“Last Friday after I got my lazy butt out of bed to untarp, mystery dude came over and helped me fold the tarps. Not only that, he also rolled them up as I went to check in. Not only that, he also helped me unchain the load. I would have gladly returned the favor but he was already done with his load by the time I got up. Thank you to my mystery dude... it’s awesome to know there is other drivers out there still willing to offer a helping hand.” - Joshua Kopp to Phillip Nelson “He took time out to help us fat boys with tarping our loads. We could not get on top of the loads being too high. He helped two drivers at the customers” - Randy Aldridge to Paul Babineaux III “Jesse and I loaded at the same shipper and helped each other strap and tarp both loads. made work quick and easy” - Joshua Luttrell to Jesse Beasley
“Richard was very efficient and safe helping me secure the load. He willingly came up and helped out a fellow Driver. He helped with throwing straps as well as Proper TMC Securement Procedures.” - Alberto Gomez Jr to Richard Stauble “I just want to take a few moments to RECOGNIZE ALL Driver and Trainer/ Trainees for an AMAZING JOB helping each other get strapped and tarpped. 10 Trucks on the move.” - Wymark Barton to all TMC drivers
“Didn’t catch the driver’s name, but he saw my trainee and me doing a trailer swap and just jumped in and lent us a hand. That’s what this is all about, it’s good to see there are still driver’s that will help each other.” - Christopher Salik to James Zega “Driver helped me put up tarps on top of a load. Thanks.” - Floyd Haynes Jr to Cesar Marmolejo Jr “Helped me with a ripped tarp at the Des Moines terminal late in the afternoon” - Storm McKinley to William Crane
“After 5 years, I am never too prideful to ask for help or ask questions. I totally forgot his name but I know his truck #! He helped me tremendously. From giving me extra tips, a helping hand, & help me secure my load! He has been with TMC for 15 years & he is the prime example of a team player. He deserves a salute! Thank you again.” - Eric Sullivan to Lorin Mendanhall
“Big thank you to driver in 12970!! He helped me fold tarp. I left tarps folded but not rolled when I had to go to back to get unloaded. My plan was to roll my tarps after being unloaded and waiting on new load. Well much to my surprise, upon returning to roll tarps, they were already rolled. Thank you driver making my day!” - Paul Babineau III to Keilyn Debose “Mr. Haskell went out of his way to help me finish tarping my load so I could get home to my family on Thanksgiving.” - Zackary Bailey to Russell Haskell
Got a call from another flatbed driver saying Barber took the time last night to help him fix his four coils that had leaned over. He said Barber helped him work to get them stood back straight again and resecured. This was an older driver and was amazed that Barber took the time to help him out of a bad spot. The other driver said he tried to give Barber money but he refused to take it. He wanted to let us know that we have a great driver and is very thankful that he took the time to help him get his load fixed and delivered without any issues. PAGE 12