Horizions Issue 4

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Inside Tech And You Radio host Nora Young on the challenge of staying ahead of technology . ...... 2

The Doctor Is In Surprising lessons on how to sidestep adult onset diabetes... 3

Issue Four

Modern Exercise Trend Hundreds Of Years Old Heritage Residents ‘Journey To The Past’ For A Healthier Future


lder Americans may be just discovering the latest trend in health and fitness, but it began over 700 years ago on the other side of the globe. Tai chi (pronounced TIECHEE) originated in ancient China as a martial art and means of self-defense. Today, most people use it as an exercise and overall

health benefit. “You don’t have to be in tip top shape to start tai chi,” says Dr. Donald Loeper, resident at The Heritage of Green Hills. “If you’re physically challenged at first, you just do what you can.” By emphasizing simple exercises with slow, methodical movements and

Life At The Heritage

New residents working 9 to 5...................4 Did surprise guest visit The Heritage?........... 4 What’s coming up? Music, racing, photography, and more.................. 4

Sudoku . ............. 4 Crossword Puzzle ................ 5 In The Garden Spring is time to get started......... 6

The ancient Chinese practice of tai chi is believed to help promote strength, balance, and peace of mind.

deep breathing, tai chi seeks holds promise to make you to improve the mind-body feel better and live longer. connection. The emotional “Practicing allows you relaxation, focus, and conto get the moves down,” centration he says. “It’s it provides great for bal“It’s great for is as comance, loosforting as balance, loosens up ens up your the physimuscles and your muscles, and cal exercise after a while itself. after a while you you feel the Some arm and leg feel the arm and describe strength.” tai chi as Expert tai leg strength.” ‘moving chi instrucmeditation.’ tor Jan The deep breathing, total Gyomber teaches tai chi body awareness, and slow twice weekly in classes for movements create a gentle residents at The Heritage. exercise described by many Jan reviews the philosoas energetic and stimulatphy’s principles and undering. It’s suitable for people lying relaxation techniques, of all ages, but is becoming and helps residents learn increasingly popular with proper movements in order older people seeking low to gain the full benefits of impact exercise. It requires this ancient Chinese art. no special equipment. Jan is an accomplished Donald has been practic- expert in tai chi. Besides ing tai chi since this past being a triple gold medJune. He likes the fact that it SEE “TAI CHI” ON P. 3

Podcasting Brings Internet Media Power To The People Diverse Topics Get Shows As Amateurs Challenge Professionals


ust as cable TV opened up a whole spectrum of programming to viewers, the Internet is opening up a world of new media options for consumers and producers alike. “Podcasting” allows consumers to watch or listen to programs from around the planet, and allows private individuals to readily produce and distribute whatever programs their time, budgets, and enthusiasm allow them to make. The term podcast was originally inspired by the early Macintosh iPods, which allowed consumers to carry and play an enormous number of recordings in a hand-held device. But you

don’t need an iPod to enjoy podcasts. What distinguishes podcasts and webcasts from ordinary broadcasts of TV or radio programs is that they’re distributed over the Internet, (frequently) for free. Podcasting allows the production of programs whose interest would be too narrow to be sustained by ordinary broadcasting. Something For Everyone For example, a great site for people who enjoy discussions about the latest in politics and ideas is bloggingheadsTV (http://bloggingheads.tv/), which features speakers from across the political spectrum debating with each

other. Of course, for some folks the idea of watching two pundits talk politics might rank just behind going to the dentist in entertainment value. But the great thing about podcasting is that someone somewhere is probably producing a podcast that IS of interest to you! Interested in podcasts about travel? There’s a site for that (http://indietravelpodcast.com/)! How about podcasts SEE “PODCASTING” ON P. 2


Take steps to avoid jet lag....... 7

Discover The Heritage Full-Service Retirement Living................ 8

Time To Get Out?

With spring here, it’s time to get out of the house, soak up some sun, and tend to the garden. See page 6.

