3-4-25 Fannin County Leader

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cember 3-4, 2024, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct concluded a review of the allegations in this matter against the Honorable Laurine Blake, judge of the 336th District Court in Bonham, Fannin County, Texas. Judge

dence before it, the Commission enters the following Findings and Conclusion: FINDINGS OF FACT

l. At all relevant times, the Honorable Laurine Blake served as judge of the 336th District Court in Bonham,

and Christina Tillett ("Tillett") ran as judicial candidates in the Republican primary election for the 336th District Court.

3. In February 2023, Tillett expressed her interest to Judge Blake about being elected as the judge for the 336th District Court, while Shaw expressed interest in May or early June 2023. In private conversations Board, CPS Quarterly, Fannin County Behavioral Leadership Team, Bonham Kiwanis Club, Bonham Rotary Club, Getting Ahead Program, and Fannin County Republican Women.

4. At some of the meetings Tillett attended, she was introduced as a judicial candidate for the 336th District Court, and members of the organization endorsed her while that was provided. After Tillett assisted Judge Blake with serving the meals, they took a photo together, which was posted on the Getting Ahead Program's Facebook.

6. Before the primary election, Judge Blake sent a text message with the statement, "Did you know this?" accompanied by five screenshots to her friends with whom she has "close political affilia-

Dallas County DA to handle prosecution of FC Courthouse Restoration cases

- On February 27, 2025, Judge Duncan Thomas appointed the Dallas County District Attorney's Office to handle the prosecution of the six (6) cases indicted on December 19, 2024, related to the Fannin County Courthouse restoration.

Following the recusal of the Judge of the 336th District Court, the Fannin County District Attorney's office also requested to be recused (or removed) from prosecution of these cases due to a direct conflict of interest since one of the defendants is a sitting county commissioner. It is important that the public understand that it

Fannin County Sheriff reports patrolling results

As many of you have recently seen on social media, or the news outlets there has been a concentrated effort to reduce the number of wrecks and fatalities on Highway 121 in Fannin County.

We want to share the results of the first traffic enforcement operation that took place on February 14th. This was a coordinated effort from the Fannin County Sheriff's Office, Texas Department of Public Safety,

Bonham and Trenton Police Departments.

This operation spanned Highway 121 from the Collin County line North, into Bonham. As a result of those efforts, there were 40 total traffic stops/contacts made in the first 3 hours! The stops varied from equipment violations, speeding, reckless driving, disregarding traffic control devices to name a few. These contacts also resulted in one arrest.

These safety efforts will continue for the foreseeable future. In 2024 there were 11 fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes on this stretch of highway 121. We want to reduce or eliminate this as much as possible and provide a safe highway to travel on.

You can expect to see an increased law enforcement presence on 121.

would be improper and unethical for our office to be involved in the cases, one reason being that the budget for the DA's office is subject to approval by the Commissioner's Court. This by itself could give the appearance that our office could be influenced if we handled the cases. In other words, this

office is not involved in any way with these cases. All matters involving the prosecution, any possible future hearings, possible pleas or trials will be exclusively handled by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office.

Any questions or inquiries should be directed to that office.

Free Dental Clinic to Provide Needed Dental Services to Underserved Patients in and around Bonham, Texas

Press Release - Texas Mis-

sion of Mercy (TMOM), a mobile dental clinic that delivers pain-relieving dental care at no cost to underserved Texans, is coming to Bonham, Texas on April 11th and 12th, 2025.

According to the American Dental Association, many adults do not have access or qualify for programs that

provide needed dental care, which can lead to more serious health problems due to the untreated dental issues.

Texas Mission of Mercy, Inc. (TMOM) is working to address this need, hosting 4 pop-up dental clinics across Texas each year. At each 2-day TMOM event, organizers and volunteer dental professionals coordinate to

provide appropriate dental care for patients in need. TMOM’s mission is to improve access to dental care to the underserved of Texas.

“Our volunteer dental professionals’ primary focus is on relieving pain and preventing infection by providing extractions, fillings, and limited hygiene. These volunteers come from all over Texas and beyond to care for those in need," said Dr. Doug Bogan, President of TMOM, Inc.

1½ Tbsp. minced garlic divided

1 lb. fresh asparagus ends

trimmed and cut into 2" pieces

½ c. heavy cream juice and zest of one lemon

1 tsp. garlic powder

½ tsp. dried oregano

¼ tsp. dried thyme

⅓ c. grated Parmesan cheese plus more for garnish

½ c. grated mozzarella cheese

chopped fresh parsley and lemon slices for garnish

In a large pot bring water to a boil and add the pasta. Cook according to package directions. Drain and set aside. While the pasta cooks, heat olive oil in a large skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add the chicken and season with salt and pepper and oregano. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until browned and cooked through. Add 1 tsp. minced garlic and cook for another minute, until fragrant. Transfer to plate

and set aside. Add butter to the same skillet and melt over medium-high heat. Add remaining minced garlic and asparagus and saute for 1 minute, until just starting to turn bright green. Whisk in the cream, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic powder, oregano, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheese. Allow the sauce to thicken and the cheese to melt. Add the drained pasta and chicken back into the skillet. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Toss to coat well until everything is heated through. Serve hot and sprinkle with more Parmesan cheese, chopped parsley, and lemon slices, if desired.


Please send me your favorite or unique recipes to Fannin County Leader at 224 N. Main St. Bonham, TX 75418 or email me: fclweesie@gmail.com

More than 50 volunteer dentists and 450 volunteers from the dental profession, businesses, and community groups will provide charitable care to the community of Bonham and the surrounding areas.

By Sheriff Cody Shook

FC Commissioners’ Court – Reaching For Solutions

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham called to order at 9:00 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Fannin County Commissioners Court. Quorum was established with all County Commissioners and County Judge present. The Invocation was led by Pastor Robert Eades of the United Pentecostal Church of Savoy. Pledges were led by USAF Veteran Jim Jarvis.

4. Introductions: Judge Cunningham welcomed Savoy Mayor Roger Cada.

5. Public Forum: In reference to the BESS (Battery Energy Storage) System being built in Savoy, FC resident Will Campbell spoke to request the court pass a resolution allowing Savoy citizens to form a 391 Commission that would allow them to oversee and have a say in the planning of projects that impact the community with “risky development.” Fannin County JPs Louise Goodwater and Kenny Karl led a detailed discussion regarding their request to have a committee formed to address setting up funeral contracts with interested funeral homes involving the county’s inquests. Also addressing the court regarding their interest in the matter were owners of Bonham’s Wise Funeral Home, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Greene and

co-owner of Bonham’s Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home, Bryan Frazier.


6. Approve payment of bills – County Auditor: FC Auditor Alicia Whipple stated the bills were $1,425,216.21. A motion to approve payment was made by Commissioner Waggoner, seconded by Commissioner Fogelberg and passed.

7. Approve minutes from 01/21/2025 (R) and 02/11/2025 (R) – County Clerk: After Commissioner Fogelberg noted a correction needed on the records of 1/21/2025, item #5; he made the motion to approve the minutes with the correction stated. Commissioner Kopf seconded the motion which passed.

8. EMS report for January 2025 – County Judge for Michael Gilbert, Allegiance: Allegiance District Mgr. Matthew Brown gave January’s report in place of Michael Gilbert after which Judge Cunningham commended Mr. Brown for the good work being done by Allegiance and for having an extra ambulance on standby during recent forecasts of possible hazardous weather.

9. Approve Treasurer’s Financial Report for January 2025 – County Treasurer: FC Treasurer David Woodson reported total receipts in January being $9,832,123.22 with property taxes being $7,742,544.87 and sales tax being $179,864.68. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Fogelberg with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.

10. Treasurer’s Investment Report for January 2025 – County Treasurer: Mr. Woodson noted the total TexPool interest was $49,169.35; 2022 Bond interest was $16,422.51; Money Account interest $167.80; and Cash on Hand interest was $26,942.31 for a total amount of $92,701.97. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Self, seconded by Commissioner Waggoner and passed.

11. Discussion regarding County Auditor reports for January 2025 – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple noted YTD revenue was at $9,671,042.59 with YTD expenses being $4,991,524.81 making the county “$4.76 million in the black.” No action needed.

