Ecocampus, Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs – De Kennis Voorbij
Fiche bestaande praktijkvoorbeelden met focus op duurzame ontwikkeling. 1. Hogeronderwijsinstelling/
2. Faculteit/ Departement/ Opleiding/Externe partners 3. Titel van praktijk/project/ initiatief
4. Samenvatting van praktijk/project/ initiatief (max 4 lijnen)
6. Specifieke website en/of andere links
Speakers Tour: guest lectures by community leaders on the impact of mining
The speakers tour involves guest lectures in universities and university colleges given by members of communities in our partner countries. The talks are relevant to students of law, social sciences, earth/environmental sciences, humanities and more. Karolien Burvenich
7. Eventuele hieraan gelinkte literatuur
Ecocampus, Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs – De Kennis Voorbij
8. Beschrijving van praktijk/project/ initiatief (max 50 lijnen)
We invite guest speakers from our partner countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Greece, Spain, Romania) to talk to students about the ways their communities have been affected by mining projects in the area. Our speakers discuss the legal battles they have faced, the deteriorating health of communities members, the effects on their local economy (whether tourism, agriculture etc), violence and corruption suffered at the hands of governments and the military, and more.
This is useful for students because it gives them a global perspective on key issues relating to their academic subjects. This format is a pleasant change from traditional learning that demands that students read up on topics happening on the other side of the world, which can appear abstract and irrelevant to students’ own lives and actions. By having direct contact with someone directly affected by mining, students gain a more relatable and personal understanding of the key issues associated with extraction. Further, by interacting directly with the speakers, students are encouraged to think about sustainability, especially in relation to their actions in the Global North and the impact of said actions in the Global South.
One of the challenges during the speakers tour is the languages spoken by the guest speakers. Often, this is limited to Spanish and an indigenous language. Therefore, CATAPA works together with students in interpreting who work with us as part of their internship. The guest lectures are often a one-way-direction, whereby the students listen and are encouraged to ask questions. We are currently revising how we can make the guest lectures more participatory for the students. Je kan hierbij volgende vragen in overweging nemen: ▪
Wat is de doelstelling van deze praktijk?
Welke acties worden er ondernomen?
Wat zijn de (verwachte) resultaten?
Is het structureel ingebed?
Ecocampus, Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs – De Kennis Voorbij
Zijn er specifieke redenen – bv. in de aanpak – die ervoor gezorgd hebben dat het project geslaagd is?
Wat zijn de innoverende aspecten verbonden aan dit voorbeeld?
Welke typische kenmerken dragen bij aan DO?