The Precinct of Bakery Hill Landscape Heritage Master Plan Yuqing Du 800859 ABPL90075 Urban and Landscape Heritage
The Precinct of Bakery Hill
Fig 1. Map of the Precinct of Bakery Hill. Own elaboration
Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................3 Research Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Background .........................................................................................................4 3. Components of Bakery Hill’s Landscape Heritage Master Plan ...........................5 3. 1 Creation ......................................................................................................................................... 5 3. 2 Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 5 3. 3 Goals.............................................................................................................................................. 6 Four Goals ........................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Implementation Strategies and Recommendations ............................................7 4. 1 Protect and conserve significant heritage resources over the long term ................................. 7 4. 1. 1 Recommondations ................................................................................................................ 8 4. 2 The commercial character and the residential possibility of Bakery Hill are both important to promote with a combination of cultural heritage and living conditions............................................ 9 4. 2. 1 Recommondations ................................................................................................................ 9 4. 3 Develop a broad tourism image is equally important to conserving residential properties.. 10 4. 3. 1 Recommondations ............................................................................................................. 10 4. 4 Investment and new development that is compatible with the past ideology and contemporary value .................................................................................................................................................. 12 4. 4. 1 Recommondations ............................................................................................................. 12
5. Prioritization of Strategies and Conclusion .......................................................13 Develop in three to five years ..................................................................................................... 13 Develop in five to ten years ........................................................................................................ 13 Develop in twenty years .............................................................................................................. 13
6. Reference and Figures ......................................................................................15
1. Introduction The precinct of Bakery Hill is an eastern precinct in the city of Ballarat which has many heritage places. As one part of the historical city, it is necessary to excavate and develop the potential value of landscape heritage in the precinct. By exploring background stories of the site and visiting the precinct, the Bakery Hill’s Landscape Heritage Master Plan can identify heritage significance, propose conservation measure, amplify heritage influence from perspectives of landscape architecture or urban design, and put forward interpretation of heritage importance from multidimensional scenarios. Results of the plan contain strategic management and landscaping proposals that can conserve urban heritage for continued use and future development.
Research Procedure Background
Heritage significance
Conservation measures
Strategy suggections
Landscape proposals Development of heritage
Fig 2. Site photos of the Precinct of Bakery Hill. Own elaboration
2. Background Commercial stores are predominant in Bakery Hill.
of today’s Bridge Street refers to the bridge for
The central Bridge Street Mall is an important pla-
passagers in 1862. The bridge was subject to reg-
za for residents and tourists (Fig. 3).
ular flood (Fig. 5).
Fig 5. The Bridge Mall Street in Bakery Hill. Own elaboration Fig 3. The Bridge Mall Street in Bakery Hill. Own elaboration
Compared with the existing conditions with less
In the 1850s, the inner-city suburb was an indis-
precipitation, the conservation and development
pensable meeting point between Main Road and
of Bridge Street need to articulate past and pres-
the commercial center (Victorian Heritage Data-
ent stories.
base). Mercantile activities presently continue at the site. In addition to historical commercial sig-
Architecture in Bakery Hill is the most valuable her-
nificance, the Eureka Rebellion, a revolted bat-
itage, especially buildings constructed on a fluctu-
tle between gold diggers and the colonial forces
ant terrain. The architectural design can represent
of the United Kingdom (Percival), started at the
styles from the 1850s to late 1930s. The structure
point in 1854 (Fig. 4). Although seldom physical
and qualities are study factors of commercial or
evidence of the event remain, an establishment
community evolution. Apart from the physical ar-
of a tiny park with a representative flag reminds
chitecture, functions of individual building hold
people about the history. Furthermore, the width
stories. For example, the Trade Hall (Fig.6) was a meeting place where trade
tion proceeded in the past.
Fig 4. Eureka Stockade in Ballarat. By Charles Doudiet
Fig 6. The Trade Hall of Ballarat. Own elaboration
3. Components of Bakery Hill’s Landscape Heritage Master Plan 3. 1 Creation
ery Hill. If it is difficult to find a suitable instance,
Based on the background of the Precinct of Bakery
the Mater Plan may combine multidisciplinary re-
Hill, the Master Plan not only focuses on physical
search and personal visiting experience, delineat-
heritage features, such as topography, buildings,
ing a draft view of the future heritage supported
structures and ecological habitats but also pro-
from objective and subjective perspectives.
tects and promotes intangible heritage, such as historic ceremonies, immortal events and cultural
Step three involves viable recommendations that
change. Multi-angle analysis can support the Bak-
can refine the established policies and generate
ery Hill’s Landscape Heritage Master Plan achieve
new management plans. The improvement will be
the following creations:
divided into several goals operated by actions in
• Develop a feasible vision for heritage conserva-
tion in the precinct • Provide interdisciplinary links between protec-
Heritage of interests
tion, renovation, and evolution of heritage. • Establish implementation recommendations on development.
