





Associate Director

Dr Santha Gopalkrishna Dean & Founder
Ms Josheta Hari
Mr Hari Krishnan CEO
Dr KP Gopalkrishna Chairman & Founder
Dr Bindu Hari Vice- Chairperson & Director
Our Primary Years handbook has been created to provide you with all the essential information required to allow your child and yourselves to settle quickly and effortlessly into the TISB family. It mayseemlikealotofinformationbutbeassuredthatitwillbeahandytoolforyoutodipinandout of throughout the year Please do take some time with your child to familiarise yourselves with the contents.
For our existing families, please do also read through it as there may be some changes from the previousacademicyear
Please ensure that all relevant forms are completed and handed in prior to the start of term, especially the ICT Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, which must be completed by all new and currentparentsandchildren.
IwouldliketoinviteyoualltoourOrientationDayonSunday3rdAugust,priortothestartoftermon Monday5th Duringthisdayyouwillhavetheopportunitytohearfromusaboutthecurriculumand the wonderful opportunities and experiences that your children will have at TISB this year. You will havethechancetolookaroundthePrimaryYearsdepartmentandmeettheteachers,oldandnew, givingyouasenseofourcommunity.Weverymuchhopeyouwillbeabletojoinus.
We, as the Primary Years team, are here to give your children the best start possible, both academically and holistically, and are available to answer queries and concerns right through the year.Pleaseusetheschoolwebsitetocheckforupdatesregularlyandtoaccessthegalleries.
I am very much looking forward to meeting all of you and your children I am sure by working togetherwewillcontinuetostrengthenthecommunitythatisTISBPrimary
Withb t i h
Mr De

Ihopethismessagefindsyouallingoodhealthandhighspirits.Asweembarkonanewacademic year,IamdelightedtowelcomeeachofyoutothePrimaryYearsProgramme(PYP)atTISB
The PYP is an exciting educational journey that fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning in our young learners. Our dedicated team of educators is committed to providing a nurturing and inclusiveenvironmentwherestudentscanflourishbothacademicallyandsocially.
In the PYP, we believe in empowering students to become active and responsible learners, capable ofmakingapositiveimpactontheircommunityandtheworldaroundthem Throughinquiry-based learning and the development of essential skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration,ourstudentswillgrowintoconfidentandwell-roundedindividuals.
Throughout the year, we will focus on the development of the PYP learner profile attributes – being inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced,andreflective.Theseattributesformthefoundationofoureducationalapproach,guiding studentstobecomelifelonglearnersandglobalcitizens.
AsthePYPCoordinator,mydoorisalwaysopentostudents,parents,andteachers Iencourageopen communication and collaboration, and I am here to support you in any way I can If you have any questions,concerns,orideas,pleasedonothesitatetoreachouttomeatjarchana@tisb.ac.in I look forward to a fantastic year of growth, discovery, and learning together. Let us work hand in handtocreateavibrantandenrichingeducationalexperienceforourstudents.
Thankyouforentrustinguswithyourchild'seducation WearethrilledtohaveyouaspartofourPYP community!
MsArchanaJoshi PYPCoordinator

The International School Bangalore is located on a 140-acre campus in Dommasandra, Sarjapur of Bangalore, in Southern India TISB was founded in 2000 by the school’s Chairman, Dr K P Gopalkrishna, an eminent leader in education, and is one of India’s most reputable, independent, selective, international boarding and day schools Dr Gopalkrishna is also the Chairman and Founder of The National Public Schools (NPS) which have become a model that many schools seek to replicate under his advice Throughout its history TISB has delivered consistently high academic standards and strives to combine traditional values with a modern, global approach to life and learning
Our aim in the Primary Years is to provide children with the very best education and support to deepen and nurture their interests, within an environment that is welcoming, safe and happy. We believe that learning is for life and that the learner is at the heart of everything we do. The children are encouraged to be active and to learn in cooperation with others
We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic team of teachers who are there to support children during their learning journey with us. It never ceases to amaze us how much the children grow, not just physically but also emotionally. In the Primary Years, we very much feel that we lay the important foundations for the young adults that TISB children go on to become

TISB believes in respect towards students, staff and the school, and fostering relationships based on fun and friendship

Collaboration and Camaraderie
TISB’s community spirit and friendly atmosphere allow individual personalities to develop, and our student-led events and activities foster a supportive, nurturing and caring community

Acceptance and Equality
TISB prides itself on student equality and fairness regardless of age, background or ability. Diversity is accepted and valued so no one feels excluded or less important

We feel proud to be part of our school community with a desire to excel and to do the best we can with integrity and honesty.
TISB strives to be a globally leading innovative international school that fosters a culture of aspiration, empowerment and strong community values - making it the first school of choice.
We will inspire and challenge every student to flourish and achieve their full potential, both now and in the future, and instill a passion for lifelong learning.

