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of high quality Your local windows, manufacturer doors, porches and installer and conservatories of high quality in Rehau windows, pvcu doors, and Smarts porchesaluminium and conservatories in Rehau pvcu a NO HIDDEN COSTS - NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY! NO HIDDEN COSTS NO HIDDEN - doors, Composite Doors Your local manufacturer and installer ofpackage high quality windows, E to A+ rated ORDER Double NOWGlazing for a FREE fromUPGRADE any£895 A rated toorA+ Double ratedGlazed Double Glazing from any A COSTS rated Double Glazed packa Replace Your NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY! For your REDUCED NOISE 2 for £1695 Conservatory Roof, NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY! porches and conservatories in Rehau PVCu and Smart aluminium
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SAVES YOU Prices include NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY! 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GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED backed warranty Prices include A RATED A+ RATED A RATED C RATED Any 3 Windows £1,675 £1,600 £1,555 £1,345 VAT, Installations Prices include Any 4 SYSTEMS Windows French & Patio Doors Any 3 Windows Windows 2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £2,235 £1,795 £2,100 £1,675 £1,600 £1,555 £1,345 ATRIPLE RATED A+ RATED A RATED C RATED DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE SMART Any 3 0800 652 £2,075 4576 07885£1,795 10 year insurance 460784 £1,675 £1,600 £1,555 £1,345 VAT, Installations Upto 1.9m wide x 2.1m high TRIPLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE Any 4 Windows GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED £2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £1,795 backed warranty 10 year insurance evenings & weekends during office hours Any 4 Windows £2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £1,795 Quality Aluminium £995 GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED GLAZED Any 5 Windows Any 4 Windows warranty £2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £1,795 2,795backed £2,700 £2,595 £2,795 £2,245 £2,700£2,245 £2,595 £2,245 & VAT Included £2,595 Bi-Folding Doors Any 5 Windows £2,795 £2,700 Any 3 Windows £1,675 Fitting £1,600 £1,555 £1,345 9. Any 5 Windows upto 3.2 mtrs £2,795 £2,700 £2,595 £2,245 5 £2,795 £2,700 £2,595 £2,245 Any 3 Windows Windows £1,675 £1,600 £2,695 £1,555 £1,345£3,115 Any 6 Windows 3,355Any £3,200 £3,115 £3,355 £3,200£2,695 £2,695 Any 6 £3,355 £3,200 £3,115 Any 4 Windows Windows £2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £1,795 £2,995 Any 6 6 Windows Windows £3,355 £3,200 £3,115 £2,695 Any 4 £3,355 £3,200 £3,115 £2,695 £2,235 £2,100 £2,075 £1,795 E LE 5 Windows 7 £2,795 £2,700 £2,595 £2,245 L Gwww.gswindows.co.uk £3,915 £3,700 £3,635 £3,145 Any 7 Windows IPLEEING U 3,915 Any £3,700 £3,635 £3,915 £3,145 £3,700 £3,635 £3,145 P R I £2,695 Any 7 7 Windows Windows L G £3,915 £3,700 £3,635 £3,145 N 5 P £2,795 £2,700 £2,595 £2,245 T Any U £3,915 £3,700 £3,635 £3,145 Any 8 6 Windows Windowswith any order TR AZI YOTTRRGIILPAAZZZEIINNSGYYOOOUU £3,355 £3,200 £3,115 £2,695 Any £4,475 £4,200 £4,155 £3,595 Any 6 Windows Any 8 Windows £3,355 £3,200 £3,595 £3,115 £2,695 8 Windows 4,475 Any £4,200 £4,155 £4,475 £4,200£3,595 £4,155 £3,595 £4,475 £4,200 £4,155 GL VES GLLGPAILVVEESSGY 8 Any 7 Windows £3,915 £3,700 £3,635 £3,145 II N U I Military Any 9 Windows £5,035 £4,800 £4,675 £4,045 G Local factories at: Unit 3 Quay lane Ind. Est, Hardway, Gosport £3,635 PO12 4LJ & Unit C£3,145 fort Wallington, Fareham, PO16 8T O TRIGPALZEINRoad, Any 7 Windows £3,915 £3,700 G Y £5,035 £4,800 £4,675 £4,045 Any 9 Any 8 Windows Windows £4,475 £4,200 £4,155 £3,595 Any 9 Windows 5,035Any £4,800 £4,675 £5,035 £4,045 £4,800 £4,675 ZEI S YOUand £4,045 TRGLfinishes V These 10 offers cannot be used together with any other offer. Example shown is white pvcu, including VAT and installation. Special A Windows £5,595 £5,300 £5,195 £4,495 I L S Anyavailable. 8 Windows £4,155 colours Each section of £4,475 a bay window counts £4,200 as one window. Terms and conditions please£3,595 ask for details. Images onlyGGfor VEillustration. Any Windows Any10 9 Windows £5,300 £5,195 £4,495 £5,035 £4,800 £4,675 £4,045 We reserve the right £5,595 to withdraw the offer without notice. • Offer for white windows to a maximum size of 2.5m x 1.3mGI Any 11 Windows Any 10 Windows £6,155 £5,900 £5,715 £4,945 5,595Any £5,300 £5,195 £5,595 £4,495 £5,300 £5,195 £4,495 Any 9 Windows £5,035 £4,800 £4,675 £4,045 10 £5,595 £5,300 £5,195 £4,495 11 Windows £6,155 £5,900 £5,715 £4,945 12 Windows 10 £6,715 £6,400 £6,235 £5,595 £5,300 £4,945 £5,195 £4,495 Any 11 Windows 6,155Any £5,900 £5,715 £6,155 £5,900£5,395 £5,715 £4,945 Any 11 Windows £6,155 £5,900 £5,715 £4,945 REDUCED NOISE Any 12 Windows £6,715 £6,400 £6,235 £5,395 Any 13 11 Windows £6,155 £5,900 £5,715 £4,945 REDUCED NOISE Any Windows £7,275 £6,900 £6,755 £5,845 INCREASED 12 Windows £6,715 £6,400 £5,395 £6,235 Any 12 Windows Any 13 Windows 6,715Any £6,400 £6,235 £6,715 £6,400£5,395 £6,235 £5,395 £7,275 £6,900 £6,755 £5,845 REDUCED NOISE INCREASED SECURITY Any 12 Windows £6,715 £6,400 £6,235 £5,395 Any 14 Windows £7,835 £7,400 £7,275 £6,295 REDUCED NOISE REDUCED NOISE Any 13 Windows £7,275 £6,900 £6,755 £5,845 INCREASED SECURITY SAVES YOU Any 14 £7,835 £7,400 £5,845 £7,275 Any 13 Windows Windows £7,275 £6,900 £6,755 £5,845 INCREASED Any 13 Windows SECURITY 7,275Any £6,900 £6,755 £7,275 £6,900£6,295 £6,755 £5,845 INCREASED SAVES YOU 15 Windows £8,395 £8,000 £7,795 £6,745 MONEY Any 14 Windows £7,835 £7,400 £7,275 £6,295 SECURITY SAVES YOU Any 15 £8,395 £8,000 £7,795 £6,745 SECURITY 14 Windows MONEY £7,835 £7,400 £7,275 £6,295 Any 15 AND ENERGY! MONEY SAVES YOU 15 Windows £8,395 £8,000 £6,295 £7,795 MONEY Any 14 Windows 7,835Any £7,400 £7,275 £7,835 £7,400£6,745 £7,275 £6,295 AND ENERGY! AND ENERGY! Any 15 Windows £8,395 £8,000 £7,795 £6,745 MONEY AND ENERGY! SAVES YOU French & Patio Doors Sash Windows ForENERGY! your SMART AND Upto£8,395 1.9m&wide x 2.1m high £6,745 Any £8,000 15SYSTEMS Windows 8,395 £7,795 £8,000 £7,795 French Patio Doors MONEY Sash Windows For your French &wide Patio Doors SMART SYSTEMS Quality Aluminium Sash Windows For your£6,745 SMART SYSTEMS Upto 1.9m x 2.1m high Any Size A RATED £995 Upto 1.9m wide x 2.1m high French & Patio Doors 3 Part FREE Sash Vertical Windows For your Quality Aluminium AND ENERGY! SMART SYSTEMS &wide VAT Included Sliding Sash Quality Aluminium Any Size Size A RATED RATED UptoFitting 1.9m x 2.1m high £995 Bi-Folding Any A 3 PartDoors Any Size in A RATED FREE FREE 3 Part Fitting£995 & VAT Included Window White FREE Vertical Sliding Sash Vertical Sliding Sash Any Size A RATED Bi-Folding Doors Fitting£995 & VAT Included Vertical Sliding Sash no obligation FREE Bi-Folding Doors PVCu Window in White Vertical Sliding Sash Any Window in White French & Patio Doors French & Patio Doors up toSYSTEMS 3.2Colour mtrs wide Sash Windows Sash Window For your no obligation PVCu SMART Window in White £690 each inc no obligation PVCu Colour Upto 1.9m wideAny x 2.1m high Upto 1.9m wide x 2.1m high noquotation obligation PVCu Any Colour £2,995 VAT & Fitting Any Colour £690 each inc Quality Aluminium £690 each inc VAT & & Fittinginc £690 each quotation Any£995 Size A RATED Any Size A RA £2,995 VAT Fitting £995 3 Part quotation VAT Fitting VAT & &= Fitting 4Sash windows £2,760 FREE Fitting & VAT£2,995 Included Fitting & Example: VAT Included CALL NOW! Vertical Sliding Vertical Sliding Example: 4 windows = £2,760 including fitting Bi-Folding Doors CALL NOW! Example: 4 windows = £2,760 CALL NOW! and VAT Example: 4 Window in White Window in W Example: 4 windows windows = = £2,760 £2,760 up to 3.2 mtrs wide CALL NOW! Composite Doors Replace Composite Doors Replace Your Your no obligation PVCu PVCu 652 4576 0800
