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Employment of extra-departmental delivery agents
from bo misc rules
66. Delivery of unregistered articles of the letter mail. – (1) The unregistered articles (paid and unpaid), received for delivery, should be stamped on the back with the date-stamp on the day or receipt, except postcards which should always be stamped on the address-side, and if they are subsequently given out for delivery by a village postman or postman or Gramin Dak whose beat extends beyond a single town or village, they should again be stamped. They should then be delivered to the addressees either by the branch postmaster or through the postman or village postman or Gramin Dak. Articles for persons who are in waiting at the post office should be delivered by the branch postmaster himself without delay.
The amount of postage due on articles that are unpaid, or insufficiently paid, should be entered in the B.O. Journal (Pa-5), and the Branch Postmaster must see that each postman and village postman or G.D.S.M.D.. writes in words and figures the total amount of postage due on such articles, while giving his acquittance in the B.O. Journal itself against the relevant entries. Postage realised on articles of the letter mail delivered from the window should be shown separately in the B.O. Journal for facility of distinction. Unpaid articles should not be delivered until the postage due on them has been paid.
Note. – In the case of reply postcards from foreign countries the date stamp should be impressed on the left side of the reply half before the postcard is sent out for delivery.
(2) Care should be taken to observe whether any articles are open, torn or otherwise injured, or bear the appearance of having been tampered with. If any such article is noticed, it should be closed or repaired, before it is issued for delivery, and if necessary, enclosed in an envelope on which the condition in which the article was received, should be noted over the branch postmaster’s initials.
Exception. – The procedure prescribed in this paragraph does not apply to unpaid open letters. – See Rule 62.
Note 1. – Articles addressed generally or by name to scholars or students at a school or college should be delivered to the Headmaster or Principal, or other person specified by him.
Note 2. – Packets posted at a metro town or any head or sub-office incharge of an official in the lower selection grade or time scale of pay which bear no postage stamps, but are impressed in red or magenta ink with the special stamp showing that the postage has been prepaid in cash, should be treated as fully – paid articles.