The Cardinal Quill - 1st Issue

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Keep Your Mind Sharp


Average life expectancy is now approaching 80 years; baby boomers are turning 60+ at the rate of 10,000 per day; and demographers predict that Centenarians in the United States could top 750,000 by 2050. Recent trends also show us that persons with Alzheimer’s disease will increase from 4 to 14 million in the same time period.

We know that age is the single greatest risk factor for dementia; however, we are also beginning to understand that dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Clearly we need to understand more about memory function, how it may change with age, how to improve memory recall, and how to build more brain power at any age or stage of

Practicing Brain Fitness

our lives.

Age Associated Memory Impairment

It’s true. The older we get, the more we forget. But the problem is not so much memory loss as it is recall, or retrieval. The older mind has a lifetime of memories and experiences stored in it, and is also experiencing a natural slowing down in the retrieval process. The end

Real Estate Starts Slow Recovery Pg 2

Recipe Braised Pork Mezzalune Pg 2

Computer Bytes Social networking on your computer Pg 3

The Doctor Is In What you need to know about glaucoma Pg 3

Out and About North Hills Photo Essay Pg 4

Grandparenting Math literacy begins at home Pg 6

Free Subscription to GRAND Magazine For today’s active Grandparents Pg 6

Consumer Demand Gives “Green” the Green Light Variety, quality and choice increase Pg 7

Pg 8

X Marks the Spot

Start Looking Now

Tom Mann, founder of TR Mann Consulting and Mature Market Experts — a not-for-profit group that tracks the retirement community industry — predicts those who act quickly will reap the benefits. “My advice for anyone considering moving to a retirement community in the next few years is to start looking,” Mann says. “Now is the time to find good value. Because loans have been so difficult for developers to obtain, not a lot of new retirement community construction has been started … so you have a great surge in the 60+ population colliding with an impending short-

age of retirement housing options. As supply declines, prices will go up.” To move to a retirement community, most people sell their existing home. The improving real estate market has encouraged more people, particularly the 65+ market, to put their house on the market.

Houses Are Now Selling

Realistic Prices

The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Chief Economist, Lawrence Yun, says that despite continuing economic challenges, home sales will continue to rise.

Why? The answer, in one word is simple, affordability. Thanks to home prices coming down to realistic levels for first-time buyers, lower mortgage rates, and first-time buyer government incentives, real estate activity is picking up. Mann adds, “If you are a senior, your home’s value has already taken the worst of it. But remember, you most likely weren’t a speculator so you probably saw some appreciation that has survived even in this downturn. Now housing prices have begun to stabilize. You

Looking for the perfect hobby to share with your kids and grandkids? Thanks to modern technology, treasure hunting has reached new heights of adventure. Geocaching is a game of treasure-hunting using a Global Positioning System (GPS) to pinpoint the exact coordinates where a hidden item is located. While the treasure may not be real gold, the hunt is still exciting.

Pinpointing Treasure

Geocachers (pronounced "geo-cashers") log on to sites like geocaching. com (the hobby’s most popular website) to find the longitude and latitude of hidden “treasures” in their area. Then, they type the coordinates into their personal GPS devices and start the hunt.

No Shovel Needed

Don’t worry, you won’t be needing a shovel. The treasures are never buried, although they can

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What’s Your Walk Score? There is a fantastic new website out called Walk Score ( that ranks your address by how walkable it is to shops, restaurants, grocery stores, coffee shops, bars, movie theaters, drug stores, parks and more. Type in any address or cross streets, and the site maps the area and plots the nearby recreational, commercial, cultural, and social amenities. It then assigns each location a walk score on a 0 to 100 scale. For example, Chinatown in San Francisco scores an 86, Little Italy in New York scores an 83, and DuPont Circle in Washington, DC scores only 70. The Cardinal’s address in North Hills scores 91 out of 100 … a walker’s paradise!

Healthy Fun

Discover The Cardinal Full-Service Retirement Living

University of Florida Economist David Denslow recently predicted that the real estate market has bottomed out and that a recovery has begun. For a variety of reasons, experts say that right now may be the best time to move to a retirement co mmunity.