The Heritage of Green Hills 200 Tranquility Lane Reading, PA 19607

You need it, but scientists aren’t sure why............ 7


Page 2

April 2010


Making Friends With Technology

Radio Host Helps Guide Ordinary People Through Changing Times


o you find it hard to keep up with all of the amazing new technologies and products that are being released every year? Nora Young feels your pain. “I think some of the things affecting us all is that the rate of change is extremely fast now, and many people feel like they’re having trouble keeping up,” she says. “I mean, my full time job is to keep on top of it, and I find it hard to keep on top of it!” Nora’s “full time job” is host of the superlative radio program Spark, a show from Canada which airs in a few American markets as well and is available everywhere via podcasting on the Internet (http://www.cbc.ca/spark/). Not a technical program, each week Nora and Spark focus on the challenges

and rewards ordinary people experi- programs in that it will often ence as they incorporate technology make a point of discussing into their daily lives. how a particular new develIf you find technology bewilder- opment affects older people. ing, you’re not alone! “I guess I see it partially “Every once in a while, I’ll from a personal point of have one of those moments where view,” she says. “When I I go, ‘Oh my god, I’m living in the give advice to my parents Nora Young hosts Spark, a Canadian radio future!’ about program about living with technology that when I’ve comput- Americans can listen to on the web. “My father is in his 80s and ers, I had that uncanny friction between the generations had a lot of trouble with PCs, can see feeling that them concentered on new technology and what we’re but he took to his iPod Touch fronting some how it changes our lives,” she says, doing like a duck to water because of their ner- “but it can be a tremendous source shouldn’t vousness with of community as well.” it presented its function in a be possitechnology, Nora recalls a story from about a ble,” Nora and I imagine clear and obvious way.” year ago which featured an 85 year comments the same sort old British woman, Ofelia Podolski, enthusiasof thing goes who developed a small global tically. But the sheer pace of change on with a lot of other people.” following on the Internet even can alienate people. The generations don’t always fit though she doesn’t use computers “For many into people’s stereotypes. (http://www.cbc.ca/spark/2009/02/ people, once you “People make broad assumpepisode-67-february-25-28-2009/). feel like you’re tions about the generations’ differHer grandson helped her post her falling behind, it ent approaches to technology, but I thoughts on the web, and in the can make it extra think there’s a big range in people process he learned things about hard to keep up,” in both ends of the demographic,” his grandmother — such as her she continues. Nora explains. “Not all young doomed affair with a member of the “That’s where the people are tech savvy, and not all Resistance during World War II — anxiety creeps old people are not. I’ve noticed for that she had never discussed with in.” example that people in the younger him before. end of the older demographic — Seniors And Design Makes A Difference people in their 60s — often have Technology Spark often focuses on the chalSpark is some- a lot of experience using digital lenge of making technology usable technology in their jobs, much more for everyone. Nora notes that Spark what unusual so than those in their 80s. among technolstaff have speculated that the pro“I think there can be a point of ogy-oriented SEE “SPARK” ON P. 6

Internet Provides Hundreds Of Reasons To Listen To ‘Radio’ On Your PC media player (or iPod, if they have one). devoted to knitting? There’s a site for that (http:// The user could also listen to the program knittingpodcast.blogspot.com/)! immediately while at the website, without downCats? Yup (http://www.podcastdirectory.com/ loading it first. This is known as “streaming.” podcasts/2562). In this case, the program plays while the person Ninjas? Uh huh (http://askaninja.com/). is at the website without the recording being Biking? Yes (http://cycling.podcast.com/). stored on their computer first. If for some Wine? Of course (http://winefornewbies.net/). reason the user loses their Internet conMotherhood? Yes (http://www.momversation. nection, they’ll lose the program as com/ … caution: funny but highly irreverent)! well. Many websites will only permit Australian ecology? Aye, mate (http://2ser. streaming (and not downloading) so as com/programs/shows/aquestionofbalance)! to prevent users from copying the Stories about how technology affects you? program and sharing it with othSure (http://www.cbc.ca/spark/ … see interview ers. (Some people refer to these with Nora Young, above)! ‘streaming-only’ programs as webWhatever your cup of tea (tea! http://www. casts, since they can’t be stored blogtalkradio.com/lainie-sips), you’ll probably and carried on portable devices the find someone somewhere podcasting about it. way podcasts can be.) And that doesn’t even On many webtouch on all the streamsites, the same link ing radio stations availWhatever your cup of is used to stream able, which let you tea, you’ll probably find the program or to listen to anything from download it. Genersomeone somewhere ally, simply click‘secret agent music’ (http://somafm.com/ ing on the link will podcasting about it. play/secretagent) to stream the program. polka music (http:// To download it, you www.247polkaheaven.com/) on your computer either right-click the link (if you 24 hours a day. have a PC) and select the ‘downHow do you find a podcast on a topic you load’ option from the resulting like? Often it’s as simple as using Google to menu, or option-click it (if you search for the words “podcast” and your topic. have a Mac). There are some settings on How To Listen To A Podcast To enjoy a podcast, a user first visits the web- your computer that may affect site which hosts the program. The programs typi- your ability to enjoy podcasts that cally use the same mp3 format that downloaded will vary from website to website and from computer to computer. songs use. If the site allows the program to be These have to do with the different downloaded, the user can do so and listen to it pieces of software the websites use whenever they want to, using their computer’s FROM “PODCASTING” ON P. 1

to get the podcast to your computer, and the way your computer is set up to handle the security issues involved. If you’re not sure about these settings, you may need someone to help you with your specific set up. It’s probably not very helpful to know that someone, somewhere, has almost certainly made a podcast about this.