Theguidehasbeencraftedtoofferyouinsightsintotheeducationaljourneyyourchildwillembark upon. As educators, we believe that fostering a strong partnership between home and school is essential for your child's academic and personal growth. This guide serves as a tool to facilitate thatcollaboration,empoweringyoutoactivelyparticipateinyourchild'slearningexperience
2024-25 TERM DATES
Term Dates | The International School Bangalore (tisb.org)
You can find the Term Dates for the current & the next academic year in our website Please note that the dates are subject to changes often, so it is always important to refer to the website (link above) to get the up-to-date information.
We are thrilled to continue our school's educational journey that was started last academic year - a shift towards the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). The PYP is an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework designed to cultivate curious, confident, and compassionate young learners. As we transition to this dynamic and globally recognized program, we invite you to join us on this transformative adventure
The PYP focuses on the holistic development of each child, nurturing their academic, personal, social, and emotional growth Through inquiry, collaboration, and critical thinking, our students will become lifelong learners who are adaptable and equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.
The International Baccalaureate© aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment
TISB is now an official candidate school for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Achieving candidacy status is a testament to our commitment to providing an enriching, inquirybased, and globally-oriented education for our students As a candidate school, we have embarked on a thoughtful and comprehensive process of aligning our existing educational practices with the principles and philosophy of the PYP We had the PYP Consultant Visit the school in May 2024 and have received a goahead to file our applications for the authorisation visit. We look forward to enhance our practices and get authorised this academic year
The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. It is a student-centered approach where students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes people and their relationships to build a strong learning community.
The framework emphasizes the central principle of agency, which underpins the three pillars of school life: The learner, learning & teaching and the learning community. Embedded in the framework is the recognition of the importance of fostering an individual’s self-efficacy Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy are active in their own learning and take action in their learning community.

The PYP curriculum framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different cultural contexts and educational settings. It encourages schools to develop their own units of inquiry that align with the IB's philosophy and principles while incorporating local perspectives and priorities.
TISB is a caring community that values growth and integrity. Our curriculum reflects the needs of the world today and the possibilities of the future Your child has authentic opportunities to inquire, ask questions, build skills and attain global knowledge through a rigorous, concept-based curriculum
A Transdisciplinary Curriculum Framework
The PYP curriculum framework centres on transdisciplinary learning as the curriculum organiser for students to experience learning between, across and beyond traditional subject boundaries. It is an in‐ depth guide to authentic inquiry‐based learning and teaching that is engaging, significant, challenging and relevant. PYP schools strive towards deeper implementation of transdisciplinary learning in their curriculums and communities by committing to a foundational set of principles found in Programme Standards and Practices (PSP) These foundational principles ensure quality and fidelity in the implementation of all IB programmes at IB World Schools


As IB learners TISB students must strive to be:
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others We learn with enthusiasm and sustainourloveoflearningthroughoutlife
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible actiononcomplexproblems.Weexerciseinitiativeinmakingreasoned,ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectivesofotherindividualsandgroups.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
Wedevelopanduseconceptualunderstanding,exploringknowledgeacrossa range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and globalsignificance
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibilityforouractionsandtheirconsequences.
We show empathy, compassion and respect We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in theworldaroundus.
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the valuesandtraditionsofothers.Weseekandevaluatearangeofpointsofview, andwearewillingtogrowfromtheexperience.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional to achieve well‐being for ourselves and others.Werecognizeourinterdependencewithotherpeopleandwiththeworld inwhichwelive
Wethoughtfullyconsidertheworldandourownideasandexperience Wework to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning andpersonaldevelopment.
The alignment between the Learner Profile and the TISB PY values ensures that students are equipped with a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and values that go beyond academic achievement It fosters a holistic approach to education, preparing students to be active, lifelong learners who are caring, principled, and open-minded contributors to a better world