GS GS WINDOWS WINDOWS or simply have a new conservatory!
Quality Aluminium 3 Part Quality up to 3.2Aluminium mtrs wide Bi-Folding 3 PartDoors up to 3.2 mtrs wide Bi-Folding Doors
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up to 3.2 mtrs wide
including fitting including fitting and VAT including fitting and VAT including fitting and VAT and VAT
460784 --- 07885 07885 460784 0800 652 4576 07885 evenings &&460784 weekends 07885 460784 evenings weekends £690 each 0800 652 4576quotation 07885 evenings weekends evenings & &460784 weekends £2,995 VAT & Fittin evenings & weekends 9.8/10 including fitting 9.8/10 and VAT Example: 4 windows = £2,760 Example: 4 windows = £2 9.8/10
Composite £895 or £1695 Conservatory Roof, Replace Your 0800 652 4576 Composite Doors £895 or 2 2 for forDoors £1695Any Colour Conservatory Roof, Replace Your Composite Doors Replaceor during office hours £895 Conservatory Roof, Windows Doors 0800 4576 during652 office hours £895 or or 2 2 for for £1695 £1695 Conservatory Roof, Windows orYour Doors £690 each inc £895 or 2 for £1695 Roof, or simply have orConservatory simply have a a new new conservatory! during office hours Windows or Doors Windows orconservatory! Doors during office hours or simply have a new Windows orconservatory! Doors VAT & Fitting or simply have a new conservatory!
Composite Composite Front Front Door Door & & PVC Door Offer Composite PVC Back Back Front Door Door Offer& Composite Front & Includes anyDoor glassDoor design PVC Back Offer Includes any glass design PVC Back Door Offer Composite & Includes anyFront glassDoor design
0800 652 4576 - 07885 0800 652 4576 460784
Example: 3x3m = £10,995
Composite Doors Example: 3x3m = £10,995Replace Your Replace www.gswindows.co.uk £1495Your www.gswindows.co.uk £895 or 2 for £1695 Conservatory Roof, Conservatory Roof, www.gswindows.co.uk £1495 evenings & during weekends during office hours office hours £1495 Windows or Doors Windows orwww.gswindows.co.uk Doors www.gswindows.co.uk
£1495 including building work Example: 3x3m = £10,995 Includes anyDoor glassOffer design including building work PVC Back Example: 3x3m = £10,995 £1495 including building work Includes anyat: glass including building work PO12 4LJ & Unit C fort Wallington, Military Road, Fareham, PO16 8TT Local factories Unitdesign 3 Quay lane Ind. Example: Est, Hardway, Gosport 3x3m = £10,995 Local factories at: Unit 33Quay Lane Ind. Est, Hardway, Gosport PO12 &&Unit CCFort Wallington, MilitaryRoad, Road,Fareham, Fareham, PO168TT 8TT Local factories at: Unit Quay lane Ind. Est, Hardway, Gosport PO124LJ 4LJ Unit Wallington, Military Local Unittogether 3 Quay Ind.offer. Est, Hardway, 4LJ Unit C fort fort Special Wallington, Military Fareham, PO16 PO16 8TT including building work These factories offers cannotat: be used withlane any other Example shown isGosport white pvcu,PO12 including VAT&and installation. finishes and colours Road, available.
factories Unitcounts 3 Quay lane Ind.Terms Est,Example Hardway, Gosport PO12 4LJ &and Unit Cconservatory! fort Special Wallington, Military Road, Fareham, PO16 8TT Each section of a bay window as one window. and conditions please ask for details. Images only for illustration. We reserve and the right to withdraw the These cannot be used together shown pvcu, VAT installation. or Local simply have aat: new or simply have new These offers offers cannot be usedconservatory! together with with any any other other offer. offer. Example shown is is white white pvcu, including including VATaand installation. Special finishes finishes and colours colours available. available.
offer notice.counts • Offeras forone white windows to aand maximum sizeplease of 2.5mask x 1.3m. • OfferImages for Sashonly Windows to a maximum size of 1.4m x 1.8m Each section of without a window window. conditions for details. for We reserve the right to the Each section a bay bayat: window aswith one window. Terms and conditions for details.4LJ Images only for illustration. We finishes reserve and the right to withdraw withdraw the Local factories Unitcounts 3 Quay lane Ind.Terms Est, Hardway, PO12 Unit Cillustration. fort Wallington, Military Road, Fareham, PO16 8TT These offersofcannot be used together any other offer. Example shown please isGosport whiteask pvcu, including VAT&and installation. Special colours available.
offer without notice. • for white windows to maximum size of xx 1.3m. • for Windows to size 1.4m x 1.8m offer notice.counts • Offer Offeras forone white windows to a aand maximum sizeplease of 2.5m 2.5mask 1.3m. • Offer OfferImages for Sash Sashonly Windows to a a maximum maximum size of of 1.4m Each section of without a bay window window. Terms conditions for details. for illustration. We reserve the rightx 1.8m to withdraw the These offers used together with anywindows other offer. shown VATSash andWindows installation. finishes and colours offercannot withoutbenotice. • Offer for white to aExample maximum size is ofwhite 2.5m pvcu, x 1.3m.including • Offer for to aSpecial maximum size of 1.4m x 1.8mavailable. Each section of a bay window counts as one window. Terms and conditions please ask for details. Images only for illustration. We reserve the right to withdraw the offer without notice. • Offer for white windows to a maximum size of 2.5m x 1.3m. • Offer for Sash Windows to a maximum size of 1.4m x 1.8m
Composite Front Door & PVC Back Door Offer
Christmas habits It’s funny how being frugal becomes a habit and perplexing to others (especially the “young” generation). Christmas is an expensive time and every year in January I snap up Christmas cards, decorations and stocking fillers for sale and hide them away. Then, eleven months later I can’t find them or I forget my canny purchases altogether and end up buying them again! Also, my family laugh every Christmas morning when I admire a beautifully wrapped present, not for how special it looks but how easily I can unwrap it, very carefully, and re-use the paper, folding it neatly and storing it, again, somewhere!
