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2 0 1 1 L I T T L E L E A G U E® W O R L D S E R I E S • A U G U S T 1 8 - 2 8
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Table of Contents What’s Inside Welcome from President Barack Obama ............3 Welcome from Chairman Dennis Lewin ............4 Stadium Complex, Rules and Map ..................6-8 2011 Television Schedule..................................10 A World of Series ........................................12-16 LLWS Umpires............................................18-20 2010 LLWS Champions ..............................24-25 2011 Little League Award Winners ............26-30 Little League Awards Program ....................32-34 Remembering 2001 & 9/11 ........................36-37 Carl E. Stotz Little League Scholarship ............38
1979 LLWS Softball Champions ................40-41 Warner Robins (Ga.) Softball Success ..........42-43 Little League World Series Museum ............44-45 New Hall of Fame Exhibit ..........................46-47 World Series and Little League History ......48-52 Little League Hall of Excellence ..........54-56, 111 Little League and Social Media ........................57 Howard Paster Honored ..................................58 Notable Little League Graduates ......................60 Williamsport Information ..........................62-64 Little League Foundation ............................66-68
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Dennis Lewin, Chairman Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Chairman-Elect Stephen D. Keener, President and Chief Executive Officer David Houseknecht, Chief Financial Officer Patrick W. Wilson, Vice President of Operations Lance Van Auken, Vice President of Communications Melissa L. Singer, Treasurer Joseph W. Losch, Corporate Secretary
International Board of Directors Dennis Lewin, Chairman Dr. James Andrews Jose Berrios Dr. Darrell Burnett Paul H. Flanagan Robert Fleming Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour Giuseppe Guilizzoni Dr. Creighton J. Hale Timothy Hughes Sally John Stephen D. Keener
Kenji Kimura Dr. Luke L. LaPorta Jon D. Litner Douglas MacKenzie Jonathan Mariner Michael Mussina W. Dwight Raiford David E. Ruotolo Linda Sanfilippo Camilla Serrano Bud Vanderberg Hugh Tanner
539 U.S. Route 15 Highway P.O. Box 3485 Williamsport, PA 17701-0485 570-326-1921 Stephen D. Keener, President and Chief Executive Officer; David Houseknecht, Chief Financial Officer; Joseph W. Losch, Corporate Secretary; Patrick W. Wilson, Vice President of Operations; Melissa L. Singer, Treasurer; Lance Van Auken, Vice President of Communications; Liz DiLullo Brown, Senior Director of Marketing Partnerships; Scott Rosenberg, Director of Public Relations; Cris Noviello, Director of Publications; Steve Barr, Media Relations Director; Chris Downs, Director of Publicity.
Challenger Jamboree....................................70-71 Little League World Series Hosts ......................72 The Legend of Pinky Deras ........................74-75 Urban Initiative Program ............................76-77 Little League Education Programs ....................78 Little League Corporate Sponsors ....................79 Championship Results/Past Champions......80-103 Trivia ..............................................................104 Extra Bases ..............................................106-107 Sponsor Crossword Puzzle ..............................108 Scorecard ........................................................109
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Trademark Protection Little League B aseball is a F ederal Incorporation granted under a Bill signed into law b y President Lyndon B. J ohnson on J uly 17, 1964, and amended D ecember 24, 1974, to r eflect the admission of girls. The legislation, which r eceived unanimous appr oval from both the U.S. S enate and the H ouse of R epresentatives, is P ublic Law 88-378. I t is the highest r ecognition that the federal go vernment can accor d. I t pr ovides for incorporation of Little League Baseball in all 50 states as an educational institution, endowing the program with protective integrity by the U.S. Government. Action of the President and Congr ess places Little League B aseball in the same categor y as R ed C ross, Boy Scouts, Bo ys Clubs of America and a select gr oup of other agencies similarly char tered. However, Little League is the only youth sports organization so honored. The Federal Charter of I ncorporation requires Little League to submit its annual report directly to the U.S. Congress each year. “LITTLE LEA GUE,” “LIT TLE LEA GUE BASEBALL,” “LITTLE LEA GUER,” “LL,” “DUGOUT ,” “CHALLEN GER DIVISION ,” the OFFICIAL LIT TLE LEA GUE BASEBALL EMBLEMS, etc., are the principal r egistered trademarks and service marks of Little League B aseball, Incorporated. These marks are protected both by a special A ct of Congress and registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. All rights in and to any and all mar ks of Little League B aseball, I ncorporated, ar e reserved. Note: Little League B aseball is listed in the curr ent issue of the “Associated Press Stylebook and Libel M anual.” The words “Little League,” “Little Leaguer,” etc., should only be used in conjunction with baseball and softball pr ograms associated with Little League Baseball, Incorporated.
