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Leave applications from extra-departmental branch postmasters and delivery agents
from bo misc rules
(5) If any postage is taxed on inland articles superscribed “On India Government Service” or “Service unpaid” the branch postmaster should attest the charge by placing his initials immediately under the amount entered in the postage-due stamp. Whenever any alteration is necessary in the amount as entered in figures, the branch postmaster should write the amount due in words and attest it by his signature.
(6) If, after delivery, a request made by a Government Officer to initial the postage taxed upon an official article which had not previously been treated as such owing to the omission of the superscription “Service unpaid” or “O.I.G.S.” the branch postmaster should comply with the request.
68. Articles which bear indefinite or fictitious addresses.- (1) No article will be delivered unless it bears a definite address. Article addressed in a general way, i.e., addressed to a class of persons in contradiction to a particular person or firm and articles addressed to initials or figures or to clearly fictitious names or to a Christian name without a surname, should be regarded as not bearing a definite address unless they are to the care of some definite person or firm, or unless the address specifies some definite place for delivery, such as a particular house or a particular post box, or a particular No. in a street. Articles addressed in a general way or to initials, figures, Christian names without surnames, fictitious names or conventional marks of any kind will not be delivered if addressed merely to a post office or “Poste Restante”, or to the care of a postmaster. Such articles will be treated as if they were undeliverable and forwarded to the account office for disposal.
The following are examples of definite and indefinite addresses
Definite and therefore Indefinite and therefore deliverable undeliverable
(a) The Resident, May Lodge, (a) The European Residents, SIMLA. SIMLA.
(b) The Occupant, No. 10 Park (b) The Non Commissioned Officers, Street, CALCUTTA. DELHI Cantt.
(c) The President of the Officers’ (c) The President of the Officers’ Mess, MATHURA. Mess, AMBALA Cantt.
(This would be a definite address as there (This address would be indefinite as Ambala is only one Officers’ Mess at Mathura.) Cantt. Has several Officers’ Messes.)
(d) A.B. C/o The State Bank of India, (d) A.B., Post office, DELHI. NEW DELHI.
(e) E, 97, Pioneer Press, ALLAHABAD.