12. Discussion regarding internal audit of the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple reported the audit found JP Precinct 1 to be compliant with no issues before giving a “shout-out” to Judge Goodwater, Judge Karl, Judge Ivy, April Gibbs and Jenny Garner for their above & beyond assistance.


13. Discussion and presentation regarding intention to propose a Public Improvement District for a new subdivision in Fannin County – County Judge for Dan Cooper, President of 5th Street Investments: Mr. Cooper, President of 5th Street Investments, gave a lengthy detailed slideshow presentation of the new 256acre development, Cypress

Point located at Bois d’Arc Lake off FM 1743. Included in his presentation was a description of the many amenities to be found at this 1-to2-acre lot; development that will be able to be enjoyed by residents and non-residents. For more info, the entire slide show will be available on the county’s website in the commissioner’s court section.

14. Discussion regarding food inspections in Fannin County – County Judge for Brian Owen of Honey Grove: Passed on 15. Discussion regarding funeral home services for the County – County Judge: Discussed during agenda item 5 (Public Forum).

16. Discussion regarding TCOLE 2024 racial profiling report for Fannin County – Sheriff Cody Shook: Sheriff Shook explained this was an annual report and noted that during 838 traffic citations issued in Fannin County, there were no indicators of traffic stops based on racial profiling.


17. Approve Fannin County Sheriff’s Office to obtain an armored vehicle through the Law Enforcement Support Office program; no charge for the vehicle, maintenance cost to come from Sheriff’s Fleet Management Budget – Lieutenant Harvey Smitherman, FCSO: After FCSO Lieutenant Smitherman explained the potential usage and benefits of this vehicle, it was noted there would be no charge to the county and a motion to approve was made by Commissioner Waggoner, seconded by Commissioner Kopf and passed.

18. Accept $225.00 donation from Jake Shockley at State Farm to purchase Personal Protection Equipment for Office of Emergency Management and Auxiliary Team (formerly CERT) – Emergency Management Coordinator: FC Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson described the equipment the funds would be used for before Commissioner Fogelberg made the motion to approve with Commissioner Self seconded the motion which passed. 19. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Fannin County Office of Emergency Management and Fannin County ARESAUXCOM for emergency communications in the event of a disaster – Emergency Management Coordinator: Mr. Hudson explained why a formal agreement was needed. After a discussion ensued regarding the benefits of ham radio communications, a motion to approve was made by Commissioner Fogelberg, seconded by Commissioner Kopf and passed. 20. Approve extension amendment to the contract with Bonham Economic Development Corporation (BEDCO) signed on 12-102024 for the purchase of 5 acres on Silo Road; extend closing until March 12, 2025 – County Judge for Angel Titsworth, Weichert Realtors: Realtor Angel Titsworth explained why this was needed and a motion to approve was made by Commissioner Self, seconded by Commissioner Waggoner and passed. 21. Accept or deny offer to purchase the 41 acres in Ector with a Right to Terminate Due to Lender’s Appraisal included $328,000.00, asking price is $446,900.00 - County Judge for Angel Titsworth, Weichert Realtors: See Commissioners on page 11


Welding / Decks / Fencing

Chain link, wood, pipe and barbed wire. Gates & automatic gate operners

John Davidson III 903.821.2265 Cole Davidson 903.815.0738 davidsoncole566@gmail.com


Gathering Time Ranch wants to invite everyone to join us for our 2025 events. The Ranch is located at 487 CR 2105 Ivanhoe, TX. 75447. Call 903-227-7969 for more information!


When: Sun. 10:30am. Wed. 7:00pm Where: 1190 Hwy 56 W. Bonham.

Pastor: Steven Luton, 903-583-4346

We gather in His Name

Calvary Baptist Church Bonham, Texas

We gather in His Name to worship Him. May we never gather with the doldrums and a lackadaisical spirit about us.



HALLELUJAH! WELCOME, HOLY SPIRIT! We are ready to do ANYTHING You call us to do today.

Gathering with Expectancy, Lyn and Lissa

May we ALWAYS, EVERY SUNDAY come together with a great expectancy of an outpouring of Holy Spirit and a true encounter – a true lifechanging moment. When I think of it, I simply cannot imagine an encounter with God that doesn’t change us in some way. God is always here. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same God that divided the Red Sea and rolled back the waters of the Jordan River is in our very midst TODAY! AMEN!

Sunday Morning Re-wind The Impact of Love

Hello everyone!

This week’s devotion comes from 1 John 4:17-19. This passage gives us an insight on the source and impact of love. As our love for the Lord grows, it will help us to become confident in our anticipation of the judgment day. If we continue to mature and grow in our faith, then when have no need to worry or be afraid of how the Lord will evaluate us in the life that is to come, because we obey His commands, and we are forgiven by Him. By loving

others we become like Him. Instead of fearing God’s love, we should enjoy His love, and live it out by serving others, just like He did. He lived alongside those He served, taught them, prayed for them, served them, and He ultimately laid down His life for them, as He did for us. His love is a powerful example for our own lives. In 1862, James H. Duffell and William R. Featherston wrote this classic hymn that comes from the message in this passage.

“My Jesus, I love thee, I

know thou art mine; for thee all the follies of sin I resign; my gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.”

If you are looking for a good home church, we invite you to come visit us, and be part of our church family and worship at Central Baptist Church. Visitors are our honored guests, and we hope to see you this coming Sunday!

Bro. Josh Stevenson

Living As Lights

for the Ivanhoe Church of Christ

In the book of Matthew, we see Jesus ushering in the “law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). He is setting the rules for those that follow him and after His death, burial, and resurrection would be called Christians. “Ye are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Solomon wrote, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). To be a light we must know the truth, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). To be a light we must be “doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). John penned, “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Jesus stated, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall

have the light of life” (John 8:12). The Lord said that the preaching of the gospel was for the purpose of bringing understanding to the hearers.

“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me” (Acts 26:18). As lights, we must “cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:12). We must put on good works and rid ourselves of sin and evil works.

Life Requires Balance family career time GOD without balance, TRUE happiness is fleeting include and make

Paul wrote to Christians, “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). We must do right, be right, and shine our light. Shining our light is not to promote ourselves selfishly, but to glorify God. Paul declared to the Christians at Ephesus, “ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). Glorify the Lord. Paul, again wrote, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined

in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Our Savior exclaimed to His followers, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:14-16).

Where Is My Time?

hunting/fishing sports social life sleep TV work

Looks like you have it!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Honey Grove Cowboy Church 3050 Hwy 100 North Honey Grove, TX

Leonard First Assembly of God, 108 Pecan Leonard, Texas 469-450-9777

Allen’s Point Baptist Church 310 CR 2775 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903378-7038

Bailey Bible Baptist Church 205 Leslie Bailey, Texas 75413

Bethlehem Baptist Church “The House of Bread” 1415 Franklin Avenue, Bonham, TX 7541 Office: 903-583-8061

Bois D’Arc Creek Cowboy Church Hwy 121 & Edhube Road 903-583-1671

Boyd Baptist Church 3707 St. Hwy. 78 N Bonham, Texas Phone (903) 583-7288

Calvary Baptist Church 913 S. 5th St Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-3910

Central Baptist Church (Fundmental, Independent) 709 Union Ave. Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 505-4124

Ivanhoe Baptist Church 4063 NO.FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 (903)583-2359

Lamasco Baptist Church 346 CR 2615 Telephone, Texas 75488

Corinth Baptist Church 277 CR 1150 N. of Bonham on Highway 78 903 583 2750

Dial Baptist Church 16816 FM 1550 Honey Grove, TX 75446 903-378-7070

Duplex Baptist Church 313 CR 2102 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-664-3175

Ector Baptist Church P.O. Box 248 Ector, Texas 75439 (903) 961-2175

Edhube Baptist Church 595 FM 2815 Bonham, TX 75418 903-583-2840

Elwood Baptist Intersection of CR 2125 and CR 2544 near Ivanhoe, Texas

Faith Independent Baptist Church 12676 W Hwy 82 Savoy, Tx 75479 903-965-5517

First Baptist Church of Bailey PO Box 221 Bailey, Texas 75413 (903) 583-0732

First Baptist Church of Bonham 710 N. Center Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-0732

