Interface Apr/May 2017 issue

Page 1


AGM date to be advised shortly









3 Important numbers and contacts


Golf news


Neon Run


Why birds matter


Be vigilant at all times


Social news


Do you know where your child is?


Michele Fortune décor


Garden of the month




Chris Joubert Memorial Fishing Day 2017


Registered Estate Agents


Centurion Bridge Club


View the online version of this issue at: Interface is the official publication of the Centurion Residential Estate and Country Club. It is published on a monthly basis by the Centurion Home Owners Association. All material is subject to copyright and permission to reproduce may be obtained from the Centurion Home Owners Association. Should you wish to contribute any editorial material or advertise with us, please email us at: or fax to: 086 51 55 487 Editorial contributions are welcome and can be sent to the Editor at All rights in said editorial contributions, whether it be in the form of a letter or article and whether it includes graphics or not, will be treated as unconditionally assigned for the publication and copyright purposes and material will be subject to Interface’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Interface will place editorial contributions at it’s own discretion, space allowing. Although the greatest care is taken with all material submitted, Interface will take no responsibility for any damages or loss to such material.

Join our Facebook page, Interface Magazine

Editorial & Advertising booking deadline for June/July 2017 issue: 15 May 2017. Advertising: Tracey Garde 082 460 6007 |


IT’S A BEAUTIFUL LIFE(style) EDITOR’S LETTER The first quarter of this year has been a very busy one. Judging from the number of feedback editorials and pictures in this issue, our clubhouse has welcomed many to social and golfing events. Two that come to mind as highlights these past few weeks are the Neon Run and the annual Fishing incorporating our Market Day. Both enjoyed brilliant weather, great turnouts and a fantastic atmosphere. I do hope that this is an indication of more fun times to come. Together with the positive elements in this issue, we have had to incorporate some items that require a more serious tone. An editorial piece on vigilance reminds us that as much as we enjoy a safe and secure lifestyle within our Estate walls, we shouldn’t become complacent when leaving the Estate. Another one addresses liability when children are involved in unfortunate incidences. These are both issues of relevance, importance and should not be taken lightly. As our front cover alludes to, the CHOA is very busy preparing


for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is our most important meeting of the year and as always, we encourage all home owners to attend. The date will be confirmed shortly so please look out for it. With celebrations of both Easter and Mother’s Day coming up over the next few weeks, I do hope you get to spend the time with your families. For those of you travelling over the upcoming Easter holidays, we wish you a safe journey. As we all soak up the last of the warmer weather, let’s take a minute to appreciate the wonderful lifestyle we get to enjoy as a resident of our beautiful Estate. ‘Till next time.



SECURITY: 012 665 3601 CHOA: Tel: 012 665 0506 | Fax: 086 600 4241 GENERAL MANAGER: Jaco Venter | 082 852 9977 | SAFETY & SECURITY MANAGER: Stoney Steenkamp | 071 609 9149 | ASSISTANT SAFETY & SECURITY MANAGER: Leonard Puputa | 072 148 9421 | OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR: Annelien Smit | ACCESS CONTROL OFFICER: Adéle van Deventer | CHOA RECEPTION: Magda Fouche | DOMESTICS/GARDENER ENROLLMENTS: Diana Wilson | ACCOUNTS: Anneke Geary |


CENTURION COUNTRY CLUB GENERAL MANAGER: Hans Jonck | 012 665 0279 | MARKETING & MEMBERSHIP MANAGER: Nicola van Heerden | 012 665 9601 | CLUBHOUSE FUNCTIONS AND CONFERENCES: Jeanette O’Donnell | Office hours: 012 665 9609 | After hours: 064 736 5533 DRUG SURVEILLANCE SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD: Retief Fourie | 083 556 6630 | INTERFACE: Tracey Garde | 082 460 6007 |





POLICE - LYTTELTON: 012 644 8600 METRO POLICE: 012 358 7088 AMBULANCE: 10177 UNITAS HOSPITAL: 012 677 8000 FIRE BRIGADE: 012 310 6300 / 012 310 6400 / 10177 MUNICIPALITY: 012 671 7211 BURST WATER MAINS: 012 358 3716 | 012 358 2111 (24 hours) ELECTRICAL: 012 358 9999 SEWERAGE: 012 427 7111 GARBAGE REMOVAL: 012 308 0557 SPCA: 012 664 5644/5 STREET LIGHTS: 080 11 11 770 (Toll Free)

NEON RUN 10 MARCH 2017 Our 5km Fun Neon Run through the Estate held on Friday, 10 March 2017, was a great success. Over 250 entries, young and old, novice and pro’s, all enjoyed the evening with the first 10 runners receiving a medal and many receiving a goodie bag. Thanks to our sponsor for the evening, Telkom, the atmosphere was festive and participants really enjoyed following the neon lights marking out the route. The entry fee was a donation of dog food/treats which was well appreciated by our charity of choice, Adora-Bull Terrior Rescue and Rehabilitation association. We look forward to welcoming residents to our next Fun Run scheduled for early September 2017.



BE VIGILANT AT ALL TIMES... Whilst our security team are doing an excellent job at ensuring our homes, families and lifestyle within Centurion Residential Estate and Country Club is safe and secure, one must never assume that the crime outside our Estate walls is under the same control. I recently chatted with Stoney Steenkamp, Safety and Security Manager, about common criminal acts taking place outside the Estate and he had the following advice to give… Firstly, it seems one of the main opportunistic crime trends at the moment is smash and grabs as well as theft from vehicles parked at local shopping centres. The smash and grab incidents are recurrent at all the intersections around the Estate and don’t think that criminals are working alone. Many a time it’s been discovered that one criminal working at a certain robot will inform another working at the next robot about what is available for smash and grab attempts from your vehicle. According to local Police statistics, the peak times for smash and grab attempts are 16h00 to 20h00 when most people are stuck in traffic and on their phones. Hot spots include intersections near bridges and open fields with ladies being targeted more often than men.


