Annual Report 2018-19

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mahi rangatira ki te iwi



CONTENTS he whakaraupapa korero






Board Profile

Chairman and CEO Report







Ngā Ara Mātua 2018 - 2021

Pou Taiao

Pou Tikanga





Pou Tangata

Pou Tātāwhai

Our Organisation

Taupō Waters Trust





Taupō Moana Group Holdings

Investment Report

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Financial Statements

Auditor’s Report





Taupō Waters Trust Financial Statements

Auditor’s Report

Grant Recipients


DIRECTORY pataka ingoa

Trust Board Members

Nature of Business

John Bishara – Chairman

Charitable Trust

Hon Georgina te Heuheu – Deputy Chairman Shane Heremaia

Year established

Danny Loughlin


Maria Nepia Heemi Biddle


Judy Harris

David Topia Rameka

Tiwana Tibble Tangonui Kingi Ngahere Wall Auditors Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Limited, Whanganui Solicitors Kāhui Legal


Location of Offices 27 Town Centre, Tūrangi 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō Postal addresses PO Box 87, Tūrangi 3353 Telephone


Tūrangi Office - 07 386 8832

Bank of New Zealand

Taupō Office - 07 376 5086



Beker Findlay Allan Limited, Taupō


THE BOARD ko nga mema poari

“The core business of the Board since the return of the bed of Lake Taupō and its waterways now demands a clearer focus and effort, particularly around issues of control, management, protection, monitoring, regulation, and commercial ventures affecting Lake Taupō... I encourage the Board to maintain its focus on these matters, including pursuing proprietary rights over Ngāti Tūwharetoa taonga, and potential commercial outcomes.” Te Ariki te Heuheu Tukino VIII Tumu

John Bishara Chairman

Hon Georgina te Heuheu Deputy Chairman

Shane Heremaia

Danny Loughlin

Maria Nepia

Heemi Biddle

Judy Harris

Tiwana Tibble

Tangonui Kingi

Ngahere Wall 5


ko te purongo a te tiamana me te kaiwhakahaere matua

ko tongaririo te maunga. ko taupo te moana. ko tuwharetoa te iwi. ko te heuheu te tangata

Nō mātou te whiwhi kia whakaputa ai ngā whakamahukitanga e hāngai ana ki ngā mahi kua oti noa i te Poari o Tūwharetoa i te tau 2018 ki te tau 2019.

It is a privilege to report on the activities and results for the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board for the 2018 - 2019 financial year.

E arotahi tonu ana te poari ki te whakapuaki i ngā hua whai tikanga ki te iwi. I tēnei tau kua kite i te āta whakatipu i ngā mahi paheko. Ko ngā whāinga matua ko te:

The Trust Board continues to focus on delivering meaningful benefits to our people. This year has been one of steady growth and operational refinement. Our key achievements have included:

• Whanaketanga o ngā hōtaka me ngā kaupapa e tautoko ana i ngā wawata o te iwi; • Kite pai i ngā hua ki te taha pūtea, hemihemi, te taha whakahaere pūtea hoki; • Whai māramatanga ki a mātou ture tāpui mā te whakapuaki kōtitanga ki te Kōti Matua. Ka hautūngia e tā mātou ara rautaki a Ngā Ara Mātua, kei te whāngai tonu ā mātou toha āwhina matua me ngā ratonga e tautoko ana i te whānau, hapū me ngā marae. E toitū tonu ana te 100% inihua mō ngā marae o Tūwharetoa ki te utu $71 miriona, ka tākoha i te $450,000 hei toha āwhina mō ngā whakatakanga marae mō te whakapakari tūapapa, ka whangaihia 1,500 toha āwhina mātauranga me ngā karahipi e tautoko ana i ngā whāinga me ngā tutukinga o te iwi, kua whakapiki pūtea mō te painga me te hauora o ā mātou kaumātua. Ka tākohangia $400,000 ki ngā marae, hapū, te iwi me te hāpori. E harikoa ana mātou kei te piki haere te pūtea tākoha.



• improvement of programmes and initiatives that support the aspirations of our people; • positive financial surpluses and sound fiscal management; • seeking legal clarity on our property rights by way of a Declaratory Judgment through the High Court. Guided by our strategic pathway, Ngā Ara Mātua, we maintained delivery of our core grants and support services to whānau, hapū, iwi and marae. We sustained 100 per cent insurance cover of Tūwharetoa Marae for a total sum of $71 million, provided $450,000 in grants to support marae infrastructure projects, distributed more than 1,500 educational grants and scholarships, and increased funding to our kaumātua for their health and wellbeing needs. Our investment into marae, hapū, iwi and community activities amounted to more than $400,000. We are pleased with the steady increase of our contribution in these areas.

pire hauora. Hei tēnei wāhanga anō o te tau nei i aro atu anō ai a Tūwharetoa ki ngā whakapātaritari o te wā nō roto mai nei i ngā whakawhitinga kōrero ki te karauna hei whakakōpanihia ake ai Ngā whakataunga Ara Mātua 2018 kōkōraho - 2021 ngā Tiriti o Waitangi. I tenui tau 2018 i āta wānanga, i whakapai ake i tā mātou He ngā taumahatanga kua taipū mai nei Mahere Rautaki a Ngā Ara Mātua. Koinei te ara e ki runga i te iwi whānui, i ngā hapū, i ngā whakaatui roto i tā mātou ki te iwi o Ngātikua Tūwharetoa. marae i ēnārautaki nekenekehanga tū mai tā mātoui ahaepapa ko te tūhe heimihi kaitiaki mō e i Ko waenga tātou.matua Nā konā, tēnei tā mātou moana ngāuri awa, ka akiaki tonu mātou kia i rere atu ana ki me ngā o Tūwharetoa whānui puta ai ngā hua ki te taha ahurea, mātauranga, oranga ngā whakahaeretanga i kōkirihia ai e te Huinga tonutanga ki te taha pakihi hoki. Ko ngā painga me ngā Hapū o Tūwharetoa. mahi ka puta i tēnei tuhinga rīpoata ka tīaroaro ki tā

Hei āpiti atu, ka hewhakaata kupu whakamiha anōtūranga, tēnei ki mātou rautaki, anō hoki tā mātou tekiaAriki, Te painga Heuheu i tokatū moana tutukiTā noaTumu atu i ngā whakahirahira mō Ngātiai kia ea ai ngā whakawhitinga kōrero tae atu ai ki Tūwharetoa. tōna whakamutunga. Koinei te tau tuarua i whāia e mātou ngā tikanga o Ngā Ara Mātua, koa ana mātou ki te kite i ngā hua kei te NGĀ ARA eMĀTUA 2016-2020 puta mai.

Ko Ngā Ara Mātua te ara rautaki e whakatakotohia mahi ki a Whai māramatangaaikiāa mātou mātou ture tāpui Tūwharetoa.

Kei te whai tonu mātou i te whakapuaki kōtitanga ki te Ko taikākā nui omāramatanga, ā mātou mahi ko te KōtiteMatua kia whai kia whakamāori ia kaitiakitanga i tō tātou me ōna Nō mātou ture tāpui i puta i te moana whakaaetanga 2007awa. ki te taha o te karauna. mātou haepapa, kia whai ngā konā e taeaKoinei ai te tā whāngai atu i ngā ara mana ahurea, ture tāpui, kia whai māramatanga mātauranga, hāpori me ngātātou huakatoa. ōhanga. Ka

mātua katoa atu āmō mātou mahinga Ka nohohāngai tūturu tēnei kaupapa ngā pakihi ki runga i a

Taupō Moana anake, i whakamōhio atu ki ngā mema o te hapori e wātea tonu ana a Taupō Moana mō ngā mahi ā te rēhia.

Ngā Ara Mātua 2018 - 2021 In 2018 we reviewed and made improvements to our Mahere Rautaki, Ngā Ara Mātua. This is the pathway outlining our strategic contribution to Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Our primary responsibility as kaitiaki of our moana and awa remains our core focus and we continue to contribute in various ways toward cultural, educational, social and John Bishara commercial outcomes. The results and activities reported in this document are aligned to our strategic plan and reflects the role we play to achieve a positive outcome for Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

TŪWHA E T O A MiĀte O tau RI TRUST BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2017 I whakaritea te whakawā i te marama o RHaratua This is our second year working within our Ngā Ara Mātua 2019 engari kua whakatārewa kē ki te haurua tuatahi o te framework and we are encouraged by the progress made tau 2020. in key areas.

Taonga Tuku iho

Clarifying our property rights

Ko te tiaki me te aroturuki o tō mātou moana te whāinga matua mō tēnei tau. Kei te whakarahi ake tō mātou Tīma Rawa Taiao, kia whakarauora tonutia te hauora o tō mātou Moana me ngā awa hoki.

We continue to seek a Declaratory Judgment in the High Court to clarify and confirm our property rights as outlined in the 2007 Deed that we have with the Crown. It is our duty to ensure our property rights can be upheld and these proceedings will be an important step towards clarifying this for all parties involved.

Ko tātou ngā kaitiaki o Taupō Moana, ā, i tautoko mātou i ngā hapū nā te takoha pūtea, te whāngai mātauranga hoki. I whakatinanahia tētehi kirimana hono whakahaere me te kaunihera ā rohe o Waikato, i whakawhanake te mahere whakahaere i ngā mahi a te rēhia i runga i a Taupō-nui-aTia, ā, i whakaritea tētehi tono ki ngā kaunihera ā rohe e hāngai ana ki ngā tūtohu whakarerekē i ngā ture e ariā i tō mātou taonga.

This matter relates only to commercial activities on Lake Taupō and we assure recreational users and members of the public that they are still guaranteed free and continued access. The hearing date originally scheduled for May 2019 has been deferred to the first half of 2020.


Taonga Tuku Iho The ongoing protection and monitoring of our moana and awa is a key focus for this reporting year. We continue to grow our Natural Resources team to ensure the health of our moana, awa and taiao constantly improves. As kaitiaki of Taupō Moana on your behalf we have supported hapū with technical advice and financial support, implemented the Joint Management Agreement with Waikato Regional Council, developed the Taupōnui-a-Tia Recreational Management Plan, and prepared detailed submissions to local and regional councils on proposed changes to bylaws which impact on our taonga. Collaboration within Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mahi Tahi - Ngāti Tūwharetoa E mahi tahi ana te poari me ngā hinonga, ngā rōpū whakahaere o Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Nā te hononga rautaki kei waenganui i a mātou ko Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust me Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust, kua pai ake ngā tukanga whakahaere, kua piki ake te tutukitanga o ngā kaupapa hononga, ā, kua penapena te pūtea o ngā hinonga e toru. Kei te tupu haere ngā whakapiringa me ngā rangapū ki te taha o ngā hinonga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, e whakaihiihi ana mātou ki te kite i te maha o ngā hua e puta mai mō te iwi whānui. Te Whanaketanga o te Kamupene me te Ohaoha Kei te tupu haere ngā rawa o te poari, heoi, kei te whakahaere tonu i ngā hōtaka whakahirahira kia whai hua ai te whānau whānui. E koa ana mātou te kite i ngā hua ā pūtea nei mō tēnei tau, me te haepapa whakahaere rauemi ā pūtea. Mā ngā mahi ā Taupō Moana Group Holdings, ko tā mātou rautaki whakamua ko te whakawhānui ai i tā mātou awenga ohaoha ki runga o Taupō Moana, kei te whai mana tēnei rautaki nā te tutukinga o ngā whakatakanga e haere ake nei.