April 2010

Millions Find Tai Chi Strengthens Mind-Body Connection FROM “TAI CHI” ON P. 1

alist in national competitions, he is a member of the National Qigong (pronounced CHEE-GONG) Association, a certified Level III Advanced Instructor and holds a black sash in tai chi (akin to a black belt in karate). Jan’s passion for tai chi developed at an early age, then grew deeper from his personal experience finding that the practice boosted his overall health and wellness during a particularly challenging time in his life. Since then, he practices consistently and teaches tai chi to people of all ages to help them experience the same physical benefits he found. He takes pride in seeing that all his students, including those at The Heritage, improve and excel at the art. One of the major benefits Jan sees with tai chi practitioners is increased balance. “The practice of slow motion, gentle movements have many general health benefits and you can perform tai chi at any level of fit“Tai chi is one of ness. It’s very adjustable those classes that gives to any one,” he explains. Jan makes modificayou that extra pep in tions to the movements your step and helps according to the experience level of his students socially too, by building so that every participant friendships.” at any fitness level can enjoy the class and gain benefits. “It’s not a ‘no pain, no gain’ type of class,” Jan says. “You take a break when you’re tired. It’s all about self awareness and paying attention to your own body to achieve the mind-body connection.” Occasionally, Jan will include short meditation and full body relaxation instruction to his tai chi class for additional benefits of this ancient art and exercise. A New Wave Of Fitness? Residents at The Heritage have plenty of company in embracing this regimen. A 2007 survey by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine indicated that 2.3 million American adults practice tai chi. Heritage resident Becky Morton has been taking Jan’s classes with her husband twice a week since July and finds it very relaxing and stimulating. “When we started I had no idea it was a martial art,” she says. “We’re not doing strenuous moves that would hurt. The movements are very graceful and slow. It’s so impressive to think people have been doing this for centuries, and now I am too!” Becky believes tai chi can help lengthen your life; after all, it’s a social and physical activity, good for the body and the mind. Social Benefits “It stimulates the mind because you’re thinking about the movements while you’re doing them, and you’re socializing at the same time,” she explains. She finds more than the ‘traditional’ benefit to exercise and believes staying social and meeting new people is a key to longevity. “The more you get involved, and more social you become, you get a quicker step,” she continues. “Tai chi is one of those classes that gives you that extra pep in your step and helps socially too, by building friendships. It’s just wonderful, you really need to try it!” Experts at The Mayo Clinic say that to reap the full health benefits of tai chi, you’ll want to consider practicing regularly. Shortterm classes will certainly benefit you, but if you continue tai chi for the long term, you’ll become more skilled with the moves and enjoy longer and bigger benefits. Heritage resident Richard Walter, for example, began practicing tai chi nearly eight years ago and now attends Jan’s classes because he knows it can promote good health. “It’s an excellent workout both mentally and physically and is SEE “ANCIENT ART” ON P. 7

Award-winning tai chi expert Jan Gyomber (left) leads students Maryanne Focht, Becky Morton, Rodney Focht, Judy Wells and others through basic movements during a class at The Heritage of Green Hills.

Page 3

Dr. Roland Newman II, D.O.