Discover Magazines Ltd Main: 023 8026 6388 www.discovermagazines.co.uk ACCOUNT & DISTRIBUTION Tania Houston Director Direct: 023 8027 6361 tania@discovermagazines.co.uk
I consider myself clever when I buy cards in bulk so I have one for every occasion but I’m still waiting for a ruby wedding anniversary (rare these days!) and I don’t know anyone young enough to be congratulated on passing a driving test. Another false economy.
ADVERTISING/SALES Melanie Tinson Director Direct: 023 8027 6396 melanie@discovermagazines.co.uk
This edition of Discover is printed bi-monthly and distributed over two months in the Locks Heath area including; Whiteley, Warsash, Titchfield, Sarisbury Green, Swanwick and Burridge.
The Solent’s No 1 Community Magazine 11 Local editions 142,000 circulation
So this year I am going to be decadent and, like a five year old, rip the colourful paper off my presents. I’m going to resist picking up so called bargains in January unless they are solely for me in the here and now (or when I’ve lost weight … ). I hope you enjoy the articles in this issue to help you plan your Christmas with Planning for Guests on page 41, baking a Stollen Cake and How to Have a Healthy Christmas on page 24. Your next issue will be in 2016 so an early Happy New Year from the Discover Magazines team!
Melanie & the Discover Team Izzy Ewen Editorial Submissions Direct: 023 8001 0222 editorial@discovermagazines.co.uk Visit www.discovercommunity.co.uk and use the Editorial Form under Contact Us
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WINTER FLOWER FESTIVAL 15 Nov Bursledon Brickworks, Industrial Museum, SO31 7HB An Arts and Crafts special Christmas wreath making, table centres - come along and get lots of Christmassy ideas. Event Days prices (which includes entrance to the Museum) Adults £6, Conc. £5, Children £4, Families £15 01489 576248 www.bursledonbrickworks.org.uk
discover magazines @discovermags
Discover What’s On
LIFE EXPO 9-13 Nov, 7pm to 9pm St John The Baptist Church, 7 Church Road, Southampton, SO31 6LW An exhibition about the life and impact of Jesus Christ. The LIFE Exhibition travels the length and breadth of the country is visited by an estimated 1,000 people every week! Admission and refreshments are free. 07889 798636 www.wwcn.info
LIVING DINOSAURS 10 Nov, 7pm to 8.30pm Local & Naval Studies Centre @ Gosport Discovery Centre, High Street, PO12 1NS Increasing evidence from fossils shows that more than 10,000 living species of birds are actually theropod dinosaurs. In this talk, Southampton University Earth Scientist Gareth Dyke will review recent discoveries and controversies and explain the current thinking on the evolution of birds and their flight. Suitable for interested older children too. Tickets £4. (B) 023 9252 3463 6
JAZZ ON THE GREEN 13 Nov, 8pm (Doors 7.15pm) Sarisbury Green Community Centre The Green, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 7AA The Amy Roberts & Richard Exall Quintet perform an eclectic range of high octane music on a range of clarinets, saxophones and flute. www.jazzonthegreen.co.uk CALLING ALL QUIZZERS! 14 Nov, 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Warsash Quiz evening in the Church Hall. Food and drink available. Tickets (£10 a head) from Peter Upward 01489 578862. CATS PROTECTION CHRISTMAS FAIR 14 Nov, 1.30-3.30pm St Mary’s Parish Centre, Green Road, Alverstoke, Hampshire PO12 2ET Lovely Cats Protection merchandise including diaries, calendars and Christmas cards, bags and jewellery all with a feline theme, clever crafts, raffle, books & jigsaws, bric a brac, cakes & refreshments. Enjoy some shopping in a lovely atmosphere. Entrance 20p www.gosport.cats.org.uk VICTORIAN HUMOUR MAGIC LANTERN SHOWS 14 & 15 Nov, 11am, 1pm and 2.30pm Manor Farm & Country Park, Brook Lane, Botley, SO30 2ER Join us for a very special afternoon of Victorian family entertainment - the very first ‘moving picture’ shows. Presented by Alan Brindle. Included in normal Farm admission charge.
SOLENT BRANCH OF THE EMBROIDERERS GUILD 16 Nov, 7pm (7.30pm start) Parish Rooms, Titchfield, PO14 4AQ The speaker will be local textile artist Elizabeth Saunders who will give a talk entitled “Embedded Memories Using Stitch”. Visitors £5. www.solenteg.blogspot.com 01329 285825 SKITTLES EVENING 17 Nov 7.30pm The Crofton Pub, Hill Head Fun evening of skittles. Cost, including food, is £9.50. Contact Rev. Bill Day, 01489 564035, or Bob Bottomley, 01489 582093 THE DEVELOPMENT OF BRITISH MILITARY AVIATION 17 Nov, 7.30pm Gosport Discovery Centre, High Street, Gosport. PO12 1BT The RAE at Farnborough became one of the most successful aeronautical research organisations in the world with some of the greatest advances in aviation technology emanating from its laboratories. This illustrated presentation looks at many of their trials and tribulations which were captured on film to aid the scientists and engineers with their analysis, including deck trials, bird strike, towed mats and flexible decks to name just a few. Tickets £3. (B) 023 9252 3463
Continued on page 44
HealthSpace Bringing A Unique Service to Bishops Waltham HealthSpace in Bishops Waltham arose following a change in career for its owner, Claire Symes. Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 15 years, Claire always had a strong interest in physical and mental wellbeing. As a migraine sufferer who has benefited from holistic therapies, she retrained as an Aromatherapist and Reflexologist but after failing to find suitable premises from which to practice she realised that other practitioners must be in a similar situation. Hence the HealthSpace concept was born, offering a variety of disciplines together under one roof. HealthSpace’s design was driven by Claire’s desire to create an inspirational and highly professional environment for its
hired out for training, workshops and meetings, as well as private usage.
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Dick Whittington & His Cat Fresh on the heels of last year’s record breaking pantomime Snow White, Ferneham Hall are thrilled to announce this year’s Christmas show will be Dick Whittington and his Cat! EastEnders and Dancing on Ice star Todd Carty is set to appear as the evil King Rat. Todd is no stranger to playing a baddie, as many will remember him as the villainous policeman Gabriel Kent in ITV’s The Bill, whilst some older viewers will remember him as Grange Hill heartthrob Tucker
Jenkins in the early 80s. Todd is joined by Disney’s Art Attack presenter Lloyd Warbey, who returns to Fareham after playing Herbie the Huntsman in last year’s Snow White. Lloyd had such a great time in Fareham and he can’t wait to be back again, this time playing Idle Jack! A show for all the family, Dick Whittington tells the rags-to-riches tale of a young man and his loyal cat on their exciting quest to find fame and fortune. Will our hero defeat the evil King Rat and his gang of vile vermin? Will Alice Fitzwarren lose her heart to this handsome hunk from Gloucester?? Will Sarah the Cook
suffer yet another soggy bottom??? Will the streets of London really be paved with gold? Find out in this classic Pantomime full of show-stopping songs, dazzling dance routines, knockabout comedy and bags of audience participation. This swashbuckling adventure is guaranteed to be another Ferneham Hall hit. Tickets are now on sale for ‘Dick Whittington and his Cat’. Please call Ferneham Hall Box Office on 01329 231942 or visit www.fernehamhall.co.uk for further information.