As far as theft from vehicles at local shopping centres is concerned, too often people leave handbags, purses, wallets and other valuables lying in their vehicles and the temptation is great. Rather put valuable items in your boot, out of sight, making it more difficult for potential thieves to see what’s inside your vehicle. Another rather scary situation is falling victim to a potential hijacking of your vehicle. Should you feel vulnerable at any time, please remember that our security spans the control of the whole front section of our entrance gates. Our security teams are well trained with plans in place should a potential threat come to their attention, so all you need to do is the following: • Should you feel you are being followed, drive up to the main gate and stop in the parking lot. (Hence the need to keep our parking lot duration limited!) • Feel free to hoot, shout and make as much noise as possible whilst doing this to alert the guards. • Get out of your vehicle and walk through the boom – this safe area will ensure that you remove yourself from the situation and the armed guards at the gate can come to your aid. Remember that our security guards are trained to assist and will do so. Stopping at the parking area means that you will deter the potential hijackers as they will want to avoid too much attention been drawn to them as well as the possibility APR/MAY 2017 | INTERFACE

that armed reaction will be there to confront them. Please do not be afraid to use this method in the event that you feel uncomfortable or if you feel like you are being followed. Another common criminal act is that of targeted valuables. Whilst many of us, especially ladies, like to wear our beautiful jewellery, many criminals view it as an opportunity to gain some quick cash. It’s not inconceivable to think that you could be targeted in a shopping mall or whilst simply walking down the street so please try to limit the value of the jewellery worn at any given time in an effort to protect yourself. In terms of potential public unrest in the immediate area, our security team will always advise residents thereof and offer alternate routes to be taken. Lastly, please remember that whilst residents of our Estate enjoy crime free living, there will always be an element of opportunistic crime that you could potentially become the victim of. Open windows with laptops easily accessible, doors left unlocked during the night and valuables left out in the garden are all examples of an opportunistic thief ’s luckiest day. Also, ensure that your visitors are aware that when they are your guests within the Estate, their actions will be a direct reflection on you as the resident. It is advisable to make your guests aware of the rules and regulations of the Estate in order to prevent any misunderstandings should there be an unfortunate incident. Crime is an ever evolving occupation – the key is to stay vigilant at all times.


Stoney Steenkamp – new Safety & Security Manager On 1 February 2017, the CHOA welcomed Mr Stoney Steenkamp as the new Safety & Security Manager. Stoney comes from a security background of over 26 years. After working in various aspects in the police service, Stoney joined the private sector. Using his wide skill base, he has assisted in the safety and security for various companies, the latest of which being Midstream Residential Estate. Stoney believes in a holistic approach to safety and security, from the technical to physical aspects and his philosophy is that the standard set does not necessarily reflect the actual situation. He continuously strives to investigate, create awareness and act ‘out of the box’ in order to try to stay ahead of crime tendencies. He believes in a proactive approach to security technology as well as physical security. Stoney has taken on his role as the Safety & Security Manager with ease and we look forward to our continued excellence record for years to come.


DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILD IS TONIGHT INNOCENT FUN OR SERIOUS LIABILITY? When asked why they prefer the safe and secure environment of the Centurion Residential Estate, most parents would cite the safe freedom of movement for their children within the Estate as one of the decisive factors. Most of us nostalgically remember the days of playing tok-tokkie, raiding the peach trees of the pastorie and other mischief young children got up to, considered by adults in those days as innocent and harmless. Today, the ability to freely and safely (without a parent or caretaker supervision), ride on a bicycle, visit a friend, jog in the neighbourhood or simply roam within the safety of the security walls is a privilege limited to the few whom are able to afford the lifestyle that a security estate provides. Experts in education and child development agree that such ‘acts of independence’ and freedom, within reasonable consideration of the age of the child, are vitally necessary for the developmental milestones of the child. But times have changed. Some playful incidents which were once considered as harmless and innocent are now classified as harassment, intimidation, theft, malicious destruction of property or any one of a plethora of other crimes and transgressions.


In terms of the South African common law, a delict is defined as: ‘the act of a person that in a wrongful and culpable way causes harm to another’. Accordingly, five elements must be met before a person can be held liable for delict, namely: (i) an act; (ii) wrongfulness; (iii) fault; (iv) harm; and (v) causation. In South African common law ‘harm’ as an element of a delict ‘should fall into one of two broad categories: patrimonial harm and non-patrimonial harm. The latter is further divided into two categories: pain and suffering, and infringement of personality interests’. If any one or more of these elements are missing, in terms of the common law, there is no delict and consequently no liability. Firstly, young children who do not have the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong cannot be liable for delict. In customary law, it is beautifully explained by the maxim that they ‘do not have eyes to see’. The criminal capacity in the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008, changed the common law as was applicable at the time and amended the common law principle of criminal capacity by raising the minimum age of criminal capacity from 7 to 10 years, which means that no child under the age of 10 years can be prosecuted for infringement of the penal law. The Act retained the common law rebuttable presumption of doli incapax pertaining to criminal capacity and only amended the presumption by raising the lower age of the presumption from 7 to 10 years. APR/MAY 2017 | INTERFACE

Therefore, in terms of section 7(2) of the Act a child, 10 years or older but under the age of 14 years is presumed to lack criminal capacity, unless the prosecution proves, beyond reasonable doubt, that the child had the capacity to appreciate the difference between right and wrong at the time of the commission of an alleged offence; and act in accordance with that appreciation. The following information pertains to children 10 years or older but under the age of 14 years: From the provisions in the Act governing the establishment of the criminal capacity of a child, it is clear that it is the intention of the legislature to ensure that the criminal capacity of the child is considered at the earliest possible point (within 48 hours from when the child has been arrested) in the child justice process, thereby ensuring that the child is afforded the protection that the rebuttable presumption clearly offers children between the applicable ages. To achieve this, the Act provides that every child who is alleged to have committed an offence must be assessed by a probation officer unless assessment has been dispensed with by the prosecutor and the reasons for such dispensing have been recorded by the inquiry magistrate. One of the purposes of the assessment, is to express a view on whether expert evidence on the criminal capacity of such a child would be required. After completion of the assessment, the probation officer must compile the assessment report with recommendations on various issues stipulated in the Act, including, where applicable: the ‘possible criminal capacity’ of the child, as well as measures to be taken in order to prove criminal capacity. The assessment report must be submitted to the prosecutor before commencement of the preliminary inquiry and, in the case where the child offender has been arrested, the preliminary inquiry must be conducted within 48 hours after the arrest. The prosecutor, who is required to decide whether or not to prosecute a child must, take the following factors into account: • The educational level, cognitive ability, domestic and environmental circumstances, age and maturity of the child; • The nature and seriousness of the alleged offence; • The impact of the alleged offence on any victim; • The interests of the community; • A probation officer’s assessment report; • The prospects of establishing criminal capacity if the matter were to be referred to a preliminary inquiry; • The appropriateness of diversion; and • Any other relevant factor. If the prosecutor is of the opinion that criminal capacity is not likely to be proved, he or she must withdraw the charge and may cause the child to be taken to a probation officer for further action, if any (section 9). If the prosecutor is of the opinion that