Try plugging in your current address, the addresses of your friends and family, or the address of any retirement community you might be considering and see what comes up. As Alan Durning, of the Sightline Institute, states in an article on the Walk Score website:

“Compact, walkable communities — the opposite of poorly planned sprawl — are the solution to some of our biggest shared challenges, from childhood obesity to social isolation, from crash deaths to disappearing farmland, from the high price of gas to the architectural blight of strip development. “They’re even one of our most powerful weapons against climate change — they conserve fossil fuels like nobody’s business. (It takes effort to burn gasoline when everything is so close to your front door.) “But the main reason to


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The Cardinal at North Hills 4421 Six Forks Road, Suite 123 Raleigh, NC 27609


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Looking For Treasure

Housing Prices Have Stabilized Restaurant Review

result is those frustrating episodes of not being able to remember words, phrases, and events. Barbara Bruce, in her delightful book, Mental Aerobics: 75 Ways to Keep Your Brain Fit, suggests, “It is part of the normal aging process not to remember where you parked your car or where you left your keys. When it becomes not normal

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The Cardinal Quill

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Fall 2009

Restaurant Review

Vivace: Traditional Italian Cuisine In A Trendy Setting Braised Pork Mezzalune With Caramelized Cipollinis, Arugula, and Brown Butter

If you’re looking for good Italian food and a great atmosphere, Vivace at North Hills offers a relaxed, yet upscale setting. With a wonderful wine list, fried olives, and prosciutto di parma, you will want to start with appetizers. For a main course, try any of the fish or the pancetta wrapped chicken breast. If you are looking for something simpler, their pizza is delightful. The food is exceptional, but the best part about Vivace is its atmosphere. As the weather cools, the outside seating area offers the perfect location for enjoying a good breeze and some people watching, while inside is intimate and romantic. The wait staff is friendly and professional.

A Family Affair

For Vivace Chef Ian Sullivan, sharing and preparing food honors the evocative place in our minds that calls up home and family. When asked who and

what influenced him to become a chef, he named his uncles, recalling a time at about age 12 when he was helping them with a cookout at their house, and just knowing it all felt “right”. Turns out, the uncles weren’t just any backyard grill-masters, they were both Culinary Institute of America (CIA)-trained chefs. And it was only a matter of time until young Ian followed in their footsteps, entering the CIA himself where he was profoundly influenced by one of his first instructors, an Italian chef named Giovanni. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Once again, it is family that drew Ian Sullivan and his wife to this area and fate that led him to answer the ad for Urban Food Group, a family of restaurants run passionately well by Kevin and Stacy Jennings, a couple with young children who somehow manage to do it all.

Chef Sullivan has two young children, family in Durham, extended family in the northeast and full responsibility for one of the Top 20 restaurants in the Triangle. For him, leisure is having the chance to honor his family with slow cooking at home. Fall and winter are his favorite seasons, a time for braising meats, hand shaping pasta, and enjoying foods that celebrate the balanced notes of life - sweet, salty, bitter and spicy. The plate he would set in front of you in his kitchen is a braised pork shoulder with lentils, brightened with a touch of vinegar, simple, natural, close to home. For food that you would cook and serve, plan to visit Vivace next time you are dining out. What you will find is food that is both familiar and familial, yet with a distinctive contemporary note for which there is no recipe.

One Simple Rule: Trust Your Server Jay Spungin is a Triangle native who grew up in the restaurant business, including two family owned and operated restaurants in Durham. Jay is currently the Managing Partner at Vivace, located in the Alexan Building at North Hills and the author of Dining Out, a dining column educating readers on how to make the most out of dining out. The number and variety of dining options in the Triangle has exploded in recent years. From Lebanese to Loco Pops, there are options to fit most any mood, budget and time frame. It’s a fascinating time for foodies. As a member of the restaurant community, I try to visit as many different establishments as I can and I’ve learned a lot about both food and wine in doing so, but could never have truly enjoyed it without following one simple rule: Trust your server. At Vivace, we have an exclusively Italian wine list and, while it can be argued