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New Monthly Jazz Club comes to Hampshire A new monthly Jazz club is heading to Sarisbury Green Community Centre from November 2015, bringing some of the country’s best Jazz Musicians to the heart of Hampshire. Each month Jazz on the Green will see a live band grace the stage for two hours of Traditional Jazz and Swing music. The venue boasts a licenced bar available throughout the evening, along with seating at tables and - space permitting - a dance floor at the rear of the hall. Each month will
also see a raffle in the interval. Founded by local Jazz enthusiast Barry Quantrill, Jazz on the Green is a non-profit making venture which aims to bring a new style of jazz club to the South Coast, with the highest quality bands available playing, covered and dressed tables and limited ticket numbers to ensure the whole audience enjoys their evening. Jazz on the Green are also one of the first jazz clubs on the south coast offering online booking, payment by debit/ credit card at the venue and discounts for booking in advance. To book your tickets visit www.jazzonthegreen.co.uk
Amy Roberts and Richard Exall 13th November 2015
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James Morrison James Morrison came to fame in 2006 with the hit debut single ‘You Give Me Something’. After a year or two out of the limelight, he’s back with a new single and album. He talked to the Evening Breeze’s Lucy Ambache about fame, fitness and Frozen. Where have you been? It has been ages! I kind of just wanted some time away. I felt like I was losing my mind a bit. I’d been on tour and making albums constantly for nearly eight years so I just wanted some time off with my kid. She was getting big and I just thought I’d rather live with screwing my career up and having a few years out than being a rubbish dad.
I thought that was only a mum thing! No I definitely felt it! I needed the break anyway and I’ve come back with more energy and I want to do it again, rather than just having to do it. What do you think of the current crop of Brits that are doing so well? Good. They’re good enough to make me feel nervous. It’s funny that the sound that you had when you established yourself is really “now”. You are almost ‘before your time’. <laughs> I think when I came out, it was still quite poppy with a little bit of soul in there. It’s just one of those things. I just did what felt right at the time. How has it changed from those days I guess it’s not so ‘sweet’? The single Demons is far from sweet!
I was quite distraught over that period of time. I’ve watched the DVD about 50 times – the first time I watched it I loved it. The worst point was when nine of her friends were round our house having a Frozen party! I even went to a Frozen themed birthday party and I asked the girl there whether she was sick of singing the songs – and she said “this is the last day I’m doing this!”. So even the people doing it are sick of it! What’s in the future then? Getting ready to do gigs really. I’ve got a bit of rust – although I’m fitter than I’ve ever been. Before, I’d only run if somebody was chasing me! I can run 12 miles now, and box a little bit, and lift slightly heavy weights!
The video’s dark but the message behind the song is I think the opposite. It’s about owning your own demons and not letting them get the better of you. It was quite poignant for me because when I was writing the album, I was close to a point of letting all those things in my head take over - I’m rubbish, I shouldn’t do it, I’m not good enough - they nearly got the better of me. So that song sums up those months of writing.
Have you got into this celebrity macro-biotic diet thing as well?
Your little girl and my little girl both love Frozen!
Hear more celebrity interviews with Lucy Ambache on The Evening Breeze, Sunday to Thursday 7-10pm. Find out more at www.thebreeze.com.
<laughs> She’s over it now, fortunately. I’m so glad 12
You mean there’s light at the end of the tunnel?
No. I could survive on super noodles but I think it makes a difference when you eat well. I’m not mad crazy but I was beginning to look bad for my age!
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The Solent Singers Following a number of successful and popular summer concerts, The Solent Singers were delighted to be able to present a cheque for £1500.00 to the Memory Café in Warsash to help with their ongoing support for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia and their carers.
The charities we will be supporting this Christmas are JDRF who research to cure, treat and prevent Type 1 Diabetes in children and “Kids” Fareham/
Gosport who support special needs children at school and at home. The Solent Singers look forward to welcoming you to their concerts during this festive season.
The Solent Singers Christmas “Carols by Candlelight” concert will be held in St Mary’s Church, Warsash on Monday 14th December starting at 7.30pm and in Sarisbury United Reformed Church on Sunday 20th December starting at 4.00pm
A Special Place To Lay Loved Ones To Rest It has been an award-winning month for the family-run Portchester Memorial Gardens, picking up four accolades for horticultural excellence at the site in Upper Cornaway Lane. First were two awards from the prestigious South & South East in Bloom competition – the largest horticultural campaign in the region involving hundreds of communities each year. The Gardens, which are just next door to the Crematorium in Portchester, won a Gold Award
for the standard of their grounds, as well as being judged the Best Business Landscape in the entire region for 2015. Not long after, it was the turn of the local branch of the competition, Fareham in Bloom, to also recognise the Gardens for quality, giving them a Gold Award and choosing them as the winners of their Business Parks and Commercial Landscapes category. The judges commented that ‘once again these outstanding gardens are beyond compare’, providing ‘a perfect setting for quiet contemplation’.
Portchester Memorial Gardens opened in 2002 and offer a peaceful location for cremated remains to be buried and marked with a memorial. Families lease plots in their favourite area of the six acre garden - such as the Garden of the Sea with its sculptural anchors and wooden jetty - and choose from a wide range of personalised memorial stones. The sympathetic team at the familyrun Portchester Memorial Gardens are experienced in helping families to create fitting, lasting tributes, so to discuss your requirements, call 01329 828250.
A place of peace and tranquillity Six acres of beautiful landscaped gardens offering the perfect final resting place for your loved one’s ashes. Select a plot and personalised memorial in the reflective Garden of Peace or fragrant Hill of Roses, overlooking the garden from Summerhouse View or sheltered in the Garden of the Sea, beside babbling streams or under shady trees. “The whole process was made easier with your kindness, and both Ken and I are happy in the knowledge that mum is resting in a lovely garden.” BR, Fareham
Upper Cornaway Lane, Portchester, PO16 8NF Location: Please note that we are not part of the Crematorium or their Garden of Remembrance. Follow our green signs.
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Growing Fruit Trees By Pippa Greenwood www.pippagreenwood.com
For the ultimate in gorgeous apples, pears, plums or more, the fruit needs to be freshly picked and sun-warmed - so grow your own and make some good looking additions to your garden, even when space is limited. There’s no need to have a massive plot or an orchard to grow fruit trees…
You can grow fruit trees in surprisingly small spaces, especially if you don’t grow them in a classic tree shape, but train them. Training them into espaliers (several sets of horizontal ‘arms’), cordons (single main stems grown at an angle) or fans (with branches trained into a fan shape) means that you can grow many varieties of apples and pears up against a suitable vertical surface such as a wall, fence or set of sturdy wires. You could also train fruits like apples to make a neat edging for a bed or border about 45cm above ground level (called ‘stepovers’). A step-over apple grows to a height of about 30cm and is trained to forms two horizontal ‘arms’, which will bear a smallish crop of fruit. Try step-overs around the edge of your vegetable plot or flower bed. To make a real feature of fruit, use a tree to create a decorative and productive arch. Buy an inexpensive bare root cordon (straight stem) or a ‘whip’ fruit tree of your favourite variety, pair it with another variety that is a suitable pollinator (check with the nursery) and plant one on each side of the arch, training
them in as they grow. It will look pretty when in blossom in spring and will bear tasty fruit too. Provided you get the right rootstock (see below), you can grow fruit trees in large containers. The container needs to be big - a half-barrel at least - and have drainage holes kept clear using a few inches of broken china or ‘crocks’ at its bottom. Good quality loambased compost such as John Innes No.3 will work well, but help to keep it well aerated and free-draining by adding 2550% multi-purpose loam-free compost. It is essential to choose fruit trees on the right ‘rootstock’, as this determines the ultimate size and vigour of the tree. Apples are complicated, but as a rule, for step-overs, cordons, dwarf bushes and trees in containers try the extremely dwarfing M27 though weak varieties may fail in poor soil or if not well pampered. For bush, cordon, espaliers and half-standard try the dwarfing rootstock M26, while for a cordon, an espalier on poor soil, arches and bush trees try the semi-dwarfing MM106. You can buy one year old ‘maidens’ or ‘whips’ which are
small, fairly straight stems and train them yourself or you can buy trained or part-trained trees. Make sure you choose varieties that flower at the same time so that they pollinate each other and thus provide fruit. Ask your supplier which ‘pollination group’ each variety is in. At this time of year you can buy inexpensive fruit trees sold ‘bare-root’, which means lifted from a field and not container grown; they also establish well. Bare-root fruit trees are generally available from about November until early March so don’t delay, get ordering or planting today!