First Baptist Church of Dodd City PO Box 47 Dodd City, Texas 75438-0047 (903)583-4465

First Baptist Church of Honey Grove PO Box 124 Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903)378-2768

First Baptist Church of Ladonia 301 East Main Ladonia, Texas 75449-100 (903)367-7038

First Baptist Church of Leonard 100 East Thomas St. [PO Box 1146] Leonard, TX 75452 (903) 587-2250

First Baptist Church of Pecan Gap PO Box 100 Pecan Gap, Texas 75469 (903)359-6683

First Baptist Church of Randolph PO Box 14 Randolph, Texas 75475 (903)583-6900

First Baptist Church of Savoy .O. Box 177 Savoy, Texas 75479 (903) 965-4160

First Baptist Church of Trenton PO Box 157 Trenton, Texas 75490 (903)989-2319

Little Bethel Baptist Church PO Box 63 Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7708

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Rt 1 Box 101B, PO Box 73, Ladonia, Texas 75449 Phone (903)367-7009

New Home Baptist Church 1300 N Maple St. Bonham 903-583-4509

First Fannin Baptist Hispanic Church Rt. 4 Box 10 Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-5727

Gober Baptist Church P.O. Box 82 Wolfe City, Texas 75496 (903) 583-2378

Joyful Light Baptist Church 4695 FM 2645 Savoy, TX 75418 903-436-5440

Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 1409 W. Market St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (615) 448-8802

New Zion Baptist Church 627 County Road 1265 Bonham, TX 75418 903-961-2027

Pilgram Rest Baptist Church 703 Agusta St. Trenton, Texas

Ravenna Baptist Church 100 Elm Street Ravenna, Texas 75476

Rising Son Cowboy Church 1526 CR 2010 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 903-640-3377

Sandy Baptist Church Ravenna, Texas 75476 (903) 583-9546

Seventh & Main Baptist Church 617 N. Main Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-8679

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 601 S. 4th St. Bonham, TX 469-207-1141

Telephone Baptist Church located on FM 273 in Telephone Office phone: 903-664-2377

Primera Iglesia Baustia Hispana 1134 FM 273 Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-5727

Trinity Baptist Church 219 W. Denison Bonham, Texas 75418 (903) 583-3388

Valley Creek Baptist Church 3615 FM 896, Leonard, TX 75452 903-587-2386

Westside Baptist Church 912 W. Commerce St. Honey Grove, Texas 75446 903-249-2987

Windom Baptist Church 203 1st Street Windom, TX 75492 (903) 623-2215 Wild Horse Creek Cowboy Church 2992 CR 2285 Telephone, Texas 75488 903-486-1630

Are You A Christian?

Do you serve God?

Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Grace Reformed Baptist Church 2800 10th St Honey Grove TX gracerbcbonham.com

The Church is a hospital for sinners. include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Don't Like Religion?

Ephesians 4:18 - Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Road Rage Rudeness Hatefulness Division Romans 12:18

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is. include and make time for GOD this Sunday

Robert Thomas Caraway


William “Dan” Daniel Jordan

William “Dan” Daniel Jordan, 92, passed away on February 19, 2025, in Denison, Texas. Dan was born on September 17, 1932, in Bonham, Texas to parents, Fred Anderson Jordan and Cassie Ramsey Jordan.

Dan married Rachel Geraldine Elliott on May 30, 1954, in Denison, Texas.

Dan was a member of the First Baptist Church in Leonard, Texas. Dan served in the United States Army.

Dan will be remembered by his daughters, Dolores Doyle and husband, Danny, of Leonard, Texas, and Pam Worley and husband, Jeff, of Woodville, Texas; grandchildren, Chris Doyle and wife, Kyla, Nick Doyle and wife, Sara, Kendra Bennett, and Blake Worley and wife, Allayna; 23 great grandchildren; 3 great-great grandchildren; and siblings, James Jordan, Lonnie Jordan and wife, Linda, Jerry Jordan, Larry Jordan, and Terry Jordan. He was preceded by his parents; grandchild, Anthony Doyle; and siblings, Raymond Jordan, Louetta Clontz, and Judy Hill.

The family welcomed guests at a visitation from 6-8 PM, Monday, February 24, 2025, at Turrentine Jackson Morrow, 701 North Cedar Street, Leonard, Texas 75452. A funeral service officiated by Pastor Chad Leutwyler was held at 1PM, Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at First Baptist Church in Leonard, Texas. The burial at Leonard Cemetery followed the service. Pallbearers for the service were Chris Doyle, Nick Doyle, Kennin Doyle, Dalton Doyle, Blake Worley, Daxon Worley, Keegan Bennett, and Jordan Bennett.

Robert Ferell Robinson

Robert Ferell Robinson, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, and friend, passed away peacefully on February 19, 2025, at the age of 88. Born on October 3, 1936, in Denton, Texas, Robert dedicated 42 years of his life as a conductor with the Burlington Northern Railroad, a testament to his strong work ethic and passion for the industry. He was a resident of Bonham, Texas, since 1997, where he embraced the community with open arms. Robert was a faithful member of the Seventh and Main Baptist Church, where he built many lifelong friendships, grounded in faith and fellowship. He found immense joy in watching his grandchildren play ball, taking pride in their achievements and nurturing their dreams. His legacy lives on through his beloved family, including his wife of 62 years, Alice Maud Robinson, and their daughter, Amy Robinson, both of Bonham. He is also survived by his son, Philip Robinson, and wife Dee of Flower Mound, Texas.

Robert was preceded in death by: his parents Don Robinson and Florence Robinson, as well as his sister Donna Bennett

He leaves behind a treasure trove of grandchildren: Jordan Paige Banker and husband Garrett, Shelby Vandeventer and Dillon Clemons, Evan Robinson and wife Shannon, Reid Robinson and wife Jaime, as well as his great-grandchildren, Brady Banker, Mason Banker, Bellamy Banker, Stella Banker, Murphy Robinson, Brooks Robinson, Macie Jo Robinson, Blair Robinson, and Bennett Robinson. He is also survived by his loving sisters, Barbara Ann Ward, Linda Gracy, and Jackie Phillips, as well as his brothers, Jerry Robinson and Ronnie Robinson. In celebrating Robert’s life, we remember a man who valued family, community, and the simple joys of life. He will be greatly missed, but his spirit will remain alive in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date. An interment was held on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at Willow Wild Cemetery. Online condolences and registry can be made at www.coopersorrells.com

Hubert Larry Simpson

Hubert Larry Simpson was born in Ravenna, Texas, on March 28, 1934. He died at his home in Bonham, Texas, on February 22, 2025, just 34 days shy of his 91st birthday.

Larry was son of Hubert Allen Simpson and Willie Opal (Lambert) Simpson, and the baby brother of Leta Joy Simpson Cummings. A private family ceremony will be held at a later date.

A 1952 graduate of Ector High School, Larry later moved to Lubbock, Texas, and enrolled at Texas Technological College, where has was a member of the Signa Nu fraternity. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1960, and was later licensed by the State of Texas as an Engineer and Land Surveyor.

After College, Larry worked for E N Walcott construction firm based in Houston, Texas.This position allowed him to work on numerous construction projects and live in Dallas, Houston, and Lake Charles, Louisianna. His desire to raise his family in Fannin County, lead Larry and Nacy back to Bonham in 1968 where he first worked for Steve Carrol Construction.

Larry founded the construction firm, Forward Corporation, in 1972 and for 50 years was responsible for the construction of many commercial and government buildings all around Northeast Texas. He also built numerous subdivisions in Sherman and Bonham. As a Registered Professional Land Survey, he prepared thousands of surveys for the public from the early 1980’s until his retirement in 2007.

After College and before going to work for E N Walcott, Larry married Nancy (Cox) Simpson of Bonham, and together they raised three sons, Bret, Matt, and Jim Simpson.