that many of the best wines in the world are made in Italy, there are few people who can make a bottle selection based variables other than price. Pride often precludes diners from asking for advice, but it’s a server’s ability to educate a guest and guide them through the menu and wine list - a defining characteristic separating a great restaurant from an average one. Here are a few things to keep in mind next time you find yourself in unfamiliar international dining waters: • Check out the menu and wine list online before you go. Most restaurants will at least have a version of their menu on the web. • Have a budget in mind when you arrive. Don’t be afraid to let your server know what it is. There are always plenty of options. • Ask for help if you need it. The only way to ensure that you get what you want is to ask for any and every detail about a particular dish or glass of wine.

• Don’t be upset if you hear the words “I don’t know” from your server. A true professional will admit to being unsure and get the right answer, or the right person to help you. • Be honest about your selections. Let your server know how wonderful everything is, but only if it truly is - and don’t hold back if something is wrong. Let a manager or server know as soon as one of your expectations hasn’t been met. • Remember your server. If you enjoyed your meal, loved your wines and established a rapport with your server, then ask for him/her by name when making your next reservation. Great restaurants will train and re-train their staff on the menu and wine selections for the sole purpose of being able to help guests get everything (and more) than they would expect out of the dining experience. So trust them to do their job.


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be hidden in any number of creative ways … tucked under park benches, dangled from a tree, hidden in a bush. The treasure chest is usually a watertight object like a metal ammo box or plastic container. Once they discover their hidden treasure, most cachers either leave or take a trinket or coin. Some people even leave toys, photographs, or food. Cachers also sign their names in log books inside the boxes, then go home and record their new finds on for posterity (so they can compete/brag with their fellow cachers). Getting started is simple. Just purchase a GPS and visit one of the many websites. GPS units vary in price, but start as low as $100, depending on the GPS features you want. Some GPS manufacturers,

such as Garmin Ltd., provide a wealth of information about geocaching with operating tips, product recommendations, and links to other geocaching sites. The very best part about this hobby is that it is affordable fun for all age groups. What better way to spark your grandchildren’s imaginations than exploring for treasure with them? Happy hunting!

The Cardinal Quill

Fall 2009

Brain Fitness

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is when you cannot remember your name or what day it is.”

Mental Aerobics

By now everyone understands we need to be physically active to remain healthy, and yet we overlook the fact that we should be “jogging” our brains as well, that the brain – like muscle – needs to be stretched. Marge Engelman, in Aerobics of the Mind, challenges us by asking, “When was the last time you worked up a sweat thinking?” It is important to engage our brains in looking for information we don’t use everyday, working crossword puzzles, playing trivia games, working the Jumble in the morning paper, and changing your routine for maximum benefit.

Waking Up our Brains

We are by nature creatures of habit. Our daily routine is relatively fixed and that makes us comfortable. Dr. Lawrence Katz, in Keep Your Brain Alive, tells us that we must shake up our deadly dull daily routines, changing sensory pathways to the brain as we go about our normal activities. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand; move waste baskets around the house and see what happens next. Anything new and different in our lives builds brain power. In addition to jogging our brains with mental aerobics and choosing things that are new and different, a recent study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine finds that engaging in regular mental activity such as reading, playing cards and

board games, playing a musical instrument, or learning a foreign language can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain-Body Connection

Brain fitness does not end with the brain! We now have conclusive evidence that maintaining cognitive fitness with age depends not just on mental activity, but on the lifestyle choices we make everyday, including regular physical exercise, good nutrition, and getting enough sleep. Dementia does not suddenly appear at age 85 – although by that age as many as 50% have some form of cognitive impairment. At all ages, the lifestyle choices you make today have the potential to reduce your chances of developing dementia in the future. Think back to the statistics at the beginning of this article. As unprecedented numbers of us live to 85, 90, 100 years and beyond, incomprehensible numbers of us will live with Alzheimer’s disease unless we begin making changes in our routines. Take time every day to jog your brain. Jump at every opportunity to do something a new way. Go to a grocery store in a new neighborhood without a list. Learn to play bridge. Play the piano. Find a group of friends who like to play board games. Eat well, sleep well, and keep your sense of humor. Don’t wait for science to find a “cure” – you hold the key to your future in your hands today.

