sale Premises until a Pass Out has been obtained from the Office. In the event of labels missing from Lots, these will not be allowed to leave until identified to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer’s Representative. Commission Fees/ Buyer’s Premium Horses will be sold in Pounds (£) Sterling. Vendors will be deducted a commission of 6% plus VAT or £50 +VAT, whichever is the greater. 10% including VAT Buyers Premium will be added to Purchasers account. Purchaser Registration and Payment terms Purchasers will be required to pre-register and obtain a buyer’s number. All Lots must be paid for prior to collection. Cheques will only be accepted from persons previously known to the Auctioneers, unless arrangements are made with Barclays Bank Business Centre, Hereford. Cash and all major credit cards are accepted. For those paying by Credit Card (other than debit and switch cards) a 3% (plus VAT) Bankers Charge will be added to all purchasers accounts. Clearance All lots, whether sold or not, must be removed from the Showground before 5.30pm on the day of Sale. Any lots left after this time will be locked in their stables and overnight charges will be made to the Purchaser or Vendor, unless prior arrangements are made with the Auctioneer and Three Counties Showground. Registrations Registration has been checked by the Auctioneers on Vendors information only. They are believed to be correct but responsibility is entirely the Vendors. Amenities
A list of Hotels and Guest Houses is printed in the Catalogue. For those staying on the Showground, hot showers will be available in the toilet blocks. Catering Hot and cold meals together with snacks will be available from 8.30 am. SOUNDNESS CONDITIONS OF SALE This sale is held under the Conditions of Sale printed herein, with the important proviso that warranties as to Veterinary Correctness cease to have effect once the Horse has been removed from the Sale Premises. An independent panel of Veterinary Surgeons will be pleased to examine lots on behalf of Purchasers, at a Fee of £180.00 including VAT for a full vetting or £80 including VAT for a part vetting payable in advance of the vetting and paid directly to the vet by either cash or cheque. The full examination will include blood being taken. With the important proviso that if any Horse fails the Veterinary Examination the Vendor has the right to request a second opinion by the Chief Veterinary Surgeon at a fee of £25.00 including VAT Whose opinion shall be binding on both Vendor and Purchaser. PROCEDURE 1. Purchasers must submit in writing to the Veterinary Office - situated at the end of the stables, application on the appropriate form, that they require examination within one hour of the time of purchase. Note: Time is of the essence - late applications will result in loss of warranty 2. Payment will be required in advance. If payment need be added to purchaser’s account, please notify sales office as soon as possible after purchase. 3. Examination will only take place on production of written authorisation from the Veterinary Office. 4. Vendors should consult the Sales Office and board exhibited outside the Veterinary Office, which will list those lots for which examination has been requested and arrange for presentation at examination. 5. Whilst Lots are the responsibility of Purchasers from the Fall of Hammer - Vendors are responsible for producing the Horse for examination, providing all Tack, Equipment and if necessary a Rider. 6. Should the Veterinary Surgeon acting on behalf of the Purchaser find that the horse is in his/her opinion returnable under the Conditions of Sale, the Auctioneers’ retained Veterinary Surgeon will then be called to examine the horse on behalf of the Vendor, and to make a joint decision as to whether or not the horse complies with the catalogue description. 7. Commission at half the standard rate will be charged on all returned Lots. PURCHASERS PLEASE NOTE: (VETERINARY EXAMINATION) The Veterinary Surgeons in attendance do not consider it advisable to test very young horses for wind unless they have been previously lunged. NOTE: Veterinary Examination are to safe guard all parties. Time consuming procedures will be expedited if both Purchaser and Vendors ensure that they are present and have the Horse ready for inspection when called. Immediate registration of requirement of Examination is strongly advised. Our Conditions of Sale have, after consultation with Veterinary and other experts, been updated in accordance with modern trends and legislation. The aim is to provide even more protection to both Vendor and Purchaser Please note:- Half commission is payable by the vendor on all horses turned down by the Veterinary Panel whatever the reason. SPECIAL NOTICE TO VENDORS: You have signed an undertaking not to sell your Lot(s) prior to the day of sale. We trust that everyone will abide with this rule as withdrawals only mean wasted journeys and disappointment for potential buyers. A penalty of £100 plus full commission on Reserve Price and debarment from future sales will be levied on those in breach. This penalty also applies for sales made privately on the sale premises and not booked through the Auctioneers. Please Note: All Lots will be checked in through the gates and only permitted to leave with the appropriate pass from the Office. The Auctioneers reserve the right to random blood test any horse for prohibitive substances. Any vendor’s animal showing signs of coughing or other contagious & infectious disease symptoms may be asked by the veterinary surgeon to remove the Lot immediately.
ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF SALE Vendors please note the following Supplementary Conditions (to be drawn to your attention by order of HM Customs and Excise). HM Customs and Excise Rules Would all Vendors note that we (Brightwells) will raise a self-billing Tax Invoice for the proceeds of any goods in this or any other Sale held by us? It is a Customs and Excise requirement that this is the only Tax Invoice raised for those items. We must have your VAT Registration Number (where appropriate) together with your name and address for inclusion on any self-billing Tax Invoice raised by ourselves. You must notify us immediately if your VAT Registration Number is cancelled or if you are issued with a new VAT Registration Number. Any Vendor not agreeing to this system of Self Billing Tax Invoices being raised by us must notify us prior to the commencement of the Sale. Regrettably, we can only operate with a Self-Billing System in place and therefore will not sell the goods of any vendor who is unable to accept this system. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHARTED SURVEYORS MEMBER’S ACCOUNTS REGULATIONS 1993 NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER REGULATION 2A This market is not required to comply with requirements of the Members’ Accounts Regulations of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. No monies paid to this market are covered by any scheme for this protection of clients’ money operated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors for whom a more detailed explanation can be obtained by writing to the Standards and Practice Department, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3AD. HOTELS COTFORD HOTEL Graham Road, Great Malvern (3 miles) HOLDFAST COTTAGE HOTEL Marlbank Road, Little Malvern (2 miles) COTTAGE IN THE WOOD Holywell Road, Malvern Wells (1 miles) CORSE LAWN HOUSE HOTEL Corse Lawn, Tewkesbury (8 miles) THE ABBEY HOTEL Great Malvern PUCKRUP HALL Twyning, Tewkesbury
