Horizons Aug 2010

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Writers’ Workshop Wants You

Innovative Program Helps Keep Seniors Sharp

Heritage Residents Enjoy Pioneering ‘Super Noggin’ Sessions


Pagoda club seeks new members ... 2

Crossword Puzzle ................ 2 The Cost Of Alzheimer’s Nation faces challenge .......... 2

The BP Oil Spill Senate candidates offer views .........3

Staying mentally fit is important to maintaining your emotional vitality as you age.

Taking To The Skies Current & future residents float above the trees . ..4

Sudoku . ............. 6 The Perils Of Growing Up Grandchild embarks on her new life .......... 6

The Heritage Invaded! Community overrun by small giggling beings ...6

Upcoming Events ................ 7 The Heritage Sets Itself Apart Full-service retirement community remains popular despite sedate local real estate market............... 8

ver the next two decades, the baby boomer tidal wave will reach the shores of retirement. The over 85 cohort is the fastestgrowing segment of the population, and by 2050, their numbers will quadruple. One of the biggest challenges facing an aging America is dealing with Alzheimer’s, the neurological disease which depletes the brain of its capacity to form memories and eventually its ability to function. The social costs of the disease are considerable (see sidebar), but two innovative organizations are teaming up to find new ways to combat it. Fighting Back The Heritage of Green Hills, the region’s beautiful full-service ‘active 55’ community, has made a name for itself by pushing preventive health care, rather than reactive health care. “Our residents are some of the

Can Humans Live For Centuries? Will Your Grandchildren?

Voice Transm i


Brain Scan


most active, independent people you will ever meet. We aim to keep it that way!” says The Heritage’s Executive Director, Chris Romick. “Currently, we are a country that reacts to health care problems rather than practicing preventive health care. As part of our Well By Design® program we’ve teamed up with the notfor-profit LEAF Ltd. Foundation. LEAF has developed an innovative new program called Super Noggin.” Super Noggin is a brain fitness program for those who want to stay mentally sharp throughout life. It is designed to maintain and even improve brain fitness, but following the program also contributes to good physical health! It’s the first cognitive fitness program to integrate live classes, computer guidance, and behavioral changes (namely sleep and SEE “SUPER NOGGIN” ON P. 2



Convergence of Tech/Science



Bi etic

th Syn

Regenerative Medicine

cs toni Pho Energy Tech

by Tom Mann, cofounder of Mature ogy, robotics, torage Data S Market Experts genomics, stem Information Stem Cell cell research, Tech ubrey de Grey, a British regenerative researcher who claims he has Algorithm medicine, brains h drawn a roadmap to defeat biological t d i w d n a B Social et aging, provocatively proposes that the scanning, data Netwo Intern Genomics Robotics rks storage, Internet first human beings who bandwidth, will live to 1,000 years old Opinion photonics, have already been born. energy, live longer than than ever? 120 years? I used to think he was algorithms, voice recognition, 150 years? What IS the limit? crazy, and the idea is social networks and synthetic biology Let’s look at some amazing admittedly pretty far-fetched. It’s just — just to name a few — are all conthat I’m no longer 100 percent certain SEE “FUTURE AGING” ON P. 3 verging and building on each other. that he’s crazy. Given all these astounding The future is accelerating! Expoadvances, is it unfathomable to think nential advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technol- that some people already born will


‘New American Cuisine’ Intrigues National Palates


here was a time when steak, potatoes with gravy, and a side dish of peas would be a

regular part of the dinner menu for a large number of Americans. But the nation’s tastes have

shifted dramatically over the past couple of decades, and our dinner plates are as likely to host such formerly exotic items as cilantro and mango as they are to include the prosaic pea. Make Way For The New American Cuisine! “People’s eating habits are certainly different than they were 20 years ago,” says Johnny Breidenbach, chef and SEE “NEW CUISINE” ON P. 7

