Brightwells Equine Sales 2015 Trade Stand Space At each event, trade stands will be categorised as SMALL (10’ X 10’) or LARGE and arranged to add to the prestige of the event. Where inside space is offered please note it may be limited and priority will be given to our long-standing clients. The right is reserved to limit the number of any one trade. Please note that no animals or livestock are to be sold from trade stands/ vehicles at any of our sale sites. The 2015 charges will remain at the 2014 rate as follows: Spring Sale, Builth (May) - £30 per small site (10’ x 10’) per day - £50 per large site per day Fayre Oaks Sale, Builth (September) Inside - £70 per small site (10’ x 10’) per day (including electricity fee & overnight fee) - £110 per large site per day (including electricity fee & overnight fee) Outside - £40 per small site (10’ x 10’) per day (including overnight fee) - £70 per large site per day (including overnight fee) Hay-on-Wye at Hereford Sale, Hereford Market (October) - £35 (regardless of size) Cob & Standardbred Sales, Builth (October) Inside - £80 per small site (10’ x 10’) per day (including electricity & overnight fee) - £120 per large site per day (including electricity & overnight fee) Outside - £50 per small site (10’ x 10’) per day (including overnight fee) - £80 per large site per day (including overnight fee) *Please bring your receipt to the event as proof of payment.* We also hold sales at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern. For details of trade stand space at these sales please contact the office directly on: 01568 619777. The fees are £40 inside and outside, no electric is available. Will all stand holders please note that by direction of the Health & Safety Authorities the following rule will apply for the Sales at Builth Wells and Malvern: BUILTH WELLS (Royal Welsh Showground) - Stands accepted for entry in the Glamorgan Hall must have diesel vehicles, which must be cold before 8.00am each morning. Each stand must have their own fire extinguisher(s) and there will be no smoking in the whole building. Priority will be given to long-standing clients. MALVERN (Three Counties Showground) - No vehicle will be allowed in the sale building at any time therefore the only stands allowed inside will be those that can set up independently from their transport. We regret that unloading will have to take place at the entrance ramp to the hall. Brightwells Ltd, The Horse and Pony Department, Easters Court, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0DE Tel. 01568 619777 Fax. 01568 619710 Email.
Booking Form Trade Stands 2015 VERBAL BOOKINGS WILL NOT BE TAKEN & PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED TO COMPLETE YOUR BOOKING. Booking forms must be received in the office no later than 1st September 2015 for the autumn sales (more booking forms can be sent on request). Name of Applicant: Business Name: Address:
Postcode: Email: Phone: Mobile: Description Of Goods:
Saturday 9th May
SPRING SALE Builth Wells (Powys)
Saturday & Sunday 26th & 27th September
THE FAYRE OAKS SALE Builth Wells (Powys)
Saturday 3rd October
HAY-ON-WYE AT HEREFORD SALE Hereford Market, Hereford
Please tick to book
Specify Size (ft x ft)
..........x.......... N/A
Friday, Saturday & BRIGHTWELLS AUTUMN COB SALE Sunday 16th, 17th, Builth Wells (Powys) 18th October
Monday 19th October
INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please complete the form and send with relevant fees (cheques made payable to Brightwells Ltd) to address overleaf. **The above details are correct at the time of printing; however Brightwells Ltd reserve the right to alter any information as we see fit.