01684 574642 01684 310288 01684 573487 01452 780771 01684 892332 01684 296200
GUEST HOUSE, BED & BREAKFAST Amazing View Cowleigh Park Farm Little Kings Hill The Birches The Brambles The Old Coach House The Old Croque The Elms Myrtleberry Studio
01684 565808 01684 566750 01684 540589 01684 833821 01684 872994 01684 564382 01684 564522 01684 873466 01684 833648
LOCAL LIVERY Swallow Farm Livery, Wellington Heath, Ledbury
01531 633440
01684 893993 01531 633596 01684 564442 01684 575802
Sale Commences at 11.00am Lot 1
Vendor The Property of Mr T Passmore CHILLI, APPALOOSA MARE, 13 YEARS, 16HH APPROX. Sire: Capital Luke by Captain Cyril Registered: BAPS. Chilli is a quality thoroughbred type sports mare that has done a bit of everything: hunting, eventing, jumping and dressage, and hacks out on her own or in company. She has previously bred an Elite Sports foal who was shown as a young colt and then passed his full stallion approval. A real fun horse, Chilli is ready to hunt this winter, event next season, hack, do dressage, or be a proven top class broodmare for those wishing to breed sport horses with a dash of colour. The Property of Mr P Aulsebrook SELENE DANCER, BLACK MARE, 11 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Selene is a nice stamp of Fresian type that has been ridden around the farm by all members of the family. Does have a splint on one front leg. The Property of Mr H Jones CASPER, SKEWBALD GELDING, 10 YEARS, 17.2HH APPROX. Sire: Benbulbin Dam: Dirreen Sweden by Rhettsweden out of Dirreen Iren Lovely stamp of hunter, with lots of experience of hunting in Kerry Country (Ireland) and in England with the Albrighton Woodland and Worcestershire Hounds. Jumps ditches, hedges and gates. He is a real gentleman, and is good to clip, shoe, box and in traffic etc. Hacks out alone, in company and will ride and lead. Good with hounds and a great hunt servant’s horse. A genuine horse who was purchased in the September and has cubbed and hunted with us since. Sadly he is too tall for our country and is therefore not suitable for us (if only he was a hand or two smaller!). Passed a full 5 stage vetting on 9th September 2015. The Property of Rundlemead Stables MACKERSON, BAY GELDING, 9 YEARS, 17HH APPROX Sire: Ricardo Z by Rebel IIZ Dam: Kyleen Furisto by Furisto out of Clover Mill Registered: ISH A big, strong forward going Irish Sport Horse with a snaffle mouth. He is a brilliant jumper and has been hunted last season by a gentleman and a lady, proving to be bold with the ability to cross any country. Has been heard to make a noise, and is only for sale as doesn’t fill our requirements. Good to clip, shoe and box. The Property of Miss V Murray BABETTE H, BAY MARE, 9 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX Sire: Unesco by Karandasj Dam: Paulette H by Julio Mariner out of Cerza A good looking mare with a trainable attitude. She is not mareish and is good to box, shoe, clip etc and lives in or out with mares or geldings. 100% in traffic, but has been known to nap when hacking alone. Established flatwork and never scored below 60% in dressage. A natural and correct selfcarriage she is snaffle mouth in all fields. Previously competed at pony club/riding club level and has also hunted, proving to be mannerly. Would suit a competent teenager, young adult or would make a fantastic broodmare with her Darco/Blakeney bloodlines.
The Property of Mr. A Maculan TUNIKA Ii, GREY MARE, 9 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: King Kolibri (HAN) by Kolibri Dam: Tunika by DOnjour out of Trophae Tilly is a talented show jumper with a scopey, careful jump. She has double clears in foxhunter and won 385 points. Only started jumping as a 7 year old after breeding two foals in Germany. She is an exciting prospect for an ambitious rider and is sure to win many bigger classes. She is for sale through no fault of her own and has not been advertised prior to this sale. The Property of Mr D May ADMIRAL OF THE RED, CHESNUT GELDING, 8 YEARS, Registered Sport Horses Ireland An Irish hunt horse that has hunted in Ireland, the UK, and has whipped-in. This summer he has also been used in a riding school. A snaffle mouthed horse that Jumps, loads, farrier and vet. Currently in light work. An urgent reduction, forces a quick and sad sale
The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale The Chevalian consignment at today’s sale gives purchasers an excellent opportunity to secure some well-bred horses with good conformational qualities, coupled with positive competition and allround ridden abilities. This is a very much a genuine reduction sale, which has only been brought about by the impending sale of the Rickett family home near Ellesmere, in Shropshire. Most of the horses have been born, raised, grazed and educated at Pentreheylin in a traditional and proper manner by the Rickett family, and for many of them, this will be their first time away from home. By visiting the Rickett family website you will find further information regarding this successful enterprise along with photographs of many of the horses on sale today. Due to the circumstances that bring about this sale the horses will be sold as seen and are not offered under the conditions of sale that apply to the other entries in this catalogue. The consignment is however, open to viewing, any trial and veterinary inspections, by prior appointment at the family farm in the days leading up to the sale. Any visits to Pentreyheylin will be strictly by appointment only, and will not represent an opportunity to purchase any of the horses privately before the day of sale. For further enquiries on any of the Chevalian horses and to arrange a pre-sale visit then please telephone: Chris Rickett 07867 794029 or Rosie Rickett 07876 202 890. PURCHASERS PLEASE NOTE: The Chevalian horses, which include Lot numbers 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 45, 46, 47, 48, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70 will be stabled in the front of the first row of stables in a consecutive run, to ease handling and presentation.
The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale SPARKLING OPPOSITION (Billy), BAY GELDING, 18 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX Sire: Fleetwater Opposition Dam: Unknown A schoolmaster who is a former 3 star event horse and is currently competing BD elementary level with a teenage girl. He is easy in all respects and is good to hack out alone or in company. Good clean legs and is fit and sound.
The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale TOUCH DIAMOND (Sid), BAY GELDING, 11 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX Sire: Out Of Touch Dam: Last Orders by Diamond Lad The ultimate hunter! Hunted 5 seasons with the Wynnstay hounds. Won our gate jumping competition, clearing 1m60cm. He has evented at pony club open level and BE novice level.
CHEVALIAN CULT HEROINE (Oona), CHESNUT MARE, 9 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Cult Hero Dam: Fernhill Sparrow by The Wren Boy Oona is a striking mare that has evented up to Novice Level. She has a scopey jump and quality paces. Eventer bred, she previously had a foal in 2011 that has been retained.
CHEVALIAN HOT SHOT (Ed), BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Sire: Westpoint Quickfire Dam: Chevalian Amazing Grace by Fairlyn Gemini A stunning gelding. Fabulous moving horse. Endless scope with great technique over a fence. Has evented clear at BE90 Level. Currently Fun-riding and Autumn Hunting. PURCHASERS PLEASE NOTE: LOT NUMBERS 12, 36 & 64 will be stabled in consecutive boxes, and not in lot number order.