Larry is survived by his sons and their families: Bret Simpson and wife, Sue Ann of Arlington, grandson James Simpson and wife Christine, granddaughter Meagan Works and husband Cody, and grandchildren Amylia Johnson, Cate Works, Cason Works, and Charlotte Works. Matt Simpson and wife, Channon, grandchildren Keeton Simpson, Kala Simpson, Adam Simpson, Garrett Simpson, Collin Bennett and Samantha Bennett. Jim Simpson and wife, Cheryl, of Bonham, granddaughter Kori Reian Austin and husband Cody of Bonham, grandson Andrew ‘Lane’ Simpson and fiancé Caitlin of Roanoke, grandson Clay Parker Simpson, great granddaughter, Maggie LeeAnn Austin.

Larry was preceded in death by his parents, his sister, and all his aunts and uncles. He is survived by his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephew Jeffrey Cummings and numerous cousins.

The family wants to thank Mike Sperry and Crystal Caughey of Home Hospice ofGrayson, and Larry’s caregivers over the past 3 month, including Keeton Simpson, Stacie McCraw, Valerie Watkins, Stephanie Carpenter, Marilyn Fry, Wanda Jacobs, Shelbie Prescott, and several others provided through Visiting Angels of Paris. Online condolences and registry can be made at www.coopersorrells.com

Memorial services for Robert Thomas Caraway age 84 of Petty, TX. were held at 2:00 PM on Saturday February 22, 2025 at the Westside Baptist Church in Honey Grove, TX. with Bro. Terry Paul Cunningham officiating. Serving as honorary pallbearers were grandsons and great grandsons, Bobby Loftice, Will Caraway, Aaron Caraway, Brandon Spann, Ruston Lackey, Drake Watson, Levi Watson, and Hunter Spann. Robert was born May 19, 1940 in Tulia, TX. the son of Ray and Amy (Burrow) Caraway. After graduating high school Robert enlisted in the Army National Guard and received basic training in South Carolina and received his honorable discharge in 1963. He married the love of his life Guindolyn “Joy” Morrison in 1961, and they enjoyed 61 years of marriage before Joy’s passing on November 4, 2023. Robert was a lifelong farmer and often spoke of his first time driving a tractor at the age of 11. While living and farming in the Texas panhandle he proudly served on the Texhoma school board. In 1982 Robert & Joy moved from the panhandle to Honey Grove and planted their roots. He was an avid square dancer with his wife Joy and could dance the waltz and two steppers. He taught and loved to dance with his daughters and granddaughters. For his grandsons, Robert attended their many different sporting events supporting them, attending games and giving them coaching tips when he could. Robert was the owner of Texas Popcorn in Honey Grove where his kids helped him in taking care of the business, and he attended the Westside Baptist Church in Honey Grove.

He is survived by his three children J.W. Caraway and wife Christy, Dee Dee Marshall and husband Rod, and Joanna Caraway, grandchildren; Auburn Lackey, Will Caraway, Bobby (Meredith) Loftice, Amy Watson, Autumn (Danny) Ertel, Aaron Caraway, and Brandon Spann, great grandchildren; Rory Rae, Ruston Lackey, Drake, Levi, and Roxi Joy Watson, Gracie and January Loftice, Hunter Spann, Jacie, Blaidon, Barrett, Joslyn, and Jubliee Ertel, along with nieces, nephews, and other extended family and friends.

Robert is preceded in death by his parents, Ray and Amy Caraway, wife Joy Caraway, grandson Ethan Loftice, brothers Harold Ray Caraway, and Paul Caraway.

Online condolences and registry can be made at www.coopersorrells.com

Gene Massie

Gene Massie was born on December 6, 1936, to Floyd and Maude (Burns) Massie, in Whitesboro, TX. Mr. Massie passed away February 25, 2025 at his home in Honey Grove, TX. Graveside services for Gene Massie were held Thursday, February 27, 2025, at Georgia Cemetery beginning at 2:00PM. Serving as pallbearers were Kelly Massie, Daniel Nicholson, Trapper Massie, Jordan Blackshear, Kolt Thompson, and Fallon Massie.

Gene married the love of his life Wanda Jo Cuttrell on July 20, 1963, the couple spent 61 cherished years together before Mr. Massie’s passing. He was a hard-working rancher for over 50 years, as well as a weld inspector at Babcock & Willcox Company in Paris, TX. He enjoyed watching western shows especially ones with John Wayne, and was an avid reader. Gene was a family man at heart who loved his grandkids and great grandkids immensely.

Mr. Massie is survived by his beloved wife Wanda Cuttrell Massie, son Kelly Massie and wife Ashley, daughter Kenda Nicholson and husband Daniel, grandchildren, Kori Blackshear and husband Jordan, Kandice Thompson and husband Kolt, Ciera Boyer and husband Kiefer, Trapper Massie, Blair Massie, and Fallon Massie, great-grandchildren Wylie Jo Thompson, Hayes Thompson, Kasyn Blackshear, Jasper Blackshear, and Sailor Boyer.

Gene was preceded in death by his parents Floyd and Maude Massie.

The family request in lieu of flowers that you considering making a donation to Georgia Cemetery. Online condolences and registry can be made at www.coopersorrells.com

God’s Garden

God looked around His garden And found an empty place. He then looked down upon the earth And saw your tired face. He put His arms around you And lifted you to rest.

God’s garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. He saw the road was getting rough And the hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered “Peace by thine.” It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. –Anonymous

Home Country: Slim Randles

there knew how to spell ptarmigan.

I’m Slim Randles, author of the book Packing the Backyard Horse, enabling you

and your own Ol’ Snort to have some camping fun in the back country. Packing the Backyard Horse, available on Amazon. com.


It doesn’t sound easy, does it? It isn’t. So what I would do on these “adventures” of mine, (my boss, Larry Fanning, referred to them as Slim’s tin-cup trips because of all the scrounging I did) is go neat places and interview great people, and write stuff. My column in the Anchorage Daily News … brace yourself … was called “Slim’s Column.”

Truth in advertising.

So I arrived in Chicken, Alaska, only to find I’d nearly doubled the local population. In the far-distant past, Chicken was an actual town. When the gold gave out, so did Chicken.

So what was left was “the business” consisting of a gas pump, a coffee pot, some postage stamps and a couple of nice folks. But there was something else, too.

There was not only an outhouse there, but it was electrically lighted. So where should I write my column? In an electrically lighted outhouse in Chicken, Alaska.


The raising of poultry this far north is uncommon, too many local varmints, including any resident sled dogs, eat them. So how did this gold camp get its name? Ahh … the reason for that column on the wooden “desk” beneath that 20-watt bulb.

Chicken, Alaska, got its name because none of the miners

These friends included Melanie Grammar, Fannin County Party Chairwoman; Richard Glaser, Fannin County Criminal District Attorney; Joe Ward, former Fannin County Republican Party Chair; Tom Turner, the former owner of the Fannin County Leader newspaper and a community leader; Judge Newt Cunningham, Fannin County Judge; and Randy Moore, former Fannin County Judge.

7. The screenshots contained a search on the Collin County website for judicial records relating to Shaw. The screenshots contained cases that Shaw worked on as an attorney, his personal divorce cases, and a legal malpractice claim. However, the screenshots also contained cases unrelated to Shaw, including crimi-

nal cases involving "Kyle Shaw" or "Kyle Lynn Shaw," who was born in 1983, a divorce case between Michelle Shaw and Kyle Shaw, a paternity case naming Kyle T. Shaw, and the Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship involving Tristan James Shaw and Zaporah Annemarie Shaw.

8. In her written responses to the Commission, Judge Blake stated that she believes it was clear from the screenshots that nine of the cases were specific to Shaw, twenty-two cases did not involve Shaw, and five cases that did not specify "Kyle K. Shaw" or "Kyle L. Shaw". Judge Blake believes there is "no evidence [she] was intentionally or recklessly misrepresenting information to attribute it incorrectly to Shaw."

9. Judge Blake further stated that it was never her "intention that [her] politically sophisticated friends should believe 'Kyle L Shaw' or cases entitled 'The State of Texas

v .... ' were in fact Shaw's cases." However, Judge Blake admits that the information could potentially influence her friends regarding who they support or vote for.

10. Melaine Grammer ("Grammar") responded to the text message and screenshots Judge Blake sent, inquiring about what Judge Blake was trying to point out in her messages. In the text messages to Grammar, Judge Blake made the following statements regarding Shaw:

• And of course his 3 or 4 divorces.

• One of his prior wives is raising his daughter (the 16-year-old in Frisco).

