Taupō-nui-a-Tia Action Plan 2020

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2.2 Ngati Tuwharetoa Values The hapu of Ngati Tuwharetoa assert their custodial and customary right of tino rangatiratanga over Taupo-nui-a-Tia and will collectively sustain and protect the mauri of these tribal taonga. Ngati Tuwharetoa hold a holistic view of the environment, which is at the very core of all Ngati Tuwharetoa decision-making with respect to environmental management. These new action steps identified below are the first stage of implementing the Tuwharetoa Environmental Iwi Management Plan.

What does Ngati Tuwharetoa want to achieve? • • • • • •

Improve communication between agencies, tangata whenua and the community in general Recognise and provide for the role of Ngati Tuwharetoa as Treaty partners in resource management decision making processes Recognise and protect the intellectual and cultural property rights of tangata whenua Upgrade sewage and stormwater systems to reduce the adverse impacts on Lake Tauponui-a-Tia Protect, enhance and restore wahi tapu Manage and participate in decision-making about resources in their rohe.

What are the top ten threats to Ngati Tuwharetoa values?

Key existing Policy documents include •

Ngati Tuwharetoa Environmental Iwi Management Plan.

Overview Values

1. Confusion about the roles and responsibilities of government agencies in the management of the natural resources within the Ngati Tuwharetoa rohe 2. Lack of partnership between Ngati Tuwharetoa and government agencies in the management of the natural resources within the Ngati Tuwharetoa rohe 3. Intellectual and cultural property rights of tangata whenua need to be protected 4. Adverse effects on Mauri through mixing waters from other catchments 5. Discharging treated sewage and stormwater into water bodies 6. Need to ensure the protection of both hapu and tribal wahi tapu, while keeping their exact nature and location confidential to Kaitiaki 7. Lack of knowledge on the status or condition of wahi tapu areas 8. Confusion about the roles and responsibilities in enforcing the harvest of native species. This confusion results in insufficient protection of mahinga kai 9. Ad hoc implementation of Crown Minerals Act 1991 and Resource Management Act 1991 by agencies in the area of mineral exploration 10. The management of geothermal resources is controlled by statutory authorities as opposed to nga hapu o Ngati Tuwharetoa.


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