The Property of Miss R J Hartley LEON, BROWN GELDING, 8 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX. Sire: Nigrasine Dam: Dilly Lane Registered: Irish Horse register A good looking Irish gelding that has been hunted by a lady, for the last three seasons with the North Staff’s hounds. Very mannerly and jumping all types of country, he is a good mover with 3 nice paces. Good to box, catch clip and shoe. The Property of Miss J Proctor CLASSIC, BAY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: No Limit by Indoctro Dam: Utair Goldy by Voltaire out of Mygoldy Registered: KWPN An all-rounder who has £131.00 (59 points) BSJA. Has done all riding club activities, cross country, dressage and fun rides. Hacks out alone or in company. Good to clip, shoe and load. For sale as owner giving up riding due to work commitments. The Property of Mr A Brooks HAYESTOWN MOUNTAIN MAN, GREY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: It’s the Quiet Man by Clonfert Dam: Corravilla Lilly by Mourne Mountain Star out of Corravilla Girl Registered: ISH Full Irish Draught hunter, with lots of presence and well up to height. Hunted in Ireland over banks and ditches, he is a powerful horse but is light to ride with a good gallop and jump. Very willing and hacks out alone or in company. A joy to handle with impeccable stable manners, he is good to shoe, box, clip and in traffic. Ready to go on and excel in the hunting field. Genuine reason for sale as his gentleman owner has retired.
The Property of Mr A Whewall NICHOLAS DIAMOND, BAY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: Pro-Set by Jetset D Dam: Sweet Diamond by My Rough Diamond out of Sweet Electra Registered: SHB (GB) Extensive eventing experience with 25 BE points, three wins at novice level and an open novice win. Clear intermediate with scope to go advanced. Spent 2014/15 season hunting predominately 3 times a fortnight with the Cotswold hunt. An outstanding jump and will lead the field over anything and stay out all day. Sad sale of a horse we’ve had since a three year old. The Property of Miss K Stephens DYNAMIQUE DANCER, BAY MARE, 7 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX. Sire: Sandros Dancer by Sandro Hit Gorgeous mare with good breeding and Dimaggio in her bloodlines. Consistently scoring 68% at novice level dressage, jumping 90cm tracks with ease and has been cross country schooled at 1 metre, where she has proved to be bold and careful. Good in all aspects, and a pleasure to hack alone and in company. This mare would be a fantastic addition for any competitive rider. The Property of Miss V Heal TAWNMORE CHIPPY LASS, GREY MARE, 7 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: Chippison by Cavalier Royale Dam: Kileatunna by Ballinvella out of Johnnys Fancy Registered: IHR A lovely mare who is 100% to box, clip, shoe, catch and in traffic. Goes nicely on the flat and jumps colored and natural fences, and is fine with water, banks and ditches. The Property of Ms K L Hobson DANDY GLLINDILLO, BAY GELDING, 7 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX. Bred for polo he has been used in a polo school. Also used as a hack and for checking stock. Lovely kind temperament and easy to ride. Snaffle mouth (English or Western). Not a nasty bone in his body and very easy to do. Good in the yard and with other horses. Very reluctant, but urgent reduction force his sale. The Property of Mrs. C Rosselli LADY OF REBEL, GREY MARE, 7 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX Sire: Ros Rebel by Glenagyle Rebel Dam: Bawnslieve Lady by Kealdearra Pride of Clover out of Capparoe Girl Registered: IHR An extremely smart, well-schooled competition horse with an excellent BE record. Easy to look after and load. She has hunted and show jumped at unaffiliated level. Would suit a competition home. The Property of Mr P Aulsebrook LOOKING ON, BAY GELDING, 7 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX Sire: Observatory by Distant View Dam: Dove Tree by Charnwood Forest Registered: Weatherbys ‘Smartie’ is a fantastic horse who enjoys hacking out. He has been on fun rides and popped over logs etc. He has been show jumping and really enjoyed it. He has had firing to both front legs.
The Property of Mr P Hatton JOE, CHESNUT GELDING, 7 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX. Registered: Weatherbys Joe is a fantastic model of a horse. He has been to local shows and showed great ability in all areas. Lots of scope to jump and has a natural build giving him a good outline on the flat. He has also hunted on odd days over the past two seasons.
ELIBRAVA DI, BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX. Sire: Libra K by Libero H Dam: Vaya Zh by Elcaro out of Kastanje(Ster) Registered: AES Stunning horse with eye-catching paces. He was broken earlier this year and has done unaffiliated showjumping, dressage and cross country events. Super, brave and honest he has also been hunting this season and has been fine with other horses either waiting or leading. Good to box, shoe and clip. Very well bred and out of a top KWPN mare.
HARTHILL ALICE, BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX. Sire: Grafenstolz by Polarion Dam: Evelith Princess (TB) by Overbury out of Forest Nymph Registered: SHB (GB) A superstar for the future! Well-bred dressage horse with an amazing and very rare jump. She was broken last year and has been brought on over the summer. Been there, done it all and now ready to go and affiliate. Good to box, shoe and clip, she hacks out alone, or in company across open fields and on busy roads.
The Property of Miss J Smith SOLERA TIME, BAY MARE, 6 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Sire: Librett Dam: Sophiejo Sollie is a retrained racehorse. Forward going but an extremely safe ride. A great hack, alone and in company and an all-rounder. Competed in unaffiliated show jumping and dressage. Calm in all situations, not fizzy or silly. Snaffle mouth. BE evented 2014 (Solera Time) up to BE100 showing great promise. Vaccinations and worming up to date. Does have a splint and sarcoid. SPIRIT OF PEACE, SKEWBALD GELDING, 6 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX Monty has been professionally backed by Richard Walker and ridden away - however due to family illness he has not been brought back into work. Forward going, and with a can do attitude to his work. Would make an ideal hunter. Has a massive scopey jump. Good to handle. Clean legs, no history of lameness. The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale, cont. CHEVALIAN BOLD Z (Phil), BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Crown Z Dam: Pompidu by Calvados A striking gelding. Very careful horse with fabulous neat technique. Has show jumped at 1m. Hunted with Wynnstay hounds. Has good conformation.
The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale, cont. CHEVALIAN SWEET DISPOSITION (Penny), CHESNUT MARE, 6 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Sire: Libra K Dam: Mervita by Recruut A fabulous moving horse, capable of Pure Dressage. Has competed BE 90/100 Level and led the dressage on most occasions. Great show-jumper with careful jump. Bred a foal in 2013.
CHEVALIAN RISING STAR (Star), BLACK MARE, 6 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Primitive Rising Dam: Woodbine French Royale by Cavalier A stunning mare who has hunted with the Wynnstay 2014/15 Season. Very bold over large hedge country and mannerly at the meet. Has done unaffiliated dressage, show-jumping and cross-country. Fun all-rounder. Bred a foal in 2012.
CHEVALIAN ELITE (Katie), BLACK MARE, 4 YEARS, 15.1HH APPROX Sire: Revolution Dam: Zazou by No Limit A sweet natured little mare. Nicely put together. Backed but currently not in work. Has been hacking and lightly schooled. Proving quiet and good to do.
CHEVALIAN ASBACH (Jeff), BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX. Sire:Grafenstolz Dam: Pompidu by Calvados A very handsome horse. Well put together with great movement. Backed but currently not in work. Has been hacking and lightly schooled. His full sister, a 5 year old, is successfully competing at BE100 level, and has placings at BE90 level. Lovely to do.