Jill Koury, MD Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Duke Eye Center


Could Your Eyes Have It? Is there a good type of glaucoma to have? The answer is “Yes” … the kind that has been detected and is under treatment. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in America, and yet it has almost no symptoms in its earliest stages. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), glaucoma is a blanket term for a group of conditions involving the optic nerve. These conditions cause the rise of fluid pressure — a symptom that often happens so slowly it is difficult to notice. The results of undiagnosed glaucoma can include blindness. “Because glaucoma is so often asymptomatic until the later stages of the disease, it is important to undergo regular testing by a trained physician,” says Dr. Jill Koury. “The only way to receive a timely diagnosis of glaucoma is to undergo regular glaucoma screenings.” Glaucoma can be a blinding disease that slowly and stealthily robs a person of their vision, beginning peripherally. There is no pain associated with this process; in fact there are no symptoms

North Carolina Quickly Becoming the Most Popular Retirement Destination North Carolina is currently ranked as the 5th most popular retirement destination in the U.S. and is projected to surpass Florida as the #1 retirement destination according to the National Active Retirement Association (NARA). “Since the real estate market has started to recover, we’ve definitely seen an increase in activity,” says Patricia Pratt, the Senior Director of Sales at The Cardinal at North Hills retirement community.” Tom Mann, the founder of Mature Market Experts says interest in retirement communities is stronger than ever and attributes this to a

shift in the industry. “Newer communities are redefining the tired stereotypes of retirement “homes.” Communities like The Cardinal at North Hills understand that today’s senior is looking to live in a multigenerational setting. They want to live in a vibrant community where they can be part of the action … while at the same time adding financial and medical security for the “what ifs” later in life.

Competitive Market Works to Your Advantage

Thanks to the recovering real estate market and the built-in natural demand arising from the tidal wave of boomers turning 65, the retirement industry remains highly competitive. Many companies are doing their best to entice potential residents to move. Pratt says The Cardinal’s strong financial model and pre-construction prices may be accounting for The Cardinal’s recent surge in interest. “Simply put, if you own your own home, you can afford to live here. And our flexibility allows us to work with all sorts of financial situations.” Patricia, or Tricia as she likes to be called, continues, “Secure your position now. The Cardinal’s unique location, our affiliation with Duke University Health Care, and less than half our residences left to sell means we expect this community to fill up very quickly.”

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Social Networking On Your Computer

Real Estate continued from page1 won’t see rapid growth, but at least they have stabilized. So from an investment point of view, your house’s value is what it is. Don’t keep hanging on to the house thinking its value will continue to climb. Knowing that can be kind of liberating. It allows you to assess your finances and then ask, ‘What’s the best environment for me? Where will I be the most independent? The healthiest? The happiest?’” According to NAR’s most recent data, in the second quarter existing home sales rose 3.8%. In addition, Standard and Poor’s/Case Shiller’s Home Price Index reports house prices rose half a percent. The slight gain was the first in three years.

at all until the disease is very advanced. This is particularly sad given that often glaucoma can be controlled with a simple once a day eye drop. So what does it take to diagnose glaucoma? The diagnosis is usually the result of a routine annual eye exam. A careful ophthalmologist will not only measure your visual acuity and assess your eyeglass needs, but will also use a microscope, special lenses, and analytical tools to examine both the anterior structures and the posterior portions of your eyes. Diagnosing glaucoma begins with a measurement of eye pressure, but also involves skilled judgment in assessing whether your particular anatomy and test results might indicate optic nerve damage associated with glaucoma. This sounds complex, doesn’t it? “Actually, these tests are fast and painless, providing patients and physicians with vital information about glaucoma care,” Dr. Koury says. “Over time, physicians monitor the results of these tests and look for changes that could point to possible

Social networking refers to a broad range of websites, tools, and services that allow you to connect with friends, family, and colleagues online, as well as meet people with similar interests or hobbies. Most of these sites encourage you create a profile where you can post photos and/or information about yourself such as location, hobbies, and relationship status – making it easier for people to find you. In addition, many let you send and receive correspondence with online contacts directly through the network—without taking up valuable space in your email inbox. Here are some of the more popular Social Networking sites and a brief exploration of what each has to offer:


There are two main types of blog websites, both generally moderated by an individual. The first type is centered on a particular interest, the second on a personal diary. Each form features regular reverse chronological posts, is commonly interactive with its readers, and may also include photos, videos and links to other relevant sites.