The Trust Board continues to engage with other Tūwharetoa entities and organisations. Our strategic relationship with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust ensures improved administrative processes, increases the effectiveness of joint initiatives, and provides cost savings for the three entities. Relationships and partnerships with other Tūwharetoa entities are in development and we are excited with the positive opportunities these collaborations will provide for our people. Economic and commercial development We continue to build the financial wealth of the organisation whilst also delivering significant programmes and benefits to our whānau. We are pleased with the financial results for the reporting year and the responsible management of our financial resources. Through our subsidiary, Taupō Moana Group Holdings, our strategy toward having a greater commercial presence on Lake Taupō is gaining momentum with several projects currently underway.

this is our second year working within our nga ara matua framework and we are encouraged by the progress made in key areas.



Te Rīhainatanga o Ngā Mema Poari

Board Member Resignations

During theprogresses. year, we received the resignations I tēnei Ka tau, i whiwhi mātou ianō ngā retakaupapa rīhainatanga āi Maria huhua anōake ngā kaupapa ka tokoka ake korero With the creation of of Maria Ka ake huhua ngā toko ake i as this as this korero progresses. With the creation of kōrero kei mua i te aroaro. Te Kōtahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, we will Nepia and Shane Heremaia. Nepia ngā rāua whakawhitinga kongā Shane Heremaia. whakawhitinga kōrero kei mua i te aroaro. Te Kōtahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, we will Nā te whakatūnga ake o Te Kotahitanga o

also work toward a positive relationship for the

Nā te whakatūnga ake o Te Kotahitanga o alsois work toward positive relationship Ko Maria te kaiwhahaere okangā rawa taiao atu me mātou tētehi Maria now within oura senior leadership teamfor asthe the Ngāti Tūwharetoa whakahono of Ngāti Ngāti Tūwharetoa ka whakahono atu mātou benefitbenefit ofTūwharetoa. Ngāti Tūwharetoa. mema kipāheke o te tīma kaihautū, ā, paitanga e haere ana a Shane Natural Resources Manager and Shane is travelling a rātou anō mō te oranga o ki a rātou anō mō te oranga paitanga o ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL ki tāwāhi. overseas. Tūwharetoa. Tūwharetoa. We are again pleased with the financial results

are again the pleased with the financial results WeWe acknowledge significant contribution by both E whakanui ana i ngā whakahirahira OHANGA ME mahi NGĀ PĀKIHI OHANGA ME NGĀ PĀKIHIkua oti i a Maria for the reporting year and theand responsible for the reporting year the responsible Maria and Shane during their time as Board Members and rāua koKei Shane i te wā i tū rāua hei mema poari, ā, ko te te harikoa katoa mātou i ngā whakakitenga stewardship of our financial resources. We Kei te harikoa katoa mātou i ngā whakakitenga stewardship of our financial resources. We we wish them all the very best. manako nui kamō eke panuku i roto i ngā mahi katoa kei mua pūtea te tau e repoatatia ana me te continue to buildtothe financial wealth wealth of the of the pūtea mō te tau e repoatatia ana me te continue build the financial tiakitanga i ngā rauemi pūtea. pūtea. Kei te Kei te organisation whilst also delivering significant i te aroaro. tiakitanga i ngā rauemi organisation whilst also delivering significant whakarahi ake i teake pātaka pūtea me te me te programs and benefits to our whanau. whakarahi i te pātaka pūtea Acknowledgements programs and benefits to our whanau. whakahaere tonutiatonutia e mātou ngā hōtaka me whakahaere e mātou ngā hōtaka me ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ngā mihi In conclusion, we wish to acknowledge and thank Ngāti ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ngā huarahi āwhina ki ō tātou whānau. ngā huarahi āwhina ki ō tātou whānau. In conclusion, we wish towish acknowledge Tūwharetoa whānau for yourtosupport ofNgāti the mahi we carry Hei whakakapi ake, he mihi nui ki ngā whānau o In conclusion, we acknowledge Ngāti WHAKAMIHA WHAKAMIHA Tūwharetoa whānau and thank foryou yourforRangatira outTūwharetoa on your behalf under our you mantle Mahi ki te Ngāti Tūwharetoa e kaha tautoko nei i ā mātou mahi whānau and thank your Hei whakakōpanihia kōrero kaMahika support of the mahi carry on out on Hei ake ngānui kōrero of thewhich mahi we which weout carry e whakamahia anawhakakōpanihia mō tātau ake i rarongā i te tāhū rere tonu tetonu au mihi ki mihi ngā whānau o Ngātio Ngāti your behalf, and forand yourforbenefit, under our te au ki ngā whānau your behalf, your benefit, under our Rangatira ki terere Iwi. Tūwharetoa nā te tautoko i ā mātou mahi e To our Board Members, thank you mantle Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi. Tūwharetoa nā te tautoko i ā mātou mahi e mantle Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi.for your service and tātou raro i iteraro Ki ngā whakamahia Mema whakamahia Poari, ana tēnāmō koutou i ākatoa koutou mahi, i ākarai te kara commitment to the kaupapa. ana mō tātoui katoa To our Board thank you foryou yourfor your To our Members, Board Members, thank Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi. Rangatira ki te Iwi. koutou ū ki teMahi kaupapa. serviceservice and commitment to the kaupapa. commitment to the kaupapa. To our staff,and thank you for continuing to improve our Ki ngā Ki mema pōari, tēnā koutou i tā koutou also acknowledge our staff forstaff continuing ngā mema pōari, tēnā koutou i tā koutou We delivery We also acknowledge our for continuing and service to Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Ki ngā kaha kaimahi, tēnā anō koutou i tā koutou whakapau ū ki te kaupapa. He mihiHe anō tēnei ngā ki ngā to lookto tolook waystotoways improve our delivery kaupapa. mihi anōkitēnei to improve our delivery kaha kia hāpaikaha ake aiū ikietāte tatou ki a Ngāti Tūwharetoa. kaimahi katoa kaha kimihia tonutia ana ngā and effectiveness for the benefit of Ngāti kaimahi katoa e kaha kimihia tonutia ana ngā and effectiveness for the benefit of Ngāti huarahihuarahi e pai ake ai te tuku tika atutika i ngā e pai ake ai te tuku atumahi i ngā mahiTūwharetoa. Tūwharetoa. mō te oranga o NgātioTūwharetoa. mō te oranga Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Ka nui te ki mihi a koutou katoa. katoa. Kamihi nui te ki a koutou

Ka nui te ki mihi a koutou katoa. katoa. Kamihi nui te ki a koutou


TOPIA TOPIA RAMEKA RAMEKA Topia Rameka Kaiwhakahaere Matua /Matua Chief /Executive OfficerOfficer Kaiwhakahaere Chief Executive

JOHN BISHARA John Bishara Tiamana / Chairman

Tiamana / Chairman Tiamana / Chairman



Kaiwhakahaere Matua / Chief Executive Officer



PERFORMANCE ko te pataka paranga


$2,686,000 Total Distributions 2019

$2,917,000 Total Distributions 2018



Marae Capital Grants

Environmental, Leadership, Sports and Cultural


Marae Insurance


Community Support


Marae, Hapū and Iwi Support





26% Education




Net Operating Surplus






Total Assets

Total Revenue




Surplus before Grants and Lakebed Revaluation

















7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000

Surplus (deficit) after Grants

Surplus before Grants and Lakebed Revaluation

8,000 6,000



Surplus (deficit) after Grants [excl River Settlement]

2,000 2015





ASSETS VS EQUITY 80,000 Assets

70,000 60,000

Total Equity

50,000 2015




2019 11


we are kaitiaki of our moana and awa $342,000 distributed by the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group for Environmental Projects, Leadership, Tūwharetoa Initiatives, Rangatahi Activities, Sports and Wānanga. NGĀTI TŪWHARETOA MERCURY DEVELOPMENT GROUP

$427,000 distributed by the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee for Education, Environmental Projects, Tūwharetoa Initiatives, Rangatahi Activities, Sports and Wānanga. NGĀTI TŪWHARETOA GENESIS ENERGY COMMITTEE

80% Sports

39% Sports

7% Wānanga

23% Wānanga

4% Environmental Projects

3% Education

2% Leadership

6% Environmental Projects

5% Tūwharetoa Initiatives

19% Tūwharetoa Initiatives

2% Rangatahi Activities

10% Rangatahi Activities


ngati tuwharetoa live as tuwharetoa










For marae capital grants

Insurance cover for 27 marae

Per annum for marae insurance premiums

Insurance claims paid



ngati tuwharetoa are educated, healthy, and connected 1,561 Education Grants and Scholarships distributed

380 Kaumātua Medical Grants provided

$702,000 distributed for Education Grants and Scholarships

$225,000 distributed for Kaumātua Medical Grants



38% TKR & ECE

44% Dental ($119,094)

22% Secondary NCEA

12% Hearing ($36,601)

36% Tertiary

5% Travel ($3,038)

4% Special Needs

39% Eye Treatment ($67,141)



$292,000 distributed to support Marae, Hapū and Iwi activities:

$96,000 distributed to support Community Events and Organisations:

• Paramountcy • Matua Tu Taua • Ngā Taikura o Ngāti Tūwharetoa – Kaumātua Kapa Haka Roopu • Ngā Kohanga Reo o Tūwharetoa • Ratana Celebration • Koroneihana • Ngāti Tūwharetoa Taiopenga • Tūwharetoa Fishing Competition • Tūwharetoa Marae Sports Challenge • IronMāori • Pukawa Marae 160-year Kingitanga Celebration • Whaikōrero Wānanga o Tūwharetoa • Te Papa Tongarewa Taiao Exhibition • Marae Fishing Licences • Tamariki Fishing Licences

• Tūrangi Rangatahi Hub • Te Kooti Rangatahi • School awards for Tongariro Area School, Te Kura O Hirangi, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa, Taupō-nui-a-Tia College, Tauhara College, Ngapuke School and Taumarunui High School • Tūrangi Coastguard • Tūrangi Volunteer Fire Brigade • Tūwharetoa Order of St John • Foodbank – Mangakino, Taupō, Tūrangi and Taumarunui • Ironkidz • Tūrangi Junior Triathlon • Tūrangi Christmas in the Park • Waitangi ki Pūkawa • Kids Greening Taupō


HIGHLIGHTS nga pikinga

Ngā Ara Mātua - Mahere Rautaki 2018 - 2021 In 2018, we undertook a comprehensive review of the Board’s strategic direction which culminated in the re-development of the Strategic Plan - Ngā Ara Mātua 2018 - 2021. Ngā Ara Mātua guides the course and effort of the Trust Board over this period. The plan focuses the Trust Board on its core areas of responsibility, which are categorised into four pou: • Pou Taiao – We are kaitiaki of our moana and awa. • Pou Tikanga – Ngāti Tūwharetoa live as Tūwharetoa. • Pou Tangata – Ngāti Tūwharetoa are educated, healthy and connected. • Pou Tātāwhai – We are a high performing organisation that is commercially successful with meaningful relationships in place. The Trust Board is currently in Year Two of the implementation of Ngā Ara Mātua and reasonable progress is being made in key areas, as outlined further in this report. Declaratory Judgment In 1992, the Crown signed a deed with the Trust Board that conferred ownership of Taupō Waters to the Trust Board on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. This includes the beds, space occupied by the water of Lake Taupō, tributaries flowing into Lake Taupō and the Waikato River from the outlet of Lake Taupō to Te Toka o Tia (inclusive of Huka Falls).