• His son unfortunately killed himself 6 years ago. Not sure what age he was but I'm of the impression he was a teenager. I'm assuming this might be the one over which he had gained custody?

• Just pointing out all his litigation because I figured you don't want to be the last one who learns this. You have been protective of the reputation of the party. Perhaps he revealed all this is there is no surprise.


• Christina [Tillett] hasn't overstated her qualifications; I think Walt is telling people 'She's not qualified.' One person already discussed this with Christina. Walt's a problem.

• Given the number of lawsuits Kyle has, he'll identify with the litigants ... not sure that's a good thing.

• Do you know if he now has 2 children outside of his marriage? (3 total). It's gotta be hard on the women in re-

lationships with him. But he is a likable guy.

• I don't think Christina [Tillett] is motivated to be negative."

11. In her written responses, Judge Blake admitted that "three divorces, four civil lawsuits in Collin County, and a civil lawsuit in Fannin County are more detrimental to Shaw than they are helpful in a political campaign." Judge Blake believes voters prefer a candidate to be married once and have no history of personal litigation. However, Judge Blake does not believe Shaw's divorces and civil lawsuits were a "death knell" to Shaw, but it could provide insight into his values.

12. Judge Blake added that she believes "[s]tability in the judge's family life is like a ballast in a ship and helps maintain the judge's ability to have an even keel when resolving disputes day in and day out for 20 years. And being the only District Judge in a rural community, the judge does not have the luxury of anonymity of [her] counterparts who serve in large, urban districts."

13. Judge Blake also noted in her responses that "Shaw may not have desired that Grammar be aware he had been married 4 times and divorced 3 times, or that he had the civil litigation in which he acknowledged he was involved. But those were matters of public concern and related directly to his qualifications as a judicial candidate."

14. Tillett won the Republican Primary election in March 2024 with 3,234 votes (53.48%), while Shaw received 2,813 votes (46.52%).

15. Judge Blake denies letting her relationship with Tillett influence her judicial conduct or judgment, as she believes her relationship with Tillett was professional and not personal. Also, Judge Blake denies lending the prestige of her judicial office to advance the private interest of Tillett because she believes candidacy is not a private interest but a matter of public interest and concern.

16. Judge Blake further believes she was patient, dignified, and courteous towards Shaw, as the text messages were not made in her official capacity as a judge.

17. Judge Blake also denies knowingly or recklessly misrepresenting Shaw's identity, qualification, present position, or other facts as she "never indicated all the records were in fact the Shaw seeking office in Fannin County."

18. Finally, Judge Blake adamantly denies authorizing her name to endorse Tillett for Judge and does not believe any of her actions or conduct towards Shaw constitutes willful conduct that casts public discredit upon the judiciary or the administration of the judiciary.


2. Canon 3B( 4) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides, in relevant part: "A judge shall be patient, dignified, and courteous to ... lawyers and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity ... "

3. Canon 5(1)(ii) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides: "A judge or judicial candidate shall not knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent."

4. Canon 5(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides, in relevant part: "A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party."

5. Article V, Section 1-a(6) A of the Texas Constitution provides, in relevant part, a judge shall not engage in "willful or persistent conduct that is clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of his duties or casts public discredit upon the judiciary or administration of justice."

See Public on page 11

1. Canon 2B of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides, in relevant part: "A judge shall not allow any relationship to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge shall not lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others; ... "


Monday 03/03/25 - Polish Sausage*, Sauerkraut, Ranch Beans, Cauliflower, Hot Dog Bun, Peach Whip, milk

Tuesday 03/04/25 - Garlic Marsala Chicken, Penne Florentine, Glazed Carrots, Garlic Breadstick, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Wednesday 03/05/25 - Potato Crusted Polluck, Confetti Rice, Brussels Sprouts, Multigrain, Oatmeal Cookie, Milk

Thursday 03/06/25 - Meatloaf, Garlic Whipped Potatoes, Green Beans w/ Onions, Whole Wheat Bread, Cherry Gelatin, Milk

Friday 03/07/25 - Bean Tamale Pie, Cilantro Lime Corn, Spring Vegetables, Fresh Banana, Milk 210 E. 6th St., Bonham, TX • Phone 903-583-8573


Continued from page 8


Based upon the record before it and the factual findings recited above, the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct has determined that the Honorable Laurine Blake, the judge of the 336th District Court in Bonham, Fannin County, Texas, should be publicly admonished for:

(1) allowing her relationship with Tillett and/or Shaw to influence her judicial conduct or judgment when she sent negative text messages regarding Shaw to inform and influence members in the community regarding Shaw;

(2) lending the prestige of her judicial office to advance the private interest of Tillett to win the primary race election for 336th District Court Judge when she: (a) sent negative text messages about Shaw; (b) informed and invited Tillett to community meetings, where she was endorsed by members of the community; and ( c) invited Tillett to serve a meal with her for the Getting Ahead Program; (3) failing to be patient, dignified, and courteous towards Shaw when she sent negative text messages about Shaw to influence members of the community; (4) knowingly or recklessly misrepresented Shaw's identity, qualifica-

tions, present position, or other fact(s) when she sent screenshots attributing cases to Shaw which were no related to him; (5) authorizing her name to endorse Tillett for Judge of the 336th District Court when she: (a) invited her to attend community meetings with her; (b) allowed Tillett to be endorsed at the community meetings she invited her to; and (c) took a photo with Tillett that was published on the Getting Ahead Program's Facebook page. Judge Blake's failures in these respects constituted willful and persistent conduct that is clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of her duties and cast public discredit upon the judiciary or the administration of justice, in violation of Canons 2B, 3B(4), 5(1)(ii), and 5(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct and Article V, Section 1-a(6)A of the Texas Constitution.

4 The Commission has taken this action pursuant to the authority conferred it in Article V, Section l-a(8) of the Texas Constitution in a continuing effort to promote confidence in and high standards for the judiciary. Issued this the 7th day of February, 2025.

Gary L. Steel Chairman, State Commission on Judicial Conduct

Ms. Titsworth first noted this had been on the market for 45 days with no additional offers. After some discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Fogelberg to counter offer $10,000 an acre. Commissioner Self seconded the motion which passed with Commissioner Waggoner abstaining from the vote.

22. Discussion and possible action regarding division of Fannin County property ID# 77256; 26.92 acres located at Highway 56 and Lipscomb with offer to purchase 10 of the acres for $70,000.00 – County Judge for Angel Titsworth, Weichert Realtors: After some discussion a motion to deny was made by Commissioner Fogelberg, seconded by Commissioner Kopf and passed.

23. Discussion and possible action regarding any additional County owned property not in use – County Judge for Angel Titsworth, Weichert Realtors: No county property designated for potential marketing was discussed.

24. Approve agreement with Kasidy Henson to serve as the Local Infection Control Officer for the County and authorize County Judge to sign on behalf of the County – County Auditor: Ms. Whipple and Judge Cunningham explained why this service is needed and after some discussion, a motion to approve (at a cost of $200 per month) was made by Commissioner Kopf, seconded by Commissioner Fogelberg and passed.

25. Approve a one-time severance of 2.5 acres from a 5-acre tract on CR 1255 in Savoy; Property ID# 142435 – Development Services Director: FC Development Services Director Di Hopkins explained this request and noted with all requirements having been met, she recommended approval. A motion to approve was made

by Commissioner Waggoner, seconded by Commissioner Self and passed.

26. Approve replat of two 1-acre lots into a 2.10-acre lot on McIlrath Road in Leonard; Property ID# 128018 - Development Services Director: Ms. Hopkins noted all requirements for approval had been met and that she recommended approval. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Self, seconded by Commissioner Waggoner and passed.

27. Approve final plat for Bois d’Arc PointeDevelopment Services Director: Ms. Hopkins gave a brief history of the previous approvals on this development (with 129 residential lots on 180 acres), before Commissioner Kopf made a motion to approve with Commissioner Fogelberg seconding the motion which passed.

28. Discussion and possible action regarding potential change order at the Justice Center for additional Furr Out Wall at existing wall between the court and county sides per RFI027, additional finished wall with electrical and sheetrock was not included; $31,283.00 – County Judge: This item was passed on for additional research.

29. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Fannin County and Workforce Solutions of Texoma maximizing the use of public property for citizens and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County; March 15, 2025 through March 14, 2030 – County Judge: Judge Cunningham explained how this agreement has been in place for years. A motion to approve the MOU was made by Commissioner Kopf, seconded by Commissioner Self and passed.

30. Approve Resolution to accept grant funding from the Office of the Governor for the Structured Family Therapy Program operated by the Juvenile Probation

for FY 2024-2025, Grant number 2806211

- Juvenile Probation

Director: Director of Fannin County Juvenile Probation Department Brandon Caffey explained the workings of the grant and why this resolution and the resolution in item 31 is necessary. A motion was made by Commissioner Fogelberg to approve both resolutions with Commissioner Kopf seconding the motion which passed.

31. Approve Resolution to accept grant funding from the Office of the Governor for the Structured Family Therapy Program operated by the Juvenile Probation for FY 2025-2026, Grant number 2806212 – Juvenile Probation Director: See item 30.


Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the Court or a Citizen.

32. Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy – County Judge: Commissioner Self noted this month’s meeting has been postponed till next month.

33. Courthouse repairs and litigation – County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted at some point there will be an inspector brought in to look at the repairs.

34. Justice Center –County Judge: Judge Cunningham noted there are some concerns that will need some attention.

35. County budget and revenue sources – County Judge: Discussed in items 20 thru 23.

36. Water issues affecting Fannin County – County Judge: Commissioner Kopf noted the FC Water Supply Agency was having a meeting Thursday at 4:00 at the Agricultural Extension Office

37. Fannin County road issues – County Judge: No significant updates.

38. Solar and wind farms – County Judge: Long

time members of Fannin County’s American Amateur Radio Relay League Club, PHD Mike Durbin and Mark Hetherington spoke to share their knowledge of how ham radio signals (emergency backup communication during times of outage of traditional communication) can be severely hindered in areas where wind farms are operating.

39. Emergency Medical Services – County Judge: No significant updates

40. Overweight trucks and highway safety – County Judge: Judge Cunningham discussed a meeting held with one of the county judges, our state representative and the highway department regarding solutions to make the roads safer. He noted Representative Kelly Luther is committed to reducing traffic fatalities.

41. Interlocal Agreements – County Judge: Civil Attorney Andy Garner noted he had submitted agreements to the cities and discussed issues with the agreements with neighboring counties that needs more review and decisions from the court.


42. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, Commissioners Court to meet in Executive Session to consult with their attorney regarding courthouse litigation –County Judge: Executive Session was entered into at 11:35 a.m. Regular Session resumed at 12:45 p.m.

43. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court to meet in Executive Session to discuss personnel issues regarding purchasing and auditing – County Judge: See item 42. 44. Consider and take action regarding matters discussed in Executive Session(s) – County Judge: No action needed.

46. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:01 p.m.


City of Ravenna

RFP for CPA: CPA is needed for audit for past 5 years for City of Ravenna. Must be bonded and insured. Please send sealed bids to City of Ravenna by close of business on 25th of March 2025; P.O. Box 88; Ravenna, TX 75476 or drop off at City Hall, 103 N. Main St., Ravenna, TX on Tuesday or Thursday between 10 AM and 2 PM. For more details call 1(972) 795-3393, Claude Lewis, Jr.


City of Ravenna

RFP for property cleanup: Sealed bids by Close of Business on 25th of March 2025 for property cleanup. Must be bonded and insured. May be mailed to City of Ravenna; P.O. Box 88; Ravenna, TX 75476 or drop off at City Hall, 103 N. Main St., Ravenna, TX on Tuesday or Thursday between 10 AM and 2 PM. For more details call 1(972) 795-3393, Claude Lewis, Jr.



City of Ravenna

RFP for clearing brush & debris from street right of way in Ravenna, TX. Removal will be from roadway to fence line not to exceed 25’ from side of road. Must be bonded and insured. Send all sealed bids to City of Ravenna by close of business on 25th of March 2025; P.O. Box 88; Ravenna, TX 75476 or deliver to City Hall, 103 N. Main St, Ravenna, TX on Tuesday or Thursday between 10 AM and 2 PM. For more details call 1(972) 795-3393, Claude Lewis, Jr.



First Baptist Church Bonham is looking for two paid Nursery Workers on Sunday Mornings. If interested, please call: 903-583-8519



JOB TITLE: Full Time Equipment Operator

OFFICE: Fannin County Pct. #4, Bonham, TX

BENEFITS: Medical/Dental/PTO/Retirement/ Holidays

SALARY: Up to $41,000 DOE

SUPERVISOR: Commissioner Doug Kopf

REQUIREMENTS: Blade Man & CDL desired

CONTACT: Doug Kopf 1369 East Hwy. 56 Bonham, TX. 75418 (903)583-2039

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled

Applications are on our website at www.co.fannin.tx.us or may be picked up at the Fannin County Auditor’s Office at 101 East Sam Rayburn Dr. St. 301, Bonham, TX.




1989 Ford E350 box truck w/ 7.3L IDI and auto transmission. Runs great. $4250 OBO. Call 469-422-8386




HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information Call: 903-583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company, 7258 N. Hwy 78 in Ravenna

CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist


B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am-4:00pm, 5 days per week. Send resume via email to brett@ bfgammon.com or call 903-583-3597


CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver. Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources.


Morning shifts available. 5:30 am - 5:00 pm $13 an hour. Apply at careers.braums.com

WORKING FOREMAN For metal building crew needed 903-436-0555


Part time w/ retail, Tobacco Exp. Apply Within NO Phone Calls Tobacco - Beer & Wine Shop 151 N Center Bonham



Metal building experience a plus 903-436-0555


Leading local land developer in need of part time/ seasonal property foreman/ maintenance person for Bois d’ Arc Lake’s newest development.

Duties/requirements include:

Ability to work independently a must. 18 years or older with reliable transportation (personal truck that could be used on work site a plus) Physical labor. Ability to lift 50 pounds and handyman skills such as using light /outdoor/woodworking equipment and or tools. Ability to operate light equipment (tractor, skid steer, etc.) a plus. Will be responsible for initial and ongoing operations to get Bois d’ Arc Lake’s newest community ready for sale.

Flexible schedule. Call 214-417-9965



March 6th, 7th, 8th 8 am - ?

303 Willow St, Ector, TX 75439

Tools, Glassware, Gas Welder, Saddles & Tack, 50 plus year collection of Precious Moments, plus other collectible glassware, Bissell Shampooer Like New, Propane Heaters, Oak China Cabinet, Misc. Furniture, Persian Area Rug, Power Tools, Chainsaws, Small Deep Freezer, Hay Feeders, Thermal Arc Gas Welder plus much, much more. CASH ONLY



YARD SALE206 Mockingbird St, Ector Wed. - Sat. Feb. 26 - Mar. 1 8am - 3 pm Weather Permitting - Girl baby clothes, Men & Women Clothes Plus Sizes, Shoes, Jewelry, Furniture, Household items, 50 cent DVDs, Reloading Supplies & Ammo.

GARAGE SALE / MOVING SALE Saturday March 8th @ 8am 420 CR 2904, Dodd City. Furniture, cooking items, clothes, dishes, canning jars, misc.


GARAGE SALE 2364 FM 981 North, Leonard Fri. Mar. 7 & Sat. Mar. 8 9 am - 3 pm Household items, Glassware, Nice clothes, misc. items


Come see us at space #95 & #96

Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun March 6 - 9 Vintage antiques, antique cabinets, jewelry, collectable toys, glassware, Bryer horses, Hotwheel Red Lines. Too much to list.


Helping Animals In Need Thrift Store 101 West Hayes, Savoy Open Friday thru Sunday 10am-5pm.

FREE CLOTHES & HOUSEWARES: Clothes ClosetValley Creek Baptist Church, 3615 FM 896, Leonard. Wednesdays 8-10am.