The Property of Mrs P Grahame Knowles LISSANGLE SUPERVELLA, BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: Malmsey (USA) by Topsider Dam: Ballinvella Champ by Ballinvella out of Chelomar Champ Registered: ISH Marley is an upstanding big horse with lovely paces and temperament. He has won and been placed at BE novice this year with 8 points and achieved approx. 14 BD points in two outings, as well as winning at unaffiliated elementary level with a score of 74%. Alternatively he would make a fantastic gentleman’s hunter and will have seen hounds by the time of sale. Occasional head shaker in hot weather. The Property of Mrs H Haddock LAKER, GREY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX. Sire: Lakeshore Road Dam: Black Stairs Blue by Ghareeb Registered: Irish Horse Register An impressive horse with great conformation and movement. This season he has autumn hunted with The Ledbury hounds, the North Staffordshire as well as previously over in Ireland. Purchased in September, where he passed a full 5 stage vetting, from the Brightwells Malvern Sale, his owners’ ill health force a reluctant and unexpected early sale, of a horse that has real quality, and is of the sort, hard to find.
The Property of Mr. & Mrs. K Williams WOODSHEADS NEVER TOO LATE, DARK BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Foxcourt Andante by Abraham Dam: Bishops Zilla by Zayir out of Bishops Greylag A very exciting opportunity to purchase a young horse with an amazing future. He has been successfully shown as a sports horse/lightweight hunter, and has won many championships to date. He is broken and riding well, although brought on slowly and allowed to mature. He is a very kind and gentle horse who loves attention. He travels, loads well and is good with the farrier and to catch etc. He will never bite or kick. With his free moving, uphill paces he would excel in the show ring or dressage arena, or even as an attractive, genuine horse to hunt. The Property of Miss. M Stewart-Wood FOURTH SUMMERTIME, CHESNUT MARE, 6 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX Sire: Gareeb Registered: ISH An attractive straight moving mare with 3 lovely paces, and a snaffle mouth. Very sweet temperament, and easy to handle, load and shoe etc. Hacks alone or in company and schools well on the flat. Has hunted, done cross country and unaffiliated dressage, scoring 68%. Would show as a large hack or intermediate. Lack of time forces sale. The Property of Mr M Frenken CASHGO CHEN Z, DARK BAY/BALCK MARE, 6 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: Casmir Z by Cathargo Z Dam: Lace by Boreas out of Beauty Registered: Zangersheide Studbook A stunning mare with a bold, scopey jump and beautiful paces. Has competed show jumping and dressage and will also make a great hunter. The Property of Miss R Hartley SHANBOLEY HARRY, CHESNUT GELDING, 5 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Registered: IHR A very smart Irish horse with 3 accurate paces and a very balanced ride. He was hunted in Ireland last winter and since been imported and has show jumped on a ticket around 1metre courses, and has done some BE90 eventing this summer successfully. Harry is good to box, catch, clip and shoe. He is a talented little horse that can turn his hoof to any job. Traffic proof and good to hack. The Property of Miss F Hickey (Mane Matters) BLUE, BLUE & WHITE MARE, 5 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Sire: Corna Blu by Carrabawn View Dam: Ballyneety Venture by Newmarket Venture out of Glin Diamond Registered: IHR A super hunter or all-rounder. Hunted with the Scarteen in Ireland and schooled cross country and show jumped. Lovely temperament, and an easy, safe, honest mare. Has a tiny sarcoid on her belly.
The Property of Mrs. L Partridge BALOU, DARK BAY GELDING, 5 YEARS, 15.1HH APPROX Sire: Paper Moon Dam: Great Grove Omana Backed in 2014, worked quietly and hacked out. Turned away due to owner’s pregnancy and needs to be brought back into work to start winter schooling. A sweet nature and willing to learn. A promising prospect for the future. The Property of Mrs. B Yates FELINE, BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 16HH APPROX Sire: Amazing Star by Flemmingh Dam: Onzela by Jazz out of Ursela Registered: KWPN Feline has top quality breeding, stunning looks and the real WoW factor movement! Imported from Holland at the start of 2015 she has been shown very successfully in-hand, and has recently been backed and just begun to be ridden away. Turned away for the past few weeks due to making room for this year’s foals being weaned. She is an easy horse to do in all ways on the ground. Needs riding away now and will make a top end dressage horse in no time. It’s not often this breeding is found in the UK.
WAYBULOO, SKEWBALD MARE, 5 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX Registered: IHR A seriously smart looking mare who is fit and has started her hunting career this season (autumn hunting and hound exercise). Proving to be exceptionally well mannered and behaved, she stands like a rock at the meet, and has taken on a few small hedges and dykes, and never looks or says no. She rides well anywhere in the field, including at the front or back, and has been schooled and hacked at home by a teenager, who is aiming towards her first dressage competition in the coming weeks. Would make a great field master or whip’s horse.
CHALOU N (Daisy), BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 16HH APPROX. Sire: Le Toquet by Limoncello II Dam: L-Candela by Coriander out of Daune Registered: Holsteiner (Pink Papers) Pink papers, branded, gorgeous looking, movement like no other and a huge talented jump – what more could anyone want in a horse to take through the grades!!! An immaculate mare with not a scar, scratch or blemish on her. 100% sound and easy to do in every way. She was broken abroad, as a 4 year old and turned away before being imported. For the last 3 months she has been back in work, and is undoubtedly a star of the future. Well balanced with established canter changes and a huge and brave impressive jump.
The Property of Miss Z Zhang SCOTLAND YARD, BROWN GELDING, 5 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Stenograph by Stakkato Dam: Elster by Escudi I out of St. Pr. Sri Lanka Registered: Hanoverian. A very correct and well-made young gelding who possess an exceptionally good, loose jumping talent, and has first class bloodlines on both sides of his pedigree.
The Property of Mrs C W Mastin RED ROBYNETTE, BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX. Sire: Sula Bula Dam: Ruby’s Revenge by Granton Rufus out of Church Park Susie Registered: SHB(GB) Quality mare that was backed as a 4 year old and then turned away. Now in work she has had basic training and is showing a good bold jump. Her sire competed at 3* eventing and her dam’s sire was a Grade A show jumper. This mare has a good mix of blood and is a good prospect to be trained on to event or show jump. The Property of Mrs K Hirst LORD DOMINO, BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Obos Quality by Quick Star Dam: Soolmoy Lucy by Lux Z Registered: IHR A fabulous, bold and scopey jumping horse. Currently jumping 1metre courses with 15 SJI points. Great attitude and temperament to work and excellent to hack, both alone or in company, and good in traffic. Good to shoe, box and clip. Potential top class show jumper or eventer. The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale cont. CHEVALIAN TITAN (Tyrone), BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX Sire: Grafenstolz Dam: Chipie Z by Chellano Z A very striking gelding. In light work. Fabulous moving horse with unbelievable presence. Scopey jump with great technique. Well put together. Very exciting prospect.
CHEVALIAN REVELLE (Silvie), BLACK MARE, 3 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX Sire: Revoloution Dam: Chevalian Rising Star by Primitive Star A very pretty mare with sweet manners. Nicely put together. Unbacked but bitted. Lovely to do.
