Continual Professional Development Mandatory Training in the Practice Made easier for you‌
Saving you time, saving you money… We know that as a medical professional, you have a duty to keep your skills and knowledge up to date, giving your patients the best possible treatment and care. And with the pressures of a busy practice to manage, that can take time away from more pressing tasks. We understand – we carry out training for a lot of dental practices. And we’re often told that by providing mandatory training under one umbrella we save the practice a lot of down time. As well as being a nationally approved provider of First Aid courses, Paul Lubas provides CPR training on behalf of the Wales Deanery & Lubas Medical are one of the leading suppliers of safety at work training.
Keeping you safe, keeping you legal We can give you:
Your mandatory training (CPR, First Aid, Fire Safety & Manual Handling training) from one supplier!
Practical courses, in house and specifically designed for your practice
Nationally recognised qualifications to keep your staff and practice legal
Trainers with extensive experience in dealing with real life emergencies
Essential skills, knowledge and confidence needed to administer first aid & maintain safety in the workplace Why us?
We understand the difficulties attached to arranging in house training and appreciate it is far easier to work with one company to provide mandatory training. We can do exactly that. We design our courses specifically for you and include current guidelines alongside scenario practice, making the training an enjoyable yet informative learning experience for you. Lubas provides First Aid and CPR training to some of the most highly recognised organizations in the UK. We also provide the on-field specialist medical support to the Millennium Stadium and the Welsh National football and rugby teams.
Contact us now and get 10 % off your next First Aid or Fire booking* Email: Tel: 02920 647 557 *Conditions apply
“…time is of great value to me and my staff. I found this course extremely valuable, professionally presented and excellent value for money! It’s given my team confidence for dealing with any first aid emergency both in work and at home”. Gerry Toms, General manager - Millennium Stadium
“Over the past three years, we have found the training to be of a high standard and have received positive delegate feedback. In addition Lubas Medical Ltd also provides a value for money service which we have continued to be very satisfied with.” Claire Burton, Campus Services Division - Cardiff University
Courses FIRST AID HSE Approved 3 Day First Aid at Work Our First Aid at Work course teaches you how to master the skills you need to become a fully qualified First Aider in the practice (as approved by the Health and Safety Executive - HSE.) This is the highest level of first aid approved by the HSE and covers all aspects of first aid in the workplace.
HSE Approved 2 Day First Aid at Work Re-qualifier After being qualified as a First Aider for three years, you will need to attend a 2 day re-qualifier course. If your First Aid at Work certificate is due to expire, it is essential you attend the Re-qualifier course to retain your first aider qualification. You can book on to our Re-qualifier course from 3 months prior to the expiry date and up to 28 days after.
HSE Approved 1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work As an Emergency First Aider, you are responsible for supporting a full First Aider and providing emergency cover in their absence. We will ensure you have the skills and knowledge to do exactly that and more
SAFETY AT WORK Fire Training Fire Awareness Training – (2 Hours) A certificated course, for all employees, where they receive expert tuition on how to reduce fire hazards within the workplace and what their actions would be upon hearing a fire alarm actuation or upon discovering a fire.
Fire Marshall Training – (3 Hours) A certificated course that instils confidence in those people who have a key role in the management of fire safety in the workplace. This course covers both emergency and non-emergency issues for this vital role and includes live use of fire and extinguishers. We also offer you a Fire Risk Assessment if you are responsible for your own premises. Prices are discussed on demand as pricing is related to the size of your premises.
Manual Handling Training As part of managing the health and safety of your business, you must control the risks in your workplace. Our Manual Handling Principles course has been designed to help you reduce risking the above injuries to your staff.
For further information or to make a booking, please contact us: Email: Tel: 02920 647 557