The Heritage of Green Hills 200 Tranquility Lane Reading, PA 19607


Issue Eight


Page 2

August 2010

Heritage Takes Lead In Offering Residents Groundbreaking Program Steps To Brain Fitdiet) to promote healthier brain fitness. ness.” Heritage depositer The components of the program promote Shirley Baker was cognitive challenges, physical exercise, good impressed. nutrition, social interaction, stress reduction, and “It offered a lot,” she personal reflection. Super Noggin is compatsays. “Some of it we ible with the wellness model of the International knew and were doing. Council on Active Aging. Some of it, we were “We’re hondoing wrong. ored to be the Anytime we can Super Noggin offers a first retirement lean to improve community in the multi-pronged approach our health — country offermind or bodto practicing braining Super Nogies — it’s a real gin,” explains healthy habits. asset.” Chris. “We know Shirley it will make a thought there huge difference in the quality of the lives of our was real value in the residents. Our Well By Design® staff members class. are among the first in the nation to be certified “It might refine, or Heritage residents learn about the important steps they can take to … and now they can lead groups in maximizeven change the ways maintain their mental acuity in their introductory Super Noggin session. ing their brain fitness throughout the year. That’s we do things,” she exciting!” explains. “For example, about making lifestyle changes that can dramaticalcium supplements are good for you. But they Super Noggin Class An Overwhelming cally improve life. It’s a comprehensive procan interfere with medication. I learned in the Success gram offering a multi-pronged approach to learn SuperNoggin class that it is better to take it with In July, the Super Noggin team led a packed and practice brain-healthy habits and to track food.” room of more than 70 Heritage residents, ages progress. Super Noggin is more than just classes; it’s 55 to 88, in a Super Noggin class titled, “Ten The program includes: FROM “SUPER NOGGIN” ON P. 1

• Educational and motivational workshops

Greying America Challenged By Social Costs Of Alzheimer’s


lzheimer’s disease takes a tragic toll on people’s personal lives, and it imposes a significant burden on our communities and our finances as well. Total healthcare costs are more than three times higher for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias than for other people age 65 and older, according to the 2010 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures, published by the Alzheimer’s Association. According to the Facts and Figures report, in 2006:

$94 billion. In addition to the unpaid care families contribute, the report also reveals that Alzheimer’s creates high out-of-pocket health and long-term care expenses for families. Out-of-pocket costs that are not covered by Medicare, Medicaid or other sources of insurance are 28 percent higher for Medicare beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s than those without. Individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementia living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities incurred the highest out-of-pocket costs — an average of $16,689 • Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes a year. plus Alzheimer’s or another dementia There are 5.3 million people in America had 64 percent more hospital stays than living with the disease and every 70 seconds those with diabetes and no Alzheimer’s, another one develops it. By mid-century and their average per person Medicare someone will develop Alzheimer’s every 33 costs were $20,655 compared to $12,979 seconds. By 2050 there will be nearly a milfor beneficiaries with diabetes but no lion new cases per year. Alzheimer’s or dementia. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of • Medicare beneficiaries with coronary heart death in the country, surpassing diabetes; disease and Alzheimer’s disease or another it is the fifth leading cause of death among dementia had 42 percent more hospital individuals 65 and older. stays than those with coronary heart disFrom 2000 to 2006, deaths from major ease and no Alzheimer’s or dementia, and diseases demonstrated the following trends: their average per person Medicare costs • Heart disease mortality decreased 11.5 were $20,780 compared to $14,640 for percent beneficiaries with coronary heart disease but no Alzheimer’s or dementia. • Breast cancer mortality decreased 0.6 percent With family members providing care at home for about 70 percent of people with Alzheimer’s disease, the ripple effects of the disease can be felt throughout the entire family. According to Facts and Figures, in 2008, nearly 10 million caregivers for Alzheimer’s sufferers in the U.S. provided 8.5 billion hours of unpaid care valued at

• Prostate cancer mortality decreased 14.3 percent • Stroke mortality decreased 18.1 percent

• Alzheimer’s disease mortality increased 47.1 percent.

• Brain exercises to stimulate cognitive functions • A year-long schedule of individual and group activities to keep your brain fit • Individual tracking of progress toward a healthier lifestyle Registered nurse and Heritage resident Bonnie Ebling points out, “We keep active physically. We need to keep active mentally too!”