You Can Avoid The Diabetes Epidemic … Here’s How T

here’s a growing epidemic in and pork … and move to fresh fish America and it’s called Type 2 and chicken. Plan one meal per week Diabetes. around vegetables rather than meat. In fact, as reported in a recent Los Limit Your Canned Foods Angeles Times article (http://www. This might catch a lot of people latimes.com/sns-health-elderly-diaby surprise, but there’s a chemibetic-epidemic,0,881067.story), “More cal in many canned foods called than 20 percent of people 60 and older Bisphenol A (BPA) which has been have diabetes, most of them diagnosed linked to a number of ailments. The with type 2, according to the National chemical is still being studied as Institutes of Health. In comparison, the government weighs new regulathat number is 2.6 percent for those 20 tions, but scientists announced just through 39, and 10.8 percent for those this past January that they’ve con40 through 59.” firmed that it’s linked to heart disease Older diabetics are particularly and diabetes, according to Reuters vulnerable to a wide range of ail(http://www.reuters.com/assets/ ments, the article continues, including print?aid=USTRE60C0AR20100113). accelerated aging, heart problems, In light of those findings, it’s probably hypertension, cognitive impairment, wise to limit how much of your diet depression, and urinary incontinence, comes from canned foods. with ultimately shorter life spans than Less Is Better non-diabetic people of the same age. It seems obvious, but the goal is to The syndrome has even been assoconsume less calories than you burn ciated with falls and fractures. And every day. Keep your weight down those diagnosed with the disease were and you will be less prone to adult much less likely to be able to handle onset diabetes. There are two simple feats of ordinary stamina, such walktricks I recommend trying. ing a quarter of a mile, climbing stairs, One, when or doing houseyou go out to work, according a restaurant, The most important to a National immediately Health and Nutricomponent is exercise. cut each of your tion Examination portions in half. If you want to prevent Survey. By doing this, diabetes from taking Easy Steps For you’ll be eating Avoiding Type 2 away your quality of life, the right amount. Diabetes Plus, you’ll have start moving. Fortunately, the added benthere are some efit of having a easy things you can do to avoid devel- fantastic lunch the next day. oping type 2 diabetes. Second, do not eat or drink alcoExercise holic beverages while watching TV. The most important component to The problem with snacking while preventing Type 2 diabetes is exercise. watching TV is that you are not conSimply put, if you want to prevent dia- scious of the amounts you are consumbetes from taking away your quality of ing. It becomes a mindless habit which life, start moving. Begin by walking, soon makes it difficult to tell you from or some other exercise you like. Be the couch. sure to exercise for at least 45 minutes Talk To Your Doctor per day. Remember: diabetes and its comTry to find some friends or a group plications can be delayed or prevented to exercise with, they will help keep you by managing your blood sugar levels motivated and committed. Plus, it’s a lot through healthy eating, weight control, more fun and a lot less boring to exerexercise, stress reduction, and medicacise when you’re with someone else. tion. Talk to your doctor about your Eat Right blood sugar levels and what you can A well balanced diet that includes do to avoid Type 2. fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains, is Dr. Newman and his associates at the key to a healthy and happy lifeGreen Hills Family Medicine hold style. Avoid processed foods whenever regular hours at The Heritage’s on-site possible (which means throwing away medical center. those TV dinners). In the ideal world, you’re looking for meals that were prepared TODAY with fresh ingrediYou’re Invited To Learn More ents. If the food includes an ingredient On April 15 my colleague here you can’t pronounce or are not familat The Heritage, Dr. Diane Bonaciar with, you probably shouldn’t eat it. corsi of the Green Hills Family Green leafy vegetables and fresh Medical Associates, will lead a fruits are your best friend when it seminar on diabetes prevention comes to diabetes prevention and to and treatment. The event begins healthy living in general. I also like at 10 am and light refreshto tell my patients that if it walks on ments will be served. Please four legs, you shouldn’t be eating call Laura to reserve your seat, that meat more than twice a week. In 484-269-5090. other words, avoid steak, hamburger,


Page 4

April 2010


everal residents of The Heritage of Hills claim to have seen what they leprechaun. “I know it’s hard to believe, but sev dents have reported seeing a leprechau places throughout our community,” sa tage’s Executive Director, Chris Rom say they’ve seen him run behind The T others report seeing him dive into the d the all-season swimming pool with a p others report that he has even gotten in las. I’ve asked security to interview re keep an eye open for the little fellow.” Hot on the case, Heritage Security i several witnesses. (Their video intervi seen here: http://tinyurl.com/fourleafcl of the intrigue even drew the attention TV 69, who sent a crew out to The He capture the story.

New residents Arden and Bonnie Ebling have been recommending the Heritage to their friends. “Bailey” happily agrees.