WHO HAS an OLD ANALOG TV? Call: 903-819-9507 Leave message w/ phone number


FOR SALE: Small miniature Schnauzer puppies CKC Registered, vaccinated, crate trained and also potty trained. ROXTON, TX 903-227-4712


PITTMAN FARMS817-999-4140 Garden Tilling Minor Tractor Repair


Tree service, landscaping, brush clearing, fence of any kind, pipe fence painting, power washing, house painting, flagstone patios, gravel driveways, lot mowing, gutters and drainage, concrete demolition, any odd jobs. Call Jose Vazquez at 903227-5898.

TREES and MÁS Large Acreage Mowing with Tractor, Landscaping, Fences, Firewood, Stump Grinding, and Concrete. Insured, Call for free estimate. 903-227-6940, 903-227-8369 or 903-486-2868.

PROFESSIONAL PAINT & DRYWALL REPAIRS: Cracks, holes, patches, water damage, sheetrock repair, ceilings, walls, matched texturing. Interior/ Exterior Painting. 45+ years experience. Call Johnny @ 903-209-6958

App House Leveling & Foundation repair Pier and Beam/ Slab Foundation/ Small & Large Remodels. 903-227-2860.

STAPP TREE TRIMMING and REMOVAL Hauling, Storm Damage, Demolition Work, Dead Wood Removal, Licensed and Bonded. Over 25 Years Experience. Call 903-5837888. “Cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call, I can handle it all, guaranteed.”



FAST CASH for REAL ESTATE 214-310-4919

4 Way Stops Made Easy

Who Has the Right of Way at a Four Way Stop? Possibly the most important rule to remember is that whoever gets to the stop sign first, gets to go first. But what if two cars get to the stop sign at the same time? In this case, the driver on the right has the right of way. However, the rule for who has the right of way at a four way stop when two cars are across from each other depends on the direction of travel. Both drivers can go if they are driving straight or turning right.

If one car is signaling a turn and the other isn’t, the car going straight has the right of way. This same rule applies at two-way stops as well. If one car is turning right and one is turning left, the right-turning car has the right of way.

Who Has the Right of Way at a Left Turn?

Left turns are arguably the riskiest moves drivers can make, especially if left turns aren’t dictated by a traffic light. In fact, left-turning drivers cause approximately 53% of intersection accidents. Meanwhile, only 5.7% of intersection crashes involve right-turning drivers according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If both cars at an intersection are turning left, they can turn at the same time if there’s enough room on the road to do so. If not, visual communication with the other driver will establish who goes first. This rule also applies to four cars who are at a four way stop at the same time. They all must visually communicate to decide who goes first.

Public Notice: 2025-2028 Texoma Strategic Plan

The Texoma Workforce Development Board (TWDB) issues public notice of the 2025-2028 Texoma Strategic Plan. TWDB is responsible for implementing workforce programs in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties. The plan includes information regarding services provided to employers and jobseekers. Public comments will be accepted from February 18, 2025 through 5:00 pm on March 7, 2025. The plan is available for review and download through TWDB’s website at: https://www. workforcesolutionstexoma.com/public-notice/

Submit comments or questions via the website, e-mail to webmaster@wfstexoma.org, or fax to 903.957.7413.

Comments that express disagreement will be incorporated into the plan and submitted to the Texas Workforce Commission.

Workforce Solutions Texoma is an equal opportunity employer/ program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call 711 for assistance.


Texoma Housing Partners (THP) is currently accepting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for Developer/Building Services.

Submissions shall consist of an electronic version submitted via email to aminton@texomahousing.org

THP reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs.

RFQ must be submitted via e-mailed to Texoma Housing Partners at aminton@texomahousing.org no later than 10:00 a.m., Monday, March 24, 2025.



Notice is hereby given that Original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JOE LEE CLOER, deceased, were issued on the 11th day of February, 2025, in Cause No. PR-2025-13387, pending in the County Court at Law of Fannin County, Texas to BILLY DALE CLOER.


The address of the Independent Executor is as follows:

Mr. Billy Dale Cloer 706 W. State Hwy. 56 Savoy, Texas 75479

The address of the attorney for the Independent Executor is as follows:

Ms. Sharron L. Johnson

Attorney at Law 305 S. Center Street Bonham, Texas 75418

All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


s/ Billy Dale Cloer BILLY DALE CLOER, Independent Executor of the Estate of JOE LEE CLOER, deceased


Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Rockwell Lee Crockett, Deceased, were issued on January 14, 2025, in Cause No. PR-2024-13370, pending in the County Court-at-Law of Fannin County, Texas, to Vickie Marie Crockett

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


Vickie Marie Crockett, Independent Executor Estate of Rockwell Lee Crockett, Deceased

c/o: Billy R. Jones Attorney at Law 4201 Spring Valley Road Suite 260 Dallas, Texas 75244

DATED February 24, 2025

/S/ Billy R. Jones

Billy R. Jones

Attorney for Vickie Marie Crockett

State Bar No.: 10861100 4201 Spring Valley Road, Suite 260 Dallas, Texas 75244

Telephone: (469) 422-3867

Facsimile: (214) 276 7803

Email: billy@thejonespractice.com

The Grove's Warriors in '25 again in hoops postseason third round

Story and

ARGYLE -- Secondranked Lipan defeated Honey Grove, 58-37, on Feb. 25 in a Region II-2A Division-II boys’ basketball semifinal at Argyle High School. It equated the Warriors' second-straight three-

Lady Rebs s'ball stays in rankings

Sam Rayburn remained in the Texas Girls Coaches Association softball rankings on Feb. 24, as

the polls expanded to include the Top 20 teams per classification.

round advance in the boys' sport, after being a regional quarterfinalist last season -- which then also equalled three rounds.

Honey Grove (16-5) reached the 2025 third round via defeating North Hopkins, 40-24, in the area round on Feb. 21 at Pattonville Prairiland High School. In the bi-district round, the Warriors edged Slidell, 5048, in overtime on senior Levi Beavers' buzzer-beating put back at Bells on Feb. 18. Honey Grove at 11-3 qualified for this fifthconsecutive postseason, going as 14-2A's second seed to the 2A Division-II playoffs.

The Lady Rebels held the No. 13 spot in the Class 1A-2A poll, in the final rankings for the month. Sam Rayburn returned to the

postseason last spring with a bi-district trip, advancing as its former district's fourth-and-final qualifier for the 2A playoffs. -- Rich Hilliard

Bonham hoops' Lindsey equates 14-4A girls' Co-NCOY for '25

Story and

Freshman Jenna Lindsey shared the Newcomer of the

Year award to lead Bonham in the All-District 14-4A girls' basketball awards for 2025.

Senior Hingrid Pedraza and sophomore Parker Patton made the first team for the

DC Lady Hornets hoops' Weeks 19-1A


Weeks earned the Most

Valuable Player superlative to lead Fannin County athletes in the All-District 19-1A girls' basketball awards for 2025. Fannindel freshman Kor’ziareona Aubrey garnered the Offensive MVP award, while Savoy senior Meredith Davis claimed the Defensive MVP.

Dodd City freshman Gracyn Shindler and Fannindel senior Korshonti Aubrey shared the Newcomer of the Year award.

Landon Dyer also earned the Coach of the Year award, after guiding Dodd City, 191A's Class 1A Division-I top seed, to its 13th-straight district title and 15thconsecutive postseason trip -- all of the latter reaching at least the area round.

First-team selections

included Zabryia Lawrence, sophomore, Fannindel; Alana Mackey, sophomore, Ector; Presley Walker, senior, Savoy.

Second-team recipients were Abigail Gates, senior, Savoy; Addy Hernandez, freshman, Savoy; and Kendyl Lindsey, freshman, Dodd City.

Honorable mentions included: Dodd City's Kayleigh McBrayer, Ralyn Daniel; Ector's Audrey Arie,

Lady Warriors, who contended for a postseason berth until the next to last game of 14-4A play.

