TMS Annual Report 2015 - 2016

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ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

Our Mission TMS delivers a seamless, internationally-acclaimed educational experience designed to inspire and challenge students to discover the best of who they are and to achieve their full potential.

Our Vision To be embraced as an outstanding school with an unparalleled educational experience.

Our Promise TMS enables each student to define and realize success in university, career and in life through our unparalleled educational experience.

A MESSAGE FROM THE CO-CHAIRS OF THE TMS BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Annual Report allows us the chance to reflect on the work and successes of our school community. It also gives us an opportunity to see with greater clarity the momentum and engagement of the community and therefore the future needs and aspirations of the School we love. It is the job of the Board to ensure the long-term health of TMS by applying strategic thinking to key areas of the School. We are guided by and held accountable to the Mission of TMS which insists we continue to strive to be a leading independent school. It is obvious in reading this Annual Report, when coupled with other evidence, that TMS is a school on the move, with real forward momentum. Our enrolment continues to grow with many grades full. This tells us that while we always strive to improve, the core of what TMS offers is understood to be very strong. The success of our graduates over these last few years offers an authentic validation of the journey of learning we want for our students. Our Annual Giving more than doubled from last year allowing us to develop TMS in exciting and helpful ways and, just as importantly, it reflects a level of engagement in our parent body that is humbling. It is important to acknowledge the work of our faculty and staff in making the lived experience of our students so meaningful and enriching. As they put their shoulders to the task of animating the phrase I Am Known for our students in powerful ways, it is wonderful to know that TMS students are seen as unique individuals. This is the central starting point of the work our teachers and staff do. We have important work to do in the years ahead. As a Board we hold this responsibility seriously. As we step into that work we want to thank all in the TMS community for your ongoing support and ask for your continued involvement in the coming years. Kevin Talbot TMS Co-Chair

Phil Campione TMS Co-Chair

After 12 years of unwavering commitment and service to TMS, Kevin Talbot stands down from the Board of Trustees. The TMS Community and School Leadership thank him for his deeply impactful work. Kevin holds a unique and quite beautiful journey at TMS having been a student, parent, Board member and ultimately the Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees. Under his leadership, TMS built and established the now thriving Upper School at the Elgin Mills Campus. His strategic vision to grow TMS to become a leading independent school has been accomplished and he finishes his term leaving behind a strong and meaningful legacy.

MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL The 2015/16 School year is a year that I am proud to report on. The theme of the year was, “To be embraced”. It was a phrase designed to capture the desire of our families – the strengthening and deepening of our community to create the best possible shared environment as we strive to provide excellence in learning for our students. It was a year in which, as a community, we faced challenges; and in the midst of it all, our community found itself to be authentically strong and the Mission of the School was found to be genuine and to produce powerful results. It is a testament to the work and commitment of the TMS community that this thematic call to action was such a success. It is on this foundation of growth in our community that we are able to gather around the phrase, I Am Known. It is a phrase in which we recognize the truth - that the most profound and meaningful learning for a child occurs when they are known; when they are understood to be on a journey that is unique to them and that requires supports and tactics specific to their needs. It is where fulfilled potential and passion for learning can be animated. In this Annual Report, I would like to share with you the culmination of some pertinent aspects of the year, seeking for them to be a connection between the work we have done and the work that lies ahead. Academic Journey The academic journey of our students is the central work we commit to. As we grow as a school, it is thrilling to see such compelling evidence that the journey we offer is a powerful one. The work in our Toddler and Children’s House Levels continues to be the envy of many in the world of early childhood education, a fact confirmed by the glowing reports our accrediting bodies of CCEYA and CCMA recently gave TMS. Our students complete their journey confident, happy and engaged in learning in ways that stay with them for years to come. They read, write and express themselves with a confidence that belies their age. In Elementary, our Canadian Achievement Test (CAT) results continue to demonstrate that our students achieve at the very top level of students in Ontario. Given that 100% of our students take part in the testing, the results are quite remarkable. A walk through the Elementary hallways shows that this quality of learning happens in a vibrant and engaging setting. Our excellent International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme results, combined with the stellar offers our 2016 graduates received to leading programs and universities show that the culture and landscape in which our students learn has a powerful end. Two of our students received prestigious national awards. Sandra Sabongui was awarded a $60,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship. Rahul Kapur was awarded a Queen’s University Chancellor’s Award. The 36 members of the graduating class collectively received $726,000 in scholarships, a quite extraordinary validation of the young people they are. Citizenship The manner in which our students engage in serving their community both locally and internationally has been one of the most profound things I have experienced since my arrival at TMS. It is not that other schools don’t provide similar opportunities; however, it is the genuineness of engagement that is different at TMS. It is a level of engagement that is excellent. Our 2016 Grade 12 students collectively accrued 6,112 community service hours, often in areas in which they continue to be engaged after they leave TMS. Our Elementary students organized food and toy drives that rallied the entire Lower School. Athletics Athletics is a pillar of TMS from which we believe a lifelong love of activity and wellness grows, a mind for learning is nourished through exercise and through which character, perseverance and commitment to community is embedded. This year capped off the most successful year in our Athletics Program, whichever way you prefer to measure it. Our teams enjoyed their winningest season with significant victories, particularly in the Conference of Independent Schools Athletics Association (CISAA) leagues in which we participate and with several students getting to the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) championships.