CHEVALIAN SPRINT (Roy), BAY GELDING, 3 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Sire: Royaldik Dam: Danehill Storm by Statue Of Liberty A very handsome little horse with good conformation. Unbacked but bitted. Lovely to do.
CHEVALIAN LADY IN RED (Red), CHESNUT MARE, 2 YEARS Sire: Royaldik Dam: Pompidu by Calvados A well put together, eye catching filly. Has been bitted. Wormed and feet trimmed regularly. Friendly and easy to catch and handle.
The Property of Mrs. S Hawkins KATIE ROYAL, BAY MARE, 4 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX Sire: Welton Adonis Dam: Queenie An un-spoilt homebred with a super temperament. Good with the farrier, to load and with farm traffic. Well handled, moves well and is broken and ridden away. Now ready to go on and do a job. For sale due to lack of time and young family.
The Property of Miss C Earnshaw TRINITY SPA DIAMOND, BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Ghareeb Dam: Diamond Spa by Diamond Clover Registered: ISH This horse has exceptional correct straight movement and three very balanced paces. He hacks alone on the farm and on the roads. He is very established for his age, level headed and would be ideal for anyone to produce. He has a fantastic athletic technique over a jump, he is very straight to his fence, and jumps off any stride. He is currently competing unaffiliated dressage and show jumping, and now ready now to affiliate. He has been cross country schooling several times proving to be very bold and straight across the country. A very genuine horse. The Property of Mrs F Hickley (Mane Matters) BALLYNEETY CAVALIER, BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Diamond Roller by High Roller Dam: Butlers Circus by Errigal Flight out of Hooper Registered: IHR A fantastic hunter/jumper that is bold, scopey and careful. Hunted with Scarteen Hounds in Ireland. Very brave, honest, safe, easy and straightforward with a lovely temperament. The Property of Greenlands Farm Stud RITE OF SPRING, BLACK FILLY, 3 YEARS, 16HH APPROX. Sire: Stravinsky by Revlon Boy Dam: Pro-Miss by Pro-Setout of Sunset Song Registered: SHB (GB) Outstanding breeding, by Stravinsky out of a Pro-Set mare, with Young Horse Class potential. Correct conformation, and easy and willing. This filly is an exciting project, with a good and powerful stride and an outstanding temperament. Handled regularly since birth she takes it all in her stride. Recentyly started the breaking process, she is now working correctly in all 3 paces and is ready to take forward. A young horse that will provide a lot of satisfaction to her new owners and a horse that is sure to go on and excel. Can be seen on The Property of Mrs R Jones (BMJ Arabians) BMJ LUCA, BLACK GELDING, 2 YEARS. Sire: Noain by Official XXIX Dam: Donauwoge by Arystokrat out of Donauwelle VI Registered: SHB (GB) Superb sport horse gelding who is bred to excel. From graded parents with strong competitive backgrounds in both dressage and showing, Luca also carries the blood of the International eventer Amiego Strong. Clean limbed with correct conformation and elastic paces. No vices and has an easily trainable temperament. Very well handled and easy to do in all ways – rug, lead, tie, farrier, vet, and happily turns out/stables either alone and in company. He is regularly trimmed, wormed and vaccinated. A fabulous quality youngster who will be a joy to develop in any discipline. A horse that is sure to excel in the right hands.
Late Entries for the Supplementary catalogue will be accepted up until 9.00am on Monday 26th October.
The Property of Mrs R Jones (BMJ Arabians) BMJ CHOFI, CHESNUT FILLY, 1 YEAR, Sire: BMJ Chico by Dakota Ink Spots Dam: Ziva Registered: Arab Horse Society Sired by the reserve British National Champion at the AHS show in 2013, Chofi is an extremely pretty and correct type, of pony and Part Bred Arab breeding. She will be a perfect ridden pony for a child and possesses a a fabulous, genuine, kind and willing temperament. Inheriting the natural abilities of her sire and dam she moves well, is well handled and easy to do in all ways – rug, lead, tie, farrier, vet and to turn out and in the stable. Regularly trimmed, vaccinated and wormed. Chofi is sweet with a quality that is hard to find. Will make a super WHP and all-rounder. The Property of Mrs J Hives SKELTON MISS MELON, CHESNUT MARE, 10 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX. Sire: Mister Melon Dam: Skelton Jubilee Queen by Royston Supreme II Hunted with The Woodland Pytchley and Cottesmore hounds, and previously with the Readyfield Bloodhounds. Good to box, clip and shoe, and will hack on her own or in company. A genuine sale, as our daughter has now gone to University. Pony Section
The Property of Mr. A Maculan MANBYS MAISEY, GREY MARE, 13 YEARS, 12HH APPROX (124CMS) Maisy is a super jumping pony who loves her work. She has gained 83 BS points in very limited outings, and has numerous wins in affiliated and unaffiliated classes, including National Schools Championships 2014 at Addington. She lives in or out and is always ready for her work. She wears a sweet-itch rug in the summer and has a few melanomas under her tail, which have not grown in 1½ years. She is only for sale as she is sadly outgrown and has not been advertised prior to this sale. The Property of Mrs. J Morris BERTIE, BAY GELDING, 11 YEARS, 14.2HH APPROX A brilliant, jumping, hunting, competition pony, who has been in the same home for 5½ years. Hacks out in company or alone. He has evented intro and pre-novice with present owner, jumped double clears and is able to get inside the time. Hunted with the Farmers bloodhounds. Never been lame and an utterly straightforward character. The Property of Miss J Smith CEFNEGARN DEL, BROWN MARE, 10 YEARS, 14.2HH APPROX Sire: Cefnagarn Tim by Rhandir Arthur Dam: Cefngarn Penny by Maenerw Roscoe out of Cerfngarn Dona Registered: WPCS Three uphill paces, all in outline. Forward going but snaffle mouth. A great competition pony for a teenager or small adult. Affiliated BS with winnings at BN and placings at Discovery. Very honest and willing to a fence and massive scope to go further. Has evented up to 1metre, and always double clear. Clean legs with no history of lameness.