The PYP is flexible enough to accommodate the demands of most national or local curriculums and is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from six subject areas, as well as transdisciplinary skills, with a powerful emphasis on inquiry
The six subject areas identified within the IB Primary Years Programme:
Language: English, French, Hindi
Social Studies
Arts: Visual and Performing Science
At TISB, we will continue to teach ICT as a stand alone subject and integrate tasks within the curriculum. Additionally, to ensure discipline rigour is not lost, we will have stand alone Inquiry units of English and Mathematics
The six transdisciplinary themes that guide units of inquiry in each school year are:
Who we are
Where we are in place and time
How we express ourselves
How the world works
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
Each theme is addressed each year by all students. (Students aged 3 to 5 engage with four of the themes each year ) In addition, all PYP students have the opportunity to learn more than one language from the age of seven. These transdisciplinary themes help develop a programme of inquiry in which important ideas (identified by the school) are investigated, requiring a high level of involvement from the students These inquiries are substantial and engaging, usually lasting for 7-8 weeks.
All students will come to realize that a unit of inquiry involves them in an in-depth exploration of an important idea and that the teacher will collect evidence of how well they understand that idea. They will be expected to be able to work in a variety of ways, on their own and in groups, to allow them to learn to their best advantage.
At TISB, concept-based inquiry has been a cornerstone of effective teaching and learning for over the last 4 years and implementing the PYP will help us take our work forward with the concept-based approach to teaching and help our students understand big ideas and foster deeper connections between different areas of knowledge.
Value of Inquiry
When learning conceptually students can transfer knowledge, skills, dispositions and understanding to new contexts and through different disciplines, their learning is deepened and fortified Through the programme of inquiry at TISB, your child will be given opportunities to learn through inquiry-driven units which are transdisciplinary, meaning that units are not explored through a singular discipline but multiple ones The central ideas in these units of inquiry may be learned through the arts and sciences or through personal health and social studies to enrich the experience of learning in a meaningful way for our students.
PYP Exhibition
The Exhibition is an important part of the PYP for all students. In the final year of the programme in Grade 5, students undertake a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems As the culminating experience of the PYP, the Exhibition offers students an exciting opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their learning
Below is an example of how the programme of Inquiry will look for the academic year 2024-2025 The details of each of the units of inquiry will be communicated to parents along with weekly updates. Early years will engage with four units.
WhoWeAre Whereareweinplace andtime Howweexpress ourselves Howtheworld works Howwe organise ourselves Sharingtheplanet
Pre-KG MeandMyFriends Celebrationsand Festivals Let’sExploreand Discover Systemsinourlives
KG MeandMy Relationships IntheRoleofa Scientist
LG1 OurChoices,OurWell being CaptivatingTales Patternsinourworld LivingandGrowing
UG1 MakingInformed Choices HistoricalEventsthat shapedtheworld Drama Adventures LightandSound LivingTogether inacommunity
Survival;Structureand BehaviourofLiving Things
Gr2 OurChangingBody ExplorersoftheWorld Expressing withouttalking MatterandMaterials RulesandLaws Habitat; Interdependent Relationships
Gr3 RoleofIndividual Actionsin Communities Inventionand Innovation TheLanguageof Dance Forcesandits Interactions Livelihoods
Changesintheanimal world;thehuman impact
Gr4 Bodysytems Civilizations VoicesinVerse EnergyWaves FairTrade Earth’s Drama(Geological ProcessandNatural Disasters)
Gr5 IdentityandChange JourneysofChange/ Migration PYPExhibition Matterandits Interactions Leadership Ecosystems
A Concept-based inquiry approach is applied to teaching language at TISB The approach focuses on developing students' understanding of key concepts, which they can apply across various contexts and languages This method goes beyond teaching language as isolated skills and instead emphasizes meaningful and transferable learning. Here's how the concept-based inquiry approach is applied to teach language:
Identifying Key Concepts
Students are explicitly taught to identify essential language concepts that are relevant to the curriculum and the students' linguistic development These concepts could include "communication," "persuasion," "narration," "interpretation," "audience," "voice," "style," and more.
Engaging Questions
Using open-ended questions related to the identified concepts sparks curiosity and inquiry in students For example, "How does language influence the way we communicate our ideas?" or "How does the author's voice impact the overall tone of the text?"
Exploring Real-Life Contexts
We encourage students to investigate how language is used in different settings, such as conversations, advertisements, news articles, or literature
Authentic Language Use
Students are provided opportunities for students to use language authentically. Engage them in activities like debates, storytelling, creating advertisements, or writing letters to practice using language for specific purposes and audiences.
Connecting Across Languages
Encourage students to make connections between different languages they may know or be exposed to Explore similarities and differences in language structures, vocabulary, and cultural nuances.
Reflective Thinking
Reflection is a key component of the learning process We encourage students to think critically about their language choices, the impact of different communication styles, and how they can adapt their language for different audiences during our writing conferences
Integrating Other Subjects
We promote interdisciplinary connections by integrating language concepts into other subjects. For instance, explore the language used in article on government decisions, scientific explanations, or mathematical word problems.
By using the concept-based inquiry approach, language teaching becomes a dynamic and relevant process, where students not only learn language skills but also develop a deeper understanding of how language shapes our thoughts, communication, and interactions with the world
Reading and Writing Conference
Reading and writing conferences are integral components of the literacy lessons These one-on-one or small-group interactions between teachers and students play a crucial role in supporting and enhancing students' reading and writing skills Students receive timely and targeted feedback on their reading and writing progress during conferences Teachers offer constructive suggestions to help students refine their skills and grow as readers and writers. Teachers and students collaboratively set reading and writing goals during conferences
Word Inquiry
Word Inquiry is an approach that strengthens both spelling and vocabulary. The primary aim of Word Inquiry is to provide our students with the skills to analyze, synthesize and find relationships among words This supports children in building their critical thinking and reading skills across all subject areas. Through investigations of the structure of words, our students are guided to uncover the logic of the English spelling system.
We recognise that handwriting is essential tool for communication To develop handwriting, we include activities that support fine motor skill development, such as cutting, drawing, and using manipulatives especially in the early years We use the Nelson handwriting program resources to support the development of handwriting skills
World Languages
IB policy strongly recommends the development of one world language throughout the PYP programme At TISB, we offer world languages like French and Hindi from Lower Grade 1 with a focus on enhancing their cognitive and communication skills. This also helps us fosters global understanding.
English as Additional Language (EAL)
At TISB, we welcome students from around the world Our students join us with diverse cultural identities and language profiles Learning an entire curriculum and its language of instruction simultaneously is, quite clearly, a considerable undertaking. To help its non-native speakers of English meet this challenge, the Primary Years offers a flexible EAL programme, and students are withdrawn from MFL class to receive specialist EAL lessons.
Our EAL program is designed to assist students in integrating into an English‐ speaking environment so that they feel comfortable at our school and help them acquire English language proficiency while also ensuring their academic success in mainstream classrooms Students are offered language support through specialized EAL classes or in class support.
Classes are kept small, and work focuses not just on the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing but on the specific aspects of language which students require to understand and use in their normal lessons
In addition, where possible, EAL students will receive in-class support from an EAL specialist In an approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning, which is based on research showing that language is best learnt in context, the intention is for the Class teacher and EAL specialist to work collaboratively in helping students learn relevant curriculum topics and the associated language, at word, sentence and text level.
While the PYP focuses on transdisciplinary learning and encourages connections across subjects, language is not typically taught as stand-alone units. At TISB, to maintain and build on reading as well as writing skills, parallel and stand-alone units of study will be taken up in the literacy lessons scheduled each week However, it is important to note that language skills and understandings developed in these lessons will be transferrable to every PYP unit of inquiry
The weekly literacy lessons are divided into two components: Units of Study and the Literacy Workshop for targeted instruction
Units of Study: This component focuses on comprehensive literacy development, covering key reading and writing strategies. It is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in literacy skills
Literacy Workshop for Targeted Instruction: This segment provides focused, individualized instruction to meet the specific needs of each student. It encompasses the following elements:
Reading and Writing Strategies: Techniques to improve reading comprehension and writing skills. Under reading strategies, students learn techniques for comprehension, inference, critical thinking, and analyzing texts Based on the 6+1 Traits of Writing framework, we will be teaching various writing strategies, including ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Spelling: Students learn about grammar rules, spelling strategies, sentence structure, vocabulary usage, punctuation rules, and how to use connectives and transition words effectively. Lessons are designed to gradually build upon previous knowledge, advancing students' abilities in sentence construction and word choice as they progress through grades
Reading/Writing Conferences: One-on-one sessions to provide personalized feedback and support
Book Clubs: Collaborative groups where students discuss and analyze books, fostering a love for reading and critical thinking skills
Together, these components ensure a well-rounded and effective literacy program that addresses both broad and targeted learning objectives.
The curriculum overviews will give you a detailed breakup of the units of study and the literacy skills covered each term.
At TISB we believe it is important to ensure that our students have a mathematical mindset and understand their role in making sense of the mathematics that they are doing Therefore, our approach centers on developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications. This approach goes beyond memorizing procedures and formulas and instead focuses on helping students make connections, think critically, and apply their mathematical knowledge in various contexts. Here are key elements of the concept-based inquiry approach in mathematics:
Focus on Big Ideas: We prioritize essential mathematical concepts or big ideas. These concepts serve as the foundation for understanding various mathematical topics and are transferable across different mathematical situations.
Real-Life Contexts: Mathematics is presented in meaningful and relevant real-life contexts. This helps students see the practical applications of the concepts they are learning, making mathematics more engaging and applicable to their lives
Problem-Solving Emphasis: Problem-solving is at the core of the lessons Students are encouraged to tackle authentic problems, apply their understanding of concepts, and devise strategies to find solutions.
Open-Ended Tasks: Students are given open-ended tasks and problems that allow for multiple approaches and solutions. This fosters creativity, critical thinking, and the development of mathematical reasoning
Hands-On Manipulatives: Manipulatives and concrete materials are used to facilitate understanding of abstract concepts They help students visualize mathematical ideas and build a strong conceptual foundation.
Alongside developing number sense and mental mathematics, students also learn topics such as measurement, data handling, geometry, and pattern Across our year levels, there is a progression of mathematical learning. Students will progress through the concepts at different rates and teachers will provide materials and support to enable students to progress to the next concept with understanding. Mathematics approaches used at TISB involve a combination of number sense routines, mini-lessons, practice and problem-solving.
The diagram shows all the essential components in a mathematics lesson Lessons are differentiated in order to cater for the different rates of progress. We endeavor to raise the enjoyment of Mathematics through dedicated events such as Math Day and by promoting international competitions such as SASMO (Singaporean & Asian Schools Math Olympiad.)