Eons (

Eons is a social networking site for baby boomers. Through your Profile you can express yourself and share your life, join groups around your passions and interests, share photos and videos with friends and family, and play games to

build your brain and challenge others.

Facebook (

Facebook is becoming extremely popular among all age groups. It is the site where you are most likely to find your friends and family—recently passing the 300 million user mark. There is no doubt you’ve probably heard it mentioned among family and friends. Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with others. Once you become a member you can add friends, send messages, and update your personal profile to notify friends about yourself.

Twitter (

Like Facebook, Twitter is commonly used for social networking. The difference is, Twitter is a microblog, meaning it is text based and limits messages to 140 characters. These abbreviated messages are called Tweets, and are suitable to cell phone texting. Tweet messages are displayed on the author’s profile page and sent to the author’s subscribers, or followers. That’s Social Networking in a nutshell. The best way to learn more is to jump right in and get started. So get online and start filling in those profiles.

The Cardinal Quill

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Fall 2009

Walk Score continued from page1 love walkable neighborhoods is their human energy: they’re fun, lively, memorable ... not boring. They’re the kinds of places where you might bump into a long-lost friend; stumble across creative inspiration, whether for a song or a new business; or meet the love of your life. (That’s why they’re becoming among the most sought-after addresses around.) “Still, such qualities are—if valuable— also intangible. “Study the Walk Score walkability maps and you’ll be able to see the walkable places—where every eight-year-old can walk to a library, every eighty-year-old can walk to a park bench, and every twenty-one-year-old can walk home from a bar. (And where every eighty-year-old can walk home from a bar,

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Out and North

Fall 2009

d About h Hills

The Cardinal Quill

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The Cardinal Quill

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Fall 2009

North Hills Residents Reap Rewards of Superb Neighborhood Design too.) “Study America’s most walkable neighborhoods and you’ll see the best places for walking. (Which, to my mind, are the best cities for everyone.)”

And When It’s Rainy Outside …

Not only is The Cardinal ideally located in a walker’s paradise, its classic design provides the perfect setting for your indoor walks. The clubhouse offers several dining options, all under one roof, including a formal dining room with leisurely white tablecloth service, intimate Veranda dining, Tavern, and an all-hours Marketplace, your corner for great food, conversation and when desired, the convenience of

take-out. There’s more… cozy reading corners, places to play bridge and billiards with your friends and family, classrooms, a ballroom for dancing the night away, and Wi-Fi throughout … all within a short, comfortable, indoor walk from your new home at The Cardinal. The Cardinal lifestyle also includes The Duke Center for Living, a nationallyrecognized wellness model offering supervised fitness, aquatics center, a full complement of therapies, and an on-site primary care clinic. Plus, an indoor walking/jogging track! Having all these amenities and features under one roof – totally accessible without having to go outside – is at the very heart of The

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tive medicine.

The Health Benefits of Walking

Cardinal’s distinctive walkable design. “The fact that I can easily walk to the Duke Center for Living was one of the things that really attracted me to this community,” says

Cardinal Member Bill Rand. Like many smart retirees, he understands The Cardinal’s partnership with Duke University Health System will help him practice preventive health care, rather than reac-

A Great Walk Score Gets Rewarded The team at The Cardinal are not the only ones who think walkability is great. So does the Mayor of Raleigh. Mayor Meeker recently presented North Hills developer John Kane with the Sir Walter Raleigh Award for his significant contribution in improving the appearance and beautification of Raleigh with his redevelopment of North Hills over the past 10 years. The Mayor stated it was the best example in the City of Raleigh for mixed-use integration of retail, hotel, office and residences … a gathering place for people of all ages. The award was unanimously approved by the City Council. Congratulations John!