criminal capacity is likely to be proved, he or she may divert the matter before the preliminary inquiry, if the child is alleged to have committed an offence referred to in Schedule 1; or refer the matter to a preliminary inquiry. One of the objectives of the preliminary inquiry is to consider the assessment report of the probation officer, with particular reference to the view of the probation officer regarding the criminal capacity of the child, and whether an evaluation of the criminal capacity of the child by a suitably qualified person is necessary. The preliminary inquiry is in essence, the first appearance of the child in a lower court. The diversion of matters is another objective of the preliminary inquiry, but the inquiry magistrate may only divert the matter if he or she is satisfied that the child had the necessary criminal capacity at the time of the commission of the offence (section 49(1)(b)). The Act furthermore states that the inquiry magistrate must consider the assessment report of the probation officer when making a decision regarding the criminal capacity of the child, before diverting the matter during the preliminary inquiry. The inquiry magistrate, therefore, only considers the criminal capacity of the child when he or she wants to divert the matter and not when deciding on the placement of the child or when referring the matter to the child justice court. The inquiry magistrate or child justice court may, of its own accord, or on the request of the prosecutor or the child’s legal representative, order an evaluation of the criminal capacity of the child by a suitably qualified person (psychiatrist or psychologist). In terms of section 11(3) the evaluation must include an assessment of the cognitive, moral, emotional, psychological and social development of the child. This written evaluation report must be submitted to the inquiry magistrate or the child justice court within 30 days of the date of the order. Section 11(5) provides that, where the inquiry magistrate has found that the child’s criminal capacity has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt, he or she may, if it is in the best interest of the child, cause the child to be taken to a probation officer for any further action (section 9). In instances where the prosecutor decided to prosecute the child and the matter has not been diverted by the prosecutor or the inquiry magistrate, the matter must be referred to the child justice court for plea and trial. During the trial in the child justice court, the prosecution must prove, beyond reasonable doubt, the capacity of a child to appreciate the difference between right and wrong at the time of the commission of an alleged offence and to act in accordance with that appreciation. Although the onus rests on the State to prove criminal capacity, there is no legal obligation to prove it prior to putting charges to the child or at any specific stage during the prosecution. According to section 11(2)(b) of the Act, the child justice court must also, when making a decision on the criminal capacity of the child in question for purposes of plea and trial, consider the assessment report of the probation officer and all evidence placed before it prior to conviction, which evidence may include a report of an evaluation on criminal capacity by a suitably qualified person. Where the child justice court has found that the child’s criminal capacity has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt he or she may, if it is in the best interest of the child, cause the child to be taken to a probation officer for any further action.

It is thus evident that ‘innocent playfulness’ can cause irreparable harm to a child, his/her future and lead to a criminal conviction, if pursued by the courts. In South African common law, a parent is not liable for the unlawful acts committed by his/her children, irrespective of the child’s age. However, by electing to reside within the Centurion Residential Estate and Country Club, the property owner as a Member of the Company (NPC) is held liable for the actions of the occupiers and/or visitors et cetera, in terms of the rules. Over and above the fact that ‘innocent game’ or other actions could have dire consequences for your child, you could be held liable by the Directors and thus your co-Members for damage and/or loss caused by these actions of your offspring and/or their friends. It is therefore of utmost importance that you shall raise your child with awareness and responsibility, but more importantly, know what they are up to. *Articles written by Ann Skelton and others, the Justice Alliance Project as well as Elmarie Knoetze were liberally consulted and used in the writing of this contribution.


T: 012 348 4375 | F: 012 348 4363 | W: First Floor, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0081 INTERFACE | APR/MAY 2017 PO Box 13615, Hatfield, 0028

CENTURION COUNTRY CLUB’S PROFESSIONALS TAKE OVER JOBURG! Firstly, with the Men’s Joburg Open. This was played at Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Clubs and we had no more than three of our members in the top four with of course, the winner, Darren Fichardt. Darren fired a birdie at the last hole in the final round to post a -4 68 and finished one shot clear of Stuart Manley and Paul Warring.

Johannesburg shooting an incredible 29. Kim ended up winning the Ladies Joburg Open by 5 shots.

With this win Darren also secured a spot in this year’s Open Championship. Jacques Kruyswijk and Brandon Stone finished only two shots off the pace to tie fourth.


With Kim Williams winning the Ladies Joburg Open and Darren Fichardt winning the Men’s Joburg Open this means that both trophies belong to Centurion Country Club members - what a feat and many congratulations to the both of you.

Fast forward two weeks and in the Ladies Joburg Open that was also played at Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Clubs, Kim Williams flew the Centurion Country Club’s flag high again. Kim overcame an early triple bogey to shoot a -5 67, racing through the back nine at Royal

New members • • • • • • • • • • •

Mrs Sanet Nortje Mr Gert van Heerden Mr George Tshesane Mrs Laura Erasmus Mr Hanro Kilian Mr Johannes Fleischman Mr Janiv Watson Mr Jacques Badenhorst Mr Brendon Smith Mr Wayne Nupen Mr Sbusiso Tibane


• • • • • • • • • •

Mr Henri Van Lill Mr Chris Botha Mr Delano Kotze Mr Elmo Botha Mr Anton Truter Mr Jacques Naude Mr Peetie vd Merwe Mr Leon vd Walt Mr Hanro Steenekamp Mr Jarryd Outram






Mr Des and Benni Barker: 79 Monte Carlo Drive




Minimally invasive robotic prostate surgery for early prostate cancer

14 Robotic surgery is dramatically improving the treatment of prostate cancer in South Africa, reducing side effects and lowering levels of incontinence and impotence significantly compared to conventional open surgery. Almost 1959 robotic prostatectomies have been performed in SA in the last two-and-a-half years and robotic surgery is now also being applied to kidney and bladder procedures.

This advanced technology is being used to treat early prostate cancer and some kidney and bladder cancer. In the next decade, robotic-assisted surgery will be introduced into most other surgical disciplines, fundamentally changing surgical practice.

The sophisticated robotic surgical system expands the surgeon’s capabilities and offers state-of-the-art, minimally invasive major surgery with improved outcomes.

Dr. Greg Boustead, specialist urologist, robotic surgeon and international trainer in robotic surgery, is based at Netcare Waterfall City Hospital in Midrand.

Patient benefits from robotic surgery: • Excellent cancer control • Improved functional outcomes • Less blood loss and fewer transfusions • Shortened hospital stay • Less pain • Lower risk of infection and complications • Fast recovery and return to normal activities


011 304-6892 | |

LEAGUE BRAAI On 16 February 2017 we celebrated the 2016 league season with our annual League Braai. At this event each team captain nominates the team’s most valuable player of the season. We recognise the achievements of the players representing Centurion CC throughout the year and also the league winners of the year that has past.