The Perfect Fit For A Busy Work Life

You Don’t Have To Be Retired To Live At The Heritage


till in their 50s, Bonnie and Arden Ebling aren’t ready to give up their careers (he’s a pharmacist and she’s a school nurse), but they were ready to give up on the housework and chores associated with home ownership. “When you work, and then you go home to a ‘house’ you’ve got more work on top of your normal job. You’ve got all of the cleaning, the yard work, everything else associated with home ownership. Here when we come home, we can go play. We can exercise in the fitness center, take a dip in the swimming pool, go to dinner … and I don’t have to cook. Plus, someone comes in to clean our place. When I leave work, I can leave work there and I come home and play. It’s just great!” says Bonnie. Arden smiles at Bonnie, “After raising the kids, I’ve finally got her to myself again – and I want to enjoy our time together.” A New Breed of Retirement Communities “I think, as the baby boomers that we are, we have gone through the process of seeing what our parents and grandparents went through,” notes Arden. “Bonnie and I have decided to make some choices. And we base our choices on where we would be happiest. Also to take the burden away from our children having to decide what to do, if whatever happens, happens, as we age. This way they know that burden is off of them. They know where we’re going to be. They know we’re comfortable here. They know that we’re surrounded by good friends. And they know that we have good care should we ever need it. It’s our gift to them and to us.” Affordable Luxury Arden continues, “I compared The Heritage prices with all the amenities to the cost of living in our old home … with high property taxes, state taxes, water bills, utilities, home repairs … we looked at all that stuff. And I found The Heritage was really not much more than we spent to live in our house. Plus, here we have all the amenities we don’t have to pay for, such as the gym and the incredible service staff. And we enjoy having a $225 food credit per person to use at the restaurants or Tavern … by the way, the food is awesome! You get to enjoy today to the fullest, while at the same time, you’re prepared for the future.”


Here are some highlights will be enjoying in the mon mation, contact us at 484-26 ON CAMPUS

Wednesday, April 14 Oils of the Bible: Learn the Essential Oils that were Hebrews, Jews, Christians a

Thursday, April 15 Health Series: Dr. Bona diabetes with Michelle from caring for someone with an A Tribute to Mother Jo Orner reviews the life of th struggles for the United Min

Friday, April 16 Sounds of the Earth: Le bells, and other healing inst

Thursday, April 22 Earth Day Planting: Jo Day celebration with spring ing of thousands of flowers. Earth Day Potluck: Bri share. Cheer on your Phillie

Thursday, April 29 Art of Silence “Puttin’ o entertainment with tap danc Astaire and Gene Kelly. 1:0 Richard and Jeanine Walter were just two of the many Heritage residents who trekked to Philadelphia to take in the 2010 Flower Show. Answers on page 7.


Sundays: Sunday Cinema

Mondays: Wii Sports 1:00

Tuesdays: Dancing 2:00 p.


April 2010

Page 5

f Green y believe is a

A Tradition Begins Leprechauns are known to be talented musicians who play fiddle, tin whistles, the Irish Harp and veral resivarious other Irish traditional instruments. Their un in various wild music sessions at night, which are known as ays The Heri- Ceili’s in Ireland, are said to attract hundreds of felmick. “Some low leprechauns to dance, sing and drink. Tavern’s bar, “We know that leprechauns like music, dance, deep end of and good cheer, so we decided to have a Happy pot of gold … Hour Celebration at the Heritage’s Tavern on the nto their vileve of St. Patrick’s Day, in an effort to lore our esidents and to little friend out,” smiles Chris. “We plan on doing ” this every year until the leprechaun feels cominterviewed fortable enough to trust us. Who knows, maybe iews can be the green hills of ‘Green Hills’ reminded him of lover) News home,” smiles Chris. n of WFMZeritage to

A reporter from WFMZ-TV 69 interviews Executive Director Chris Romick about the recent sightings.

Coming In May: National Memorials Tour

On Tuesday, May 18, The Heritage partners with Boscov’s Travel to go to Washington, D.C. and pay homage to the men and women of our armed services. Tour includes visits to the National Memorials on the National Mall and in Arlington. A private motorcoach (with restroom) will depart 7:00 a.m. and return around 7:00 p.m. $55.

pcoming Events

s of activities residents nth ahead. For more infor69-5143.

n the uses and origins of e part of daily life among and Gentiles. 1:00 p.m.

accorsi will speak on m Covenant speaking on n illness. 10:00 a.m. ones: Resident Peggy he woman known for her ne Workers. 1:00 p.m.

earn about gongs, Tibetan truments. 10:00 a.m.

oin the 1st Heritage Earth g sprucing and the plant. 10:00 a.m. ing your favorite dish to es. 7:10 p.m.

on the Ritz”: Strolling cing reminiscent of Fred 00 p.m.


a 3:00 p.m.

0 p.m.

.m., & French. 3:30 p.m.

Heritage resident Betty Bradley shares a toast with fellow residents Margie and Larry Griesmer at The Tavern at The Heritage at a recent St. Patrick’s Day get-together.