Perfect as a Christmas gift, make vegetable growing fun with Pippa’s unique ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ system. Select the vegetables you’d like to grow at www.pippagreenwood.com and your garden-ready plants will be delivered in May, accompanied by weekly emails packed full of advice and tips. Gift cards are available too for this perfect present! It is great value and various pack sizes are available.
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Makes 10-12 slices Ready in about 3 hours 50g butter 175ml milk 3 tbsp caster sugar 375g strong plain white flour, plus extra for kneading ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp ground mixed spice 2 tsp fast-action dried yeast Zest of 1 lemon 1 large egg, beaten 125g raisins 25g chopped mixed peel 50g glace cherries, rinsed, dried and quartered 175g marzipan Melted butter, for brushing Icing sugar, for dusting
This spiced and fruity Continental sweet bread is perfect for serving over the festive season with a glass of warm mulled wine. 1. Put the butter, milk and caster sugar in a small pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and the butter has melted. Leave to cool for 10 minutes. 2. Sift the flour, salt and mixed spice into a large bowl and stir in the dried yeast. Make a well in the centre and stir in the milk mixture, lemon zest and egg. Mix together with a round-bladed knife to form a soft and sticky dough. 3. Turn the dough onto a well floured surface and knead for 5-8 minutes until smooth and elastic. At first the dough will be quite sticky so add more flour as necessary. 4. Flatten out the dough and knead in the raisins, cherries and peel until just combined. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for about 1½ hours, or until doubled in size. 5. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes, then roll out to a 25cm square. Shape the marzipan into a sausage shape and place down the centre of the dough. Fold one side over to cover the marzipan then repeat with the other side, overlapping in the centre. Seal the ends. Place seam-side down on a greased baking sheet. Cover with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan 170°C, gas 5. 6. Bake the stollen for 35-45 minutes until golden and sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Brush the hot stollen all over with melted butter and roll in the icing sugar to coat. Leave to cool.
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Spike’s All Star Band, Iconic singers performing their greatest hits Exclusive:
Izzy Ewen of Discover Magazines interviews Queen’s keyboard player and musical director Spike Edney Founded by renowned musician and musical director, Spike Edney, THE SAS BAND is the “Ultimate All-Star Band.” Featuring a world class band, the artists and musicians who appear with The SAS Band (a.k.a. Spike’s All-Stars) are some of the world’s greatest Rock and Pop performers. Since their debut in 1994, The SAS Band have made various television appearances and performed at an array of international high profile public concerts, major corporate events and exclusive private parties around the world. What inspired you to put the SAS band together? Back in the 70's, I jammed with a bunch of like minded players at a regular Sunday pub session in Southampton. I daydreamed about having a larger band with horns, percussion and backing singers. I spoke to several musicians about the idea and was met with a luke warm reaction "too much work and not enough
money" they all said, so I shelved the plans, but held the thought. Then in 1994, I'd just finished a world tour for Brian May and his "Back To The Light" solo album, when I got the call from Peter Chegwyn at The Gosport Festival asking me to put together a "Jam session" for the Friday Party Night. I decided to have a go at something more organised and called on Brian May's Band - Cozy Powell (drums), Neil Murray (Bass) and Jamie Moses (gtr). From the very start of Chris Thompson (Manfred Mann's Earth Band) singing "Davy's on The Road" I knew it was the start of something!
accepted. I then went along to see an old drumming mate of mine, Larry Tolfree play with Kiki Dee and he introduced us. By the end of the evening she was on board as well. That became the template for all the artists that joined us rapidly; either an introduction, or recommendation from a friend, or me just walking up and asking outright if they wanted " a night of fun". That sounds too saucy to turn down, right? Word soon spread how The SAS band was a great night for artists and audience alike and we have gone from strength to strength.
The rest is a continuing history of The SAS Band featuring some of the best singers in the world, singing the best songs.
Is there a running theme with the songs chosen? Our Motto is "Maximum Fun, Minimum Grief". The songs chosen are either the biggest hits, or the songs the performers most want to play. I often ask the artists if there are any songs they've loved forever, or that have been major influences on them. Just recently we worked with Mel C (of the Spice Girls) and she wanted to sing "River Deep, Mountain High" (Ike & Tina Turner), as it was her Mum's favourite and she had also loved it as a child. She had a blast performing that song.
How did you go about choosing artists to perform with you? The line up of the first gig in 1994 was completely dictated by the artists that I could approach directly. I didn't want to go through management, as I knew they would refuse me. Chris Thompson had worked with us on some of Brian's tour dates, so he was my first call. I knew Tony Hadley vaguely from Queen days and I bumped into him at The Jazz Café in London. He said he wasn't doing a lot since Spandau Ballet had split and I knew he was generally up for a laugh, so I asked if he wanted to join us and he
Who are the biggest All Stars in your line up? Too many fab ones to list, but it's always nice to work with Jeff
Beck, Roger Taylor and Roger Daltrey. Our regular favourites also are Madeline Bell, Chris Thompson, Patti Russo, Kiki Dee, Tony Hadley,Tom Robinson and Midge Ure. A while back we were the houseband for "The Meltdown Festival" at The South Bank and in one evening got to work with Ray Davies (The Kinks), Paloma Faith, Sandie Shaw, Carl BarĂŁt ( The Libertines) and the legendary Ronnie Spector (The Ronettes). It doesn't come any more fun than that. Well... except maybe playing along with Stevie Wonder on his version of "Happy Birthday" for Nelson Mandela at Radio City in New York!! What do you think of mainstream music today? I occasionally watch the top 40 videos on a Saturday morning and I notice that a lot of DJ's are making records these days and that's probably why the production values seem the same on so many tracks. When a production team write and produce artists, they tend to stick to the proven formula, when in reality it's diversity that has always propelled music to expand the boundaries. It is the artists, more often than not, who should be driving the music forward. Look at The Beatles, or Jimi Hendrix - talent, songs and music always came first. Who do you think are the Rock Stars of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chart music? Dunno - not many stay around long enough for me to form an opinion. In recent years, I have had time for Vintage Trouble, James Morrison, Paulo Nuttini and Bruno Mars is definitely an exciting talent, who I think will be around for a very long time. More recently, Royal Blood have caught my ear and let's not forget the magnificent Adam Lambert- a true star in my opinion. I think he has the vocal chops and musicality to stand astride the whole range
of music today. It was interesting to see how easily Queen took his dance track "Ghost Town" and gave it their own unmistakeable twist and how the new version thrilled both Queen fans and Glamberts alike. See it live on youtube from the recent South American Tour. Do you play other instruments than the keyboard? I still play guitar and I used to play trombone, which I took up after seeing the band "Chicago" play at the last Isle of Wight festival. Their trombonist, James Pankow became an instant hero of mine and when I eventually met him I became a quivering teenybopper, just like a "One D" fan in front of Harry Stiles!! As I age, I think I might have a go at push button chromatic Harmonica like Stevie Wonder. It's very tricky though and will probably need a few years on a porch, practising! What are your plans beyond the current tour of SAS Band? I am currently cataloguing my collection of personal photos, stage clothes, instruments and tour memorabilia for an exhibition due to open in November at The Portsmouth Guildhall called "Spike Edney - from Landport to Live Aid". This exhibition will chart my musical career from my first band in the 1960's, through the tours with iconic soul Legends of the 1970's then on to the world tours of The Boomtown Rats, Dexy's Midnight Runners and Duran
Duran, plus my longstanding association with Queen and the launch of The SAS Band a.k.a. Spike's All Stars. I've also been threatening to write a book telling the whole gruesome story in gory detail, so I'd better get that rolling before I start to forget the best bits!! Is there a band today that you consider as talented as Queen? Queen are unique and I'm not sure if anyone else can rival them. Bands these days don't really get the chance to develop and grow as artists, as they used to. Careers seem to last a couple of CD's at most before the artists are discarded by an ever more fickle music business. Having said that I do have a lot of time for "Muse". Who would be your dream line-up for the SAS Band? My mind boggles at the thought, but I regret not ever managing to get Steve Marriot (Small Faces) before he passed and some day I would really like to get Joe Walsh, Robert Plant, Steve Winwood, Peter Frampton, Alison Moyet, Lisa Stansfield and Terry Reid onstage with us - at different times!