Most Valuable Players • Senior Handicap League • Handicap League • Senior Scratch League

Ernst Venter Alan Mendes Gary Lauryssen and Brett Smith

• Mid-Amateur League • Scratch League • Junior League • Ladies Saturday League • Thursday League • Mixed League

Stef Erasmus Clifford Thomson Kyle Campbell Hannelie Saaiman and Lizelle Boshoff Rene Seidel Bossie Boshoff and Lizelle Boshoff

League winners • •

Handicap League Ladies Saturday League




Our annual Fishing and Market Day was a huge success, once again. The weather was perfect, the atmosphere was competitive and it was thoroughly enjoyed by participants and spectators alike.

• • • •

A big thanks goes to our sponsors this year: • Angling Africa • Aula Rentals • Bandit Distributors • Cappucinos • Carp World • Distriliq • Halewood International • Hokaai Meats

Winners for the day:



• • • • • •

Irene Country Lodge Pizza Hut The Publican and Wild Hawk Spur

Best fisherman of the day Most fish for the day 2nd Most fish for the day 3rd Most fish for the day Biggest fish (Carp) of the day Biggest fish (Barbel) of the day

Johan Blignaut Kyle West Shaun Mulligan Boet van Staden Mark Fichardt Hank Brink







Centurion Country Club is seeking for a motivated individual to join their team. The incumbent will assist the accountant of the Club with the day to day financial operations and will be expected to assist in any other ad-hoc duties as required.

Centurion Country Club is seeking for a motivated individual to fulfil the role as a receptionist and to provide administration assistance to the office. The incumbent will be expected to assist in any other ad-hoc duties as required.

Key Roles and Responsibilities: • Managing and reconciling the daily cash ups • Reconciliation of the cash cycle • Assist the Accountant in the compilation of monthly Committee reports • Assist with Creditors • Reconciling speed point reports to bank statement • Voucher control • Prepare and manage the time sheets for employees and submit for pay run • Requirements: • Completed Tertiary degree in a Finance related field • Or minimum experience of 5 years in similar position • Knowledge of Microsoft Office Products are essential • Neat, punctual and presentable

Key Roles and Responsibilities: • Manage the switchboard • Receiving payments • Prepare booking sheets • Filing • Provide administration assistance to the office • Taking minutes of various meetings (some of them will be after hours) • Act as helper for conferences and functions should the client/situation demand so • Requirements: • Good administration background, especially minute taking • Minimum of 1 year experience is similar position • Knowledge of Microsoft Office Products are essential • Fully Bilingual • Well spoken • Neat, punctual and presentable

Remuneration will be based on the incumbent’s qualifications and experience. Interested candidates are to forward CV’s to nicole@ before Friday, 21st of April 2017.

Remuneration will be based on the incumbent’s qualifications and experience. Interested candidates are to forward CV’s to nicole@ before Friday, 21st of April 2017.





CENTURION BRIDGE CLUB BIDS US FAREWELL During 1998 the Estate asked Wim Skinner to form a social Bridge Club at the Centurion Country Club. After some publicity and lots of research, 10 interested bridge playing persons started the Bridge Club under the guidance and chairmanship of the late Professor Wim Skinner. The final selected system played at the club was, and remained the ‘BODD’ system where individuals played without the same partner all evening. The club met twice a month and enjoyed tea/coffee and deserts or snacks with each event. With so much TV on offer, it was probably inevitable that interest in bridge would gradually dwindle. As a result, we had very few new younger members joining. When the Midstream Bridge Club opened we were well supported by their members visiting us on a fairly regular basis, but a good deal of our own members ceased to play actively here.

BRIDGE RESULTS 23 January 2017 • • •

1st 2nd 3rd

Marthie vd Westhuizen Vincent Blasl Gerhard vd Westhuizen

4 080 pts 4 020 pts 3 110 pts

6 February 2017 • • • •

1st 2nd 3rd

Hansie Meyer Willie vd Lingen Paul Harris

4 060 pts 3 710 pts 3 320 pts

27 February 2017 • • •

1st 2nd 3rd

Miriam de Kok Anna Skinner Willie vd Lingen

In 2006 Willem de Kok presented the floating trophy for Best Top ten Scores annually and a short while later, Vincent Blasl presented another floating trophy for Best Individual Score over the year.


When players dwindled to between 4 and 8 players per evening, it was realised that it would be sensible for us to disband the club and rather join up with Midrand, who play every Monday, alternating between contract and duplicate bridge. Our members have enjoyed some very friendly sociable evenings and have been well supported by the Golf Club. When both trophies have been engraved with the latest annual winners, they will be retained by the Golf Club and displayed in one of the cabinets.

Paul Harris

Past Bridge Co-ordinator

4 500 pts 4 170 pts 4 160 pts

Sadly, the bridge club has come to an end with effect from 1 March 2017. Existing members have transferred to the Midstream Bridge Club.


HOKAAI CAPTAINS CHALLENGE The Hokaai Captains Challenge kicked off in February for 2017. Pieter Roodt from Hokaai Centurion has, once again, kindly committed to sponsoring this year’s Captains Challenges. The format for the first Hokaai Captains Challenge was a Four ball Alliance with 1 score to count on the Par 5’s, 2 scores to count on the Par4’s and 3 scores to count on the Par 3’s. With a full field competing to be crowned the first Hokaai Champions of the year, the scores were fantastic! Congratulations to all the winners on the day and make sure you don’t miss out on the next Hokaai Captains Challenge.

Winners • 1st • 2nd • 3rd • 4th • 5th

P du Preez, C Kapp, T Rossouw and E Venske - 102pts D Hibbert, C Pretoruis, H Mckee and K Mckee - 95pts oco C Stewart, B Boshoff, B Watkins and M Fraser - 95pts W Stachwell, W vd Lingen, J Botes and P Mulligan - 93 pts E Venter, J Kriek, S vd Merwe and J v Nieker - 92 pts


PGA WORLD CUP PRO-AM During the week of 25 February to 4 March 2017, Jannes Sik represented Centurion Country Club together with club members, Flip Diedericks, Gerhard Theron and Peter Roberts in the PGA World Club Pro-Am. This exclusive event was played over 5 rounds and 4 courses - Cotswold Down Country Club, Zimbali Country Club, Beachwood Golf Course and Durban Country Club. It was also co-sanctioned with the PGA’s of Europe making it truly an international event. All the courses were in tip-top condition considering all the water restrictions they have experienced over the last year. Durban Country Club for was truly a special course with it deservingly being named one of the top courses in the country. APR/MAY 2017 | INTERFACE

The Centurion Country Club team tried their best during the tournament but with 30km/h at Beachwood Country Club on the Wednesday, the team unravelled in the wind.

LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE IN THE GEORGE AREA! Centurion Country Club member Jaco Kriek recently had a week he will never forget. During a golf tour down to the George area in March 2017 Jaco managed to do something very special. He started off his golfing week with high hopes and so he should have… On Thursday, 9 March 2017 he teed up at Simola Country Club in Knysna. When he stood on the 9th tee box his week was about to get a whole lot better as he managed to hit the perfect shot using his 5 iron and a Srixon golf ball. He recorded his first ever hole-in-one and he was needless to say, over the moon and could not believe that this had finally happened to him. But wait. There's more. The very next day on Friday, 10 March 2017 the group travelled to Pinnacle Point Country Club - without a doubt, one of the most breath taking courses in the world. Jaco got to the tricky 7th Hole at Pinnacle Point with wind blowing round 30 km/h and he made sure he had enough club to clear the drop. He stood on the tee box with his 9 iron and when he hit his shot it was on line (he was just hoping he had the correct club!). When his Titleist ball landed on the green the players with him could not believe what they just witnessed. Jaco did it again. His second holein-one within 24 hours after achieving his first one!


Not many people have the privilege of hitting two hole-inones in a lifetime, never mind in two days! Well done to Jaco.

RACE TO THE JUNIOR TROPHY The Race to the Junior Trophy 2017 kicked off on Saturday, 4 March 2017. This event will be played over the next year with a round every first Saturday of the month. The format for this event is an individual stableford, with the top 3 juniors each week scoring maximum points. An order of merit will be held for all the juniors competing in this event throughout the year and the top 8 juniors will qualify for the final event in January 2018. It was great to see all the juniors out on the golf course this Saturday with 16 players taking part in the first event of the year. Congratulations to the winners of this month’s event: • 1st Wihan vd Walt • 2nd Lesego Ndlovu • 3rd Amani Mulaudizi INTERFACE | APR/MAY 2017


For most people living in the city, one of first things they notice when they venture away on holidays to quieter places is that they can hear the birds! The hustle and bustle of suburban living often drowns out nature’s most beautiful songs – those being the many different bird calls we don’t even notice around us. Bringing a little bit of ‘wildlife’ into our back gardens, birds not only have an important role in our ecosystem, but they also are a daily reminder of season changes and just how beautiful nature is. We mostly hear the birds in the summer months, when the sun rises earlier and we are still in bed, the sweet tunes of the early morning birds are a welcome reminder that the weather is warmer and the days are longer. With some birds migrating in the winter months, we often don’t hear them as much because by the time the sun has risen, most of us are already busy with our daily lives.


Apart from their obvious functions in nature such as pollination and controlling insects, to many birds are a symbol of possibility, freedom to soar without boundaries and a closer link to nature. Research recently done by the academics at the University of Exeter, the British Trust for Ornithology and the University of Queensland, indicates that people who live in neighbourhoods with more birds, shrubs and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. With so much emphasis on why birds matter to us, as humans, it’s just as important for us to ensure that we preserve our birdlife as we best we can. One way of doing so is to create a habitat for our local bird population that encourages them to perform their natural tasks. Let’s be honest – our birds are in trouble. Urbanisation, droughts, fewer trees – these are just a few of the factors having a detrimental effect on our birdlife and if it goes unnoticed our great grandchild won’t be able to appreciate the vast variety of birdlife that we get to appreciate every day. APR/MAY 2017 | INTERFACE

Our own back gardens have become more important than ever as we try to reintroduce, revive and replenish vegetation in our suburbs. Apart from trees and shrubbery, there is a vast amount of planning that needs to go into ensuring your garden is a haven for our local birds. For example, smaller birds appreciate dense undergrowth whilst bigger species appreciate the trees. The best is to take note of our local birdlife, research their ideal habitats and try to build your garden around that. We need to work together with nature to ensure that our urbanisation doesn’t completely destroy their ability to perform their important tasks. Pretty to look at and lovely to hear, birds are a fundamental part of our lives.

Monte Carlo Guest House, 26 Monte Carlo Drive, Centurion Golf Estate • Bed & Breakfast provided accommodation. • Self-catering, furnished accommodation with one, two or three bedroom combinations. • Fully fitted kitchen, lounge, dining and patio. • Available for daily, on a monthly basis or long-term lease. Please contact: Dr Mohan Das: Cell 0625526468 Email: | Web: We are a FOUR STAR graded guest house.



QUIZ NIGHTS Our monthly Quiz Nights are growing in popularity as teams compete for the first prize! With a range of questions from sports, general knowledge, history, music, etc, it’s a great atmosphere and a very social event. Teams of 4 to 6 people can enter and create their own team name.

It’s a popular fun night out so please note that bookings are essential.



ROMANCE WAS IN THE AIR... Our Valentines Picnic Under the Stars on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 went down a treat. Couples were spoilt with a picnic basket filled with delectable goodies which included amongst other things, sparkling wine, yummy savoury nibbles, home-made chocolate truffles and sweet strawberries. Seated comfortably on blankies out on the fairway which was adorned with candlelit lanterns, they were serenaded with beautiful music by Lemon and Limelight. It was a pity that nature played its part and regrettably shortened the couples’ crooning for the evening when the heavens opened up. However, this did not dampen the spirits and many couples headed for cover in the clubhouse where they continued their special evening.


WINE PAIRING EVENING WITH BEYERSKLOOF WINES On Wednesday evening, 8 March 2017, we hosted another one of our special wine pairing evenings. This time we paired up with Beyerskloof Wines with their excellent selection of wines which was excellent with the superb menu that Chef Eduard and his team had prepared. The evening started with Prawn Ceviche Vol au Vents and a crisp Pinotage Dry Rose followed by the appetiser of steamed Kingklip paired with the Chenin Blanc. A second course of Duck and Red Cherry salad was served with the Traildust blend followed by mains of Spiced Lamb Loin paired with the Pinotage Reserve. We ended off with the Lagara Dessert Wine paired with Blackberry Panna Cotta served with brandy infused roasted plums. Needless to say, guests did not go home hungry. Look out for our next themed dinner scheduled for 21 June 2017. INTERFACE | APR/MAY 2017

GIVING YOUR OLD FURNITURE A NEW LOOK Do not throw away your old couches or chairs as here are a couple of ways to give them a new look:


1. Remember, older pieces of furniture were made to last so rather use the skeleton and change the shape and contours of your existing furniture pieces to make them ‘new’ again. 2.