Thursdays: Belly Dancing. 2:30 p.m., and Computers 3:00 & 4:00 p.m. Fridays: Spanish 2:00 p.m., and Using Secret Weapons 3:00 p.m. Saturdays: Discovery Series. 3:00 p.m. OFF CAMPUS Saturday, April 17 Joanna Furnace: Step back in time with living history presentations, guided tours, flea market and great food. 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 18 Berks Earth Day Celebration: Along Reading’s Riverfront. Noon. Tuesday, April 20 Deer Creek Herb Farm’s 15th Anniversary: Cake, herbal tea, and shopping specials. 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 21 Reading Pagoda: Learn about Reading’s history. Explore the city, visit the café & gift shop. 2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 24 World Tai-Chi & Qigong Day: Hosted by Kutztown University and emceed by our own instructor Jan Gyomber. 9:00 a.m. Birds & Butterflies: Walk lead by Berks Co.’s Ornithological Club and the Mengel History Society. 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 25 An Afternoon of J. S. Bach: Reading Choral Society performs at Sacred Heart. 3:30 p.m., $10. Wednesday, April 28 Delaware Park: Horses, slots, games & food. 10:00 a.m.

CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 “Lorna Doone” character 5 Sinbad’s bird 8 Demolish: Brit. 12 Idea (Fr.) 13 Alas 14 Cheese 15 Leg ends 16 Burmese knife 17 Taro 18 Small S.A. rabbit 20 Pilgrim 22 Skin vesicle

23 Veneration 24 Beginning 28 Blaubok 32 Public vehicle 33 54 (Rom. numeral) 35 Israelite tribe 36 Ringed boa 39 Reading desk 42 Abdominal (abbr.) 44 Have (Scot.) 45 Female falcon 48 Butterfly 52 State (Fr.) 53 Television channel 55 Endearment

56 Mine (Fr. 2 words) 57 Rom. first day of the month 58 Per. poet 59 Maid 60 Compass direction 61 Foreign (pref.) DOWN 1 Breach 2 Design 3 Profound 4 Hate 5 Fanatical 6 Wood sorrel 7 Rudderfish 8 Flat molding

9 “Cantique de Noel” composer 10 Kemo ____ 11 Turk. title 19 Jap. fish 21 Intimidate 24 Amazon tributary 25 Grab 26 Kwa language 27 “____ Abner” 29 “Fables in Slang” author 30 Rhine tributary 31 Television channel 34 Car 37 Insect 38 Presidential nickname 40 Helper 41 Caddy (2 words) 43 Male duck 45 Loyal 46 Hindu soul 47 Cella 49 Crippled 50 Dayak people 51 Aeronautical (abbr.) 54 Low (Fr.)

Answers on page 6.


Page 6

April 2010

(ARA) - Like an alarm clock for our senses Potting Mix each growing season. Once your and our gardens, the thermometer swelling to 60 plants are in the ground or containers, all will degrees awakens us in the spring. We all get the need to be fed periodically for maximum results irresistible urge to get outside, birds are chirpso stock up on good all-purpose plant food. To ing, animals come out from hibernation and get ahead of weeds and feed plants try a complants start unfurling their leaves and flowers to bination product such as Miracle-Gro Shake color our world. ‘n Feed All Purpose Plant Food plus Weed ‘The 60 degree factor’ signals us that the Preventer. end of large fluctuations between day and night Start Small And Sturdy temperatures is approaching. This allows the Now it’s time to make the exciting first pilsoil to warm up, which is necessary for seeds to grimage of the season to the garden center. germinate and young plants to take root, grow Local weather forecasts can offer up some healthy and start the season out right. It also gets insight here since around 60 degrees is when us interested in outside activities again - and seeds, grass and vegetable, start to germinate. inevitably we begin gardening. Planted too early seeds have to wait for the soil As strong as the urge is to get outside and get to warm up and many annuals may still be at started, it’s best to take a measured approach risk of frost damage. Look for hardier plants that for the best growing experience and a beautiful will withstand cooler temperatures to start with. lawn and garden this season. Start by making a Pansies are a great way to add an instant burst of list of projects and working through each, one color to your planters and beds early in the seaby one. son. Spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and Check Your Tools hyacinth can even be started indoors in containBefore hitting the outdoors, make a stop in ers and then moved outside for a pop of color. your garage or shed. Go through all of the tools When approaching your vegetable gardening, you’ll need in the lawn and garden. Is everylook to quick-growing, early-season favorites thing in working order and ready to be used like spinach, lettuces and peas. again? Are the tines on your rake all there and The thermometer reaching 60 degrees is a sturdy? Check your hand tools to make sure great indicator that it is time to get out and enjoy none are the great outdoors once again. If you approach something in between) amendments boost the corroded or the season by giving your lawn and garden the health of your soil. Miracle-Gro Garden Soil loose foundations needed at this time of year, you’ll Pansies are a great coming improves your existing earth to build strong from the hanhave a beautiful retreat to enjoy throughout roots and gives your garden a jump start. Don’t way to add an dles. Sharpen spring and into summer. overlook your pots or other containers either. your shovCourtesy of ARAcontent instant burst of color els, pruning Start with fresh potting soil like Miracle-Gro to your planters and shears and edgers. See beds early in the if you have season. the gas and oil needed for power tools. Most importantly, take your lawn mower in for a good blade sharpening to ensure the best results on your lawn this season. Assess What Plants Survived The Winter Next head for the outdoors to evaluate what is still there. Clean out your beds, give the lawn a good raking, and look over your perennials and shrubs. If you’ve just come through a tough winter, check for signs of distress. Do you have plants that have received too much moisture, sunlight, or exposure to the elements? Are plants over-crowded or have you lost some all together? Take notes on what plants may need to be moved around, replaced or purchased and what questions to ask the experts at the garden center. Amend Your Soil Plants need the proper foundation of soil to flourish. When the ground is ready to be worked, start tilling and be sure to add amendments nutrients. Regardless of soil type (sand, clay or Residents at The Heritage of Green Hills enjoy their own garden plots.