www.sasband.com SAS Band will be playing at Portsmouth Guildhall, on 8th December 2015 at 7pm
Finding gifts for the “Nothing I need” Brigade By Kate McLelland
“There’s nothing I need. Don’t buy me anything.” It’s the festive season, and not buying anything just isn’t an option, unless you want to feel like a cross between the Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning. But what do you get for those friends or family members who genuinely seem to have everything? I’m not talking a mansion, a yacht and a Ferrari: just all the things required for comfortable, everyday living.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when it’s likely that they will have collected all the knickknacks, gadgets and gizmos they’ll ever need. So what are the options when it comes to buying an original gift for the man or woman who says “There’s nothing I need”?
champagne balloon flight for one (from £109 at www.buyagift. co.uk). This isn’t the kind of gift you can keep in your bottom drawer, but the lucky recipient is unlikely to ever forget the sensation of drifting high over the British countryside with a glass of bubbly in their hand.
Give a goat
Adopt a rare animal
At Oxfam (www.oxfam.org.uk) it costs just £25 to buy a goat for a needy family trying to survive in areas affected by war or drought, who can use the gift to produce nutritious dairy products such as milk and cheese. Oxfam also supplies a brightly coloured gift card that explains your purchase.
The World Wildlife Fund (now called WWF) has another clever gift idea for people who like to feel they are helping a good cause. Go to www.wwf.org.uk and buy an “adopt a wild animal” pack as a gift. This isn’t an actual adoption – your donation won’t be linked to a specific animal – but the adoption pack does include a cuddly toy version of the chosen species.
An unforgettable experience If you’ve run out of gift ideas for your nearest and dearest, why not give them an experience? It could be anything from afternoon tea for two at a choice of 70 hotels and restaurants nationwide (£36 from www. redletterdays.co.uk), to a hot air 30
Go retro Treat them to a retro sweet hamper (£36) or a retro chocolate gift box (£12.95) full of Munchies, Curly Wurlies and other nostalgic goodies,
both from www.retrosweets.co.uk. Vintage board games are also popular: you can buy old games in “as new” condition from online retailers such as eBay and Amazon.
Buy a gift voucher It used to be that gift vouchers could only be exchanged at one particular retailer, but those days are long gone. The “Love2Shop” voucher can be spent in over 20,000 UK locations, including restaurants, hotels, spas and leisure resort (www.highstreetvouchers.com).
Can’t afford any of the above? If your Christmas gift budget won’t stretch to the items mentioned here, consider giving the gift of your time. Buy a small gift box and enclose a note promising to do something for the recipient: a couple of hours of gardening; baking a cake every week for a month; decorating the spare room. These gifts are a far cry from a boring box of toiletries or a shirt and tie set, and at least you’ll win Brownie points for original thinking. You’ll also avoid the dirty looks and long silences that come from having taken the “Nothing I need” brigade’s protestations a bit too literally!
Yasmin Taylor-Hazzard
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If so, please contact our to find outPuppy more Office on 01730 716017 or email puppyoffice@caninepartners.org.uk to find out more
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2516146. Registered office: Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0ED.
Canine Partners, registered charity in England Wales (803680) Scotland (SC039050). Canine Partners, registered charity in England andand Wales (803680) andand Scotland (SC039050).
Canine registered in England (803680) and Scotland (SC039050). APartners, company limited by charity guarantee, registered in Wales England and Wales company number 2516146. A company limited by guarantee, registered inand England and Wales company number 2516146. Canine Partners, registered charity in England Wales (803680) and Scotland (SC039050). A company limited by registered in and England and Wales company number 2516146. Registered office: Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0ED. Registered office: Millguarantee, Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0ED. A companyoffice: limited byLane, guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 2516146. Registered Mill Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29company 0ED. Registered office: Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0ED.
Canine Partners, registered charity in England and Wales (803680) and Scotland (SC039050). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2516146. Registered office: Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 0ED.
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Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Managing Director Justin Friel feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving
people money, although that obviously helps. Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service the Locks Heath & Whiteley areas and Justin is finding that his
approach is a major factor in his success.‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve
done work for, which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Justin a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!