3. 2 Approach Three steps may provide opportunities for the Master Plan to achieve the mentioned crea-
Flooding Areas in the history
Areas at higher evaluation (conservation of the visual sight)
tions: Step one collects background materials of the heritage in the precinct of Bakery Hill. With the help of Historic Urban Landscape Guidebook, the
Topographic feature
overlapping information (Fig. 7) should include comprehensive surveys and mapping of the precinct’s natural, cultural and human resources (UNESCO, 2011). The surveys can help to find issues or deficiencies from the existing experience, implemented management and necessary measures according to heritage significance. Step two contains strategic consideration of heritage conservation and takes into account the comparison between successful precedents and Bak-
Historical events Siginificant heritage areas with more overlapping layers
Fig 7. Overlap mapping for an identification of heritage significance. Own elaboration
3 3. 3 Goals
Four Goals
The key outcome of heritage conservation is to
The vision can be divided into four goals that
provide a vision based on background discovery
require interdisciplinary cooperation to decide
(MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Plan-
which heritage need a protection and propose a
ning Limited ([MHBC], 2016). In order to inherit-
new interpretation in the old precinct.
and highlight the commercial character of Bakery Hill, it is important to treasure historical memory,
1. Protect and conserve significant heritage re-
especially mining culture, the labour movement
sources over the long term.
and past natural hazard. A broad vision of the Bakery Hill’s Landscape Heritage Master Plan is:
2. The commercial character and the residential
To protect and maximize the surplus value of
possibility of Bakery Hill are both important to
heritage resources and create modern utiliza-
promote with a combination of cultural heritage
tion methods to satisfy contemporary communi-
and living conditions.
ties, attract new residents in Ballarat, and boost the tourism industry.
3. Develop a broad tourism image is equally important to conserve individual property. 4. Investment and new development that is compatible with the past ideology and contemporary value
4. Implementation Strategies and Recommendations The section will discuss the strategic framework in
Besides, heritage buildings are potential to be
the proposed site, evaluate the existing heritage
landmarked. From the St. Lawrence Heritage
management, draw experience from successful
Conservation District Plan, the Toronto govern-
precedents, and recommend from personal visit-
ment advocates (2015) that landmark buildings
ing memory in terms of landscape architecture or
can define typologies of a district by reflecting
urban design. The discussion may emphasize the
architectural characteristics. These core precious
Four Goals which can accelerate the completion
buildings will be distinguishable from the heritage
of the creation and the broad vision.
fabric and protected by highest standard with a
3URWHFW DQG FRQVHUYH VLJQLĂ€FDQW KHULWDJH resources over the long term The precinct of Bakery Hill is in the CBD of the
physical and visual compatibility. The standard also can be found in Bakery Hill. It is easy to find the height of buildings is lower than the old architectures within core heritage areas (Fig. 8).
city of Ballarat. Buildings are the most important heritage resource through an overlay analysis of different heritage elements. The Ballarat govern-
Fig 8. Regulation of Storey. Own elaboration based on the final strategy from the city of Ballarat
ment put forward a final strategy (2010) that put emphasis on an improvement of the retail industry through protecting and digging the value of heritage buildings. For example, the street facades in core retail areas are designed to use clear glazing at the lower levels so that people can have a visual connection between the building occupants (the city of Ballarat, 2010). The governmental inclination can optimize the old architectural design, thereby extending the practical utility of heritage.
Protected Long Distance View Buildings up to Heritage paralled height Buildings up to 4 storeys Buildings up to 6 storeys Buildings up tp 3 storeys
4 4. 1. 1 Recommondations Although the established management plan in
Fig 9. Landmark Proposoals in Bakery HILL. Own elaboration
Bakery Hill can conserve the significant heritage buildings from multiple degrees, the plan should consider how to continuously maintain the result over the time. Supplementary enhancement ideas for Goal #1 are derived from the plan of the St. Lawrence and reflection as a landscape architect. 1a. Replacement is an approach to renovate heritage architectures. When the replacement of non-historic features is necessary, the alternate materials should be suitable to the initial appearance. 1b. Historic buildings can be categorized by different materials if the replacement is inevitable. For example, wood or metal takes effect for the primary buildings due to the visual attraction
Established landmark Potential to be landmark Heritage architectures Potential landmark buildings were significant in the hitory but need adequate supplementary to disclose the heritage value beihind the buildings.
while stones or concrete plays a part in secondary buildings. 1c. It is possible to construct the infrastructure of the mining industry in surrounding areas. The constructions can renovate landmark architectures (Fig. 9), such as identified signs or representative vintage pieces of equipment. They can indicate the cultural uniqueness of the heritage buildings.
