Your Guide To
Integrity Training & Consultancy
Specialists in Food Hygiene, Health & Safety, Health and Social Care Training, First Aid and Management Training. Integrity Training & Consultancy
About the Company
Page 3:
Health and Safety Training
Page 4: Health
Page 2:
and Safety Training
Cont’d Page 5:
Manual Handling
Page 6: Food
Safety and Management Training
Page 7:
First Aid Training
Page 8:
Health and Social Care Training
Page 9: Health
and Social Care Training
Cont’d Page 10:
Page 11:
What our Customers Say
All forthcoming training dates can be viewed and booked online by visiting: Integrity Training & Consultancy
About Us
Based in Merthyr Tydfil we are one of the
comprehensive range of Health and Safety
leading training companies in the South Wales,
Training, Food Hygiene Training, Health and
but we work with clients all over Europe. We
Social Care Training, First Aid Training and
offer the facility to run In Company courses at
Consultancy designed to assist companies to
our client’s premises and we also run Public
keep up-to-date with current legislation and comply with legal training requirements. Within the field of Health and Safety we offer a wide range of training and consultancy including subjects such as Manual Handling, Risk Assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), and Stress
Courses at centralised locations. Our flexible approach means that we are happy to offer
The duration of the course is 6 hours.
“out of hours” courses and courses can be
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Tailor Made to suit the needs of our customers.
usually finishes around 1pm.
and therefore taking into account time for
Our consultancy services are available to
Cost per person: £35
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
provide advice, support and assistance on all
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
usually finishes around 4pm.
aspects of Food Safety and Health & Safety.
Cost per person: £45
centre with the Chartered Institute of
to ensure that safety standards are set and
Environmental Health (CIEH) and provide
met, and legislation is complied with. We can
nationally recognised certification for the
assist you with the implementation of a Hazard
majority of our food safety and health and
Analysis Plan or HACCP policy, write your
trainers delivers effective training in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, with plenty of group discussion and activities in order to make the day both interesting and rewarding. We use the latest technology
CIEH COSHH: The duration of the course is 3 hours.
We work with our clients as part of a team
Our professional team of experienced
CIEH Level 2 in Health and Safety in the Workplace:
Awareness. We have a registered training
safety training courses.
Courses & Price List
In-House Course: POA
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for
CIEH Level 2 Certificate in Stress Awareness:
CIEH Level 2 in Health and Safety in Health and Social Care:
The duration of the course is 3 hours.
companies Health and Safety Policy Statement
The duration of the course is 6 hours.
usually finishes around 1pm.
or assist with Risk Assessment. Whatever
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Cost per person: £45
your specific need we don’t just find your
and therefore taking into account time for
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
problems - we help you to sort them out. This
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
service provides a cost effective solution to
usually finishes around 4pm.
areas of your business that could be extremely
Cost per person: £45
CIEH Level 3 Certificate in Risk Assessment:
costly should anything go wrong!
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
The duration of the course is 6 hours.
incorporating computer projection and
You can find details of all of our services here,
videos, together with demonstrations and
but if you would like to talk to us personally,
practical exercises. We are able to tailor
please call our sales team on 0845 652 4031
training to suit any situation and are happy to
or email
overcome language barriers, using pictures
Integrity Training & Consultancy Ltd provides
and translated resources. The CIEH produce
both training and consulting services. The
some course materials and examinations in
combination enriches both products. Integrity
different languages.
Training & Consultancy LTD is HSE Registered
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm. Cost per person: £75 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
and Approved No: 79/07. 2 Integrity Training & Consultancy
Integrity Training & Consultancy
Health & Safety
PT Training & Consultancy Ltd offers a
Health & Safety
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment
and therefore taking into account time for
The duration of the course is 6 hours. We
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Risk Assessment: Inanimate Load Management
usually finishes around 12.30pm.
and therefore taking into account time for
This course details the legal aspects of
providing background to legislation,
Cost per person: £39.50
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Manual Handling, providing background
and outlines employer and employee
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
usually finishes around 4pm.
to legislation, and outlines employer and
responsibilities. The course includes theory
Cost per person: £49.50
employee responsibilities. The course is
and discussion as per All Wales Training
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
laid out as a workshop, with theory and
Passport and Information Scheme.