Writing In Reading Do you love to write? Share your creative ideas with others by participating in the Reading Writers’ Club. The club holds workshops at the Pagoda the first Saturday of each month from 1-2 p.m. “We have a very broad scope of people,” says club facilitator Linda Thompson Saknit. “I think, the more the merrier! The more diversity we have, the more we learn.” Call 610-413-0373 for more information.


Answers on page 7

ACROSS 1 Arabic letter 4 Fr. priest 8 Barge 12 Kimono sash 13 Mayan year 14 Sayings (suf.) 15 E. Indian timber tree 16 Calm 18 Lop 20 Fr. artist 21 Month abbr. 23 Musical instrument (string) 27 Bonga (2 words)

32 Counsel 33 River (Sp.) 34 Of vision 36 Sheep disease 37 Fraction of a rupee 39 Kind of gypsum 41 Small anvil 43 Licensed practical nurse (abbr.) 44 Book of the Apocrypha 48 Growl 51 Pierides (2 words) 55 Amazon tributary

8 Sieve 9 Rom. first day of the month 56 Polish border 10 Unity river 11 Gob 57 Melville’s captain 17 Pro 58 Cut edge of coin 19 River into the 59 Jewish title of North Sea honor 22 Palestine 60 Similar Liberation Org. 61 Girl Scouts of (abbr.) America (abbr.) 24 Basic DOWN 25 Revise 1 Tufted plant 26 Give up 2 Dayak people 27 Unruly child 3 Stele 28 One (Ger.) 4 Asian gazelle 29 Nat’l Park Service 5 Judges’ bench (abbr.) 6 Pressure (pref.) 30 Shoshonean 7 Ivory (Lat.) 31 Sesame

35 Celsius (abbr.) 38 To the rear 40 Negative population growth (abbr.) 42 Stowe character 45 Golden wine 46 Yahi tribe survivor 47 Tree 49 Galatea’s beloved 50 Indian music 51 Mine roof support 52 Mountain on Crete 53 Modernist 54 Compass direction