The Property of Mrs J Sargott DONALD, BAY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 12.1HH APPROX Donald is a very friendly pony who has not been in work this summer through no fault of his own. Ridden regularly in 2014 at local shows and taken out with hounds on a few occasions, proving mannerly. Donald would make a good all-rounder, including for mounted games. He is great to hack in traffic. BILLY, GREY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 13.1HH APPROX A fabulous all-rounder. Regularly attended pony club camp, winner of dressage and competed in unaffiliated show jumping. Very good to hack out on the road and has good stable manners. Sad sale as rider outgrown. The Property of Mrs L Evans ROSEVALE SEREN SALUTE, BAY GELDING, 7 YEARS, 13.2HH APPROX (139CMS) Sire: Merryment Beau Brummel by Llanarth Alleycat Dam: Rosevald Serenetta by Rosevale Serenta out of Starlyte Blue Riband Registered: British Riding Pony Seren is a very attractive gelding who shows himself off well in front of the judge. Competed in ridden pony at the Royal Welsh 2012. Works well on the flat, with 3 well balanced easy flowing paces, gaining 68% first time out in a competition. Show jumped and cross country jumped course of 1m at home and in competetions. Very fast against the clock. Competed at Cricklands junior champs this year. No fear of water or fillers just pops along as if they aren’t there. Was currently schooling up to 1m10 before owner lost interest proving to have a bold careful jump. Has done pc rallys and camp hunted 2014/15 with the Staff collage & Sandhurst drag hunt by a 13yr old girl and never strong or silly. Will hack out in company or just happy to go off on his own. Good in traffic and farm machinery. Good to catch, box, shoe. A very sweet natured pony that will excel in any discipline. Can be tried at home before sale as we will have no rider at the sale and viewed at: The Property of Miss J A Lewis MAINDIFF CYCLONE, GREY ROAN GELDING, 7 YEARS, under 12HH. Sire: Pendock Jason by Crossways Del Boy Dam: Maindiff Cherry Blossom by Revel Craze out of Maindiff Charm Registered: WPCS Bred from top quality stock. This homebred gelding is quiet to handle in the stable and in all other ways. He was backed and schooled as a youngster and is very smart under saddle. An excellent mover – keen working, show jumping, cross country jumping, and a lovely family pony. Tetanus up to date. MAINDIFF CITADEL, ROAN (light) GELDING, 6 YEARS, under 12HH. Sire: Kilfrew Greengrass by Criccieth Aron Dam: Maindiff Carla by Dyfed Scamp out of Maindiff Charm Registered: WPCS. A quiet and friendly homebred family pony. Make a leading rein and excellent child’s riding pony. Backed as a youngster and handled well. Capable over show jumps and cross country. Tetanus up to date.
The Property of Mrs BJ Freeman CARLINGFORD FAIR ISLE, GREY/DUN MARE, 6 YEARS, 14.2HH APPROX Sire: Village Canal Beau by Coral Prince Dam: Carlingford Signet by Spinway Comet out of Arrow Question Registered: BCPS A lovely young mare who was brought as a three year old and successfully shown in-hand as a youngster. Has done fun rides and lightly hunted. Masses of ability and ready to go on. For sale as no regular rider. Easy to catch. The Property of Miss R Hartley BUCKSFIZZ, DUN MARE, 6 YEARS, 14.2HH APPROX Registered: Palomino Society A very attractive middleweight pony who is good to ride in all main road traffic. She has been used as a true family all-rounder, going on fun rides with mum and local shows with the kids. She has a super jump and is a straight mover. Good to box, catch, clip and shoe with a loving temperament. The Chevalian Horse Reduction Sale, cont. CHEVALIAN M.C (Markie), BAY GELDING, 2 YEARS Sire: Royaldik Dam: Chipie Z by Chellano Z A striking big gelding who is unbroken but bitted. Well behaved when having feet trimmed, and regularly wormed. Nice and easy to catch and handle.
CHEVALIAN LADY LUCK (Posh), BAY MARE, 2 YEARS Sire: Grafenstolz Dam: Chevalian Sirens Song by Ulysees
CHEVALIAN IRON LADY (Margaret), BAY MARE, 2 YEARS Sire: Rubicell Dam: Danehill Storm by Statue Of Liberty Margaret is a pretty little filly who has been bitted. Attractive floaty paces. Feet done and wormed regularly. Nice and easy to catch and handle.
CHEVALIAN DUCATI (Duke), BAY YEARLING COLT Sire: Royaldik Dam: Chevalian KC by Grafenstolz Duke is a well put together, attractive colt. Feet trimmed, and wormed regularly. Happy and easy to do.
CHEVALIAN UNIQUE (Henry), BAY YEARLING COLT Sire: Royaldik Dam: Chipie Z by Chellano Z Henry is a well grown colt with presence. He has been bitted. Teeth and feet trimmed regularly. Friendly and easy to do.
Late Entries for the Supplementary catalogue will be accepted up until 9.00am on Monday 26th October.
MALVERN HORSE AND PONY SALE AUCTION CONDITIONS OF SALE All horses and ponies in this sale, are subject to the following conditions of sale, and sold under Brightwells General Conditions of Sale which are available on request and will be displayed in the office on the day of sale. Those lots which are sold for £700 or less, and those that are sold in the Chevalian horse reduction sale will be sold “as they stand”, with all other questions regarding their description and veterinary condition being entirely at the risk of the Buyer. 1. ENTRY (1) A horse shall be entered for a sale on completion of an entry form by or on behalf of the Seller and upon payment to the Auctioneer of the prescribed entry fee. (2) On completion of the entry form, which the Seller warrants is complete and correct; they undertake to bring forward the entry for sale. They are warned that the Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse future entries from Sellers who without good reason have failed to fulfil their obligation to present all Lots for Sale. (3) In the event that the Seller wishes to place a reserve on a lot, the amount of the reserve must be specified in Pounds Sterling on the entry form or the Reserve and Additional Information Sheet. Unless written instructions are lodged with the Auctioneers either on the entry form or the Reserve and Additional Information Sheet provided by the Auctioneers, lots will be sold without reserve. (4) The Seller warrants to the Auctioneer and to the Buyer that on the day of the Sale, the horse will have no contagious diseases, and produce a DEFRA approved passport, except foals sold at foot which are under 6 months old. 2. COMMISSION, BUYER’S PREMIUM & SELLING FEES (1) The Seller will pay to the Auctioneer a commission of 6% of the hammer price of each Lot plus VAT. There will be a minimum commission of £50 +VAT. (2) Where a horse is “Bought In” the Seller will pay a minimum commission fee of £100 plus VAT or 6% of the hammer price, (whichever is the greater). (3) Commission is payable in full by the Seller to the Auctioneers even if a horse is subsequently returned by the Buyer to the Seller in accordance with the complaints procedure hereunder or for any other reason. (4) In the event that a horse is sold subject to veterinary examination and in the event that a horse is returned by the Buyer in accordance with a veterinary certificate obtained on the day of the Sale, then the Seller shall pay to the Auctioneer a commission of 3% of the gross sale price plus VAT. (5) A horse, having been entered for a Sale may be withdrawn prior to the Sale upon a payment of a withdrawal fee of £100 plus VAT in addition to the entry fee. (6) The Buyer will pay 10% including VAT buyer’s premium on the hammer price. (8) Any private sale made on the day of sale must be booked through the Auctioneers. (9) An inward Sales Sponsorship levy of 0.75% +VAT i.e. 90p in every £100 will automatically be deducted from the hammer price of sold Lots. 3. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION (1) The Auctioneer accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any particulars of a Lot given in the catalogue. The Seller is solely responsible for any catalogue description of a Lot. (2) Upon receipt of a catalogue, the Seller undertakes immediately to check the accuracy of the relevant catalogue description of the Lot and to notify the Auctioneer immediately in writing of any correction amendment or addition that needs to be made to the catalogue description.:(3) The following words have the following meanings when used in a catalogue description: (i) Unbroken - must be quiet to lead and to halter. (ii) Partly Broken - must be capable of being ridden by a competent rider in an enclosed school. (iii) Green - must be capable of being ridden by a competent rider at slow paces in open country. (iv) Quiet to Ride - must be quiet and easy to manage and ride away, quiet and easily managed at all paces on grass, quiet and mannerly with all traffic on the road. (v) Hunter - must be quiet ride and quiet with hounds - capable of jumping a Novice Country. (vi) Jumper - must be able to jump a course commensurate with described capability when ridden by a competent rider. (vii) Potential - where described as “having potential” for a specific purpose, the horse must have the physical capabilities to undertake this purpose or purposes and must be examined as such by the Veterinary Surgeon. (viii) Driving Horses - the same guarantees as apply to riding horses in respect of ii, iii, and iv above. (ix) Pony under 15 hands - must be easily manageable by a child of average competence and age appropriate to the size of the pony. (4) The authenticity and accuracy of each entry’s passport is the sole responsibility of the Seller. Any inaccuracies that may occur should be dealt with between the Seller and Buyer. (5) The Auctioneers may amend or add to any catalogue description during the course of a Sale and may declare a Sale to be subject to veterinary examination or not during the course of a Sale, in which event any announcement by the Auctioneer takes precedence over any entry in the catalogue. 4. CONDUCT OF THE SALE (1) The Auctioneers may at their absolute discretion: (a) Refuse to accept any bid or bidder. (b) Regulate the bidding as the Auctioneer sees fit. (c) Arrange, consolidate or withdraw any Lot. (d) Cancel or postpone a Sale on account of bad weather or other supervening causes. In the event that a Sale is cancelled, moved or rearranged, the Auctioneer shall not be liable to pay compensation to any Seller, Bidder or any other party. (2) The Seller reserves the right to bid through the Auctioneer acting as the Seller‘s agent. (3) The Buyer shall be the highest bidder. In the event of a dispute between two or more bidders as to which is the Buyer, the Auctioneer shall have the right to declare the buyer or at the Auctioneer’s discretion, to immediately re-offer the disputed Lot for sale.
(4) The Buyer shall immediately on the fall of the hammer inform the Auctioneer of the Buyer’s name and address and provide any proof of identity that the Auctioneers may require. Failure in this respect entitles the Auctioneer immediately to offer the Lot for re-sale and the original Buyer shall be liable to make good any difference in price to the Seller. (5) Any Buyer bidding as agent for a Principal shall be deemed to have bid on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his Principal and the highest bidder shall be personally liable along with the Principal to the Seller. (6) To gain entry on the Sale Premises all lots must travel with their Passport. (7) All lots will be checked in through the gates and no lot will be able to leave the Sale Premises until a pass has been obtained from the Auctioneer’s Office. (8) The Auctioneers reserve the right to random and/or at the request of Buyers, blood test any entry for substances that have not been declared to the Auctioneers pre-sale. (9) The Auctioneers, under the veterinary surgeon’s guidance, reserve the right to refuse entry to any lot showing symptoms of coughing or any other contagious disease. (10) All Sellers and Buyers must follow the health and safety procedures and guidelines as laid out in the Sales Catalogue and by representatives of the Auctioneers on the day of sale. 5. PAYMENT (1) The Auctioneer, at the Auctioneer’s discretion, may require the Buyer to pay a deposit of 20% of the price of the horse immediately following the Sale. (2) The Buyer shall pay the Auctioneer in full for the price of the horse within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. Payment in full in this context may include the tender of a cheque in the full amount although the Auctioneer in the Auctioneer’s discretion may refuse such a cheque in which event the Buyer must tender payment in some other manner. (3) The Auctioneer shall pay the Seller the price of the horse less Auctioneer’s commission and any other outstanding charges and expenses due from the Seller to the Auctioneer within 21 days of the day of the Sale, provided that:(i) the Auctioneer has been paid in full for the price of the horse by the Buyer, any cheque tendered by or on behalf of the Buyer having been cleared; and (ii) the Buyer has not initiated the Complaints Procedure set out below: In the event that the Buyer has initiated the Complaints Procedure, the Auctioneer shall retain the price of the Lot pending the outcome of the Complaints Procedure. (4) Client’s monies paid to us will be held in Brightwells Limited Client’s Auction Sales Account at Barclays Bank plc; Hereford Branch. Clients will not be entitled to any interest on balances in this account. (5) If a Buyer fails to make payment in full for a Lot, the Auctioneer may resell the Lot and the Buyer shall be liable for any shortfall in price. 6. DELIVERY AND RISK (1) Horses sold as they stand or without veterinary examination instruction from the Buyer, shall be at the risk of the buyer from the fall of the hammer. (2) All other horses shall remain at the risk of the Seller until the issue of an acceptable Veterinary Certificate whereupon risk shall pass to the Buyer. (3) The Seller shall deliver the horse to the place of the sale and shall provide the horse with adequate fodder and water for one night and shall provide the horse with a serviceable halter. In the event that the Seller fails to provide the horse with a serviceable halter, the Auctioneer may provide the horse with a halter and charge the Seller for the same. (4) Title in the horse shall not pass to the Buyer until the Buyer has made payment in full for the horse by means of cleared funds. Until the payment in full by means of cleared funds is made, title shall remain with the Seller. (5) The Buyer shall not be entitled to take delivery of the horse until payment in full for the horse has been made. The Auctioneer may at the Auctioneer’s sole discretion allow the Buyer to take delivery of the horse upon the tender by the Buyer or on his behalf of a cheque in the full amount of the price. (6) The Buyer, subject to payment in full, must take possession of the horse within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. (7) In the event that the horse is not sold, the Seller shall take back the horse from the Sale premises within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. (8) The Buyer authorizes the Seller and the Auctioneer as agent for the Seller to enter upon the Buyer’s land to take collection of any horse in respect of which the Buyer has taken delivery but for which the Buyer has not paid in full. 7. RETURNED HORSES (1) The Buyer may return lots to the Seller if the Buyer of any lot sold with a pedigree establishes that the pedigree is inaccurate. (2) Subject to Condition Eight, the Buyer may return Lots to the Seller in accordance with the Complaints Procedure if the Buyer establishes that the description given in the catalogue in respect of a horse is inaccurate. (3) Lots may be returned by the Buyer to the Seller subject to the Complaints Procedure set out below if the horse: (i) is a wind-sucker (i.e. swallows air whether in association with grasping fixed objects with incisor teeth or not); a crib-biter is not returnable unless the crib biting is associated with wind sucking, in which case the Lot is returnable as a wind-sucker. (ii) is a weaver, (iii) exhibits box walking, (iv) has sarcoids, sarcoid-like lesions or warts (v) has been tubed, fired, unnerved or operated upon for unsoundness of any other kind, (vi) a male horse (other than a foal, a yearling before the 1st July of its yearling year) which does not have two testes fully descended to and fully palpable within the scrotum at the time of the Sale is or shall be deemed to be a rig or cryptorchid. (vii) Fails to load on the Sale Day in a reasonable and acceptable way in a purpose constructed lorry or trailer. (viii) Is a pacer/trotter, Standardbred horse. and if the horse has not been described as such in the catalogue or verbally by the Auctioneer at time of sale. 8. SALE’S SUBJECT TO VETERINARY EXAMINATION Warranties as to Veterinary Correctness cease to have effect once the Horse has been removed from the Sale Premises. A Panel of Veterinary Surgeons under Mr Peter Jinman MRCVS will be pleased to examine Lots on behalf of Buyers, at a fee of £180.00 including