In 2007, a new deed was signed that replaced the 1992 Deed. This reaffirmed that the Trust Board has full ownership rights of Taupō Waters, including the ability to impose licence fees for commercial activities within and operating upon Taupō Waters. As shared previously, for a number of years we have sought to license commercial businesses operating on Lake Taupō and the rivers flowing into Lake Taupō. Several agreements have been achieved. However we have been unable to reach agreement with all businesses. This is primarily due to those businesses being unclear about the extent of our property rights. To move this matter forward, the Trust Board is seeking a Declaratory Judgment in the High Court. The aim is to have the Court clarify and confirm our property rights as outlined in the 2007 Deed that we have with the Crown. It is our duty to ensure our rights can be upheld and these proceedings will be an important step towards clarifying this for all parties involved. Note, this matter relates only to commercial activities on Taupō Waters. We assure recreational users and members of the public that they are guaranteed free and continued access. This hearing was set down for May 2019, however, due to delays by other parties, the hearing has now been scheduled for the first half of 2020.

“the initial results are showing that we have a healthy population of koura with excellent water quality.”



Monitoring on Taupō Moana Over the last year we have developed and implemented a holistic Tūwharetoa-centric monitoring programme for Taupō Waters. The aim of the programme is to establish a framework that can track and monitor the holistic health of Taupō Moana while also weaving in monitoring completed by councils and other agencies. In partnership with our marae, our team has developed a Tau Kōura Monitoring Programme. This programme uses kōura as our indicator species, alongside water sampling, to understand and track the holistic health of our lake. We are using kōura because they are very sensitive to changes in their environment. We currently have monitoring sites at Acacia Bay, Waitahanui, Motuoapa and Waihi. With the first year of monitoring nearly completed, the initial results are showing that we have a healthy population of kōura with excellent water quality. We are looking to continue this monitoring over the long term, so we can effectively track any changes to our moana. We wish to acknowledge the assistance from Te Wai Māori, and most importantly, our kaimahi from Nukuhau, Te Rangiita, Korohe and Waihi Marae. Without your support we would not be able to do this mahi. Summer Beach Bathing During November 2018 to February 2019 we worked with the Waikato Regional Council Monitoring Team to undertake their annual summer beach bathing monitoring. The purpose of this monitoring is to carry out weekly water samples and visual checks at various sites.

The programme involved monitoring five sites around Taupō Moana — Kinloch, Acacia Bay, Taupō Lake Front, Motutere Bay and Stump Bay. This was a successful initiative and the Trust Board is looking to take over the function from the Waikato Regional Council this coming swimming season. Joint Database for Tūwharetoa Entities In 2017 the Trust Board, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust initiated a Memorandum of Understanding to work more effectively together. Part of this commitment is to identify and implement operational strategies that will improve the delivery of services to our people. The aim is to consolidate “back-office” functions including administration and finance, information technology and communications, grants and funding, and member services. Collectively, the entities have now created a joint database through Salesforce, to manage membership registrations, grants, and communications. This collaboration makes it easier for people to register, apply for grants and update their details for all three entities in one single system. It also makes it easier for our staff to administer grants, update details and send pānui to our people. By the end of 2019, members will be able to access and update their information online, check to see what grants and funding are available, and see what events are happening around Tūwharetoa.


NGĀ ARA MĀTUA 2018 - 2021



we are kaitiaki of our moana

ngati tuwharetoa live as

and awa


For generations Ngāti Tūwharetoa have held and maintained mana whenua within the Taupō catchment.

We capture and maintain our Tūwharetoa mātauranga and are committed to ensuring the sustainability of our marae.

This intrinsic reciprocal relationship alongside our ownership as described (in part) by the 2007 Deed and the Waikato Awa River Legislation weave the whāriki by which the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board are stewards over Taupō Waters and Awa.







ngati tuwharetoa are educated,

we are a high performing organisation

healthy, and connected

that is commercially successful with

mahi rangatira ki te iwi

mahi tika, mahi pono

meaningful relationships in place We are successful and leaders within our chosen fields. Our quality of life is always improving, we are healthy and active, and we maintain strong relationships with our whānau, hapū and iwi.

The organisation is supported by sound policies and robust governance and operating procedures.



we are kaitiaki of our moana and awa

For generations, Ngāti Tūwharetoa have held and maintained mana whenua within the Taupō catchment. This intrinsic reciprocal relationship alongside our ownership, as described (in part) by the 2007 Deed and the Waikato Awa River Legislation, weave the whāriki by which the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board are stewards over Taupō Waters and Awa. MARAE AND HAPŪ DEVELOPMENT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Continue to support the development of our marae with a focus on: °° Continued support and access to funding and technical advice to undertake projects.

°° Undertake two wānanga focused on developing the skill base of our marae in the natural resource area.

°° Direct support when requested to undertake work on matters relating to Taupō Waters and our Awa.

°° Complete a review of the Mercury Mitigation funding criteria to ensure it is in line with the mitigation agreement. Provide recommendations to Ngāti Tūwharetoa for approval.

What we achieved • Supported hapū directly with either technical advice or with financial support for the following projects: °° Tūrangi Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Consent °° Otumuheke Alcohol Bylaw °° Motutere Point erosion assessment and development of a monitoring plan °° Motuoapa Weed Management Plan • Two wānanga completed: °° Environmental workshops to support access to the mitigation committee funds °° Health and Safety workshops to support those whānau who are undertaking restoration projects The review of the Mercury Mitigation fund is complete with a refocus of the funding criteria on environmental projects. These changes were approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 14 November 2018.



MARAE & HAPŪ NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to support the development of management plans as requested by marae.

What we achieved While support for the development of natural resource management plans was a key focus for the Trust Board, there was little uptake by marae due to their other commitments and priorities. • Provided support and advice on the following projects: °° Hinemaiaia River Management Plan °° Tongariro River Erosion Control Management °° Waiotaka River Restoration and Erosion Led by the Natural Resource Team, a number of successes have been achieved in this space.

MARAE AND HAPŪ IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Complete the Tau Kōura Monitoring project in Taupō Waters and look at the next steps for hapū monitoring in Taupō Waters. • Continue to implement the Rotokawa Joint Venture Consents.

• Continue to develop and refine the marae approval process for works occurring in the rohe. • Complete due diligence with Waikato Regional Council on Section 33.

• Continue to support hapū, where requested and appropriate, on Resource Consents.

What we achieved At the commencement of each year, we ensure that the Environmental contacts for each marae are up-to-date. • Completion of first year of Tau Kōura Monitoring. We are now refining the delivery of the project and continue to work with hapū to monitor and assess the data collected. • Supported the implementation of the Rotokawa Joint Venture Consents as per the direction issued by the Environment Court. • Completed the Cultural Monitoring Plan for Rotokawa. • Supported hapū with the: °° Contact Energy spill – 19 February °° Taupō District Council Wastewater spill – 2 July • Processed 247 notifications and 62 events. • Completed due diligence of Section 33 and identified four monitoring functions for transfer from Waikato Regional Council to the Trust Board.


LOCAL, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICIES AND PLANS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to actively engage on any policies impacting on Taupō Waters.

What we achieved • Reviewed and submitted the following plans: °° Taupō Drinking Water Strategy

°° Growth Management Strategy

°° Waikato Regional Council and Taupō District Council Long-term Plan

°° Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Plan Change

°° National Planning Standards °° Waikato River Deed Review

°° Three Waters Review °° Co-development with Taupō District Council on the Lake Taupō Erosion Strategy

°° Waikato Regional Council – Regional Plan Review

JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Complete due diligence for Section 33 and have an agreed management framework with Waikato Regional Council.

What we achieved • Implementation of the Joint Management Agreement (JMA) is well underway. • Completed due diligence on Section 33. • Implemented a Summer Beach Bathing Monitoring Programme from November 2018 to February 2019.

JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH TAUPŌ DISTRICT COUNCIL Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Discussions are soon to start with Taupō District Council on a Joint Management Agreement.

What we achieved Drafting of the Joint Management Agreement is underway. However, due to Council staffing restrictions, this was not completed in the reporting year.



RESTORATION PROGRAMME FOR TE AWA O WAIKATO ACTION PLAN Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Ngā Kaihautū will complete: • Dissemination of data and information from monitoring. • Two projects as per the River Action Plan.

What we achieved • Completed a full 12 months of water monitoring for the Waikato Awa. • The team is working with Ngā Kaihautū to develop projects for the River.

CUSTOMARY FISHERIES REGULATIONS FOR UPPER WAIKATO RIVER Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue working with other River Iwi to implement the customary fisheries regulations.

What we achieved Worked alongside the other River Iwi to develop the customary fishing regulations for the Upper Waikato River. This work is ongoing.

REFORM OF THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT (RMA) AND FRESHWATER POLICY Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Work alongside River Iwi to scope out what catchment options would be appropriate for the Waikato Catchment.

What we achieved • Engaged on both the proposed RMA reforms and reforms of freshwater management throughout the year. • Participated in, and supported Ariki Tā Tumu te Heuheu in his role on the Pou Taiao Iwi Leaders Group.


WEED MANAGEMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A BIOSECURITY FORUM Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Identify Weed Management trials for Huritaniwha with ongoing monitoring of the Bay. • Develop a series of research priorities for Taupō Waters with good engagement from research providers around research priorities and expectations for approvals. • Continue to work with agencies to create an interagency approach on biosecurity matters.

What we achieved • The Huritaniwha Weed Management project is well underway. • Established a monitoring programme using tau kōura and water quality testing. • Completed a full year of monitoring in June 2019. • The Hapū is now able to start weed management trials while monitoring changes to the health of the Bay.

TAUPŌ-NUI-A-TIA MANAGEMENT BOARD Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Ensure the Management Board is operational, and the Recreational Management Plan is approved.

What we achieved • Re-established the Taupō-nui-a-Tia Management Board during the year, following a hiatus. The reason for the hiatus was due to Crown appointments taking longer than expected. • The Ngāti Tūwharetoa appointments to the Board are: Rakeipoho Taiaroa, Tangonui Kingi, Maria Nepia and Topia Rameka. • The Crown appointments are: Chris Johnston, Anna Kirk, Mike Britton and John Quinn. • Completed the draft Taupō-nui-a-Tia Recreational Management Plan. We are now working through the publicly notified process, to be completed by 30 June 2020.

TAUPŌ SPORTS FISHERY Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Work with key Crown agencies to undertake due diligence on the devolution of functions from the Crown to the Trust Board.

What we achieved We engaged positively with the Department of Conservation (DoC) around the sports fishery. DoC and the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) have agreed to undertake a due diligence process to review what a devolution of these functions might be from the Crown to the Trust Board.



TŪWHARETOA ECONOMIC AUTHORITIES Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to support our economic authorities as and where appropriate.

What we achieved • Supported Paenoa Trust with their stormwater issues. • Supported Motutere Trust.

MITIGATION AGREEMENTS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Service our mitigation agreements and meet the requirements of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

What we achieved Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group awarded 84 grants worth a total $342,892 for the following: • 3 Environmental Projects

• 2 Rangatahi Activities

• 2 Leadership Development Initiatives

• 67 Sports Representation

• 4 Tūwharetoa Initiatives

• 6 Wānanga

Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee awarded 31 grants worth a total $427,452 for the following: • 1 Education

• 3 Rangatahi Activities

• 2 Environmental Projects

• 12 Sports Representation

• 6 Tūwharetoa Initiatives

• 7 Wānanga

Priority Areas for 2018 - 2021 In April 2018 the Board undertook a review of their strategic direction and re-developed the Mahere Rautaki for 2018 to 2021. This review resulted in a more defined strategic direction for the Natural Resource Team. As a result our work plan aligns to the following key goals: • To assert and exercise our ownership responsibilities over our Moana and Awa. • To be connected to our Taiao and understand the dynamic environmental system that underpins our Moana and Awa. • To be responsive to the needs of our marae and landowners.