August 2010

Page 3

Tech Advances Extend Accessibility Of Medical Expertise that it will enable them to list the fattest and fitadvances we’ve achieved in the past few years in test cities in the world as a way of encouraging just one field. people to exercise more. Smartphones will make tracking our physical activity and food intake, Can You Hear The Future Calling? We will soon be diagnosing illness as well as easier and more fun! getting treatment advice from our smartphones. Help For Helpers Medicine/health is the third-fastest-growing Are you a caregiver? If so, that means that category of iPhone applications (called “apps”), you are one of the more than 50 million caregivtrailing only games and travel. Already there are ers in this country. Being a caregiver is one of over 2,000 iPhone medical apps. the greatest gifts you can give, it requires dedicaWhat can smartphones do? tion and organization. Trust me, I know. During With health care soon being universal and my Mom’s battle with cancer and Alzheimer’s, the possibility of being declined due to a premy siblings and I served as caregivers. The existing conditions eliminated, we’ll become CareConnector app is designed to help keep you more ambitious about acquiring information that organized by providing quick and easy access to designed to help people living with diabetes make healthy food choices? GoMeals™ is a can help forecast possible health problems. In critical information that caregivers need, includfood tracking tool which allows users to search Europe, Orange Healthcare UK is completing a ing contact information for healthcare providers, thousands of foods and dishes from popular trial of phone-connected insurance policy numrestaurants and grocery stores to easily see the devices that enable hospital bers, prescription infornutritional content of meals and snacks. (By the We will soon be diagnosing mation, and more. doctors to remotely moniway, GoMeals™ is great even if you don’t have tor the health of patients Having trouble sleepillness as well as getting diabetes.) in their own homes. The ing? Use the free TyleAll of this, of course, is just a very brief overtreatment advice from our nol® PM Sleep Tracker trial — at Navarra Uniview of the many advances in health care that versity Hospital in Spain App on your iPhone or smartphones. are generated from just one piece of technology. — focuses on people with iPod touch to see how There are many more truly breathtaking opportudiabetes, but the technolbeneficial a good night’s nities opening up in the realms of cellular biology can also be used with conditions such as sleep can be. Or imagine having to deal with ogy, nanotechnology, and computers. In upcomhigh blood pressure and heart disease. chemotherapy on your own. Physically and mening issues of Horizons, I’ll review a few more of Many corporations are racing to develop tally drained, it can be hard to keep track of your those amazing advances that have the potential mobile health — or mHealth as the industry calls treatments. The iChemo diary can help. to greatly extend our active years. it. In America, Johnson & Johnson’s Lifescan What about GoMeals™, a new iPhone app unit is piloting an app that lets users upload readings from their wearable blood-glucose monitors to their iPhones. Meanwhile a wearable wireless skin patch is being developed by Gentag to send an alert from a patient’s mobile if he or she develops complications at home after surgery. The patch may be part of a “Wiban”, a wireless network that monitors all your vital signs. Medical Expertise Right Where You Are This market is worth billions. There are over 300 million people in the West who would benefit from phone-linked home care. The current cost of running a health system based on hospital beds and buildings can’t be sustained, particularly with our aging population and ballooning budgets. Pharmaceutical companies are currently working to create “smart pills” that transmit data from inside your body to your phone to check if you have taken medicines as prescribed. If not, you may expect a text reminding you of the physical penalties of non-compliance. Most importantly, you’ll see a real movement A Literary Reload in the West towards preventive care, rather than There are so many books at The Heritage’s community library, only a portion can be disreactive care. Following in Nike’s footsteps (pun played at any one time. Resident librarian Becky Morton (above) routinely changes out the intended), Houston University scientists have books so patrons are sure to find something fresh whenever they visit. But whether you’re created an app called Walk’n’Play that tracks looking for a new book to dive into or just a place to have some quiet time, the library is always people’s physical activity. The researchers say there for residents, and is open 24 hours a day. FROM “LOVE LIFE” ON P. 1

What, If Anything, Should America Do Differently To Avoid Disasters Like The BP Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico? Congressman Joe Sestak Democrat


uring 31 years in the Navy, the most important lesson I learned was accountability. As the commander of a ship, you’re responsible — and held accountable — not only for achieving the mission, but for everything that happens on that ship. A lack of accountability has become pervasive in our country. We’ve seen it from Wall Street to Washington and, now, the Gulf of Mexico. … To prevent other disasters like the BP spill, we must restore a broader culture of accountability based on proper planning and regulations with rigorous oversight. We can’t have a situation in which the same agency collecting royalties for oil drilling is also accountable for safety measures. In the Gulf, it was the Minerals Management Service, which is now dismantled into separate entities. We also saw the importance of sufficient whistleblower protections for those with safety concerns. Furthermore, regulators must have tools to enforce commonsense rules of the road, and meet negligence — by industry or regulators — with effective action, including independent review and penalties that act as a real deterrent against recklessness. Only when we make a fundamental change will leaders realize they are primarily accountable not to shareholders or politics, but to the public trust. —Congressman Joe Sestak, July 2010

Congressman Pat Toomey Republican


he oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a horrible disaster and those at fault must be held responsible. I fully support lifting the current liability cap for damages. But the lesson from the BP spill is that better safety measures must be taken; it is not to prohibit all drilling like some politicians would like to do. When an airplane crash happens, we investigate the cause and try to take steps to prevent such tragedies in the future; we do not abandon all air travel. Off-shore oil exploration holds much potential to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, and we should not abandon that prospect on the basis of a terrible accident. —Congressman Pat Toomey, July 2010


Page 4

August 2010

Above, John Wenzel, Witold Wenzel, Fran Wenzel, John F and Joan Fanelli were among the current and future Heritag residents that tour host Stan H (right) guided aloft. Heritage Executive Director Chris Romick chats with guest Kathleen Evans as they begin to ascend above the trees at Green Hills.