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Local Groups & Clubs ACTING UP Meets on Mondays Abshot Community Centre, Titchfield Common PO14 4NR 4-5pm 7-11 years, 5-5.45pm 4-7 years, 5.45-6.45pm 11-16 years £4 a session. actingupinfo@gmail.com LOCKS HEATH BROWNIES Meets on Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm Abshot Community Centre, Titchfield Common PO14 4NR For details call 01489 559015 gill@procars.co.uk MARACAJACKS Meets Mondays, 10am – 12noon Genesis Centre, Locks Heath, SO31 6DX Singing group for young children. 01489 808040 VICTORY HALL PRESCHOOL Term time only. Every Mon-Fri, 9am to 12noon Victory Hall, Warsash SO31 9HW The aim is to help each child reach their full potential. We can offer your child, Highly qualified caring staff, A stimulating environment with a high adult to child ratio. 01489 572913
JIGGLY WIGGLERS Meets Wednesdays, 10am –12noon Genesis Centre, Locks Heath SO31 6DX Singing group for young children. 01489 808040 MOTHER & TODDLER GROUP Meets on Fridays, 10-11:30am Genesis Centre, Locks Heath SO31 6DX Open to all local families. 01489 808040 SPECIAL NEEDS YOUTH GROUP Meets on Fridays, 7-9pm Genesis Centre, Locks Heath SO31 6DX Youth Club open to young people with additional needs. 01489 808040 TITCHFIELD PHOTOGRAPHIC GROUP Meets on Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm Titchfield Community Association, Mill Street PO14 4AB For details call Phil Burner 01329 319035 FRENCH CONVERSATION Meets on 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30-9:30pm Titchfield Community Association, Mill Street PO14 4AB For details call Peter Davis 01329 284417 LADIES BADMINTON Meets on Thursday, 10:30am – 12:30pm (term time only) Titchfield Community Association, Mill Street PO14 4AB For details call Sylvia Lamb 01489 584948 TEAPOT CRAFTERS Meets Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30pm Titchfield Community Association, Mill Street PO14 4AB Craft Club. For details call Mrs Philpot 01329 286999
IDENTITY YOUTH CLUB Meets on Mondays, 6-8pm Genesis Centre, Locks Heath, SO31 6DX For young people in school years 6 & 7. 01489 808040
COMUNICARE LUNCHEON CLUB Meets every Tuesday, 12noon Victory Hall, Warsash SO31 9HW For details call 01489 572913
DROP IN HEALTH Meets on Tuesdays, 3-5pm Genesis Centre, Locks Heath SO31 6DX Open drop in for young people, 11-19 years, offering support and advice. 01489 808040
SHORT MAT BOWLS Four clubs meeting on Wed & Thu morning, Thur afternoon and evening. Victory Hall, Warsash SO31 9HW Enjoyed by people of all ages. Bowls are available so all a beginner would need is a decent pair of flat soled shoes. 01489 572913
CYCLING SKILLS FOR TODAY’S ROADS Individual and group lessons tailored to your needs and ability, at a time and place to suit you. Delivered by a professional instructor of ten years experience. All abilities and ages welcome. Teaching to Government’s National Standard and Bikeability registered. Southampton City Council and Dorset County Council subsidised adult training Vouchers available to download from Councils’ websites or from Cyclewise at your lesson. You’re never too old to try, nor too young to start. Dilys Gartside NSIQ: cyclewisesouthampton@gmail. com 01258 860157 www.cyclewisesouthampton.co.uk SOLENT SOUNDS LADIES CHORUS A lively and friendly group who love to sing! Rehearsals every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church Hall, King’s Road, Fareham PO16 0NU. Call Fiona on 07748 545180 or visit www.solentsoundschorus.org Jiggy Wrigglers Music and movement for ages 0-5 years In and around Fareham and Southampton To find a group call 0800 6124375 or have a look at www.jiggywrigglers.com LOCKS WOOD ACTIVE 60+ GROUP Meets Monday afternoons 2.30pm4.30pm (excluding Bank Holidays) at Locks Wood Centre. A non-profit making group for the well-being of the local over 60’s. Voluntary gentle movement to music, tea and biscuits, live entertainment, outings, holidays. 01489 577862 / 01489 575394 MOVE TO MUSIC CLASSES FOR THE MORE MATURE PERSON Ranvilles Infant School, Oldbury Way, Fareham, PO14 3BN Thursdays (term time only) 10.30-11.30am £4 per session Friendly, established class, taught by an experienced, qualified and insured mature teacher. Val Burns 07929 597695 or 01489 575182 WHITELEY WAGS WI Meets on the second Thursday of each month from 7.30pm Whiteley Primary School A modern twist on the traditional WI. Your first visit is free if you would like to come along before joining us. You will be made very welcome. Full details of our programme of events is on www.whiteleywags.co.uk
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Beauty gifts that won’t break the bank Beauty gifts need to be a little bit decadent. The recipient should feel truly pampered, and will appreciate that you haven’t just picked up a run-ofthe-mill gift set with your supermarket shopping. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to max the credit card out this Christmas. So, here are our top picks for great value skin and body care gift sets, starting from under a fiver.
A gift for your mum Pai have released a limited edition version of their bestselling Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil, for £22. This oil is the darling of the beauty media and packs a pretty powerful anti-aging punch. It’s the most concentrated rosehip oil on the market, and has been shown to offer visible skin healing benefits, including improving skin firmness, and minimising the appearance of scars, stretch marks, sun damage and fine lines. It also feels lovely to apply.
For your sister Neal’s Yard Uplifting Jasmine & Ylang Ylang Organic Collection includes a shower gel and body cream, and is a real bargain at £15. As well as smelling absolutely divine, the products are very nourishing, so are ideal for the cold winter months. Packaged in a pretty gift box, this set is sure to go down a treat. 36
Stocking fillers If stockings are still the best part of your Christmas morning, you’ll love Narynda’s sample pots. Choose between the Body Care Pack at £5, and the Face Care Pack at £7.50, then just wrap each item separately. They both offer great value for money, and are ideal for a weekend away. Narynda’s products are formulated from some of nature’s finest skin soothers, including oat oil, grapefruit oil and beeswax, so they’re a good choice for sensitive skin. Secret Santa The prettily packaged soaps by Akamuti are 100% natural and handmade. The Rose Beauty Soap Bar contains shea butter, olive oil and cocoa butter, along with luxurious rose oil. A bar costs £4.75 and is a much more thoughtful choice for a co-worker than the usual box of chocolates or gift voucher.
For a friend Who wouldn’t want to receive the gift of beautiful hair? KMS California has released three gift sets this Christmas, each containing a shampoo, conditioner, two styling products and a hair accessory. Choose the desired results from Tame Frizz, Moist Repair and Add Volume. Each set retails at £29.95.
For a party host If you fancy giving your host something a bit more imaginative than a bottle of wine or bunch of flowers, a gift set from B Skincare is a great choice. The lavender scented B Relaxed set is particularly relevant at this hectic time of year, and at £12.50 it won’t break the bank. Handmade in Cornwall by a small family business, B Skincare make seriously luxurious products, at pocket-friendly prices.
One for the boys Buying for a man who understands the importance of good skincare? The Elemis Perfect Man giftset should go down a treat. The set comprises Ice Cool Foaming Gel (for shaving), Pro-Collagen Marine Cream for Men, Aching Muscle Super Soak and two sachets of Pro-Collagen Hydra-Gel Eye Masks. At £49 it isn’t cheap, but as it includes £77.50 worth of products, it is great value for money.
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Make room for guests at Christmas Stella sofa bed in Herringbone, £1,340, sofa.com, 0845 400 2222.
The tree is decorated and the turkey in the freezer, but are you ready to welcome friends and family this Christmas? Katherine Sorrell outlines some quick and easy ways to create extra space for holiday visitors.
Sinnerlig stool, £50, Ikea, 020 3645 0000; ikea.co.uk.
Lounging around If you’re going to need somewhere for everyone to relax in the living room, bring in beanbags for the kids and pop cushions on top of coffee tables and benches to create a few extra TV-viewing spaces. A bed for the night No guest room? No problem. A sofa bed, day bed or futon – or simply a longish sofa – will do the trick. A good quality airbed is a great thing to have, too. If your living room is acting as a temporary bedroom, clear space for your guests’ luggage and place a small lamp near the head of their ‘bed’ and a spare throw or blanket nearby. Use a box, bag or basket to stow bedding during the day. Dinner is served An extendable dining table is perfect for accommodating additional guests; alternatively enlarge your table temporarily by topping it with an overhanging sheet of plywood (you might want to protect the table with a pad or cloth first), covered with a pretty tablecloth. Or, create a separate dining table – maybe just for kids – using anything with a flat surface, from a trestle table to a coffee table, surrounded by
cushions on the floor. Any old china If you haven’t got enough crockery for all your guests, plan ahead and pick up extras at car boot sales, charity shops or vintage shops; the same goes for glasses and cutlery. If all else fails, have a stack of paper plates to hand – no one will mind once the turkey is dished out, and at least you’ll save on washing up! Are you sitting comfortably? If you have a shortage of dining chairs, consider investing in a few inexpensive folding chairs that you could hide out of the way when not in use. If you’re not keen on how they look, try covering them with pillowcases and adding a pretty cushion. Alternatively, a flat-topped stool can double as a seat and as a side table – handy next to that seldom-used guest bed, too – and will slide out of the way under the table when not in use. Hallway solutions Extra guests means a proliferation of coats, shoes, boots and umbrellas, so a simple stacking shoe rack will always come in handy, as will a few extra hooks mounted on the wall. How about a free-standing coat rack? Or, for cheap and instant
space-saving, over-door racks, hooks and shoe organisers can be added anywhere in the house. Eat, drink and be merry Aim to create enough room in your kitchen to store all your festive goodies by clearing out your cupboards and fridge in good time. Add internal racks, shelves, boxes and baskets so you can stack everything neatly (clear plastic makes it easy to see everything at once). Bathroom bliss Clear plenty of space for your guests to store their toiletries before they arrive and look for bath and shower caddies that attach by hook or suction, allowing you to stock all sorts of products out of the way. Provide clean towels on a separate hook or rail from your own – a clothes airer that hooks over a radiator is ideal – and some luxury soaps. Your visitors will never want to go home…
Homer flip-top kitchen table, £625, Loaf, 0845 468 0698; www.loaf.com.