4 4. 2 The commercial character and the residential possibility of Bakery Hill are both important to promote with a combination of cultural heritage and living conditions Except for developing the commercial function, the government also plan to promote living feature in the CBD (the city of Ballarat, 2010). For instance, lower floors of heritage buildings can hold retail functions and top spaces of the shops can be the use for medium-density residential allocation. The combination also beautifies the streetscape. Heritage in Bakery Hill cannot be overestimated. From visting the core heritage areas, it is not difficult to find that green space can smoothen the concordances of history. When the tiny park conserves the meeting point of the Eureka Rebellion, it can connect surrounding neighbourhood communities with a softer scape. Improvement of community connection is also essential in the plan of Cobourg, Melbourne. Similar to existing old architectures, new forms of buildings are single-detached, semi-detached or townhouse developments. Residents living in the historic space can continuously get information
4. 2. 1 Recommondations Developing living conditions in a commercial area will meet unpredicted difficulties. The mix-use of heritage buildings and emphasis on a neighbourhood connection in Bakery Hill have already taken advantage of historic properties. Additional recommendations for Goal #2 may consider detailed measures for the construction of residential habitat in Bakery Hill. 2a. For sustainable development of plants heritage, it is better to select of indigenous vegetation species in the green space. Plants with plates not only contain names but also convey the background story in history. The greenery scape is able to promote livability and help new residents to understand the past precinct. 2b. Establishment of new houses should refer to the form, height, and scale of old buildings, as well as the colour harmony of the whole site. If the colour contrast is not under control, the incoordinate assortment may influence neither heritage nor visual experience.
from the government with respect to the heritage conversation. Traditional festivals or significant events are routine in several landmark buildings. Within the community, people may spontaneously develop a habit to concern about cultural heritage.
4 4. 3 Develop a broad tourism image is equally important to conserving residential properties
4. 3. 1 Recommondations
Childs (2018) listed the benefits of heritage tour-
lineating the boundary of Bakery Hill can help to
ism from economic, social and environmental
construct site cognition. The map should be at the
perspectives. The fresh business can offer more
entrance of the precinct (Fig. 10).
3a. For a first-time visit tourist, a clear map de-
workspace, improve the communities’ image and pride, and encourage people to be mindful about
3b. Steep slopes are common at the four-direction
human impact on heritage properties. According
entrance of Bakery Hill. The fluctuate terrace is a
to site promotion, the city of Ballarat proposes to
challenge to transportation. But if the topograph-
construct a great place to visit in CBD areas. A
ic feature is one of the important heritages which
wide range of entertainment and hospitality uses
should be conserved, it will be better for visitors
emerge in Bakery Hill. Visual arts, literature and a
to get information about the geographic charac-
music concert can take place in the heritage build-
teristic. For example, signboards can propagate
ings. Within the Bridge Street, timeline decoration
distinctive site identity (Fig. 10), including stories
on the can remind people how the city changes.
of gold carriage or special architectural construc-
Elaborate decorations around the plaza can cre-
tions on the unique contour.
ate an artistic atmosphere for tourists. However, the tourism image is not complete since the infra-
Fig 10. Maps and instructions for tourists. Own elaboration
structure and the popularization are not able to shape a sense of urban identity for a visitor. Probable implementations for Goal #3 may start from the angle of traveling observation and feelings.
Type reference of tourist maps and instruction boards
3c. Transportation style should provide convenience for tourists. Sightseeing vehicles covered by
Fig 12. Decoration improvement in Bridge Street. Own Elaboration
old pictures may improve the spread of vernacular culture. It is possible to introduce sharing electric scooters which may attract an increasing number of young people (Fig.11).
Bridge Street
3d. The meaning of decorations in Bridge Street should express more directly or convey more holistically. Shapes and groups of them can learn lessons from the past industry or memorable events (Fig.12).
Fig 11. Sharing scooter become popular as a visiting transportation around the world. Photo from 524455_12937_0.jpg?imwidth=240&impolicy=custom
Decorations can convey information or tell stories by efficient approaches. Decorations cannot enable people to understand what they represent.
4 4. 4 Investment and new development that is compatible with the past ideology and contemporary value
4. 4. 1 Recommondations
Heritage conversation in Bakery Hill should not
the contemporary opinion to the historic resource.