Foam, webbing and springs can all be renewed. Fabric chosen can add a new modern look to the furniture.





You can add a contrast piping to enhance the shape of the furniture or you can add plain seats for a different look.



On wingbacks or some occasional chairs, change the skirt or take it off to expose the legs. Alternatively, you could just change the legs to a modern stainless steel.


Take away channelling, buttons, etc in the upholstery and add a smooth look.


You can shorten your sofa, increase the height, change arms from round to square or change coffee tables to ottamans.

7. Be individual and choose your own fabrics from velvets to stunning florals. Put your own signature to your piece and make a ‘wow’ statement in your home. 8.

When re-upholstering think ‘outside the box’ by using different textures, designs and paint colours for the legs or arms – try lightening up old dark pieces of furniture.

If you feel you don’t want to re-upholster then make up a bespoke piece furniture for your home. Making up furniture from scratch means you can get the size and style you want – choosing your own colour and fabric too.



Some more ideas of making up your own creative look – a tub chair been built and the finished product… BEFORE


Please feel free to contact us at Designer Interiors to help you with your new look. We are situated at 71 Jean Avenue, Doringkloof. Keep decorating and have fun with fabrics…

Michéle 083 461 6976


MISCELLANEOUS ACCOMMODATION • Fully furnished accommodation for the professional in the Centurion Golf Estate. Open plan living area and kitchen which leads onto a patio with built in braai. Spacious bedroom, full bathroom with a shower. Lock-up garage, with remote control. Services include laundry and ironing once a week. Also included is full DSTV, as well as water and electricity up to R500.00. Available 1 May 2017. Rent: One bedroom R13 500. Two bedroom R16 500. Call the owner Donsie Wessels 082 562 1222 to arrange viewing. DOMESTICS • Dorothy is looking for domestic work for Fridays. She is currently employed on all other days of the week within the Estate where she does cleaning, washing and ironing as well as some cooking. She is friendly, energetic and a pleasure to have around. You can call her on 073 707 2051 or if you prefer to get a reference for her you can contact me, Lajos, at 082 904 1185. • Lina is looking for part time work on the Estate on a Tuesday and Friday. She is available immediately and is reliable and a hard worker. Please contact Lina on 072 469 6903. She has been working in the Estate for the past 18 years. • Maria Mbuli is looking for day work, available Mon to Thurs. She is currently working for me in the Estate and I can recommend her. Skilled in general cleaning, laundry and cooking. Maria is honest, reliable and a hard worker. Contact her on 071 534 4550. Reference 083 244 2842 Yoli. • Christina is looking for work on Thursdays. She currently works on the Estate on the other week days, has an excellent track record over the last four years and comes highly recommended. She is hard working and reliable and has good references. Please call her on 079 746 6556. • Lorraine Ngobeni has worked for us for 8 years in the Estate, where she is still employed by us. She followed up her mother who worked for us for 20 years. Lorraine is trustworthy and diligent, also excellent with children and pets. She is available for domestic work in the Estate on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please contact her on 073 202 0647. For a reference, contact Adèle by sms or whatsapp on 083 300 7357.



• •

Dorah Mtshweni has lived and worked for our family on the Estate for 20 years. She has an open day on a Monday and a Thursday. If you need her assistance she can be contacted on 071 628 8004. Brilliant English speaking domestic worker seeking employment. Honest, reliable, hard worker. Available immediately. Very good with babies. Her no 064 160 5245. Reference Shantelle 072 878 9029.

FOR SALE • Hartmann and Kepler king sized Hollywood bedroom suite. Perfect condition, beautifully upholstered. King sized headboard with two bedside pedestals, dressing table and stool. • King-size bed with two bases and mattress. Perfect condition. Price on enquiry. Phone Mrs de la Rey. Cell: 082 732 8219. • Casio keyboard CTK-4200 with stand R3 000 onco. Mitsubishi 2 stroke engine weed eater as good as new R1 000. Phone 082 632 0187. GARDENERS • Our gardener, Joseph, is looking for work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call him on 071 136 0440. His wife, Elizabeth, is also looking for work from Monday through Friday. You can contact her on 072 024 2732. Laurance at Sedibakwela Lodge can be contacted at 012 277 1632 for a reference for Elizabeth. GENERAL • Pet sitting and house sitting for Centurion Golf Estate residents. Going away and need to know that your pets are well looked after? I am available, reliable and nearby. Contact: Colleen 082 896 3821 or for details. • Need a Handyman? For all of those small jobs around the house I’ll figure; think; solve; measure; hammer; cut; saw; drill; screw; paint; seal and fix. I do it all (well almost). Electrical - new light and fittings; replacing switches and sockets. Plumbing - leaking taps and toilets; sealing of leaking shower enclosures. Carpentry - replacing and repair of doors and work surfaces. I do custom carpentry work. Painting - I don’t paint roofs but the rest I can do. Odds - installing curtain rails; hanging of pictures. Garage disposal. I also fix DIY gone wrong. Contact Craig 061 457 7468.



RECIPE ITALIAN BROCCOLI & SALMON BAKE Take a fresh look at broccoli with this creamy pasta bake

Prep: 25 mins - 35 mins Cook: 30 mins Level: Easy Serves 4

INGREDIENTS • 250g Penne • 300g Broccoli, cut into large florets • 30ml Butter • 62.5ml Plain flour • 600ml Milk • 125ml Mascarpone cheese • 8 Sundried tomatoes (preserved in olive oil), drained and thickly sliced* • 10 Large fresh basil leaves, roughly torn • 4 Fresh skinless salmon fillets** • 125ml Mature cheddar finely grated * Can be replaced with cherry tomatoes ** Can be replaced with chicken fillets



1. Preheat the oven to 170C and get an ovenproof dish (measuring 20 by 30cm, and about 5cm deep). 2. Cook the pasta in a pot of boiling water for 6 minutes. Add the broccoli to the boiling water and pasta and cook for a further 4 minutes or until the broccoli is on the firm side of just tender. Drain well. 3. While the pasta is cooking, put the butter, flour and milk in a large pan and heat, whisking or stirring continuously, until it thickens to make a smooth sauce. 4. Remove from the heat and stir in the mascarpone, sun-dried tomatoes, and basil, then add the pasta and broccoli and season well. 5. Halve the salmon fillets widthways (you will see that there is an obvious divide on each fillet) and place the salmon pieces in a single layer on the base of the ovenproof dish. Spoon the broccoli mixture on top, then scatter with the grated cheddar. 6. Bake for 30 minutes until the mixture is just starting to bubble round the edges and the mixture is pale golden . Recipe supplied by Domestic Chef - 083 229 1622.