If You Find New Gadgets Puzzling, You’re Not Alone, Says Radio Host FROM “SPARK” ON P. 2

verbial youngster you might get to help you with some new tech product won’t necessarily know how to use it right off the bat. Instead, he or she likely has the confidence to poke around and tinker with it until they figure it out. “If people are afraid they’re


going to break something, that can really affect their confidence level when they’re trying to learn how to use a new device,” Nora explains. “It’s also a question of design,” she adds. “A good design presents the user with how a device is supposed to be used more effectively than a poor design. My father is in his 80s and had a lot trouble with PCs, but he took to his iPod Touch like a duck to water because it presented its function in a clear and obvious way.” Spark is a production of the Canadian Broadcast-

“It’s probably true, because we’re ing Corporation, which is similar smaller and sparsely populated, that to National Public Radio in the we tend to be a little more aware of U.S., but is a much bigger part of Canadian media than NPR is in the what’s going on in the rest of the more commercially-oriented United world than Americans,” she continues. “We also have a very difStates. Nora and her co-producers ferent, confused relationship with Elizabeth Bowie and Dan Misener patriotism. Historically Canadians put the show together in Toronto. have been seen as quieter and more The View From Canada reserved, but I think that’s changing Does Nora see any key cultural differences between Canada and the quite a lot, which I think is a good thing. States? “The thing “The differ“If people are afraid that I really love ences between I go to the Canada and the they’re going to break when U.S. is that can-do States are subtle,” something, that can feeling, it’s very Nora observes. Nora “They’re both really affect their energizing,” observes. “With such large counconfidence level Canadians, there’s tries, I think the differences within when they’re trying a little bit more of a ‘tall poppies each country to learn how to use a get their heads are often greater chopped off’ kind new device.” than between of thing. When I go the countries as to New York and I’m surrounded a whole. I’m more like somebody by so many people striving to do from Chicago and New York than their best, it’s very refreshing, and someone from a small village in inspires me to try my best.” Newfoundland.


April 2010

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Sleep Like A Baby … At Any Age No Matter How Old You Get, You Still Need Your Shut Eye


t’s too hot … it’s too cold … in turn sleep about 23 you stole my covers … I tossed minutes less than young and turned all night!” adults. Most of us have said or heard The National Institute these sayings when it comes to for Health (NIH) finds that sleep. When was the last time you many older adults often got a good sleep? get less sleep then they actually We spend nearly a third of our need. One reason is that they often lives have more trouble doing it, falling asleep. A but scien- The National Institute for study of adults tists still over 65 found that Health (NIH) finds that don’t fully 13 percent of men undermany older adults often and 36 percent of stand women take more get less sleep then they why. than 30 minutes to What they fall asleep. actually need. do know People with is that it’s busy schedules critical to our physical and mental often cut back on sleep to make health. time for other things, says Dr. Mark Mahowald, director of How Much Is Enough? the Minnesota Regional Sleep Over the course of our lives the number of hours we sleep decreases Disorders Center. But, he says, “Sleep is non-negotiable and is from the 12 to 13 hours we got as as important as diet and exercise children to 7 to 8 hours as adults, to our overall well-being.” according to studies from the The bottom line is poor sleep National Institute of Health (NIH). has a negative impact on our Do older people need less sleep overall quality of life, causing than younger adults? Many people stress and impairing alertness, think so, but the secret word is concentration, or memory. “need.” Studies indicate that the need for sleep rarely changes. Most Avoiding Jet Lag people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep, Traveling to different time but some exceptional individuals zones poses an extra challenge can comfortably get by with as few for our bodies, as our interas 5, while others need as many as nal clocks continue to run on 10 hours. a schedule very different from Miroslaw Mackiewicz, who the places we’ve just landed. directs sleep research at the You’ve spent time planning and National Institute on Aging, says researching your trip to have the that “sleep ability” often decreases time of your life; don’t forget with age but “sleep need” (the to plan ahead to avoid as much amount people need to feel and trouble with jet lag as possible. function well) does not decrease Jet lag is caused by the diswith age. A new study appearing ruption in our circadian rhythms in the journal Sleep finds that older any time we travel two or more adults sleep only about 20 minutes time zones from home. When less than adults in middle age, who sleep-wake cycles are out of sync