We were once again recognized as an elite school when it comes to our intramural program. This resonates as we seek to provide meaningful athletic activity to as many of our students as possible. At a time when schools are finding it difficult to gain any traction in intramurals, TMS continues to excel in providing an athletic home for our students. On an individual level, TMS was proud to have two of our students receive scholarships to US universities. Jacob Martin received a full scholarship to Canisius College, a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Baseball College and Karson Kowalchuk received a full track scholarship to Pennsylvania State University. In Jacob’s case it was interesting to see that an IB curriculum was seen to be a positive partner to his athletic prowess. Karson’s story has a particular connection to his TMS experience. He had never considered track and field and was encouraged to participate through his coach. From there his talent was nurtured at School so much that he finished 2nd at OFSAA in the 200m, which directly led to his scholarship at Penn State. Arts It has been one of my joys to witness the manner in which our students embrace the Arts and how broadly impactful the Arts are to our students. Unlike my generation, our students believe that artistic expression, the ability to create and share, is the purview of every student. A significant point of growth was the visible enhancements we brought to the settings in which we held our various artistic performances and galleries. Environment affects behaviour and a desire, within the limits of our current space, to provide our students with excellent venues in which the audience felt delighted was evident at both campuses. This was seen in our decision to hold the Upper Elementary Play at the Aga Khan Theatre, in the atmosphere created at the Lower School for our Music and Winter Celebrations and at the Upper School where the scope and flow of Arts Night made for such a varied and spectacular event. Enrolment It has been an example of the growing strength of our community and the work of our students that TMS is enjoying a surge in our enrolment numbers. The data around both attraction and retention shows significant increases. This speaks to a community in which families see TMS as a home and into which families want to come. It allows us as a school to be increasingly intentional about the size of school we want to be, designing our enrolment to support our Mission. Community Engagement Some of the best evidences of a healthy independent school is that of community engagement. In a year where our theme focused on our shared embrace of TMS, it was humbling to witness the level of community engagement. Our parents committed hours and hours of volunteer time enlivening TMS events; their ability to connect with visitors and new families has significantly strengthened relationships within the parent body. Annual Giving is a small but nevertheless important aspect that speaks to the engagement of our community. Our community’s willingness to extend themselves in raising $102,000 was testament to the growing understanding that as a whole community, we can significantly enhance the learning experiences of our students. It is a shared endeavour. As we step forward into the next phase of TMS, we do so from a position of community strength manifested in our students achieving great things. Thank you for your willingness to engage with our School so meaningfully - your involvement and support contributes greatly to our success. David Young Head of School

