Taupō-nui-a-Tia Action Plan 2020

Page 38

3.3 Good trout fishing Lake Taupo-nui-a-Tia is an internationally renowned trout fishery.

What does the community want to achieve?

What is currently happening to manage this value?

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DoC is the lead agency for managing the trout fishery and other wild fishery species. In addition, the Regional and District Councils are responsible for managing water and land issues that may impact on the fishery. The Waikato Regional Plan includes standards to protect trout in the lake (such as controlling sediment, temperature and dissolved oxygen). River works and flood management works require resource consents from EW. EW is leading a joint project to develop a catchment management accord for the Tongariro and Tauranga-Taupo Rivers. This project will focus on outcomes (such as protecting the trout fishery) and will have an operational focus. Refer also to Clear water and High quality inflowing water regarding managing water quality and nutrients.

Trout are healthy and in good numbers Lake Taupo-nui-a-Tia maintains its international reputation for trout fishing.

Environmental values

What are the main threats to good trout fishing?


Water pollution: • nutrient enrichment from farming (run-off into the Lake) and from sewage • sediment loading from large volcanic eruption • nutrient enrichment causes reduction in trout growth and numbers and impacts on invertebrates (rivers and streams).

Loss of habitat and desirable species: • reduced trout spawning and rearing habitat • animal and plant pests threaten native vegetation and desirable fish species • introducing new species affects ecological processes such as food web and the distribution of species over-harvesting (over-fishing and poaching).

Key existing Policy documents/actions include • • • •

Taupo Sport Fishery Management Plan Proposed Taupo District Plan Waikato Regional Plan Clean Streams Project.

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