Standards for various disciplines in education are guidelines and frameworks that define what students are expected to know and be able to do at specific grade levels or developmental stages. These standards serve as a roadmap for educators, providing a clear set of learning objectives and outcomes that guide curriculum development, instruction, and assessment.
At TISB, we adapt the following standards to develop the scope and sequence for the different units of study across subjects
Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for developing unit of Science
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for World Languages
C3 Framework and guidelines by The National Council for the Social Studies for Social Studies
The National Core Arts Standards for arts education both visual and performing (Art and Music)
Social and Emotional Learning: In addition to daily morning meeting time and ongoing social emotional support, students also attend specific PSHME lessons approximately once per week. During these times students specifically investigate social interaction and social skills. Most conflicts are resolved with the help of the teachers, however, we do have a full time counselor for Primary students should the need arise for specialised support.
Based on CASEL's framework, our PSHME lessons are organised around the following competencies:
Self-Awareness: Recognizing one ' s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding how they impact behavior and decision-making
Self-Management: Regulating emotions, setting and working toward goals, managing stress, and practicing self-discipline
Social Awareness: Empathizing with and understanding the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of others, and showing respect for diversity
Relationship Skills: Building and maintaining positive and healthy relationships, including effective communication, conflict resolution, and cooperation.
Responsible Decision-Making: Making ethical and constructive choices based on considering consequences and the well-being of oneself and others.
Primary Years Prefects
In the Primary Years, we have Grade 5 Prefects, with each prefect taking on a specific portfolio: School Relations; Charity; Academic; The Arts; Sports; Pastoral; and Environmental The general portfolio for the role of a Prefect is to promote the PY Values on a day-to-day basis and to be role models for students. The prefects are encouraged to bring out initiatives which are implemented with the guidance of the teachers These responsibilities help them build their leadership and teambuilding skills and help in enhancing their confidence.
Through various mediums of art, students enhance their creative skills, improve their levels of concentration and experiment with various mediums. The curriculum focuses on developing a love of art and providing opportunities for self-expression and use of their imagination A variety of media are used including print making, ceramics, construction, and textiles The programme is inextricably linked to the topic work in each Grade.
The Music curriculum is designed to ensure that every student has the best possible opportunity to develop their skills, understanding, appreciation and passion for music at all levels Students' have an opportunity to sing and play musical instruments while developing their listening, creating, and performing skills Parents have the chance to see the children perform during various recitals and concerts throughout the year.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Integrated into the teaching and learning process ICT provides students with the opportunity to safely acquire technological skills and enhance their learning experience We have an ICT lab where they learn the basic skills outlined in the guidelines provided by CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards. The standards are organised into four strands which are:
Computational Thinking Practices
Computer and Network Systems
Data and Analysis
Impacts of Computing
Where appropriate, these skills are linked to topics occurring within the Grade in other curriculum areas or taught through projects that give students the opportunity to gain knowledge of ICT and to implement these skills.
Physical Education
PE focuses on promoting physical fitness, motor skills, coordination, and an understanding of the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle Students engage in various physical activities, sports, games, and exercises to develop their physical abilities and teamwork skills.
At TISB we are fortunate to have a fabulous team of PE teachers. Students enjoy a range of sports which includes basketball, football, badminton etc This means that the PY students have blocks of PE (80 minutes) and blocks of swimming (40 or 80 minutes) per week. These are joined together to allow for longer sustained sessions. Every year students compete in Sports Day and swimming gala.
Approaches to learning (ATLs) are an integral part of an IB education and complement the learner profile, knowledge, conceptual understanding and inquiry These skills are grounded in the belief that learning how to learn is fundamental to a student’s education. Five categories of interrelated skills aim to support students of all ages to become self‐ regulated learners who know how to ask good questions, set effective goals and pursue their aspirations with the determination to achieve them. These skills also help to support students’ sense of agency, encouraging them to see their learning as an active and dynamic process