discover magazines @discovermags
Discover What’s On JENNY DOCHERTY 19 Nov, 7.30pm Gosport Discovery Centre, High Street, Gosport, PO12 1BT Jenny Docherty hosts another of her popular evenings of clairvoyance creating a warm and friendly atmosphere, she has a great sense of humour and speaks as she finds. In partnership with KIDS (South East). www.kids.org.uk/events Tickets £8 (B) 023 9252 3463 A MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR OF FLOWERS 20 Nov, 2.15pm The Victory Hall, Warsash Warsash Flower Club presents a demonstration by the very talented Katie Baxter, in aid of “The Gift of Sight”. There will also be stalls, a raffle, tea and mince pies! Tickets (members £7.50, guests £10) from Carol Barnden, 01489 574879, or Sara Niven, 01489 578322. SHAKESPEARIENCE: HENRY V 20 Nov, 7.30pm The Berry Theatre, SO30 4EJ A new adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most thrilling plays. Working with students from 10 local secondary schools, The Berry Theatre’s creative team will bring Shakespeare’s Henry V to life. www.theberrytheatre.co.uk 42
BEGINNERS CROCHET 20 Nov, 10.30-12.30pm Manor Farm & Country Park, Brook Lane, Botley, SO30 2ER Go back in time and experience life in the 40’s Sit by our cosy range in the lamplight and enjoy friendly company whilst learning new crafting skills. This month is beginner Crochet. Start your own vintage blanket with crochet granny squares. Materials provided. (B) £10 per person for Manor Farm members, £15 per person nonmembers. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR 21 Nov Bursledon Village Hall Community Art, Craft & Gift Market with tearoom and children›s craft area (£1.50 per project) Free entry. 023 9311 6749 WARSASH HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 25 Nov, 7.30pm Bartholomew Room, Victory Hall The speaker will be Roger Hirons whose presentation is very seasonally entitled “Camellias and the Winter Garden”. This will be the last meeting for this year as we do not meet in December but we look forward to seeing everyone again on 27th January next year! Visitors are always made most welcome at all our meetings. Glenda 01489 573755. CHAPEL SESSIONS 27 Nov, 7pm The Chapel, Royal Victoria Country Park, Netley, Southampton Pre-Christmas party with blues rock band The Burns Unit back by popular demand. Animals to ZZ Top via Clapton, Santana and the Stones. Not for profit occasional music series. Tickets 07702980677 or Hantsweb online shop.
AUTISM HAMPSHIRE CHRISTMAS QUIZ NIGHT 27 Nov, 7pm Hedge End Club, Bursledon Road, Southampton Get your thinking caps on for our fun Christmas Quiz. Only £12.50 per person to include a tasty Christmas platter per team. This fun filled evening will end with prize-giving and a Christmas raffle. (B) georgia.orourke@ autismhampshire.org.uk VICTORIAN FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS 27 & 28 Nov, 10-6pm Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Hampshire PO1 3NH Festival favourites are set to return including our largest ever Christmas Market, Fagin›s Real Ale Tavern, Dickensian-style snow covered streets, a traditional Father Christmas (dressed in green) and a wonderland of Victorian characters and entertainment. www.historicdockyard.co.uk CHRISTMAS MARKET 28 Nov, 12-4pm St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Warsash Get into the Christmas spirit at St Mary’s Church. Craft stalls, children’s activities, refreshments in an historic church, with singing by St Mary’s choir in the afternoon. SANTA-SAURUS! 28 Nov, 2-5pm SEARCH, Local & Naval Studies Centre @ Gosport Discovery Centre, PO12 1NS As part of Gosport’s Christmas Lights switch on events come and explore the Christmas Past room sets and meet the festive T-Rex - Santa-Saurus. If you are brave enough, buy a timed ticket from the Gallery from Monday 23 November and come and take your gift from his claws on the day! FREE, just turn up for the room sets. Santa-Saurus tickets £3 per child from Gosport Gallery.
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Useful Numbers
For more visit www.discovercommunity.co.uk
Doctors Brook Lane Surgery Bursledon Surgery Gudge Heath Lane The Centre Practice Lockswood The Whiteley Surgery Highlands Medical Ctr Jubilee Surgery
schools 01489 575191 023 8040 4671 01329 280887 01329 823456 01489 576708 01489 881982 01329 845777 01329 844220
Mon 9am-7pm Tue 9am-5pm Wed 9am-5pm Thu 9am-7pm Fri 9am-7pm Sat 9am-5pm Sun closed
01489 576335
Cams Hill School
01329 231641
Cornerstone C of E (Aided) PS
01489 660750
Harrison Primary School
01329 234016
Heathfield School
01329 845150
Henry Cort Community College
01329 843127
Hook-with-Warsash C of E Academy 01489 572393 01489 584180
Locks Heath Junior School
01489 572226
Lord Wilson School
01489 582684
Neville Lovett Community School
01329 318003
Lockswood Centre, Locks Heath District Centre, SO31 6DX. 0845 6035631
Orchard Lea Infant School
01329 232563
Orchard Lea Junior School
01329 234471
Park Gate Primary School
01489 575444
Ranvilles Infant School
01329 841653
Ranvilles Junior School
01329 841679
Mon closed Tue 9.30am-5pm Wed 9.30am-5pm Thu 9.30am-7pm Fri 9.30am-5pm Sat 9.30am-1pm Sun closed
Redlands Primary School
01329 234012
Sarisbury C of E Junior School
01489 573000
Sarisbury Infant School
01489 573800
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School 01489 579100 St Columba CofE Primary Academy
01329 843226
St Francis Special School
01329 845730
St John The Baptist C of E PS
01489 573276
St Jude’s Catholic Voluntary Aided PS 01329 235131 Titchfield Primary School
01329 843322
Segensworth Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Barnes Wallis Road, Segensworth, PO15 5TS. 01489 589396
Uplands Primary School
01329 232878
Wallisdean Infant School
01329 280827
Wallisdean Junior School
01329 232571
9am-6pm from 1 April to 30 September 9am-4pm from 1 October to 28 February 9am-5pm from 1 March to 31 March Closed 25 & 26 Dec, 1 Jan
Whiteley Primary School
01489 881601
Wicor Primary School
01489 881601
Hedge End Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Shamblehurst Lane, Hedge End, SO30 2AD. 01489 780028 9am-6pm from 1 April to 30 September 9am-4pm from 1 October to 28 February 9am to 5pm from 1 March to 31 March PLEASE NOTE - Hedge End HWRC opens at 9am on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Closed 25 & 26 Dec, 1 Jan
01329 664151
Brookfield Community School
Locks Heath Infant School
Libraries Fareham: Osborn Road, Fareham, PO16 7EN. 0845 6035631
Baycroft School
School Term Dates All dates taken from www.hants.gov.uk/education/schools/schoolholidays Autumn Term Tue 1 Sept 15 to Fri 18 Dec 15 Autumn Half Term Mon 26 Oct 15 to Fri 30 Oct 15 Christmas Holiday Mon 21 Dec 15 to Fri 1 Jan 16 Spring Term Mon 4 Jan 16 to Thu 24 March 16
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 4pm
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