Junior Gray Lancaster garnered a second-team

Julia Bailey, Lydia Essary, Ella Laymance, Aleea Wheeler; Fannindel's Ta’Mya Allen , Justice Allen-Sims, Zaiannah Aubrey, Te’Asia Judkins; Savoy's Cassidy Almy, Molly Davis. Academic all-district were Dodd City's Addison Weeks, Caroline Lackey, Harlee Duncan, Kayleigh McBrayer, Ralyn Daniel, Kendyl Lindsey; Ector's Audrey Arie, Julia Bailey, Lydia Essary, Ainsley Greathouse, Emma

Laymance, Ella Laymance, Alana Mackey, Aleea Wheeler; Fannindel's Justice Allen-Sims, Kor'Ziareona Aubrey, Riahana Shepherd, Kadence Smith; Savoy's Cassidy Almy, Meredith Davis, Molly Davis, Abigail Gates, Addy Hernandez, Presley Walker. Savoy and Fannindel, each a bi-district finalist this season, also advanced into 1A's Division-II postseason bracket, after tying in the

selection for Bonham, which finished 1-9 in district action via a home-and-home split with fourth-place playoffs and Division-I qualifier Paris. Freshman Jentri Dunlap received an honorable mention for the Lady Warriors, who will remain in 144A during the 2025-26 season. Academic all-district for Bonham were senior


overall 19-1A standings for third place, with the Lady Cardinals winning the ensuing play-in. It equated Fannindel's first postseason since 2018's area-finalist effort. It equated Savoy's third-straight postseason -its most consecutive since its six-in-a-row streak concluded with a 2014 advance.

Dodd City's Landon Dyer.
Photo by Rich Hilliard
Fannindel's Korshonti Aubrey (3) controls the ball on Jan. 24 as teammates Kor’ziareona Aubrey (2) and Zabryia Lawrence (1) watch during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Dodd City's Addison Weeks focuses on her shot on Jan. 3 during District 19-1A girls' basketball against Savoy at Dodd City. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Fannindel's Kor’ziareona Aubrey considers her options with the ball on Jan. 24 during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Fannindel's Zabryia Lawrence (1) drives with ball on Jan. 24 during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy.
Photo by Rich Hilliard
Savoy's Meredith Davis (21) brings the ball up court as teammate and twin sister Molly Davis follows on Jan. 11 during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Dodd City's Gracyn Shindler (1) releases a pass on Jan. 3 while guarded by Savoy's Abigail Gates (11) during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Dodd City. Photo by Rich Hilliard
Ector's Alana Mackey (1) looks to pass while guarded by Savoy's Abigail Gates (11) on Jan. 11 during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy.
Photo by Rich Hilliard
Savoy's Presley Walker (40) grabs a defensive rebound against Fannindel on Jan. 24 during District 19-1A girls' basketball at Savoy.
Photo by Rich Hilliard
photo by Rich Hilliard
photos by Rich Hilliard
Celeena Lopez,
Arieana Aguilar, sophomore Annabelle Green, Lindsey, Dunlap, Pedraza, Lancaster and Patton.
Bonham's Jenna Lindsey.
Bonham's Hingrid Pedraza (left).
Bonham's Parker Patton (5).
Bonham's Jentri Dunlap.
Bonham's Gray Lancaster.

Pecan Gap News

Courtesy photos

Rita Erwin reports that the fellowship Bingo was a hit! There was a nice group of about 40 people. The next one is already in the works for May. Thank you everyone for coming!

Mr. Philip Burnett, Fannindel FFA Advisor reports the San Antonio Stockshow- Wave 1

Results: Devin Hinkle, 10th Place Grey Brahman heifer, Kennedy Roman, 9th Place Simbrah heifer, Maya Strong, 6th Place Beefmaster heifer, Riahana Shepherd, 4th Place ARB Heifer. Congratulations to our Fannindel FFA exhibitors!

We are so proud of all of you, keep working hard!

San Antonio Wave 2

Results: Georgia Goudeau, 1st Place Class 9 Charolais heifer. Congratulations also to Katie Burnett, who earned 3rd Place with her Red Brahman Heifer. San Antonio TX: Calf Scramble Results-Angel Valero and Nate Castillo participated in the Calf Scramble at San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. Nate Castillo caught a calf and received a certificate for $2,000 towards the purchase of his next project. Congratulations to Angel & Nate! They both got out there and gave it their all. Keep up the good work guys! Congratulations to Riahana Shepherd! She also caught a calf and will receive $2000 towards the purchase of her next project! Great job, Riahana! We are so proud of you! Candy Conglteon, of

Anna, formerly from “The Gap”, was here Saturday to visit Peggy Durham and got to enjoy the Bingo fellowship and First Baptist’s Church service Sunday morning. Karen Pickard reports

that the Youth Service at Pecan Gap First Baptist was wonderful Sunday! They were in charge of everything from teaching Sunday School, greeting everyone, announcements, music, offering and the sermon. The Lord is truly blessing our church with more and more young people attending, which means a future for the continuation and growth farther into the 21st Century!

The Fannin County Leader Deadline is Thursdays @ Noon

Devin Hinkle
Katie Burnett
Kennedy Roman Riahana Shepherd
L-R: Philip Burnett, Nate Castillo and Angel Valero
Nate Castillo

west side, and creek channels. Bass are excellent offshore chasing bait balls. Focus efforts on the upper third of the lake.

Ray Roberts GOOD. Water slightly stained; 50 degrees; 0.72 feet below pool. White bass can be caught on live bait and slabs on deep water humps near creek channels 35-55 feet. Fish should transition to the creeks as the weather warms. Blue catfish can be caught drifting or anchored with cut bait in 45-65 feet near the creek channels. Starting to see some catfish in shallow water as well and this will only improve once the cold weather gets out of here. Texoma FAIR. Water stained; 45 degrees; 3.57 feet below pool. Striped bass fishing is slower with the low lake levels and transition in water temps. Live shad are working along with swimbaits. Look for fish on ledges and humps in 15-35 feet of water and in river channels in 50-60 feet of water. Crappie will start moving toward the creeks and coves in 8-12 feet of water on brush and structure. Cast jigs and minnows targeting fish near the bottom. Catfish are up and down every day with the change in temperature. Fish stumps and ditches with whole gizzard shad and fish deep water near marinas that are full of bait. Bass fishing is slow but look for fish to move up and use these low lake levels to mark stumps and rocks that would normally be covered with water and fish. Plastics and slow moving baits in the backs of the coves and on flats. Report by Jacob Orr, Lake Guaranteed Guide Service.

Lake Tawakoni Delivers its First Legacy Class ShareLunker

ATHENS – Angler Clayton Braddock of Argyle reeled in Lake Tawakoni’s grand entry into the Toyota ShareLunker program Sunday, catching the waterbody’s first Legacy Class fish. The lake became the 79th Texas public fishery to produce one of these massive largemouth bass, and

Texas Lake Levels +/as of 2/27/25

Arlington -0.10

Benbrook -1.36




Braddock’s 13.30-pound ShareLunker 676 Sunday bumped the overall total to seven during the 2025 Toyota ShareLunker collection season

“It is always exciting to see new reservoirs added to the list of waters producing Legacy Class fish, showcasing the outstanding fisheries across the state,” said Natalie Goldstrohm, Toyota ShareLunker program coordinator. “Thank you to the anglers who make this program possible and help us continue to enhance

and celebrate these worldclass fisheries.”

Braddock competes in Team Trail Outdoors fishing tournaments and has one scheduled at Lake Tawakoni in a couple of weeks. He headed out Sunday morning to practice and due to some rain, didn’t get on the water until roughly 8:30 a.m. They fished a couple of spots and came up empty, so they decided to go fish on some rocky areas.

“I was throwing a medium diver crankbait, and she bit in about six feet of water,” said Braddock. “All she did was headshake and it almost felt like I had a five-pound channel catfish on the line. I finally got her up closer to the surface and saw her side and knew she was different. I told my friend who I was fishing

with to grab the net because I knew it was a giant. We got her in the net, celebrated, put her in the live well, gave her some time and decided to weigh her. When we saw the weight, we knew at that point our plans had changed.”

Sunday’s catch was a personal best for Braddock and broke his previous personal best of nine and a quarter pounds, which he set last year.

“My experience with the ShareLunker program was phenomenal,” said Braddock. “Natalie was great to work with, we weighed the fish on the certified scale, sent her the video and she headed over to collect the fish. Everything was perfect.”

During the first three months of the season (Jan. 1 through March 31), anglers who reel in a 13-plus pound bass can loan it to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the ShareLunker selective breeding and stocking program. These anglers can call the ShareLunker hotline at (903) 681-0550 to report their catch 24/7 through March 31, 2025.

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