10 TV Sked_Layout 1 8/4/11 10:28 AM Page 1
2011 Television Schedule Double Elimination Round Thursday — August 18, 2011
(1) Int’l vs Int’l: Game 1
1 p.m.
(2) U.S. vs U.S.: Game 1
3 p.m.
(3) Int’l vs Int’l: Game 2
5 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(4) U.S. vs U.S.: Game 2
8 p.m.
Volunteer Lamade Volunteer Lamade
Friday — August 19, 2011
(5) Int’l vs Int’l: Game 3
1 p.m.
(6) U.S. vs U.S.: Game 3
3 p.m.
(7) U.S. vs U.S.: Game 4
5 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(8) Int’l vs Int’l: Game 4
8 p.m.
(10) Loser Game 2 vs Loser Game 4
3 p.m.
(11) Loser Game 5 vs Loser Game 8
6 p.m.
(12) Loser Game 6 vs Loser Game 7
8 p.m.
Sunday — August 21, 2011
Stadium Lamade
(28) United States Championship
4 p.m.
Sunday — August 28, 2011
(29) Consolation Game (3rd Place)
11 a.m.
ESPN & ESPN3.com
(30) World Series Championship
3 p.m.
Little League Web Gems/World Series Preview 1 p.m.
Games in italics are elimination or potential elimination games.
Stadium Volunteer Lamade
(13) Winner Game 5 vs Winner Game 8 Noon
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(14) Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 4 2 p.m.
Volunteer Lamade
(15) Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(16) Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 3 8:30 p.m. ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
Monday — August 22, 2011
(A) Loser Game 9 vs Loser Game 10
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(17) Loser Game 13 vs Winner Game 9
2 p.m.
(18) Loser Game 14 vs Winner Game 12 4 p.m.
(19) Loser Game 16 vs Winner Game 11 6 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(20) Loser Game 15 vs Winner Game 10
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
8 p.m.
1 p.m.
Sunday — August 28, 2011
(9) Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 3
(27) International Championship
Additional Program
Saturday — August 20, 2011
Saturday — August 27, 2011
Lamade Volunteer Lamade
Single Elimination Round Tuesday — August 23, 2011
(B) Loser Game 11 vs Loser Game 12 1 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
(21) Winner Game 17 vs Winner Game 19 4 p.m.
(22) Winner Game 18 vs Winner Game 20
8 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
Wednesday — August 24, 2011
(23) Winner Game 13 vs Winner Game 16 4 p.m.
(24) Winner Game 14 vs Winner Game 15 8 p.m.
Thursday — August 25, 2011
(25) Winner Game 21 vs Loser Game 23 4 p.m.
(26) Winner Game 22 vs Loser Game 24 8 p.m.