• Annual Financial Statements and SARS Submissions • Monthly Management Accounts • VAT and other Statutory Returns • Processing of General Ledger and Reconciliations


Phone Mike Roupell: T: 012 993 2854 C: 083 442 5818 • E:



• Cleaning done by hand • We collect and deliver • We also clean fitted carpets and upholstery QUOTES & BOOKINGS: T: 012 993 2854 • F: 012 993 1839 • C: 083 442 5818





MAGDE MEYER: (012) 348-0123 083-387-3437 | (012)365-1182; P O BOX 12202, DIE HOEWES, 0163


ANNATJIE BENADIE: (012) 663-9000 082-555-7490 | (086) 654-5421; P O BOX 711, FAERIE GLEN, 0043; VAT NR: 4110246735;


AMANDA VAN DEN BERG: (012) 665 5111 | 082 772 5487 | (012) 665 5669; BERNICE BOTHA: (012) 665-5111 083-709-8857 | (012) 665-5669; P O BOX 7510, CENTURION, 0046; VAT NR: 4750205124


PETER VARRIE: (012) 644 8300 082 457 7416


RINA HATTINGH: 083-412-6800 (086) 692-8541 |; GILLIAN HILLS: 072-831-7117; MARISSA BURGER: 072-227-7270; ADÉLLE NAUDE: 083-622-6153; P O BOX 66519, HIGHVELD, 0169


EVELYNNE VAN DE VENDEL: 083-276-5003; P O BOX 193, WIERDA PARK, 0149; VAT NR: 4690119807


(012) 667-2167 | (012) 667-3566 FELICITY SWANEPOEL: 082-858-8949; TRACY KEYTER: 082-928-8219; P O BOX 10353, CENTURION, 0046 VAT NR: 4720209503;

TEAM 1 WATERFRONT RAY VAN VUUREN: (012) 663-1482 082-461-3751 | (012) 663-1489;;;; P O BOX 7795, CENTURION, 0046; VAT NR: 4710160682



AMANDA SINCLAIR: 082-334-4421; LIANNE LOUW: 082-435-4907



Adelle Naude 083 622 6153 RENTALS

Rina Hattingh 083 412 6800

Gillian Hills 072 831 7117

Marissa Burger 072 227 7270



Your leading agents in Centurion Golf Estate since 1996

“Put your property needs in our hands”

Compulsory documents when selling your property?

Valid Electric & Gas certificate. Stamped, approved Building Plans, Occupation certificate. Building office: 012 358 3412. Invasive plants: information - APR/MAY 2017 | INTERFACE


To advertise in this insert, please contact Tracey on 082 460 6007 “Doing what we do best. “ R2 800 000 Lovely townhouse, more than you expect. 4Bedroom 2.5Bathroom Enclosed Patio Pool Double garage.

Rina Hattingh 083 412 6800

Gillian Hills 072 831 7117

Marissa Burger 072 227 7270

Your leading agents in Centurion Golf Estate since 1996

“Put your property needs in our hands”

R4 300 000 Lovely home in a cul de sac, 4 bedrooms with main downstairs, study, 3 living areas, pool, sq.

R 2 890 000 So much potential, situated in a cul de sac. 3Living areas Kitchen Scullery Pantry. Private patio and garden. Double garage.

R4 500 000 Lovely family home, 4 bedr, 3 bath loads of entertainment space plus 3 garages.

SOLD Fairway property Patio Pool 4Bedroom 3Bathroom Study Staff Q DG.

SOLD Neat as a pin. 4 bedr, 3.5 bath, open plan living, study, pool and huge garage.

R 8 900 000 Big stand Modern Pool Patio Wine cellar 4Gar 2lounges 2Dining 4Bedr en-suite Study Staff Q.

R 4 250 000 Spotless, totally renovated with quality finishes. 4Bedroom 3B.5Bathroom Staff Q Study Patio Pool Double G.

SOLE MANDATE R 3 900 000 Fabulous lock up and go with 3 bed, 3 baths, study and double garage.

SOLE MANDATE R 3 300 000 Lovely home with lots of privacy, 4 beds, study, 3 living areas, DG, SQ and pool.

SOLE MANDATE R 4 250 000 Outstanding property, outstanding view on the fairway! Spacious and north facing 4 Living areas Kitchen Scullery Bigger stand Double garage.

SOLD Single level home in a cul de sac. 4Bedrooms 3Bathrooms Double garage 3Living areas Big gardens.

R5 700 000 Overlooking the fairway. Three enormous bedr, 2.5 bath, large study and 4 garages.

R 3 600 000 Newly renovated single level home with 3 beds, 2 baths, study, 3 living areas, pool, lapa and SQ.

SOLE MANDATE R 2 850 000 Cute and cottagey family home with open plan living, four beds, 3 living areas, SQ and DG.

R 3 600 000 Lovely North facing home, lush & private garden Pool 3Living areas Enclosed patio 3Bedroom Study Staff Q.

R 4 700 000 Fairway property . Sunny 4Bedroom 3Bathroom Staff Q 3Garages Flat.

SOLE MANDATE R2 600 000 Single level, 3 bed, 2 bath snuggled in a cul-de-sac. Pool, DG.

R 4 500 000 Stunning, bright and airy home on the fairway, 4 bedrooms, study, 3 garages and so much more.

SOLE MANDATE R 3 150 000 Single level 3 bed, 3 living, 3 garages, SQ, pool, neat as a pin.

Tel: (012) 667 2167 Fax: (012) 667 3566



082 858 8949

082 928 8219


Situated in a safe and secure estate. Offering 3/2/2, garden with irrigation system. Patio. Close to all amenities, highways and main routes. Rental R15 000.00.

R 4 300 000

Beautiful family home situated in a secure estate close to all amenities. 4/3/2 & study. Lovely garden with view overlooking the Irene Club Lake and meadows, pool, SQ.

R 5 950 000

Beautiful and stylish family home, 4/3/2 & office designed with a lovely well designed garden with fruit trees. Stylish finishes. Situated right next to the pasture. SOUTHDOWNS ESTATE.

R 3 200 000 neg

This home has it all. Urgent sale. 3 bedrooms, 3 Livingroom’s, Staff accom, dbl garage & pretty garden.

R 2 662 500

R 3 750 000

Lovely, spacious light and bright! In a spacious corner 4/2/2 with beautiful garden. Large Lapa to entertain. 4th b/rm can be used as a 2nd lounge/study.