with the new location, it can get the best of us. Lucky people don’t feel any symptoms but many more feel groggy, fatigued, plagued with headaches, nausea, and irregular sleep problems including insomnia. Some people recover more quickly than others. A key influence to our internal clocks is sunlight. It influences our circadian rhythms with the way our brains respond to darkness and light. Some believe

you can relieve jet lag and better adjust to a new time zone by making sure you get a good amount of daylight when you arrive in the new time zone. A good night’s sleep is an essential part of health and well being. Have a great trip! And remember to add some time in your planning for preventative measures against jet lag so you can get the sleep you need, and enjoy your travel.

Tips To Help Ward Off Jet Lag Here are some more tips from the National Institute of Health to help you prevent jet lag. • Maintain a sensible bedtime schedule before your trip. Don’t avoid sleeping in order to make yourself tired. • Consider going to bed earlier for a couple of nights before leaving if you are traveling east. Go to bed later for a couple of nights if you are traveling west.

by making yourself comfortable and getting rest. • Drink plenty of liquids, but avoid alcohol and caffeine. • If you exercise regularly, continue to do so at your destination. Avoid exercising late in the evening, because it can keep you awake.

• For important events or meetings at your destination, try to arrive ahead of time to allow for the • For short trips, maintain a schedtime difference. ule of eating and sleeping at • Melatonin, a hormone sold in your usual times, if possible, supplement form at health food while at your destination. For stores, may help decrease jet longer trips, try to adapt to the lag. While in flight, consider time schedule to which you’re taking some melatonin (genertraveling before you leave. Set ally 3 - 5 milligrams) at the time your watch to the new time as at which it would be appropriyou begin the trip. ate to sleep at your destina• While in flight, avoid sleeping at times that wouldn’t be appropriate for sleep at your destination. • Make the most of any stopovers

tion. Then try taking melatonin several hours before bedtime for several days once you arrive at your destination.

Heritage Residents Discover Tai Chi Promotes Youthful Vigor With Slow Motion FROM “ANCIENT ART” ON P. 3

the one type of exercise that forms a relationship between the body and mind in a physical and spiritual way,” says Richard. He feels the connection of tai chi from head to toe, literally, by forming the proper moves to achieve the best position to circulate and redirect the energy around him. Set to beautiful Chinese music, the tai chi movements become like a melody, and you move feeling the connection to your body, he explains. “It’s very slow moving, and

almost musical, like a ballet in some respect (but not exactly like ballet in any respect either),” he adds. “You move your arms and feet deliberately in coordination, and with practice, you can feel it slowly working throughout your whole body.” When you begin tai chi, Richard explains, “it’s like your first piano lesson where the scales, chords and tunes don’t sound very good. But with practice, you begin to form a melody and the notes become musical. Tai chi is like that … it grows with you slowly and you begin to connect with the movements and becomes like a melody for the body. “Life is just great, and tai chi is just another facet that keeps it that way,” says Richard. Jan concurs. “There’s a lot of laughter in the tai chi classes at The Heritage, and yet still a lot of exercise. The focus is on you. Everyone leaves with a big smile,” Jan explains with a heart full of great appreciation for the

residents at The Heritage. He fully enjoys being there and believes the tai chi classes can truly raise the spirit. In the tai chi world, old masters

of the art believe ‘raising the spirit’ is the physical equivalent to elevating your mood. And that’s the full mind-body experience you gain from tai chi.

The twice-weekly tai chi classes at The Heritage of Green Hills help residents Rodney Focht, Judy Wells, Richard Walter and their classmates to improve their strength, balance, and peace of mind.

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April 2010

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