Regardless of where you walk, the health benefits are many, including: • Managing your weight • Controlling your blood pressure • Decreasing your risk of heart attack and stroke • Improving bone density • Lowering stress and depression In fact, research from Duke University Medical Center shows that just half an hour of walking per day — 1 to 2 miles — can prevent weight gain in people who are otherwise inactive. The people in the Duke study were overweight, inactive men and women from Durham and the surrounding areas, aged 40 to 65, with mild to moderate dyslipidemia (abnormal cholesterol levels). These participants made no special changes in their diets, yet those in the “walker control group” lost weight, decreased waist sizes and increased lean body mass. They also saw significantly decreased abdominal, waist and hip circumference measurements. All great things for your heart! So do your brain, heart, and soul a favor … walk on over to The Cardinal!

GRANDparents Corner

A Numbers Game

Math literacy begins at home There’s a wonderful song by Dan Zanes, “Jump Up” ( In the lyrics, day is breaking and Dan urges the kids to jump up and dance around, to get “shaking.” My grandsons and I love the song — it’s so positive and a lot of fun to sing. That’s why when I saw Shape Up!, a book about triangles and other polygons by David Adler ( Shape-Up-David-Adler), I couldn’t resist. It had to be fun, didn’t it? But then I wondered, Could math really be that much fun?

What is a polygon? It’s a flat shape with all straight sides (Now that’s what I call a square meal!) With two slices of American cheese, a toothpick, pretzel sticks, plain paper, graph paper, a pencil, a plastic knife and a slice of bread you can learn more about them. You can also eat it if you get hungry. Sound fun? It is; my grandsons and I read sections of Shape Up! over and over again. I feel good because I know I’m providing them with some great beginnings for the mathematical challenges around the corner. And, challenges there will be. The new math standards for pre-K through grade 12 from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( are rigorous. And, according to the NCTM, research shows that there are big differences between children who come to school with some math sense and those who don’t; we can assume that children who have had rich language experiences and who have been cared for by people who encourage thinking, appreciate uniqueness and support exploration are set up for more success in mathematics than those who don’t. Let’s see why this might be so by looking at a Shape Up!

encounter at my home. My grandsons are given their “supplies.” Saul, the elder, looks at the cheese triangle on page three and then looks at his own — real — cheddar square on his table mat and immediately starts cutting away. With little explanation, he slices off two of the four corners, which renders him close. Then, with one final slice off the bottom, he has it: a triangle — a scalene triangle, says the boy in the book. Soon, a wild rumpus starts. Saul and I sing and dance around a bit, and the little one, Theo, gets the mathematical idea that wholes can be cut into parts — and then eaten. Very fun. And Theo’s learned a new word, he thinks: “ti-angle,” which cracks his older bro­ ther up every time he says it. Theo is quickly at work with the cheese as if it were clay, and Saul goes on to learn about scalene and equilateral triangles as he

shapes them out of pretzels, with a clever nibble here and there to get the sides right. Before long, he’s into quadrilaterals, from trapezoids and parallelograms to that old, familiar rhombus. But watch out. Snip off just one corner and, yikes, pentagons will begin to take shape. Reminds me of the Jon Scieszka book Math Curse ( Math-Curse-Jon-Scieszka). As mentioned, the math standards from the NCTM are rigorous, but they’re fully realizable. After all, just by encouraging your grandchildren to play with wet sand they tacitly pick up math and science concepts about shapes, mass, density and flow, all of which will support their castle-building ventures for a lifetime (www.sandcastlecentral. com). Through simple play and, indeed, through reading children’s literature aloud, like Shape Up!, grandparents just might find that

their grandkids “Jump Up” when anyone says, “It’s time for math!” Author note: Ruth Nathan, Ph.D. is a contributing editor of GRAND Magazine and an active board member for the Foundation for Early Literacy Learning. Dr. Nathan currently works at UC Berkeley developing major studies in the field of early childhood. Reprinted with permission of GRAND Media, LLC, copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