VAT for a Full Vetting and £80 including VAT for a Part Vetting payable in advance of the vetting and paid directly to the vet by either cash or cheque. The Full Vetting examination will include blood being taken. With the important proviso that if any Horse fails the Veterinary Examination the Vendor has the right to request a second opinion by the Chief Veterinary Surgeon at a fee of £25.00 including VAT whose opinion shall be binding on both Vendor and Purchaser. (1) The Seller agrees that a horse shall be sold subject to veterinary examination. (2) If a horse is sold subject to veterinary examination, the horse should be submitted for veterinary examination by the Buyer on the day of the Sale within one hour of the fall of the hammer. (3) The sale catalogue shall set out the procedure to be followed by the Buyer on submitting the horse for veterinary examination on the day of the Sale. (4) The purpose of the veterinary examination is to check the accuracy of the physical description of the horse given in the catalogue. The veterinary examination will not cover the matters referred to in condition 7(3) above, save that the veterinary examination will be conclusive in relation to the “potential” of the horse. (5) At the end of the veterinary examination, the Veterinary Surgeon will provide the Buyer with a certificate stating that the horse does or does not comply with the physical description of the horse given in the catalogue. (6) In the event that the Veterinary Certificate stipulates that the horse complies with the physical description given in the catalogue, this shall be conclusive between the Seller and Buyer. (7) In the event that the Veterinary Certificate states that the horse does not comply with the physical description given in the catalogue, then the Buyer shall not be liable to pay the price for the horse and is entitled to the return of any deposit that may have been paid by the buyer. (8) In the event that a buyer fails to avail himself of a veterinary examination on the day of the Sale, in the case of a horse sold subject to veterinary examination, then the Buyer cannot thereafter make complaint of matters which would have been covered by a veterinary examination. 9. LIABILITY OF THE AUCTIONEER (1) The Auctioneer acts as agent of the Seller and the Auctioneer gives no warranties of any kind to the Buyer (2) The Auctioneer does not accept any liability for:(i) the description or pedigree of the horse given in the catalogue. (ii) the physical condition or performance of the horse sold. (iii) the payment of the price by the buyer. (iv) the return of any horse by the buyer to the Seller. (v) the administration of the Complaints Procedure beyond the appointment of any arbitrator in accordance therewith. 10. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE (1) The Buyer shall notify the Auctioneer if the Buyer claims to be entitled to return a horse to the Seller in accordance with condition 7 above or for any other reason orally by 5.00pm on the fourth day following the Sale. (2) The Buyer shall follow up this oral notification to the Auctioneer with written notification to the Auctioneer to be received by the Auctioneer within seven days from the date of the Sale. The written notification by the Buyer to the Auctioneer shall set out the grounds upon which the Buyer claims to be entitled to return the horse to the Seller. (3) Where appropriate, the Buyer shall submit, along with his written notification, a Veterinary Certificate confirming any matters in respect of which complaint is made. The failure to submit a Veterinary Certificate in circumstances where such a certificate is appropriate will mean that the Buyer’s complaint will not be further entertained and the Buyer shall pay the price for the horse in full. (4) In the event that the Buyer fails to make oral or written notification of his complaint within the above timescales, the Buyer shall not be allowed to return the horse to the Seller but must make payment for the horse in full unless the buyer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer that it was not reasonably practicable for the Buyer to discover the complaint and to notify the Auctioneer of the same within the above timescales. However, in no circumstances whatsoever may the above time limits be extended beyond a period of 14 days after the date of the Sale. (5) On receipt of a written complaint together, where appropriate, with a Veterinary Certificate, the Auctioneer shall send a copy of the complaint and the Veterinary Certificate to the Seller and the Auctioneer shall appoint a suitable person to act as Arbitrator. The task of the Arbitrator will be to examine and determine the complaint. The name of the person appointed by the Auctioneer to act as Arbitrator shall be notified by the Auctioneer to the Seller and the Buyer. The Auctioneer shall thereafter have no further responsibility in respect of the Complaint Procedure. (6) The Examination and resolution of the complaint shall be under the control of the Arbitrator and the Seller and Buyer shall comply with all directions that may be given by the Auctioneer in respect of the complaint. (7) The Arbitrator may require, before proceeding to examine and determine the complaint that the Arbitrator’s fees and expenses shall be paid in advance. The Seller and Buyer shall thereupon each pay one-half of the sum stipulated by the Arbitrator. (8) The Arbitrator may direct that the horse shall be subject to such trial as he may direct and the Seller and Buyer shall lend their full cooperation to such a trial. (9) If either the Seller or the buyer fail to comply with a direction of the Arbitrator or fail to pay any sum ordered to be paid by the Arbitrator, then the Arbitrator may at his own discretion decide not to proceed with the examination and determination of the complaint and may, if the Seller is in default, order that horse be returned to the Seller or may, if the Buyer is in default, order that the Buyer pay the full price to the Seller. (10) Upon the determination of the complaint, the Arbitrator may at his discretion order that the unsuccessful party pay to the other all the costs and expenses associated with the Complaints Procedure. 11. HARD HATS Any person riding an animal at the Sale Premises must wear a hard riding hat of an approved standard. 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF SALE The Sale catalogue may contain additional special conditions of sale which may prevail over the aforementioned. BRIGHTWELLS LTD. (October 2015)
Notes Forthcoming 2011 Horse & Pony Sales Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Brightwells Spring Sale of Welsh Pony & Cobs - Builth Wells Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Easters Court Spring Sale of Welsh Ponies & Cobs The Coloured Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale British Bred Foal Sale and Stars of the Future Sale of Dressage Horses and Show Jumpers Leominster Horse & Pony Sale The Festival of the Horse Show and Sale The 3rd Official Connemara Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Shetland Pony Sale - Builth Wells The Fayre Oaks Sale of Welsh Ponies - Builth Wells The Fayre Oaks High-Flyer Evening Sale - Builth Wells Hay-on-Wye Horses & Ponies - Hay-on-Wye Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Brightwells Autumn Cob Sale - Builth Wells
Brightwells 21st Official Sale of Standardbred Horses - Builth Wells Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Stars of the Future Sale of Show Jumpers Stars of the Future Sale of Dressage Horses Leominster Horse & Pony Sale
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