At TISB, our Primary Years Programme (PYP) embraces a holistic approach to education, designed to foster a love of learning and develop well-rounded, inquisitive students. Here’s an overview of our key teaching approaches:
1. Inquiry-Based Learning and Conceptual Understanding:
We encourage students to ask questions and explore topics that interest them Concept-based Inquiry promotes critical thinking, allowing students to construct their understanding and knowledge through exploration and research. We follow the instruction model designed by Rachel French

2. Transdisciplinary Teaching:
As far as possible, we look for authentic integration and emphasise the relationships between different areas of knowledge This approach helps students see the relevance of what they are learning and how it applies to the real world.
3 Collaboration:
Collaborative learning is a cornerstone of our teaching. Students work in groups to share ideas, solve problems, and support each other’s learning This fosters teamwork, communication skills, and a sense of community
4. Differentiation:
Recognizing that each student is unique, we tailor our teaching to meet individual learning needs Differentiated instruction ensures that all students are challenged and supported according to their abilities and interests
5 Assessment for Learning:
Continuous assessment is integral to our teaching. We use a variety of formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress, provide feedback, and guide instruction This helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
6 Reflective Practice:
We encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences. Reflective practice helps students develop self-awareness, set personal goals, and take ownership of their learning journey.
7 International-Mindedness:
Our teaching promotes understanding and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives. We aim to develop global citizens who are open-minded, empathetic, and capable of contributing positively to the world.
Our strong Teaching for Learning policy outlines the expectations for our teachers All teachers teach to create plans with clear learning objectives and skill progression, that align with the medium- and long-term plans in each subject Student’s progress is measured against the expected skills required for each year group and plans are adapted to support them to become resilient.
We have a robust system of assessing students and we do so in several ways, including formal summative style assessment, formative assessments and self or peer assessment. We use the standardised tests to benchmark students against expected levels of learning for a grade Benchmark assessments allow us to see the starting point for a student, understand the gaps and measure the progress being made across the year After conducting a range of assessments, we set personalised learning targets for each student
We believe that Assessment for Learning or Formative assessment is the key to effective teaching and learning These are built within our learning experiences which inform our practice and enable us to meet the needs of each child. We use our formative assessments to measure progress towards academic targets set for each child
Project presentations form a part of our assessment portfolio. The students complete independent or group assignments such as creating models, brochures, and dioramas and these are presented to their peers. We encourage children to self and peer-assess each other and the ‘3 stars and a wish’ or studentcreated rubrics are common tools used for this By using self and peer assessment our children develop the ability to be analytical, critical and reflective, which are skills that help them to be better learners.
Dialogue with children and scrutiny of their work provide a great deal of information about the effectiveness of the curriculum as well as its delivery. Monitoring enables class teachers and subject leaders to support the development of teacher and leader expertise and identify as well as meet continuing professional development (CPD) needs
Please read the Assessment Policy to get an understanding of the varied assessments conducted in the primary years.
Parents, teachers and students are all viewed as partners in learning Progress in learning is reported in a variety of ways: parent‐teacher conferences, which will include student‐led conferences, and term reports.
Parents are expected to attend all of the conferences and learning events Written reports are published online two times a year to inform you of your child’s progress in all subjects. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s report, please do not hesitate to speak to the teacher concerned
Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress in multiple ways via Student Diaries, iSams, Parent Portal, Friday updates, PY updates, Parent Teacher Conferences (PTCs) and termly written reports Parents receive termly Curriculum Overviews, which is a summary of the major learning objectives to be taught during the term
The Parent Teacher Conferences (PTCs) take place in Terms 1 and 2 and are a chance for parents to discuss how their child is progressing, both academically and socially The PY teachers conduct new parent meetings within the first month of a new child joining the school, as a way of touching base on how a child is settling in Teachers and parents also communicate via email and can connect over MS Teams for a virtual catch up or parents can arrange an appointment as and when needed.
If a child is having any difficulties with settling in, with specific learning needs, social skills or pastoral concerns, the teachers arrange for additional meetings with parents so we can work together to help the child through these more complex issues
This is how a learning day looks like:
7:20-7:30 ClassWellBeing
7:30-8:50 Lessons
8:50-9:10 JuiceBreak
9:15-11:10 Lessons
11:10-11:50 LunchBreak+PlayTime
11:50-2:20 Lessons 2:30 Dispersal
Morning Arrival:
Students must arrive at school by 07:15 am and they will be supervised by staff on duty for morning arrival from 7:05 - 7:15 am in designated areas The doors are opened to enter the classrooms at 07:15 am for classes to start at 7:20am. Prior to that time, students are to wait with an adult in designated areas before going to the classrooms
Afternoon Dismissal:
Students not availing the transport facility must be promptly picked up from the designated area after they are brought by teachers to their assigned pick-up area Primary students who are not picked up will be brought to the Reception until parents or guardians arrive. It is an expectation that all students leave the school campus by 2:45pm. unless they are involved with an After School Activity (ASA). Pre - KG will leave at 12:30.
Please send a note prior to the start of the day to the classroom/homeroom teacher if your child is going home in a different way from their normal routine.
Leaving Campus:
Students are to remain on campus at all times during the academic day. If students must leave the campus for health reasons, the medical centre will call the parents. If a parent wishes to take their child out of the campus before the regular dismissal time, the parent must notify the teacher in advance