Funding Workshops for Mitigation Committees In August 2018, the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee held their annual Environmental Workshop at Korohe Marae. The purpose of the workshop was to assist and provide information on the application processes for both committees, discuss what information is required in a project plan and budget, and answer any queries on the committees' objectives and criteria. During the year, Moira Loach from Safety Specific Solutions NZ Limited presented a step-by-step guide to completing a Health and Safety plan. These plans are now a requirement for all environmental applications. Section 33 due diligence – Transfer of Functions Over the last 18 months, the team has completed due diligence of what a Section 33 transfer of powers, functions or roles could potentially look like. Section 33 is a ‘legal instrument’ in the Resource Management Act that sets up a process and framework for councils (both district and regional) to transfer part of their powers, functions or roles to a third party. This is commonly done between councils, but to date, has not been formally done from a council to an iwi entity. While undertaking this process, the team has identified four functions that could be transferred from Waikato Regional Council to the Trust Board. These functions are all related to the monitoring of our moana and awa and would integrate seamlessly into our current work plan. This is an exciting time for our team, and we are looking forward to working with Waikato Regional Council to implement this mahi over the next 12 months.




ngati tuwharetoa live as tuwharetoa

We capture and maintain our Tūwharetoa mātauranga and are committed to ensuring the sustainability of our marae. HE REO ORA Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Deliver content rich media in both Te Reo and English to our people locally and across the globe. • Promote and support the development of Tūwharetoa reo and mātauranga.

What we achieved • Puna Rauemi - developed and distributed rauemi that supported the maintenance and practice of Tūwharetoa reo, waiata, and mātauranga. • Te Taiopenga o Tūwharetoa - funded Te Taiopenga o Tūwharetoa and promoted reo and mātauranga rauemi during the three-day event.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Produce and disseminate resources that promote Tūwharetoa mātauranga. • Collect imagery of Tūwharetoa marae for the 2020 - 2021 calendar.

TŪWHARETOA TIKANGA Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Support, promote and encourage our mātauranga to be captured and used. • Develop innovative tools as a portal to Tūwharetoa mātauranga. • Continue to provide support to our Paramountcy.


What we achieved • Paramountcy and Matua Tu Taua - Provided support and assistance to Ko Tūwharetoa te Iwi Charitable Trust and the work being undertaken by Ariki Tā Tumu te Heuheu in realising the aspirations of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. • Wānanga Whaikōrero O Tūwharetoa - Supported the delivery of six wānanga to train the next generation of Ngāti Tūwharetoa native/fluent-speaking males in whaikōrero.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Continue to provide support to the Paramountcy. • Support the delivery of wānanga that provide Tūwharetoa with the opportunity to capture, maintain and practice Tūwharetoa mātauranga.

MARAE CAPABILITY, CAPACITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Engage regularly with our marae to ensure they are informed and we are meeting their needs. • Facilitate the delivery of initiatives, through Korowai Āwhina, to support and encourage active and vibrant marae. • Create pathways for Tūwharetoa to engage with their marae. • Continue to support marae infrastructure by delivering grants in partnership with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust, covering 100 per cent of marae insurance premiums, and facilitating access to external funding options.

What we achieved • Korowai Āwhina °° 12 marae engaged °° 1 hui delivered • Marae training °° 8 marae engaged in the following training opportunities: • CPR and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) modules • Emergency Services and Civil Defence preparation °° 25 participants trained. Para Kore Para Kore provides a Waste Education Programme to marae and Māori organisations. By sharing information on reducing, reusing, recycling, composting and conscious purchasing practices, Para Kore aims to achieve zero waste by 2020. The programme will support our marae to assess their current waste management practices and develop a system to reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa was appointed to the Para Kore ki Tūwharetoa Kaiārahi role. The kura will coordinate delivery of the programme for Tūwharetoa.



The Trust Board is a strategic partner in delivering this kaupapa and will provide funding for the initiative over three years from 2018 to 2020. Marae Capital Works Grant • Provided six marae grants for a total value of $450,391 in partnership with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust: °° Te Tikanga Marae: $9,795 - Septic system and hot water system upgrade °° Te Kapa o Te Rangiita ki Oruanui Marae: $29,995 - Building compliance °° Otukou Marae: $50,601 - Marae complex upgrade °° Nukuhau Marae: $40,000 - Carpark sealing °° Waipahihi: $100,000 - Marae refurbishment °° Waihi Marae: $220,000 - Re-wiring of Tapeka, roof replacement and Hinana upgrade Marae Insurance Initiative The Marae Insurance Initiative was established in the 1980s to ensure marae were safeguarded for future generations. Initially the Trust Board covered 50 per cent of the insurance premium costs. In 2013 the Trust Board agreed to cover 100 per cent of the premium costs for 28 of our marae. • Supported Otūkou, Papakai, Pukawa and Te Haroto Marae with their insurance claims. Marae support Supported our marae with the following: • Pūkawa Marae 160-year Kīngitanga Celebration • Hirangi Marae Bees Wax Wānanga • Otūkou Marae Ratana Centenary

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Deliver four quarterly Korowai Āwhina hui. • Present at six marae committee and trustee hui. • Investigate and implement a “livestream” system to engage with more marae. • Facilitate the delivery of six training modules to marae. • Assess the level of access and use marae have for their taonga - Taupō moana and awa - and investigate options to improve access and use for marae. • Assess and establish baseline data on the current state of marae preparedness for fire safety, emergency events and health and safety. • Support four marae to maintain high quality capital infrastructure through the Marae Capital Grant scheme. • Assist marae to access the Te Puni Kōkiri Oranga Marae funding scheme. • Initiate a tender process to identify a preferred insurance provider. • Support 27 marae with 100 per cent of their insurance costs. • Assist marae with financial administration support.



ngati tuwharetoa are educated, healthy and connected

We are successful and leaders within our chosen fields. Our quality of life is always improving, we are healthy and active, and we maintain strong relationships with our whānau, hapū and iwi. EDUCATION GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Nurture and support the learning of our people by providing grants and scholarships that enable them to achieve their educational aspirations.

What we achieved Education Grants $702,450 towards 1,561 Education Grants: • 597 Early Childhood and Kōhanga Reo • 348 Secondary School NCEA Study • 555 Tertiary Study • 61 Special Needs $24,000 directly to Tūwharetoa Kōhanga Reo. $7,000 directly to local secondary schools for School Awards. Education Scholarships • $20,000 towards Education Scholarships. • 8 scholarships awarded to students studying in the areas of environmental science or management, te reo me na tikanga, education, health and wellbeing, technology and innovation and business and law. Victoria University Scholarships • $5,000 towards the Victoria University scholarships.



Our focus for 2019 - 2020 We continue to deliver grants and scholarships that support our people to achieve their educational aspirations.


Hapū: Ngāti Te Kohera Marae: Mokai University of Otago, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery I have seen first-hand the sense of community within our Iwi and have been inspired by the positivity that comes from our own people taking a key role in shaping and determining the solutions that work best for them. Growing up in the Bay of Plenty, I have seen a need for medical skills in our rohe and see many opportunities for whānau-led transformational change. Becoming a proud Ngāti Tūwharetoa Doctor, represents a commitment to the medical profession and to our people’s health. The area of medicine I have found the most rewarding so far is cardiology. This path of specialisation holds huge opportunity for positive change. One way in which I could contribute was discussed with members of Tuaropaki Trust and included gathering together health professionals from the Trust or wider iwi to create a mobile Cardiovascular Risk Assessment unit that provides accessible healthcare that is shaped by tikanga Māori and whānau values. It is my calling to support the health and well-being of our people.


Hapū: Ngāti Hikairo Marae: Otūkou University of Waikato, PhD in Engineering Over the period of my doctorate I have been lucky enough to travel, share and teach what I have been researching. The greatest lesson I have learned in doing so is the importance of being grounded, humble and grateful for every opportunity provided. I have been blessed in my academic journey by wise ancestors and loving whānau, I hope to give others in our Iwi and whānau the same opportunities I have had. I have dedicated time throughout all my studies to give back to our youth, to visit schools and educate our children about the importance of education.


Hapū: Ngāti Te Rangiita, Ngāti Ruingarangi, Ngāti Hinerau, Ngāti Tutemohuta Marae: Waitetoko, Hātepe, Te Rangiita, Waipāhihi, Pakira University of Victoria, PhD - Māori Studies One of my career goals is to undertake research that is of value to whānau, hapū and iwi, who will benefit from having additional capacity to tender for funds in areas identified as significant. Ngāti Tūwharetoa is already participating in various forums to share environmental wisdom. However, the ongoing dialogue regarding indigenous and tribal wisdoms within academic, tribal and organisational forums, paves the way for the normalisation of understandings fundamental to navigating our return to a sustainable co-existence with Papatūānuku. My research will collate oral histories, accounts and perspectives, to contribute to enhancing our individual and collective relationship with water. I look forward to contributing to tribal research archives and using my experiences and research skills to assist marae and hapū to undertake research and water enhancement projects. I am also interested in contributing to how marae and hapū treasures are stored, maintained and accessed.



Hapū: Ngāti Kurauia, Ngāti Turumakina Marae: Tokaanu, Waihi University of Waikato, Bachelor of Arts (Māori and Indigenous Studies) I te mutunga o taku tohu ko tōku kōingo kia hoki ki te kāinga hei taunaki hei hanga anō hoki i ngā rautaki reo. Mōku ake, he pono te whakatauākī nei, ‘Toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te whenua’. Ko tana whakamahuki - Ki te kore he reo, ki te kore he mana, ā, ki te kore he whenua, ka mate te Māoritanga. Nā reira, me tiaki ka tika i ēnei taonga tuku iho. Ko taku moemoeā mō tōku whānau, mō tōku hapū, otirā mō tōku iwi nei, kia oko i tō tātou reo e maringi noa ana ki te marae, whai muri i te pōhiri, ki rō kāinga, ki te papa tākaro ērā momo wāhi katoa ao noa, pō noa. Ēnei mea kua whakararangitia kētia ki runga nei nā, māku hei āwhina, ārahi, mēnā e hiahia ana koutou. Ki te pīrangi ētahi, ka taea e au ētahi wānanga reo te whakahaere, waihoki, mēnā, e hīkaka ana ngā ngākau o te whānau whānui nō taua rohe ki te ako hoki, ā, e huro ai.


Hapū: Ngāti Hineure, Ngāti Hinerau Marae: Waipahihi Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood NZ, Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) When I obtain my tohu/degree I want to give back to our hapū, iwi and marae and Tīpuna what they gave to us life. By doing this I will ensure our future taonga/tamariki of ngati tuwharetoa receive a high quality start to life to see them achieve educational success as adults. Becoming a qualified ECE Teacher will allow me to educate tamariki about the importance of te Ao Māori. I hope to one day be able to teach our future tamariki of Tūwharetoa and give back to the marae, hapū and iwi.


Hapū: Ngāti Manunui, Ngāti Turumakina Marae: Kakahi, Pukawa, Waihi University of Waikato, Bachelor of Science

My qualification in Environmental Science will enable me to contribute by playing a role as Kaitiaki for the Taiao.


Hapū: Ngāti Te Kohera Marae: Mokai University, Bachelor of Science

My passion is centred upon lowering our mental health statistics and being that person of hope for our whānau. With aspirations to work in youth mental health, I aim to improve the health and wellbeing of young Māori.


Hapū: Ngāti Tutemohuta Marae: Pakira Masters of Management Studies My Masters of Management Studies will focus on tangata whenua and sustainability within business organisations. I intend to research and study business environments, people policies and contracts that could help shape and create sustainable working environments to improve the lives of our people.




Hapū: Ngāti Wairangi, Ngāti Haa, Ngāti Parekaawa, Ngāti Te Maunga, Ngāti Turumakina Marae: Mokai, Poukura, Whanganui Bay, Waihi PhD in Geology

LEARNING SUPPORT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Facilitate initiatives that support the learning of our mokopuna, tamariki and rangatahi and enable them to participate confidently in their schooling.