Current And New Heights


t was a glorious Stan Hess came States Hot Air Bal of The Heritage of a desir

Dolores Olsen and Elizabeth Hill take

Residents Bonnie Ebling and John Bettler enjoy drinks at The Heritage bar after the day’s excitement.


ge Hess


August 2010

Up, Up, and Away!

Heritage Resident Marjorie Thomas (center) debarks with her daughter, Heather, and tour host Stan Hess.

(… in my beautiful balloon …)

d Future Green Hills Residents Take Their To New Heights

day straight out of Jimmy Webb’s classic, “My Beautiful Balloon,” when aeronaut e to The Heritage of Green Hills a few weeks ago. Stan, tour host for The United lloon Team (usHotAirBalloon.com), welcomed his guests — residents and depositors f Green Hills — much as he has for the last 25 years … with a passion for flying and re to share his love of ballooning. Like an ancient dragon, the propane gas flame filled the belly of the giant red balloon with hot, magical air, and soon he and his guests were gently aloft. Few experiences in life compare to a hot air balloon flight. e flight. Whether it’s your first flight or your 50th, the sensation of floating over Mother Earth is always memorable. One of the lucky guests, Heritage Receptionist Sarah Stoltzfus, thought the ride afforded a magnficent view of the community. “You could see the whole Heritage center, and the surrounding fields,” she remarked. Laura Zartmann was equally impressed. “It’s amazing how smooth the flight is,” she said. “You really are floating. And the view was spectacular. The Heritage’s property is just stunning. It’s just a beautiful natural setting!”

Heritage Receptionist Sarah Stoltfus enjoyed the bird’s eye view the ride gave her of the community.

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August 2010

GRANDparents Corner

Empty Nest, The Sequel It was more heart wrenching the second time around by Al Martinez


he kids grow up one by one, to trouble at home. After a clash leave home for college, marwith her family, she ended up livriage or a chance to shape their own ing with us for her last two years futures, and the house grows quiet. in high school and two years in The nest is empty. art school. Then, about the time we’re Raising a rebellious grandbeginning to find relief in the daughter in her teens is not disabsence of our brood, the grandsimilar in its degree of difficulty children come along. to, say, bull riding. Changes in Then they, too, grow up and a teenager’s emotions are about take off, and the house once filled as abrupt as a wild bull’s buck and with grandchildren again becomes spin. Despite age and experience, tomblike in its silence. Welcome to we grandparents are no longer Empty Nest II. equipped with the internal electronWe have enjoyed the company ics that allow us to comprehend of five grandchildren over the exactly what’s going on in an adoyears. My contribution to their lescent’s head. knowledge Nicole’s and welrebellious fare has spirit maniI’m not sure her parents been to fested itself were thrilled by her ability tell them in a bedroom fantastithat resembled to name my booze, but it cal stories the aftermath became an element of our about the of a tornado’s cat that direct hit, and bond. learned to in arguments fly and the that could shoes that walked away. The storeach the shrill pitch of a descendrytelling times were known as the ing missile. She was all emotion, “martini sessions”: the stories they all high drama. seemed to enjoy that I told during As her artwork drew praise, the cocktail hour. her sense of responsibility seemed Nicole, our son’s daughter, was to lower in direct proportion to different from the other four. She her abilities. School was never as seemed to concentrate the hardest important as friends, and homeand ask the most questions. A gifted work never so demanding that it artist, she also possessed a singucould not be slapped together at the larity of character that knew no last minute under the intensity of master; and that was bound to lead grandparental badgering.

Well-known artists who viewed her work told us not to worry; they’d been the same way when they were young. Her flashes of independence should not be taken as madness but as an assertion of will that would someday mark the individuality of her work. Meanwhile, do what you can to survive. Despite her, well, “assertions,” Nicole could also display a generosity of spirit that spoke to the traditional bond between girls and their grandfathers. Influenced by the “martini sessions,” she had known what I preferred since she was young. At restaurants, she’d order for me: “He would like a Gray Goose vodka martini straight up with two olives on the side.” I’m not sure her parents were thrilled by her ability to name my booze, but it became an element of our bond. I missed that most when she went off on her own. Gone were the upheavals that had marked her presence, but gone too were the glowing moments that say there is life here, there is emotion and youth. Still, we see her often as she moves upward in the world, already selling her paintings.