It is a TISB policy that all students wear school uniform when attending the school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours We believe that uniform promotes a sense of pride and professionalism across our school community. We expect that all students must have consistent uniforms, and these should be worn from the first day of school unless circumstances are otherwise
Dress Code:
Hair should be well groomed. Girls with shoulder-length hair or longer should have it tied back or secured with a clasp Black or blue in colour
Boys’ hair should be trimmed at the nape of the neck above the collar. Long hair for boys is not permitted
Dyeing of hair is not permitted.
One pair of discreet earrings is allowed for girls only
Piercing of other body parts is not permitted
Ornaments and jewellery are not permitted except for the use of a wristwatch.
Coloured nail polish is not permitted
Skin decorations of any kind are not permitted.
When it is a child’s birthday they are able to wear their own clothes for the day Outfits must be suitable for a day in school and should be modest in nature
Smart watches are not permitted.
Communication between parents and the school is a high priority at TISB. Parents receive notices throughout the year about school events and happenings through weekly updates, emails from teachers and our monthly newsletter Microsoft Teams and One Note Class notebook will be our primary Online Platform that will be used for online teaching in case of such a scenario.
School Diary:
Each student is given a school diary. The students use it to record daily homework assignments and to refer to the weekly timetable Teachers and parents use it to communicate concerns or to set up a parentteacher meeting. Important letters or notes are often stapled inside it, especially for the lower-grade children who are less likely to remember to hand a note to an adult at home Parents/guardians are required to look at the diary daily and to sign it.
Students may bring items deemed safe to use in school for use during break times
Items which are not permissible are: cricket balls
bey blades
trading cards
electronic equipment
Transportation Services and Bus Behavior Rules:
Bus transportation to and from TISB is available through a vendor. Parents are in no way restricted to the use of the service. Private vehicle drivers (and parents) must adhere to school driving and parking requirements. Everyone is expected to follow the direction of our Security Guards
For any queries regarding transport and bus routes, or to book your place on the school transport, please contact Sam Tours (tisbtransport@samtoursntravels.com).
Click here to see the updated bus routes Please note that the routes are subject to change
Remain seated on designated seats, and wear seatbelts throughout the bus ride
Sit facing forward at all times
Only travel on their designated bus unless they have a note from the parent
Keep aisles and walkways clear at all times
Be courteous and follow the Bus Guardian and Driver’s instructions
Stand while the bus is moving
Distract the Driver
Throw objects of any kind on the bus
Shout or be disrespectful towards others
Damage the bus in any way
Bring friends onto the bus without written permission
Should problems arise, a series of steps will be taken. Students will first be talked to by a staff member and if there are further issues, parent meetings will be organised according to the nature of the incident
School Events:
Throughout the school year parents are invited in to watch and participate in students showcase of learning. Some of these include sports days, book week, making learning visible event and PYP exhibition These events are listed on the school calendar, and letters of invitation will be sent out before the event. Parents/ guardians kindly note that our weekly internal assemblies are meant only for an internal audience i.e.: teachers and students
Homework Guidelines:
Homework is given as an enjoyable and purposeful supplement to class work, extending and reinforcing the learning experience of the school
Three main types of homework are given: practical assignments which reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge preparation assignments providing background information i e : reading texts, research, collection of materials extension assignments encouraging individualised and creative learning by emphasising initiative and research (mostly given to Grades 3, 4 and 5)
Homework will be an integral part of the daily routine across all grades To ensure consistency and predictability, the following schedule will be adhered to:
Monday: Reading Tasks (Students are required to read and complete a response task)
Tuesday: Grammar/Spelling
Wednesday: Grammar/Spelling
Thursday: Catch-up Day (Opportunity for students to catch up on incomplete tasks or engage in pleasure reading)
Friday: Mathematics, Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Task
Saturday: Catch-up Day (Students can use this day to complete any outstanding tasks from the week and Friday's assignments)
Purposeful Assignments
Every homework assignment will serve a clear educational purpose Whether it's reinforcing skills learned in class, promoting independent research, or fostering critical thinking, each task will have specific learning goals. Differentiation will be employed to cater to the diverse needs of our students.
Appropriate Duration
We aim to keep the total time required for homework within reasonable limits Most assignments should take between 20 to 30 minutes for completion.
Clarity in Instructions
Clear objectives, expectations, and instructions will be provided for each assignment. Students should understand the requirements without ambiguity Whenever possible, assignments will be discussed in class before being assigned as homework.
Variety in Assignments
A variety of homework types will be incorporated, including reading assignments, problem-solving exercises, research projects, and reflections, to engage students and enhance their learning experience
Feedback and Review
Regular review and timely feedback on homework assignments will be provided to support student progress and understanding.
Communication with Parents
In the event of irregular homework submission, parents will be promptly notified via email Regular updates regarding homework assignments will be communicated through Teams, and parents are encouraged to check the platform for updates.
Notebook Usage
Whenever feasible, homework will be assigned in notebooks rather than printed worksheets This practice ensures regular visibility of student work for parents and helps students develop organizational skills.
If a child is spending too much time completing homework assignments, for whatever reason, a note from parents/guardians to the child’s form teacher would be welcome so that we can explore the problem. If a child is unable to complete an assignment for any other reason i e : illness or family emergency, then parents/guardians should inform the form teacher through the diary.We believe that children need time to play and a reasonable bed-time to be sufficiently refreshed for the next day Parental support is very essential in these matters
A welcome pack will be sent to you before the school formally reopens which will have the details of your child’s class teacher and other additional details that will help you prepare your child for the new academic year If you have any queries prior to the start of term, please email them We would also like to emphasise that the class teacher should be your first point of contact for any emergencies.