This home offers 3/2.5/2 a big garden with sparkling pool. En-suite main bedroom with scenic views from the balcony. Great patio and entertainment area, study/office. Aircons. Rental R25 000.00.

R 4 495 000

R 4 600 000

R 5 800 000

Perfect large family home 4/3.5/2. Style, space, light and bright. New landscaped garden. Flatlet with kitchenette, lounge, bedroom, bathroom. New Domestic shower and toilet!

Absolute style and perfection 4/3/2 & office! Beautiful, large light and bright family home with stunning fairway views from the balcony and patio. Glass doors opening form the rooms and living areas onto the balcony and patio & pool.

SOLE MANDATE R 2 800 000

SOLE MANDATE R 2 890 000

A hidden jewel in Village View Estate. Private French style cluster home with 3 living areas, 3 bedrooms and landscaped garden.

Something special. French style single storey home, newly renovated with small garden and pool.

Class, style and perfection. Beautiful finishes. Splendid view over the Golf Course from bedrooms. Entertainment area with gas braai leading onto patio and pool. Staff accom. Garden & irrigation system, SQ. 4/2/3.

R 6 300 000

Lovely and spacious! Offering 4/3/2. Large beautiful garden with irrigation system. Great space for the kids to play. Solar heated pool. Enclosed patio and games room. Underfloor heating. SOUTHDOWNS ESTATE.

R 4 500 000

A cut above. Spacious living, plenty of parking, large living areas and sparkling pool. Well situated, North facing in a quiet crescent.

R 4 300 000 neg

Large stand, large home, plenty of parking. This 5 bedroomed home lends itself to entertainment. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to luxury living.

R 3 600 000

The perfect family home! Lovely, light and bright. 3/2.5/2 &study nook. All bedrooms leading onto own balcony. Skylight over huge bath tub in main bedroom. Gas fireplace. Rental R25 000.00.

R 4 225 000

Light & bright beautiful home. This home is immaculate, just move in. Domestic accom, pool, gym, bar - live like kings and queens.

R 2 770 000

R 3 700 000

R 8 500 000

R 3 595 000

As pretty as a picture. Full title home with open plan living at a bargain price.

Come and make an offer. This upmarket estate home offers all a family would need with staff accom. Set in quiet cul de suc. Rental R23 000.00.

For the discerning owner. This exquisite home offers 4 garages, marble finishes and spacious living with pool and staff accom. Also to rent immediately at R33 000 unfurnished and R38 000 fully furnished.

Comfy cluster home. This triple storey family home offers private living with pool and gazebo off living areas.

NOW IS THE TIME FOR A ‘PLAN B’ IN EUROPE! Securing a second citizenship or permanent residency status in another country is something that many South Africans would like to acquire. The main reason being a personal one: to assure their family’s future by implementing a tangible ‘Plan B’ by protecting against political risk as well as economical instability. Europe is the world’s largest single market and global trading block, and is still the most favoured destination for investors. The attraction of having unlimited access to the EU and the UK is where a second citizenship in Europe has it’s merits. But the real benefits are being able to travel, live, work and study anywhere in the European Economic Area plus enjoy visa-free travel to many countries in the world. Securing permanent residency status is also appealling because it gives the holders of the residence permit the legal right to live in that country without having to go through onerous immigration processes should they wish to make a permanent move. There are a few countries in Europe offering the chance to secure a second passport or permanent residency status, but the choice of where to invest can be daunting. Investors are advised to assess each programme to understand the minimum investment amount, the pre-requisites in terms of documentation, any travel limitations and all of the costs – both immediate and ongoing. Cyprus, an ex-British colony, full EU member and not part of Greece, currently has the most attractive second citizenship plan on offer; as well as the best permanent residency programme available. • Citizenship is granted in 3 months via Cyprus’ ‘Citizenship through investment’ programme: - this is the quickest process in Europe; - the main investor, spouse, all dependent children up to 28 years of age; as well as the parents of the investor all qualify; - this is an investment – not a donation;

- the property/ies CAN be rented out to earn a Euro based income; - the property/ies only need to be kept for 3 years, where after they can be sold as long as a property worth min €500k is retained; and - citizenship is passed down through descent offering a real legacy to future generations. • Permanent residency is granted in 4 to 6 weeks on the ‘Fast Track’ programme: - this is the only programme in Europe where 3 generations in the same family (including both the parents and the parents-in-law) all acquire permanent residency by buying one property!; - dependent children up to 25 years old qualify; - the property can be rented out; and there is no requirement to live in Cyprus, nor be domiciled there for tax. Cyprus also has the following lifestyle benefits: 1. Cyprus is economically stable and politically secure – the country is not flooded with refugees. 2. Properties in Cyprus offer excellent value for money when compared to other European countries – especially homes right on or near to The Med. 3. The lifestyle is similar to South Africa: the golf courses are world-class, the countryside is breathtakingly beautiful and Cyprus has 57 blue-flag status beaches, the cleanest seas in the Med and a mountain range where it snows for 3 months. 4. No inheritance tax: on your death you can dispose of your assets to your loved ones without having to pay any tax. This is advantageous for legacy planning. 5. There are no social problems in Cyprus: and because of this Cyprus has huge appeal as a destination for relocation, retirement, holiday-making and investment.

Some other attractions that Cyprus offers are: • being an ex-British colony, there is no language barrier – everyone speaks English and all your documentation is in English. No need for a translator!; • the discovery of natural gas is already having a positive impact on foreign investment and infrastructural development; • low cost of living; • Euro-accredited education gives your children a distinct advantage when they enter the global job market; • Europe on your doorstep: Cyprus has 2 International Airports and several marinas; and • First world medical facilities and affordable healthcare with highly qualified doctors and specialists. An astute offshore property investment that works for you in the short, medium and long term is the achievement of a lifetime. In Cyprus investing in the ‘Citizenship through Investment’ or the ‘Fast Track’ residency programme not only makes financial sense, but it will tangibly benefit your family for generations to come. Can you afford not to take advantage of this while the programmes are still open? Cypriot Realty – a proudly South African company in operation for nearly 9 years – can assist you. We are recognised and respected as Southern Africa's authoritative offshore investment specialists, promoting Cyprus as an ideal destination for acquiring EU citizenship or permanent residency, property investment, immigration or retirement and starting an EU-based business - we understand investor's needs.

Contact us for a confidential meeting to discuss how we can help you realise you and your family’s ‘Plan B’ in Europe. Contact Jenny Ellinas | Founder and Managing Director Tel: +27 83 448 8734 | Email: LinkedIn: Twitter: Visit:

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