ESPN2 HD & ESPN3.com
Little League World Series Pool Assignments U.S. Pool
(1) Mid-Atlantic (2) West (3) Southeast (4) Great Lakes 10
(5) New England (6) Midwest (7) Southwest (8) Northwest
International Pool
(1) Caribbean (2) Japan (3) Mexico (4) Europe
(5) MEA (6) Latin America (7) Canada (8) Asia-Pacific
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American Honda Celebrates 15 Years of Partnership merican H onda has been a national sponsor of Little League B aseball and S oftball since 1996, pr omoting and supporting the goals and ideals of the pr ogram in neighborhoods and communities thr oughout the United States. “American Honda’s longtime suppor t as a national sponsor of Little League is greatly appreciated,” Stephen D. Keener, President and Chief E xecutive officer, said. “O n behalf of ev eryone in our organization, I thank American Honda for their belief in the mission of the Little League program, and for its commitment to the Little League U rban I nitiative which has allo wed thousands of children in disadvantaged areas to play Little League.” In 15 y ears as a national sponsor , Honda has been associated with several programs that have promoted good sportsmanship and the benefits of team and personal success thr ough Little League. One such pr ogram, the Little League U rban I nitiative was designed to help communities without the r esources, but with the dream, to play Little League Baseball and Softball. Its mission is to be a positive influence in the lives of America’s youth by creating or renewing Little League programs in urban neighborhoods. To date, American Honda has made roughly $700,000 available for various grants such as field r enovation projects and other ev ents related in the Little League U rban I nitiative. The pr ogram helps about 50,000 players a year participate in the sport. “When the games ar e over, Little League at its cor e is about learning life lessons and having fun, all while par ticipating in a game children cherish,” Mr. Keener said. “Our hats are off to the real stars of the game — play ers, par ents and v olunteers; and kudos to American H onda for seeing the impor tance of creating opportunity for children to thrive.” In 2011, along with contributions to the Little League Urban Initiative, American H onda also has conducted its annual H onda D ouble P lay Giveaway, which encourages childr en to design a trading pin. This y ear, doz ens of ex cellent pin designs w ere submitted b y Little League fans fr om across the countr y. The sweepstakes and contest winners each received $5,000 to donate to the chartered Little League of their choice plus a family trip for four to the Little League Baseball World Series. “Honda has been a pr oud national sponsor of Little League B aseball and Softball since 1996,” Jenny Howell, Honda representative, said. “We’ve seen kids who participate in Little League learn the value of hard work, teamwork and sportsmanship while playing a game they lo ve. Plus, they make friends that last a lifetime.” Howell continues, “American Honda is proud of its relationship with Little League, and offers its thanks to all the play ers, coaches, volunteers, parents and countless others who make Little League Baseball and Softball such a success. Your selfless dedication has made the ball diamond a great place to play, learn and grow.”
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2011 Parents of the Year Parents of Philadelphia Phillies Outfielder Shane Victorino Named 2011 George and Barbara Bush Little League Parents of the Year edication to family and community w ere the cornerstones of S hane Victorino’s childhood, and the P hiladelphia Phillies outfielder has his parents, M ike and J oycelyn, to thank for that, which is why Little League International will honor them this August as the 2011 recipients of the George and Barbara Bush Little League Parents of the Year Award. “What y ou so w is what y ou r eap,” Mrs. Victorino, who liv es in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, with her husband, said. “ When our bo ys were growing up, we felt like it was our obligation and responsibility to get involved by volunteering. During Shane and Mikey’s Little League years, my husband would be a coach or manager, while I was team mom and handled my childr en’s team’s finances.” “We ar e extr emely humbled and tr uly grateful to r eceive this awar d,” Mr. Victorino said. “M any other Little League par ents, throughout the world, ar e equally deserving. “Little League emphasizes all of us working together not just to teach skills to athletes, but to nurture good young people,” Mr. Victorino said. “By being there for Shane and M ichael, they r ecognize what w e did for them gr owing up. For us, a role model is someone who seldom gets recognized and never asks for adulation. A r eal role model is not an athlete, politician or r ock star … They are everyday people.” Mr. and Mrs. Victorino will be r ecognized during a br eakfast and on- field ceremony at the 2011 Little League B aseball World S eries in S outh Williamsport, Pa. The 65th World Series will be played Aug. 18-28. “I feel good that our family has accomplished a lot,” Mrs. Victorino said. “We wanted our boys to play organized sports and Shane played Little League from the time he was fiv e, right through high school. That boy was unbelievably committed. When others were going to the beach he was going to practice or to play a game. “I would even feel sorr y for him because he gav e up a lot of his fun time to play, but he understood the commitment,” she said. “ We constantly reminded Mikey and S hane about good character and that ev ery person on a team is important. Mike and I believ e every person has a contribution to make to the team no matter what their capability.” The George and B arbara Bush Little League P arents of the Year Award was established in 1980 and is pr esented annually to the par ents of a Major League Baseball player who were actively involved in their son’s Little League experience. The award is named in honor of the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and former First Lady Barbara Bush. Both were Little League v olunteers during their childr en’s early y ears in M idland, Texas, and continue to support Little League today. “Setting a consistent, positiv e example and accepting the r esponsibility of being role models is what Mike and Joycelyn Victorino have done for their children and community ,” S tephen D. K eener, P resident and Chief E xecutive Officer of Little League Baseball and S oftball, said. “ Their expectations and suppor t of Mike Jr . and S hane’s endeavors hav e guided each to appr eciate the importance of self respect, character and the significance of impacting others on a The Victorinos daily basis.