Additionally, you can always write to our coordinators at the following:
Deputy Principal PY Ms. Amy Wright wamy@tisb.ac.in
PYP Coordinator Ms. Archana Joshi jarchana@tisb.ac.in
For reasons of security student/parent telephone numbers are not given out upon request. Additionally, teachers numbers are also not shared. You can always reach out to a member of staff via email.
It is vital that students are well prepared for the school day To support this, students are requested to bring the following equipment daily:
Home/school diary
Reading books
Pencil cases
Water bottle
Spare Set of clothes
As we all know, children are always full of surprises and adventures, and sometimes unexpected situations arise during their time at school. To ensure the comfort and well-being of your child, we kindly request that you send a set of spare clothes that will be kept in class Please ensure that you label them and send them a small bag.
At TISB, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, and we understand that children, being children, may sometimes misplace their personal belongings. To facilitate the efficient retrieval of lost items, we require that all caps/hats, water bottles, lunch boxes, jackets, and any other personal items brought to school are properly labelled with the student's name. Labelling personal items helps us quickly identify and return lost belongings to their rightful owners
We also have an information management system called iSAMS for academic use where parents can download term reports All parents have a username and password to the Parent Portal and are requested to ensure that all family information is kept up to date as this is our primary database for parent communication.
To help you access your iSAMS account faster and more securely, we have implemented a self-service password reset option on iSAMS that you can use anytime you forget your iSAMS username and password Please follow the instructions below carefully to reset your password and regain access to your account.
Instructions to reset iSAMS Student portal password.
Click on the link https://tisb students isams cloud/
Click on "Forgotten your details" link available right below the "Sign in" button
Enter the student iSAMS username "which will be same as your TISB office 365 email ID without "@tisb.ac.in" and then click "reset password".
A password reset link is automatically sent to your school email ID that you can use to reset
Instructions to find your iSAMS username or reset iSAMS Parent portal password.
Click on the link https://tisb parents isams cloud/
Click on "Forgotten your details" link available right below the "Sign in" button
Enter the parent username and then click “reset password” button to receive the password reset link on your school registered parent email ID.
If you have forgotten your username, choose “Request my username” and enter the school registered parent email ID
Click “Send Reminder” to receive the parent iSAMS username on email. You can then repeat the above step to reset your password if needed.
Please check your Spam/Junk email folder if you have not received the password reset link or username in your Inbox.
At TISB we have high expectations of our pupils and we aim to teach our students to make a positive contribution to our community and beyond. Students are expected to behave in a courteous manner at all times We believe in creating a positive and rewarding learning environment where students will flourish and by establishing these expectations, we create the best possible climate for learning teaching and working collaboratively.
We expect our community to be purposeful, kind and mutually respectful and expect our students to show common sense and respect for themselves, for others and for the school environment
Students should:
Embrace and engender the school values and aims
Respect and value all students and staff, treating all equally well regardless of gender, race or status
Welcome all visitors to the school
Use appropriate language at all times to avoid offence
Uphold the Anti-bullying Policy
Remember that when wearing a TISB uniform students are representing the whole school.
Students should:
Be punctual and arrive at lessons, registration, assemblies and activities in an orderly manner
Maintain a positive approach to lessons, complete the work set to the best of their ability and allow others to do the same
Settle quickly in lessons, bringing all the necessary equipment
Listen carefully to instructions and not talk whilst others are talking, allowing others to hear and learn
Be orderly, punctual and without running when moving around the school
TISB’s campus is environmentally friendly and a place to be proud of. To that end every member of the community should strive to look after it.
Students should:
Not throw litter on the ground for others to pick up but instead, use the correct bin to throw away litter:
Blue for Dry Waste, Green for Wet Waste, Red for E-waste
Only eat lunch in the Cafeteria
Keep Classrooms tidy
Conserve water where possible
Conserve energy where possible by turning off lights and fans when not required
The start of personal growth journey begins in Grade 3 with a sleepover at TISB designed to teach about communal responsibility and for students to have an increased comfort of independence
This is followed up with two nights away from home in Grade 4 to complete an adventure camp where the objectives are to interact with a wider range of peers, learn in an outdoor setting and be exposed to different communities and both physical and social challenges
As their resilience and independence develop both on and off TISB Campus, Grade 5 students undertake camps for three-nights which have specifically designed objectives for students: to work as a community to achieve a goal, be exposed to a range of choice and challenge, reflect on real-world events and understand the needs of another community
In PY, we make it a point to value a holistic approach to child development. As part of this, children are given the opportunity to take instrumental or voice lessons. Children are given the chance to also show what they have learned through participation in recitals, larger concerts, and other events We aim to give every child the chance to perform
Lessons in a number of musical instruments and vocal lessons can be taken on an individual basis. Students are required to commit to 10 lessons and the charge for these lessons will be put on the school bill. Any queries should be forwarded to music@tisb.ac.in Lessons will be rotated to avoid students missing the same academic lesson each week.
A music diary will be used as the primary mode of communication with parents and will be used to record and assign homework after each lesson. Please ensure that your son or daughter has their music diary with them for their music lesson The instrumental timetable is shared every week in the Friday Newsletter.
Students are required to wear their school uniform during school hours. Therefore, parents need to order uniforms well in advance before the student’s first day of school
The link is: https://wwwalliedoutfittersin/tisb/
Login ID: Same as the student’s TISB Student ID, First time password: allied@987
Once logged in, the portal will prompt a password change and users can shop for uniforms.
For further information, please contact Mr. Jagadish from Allied Outfitters (9008056226) or write to uniform@tisbacin