Involved at last in a life that had called from birth, Nicole has sweetened; she considers us her second parents. On the eve of her 21st birthday, she was asked what she would like as a gift. Looking directly at me, she replied with a smile, “A martini with my grandpa.” There could not have been a more loving, unique expression of our bond. We had that martini together at a lounge fit for the occasion. She only took a sip and, thankfully, confided that she really didn’t like martinis. It was the moment that counted. Author note: Al Martinez is a columnist for the LOS ANGELES TIMES, a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and the writer of books, TV pilots and episodes, psalms, odes, hymns and an online blog (http:// www.almartinezeverythingelse. blogspot.com). He lives in Topanga with his wife, Cinelli. This article appeared in the November/December 2008 issue of GRAND Magazine. Reprinted with permission of GRAND Media, LLC, copyright © 2010. All rights reserved.

To get a FREE subscription and access all issues of GRAND, the Online Magazine for Grandparents, visit http://tinyurl.com/freeGRAND

Grandkids Invade Green Hills! Nearly 100 grandchildren, parents, and grandparents attended The Heritage of Green Hills’ Second Annual “School’s Out.” The event helps the grandkids and great grandkids of residents and depositors meet each other and make new friends so they can get together on future visits. The day featured swimming in the community’s indoor pool, a Sunflower Mine, picnic, cotton candy, face painting and balloon animals.

Answers on page 7


August 2010


owner of Johnny’s Bistro in Ellicott City, Maryland. “People are a little more astute and educated. I think what people are looking for today are foods that are fresh and healthy, that aren’t deep fried or have a lot of saturated fats.” New American Cuisine is typically thought of as fusing traditional foods and cooking techniques with those of the Mediterranean, Latin America, and Asia to create new dining experiences. It is a term often associated with newer upscale restaurants, but can encompass our dietary adventures at home as well. The Food Snob’s Dictionary defines New American Cuisine as an “ambiguous label used to describe cuisine prepared by American chefs who cook with indigenous ingredients but don’t hew to French-based kitchen orthodoxies.” Chef Chris Rodriquez agrees the label can be a bit ambiguous, but it works well enough to describe the creations he pulls together at Emily’s, just down the road from The Heritage of Green Hills. “I learned from a lot of chefs in my life how important it is to keep my mind open to new ideas,” he explains. “There is no final resting stop, you can learn anything. “At Emily’s I am creating culinary art, taking simple and traditional ingredients to a level that Here are some highlights of activities residents will be enjoying in the month ahead. For more information, contact us at 484-269-5143. ON CAMPUS Monday in the Art Studio: Mondays at 1 p.m. August 2: To be announced. August 9: Dried flowers with Gene. $5 August 16: Creative Writing Class. Free August 16 at 3 p.m.: Pottery with Jodi. (Note special time!) Free

Learning To Love Cilantro Americans Embrace ‘New Cuisine’

is a bit more complicated.” And yet, he adds, “Not everything has to be complicated at all. It’s important to keep it simple enough to allow the natural flavor of the food to come out in the meal.” The Importance Of Balance Johnny agrees that complexity isn’t really the key element to being successful in the brave new world of

American “fusion.” “‘Fusion’ is where people will take a mango or something exotic that would not typically go with a particular dish,” he says, “but they will use it in a marinade and fuse it to create something that is non-typical.” Sounds easy enough, but what makes it such a challenge to pull off? “One thing I’ve learned working with good culinarians is the importance of balance,” Johnny says. “People are doing all this fusion, but when I order something, I want to taste what it is. Anybody can put a bunch of flavors into a particular dish, but not all people can balance the flavors to where you’re not just picking up one particular herb or spice.” He tells the story of tasting a bowl of chili that looked and smelled appetizing, but turned out to be very disappointing. “It was so full of cayenne, the cayenne was all I could pick up,” he says. “Whoever did that really does not know how to balance food.”