What we achieved • Supported 68 students with 1:1, 1:2 and group tutoring for literacy, numeracy, second language acquisition, and NCEA exam revision. • A review of the programme shows an increased need for learning support as students shift between Primary and Intermediate School, and again when making the transition between Intermediate and Secondary School.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Support the learning of our mokopuna, tamariki and rangatahi through 1:1, 1:2 and group tutoring programmes. • Investigate and identify opportunities to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) learning. • Engage with strategic partners to establish a STEM pathway of learning for Tūwharetoa tamariki, taiohi and rangatahi.

INTERNSHIPS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to develop our tertiary students by delivering a programme that provides hands-on experience within Tūwharetoa entities and with strategic partners.

What we achieved From November 2018 to February 2019, one summer intern had the opportunity to gain work experience within Tūwharetoa. The intern was based within the Natural Resource team.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continued delivery of a programme that provides hands-on experience within Tūwharetoa entities and with strategic partners.


RANGATAHI TAUTOKO Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Facilitate, support and develop leadership capability and mentoring programmes. • Create opportunities for rangatahi engagement, collaboration and self-determination, through our own entities and strategic partners.

What we achieved Supported the following initiatives that focus on positive outcomes for our rangatahi: • Tūrangi Rangatahi Hub • Te Kooti Rangatahi

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Deliver the Marae Rangatahi Fund to support hau kāinga to implement rangatahi-focused wānanga. • Support initiatives that engage rangatahi and provide leadership development opportunities.

KAUMĀTUA TAUTOKO Key objectives for 2018 -2019 • Provide assistance to our kaumātua that supports their health and wellbeing. • Ensure our kaumātua are aware of the assistance available from the Trust Board. • Host events that acknowledge our ahi kaa and their continued support of our marae.

What we achieved Kaumātua Medical Grants $230,385 towards Kaumātua Medical Grants 386 grants for: • 171 dental treatment • 152 eye treatment • 44 hearing treatment • 19 travel costs Kaumātua Dinner • Hosted the annual Kaumātua Dinner in recognition of our kaumātua who uphold the tikanga and kawa of our marae. Kaumātua are selected by their marae in appreciation of their continued support of our haukāinga and ahi kaa. The event sees more than 350 of our kaumātua from around the Lake attend. We acknowledge the support received from Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust, Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust, and our funding committees who help to ensure the continued success of this celebration.



Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Assist our kaumātua with their health and wellbeing. • Ensuring our kaumātua are aware of the assistance available from the Trust Board. • Hosting events that acknowledge our ahi kaa and their ongoing support of our marae.

STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Continue to support initiatives that promote and celebrate Tūwharetoa in the community. • Deliver high impact events that promote healthy and active lifestyles. • Where appropriate, partner with other agencies to ensure positive outcomes for whānau.

What we achieved Tūwharetoa Marae Sports Challenge $10,000 sponsorship • 18 marae participated IronMāori Taupō-nui-a-Tia $20,000 sponsorship • $11,359 funding for Tūwharetoa entry fees, volunteer support and catering. • 603 participated and 53 Tūwharetoa participants had 50 per cent of their entry fee subsidised. Ironman • 10 free entries for Ironman 70.3 • 10 free entries for Ironman NZ Ironkidz • $6,810 of sponsorship for the swim leg and entry fee for Tūwharetoa tamariki. • 832 participated and 74 Tūwharetoa tamariki had 100 per cent of their entry fee subsidised. Marae, Hapū and Iwi support $1,031,637 to support marae, hapū and iwi activities: • • • • •

$450,000 Marae Capital Grants $160,000 Paramountcy $115,000 Iwi events $10,000 Matua Tu Taua $10,000 Marae celebrations

• • • •

$10,000 Marae Sports $10,000 Tūwharetoa Fishing Competition $5,500 Marae and Tamariki Fishing Licences $12,500 Te Taiopenga o Tūwharetoa


Community Events and Sponsorship $56,300 to support our community: • $11,000 Tūrangi Christmas in the Park • $8,000 Foodbanks in Taupō, Tūrangi, Taumarunui and Mangakino • $6,000 IronKidz • $5,000 Tūrangi Coastguard • $5,000 Tūrangi Volunteer Fire Brigade

• • • • •

$5,000 Tūwharetoa Order of St John $5,000 Kids Greening Taupō $5,000 St Joseph’s Māori Girls College Fundraiser $4,000 Waitangi Celebrations $1,500 Tūrangi Triathlon

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Continued support of initiatives that promote and celebrate Tūwharetoa in the community. • Support of high impact events that promote healthy and active lifestyles. • Partner with other agencies, where appropriate, to ensure positive outcomes for whānau.




we are a high performing organisation that is commercially successful with meaningful relationships in place

The organisation is supported by sound policies and robust governance and operating procedures.

PRUDENT USE OF RESOURCES Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue prudent use of resources and management of longer term cashflows.

What we achieved • Increased the Equity of the organisation from $64 to $69 million. • Achieved a surplus of $3 million, primarily through a mix of investment and asset revaluation. • Made $2.7 million of distributions to Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continual growth of net assets.

FINANCIAL ACUMEN AND MANAGEMENT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to maintain high levels of financial management by developing internal financial management skills and using external providers as required.

What we achieved Achieved a non-qualified audit report once again, a pleasing result that demonstrates the professionalism and highstandard of accountability the Trust Board takes in relation to financial management.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continual improvement of financial management systems. 35

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Maintain the discipline of considering investment opportunities within the parameters set out in the Investment Governance Policy (IGP).

What we achieved Developed and approved our IGP framework, which takes a whole portfolio approach encompassing all investment activities of the Trust Board. Purpose of the IGP: • To assist all parties involved with the governance of current and future assets. • To effectively undertake due diligence. • To monitor and evaluate the group investments of the Trust Board. • To review the effectiveness of investment governance over time.

Our focus for 2019-2020 • Review of fiduciary governance processes. • Review of portfolio allocation mix.

INDEPENDENT REPORTING Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue to develop the Trust Board’s understanding of best practice in investment governance.

What we achieved Conducted quarterly independent monitoring of the Trust Board’s Investment Portfolio, by MyFiduciary, as required by the IGP.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continued investment monitoring in accordance with best practice fiduciary standards.

LONG-TERM CASHFLOW Key objectives for 2018 -2019 Develop and implement a Treasury Policy around best practice for cash management.

What we achieved Reviewed and set in place our new Treasury Policy.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continued monitoring and assessment. 36


CONTRACTORS AND CONSULTANTS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Continue active monitoring by Management of the services provided by contractors and consultants.

What we achieved Used, and continue to use, contractors and consultants for a range of one-off or short-term projects. All our providers and advisors worked to a ‘Schedule of Services’ with regular reporting during the contract period. Management actively monitored the services provided and ensured the work produced was of a high standard.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continued monitoring and assessment.

PROPERTY RIGHTS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Strongly represent our interests in the Declaratory Judgment hearing in May 2019.

What we achieved Statutory declaration still being sought in the High Court in Wellington.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Hearing is set for the first half of 2020.


COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Continue to explore commercial opportunities through Taupō Moana Group Holdings (TMGH). • Conduct investigations to improve and expand the Taupō Hole In One business, which is in its second year of operation under our ownership.

What we achieved Hole In One • Continued growth in profitability. • Grew our Tūwharetoa team with our first cadetship programme. Sky Waka investment (Ruapehu Alpine Lifts) • TMGH completed due diligence and invested in the new Gondola on Mt Ruapehu. • This investment took into account the large number of Tūwharetoa people who work on the maunga and the importance of being a part of these activities on our taonga. Chris Jolly Outdoors majority share • TMGH negotiated and subsequently acquired a majority shareholding in the largest operator on Lake Taupō — Chris Jolly Outdoors. The partnership further signifies the entry of Tūwharetoa into the regional tourism industry on our taonga, Lake Taupō. Due diligence • TMGH undertook due diligence on various business opportunities.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Hole In One • TMGH will continue to grow the profitability of the business while expanding our Tūwharetoa team. • TMGH will investigate the benefits of expanding the offerings on the current site, as well as possible structural variations. We anticipate these investigations will be complete by early 2020. Sky Waka investment (Ruapehu Alpine Lifts) • This investment has a 10-year life span. TMGH will continue to monitor its progress and engage with the operator on a consistent and direct basis. As investors, TMGH will require the operator to have a deep appreciation of our taonga and people. Chris Jolly Outdoors majority share • TMGH intends to review the business to identify growth opportunities going forward. Due diligence • TMGH will continue to undertake diligence on various key business opportunities to further our presence on our taonga, and provide opportunities for our people.



COMMUNICATIONS Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Continue to develop a range of innovative tools that provide a portal for Tūwharetoa engagement. • Deliver initiatives that improve our connection to and engagement with Tūwharetoa.

What we achieved Pānui • Regular pānui by email to registered whānau on upcoming events, job opportunities, training schemes etc. Te Kōtuku • Regular distribution of our quarterly magazine, Te Kōtuku, by email to registered whānau, by post to kaumātua aged 60 years and older, and through our website. • Ensured content covered whānau, marae, and hapū news and events, and included articles from other iwi entities and organisations. Social media • Ensured Facebook was regularly used as a direct communication tool. Followers increased from 4,568 to 5,453 in the last year.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Continue to develop a range of innovative tools that provide a portal for Tūwharetoa engagement. • Deliver initiatives that improve our connection to, and engagement with, Tūwharetoa.

RECORD MANAGEMENT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Maintain a high-quality database with Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries. • Maintain secure record management and information communication systems.

What we achieved Member database Launched a new database with Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust. The Salesforce database services the three entities and has made it easier for Tūwharetoa whānau to register, update their details and apply for grants and funding. The new system has consolidated the administration of the database, reducing the costs and risks involved in managing multiple systems between entities. The database went live in February 2019 to process our Education Grants. File management • Reviewed our file management system and implemented a secure external storage facility to ensure general files are maintained and stored in-line with our statutory responsibilities. • Archival preservation of our historical material and taonga, and identifying an appropriate system for Tūwharetoa whānau whānui to access archive information in the future.


Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Maintain a high-quality database with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries.  • Maintain secure record management and information communication systems.

STAFF PERFORMANCE Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 • Staff are supported in implementing their development plans. • Staff performance is regularly monitored.

What we achieved • Ensured staff member Performance Development Plans were reviewed and updated. • Management ensured each staff member had a monthly operating review. This is an opportunity to meet one-on-one to discuss performance and personal wellbeing.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 • Staff are supported in implementing their development plans. • Staff performance is regularly monitored.

STAFF TRAINING Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Provide professional development and training opportunities for staff.

What we achieved • All staff received professional development training aligned to their role and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). • Provided team training modules to improve core competencies, in addition to individual training. • Engaged Cultivating Leadership to develop Team Management Profiles which identify an individual’s work preferences, potential strengths, and provide practical actions to use these strengths within the team. • Senior Leadership Team continued to work with Cultivating Leadership to build a cohesive Management Team that focuses on providing robust leadership to staff and working together on key issues.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Provide professional development and training opportunities for staff.



HEALTH AND SAFETY Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Effectively manage Health and Safety requirements and maintain a safe working environment for staff, manuhiri and others.

What we achieved • Developed a Health and Safety Policy for the Trust Board to meet our statutory requirements, and which provided guidelines that ensures we effectively address H&S obligations in our workplace. • Appointed H&S Manager and H&S Representative to monitor policies. • Relevant staff members completed NZQA training through Safety‘n Action and became fully qualified.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continue to effectively manage Health and Safety requirements and maintain a safe working environment for staff, manuhiri and others.