Formal for boys: grey shorts, blue half sleeved shirt, blue socks, black leather shoes, blue round hat.
Formal for girls: blue dress, blue socks, black leather shoes, blue round hat or blue half sleeved shirt, grey skirt, blue socks, black leather shoes and blue round hat
Please note: For formal uniform leather shoes are the correct footwear to be worn – not trainers.


PE Uniform: PE shorts, PE t-shirt, white socks, trainers (non-marking soles), blue round hat
fleece, TISB Track suit (in cold weather)
House Uniform: House T-shirt, PE shorts, trainers
House Uniform
TISB is very fortunate to have an onsite fully staffed Medical Center that is open 24 hours a day. If a student is ill or injured, they should report to the Medical Center where a School Nurse will be on duty
Minor ailments and injuries will be attended to by the Medical Center; with anything more serious being seen by the resident school doctor Students can also meet school counselors at our medical center
Please ensure that routine medical and dental appointments are made during the school holiday, so that they do not disrupt academic work during term time.
Parents should ensure that the Medical Center is kept up to date of any medical treatment or conditions that students may have received during the holidays and even more important if it is continuing during term time
All medicines should be given to the Medical Center for safe-keeping and for administration
Consultant doctor: Dr Mohan Rao
Medical Center Email: medicalcenter@tisb ac in Medical Center contact Numbers: +91 80 67235900 Extn 212 & 218
Children in LG1 to Grade 5 take part in co-curricular activities on Mondays from 1 10pm to 2 30pm The CCAs are provided by a mix of external companies and some of the TISB Teaching Team. The children have a choice from a range of activities including
Contemporary Dance
Space Education
Art and Craft
Book Lovers Club
Golf and Indian karate
Children in Grade 3 – 5 can partake in a range of after- school sports including Soccer Cricket Swimming Golf and Basketball
They receive practice and coaching from the Team of PE specialists
ASAs run from 2 45pm-4 10pm
Children in PY are part of the School House system When they enter, they will be assigned a House Throughout the school, children are encouraged to achieve house points. House points are rewarded for hard work, good behaviour, or for following the PY values Activities are organised by the House Coordinator through which children receive house points from members of staff which are totalled each week and celebrated in assembly. The children have opportunities to attend House events and competitions and to take pride in earning house points




If you do NOT wish your son or daughter to appear in any photographs or other publications then please email Ms. Shobhita Sinha (kshobhita@tisb.ac.in), clearly giving the name and grade along with a photo of of your son or daughter for reference
Students are expected to attend school every day during term-time so that absence does not interfere with their academic studies. We are aware that on occasion students will need to be unavoidably absent from school and in such cases, parents should request absence in advance via the Notification of Absence Form in the Parent Portal under School Information / Bookmarks & Links.
In the case of illness, the Notification of Absence Form should be completed for each day of absence
If authorisation is not sought prior to absence, it will be marked as an unauthorised absence on the report
Students Leaving Before the End of the School Day
If parents are aware that their child will need to leave school early during a school day, they must inform the Class Teacher by email or in writing The Class Teacher will then inform Reception The student must be collected from Reception.
On leaving the site, a permission slip, signed by the Deputy Principal and Class Teacher, must be submitted to the Security Guards. The Security Guards are instructed to turn back any student who does not have the required permission slip
Parents are asked to complete the Notification of Absence Form by 7 30am to report a child’s absence due to illness
We love to celebrate birthdays in PY, however, we do have some guidelines that we would ask parents to follow:
The birthday girl or boy may wear their own clothes on the day of their birthday, or the following Monday if it falls on a weekend.
The birthday girl or boy may bring in a small gift or packaged treat (with ingredients listed) and it can be taken home. Cakes or open food items are not allowed to ensure safety of our students.
Please try to avoid excessive amounts of one-use plastic TISB is making a conscious effort to reduce one-use plastic to an absolute minimum.
Please do not send in party bags.
Form Tutors are instructed not to give out class lists
If your son or daughter is having a birthday party, we would ask that either all the children in the class are given an invitation, or invitations are distributed outside of school
It is not a requirement for any parent to provide treats, gifts or anything on their child's birthday to children at TISB
Emergency Evacuation
Planned fire evacuation procedures are practiced throughout the year and details can be found in the Fire Evacuation Guidelines document in the Parent Portal.
The School does not take any responsibility for students’ personal valuables including electronic equipment that is brought onto campus We advise parents to arrange insurance cover for any valuable items such as laptops and mobile phones. It is the responsibility of the owner of the equipment to take responsibility for their possessions
Each class will have an allocated Library session each week when they can borrow and return books
Lost Property
To support children in looking after their personal belongings PY requests that all items of clothing are clearly labelled. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own items. Should a student lose something during the school day, they should inform the Class Teacher who will support them in looking for it.
If this is not successful, parents should visit Lost Property, near Reception PY students should not go to Lost Property without an adult present.
Religious Observance
TISB is a secular school which respects all faiths and denominations
Rewards & Conduct
The school has in place a Behaviour Policy that can be accessed via the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Policies. Rewards and Conduct given to your child can be seen in your Parent Portal area
The school site has security guards in attendance around the campus 24 hours a day.
Please remember to send in swimming clothes on the day that your son or daughter has their swimming lesson
If your son or daughter is well enough to be in school, it will be assumed they are well enough to swim.
Visitors on Site
All visitors to TISB should sign in at Reception and collect a Visitor’s Pass which should be worn at all times