REPORT FROM THE CHAIR OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TMS is an independent not-for-profit school dedicated to providing an unparalleled education to its students. Each year the Board reviews and approves management’s operating and capital plans for the coming year within a strategy that considers the long-term stability of the School. The Finance Committee is responsible for approving the fiscal budgets and ensuring appropriate reporting, auditing, and systems are implemented and executed. The Committee also recommends objectives that secure the long-term financial stability of TMS. The operating plan projects the necessary revenues to cover expenses and secure the growth and quality of the School’s programs. Tuition fees are set from this plan, allowing the School to be run in a prudent and fiscally responsible manner. Year after year, benchmarking against comparable schools shows that TMS has kept operating costs under control while providing top quality educational experience. As a not-forprofit organization, any year-end surplus or deficit remains with the School. The capital budget projects the necessary capital expenditures required for current and future years, to be funded from fundraising activities and other sources. The School’s capital planning has allowed for progress to be made in several areas, as described below. Operating results in 2015/16 continued to be very positive, due to growing Upper School enrolment and careful cost control. The School graduated the largest ever class of graduates, each of whom had achieved impressive success. Significant renovations were completed at the Lower School, with attractive new playgrounds and significant renovation of the Toddler classrooms to meet new government regulations. Annual Giving is an important supplement to tuition and grew strongly last year, with increased family participation. This money is allowing TMS to make changes to its audio visual resources which would otherwise not be possible. The School expects Annual Giving to grow in future years, as these charitable tax-receiptable donations are a very effective way for families and friends to assist TMS. On a personal note, after four terms (12 years) on the Board, my Board service with TMS will end this year. Looking back over the past 12 years, there have been many exciting changes to the School, with the development of the Upper School and strong academic results in the Lower School. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible. I am confident that the years to come will see further growth of TMS, as it is acknowledged as one of the leading independent schools in Canada. Latif Fazel Chair, Finance Committee

2015/2016 Summarised Operating Results Revenues Tuition Fees


Program Fees


TMI Fees


Initial Registration Fees




Total Revenues


Expenses Salaries & Benefits


General & Administrative


Building & Facilities








IT/Computer Expenses


Total Expenses


Debt Repayment/Capital Reserve


Investment Income


Donations and Fundraising


Net Surplus












Revenue A - Tuition Fees B - Program Fees C - TMI Fees D - Initial Registration Fees E - Sundry

Expenses A - Salaries & Benefits B - General & Administrative C - Building & Facilities D - Academic E - Interest F - Depreciation G - IT/Computer Expenses

ANNUAL GIVING The TMS Annual Giving Program raises funds for items that are not covered through tuition and that need the financial support of our families. The program covers ongoing and immediate projects that enhance learning. Last year, through the generous support of many members of the TMS community, we raised funds to upgrade the audio visual equipment at both campuses. We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their support of the Annual Giving Program: Abdelhamid Family Ahluwalia family Bozzo Family Campione Family M. Chan and Family Z. Chen and Family Chen Family Cheng Family Chow Family Chu Family Chui Family Cordner Family Cortellucci Family Coyle and McCann Family De Mello Family Devje Family D’Souza Family Durisin Family Fazel Family Fereidoni Family Ferrie Family Foti Family Fu Family Fuda - Tri-Axis Geranmayegan Family Gilroy Family Gorener Family Groza Family

Guglietti Family Han Family Heidar Family Hemani Family Ho Family Holmes Family Hoo Family Huang Family Hui Family Jurincic Family Kakavand Family Kanargelidis Family Lai Family Lam Family Lee Family Lew Family J. Li and Family N. Li and Family S. Li and Family Y. Li and Family Liang Family Lie Family Lin Family Liu Family Lo Family Lopez Rodriguez Family Luthra Family Ma Family

Martin Family McLean Family McMillan Family Muraleetharan Family Muzzo Family Nawab Family Newdick Family Niem Family Pastoor Family Pyun Family Ramesh Family Riley Family Robichaud-Locilento Family Ross Family Rovazzi Family Russo-DiCotiis Family S.F. Scott Manufacturing Sankasivam Family Sconza Family Seamone Family Sharma Family Shen Family Shim Family Shou Family Sonego Family Song Family Sun Family

Tai Family Talbot Family Thomas Family Tin Family Tomasso Family Torabitekyeh Family Totera Family Tripathi Family Wakim Family Wall Family

C. Wang and Family G. Wang and Family Z. Wang and Family Weng Family Wong Family W. Wu and Family Wu Family Xu Family Yannakis Family Yi Family

Yin Family Yip Family Young Family Youssefpour Family Yu Family N. Yu and Family Zhang Family Zheng Family Zhuang Family