Upcoming Events Horseshoes Croquet Wednesday Games: Meet On The Patio at 7 p.m. August 4 Ladder Golf & Croquet August 11 Ladder Golf & Bocce Ball August 18 Ladder Golf & Croquet August 25 Ladder Golf & Horseshoes

August 23: The Art of Wine Tuesday, August 3 Heritage Literary at Clover Hill. $10 Dinner Club: The Help, August 26: Dried flowers Kathryn Stockett. Dinner at with Gene. $5 5 p.m., discussion at 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 4 Phillies Games in Alvernia Sr. College Tavern: $1 hot dogs and Breakfast: Presentation $2 domestic beers: Sunon herbs for both diet and day August 1, Saturday topical applications with August 7, Thursday Rosanna King of King’s August 12, Sunday August Herb Nook. 8:30 a.m. 15, Sunday August 22, Picnic on the Patio: Saturday August 28, SunGreat food, drinks, and day August 29. Check team laughs with friends. 5 p.m. schedule for exact times. Tuesday, August 17 Health Series: “Know Monday Games: Outside at the Signs of Stroke” to be 1 p.m. & 7 p.m. prepared should you or Ladder Golf your loved one encounter Bocce Ball this medical emergency.


Page 7

Trio. 6 p.m. Saturday, August 14 Goschenhoppen Folk Presentation by Michelle Festival: Skills from the Hollister, RN, Covenant. OFF CAMPUS 18th & 19th centuries with 11 a.m. Pa. Dutch food. 11:30 a.m. Monday, August 2 Safe Driving School: Wednesday, August 18 Medicare Gap $12, 10 a.m. Changes: 2:15 p.m. Kreider Farm Tour: Wednesday, August 18 High tech view of farming Tuesday, August 3 Picnic on the Patio: with a drive down the Let’s Juggle: Join Great food, drinks, and members of Reading/Berks cow palace. Old fashion laughs with friends. 5 p.m. dedication & ice cream for County Jugglers Club. Safe Driving School: you! $8, 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. $12, 10 a.m. Saturday, August 21 Wednesday, August 4 Flying Circus Air Living God Walking ONGOING ON CAMPUS Trail & St. Peter’s Village: Show: Experience an Mondays: Outdoor Games authentic 1920’s air show This Honey Brook trail 1 & 7 p.m. at the Golden Age Air winds through nature at its Museum. $8, 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays: Bridge 1 p.m., best; followed by trip to Dancing 2 p.m. Thursday, August 26 historic village. 10:30 a.m. Tanger Outlet Center: Wednesdays: Outdoor Thursday, August 5 Lancaster County. 10 a.m. Games 7 p.m., LCR Dice Sidewalk Sale on Penn 7 p.m. Friday, August 27 Ave.: Boutique shopping Murder Mystery Train: Thursdays: Spanish 2 p.m. and food.10 a.m. Pines Dinner Theatre cast Saturday, August 7 Fridays: Wii Bowling performs a mystery/comedy Shumei Natural 2 p.m. on a special train ride. Agriculture Open House: Saturdays: Bridge 1 p.m., A celebration of the summer Dinner is not served but Movies 7 p.m. snacks are available. $15, harvest at Rodale Institute. 5 p.m. Lectures, garden tours, Sundays: Bridge 1 p.m., Saturday, August 28 tasting, book and produce Movies 7 p.m., LCR sale. 11 a.m. Dice 7 p.m. Celtic Oyster Fest: Celtic entertainment, foods, Sunday, August 8 and crafts. 11:30 a.m. SUMMER CONCERT Berks Equine SERIES Council Horse Show: 5th Anniversary show of August 1: Gring’s Mill. equestrian activity. Bring a 5:15 p.m.* chair. 1 p.m. August 6: Shillington Park. Tuesday, 6 p.m.* August 10 Thunder Over The Boardwalk August 7: New 156th Wednesday, August 25 Holland. 6 p.m.* Annual Atlantic City’s truly spectacuAugust 8: New Reading lar air show. Call 484-269-5143 for Holland. 6 p.m.* Fair: $5, details. 6 p.m. August 11: New Holland. 6 p.m.* Wednesday, August 11 August 14: New Holland. 6 p.m.* King’s Herb August 15: Sunny- Nook: Learn all brook. 12:30 p.m.* about medicinal herbs. $12, August 20: Stoudt- 9:30 a.m. burg Village. Friday, August 4:30 p.m.* 13 August 22: Grings Sunny Brook Mill. 5:15 p.m.* Balltoom Sock August 28: Hop: Enjoy Albright Stadium. dinner and 7 p.m.* dance to the * Chairs needed Maria Damore