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Fall 2009

The Cardinal Quill

Page 7

Consumer Demand Gives “Green” the Green Light Has environmentalism gone mainstream? Yes, the green movement has gained momentum fueled by consumer demand. Purchasers now have the option of selecting green products in a variety of categories. Most of us are familiar with energy efficient light bulbs, recycled paper and reusable grocery sacks. But have you considered the possibility of purchasing a green toy for your grandchild? Or clothes made out of renewable bamboo, or organic cotton? Solar backpacks to charge your laptop or cell phone while you’re traveling or hiking?

Renewable Resources

Terrific Math Books

You can purchase these books at your local bookstore or online. These books are available at Anno’s Counting Book by Mitsumasa Anno Let’s Count by Tana Hoban How Much Is a Million? by David Schwartz Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst Rooster’s Off to See the World by Eric Carle It’s Probably Penny by Loreen Leedy Moira’s Birthday by Robert Munsch Coyotes All Around by Stuart J. Murphy and Steve Bjorkman Math-terpieces: The Art of Problem Solving by Greg Tang Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno Missing Math: A Number Mystery by Loreen Leedy Wild Fibonacci: Nature’s Secret Code Revealed by Joy N. Hulme, Illustrated by Carol Schwartz Shapes by Philip Yenawine Five for a Little One by Chris Raschka Grandfather Tang’s Story by Ann Tompert

These books are available at One Hungry Monster: A Counting Book in Rhyme by Susan Heyboer O’Keefe Hungry Numbers by Etienne Delessert

These books are available at: Domino Addition by Lynette Long, Ph.D. Shape Up! Fun with Triangles and Other Polygons by David Adler Millions of Cats by Wanda Ga’g

What is a green toy? Many mainstream plastic toys are now manufactured using recycled plastic, without any dangerous chemicals involved in the processing, and delivered to the store via means that keep the total carbon footprint down. Your total carbon footprint is comprised of your primary footprint, how much carbon dioxide (CO2) you are directly responsible for emitting (transportation, heating, etc.), plus your secondary foot print, which measures the indirect CO2 emissions of items you purchase (emissions resulting form the manufacture and breakdown of consumer goods). You can calculate your total carbon footprint and learn ways to minimize it by going to There are many resources available on the internet that can connect you to green

Clothing, this exceptional plant is highly sustainable, grows very rapidly, requires no pesticides or herbicides, and produces up to 40 percent more oxygen than hardwood trees.

Resource Conservation

Another area consumers consider important is resource conservation. Shower heads, rain barrels, and irrigation systems offer options for consumers to cut back on their water consumption. Solar powered lights, motion detectors, battery chargers and even solar roof panel kits are gaining popularity as ways to reduce carbon footprint. Multiple-use plastic water bottles are replacing the ubiquitous disposable

The change to green is becoming mainstream. retailers with a plethora of environmentally friendly products for the household, yard, and pet. The Purple Book, by Hillary Mendelsohn, offers information on worthwhile green product websites. Both online and brick and mortar stores now offer natural, safe cleaners for the home, which leave no harmful residues. In addition to being green, these products are safer for children to be exposed to than traditional cleaning products. Ingenious substitutes for paper towels, made of natural products, and generally washable and biodegradable, populate the marketplace. Bamboo bowls, cutting boards and serving utensils are chic and made from one of the most renewable resources. And of course, light bulbs now come in a variety of long lasting, low CO2 emitting forms, such as compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) and the even more efficient, though more expensive, lightemitting diode (LED). Bamboo clothing, linens and towels may sound like an uncomfortable alternative to synthetic and traditional fabrics, but they are surprisingly soft and silky. According to retailer Organic Bamboo

water bottle, reducing plastic waste. Energy efficient appliances dominate the marketplace in response to the demand to cut back on energy consumption. ENERGY STAR, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, reports “Results are already adding up. Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved enough energy in 2008 alone to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 29 million cars — all while saving $19 billion on their utility bills.” For more information on appliances that meet this standard go to Look for more choice in the green market as consumers continue to demand quality and variety at reasonable pricing. With each product success, more environmentally friendly items will enter the market, increasing selection, ensuring competition that will drive up quality and reduce cost. The change to green has already become mainstream.