DONATE-A-BOOK Thank you for supporting the TMS Library through the Donate-A-Book Program at the Lower Scool. Ahmadi Family Steve and Adele Brown Bairavi and Family Michael and Melissa Baldassarra Chan Family M. Chen and Family Z. Chen and Family Chiu Family Chow Family Chu Family Fabrizio and Nicole Cortellucci De Bartolo Family Deboran Family Dell’Elce Family Ding Family Dong Family Du Family Rayka Farahmand Shaya Farahmand Foti Family Angela Fung and Alan Hoo Galati Family George Family Guo Family

Han Family He Family Hemani Family Holmes Family Hong Family Hu Family Huang Family Hui Family Itwar Family Jiang Family Joshi Family Kim Family Komor Family Kun Family Lai Family Lao Family Lee Family Lew Family Li Family Lie Family Lin Family Liu Family Anderson Lo Mr and Mrs. Ranleigh Lo Ma Family

Matrundola Family Rocco and Caterina Montemarano Soren Nadjimi Nikfar Family Pacitto Family Pang Family Risi Family Shen Family Siu Family Sodeifi Family Michael and Mirella Totera Tsiantis and Nunno Family C. Wang and Family G. Wang and Family Wei Family Yam Family W. Yang and Family Y. Yang and Family Yi Family Yip Family Joanne and Ryan Yip Yun Family Zhang Family Zhou Family

THE GIFT OF TIME Each day the experiences of the students at TMS are enriched by the involvement of our countless volunteers. TMS wishes to thank all the parents, alumni, staff, students and friends who have given so readily of their time and expertise. We would like to recognize all our dedicated volunteers who devote a significant amount of time.

TMS VOLUNTEERS Classroom Representatives TMS recognizes and appreciates the efforts of the parent volunteers who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to keep TMS families informed of the many classroom and school wide initiatives at both campuses of the School. Betysa Amiri-Farahmand Roberta Ajmera Nicole Cortellucci Anita Fung Sigale Goldstein Marisa Heydari Victoria Jurincic

Angela Kapur Salima Kherani Karman Lam Joanne Li Zahra Nozari Annette Nunno Daniela Pacitto

Leila Riahi Anne Rickwood Jarvin Ross Meera Singh Harini Sivalingam Mirella Totera

Pizza Lunch Volunteers TMS would like to recognize the efforts of Lorna Bocknek and Iola Bozzo, for once again doing such a wonderful job coordinating the School’s monthly Pizza Lunch program. This program would not succeed without the enthusiastic efforts of the countless Pizza Lunch Volunteers throughout the year. TMS Career Day TMS appreciates the expertise shared by our volunteers at the Upper School Career Day. We wish to thank all those who gave the students new perspectives on future career choices. Graham Brooksbank Dian Chaaban Dr. David Dancey Aimee Draper

Mike Fullgraf Jeanette Gevikoglu Tina Hsu Michael Murphy

Peter Rick Geoff Wilton

2016-2017 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kevin Talbot (Co-Chair) Phil Campione (Co-Chair) Latif Fazel (Chair, Finance Committee) Greg Kanargelidis (Secretary) Thomas Lo Deborah McMillan To Anh Tran




ACADEMIC HEADS Donna Boreham - Head, Elementary Nancy Coyle - Director, Toronto Montessori Institute Dina De Cotiis - Head, Toddler Carolyn Reid - Head, Children’s House Blaine Seamone - Head, Curriculum and Specialists (Lower School) Sheila Thomas - Head, Upper School

MANAGEMENT TEAM Ann Bianco-Harvey - Director, Marketing and Communications Silvana Fazzari - Director, Admissions Richard Martin - Property Manager Fayyaz Masood - Controller Linda Raponi - Office Manager Rakesh Tripathi - Director, Advancement Abel Wong - I.T. Supervisor

LOWER SCHOOL CAMPUS 8569 Bayview Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M7 Tel: (905) 889 6882 Fax: (905) 886 6516

UPPER SCHOOL CAMPUS 500 Elgin Mills Rd. E. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5G1 Tel: (905) 780 1002 Fax: (905) 780 8981

TMS 006 112016

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