Mike and Joycelyn Victorino (above) are the parents of Mike Jr., and Philadelphia Phillies A ll-Star outfielder S hane Victorino (belo w), both gr aduates of C entral Maui Little League in Wailuku, Hawaii. Throughout their children’s years in Little League, M ike and J oycelyn, ser ved in a v ariety of v olunteer capacities and hav e shown to be excellent role models for their family and community.
Photo courtesy of Miles Kennedy
The Victorinos hav e str essed the importance of balance in their children’s lives, and during their time in Little League, the impor tance of playing baseball and having fun. We are pr oud to pr esent Mr. and Mrs. Victorino with this award.” For many y ears, Mr . and Mrs. Victorino hav e v olunteered their time to several organizations, including the Central Maui Little League in Wailuku, when their sons play ed. Volunteering is what the Victorinos do, whether in Little League, the local Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Muscular Dystrophy telethons or Relay for Life, Boy Scouts and Knights of Columbus to name a fe w. “I coached in Little League, but I got my star t as an umpire,” Mr. Victorino said. “Team sports such as Little League teach children how to practice and prepare. Everyone must contribute for the team to be successful and that is the essence of life. Little League uses str ong support and a family structure to bring together desire and focus, and shows young people how to work as team.” During their time in Central M aui Little League, M ike Jr. play ed for the White Sox, while Shane was a member of the C ubs. Even though their son has been a National League Champion (Phillies 2008, 2010); World Champion (Phillies 2008); three-time Gold Glove winner (2008, 09, 10) and two-time MLB All-S tar (2009, 2011), the Victorinos ar e most proud of Shane’s 2010 selection as the P hillies’ Good Guy Award winner and the management of his Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). “Shane has never been happier,” Mrs. Victorino said. “He likes his teammates and r espects Mr . (Charlie) M anuel (P hillies M anager) and Mr . (Ruben) Amar o (S enior Vice P resident, P hillies G eneral M anager). They
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2011 Parents of the Year emphasize the positiv es which is what w e have done ev er since S hane was diagnosed with ADHD. “As Shane got older, he learned to manage and cope with his ADHD,” Mrs. Victorino said. “My husband and I looked at it not as a disability, but as a challenge. When he play ed, he always play ed with intensity, and w e’re so pr oud of how he has channeled his energy and focus.” More than the r ecognition of one set of par ents annually, the G eorge and Barbara Bush Parents of the Year Award is designed to be a symbolic recognition of the millions of mothers and fathers who each y ear r espond to the call of parental duty and help pr ovide a wholesome and healthy ar ena for leadership training for the children of their respective communities. Little League B aseball and S oftball is the world ’s largest organiz ed y outh sports program, with nearly 2.6 million play ers and 1 million adult v olunteers in every U.S. state and scores of other countries.
Previous Award Recipients 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schmidt (Mike Schmidt) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garvey (Steve Garvey) Mr. & Mrs. John Hernandez (Keith Hernandez) Mr. & Mrs. Max Palmer (Jim Palmer) Mr. & Mrs. James Carter (Gary Carter) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murphy (Dale Murphy) Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Nolan Ryan Sr. (Nolan Ryan)
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Mr. & Mrs. Orel Hershiser Jr. (Orel Hershiser) Mr. & Mrs. Carl Yastrzemski (Carl Yastrzemski) Mr. & Mrs. Warren Scott (Mike Scott) Mr. & Mrs. Tony Drabek (Doug Drabek) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dravecky (Dave Dravecky) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thomas (Frank Thomas) Mr. & Mrs. John Olerud (John Olerud) Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Greenwell (Mike Greenwell) Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Mussina (Mike Mussina) Mr. & Mrs. Lee Caminiti (K en Caminiti) Dr. John & Mrs. Ginger McGwire (Mark McGwire) Mr. & Mrs. Norm Charlton (Norm Charlton) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeter (Derek Jeter) Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Delgado (Carlos Delgado) Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Hoffman (Trevor Hoffman) Mr. & Mrs. Joe Varitek (Jason Varitek) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson Sr. (Charles Johnson) Mr. & Mrs. Jose Valentin Sr. (Jose & Javier Valentin) Ms. Joyce Guy (Dontrelle Willis) Mr. & Mrs. Gene Bonderman (Jeremy Bonderman) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Verlander (Justin Verlander) Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Inge (Brandon Inge) Mrs. Margie Sabathia-Lanier (CC Sabathia)