Page 8

August 2010

Berks County Retirement Community Defies Local Real Estate Trends Mo rg




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Reading - 4.8 mi. Berkshire Mall - 4.8 mi. Sinking Spring - 5.1 mi. PA Turnpike - 7.6 mi.

ties, plus the convenience of on-site health care. And it’s incredibly affordable. Plus, The Heritage’s different entrance fee deposit options really give people a lot of financial flexibility.”

Exceptional Value

Gilbert Guides President Jim Gilbert, who publishes retirement

Landmarks close to The Heritage: St. Joe’s Hospital - 9.3 mi. Morgantown - 10.4 mi. Reading Airport - 10 mi. Pottstown - 18.1 mi.

community guidebooks, recently commented, “Many people are drawn to the security, convenience, health benefits, and social life that these communities provide.” Tom agrees. “The interest in retirement communities remains huge for the simple reason that they fulfill some real needs,”

Rd. Morgantown Turnpike


la d


Balcony or Patio? Delicious Dilemma! The beautiful two bedroom, two bath Samuel Prescott apartment is in high demand at The Heritage of Green Hills. It features a large kitchen with built in pantry, and a choice of balcony or patio with entrance to and from the bedroom and living room. The commodious master suite with walk in closet, and

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y suitcase doesn’t gather much dust,” says real estate expert Tom Mann. “So I was really surprised when I stumbled upon what was happening at The Heritage of Green Hills.” The founder of the notfor-profit Mature Market Experts, Mann travels the country studying sales trends of active 55+ retirement communities, condos, rental apartments, and continuing care retirement communities. “The Heritage is averaging over 5 move-ins a month, which is impressive since most people have to sell their current house first and then trade that equity to move into The Heritage,” Tom continues. “But the fact is, when people are realistic about the pricing on their current house, they sell. And why wouldn’t you? Trading the hassles of home ownership for a new home that comes loaded with great amenities and services seems like a no-brainer.” What are the key factors in The Heritage’s on-going success? “I really think it’s a combination of things,” Tom says. “They’re a fullservice community that offers a spectacular package of services and ameni-

Sales Continue To Sizzle Despite Blistering Heat “M

Kutztown Univ. - 18 mi. Lancaster - 30.6 mi. Allentown - 42.5 mi.

he explains. “The fact remains that there is a shortage of retirement

housing stock … especially when you consider that 330 people turn 60 every hour!”

Berks County’s Own Stimulus Package

“It’s funny,” chuckles Chris Romick, The Heritage’s Executive Director, “when people walk into our clubhouse, they just assume they can’t afford us. But then I’m able to show them that we really have something for just about everyone … from spacious villas with garages to comfortable one-bedroom apartment homes. In fact, if you own your own house valued over $150,000 and collect Social Security, you can probably afford to live here.” Chris then smiles and adds, “And I bet your current house doesn’t come with a chef, a driver, a concierge, a pool, fitness center, spa, and a doctor!” To schedule your tour, call The Heritage today at:

(484) 269-5090.

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The Heritage of Green Hills 200 Tranquility Lane, Reading, PA 19607 www.HeritageOfGreenHills.com

Name _ ___________________________________________ The Samuel Prescott has 1,142 square feet of living area.

double bowl vanity sink are added attractions. Chris Romick, Executive Director at The Heritage, says, “This is one of most popular plans with people loving the access to the balcony from the bedroom and living room!” Ah, the fresh air and views!

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