4a. Investment on education can stimulate heritage renewal. The younger generation can present
only take consideration of commercial functions, residential connection and tourism development,
4b. When the technology becomes mature, VR in-
but also improve growth potential in the future.
frastructure can reappear how the precinct was. If
Several precedents have developed the heritage
possible, complete urban models can be viewed
site as an amusement park, such as the Sovereign
in a virtual museum (Fig. 13). The models are too
Hill closed to the city of Ballarat. The proposed
expensive to build in reality.
direction is not suitable to Bakery Hill but the concept of adding modern value is worth drawing les-
4c. Intangible cultural heritage can be tangible
sons. The mix-use of land, buildings or traditions
through the smartphone. For example, Augment-
is the current phase, it is necessary to combine ad-
ed Reality (AR) may enable heritage buildings,
vanced technology with heritage renovation. As
sculpture or monument to be responsive. People
cultural heritage site is subject to human impacts
can use a smartphone to know the information of
and climate change. Virtual Reality (VR) can offer
background stories, even to see what happened
new approaches to the difficult challenge (Mclen-
with the historic properties in the past.
nan, 2016). The achievement of Goal #4 may focus on the future image in Bakery Hill.
Fig 13. Immersive Room in the VR Heritage Museum. From
5. Prioritization of Strategies and Conclusion
Not all the complementary recommendations cannot carry into effect within a short time. Several strategies of the plan can operate with the CBD Strategies from the city of Ballarat. Other proposals may wait for the investment or the development of technology. It is reasonable to establish an order for mentioned recommendations. Develop in three to five years 1a.
When the replacement of non-historic features is necessary, the alternate materials should be suitable to the initial appearance.
1b. Historic buildings can be categorized by different materials if the replacement is inevitable. 1c.
The infrastructure can indicate the cultural uniqueness of the heritage buildings.
The greenery scape is able to promote livability and help new residents to understand the past precinct.
For a first-time visit tourist, a clear map delineating the boundary of Bakery Hill can help to construct site cognition.
Develop in five to ten years 2b
Establishment of new houses should refer to the form, height, and scale of old buildings, as well as the colour harmony of the whole site.
The topographic feature is one of the important heritages which should be conserved, it will be better for visitors to get information about the geographic characteristic.
Transportation style should provide convenience for tourists.
The meaning of decorations in Bridge Street should express more directly or convey more holistically.
Investment on education can stimulate heritage renewal. The younger generation can present the contemporary opinion to the historic resource.
Develop in twenty years 4b
When the technology becomes mature, VR infrastructure can reappear how the precinct was.
People can use a smartphone to know the information of background stories, even to see what happened with the historic properties in the past.
5 The Master plan of Baker Hill uses established governmental strategies as a reference to find new possibilities for heritage conservation and evolution. On account of the commercial character, protection of architectural resource can be a combination which can promote traditional culture and enrich living potential. The process includes multidisciplinary communication, the development of new industries and the adoption of advanced technology. As a result, the precinct will attenuate the heaviness of history but improve the vitality of unforgettable memories.
6. Reference and Figures Black, J. (2017). Ballarat chefs to bring New Orleans to Bakery Hill. From https://www. Childs, C. (2018). How Culture and Heritage Tourism Boosts More Than A Visitor Economy. From
ture-and-heritage-tourism-boosts-visitor-economy/ MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning
Fig 1. Map of the Precinct of Bakery Hill. Own elaboration Fig 2. Site photos of the Precinct of Bakery Hill. Own elaboration Fig 3. The Bridge Mall Street in Bakery Hill. Own elaboration Fig 4. Eureka Stockade in Ballarat. By Charles Doudiet Fig 5. The Bridge Mall Street in Bakery Hill. Own elaboration
Limited. (2016). Town of Cobourg Heritage
Fig 6. The Trade Hall of Ballarat. Own elaboration
Master Plan
Fig 7. Overlap mapping for an identification of
Mclennan, E. (2016). The Virtual Museums Pre-
heritage significance. Own elaboration
serving Our Cultural Heritage. From https://
Fig 8. Regulation of Storey. Own elaboration based
on the final strategy from the city of Ballarat
seums-preserving-our-cultural-heritage/ Percival, A. The “Battle” of the Eureka Stockade 1854. From The city of Ballarat. (2010). Making Ballarat Central – the CBD Strategy The Toronto government. (2015). St. Lawrence Heritage Conservation District Plan United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2016). The HUL Guidebook.
Fig 9. Landmark Proposoals in Bakery HILL. Own elaboration Fig 10. Maps and instructions for tourists. Own elaboration Fig 11. Sharing scooter become popular as a visiting transportation around the world. Photo from _1674524455_12937_0.jpg?imwidth=240&impolicy=custom Fig 12. Decoration improvement in Bridge Street. Own Elaboration Fig 13.
Immersive Room in the VR Heritage