RISK MANAGEMENT Key objectives for 2018 - 2019 Maintain the Risk Register and ensure all required actions are completed. The Risk Register is an important component of the Risk Management Framework for our organisation.

What we achieved Reviewed our current Risk Register to ensure it is relevant and aligned to our business needs.

Our focus for 2019 - 2020 Continue to maintain the Risk Register and ensure all required actions are completed.


OUR ORGANISATION ropu whakahaere

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Tūwharetoa FM

Taupō Waters Trust Taupō Moana Group Holdings

Topia Rameka

Raina Ferris-Bretherton

Rakeipoho Taiaroa

Gaye Stebbing

Chief Executive Officer Manager – Commercial & Strategy

Kim Alexander


Courtney Marshall

Cher Mohi

Environmental Coordinator

Nicole Hodgson

Environmental Coordinator

Rachael Reihana

Manager - Corporate Services

Information & Database Administrator

Claire Northcroft Executive Assistant

Archive Administrator

Environmental Coordinator

Maria Nepia

Adriana Flectcher

Angela Puru

Janet Galbraith

Finance Administrator

Manager - Natural Resources

Michelle Taiaroa

Lauren Fletcher





Project Coordinator

Environmental Coordinator

Tredegar Hall

Project Coordinator

Marie Otimi

Strategic Analyst

TAUPŌ WATERS TRUST The Taupō Waters Trust (TWT) holds the bed of Lake Taupō on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. The Trustee of TWT is the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board. TWT advances Tūwharetoa ownership rights and responsibilities for Taupō Waters. It has established a commercial subsidiary - Taupō Moana Group Holdings Ltd.

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Taupō Waters Trust (TMTB is the Trustee)

Licenses commercial activities on Lake Taupō Licenses all events Licenses exclusive use

Taupō Moana Group Holdings (TMTB is the 100% Shareholder)

Commercial tourism activities related to Lake Taupō

Commercial Licences The Trust received $1,723,712 from the use of Taupō Waters during the year, an increase of $174,080 (11.2 per cent) on the $1,549,632 received in the 2017 - 2018 financial year. This is due to increased revenue from the easement with Mercury Energy following higher than expected inflows into Lake Taupō and higher than expected wholesale electricity prices. The forecast for the 2019 - 2020 financial year is set to be at a similar level. There has been limited progress in licensing most commercial operators on Taupō Waters. This will be resolved through the Declaratory Judgment hearing set for the first half of 2020. Events We continue to license many events on Lake Taupō – from the NZ Offshore Powerboat Series to the New Zealand Ironman. Many events are charitable and do not attract a charge. However, where the organisers of the event make a profit, they are charged a commercial rate.


TAUPŌ MOANA GROUP HOLDINGS The primary purpose of Taupō Moana Group Holdings (TMGH) is to: • Commercialise the competitive advantages of the Trust Board and build long-term wealth and revenue streams; and • Leverage employment and social outcomes from commercial activity, where these are feasible. TMGH is chaired by Tiwana Tibble, accompanied by directors, Shelley Katae and Hayden Porter. TMGH is primarily focussed on commercial tourism opportunities and investment within the rohe of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. The goals of TMGH are to: • Identify opportunities that maximise our competitive advantages • Provide employment opportunities for Ngāti Tūwharetoa • Have a defendable market position • Identify unique opportunities • Provide growth • Align with cultural and environmental objectives • Provide acceptable commercial returns The long-term outcome sought by TMGH is the establishment of a broad commercial portfolio of businesses which maximises the strategic advantages of the Trust Board’s assets and existing tourism businesses, diversifies risk, and builds long-term alternative cashflows for the Group.

Tiwana Tibble (Chairman)



Shelley Katae

Hayden Porter

ACTIVITIES FOR THE 2018/19 YEAR Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) Gondola Investment TMGH, together with nine other Tūwharetoa Trusts and Incorporations, has invested in the new Gondola on Mt Ruapehu. Investment in the RAL Gondola proposal was identified as a major opportunity that required much investigation and commitment. The Gondola has been in operation since July 2019, and we hope to be able to realise the true value of the investment next year. The Gondola will be operating all year round and early signs of consistent patronage are encouraging. Hole In One In November 2017, TMGH completed the purchase of the Hole In One business on the Lake Terrace in Taupō. Hole In One is one of New Zealand’s most popular and iconic tourist attractions and is rated one of the top 100 activities to do in the Taupō region.

RAL currently employs more than 100 of our Tūwharetoa whānau during the winter months — providing employment opportunities for the people of Tūwharetoa is a major strategic focus for TMGH.

From a financial perspective, the business is going from strength to strength and has created a strong Tūwharetoa presence in the local and national tourism scene. TMGH is excited with the placement of our whānau in strategic positions within the business, bringing in our unique Tūwharetoa skills and expertise. Staff are led by our Operations Manager, Renee Kiwi, who has 23 years’ experience in the tourism industry and knows the ins and outs of the tourism scene in Taupō and the region. The opportunity to acquire this well-established tourism business has been very fruitful and is well-aligned with our long-term objectives.

Other opportunities Chris Jolly Outdoors

hole in one is one of new zealand's most popular and iconic tourist attractions and is rated one of the top 100 activities to do in the taupo region.

TMGH negotiated and subsequently acquired a majority shareholding in the largest operator on Lake Taupō — Chris Jolly Outdoors. The partnership signifies the entry of Tūwharetoa into the regional tourism industry on our taonga, Lake Taupō. TMGH is also currently in discussions with various other entities to explore opportunities that will achieve the Trust Board’s requirements. Over the past financial year, TMGH has investigated several investment opportunities, with many not meeting the required benchmarks. Work continues to identify suitable business opportunities and diversify our portfolio.


INVESTMENT REPORT porongo whakato-pura

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board has funds invested with Rutherford Rede, who provide access to a secure custodial system and a suite of institutional grade fund managers. The governance of the funds is in accordance with comprehensive Investment Policy Statements covering separate asset types, which collectively form the investment framework. There are two diversified portfolios, the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board (TMTB) Fund and the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Waikato River (TMTBWR) Fund. The funds have different purposes, objectives and beneficiaries, and are treated as unique portfolios. The TMTB governance role is supported by a specialist fiduciary adviser ensuring policy is implemented, appropriate due diligence is independently undertaken, and all service providers and funds are of a high standard. An overview of the asset allocation and performance of the two portfolios is outlined on the following page (the data is as at 30 June 2019).




2.1% Cash 15.4% NZ Fixed Interest 15.4% Global Fixed Interest 14.9% NZ Equity 42.3% Global Equity 10.0% Emerging Mkts








NZ Fixed Interest




Global Fixed Interest




NZ Equity




Global Equity




Emerging Markets




Total Assets











NZ Fixed Interest




Global Fixed Interest




NZ Equity




Global Equity




Emerging Markets




Total Assets





2.9% Cash 23.1% NZ Fixed Interest 23.5% Global Fixed Interest 11.6% NZ Equity 32.0% Global Equity 6.8% Emerging Mkts



Gross Annualised Return 7.4%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2011





TMTBWR (Gross)





90 Day (Gross)


Gross Annualised Return 7.5%











TMTBWR (Gross)












90 Day (Gross)




ko nga whakakitenga putea a-tau

tuwharetoa maori trust board for the year ended 30 june 2019



2019 $’000


2018 $’000







Total surplus/(deficit) for the period



Other comprehensive revenue and expenses



Total comprehensive revenue and expenses



Surplus or deficit attributable to the owners of the controlling entity



Total comprehensive revenue and expenses attributable to the owners of the controlling entity



Revaluation Reserve

Total Equity


Retained Earnings $’000

Opening balance as at 1 July 2018





Surplus/(Deficit) for the period




Total comprehensive revenue and expense




Distributions to Beneficiaries




Closing Equity 30 June 2019




Retained Earnings

Revaluation Reserve

Total Equity


Opening balance as at 1 July 2017








Surplus/(Deficit) for the period




Total comprehensive revenue and expense




Distributions to Beneficiaries




Closing Equity 30 June 2018











Net Assets Retained Surplus


Asset Revaluation Reserve Total net assets attributable to the owners of the controlling entity






Assets Current Assets Cash Ka andhuhua cash equivalents 2,093 ake anō ngā toko ake progresses. With the creation Ka huhua akekaupapa anō ngāka kaupapa ka itoko ake as i this korero as this korero progresses. With theof creation of ngā whakawhitinga kōrero kei mua i te aroaro. Investments 2,548 Te Kōtahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, we will we ngā whakawhitinga kōrero kei mua i te aroaro. Te Kōtahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, will

Nā te whakatūnga ake o Te Kotahitanga o toward a positive for the 625 Nā te whakatūnga ake o Te Kotahitanga oalso workalso work toward arelationship positive relationship for the Receivables, Prepayments and Inventory

Ngāti Tūwharetoa ka whakahono atu mātouatu mātou benefit ofbenefit Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Ngāti Tūwharetoa ka whakahono of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Total ki current assets 5,267 a rātou anō mō teanō oranga paitanga ki a rātou mō te oranga o paitanga o ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL Tūwharetoa. Tūwharetoa. We are again pleased the financial We are againwith pleased with theresults financial results OHANGA ME NGĀ PĀKIHI Current AssetsOHANGA ME NGĀ PĀKIHI for the reporting year and the for the reporting yearresponsible and the responsible harikoa mātou i ngā whakakitenga stewardship of our financial We TradeKei andteother payables 1,526 Kei tekatoa harikoa katoa mātou i ngā whakakitenga stewardship of ourresources. financial resources. We pūtea mōpūtea te taumō e repoatatia ana me teana me te continue to build the financial wealth of wealth the te tau e repoatatia continue to build the financial of the Net working capital 3,740 tiakitangatiakitanga i ngā rauemi Keipūtea. te organisation whilst alsowhilst delivering significantsignificant i ngāpūtea. rauemi Kei te organisation also delivering whakarahiwhakarahi ake i te pātaka pūtea mepūtea te programsprograms and benefits our whanau. ake i te pātaka me te andto benefits to our whanau. whakahaere tonutia e mātou hōtaka mehōtaka me whakahaere tonutiangā e mātou ngā Non-current assets ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ngā huarahi ō tātou ki whānau. ngāāwhina huarahiki āwhina ō tātou whānau. Receivables & Investments In conclusion, we wish to Ngāti46,322 In conclusion, weacknowledge wish to acknowledge Ngāti WHAKAMIHA WHAKAMIHA Tūwharetoa whānau and thank you for your Tūwharetoa whānau and thank you for your Lake Bed 17,250 Hei whakakōpanihia ake ngā kōrero ka kōrero ka support ofsupport the mahi wewhich carry out on out on Hei whakakōpanihia ake ngā of which the mahi we carry Intangible Assets 875 rere tonu rere te autonu mihiteki au ngā whānau Ngāti o Ngātiyour behalf, and for your ourunder our mihi ki ngāowhānau your behalf, andbenefit, for yourunder benefit, OtherTūwharetoa Property,Tūwharetoa Plant Equipment 836 nā te&tautoko mātou imahi e mahi e mantle Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi. ki te Iwi. nā tei ātautoko ā mātou mantle Mahi Rangatira ana mō tātou katoa i raro i te kara whakamahia ana mō tātou katoa i raro i teTo kara Total whakamahia non-current assets 65,283 our Board Members, thank youthank for your To our Board Members, you for your Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi. ki te Iwi. Mahi Rangatira service and commitment to the kaupapa. service and commitment to the kaupapa. Ki ngā mema pōari, tēnāpōari, koutou i tākoutou koutoui tā koutou We also acknowledge our staff for Ki ngā mema tēnā We also acknowledge ourcontinuing staff for continuing