The duration of the course is 3 hours. We
CIEH Level 3 Certificate in Supervising Health and Safety in the Workplace:
Manual Handling
Fire Safety
Manual Handling: People Handling This course details legal and practical aspects of handling inanimate loads,
discussion sessions totalling four hours.
IOSH Managing Safely
Cost per person: £39.50
The course runs for eight hours. Attention
The duration of the course is 24 hours. We
The duration of the course is 35 hours. We
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
is given to storage and handling in order to
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
and therefore taking into account time for
and therefore taking into account time for
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
bring forward the importance of “Looking ahead” and “Thinking for others”.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Manual Handling: People Handling
usually finishes around 4pm each day.
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
This course details legal aspects of Manual
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
Cost per person: £235
Cost per person: £425.00
Handling with people, providing background
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
to legislation, and outlines employer and
Cost per person: £39.50
employee responsibilities. Attention is given
CIEH Level 4 Certificate in Health and Safety in the Workplace:
IOSH Working Safely
to the “Controversial Lifting Practices” whilst
The duration of the course is 7 hours. We
delivering both legislative and practical
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
sessions. The course includes theory and
The duration of the course is 42 hours. We
and therefore taking into account time for
discussion as per the 2 day All Wales
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Passport Scheme.
and therefore taking into account time for
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
The course runs for 2 days.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Cost per person: £99.00
Cost per person: £59.50
usually finishes around 4pm each day. There
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
is also 2 assignments which need to be undertaken prior to sitting the exam. Cost per person: £645 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
4 Integrity Training & Consultancy
Integrity Training & Consultancy
Food Safety & Management Training
CIEH Level 2 in Food Safety: The duration of the course is 6 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm. Cost per person: £45 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
CIEH Level 2 Award in Healthier Food & Special Diets The duration of the course is 6 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm. Cost per person: £59.50 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
CIEH Level 3 in Food Safety:
management training
The duration of the course is 24 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm each day. Cost per person: £235 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
CIEH Professional Trainer Certificate:
CIEH Level 4 Certificate in Food Safety: The duration of the course is 42 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm each day. There is also 2 assignments which need to be undertaken prior to sitting the exam. Cost per person: £645 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
The duration of the course is 21 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 4pm each day. Cost per person: £365 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
Supervision and Appraisal Training: The duration of the course is 4 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am and therefore taking into account time for refreshment and lunch breaks, the course usually finishes around 13.30pm each day. Cost per person: £79.50 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
Infection Control
6 Integrity Training & Consultancy
The duration of the course is 4 hours. This course is designed for all individuals who work within the care sector and deal with clients on a daily basis. It is aimed at reducing contamination by promoting good hygiene. Cost per person: £39.50 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
First Aid – Appointed Persons:
First Aid at Work (HSE Registered and Approved): The duration of the course is 28 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
The duration of the course is 7 hours. We
and therefore taking into account time for
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
and therefore taking into account time for
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Cost per person: £150
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
In-House Course: £1,200
Cost per person: £45 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
First Aid – Appointed Persons REFRESHER:
First Aid at Work – REQUALIFICATION (HSE Registered and Approved): The duration of the course is 14 hours. We
The duration of the course is 4 hours. We
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
and therefore taking into account time for
and therefore taking into account time for
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
usually finishes around 14.00pm.
Cost per person: £89
Cost per person: £30
In-House Course: POA
In-House Course: POA
First Aid – Train the Trainer:
Child protection training
The duration of the course is 28 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Child Protection:
and therefore taking into account time for
The duration of the course is 5 hours.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
The course is designed to provide useful
usually finishes around 4.30pm.
information for those who will be working
Cost per person: £460
with children.
In-House Course: POA
Cost per person: £45.00 In-House Course: In-House Course: POA
Integrity Training & Consultancy
First Aid Courses & Child Protection Training
Health & Social Care Courses
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (Level 2):
Dementia for Senior Carers/Managers
instant feedback on the quality of your
The duration of the course is 6 hours.
How ‘clean’ is clean?
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Food poisoning is caused by harmful bacteria
The duration of the course is 4 hours.
and therefore taking into account time for
that grow in colonies, invisible to the naked
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
eye. But if you can’t see them, how do you
and therefore taking into account time for
usually finishes around 4.00pm.
know where they are? They could be lurking
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
Cost per person: £59.50
on your chopping board or wooden spoon,
usually finishes around 1.30pm.