Glaucoma continued from page 3 problems with the eye and lead to a diagnosis of glaucoma.” The entire exam can be accomplished in just over an hour, and none of the testing is considered invasive or uncomfortable. Everyone over the age of fifty should be examined annually, and this is all the more important if there is any family history of glaucoma. Those who are hypertensive, diabetic, profoundly nearsighted, or who are African American also have a higher risk of developing this disease. The risk increases with advancing age, so don’t delay. Get this vitally important annual exam scheduled today. Like the diagnostic advances that make detecting glaucoma easier, new advances in glaucoma treatments are giving patients a

variety of simple but effective solutions to ease the symptoms of glaucoma.

Saving Vision

“Patients have a variety of options ranging from eye drops to laser procedures,” says Dr. Koury. “Many patients fear they will have to undergo surgery in a traditional operating room to correct glaucoma. Today, this procedure, while very effective, is often unnecessary.” For more information, visit or call 1-888-ASKDUKE to make an appointment. There are convenient locations throughout the Triangle, including the newest, Duke Eye Center of Raleigh at Duke Raleigh Hospital.

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Fall 2009

Raleigh Retirement Community Changing Industry Perceptions As experts study the concept of new urbanism combined with retirement living, they’re finding there is nothing like The Cardinal at North Hills.

The people who live at The Cardinal will have every imaginable service. What is truly impressive is what’s just outside their front door:

superb restaurants, comfortable coffee shops, unique boutiques, popular retailers. With so many leisure options and conveniences like grocery, pharmacy, and banking only a stroll away, the only thing they’ll need is more hours in a day. Developers John Kane and David Falk are delighted that the experts concur with their vision of creating a place seniors “want” to go and most importantly, a place where their children and grandkids enjoy visiting. Mr. Kane reflects, “We’re looking to create something truly special. North Hills is a place where you can walk to everything.” Unlike typical retirement communities, The Cardinal is integrated with all that North Hills has to offer so that you aren’t limited to only the few standard

amenities found in every retirement community.”

What’s A Shuttle Bug?

What really amazes the experts is what an incredible value The Cardinal is. Tom Mann, founder of Mature Market Experts, recently visited The Cardinal and noted, “If you own your own house, you can probably afford to live here.” And he adds, “At your current house, you don’t have this

incredible location nor a chef, a driver, a concierge, a pool, fitness center, and onsite medical experts!”

See For Yourself

To get your complimentary information packet outlining prices, services and amenities, just call The Cardinal at (919) 781-2021 or toll-free: (888) 781-2021.

Yes, it’s true that North Hills is a walker’s paradise but sometimes (in the rain or cold) you may not feel like walking to your favorite store or restaurant. Good news, North Hills now offers shuttle bug service — a sixperson GEM electric vehicle equipped for all weather conditions.

Duke University Health System Creates Unique Partnership The people moving into The Cardinal are some of the most active, engaged people you will ever meet. They’re also planners. They’ve prepared for the “what ifs.” After all, if topnotch athletes and celebrities have their own doctors

and trainers, why shouldn’t you? “The fact that I can easily walk to the Duke Center for Living was one of the things that really attracted me to this community,” says Cardinal Member Bill Rand.

Why Cook? At The Cardinal, your private residence features a state-of-the-art kitchen, but cooking for one or two people can be such a chore. However, at The Cardinal, there are numerous dining options all under one

Enhance Your Lifestyle, Protect Your Independence Complimentary Information Packet Tells You How Want to get more out of your retirement while at the same time protecting your health and finances? Call today for your information packet that outlines everything you need to know about The Cardinal lifestyle.

(919) 781-2021 or toll-free: (888) 781-2021

roof, including the Tavern, Veranda, Formal Dining Room, and Corner Marketplace. Or you can enjoy any of the 22+ restaurants throughout North Hills which you can walk or be driven to.

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