In-House Course: POA
just waiting to spoil your next dish. Everyone recognises that cleaning is
Cost per person: £39.50 In-House Course: POA
Challenging Behaviour:
Our BIOSCANNING service will give you
important in a catering business, but it is
kitchen cleaning procedures. What does the BIOSCANNING service include? • Regular visits (usually 3-4 times per year) • Equipment swabs - of chopping boards, knives, handles etc • Results available within seconds • Advice and guidance on achieving targets • Report left on site for immediate action
The duration of the course is 4 hours.
difficult to be sure that your equipment
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
and surfaces are truly hygienic. The use of
and therefore taking into account time for
cloths, scourers and tea-towels can all make
The duration of the course is 6 hours.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
surfaces look visibly clean, but bacteria often
Other benefits of BIOSCANNING
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
usually finishes around 1.30pm.
remain - presenting a major risk of cross
Cleaning is a ‘critical control point’ in all food
and therefore taking into account time for
Cost per person: £39.50
contamination. To be certain your kitchen
businesses. Hazard Analysis legislation requires
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
In-House Course: POA
environment is clean and safe, you need to
such critical points to be identified, controls
be able to ‘see’ bacteria...
implemented and monitoring procedures be put
And now you can - with BIOSCANNING
in place. With BIOSCANNING, the requirement
Protection of Vulnerable Adults for Managers (Level 3):
usually finishes around 4.00pm. Cost per person: £139.50
Palliative Care for Carers
In-House Course: POA
The duration of the course is 6 hours. We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
Working with Dementia:
and therefore taking into account time for
The duration of the course is 4 hours.
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
We usually aim to start the course at 9.00am
usually finishes around 4.00pm.
and therefore taking into account time for
Cost per person: £59.50
refreshment and lunch breaks, the course
In-House Course: POA
usually finishes around 1.30pm. Cost per person: £39.50 In-House Course: POA
BIOSCANNING is a monitoring system that can detect the presence of bacteria and food residues on any surface in your kitchen or food
Integrity Training & Consultancy LTD can tailor courses to suit the needs of your company. Discounts are given for block bookings
to monitor cleaning effectiveness can be met easily and accurately. It gives you total confidence in the hygiene of your operations, and enables you to prove it to others.
preparation area. The results reveal whether
BIOSCANNING can also make a valid
your cleaning methods are really working.
contribution to a ‘Due diligence’ defence
How does it work?
All course content can be viewed at:
8 Integrity Training & Consultancy
by manager • Written report within 10 days for files
should it ever be required.
The technology used in BIOSCANNING is
If you would like to learn more about
known as ‘bioluminescence’. It works on
BIOSCANNING or arrange a time for us
the detection of a substance known as ATP
to come and visit you, please call us on
(adenosine triphosphate). ATP is present in
0845 652 4031 or drop us an email:
all living cells, including bacteria. If a high
level of ATP is found on a surface, it indicates that it is not clean. Integrity Training & Consultancy
What some of our customers say . . . “The training provided by Integrity Training
‘The Welsh Blood Service has always
& Consultancy Ltd has proved to be
found the service provided by Integrity
really invaluable as well as enjoyable.
Training to be professional and friendly.
Both Phillip and Ceri are extremely
Phil and the team are very flexible
helpful when arranging training courses.
and always take all of our needs into
The courses are of excellent standard
consideration when planning our training.
and easy to follow. Staff have benefited
Integrity Training offers very competitive
greatly and Age Concern would not
prices along with a friendly and efficient
hesitate to recommend Integrity Training &
Consultancy Ltd for future use”.
Ann Richards
Alison Field Services Manager
Training Manager
Age Concern Morgannwg
Welsh Blood Service
For further testimonials please visit:
Contact If you would like to request further information about Integrity Training & Consultancy services, please get in touch with us using the details below:
Abercynon Office
Cardiff Office
Valleys Innovation Centre
Enterprise House
Navigation Park, Abercynon
127 Bute Street
Rhondda Cynon Taff CF45 4SN
Cardiff CF10 5LE
tel: 0845 652 4031 fax: 0845 652 4032 email: web: Centre Registration Number 57863
Company Registration No. 5835776
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Integrity Training & Consultancy Ltd