Total kaha Assetsū ki te 69,023 kaupapa. He mihi anō ki ngā look toto ways delivery kaha ū ki te kaupapa. He tēnei mihi anō tēnei kitongā looktotoimprove ways toour improve our delivery

1,771 4,261 683 6,716

2,015 4,700

43,530 14,650 874 585 59,640 64,340

kaimahi katoa e kaha kimihia tonutia ana ngā ana ngā and effectiveness for the benefit ofbenefit Ngāti of Ngāti kaimahi katoa e kaha kimihia tonutia and effectiveness for the huarahi e huarahi pai ake e ai pai te tuku tikateatu i ngā Tūwharetoa. ake ai tuku tika mahi atu i ngā mahi Tūwharetoa. mō te oranga o oranga Ngāti Tūwharetoa. mō te o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Kaon nuibehalf te mihi kithe atekoutou ki atekoutou Ka of nui mihi ki katoa. a koutou katoa. Ka nui mihi ki katoa. a koutou katoa. For and Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Ka nui te mihi

TrusteeJOHN BISHARA JOHN BISHARA Date: 27Tiamana September/ 2019 Chairman

Tiamana / Chairman


Kaiwhakahaere Matua / Chief Executive Officer Officer Date: 27 September 2019 Kaiwhakahaere Matua / Chief Executive


Date: 27 September 2019


STATEMENT OF CASHFLOWS For the year ended 30 June 2019 GROUP






Cash flows from operating activities Cash was provided from: Exchange and non-exchange transactions







Cash was applied to: Payments to Suppliers and Employees Grants Paid



Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Operating Activities



Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Investing Activities



Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Financing Activities



Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held



Cash and cash equivalents 1 July 2018





Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 June 2019



STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE AND BASIS OF PREPARATION The full financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Public Benefit Entity (PBE) standards Reduced Disclosure Regime (RDR) and the entity has made an explicit and unreserved statement of compliance with PBE standards RDR in its full financial statements for each period presented in the summary financial statements. The full financial statements meet the requirements of the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955 and the Māori Trust Boards Amendment Act 2011. The summary financial statements are for the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Group with specific disclosures included in the summary financial statements extracted from the full financial statements. The summary financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars and have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. The summary financial statements have been prepared in accordance with FRS-43: Summary Financial Statements. The summary financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Events after the reporting date Subsequent to 30 June 2019, Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited (TMGHL), a 100 per cent owned subsidiary of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board entered into an agreement to invest $3,200,000 in the TMGH Jolly partnership. This investment was funded from existing cash reserves held by the Group at 30 June 2019. The full financial statements, which were authorised for issue on 27 September 2019, have been subject to audit by Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Ltd, Whanganui and an unmodified audit report was issued dated 27 September 2019. The summary financial report has been examined by the auditor for consistency with the full financial report. The summary financial statements cannot be expected to provide as complete an understanding as that provided by the full financial statements. The full financial statements can be obtained from the office of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, PO Box 87, Tūrangi, 3353 on request. There have been no changes in accounting policies.



REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR ON THE SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Beneficiaries of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board The accompanying summarised consolidated financial statements on pages 50 to 53, which comprise the summarised consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2019, the summarised consolidated statement of comprehensive revenue and expenses, summarised consolidated statement of changes in net assets and statement of cashflows for the year ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and group for the year ended 30 June 2019. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated the 27 September 2019. Those financial statements, and the summarised financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summarised financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required for full financial statements under generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. Reading the summarised financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and group. The Trustees' Responsibilities The Trustees are responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance with FRS-43: Summary Financial Statements. Auditor's Responsibilities Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summarised financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISA (NZ)) 810, “engagements to report on Summary Financial Statements”. Other than in our capacity as auditors we have no relationship with, or interests in, the Trust or any of its subsidiaries. Opinion In our opinion, the summarised financial statements derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and group for the year ended 30 June 2019 are consistent, in all material respects, with those financial statements, in accordance with FRS-43.

Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Ltd Whanganui, New Zealand Date:

27 September 2019






Central Plateau




ko nga whakakitenga putea a-tau

taupo waters trust for the year ended 30 june 2019









Revenue Interest Revenue



Revenue from providing goods and services



Total Revenue





Total expenses



Total surplus/(deficit) for the period



Total comprehensive revenue and expenses



Surplus or deficit attributable to the owners of the controlling entity



Other comprehensive revenue and expenses



Total comprehensive revenue and expenses attributable to the owners of the controlling entity



Retained Earnings

Revaluation Reserve

Total Equity




Expenses Other expenses



Opening balance as at 1 July 2018



Surplus/(Deficit) for the period




Total comprehensive revenue and expenses







Retained Earnings

Revaluation Reserve

Total Equity







Closing Equity 30 June 2019


Opening balance as at 1 July 2017 Surplus/(Deficit) for the period Total comprehensive revenue and expenses Closing Equity 30 June 2018
















Current Assets Bank accounts and cash Investments Inventory Receivables, Prepayments and Inventory











as this korero progresses. With the creation of17,250 Te Kōtahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, we will 874 also work toward a positive relationship for the 59 benefit of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.


Total current assets Non-current assets Ka huhua ake anō ngā kaupapa ka toko ake i Lake Bed

ngā whakawhitinga kōrero kei mua i te aroaro. Intangible Nā teAssets whakatūnga ake o Te Kotahitanga o OtherNgāti Property, Plant &ka Equipment Tūwharetoa whakahono atu mātou ki a rātou anō mō te Investments (Non-current)oranga paitanga o Tūwharetoa.

Total non-current assets OHANGA ME NGĀ PĀKIHI

te harikoa katoa mātou i ngā whakakitenga Total Kei Assets pūtea mō te tau e repoatatia ana me te tiakitanga i ngā rauemi pūtea. Kei te whakarahi ake i te pātaka pūtea me te Current Liabilities tonutia e mātou ngā hōtaka me Total whakahaere Current Liabilities ngā huarahi āwhina ki ō tātou whānau.

Total WHAKAMIHA assets less Total Liabilities (Net assets)

Hei whakakōpanihia ake ngā kōrero ka rere tonu te au mihi ki ngā whānau o Ngāti Accumulated Funds Tūwharetoa nā te tautoko i ā mātou mahi e whakamahia ana mō tātou katoa i raro i te kara Accumulated surpluses/(deficits) Mahi Rangatira Revaluation Reserve ki te Iwi. ngā mema pōari, tēnā koutou i tā koutou Total Ki Equity

kaha ū ki te kaupapa. He mihi anō tēnei ki ngā kaimahi katoa e kaha kimihia tonutia ana ngā huarahi e pai ake ai te tuku tika atu i ngā mahi mō te oranga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Chairman Date: 27Tiamana September/ 2019


Date: 27 September 2019






We are again pleased with the financial results19,683



for the reporting year and the responsible stewardship of our financial resources. We 23,792 continue to build the financial wealth of the organisation whilst also delivering significant programs and benefits to our whanau.



In conclusion, we wish to acknowledge Ngāti Tūwharetoa whānau and thank you for your 22,810 support of the mahi which we carry out on your behalf, and for your benefit, under our mantle Mahi Rangatira ki te Iwi.

To our Board Members, thank you for your 15,432 7,378 service and commitment to the kaupapa. We also acknowledge our staff for continuing22,810 to look to ways to improve our delivery and effectiveness for the benefit of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Kaon nuibehalf te mihi a koutou katoa.Māori Trust Board asKaTrustee nui te mihi ki a koutou For and ofkithe Tūwharetoa of Taupō Waterskatoa. Trust




Kaiwhakahaere Matua / Chief Executive Officer


804 18,785

14,007 4,778 18,785

STATEMENT OF CASHFLOWS For the year ended 30 June 2019 GROUP






Cash flows from operating activities Cash was provided from: 2,376






Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Operating Activities



Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Investing Activities



Net cash Inflow (Outflow) from Financing Activities









Exchange and non-exchange transactions Cash was applied to: Payments to Suppliers and Employees

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held Cash and cash equivalents 1 July 2018 Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 June 2019


STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE AND BASIS OF PREPARATION The full financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual [Not-For-Profit] (PBE SFR-A (NFP)) standards on the basis that it does not have public accountability and has total annual expenses equal to or less than $2,000,000 (Tier 3). The entity has made an explicit and unreserved statement of compliance with PBE standards in its full financial statements for each period presented in the summary financial statements. The full financial statements meet the requirements of the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955 and the Māori Trust Boards Amendment Act 2011. The summary financial statements are for the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Group with specific disclosures included in the summary financial statements extracted from the full financial statements. The summary financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars and have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. The summary financial statements have been prepared in accordance with FRS-43: Summary Financial Statements. The summary financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Events after the reporting date Subsequent to 30 June 2019, Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited (TMGHL), a 100 per cent owned subsidiary of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board entered into an agreement to invest $3,200,000 in the TMGH Jolly partnership. This investment was funded from existing cash reserves held by the Group at 30 June 2019. The full financial statements, which were authorised for issue on 27 September 2019, have been subject to audit by Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Ltd, Whanganui and an unmodified audit report was issued dated 27 September 2019. The summary financial report has been examined by the auditor for consistency with the full financial report. The summary financial statements cannot be expected to provide as complete an understanding as that provided by the full financial statements. The full financial statements can be obtained from the office of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, P O Box 87, Tūrangi, 3353 on request. There have been no changes in accounting policies.




REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR ON THE SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Beneficiaries of Taupō Waters Trust The accompanying summarised consolidated financial statements on pages 57 to 60, which comprise the summarised consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2019, the summarised consolidated statement of comprehensive revenue and expenses, summarised consolidated statement of changes in net assets and consolidated statement of cashflows for the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements of Taupō Waters Trust and group for the year ended 30 June 2019. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated the 27 September 2019. Those financial statements, and the summarised financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summarised financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required for full financial statements under generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. Reading the summarised consolidated financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Taupō Waters Trust and group. The Trustee’s Responsibilities The Trustees are responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance with FRS-43: Summary Financial Statements. Auditor's Responsibilities Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISA (NZ)) 810, “engagements to report on Summary Financial Statements”. Other than in our capacity as auditors we have no relationship with, or interests in the Trust or any of its subsidiaries. Opinion In our opinion, the summarised financial statements derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of Taupo Waters Trust and Group for the year ended 30 June 2019 are consistent, in all material respects, with those financial statements, in accordance with FRS-43.

Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Whanganui, New Zealand Date:

27 September 2019




Central Plateau





mahi tika, mahi pono


GRANT RECIPIENTS nga kaiwhakawhiwhinga 2018 - 2019

EARLY CHILDHOOD Ackerman, Zakaius

Byles, Porscha-May

Dempsey, Quade

Haika, Parengamihi

Ahuru-Smythe, Tatum

Callaghan, Kodie

Denton, Meika

Hakaraia, Ricoh

Akana, Alexander

Callaghan, Maia

Derecho-Eden, Blake

Hakopa, Hineareia

Akana, Netane

Callaghan-Rhynd, CorbinLeith

Dowle, Digger

Hallett, Manaaki

Callaghan-Rhynd, KalynEdward

Downes, Kaea

Hapuku-Downes, Brian

Downes, Karewa

Harding, Iraia

Edgeler, Eli

Harding, Te Winika

Edgeler, Tamara

Harford, Armani

Edmonds, Ariya

Harford, Te Ahurangi

Ekuasi, Naila

Harris, Te Rangihiroa

Emery, Rongomau

Harvey-Rach, Tyson

Erutoe, Kerri-Paul

Hepi, Ananias

Everett, Rhylee

Hepi, Ashlee

Everett, Ricki

Hepi, Halo

Fairbrother, Hunter

Hepi, Manaakitia

Flesher-Martin, Teriaki

Hepi, Marley

Fletcher-Coles, Elle-Jaye

Hepi, Te Manawa

Flight, Maia

Hepi, Te-Pae-Tawhiti

Gardiner, Sol

Hepi, Tiaki

George, Armani

Herewini, Israel

Gillett, Tipoutahi

Hika, Titarakaahu

Gillett, Titus

Hiku, Henare

Godfrey, Kahn

Hiwarau, Nikki

Godfrey, Shem

Holt, Ciara-Lee

Godfrey, Zarviia

Hurae-Koko, Easton

Gordon, Jimi

Ilele, Leeahni-Rose Ilele, Tre

Albert, Irirangi Albert, Lynniah Albert, Moss Ali, Amilah Apiata, Te Hiriwa Aramoana, Reid Arona-Monsall, James Aumua, Keitaria Aumua, Manaia Baker, Kahu Baker, Reef Baker, Zaeya Baker-Tuipulotu, Khovi-Vei Baker-Tuipulotu, Teiria Barlow, Cruz Barron, Peyton Barron, Robert Bartlett, Ayva Bartlett, Zion Birkett, Kayden Bishara, Anna Bishara, Elon


Campbell, Nikau Caraynidis, Kal-El Carmichael, Eva Carrington, Taumauri Cassin, Damon Cato, Esme Changtime, Kaine-Ryder Changtime-Macpherson, Dreame Chase, Hiwaiterangi Christiansen, Quaylan Clarke, Jordan Clarke, Kruze Clay, Levana-Rose Cockburn, Edward Cockburn, Kauri Cooper, Blake Cowen, Ross-James Cribb, Nathaniel Cunningham, Kowhai

Bishara, Nina

Daji-Te Heuheu, Kupa

Grace-Brown, Tangihaere

Bishara, Reuben

Dakin-Poto, Priyah

Graham, Cecilia

Iwikau, Kerara

Bowker, Frankie

Davidson, Kruz

Graham, Joshua

Jahnke, Kiana

Boyce, Te Owai

Davies, Ahkadia

Graham-Paranihi, Tatianna

Jenkins, Cortez

Brell-Dougherty, Maika

Davies, Alaric

Gray-Johansen, Willow

Jensen, Devontea

Burns, Luxem

Davies, Matiu

Greer, Andre

Joe-barbarich, Hikurangi

Butler-Springhall, Iylla

Davies, Pehi

Gutsell, Arian

Kahu, Kynan

Byles, Aria

Davis-Martin, Kauri

Gutsell, Peyton

Kahu-Bridge, Wyatt

Byles, Keyarah-Lee

Dempsey, Corrie-James

Habib-Kitto, Ayvril-Lee

Kameta, Kearoa


Kameta, Lawrence

Mclean, Jye

Pickering-Rudolph, Te Koha

Snowden, Maxine

Kapua, Jorja

McLeod, Ozias

Pihema-Humphries, Braxton

Snowden, Naveya

Kapua, Manaia

Mcrae, Shay

Pitiroi, Karter

Snowden, Te Araitanga

Keef, Stephen

Mellon, Te Poono

Plowman, Teagan-Rose

Snowden, Valerie

Keef, Tamati

Mendez-Gray, MauiAlexander

Ramea, Leo

Sobti, Kiaan

Mendez-Gray, Sophia

Rameka, Juliette

Sobti, Missiah

Rameka, Manaia

Squire, Belle

Keene, Taanehurukiwa Kelly, Piper-Rose Kendrick, Jordyn Keremete-Davies, Ava Kiel, Alice Kingi, Chloe Kingi, Taraakona Kisina, Caleb Kisina, Chey Kisina, Codie Konui-Tulloch, Tyler Kururangi, Koha Kururangi, Te Kahui Lawson, Izaiah Lett, Tara Lett, Tilly Lewis-Tyler, Acacia Lewis-Tyler, Kauri Libeau, Noah Lowndes, Te Rangikaiwhiria Ludlam, Carter Luff-Davis, Ayla-Rain Mackey-Iakopo, Asa

Metuli, Lexi Moana, Manaia Molony, Pania-Jade Molony-Corfield, PeteraMorehu Monteiro, Maya More, Tahlia More, Tyson Morice, Judah Morris, Lenny Morris, Madeleine Moses, Oceana Munu-Joyce, Jaxxon Murray, Le’Cheyn Nepia, Kade Ngaau, Ella Ngaau, Owen Ngataierua, Whakaihuwaka Ngawhika, Souljah Nikora, Vincent Nixon, Kauri Nkhasi, Khyan

Rameka, Tyler Rameka-Harris, Remy’Lee Rameka-Mclaren, Jameson Ranapia, Psalm Ranapia, Samuel Rangataua-To’Omata, Laina Rangataua-To’Omata, Lucas Rangi, Cezhar Ransfield, Bailee Ransfield, Kaedyn Ree-Fontana, Tyson Reihana, Journey Repoama, June Rerekura, Hamiora Reynolds-Puru, Xzaylyah Riley-Nicoll, Te Kiriwai Roberts, Hori Rolfe-Bishara, Rongomaiwhiti Rose-Dunn, Kyson Rusher, Addison Rutten, Kataraina Rutten, Rayne

Squire, Chloe Squire, Phoebe Stone, Winter Sutton, Piper Svensson, Cameron Svensson, Indie Taane, Wiremu Taewa, Alania Taewa, Ave-Maria Taewa, Veronica Taewa, Wolfgang Tahere, Aiyana Tahere, Armah Tahi, Ruby Tamati, Cora Tamihana, Lincoln Tamihana, Renee Taualii, Alexander Te Ahuru-Watson, KaelyisRae Te Ahuru-Watson, Kyston Te Heuheu, Remy

Mackintosh, Calen

Nuku, Layton

Maniapoto, Kahura

O’Callaghan, Arniah

Maniapoto, Lana

O’Callaghan, Poroumati

Maranui-Wikohika, Kalaus

O’Donnell, Hendrix

Mariu, Knox

Okeroa, Myah

Mariu, Maihi

Otimi, Ruihi

Marks-Parkinson, Caius

Paea, Mila

Marks-Parkinson, Chayse

Page, Tiaki

Marshall, Hinekapuarangi

Pairama, Amaia

Shortland, Jade

Te Rangi-Walters, CiaaraLeigh

Marshall-Caldwell, Teaokorewarangi

Palmer, Recardez

Simmonds-Te Rangi, Kalani

Te Tomo, Brady

Pannell, Marcus

Simon, Major

Te Tomo-Berryman, Damien

Marshall-Ngawati, Chase

Paranihi, Tiahuia

Singh, Aliyana

Te Whaiti, Taikehu

Matana, Cherish

Paterson-Pihema, Andre

Singh, Anthem

Teka, Acacia

Matana, Sakiusa

Patia, Adagio

Smith, Kahui

Teki, Arlia

Matenga, Toikairakau

Payne-Wetere, Elsie

Smith, Poutu

Tepu, Kauri

Matuauto, Tia

Payne-Wetere, Sadie

Smith, Te Ahorangi

Tepu, Marino

McKay, Carter

Perez, Kleo

Smith, Te Hana

Tepu, Marire

Mclean, Charlie

Phillips, Hazel

Snowden, Khorneilyus

Thompson, Caelen

Seymour, Keeley Shelford, Kiara Shelford, Kortez Shelford, Osharn-Hayz Shepherd, Anahera Short, Ezra Short, Knox

Te Kene, Te Matau O Te Rangi Te Moana-Katu, Nathaniel Te Ngaru, Alexa Te Puni, Hartley Te Rangi, Keahonui Te Rangi, Ngarangi Te Rangi, Te Urikapohe


Thompson, Mason

Tupara, Shannon-Shay

Wall, Te Ohomairangi

Wheeler, Imogen

Thompson, Memory

Tupara-Whatarangi, Kyrah

Wall, Te Upoko

Whelan, Mila

Tiopira, Aanaya

Turanga-Brown, Poihere

Wana, Destiny

Tiopira, Jahlaysia

Turanga-Robinson, Bryson

Wana, Sahara-Skye

Whiu-Hepi, Te Manawanui

Tiopira, William

Va’a, Adelaide

Wanikau, Te Wharerangi

Toko, Rose

Van Tol, Nikau

Wanoa, Zoe

Toko, Winnie

Wade-Henry, Tamakopiri

Watarawi, Lexie

Towers, Silas

Wade-Tukiwaho, Matiu-Tipene

Werahiko, Maruki

Waho-Miller, Arden

Whaanga, Ngaroma

Waitai-Haenga, Taiao

Whakatihi, Harpa

Walker, Ariha

Whakatihi-Watson, Shaia

Tuhakaraina, Antjecatarina

Walker, Unique

Whare-Keene, Tamamutu

Tukiwaho-Corfield, Tohungarau

Wall, Beau

Whare-Keene, Te Ataahua

Wood, Maxwell

Wall, Bella-Aroha

Wharewaka, Isaac

Woods, Maddison

Tupara, Peyton

Wall, Jai

Wharewaka, Vincent

Wright, Juliana

Akuhata, Amaio

Dempsey, Rakauri

Henry-Brown, Kaylyn

Kennedy, Maire

Akuhata, Te Iwa

Dempsey, Te Kotukuraeroa

Henry-Carson, Petiata

Kennedy, Rongoteaio

Albert, Te Mahauariki

Dillon, Makaea

Henry-Carson, Teo-Tane

Kerei, Hawaiki

Aperehama-King, DiamondStar

Dowle, Blue

Heremaia, Pakoro

Kiel-Raukawa, Wahinareihi

Babbington, Hayden

Duff, Hiria

Heremaia, Taitemaaha

King, Ngarama

Ellis, Isabella

Te Heuheu, Manaia

Kingi, Teranea

Ellis, Whiri

Te Heuheu, Waiheke

Knowles, Brauden

Ellis, Wiremu-John

Heurea-Hunt, Cyahn

Knowles, Briston

Emani, Georgina

Heurea-Hunt, Herewini

Kuru-Whaiapu, Hinemoa

Emani, Romeo

Hohepa, Lee

Lacey, Hinemiri

Eru, Rereao

Holt, Aleah

Lacey, Hirai

Falwasser, Creed

Huata, Storm

Lacey, Peehimanini

Fenwick, Aiden

Huata, Summer

Lalaga, Strauss

Cairns-Willemsen, Rawiri

Fox-Winitana, Kayden

Huata, Yolsa

Lalaga, Tikirau

Carroll, Te Kauri

Fox-Winitana, Moeariki

Te Huna, Dawson

Levao, Lexzon

Cashell, Chevylee-Rose

Grace-Brown, Warren

Hunia, Hine

Lord, Cohen-O’Kiel

Chapman, Lauren

Grant, Mahina

Hunia, Koda

Mair, Matangi-Aio

Chapman, Tawha

Grant-Douglas, Taeotu

Hunia, Whanganui

Maniapoto, Aiorangi-Jordan

Church, Muturangi

Grant-Tuterangiwhiu, Rukuwainuiatea

Hunia-Nathan, Keilah

Maniapoto, Kaya

Hunter, Heaven

Maniapoto, Lorenzo

Habib, Dream

Hurae-Underwood, John

Maniapoto, Shine

Danklof-Katene, Aura-Leigh

Habib-Rameka, Diamond

Irving, Carter

Maniapoto, Zyrrus-Pounamu

Davis, Hinemaia

Hall, Takena

Irving, Tainui

Manu, Taitua

Davis, Kaia

Hawera, Tipene

Ivory, Indi

Manunui, Kona

Davis, Ngaire

Hemopo, Ariana

Ivory-Wall, Khloe

Mariu-Pene, Lily-huia

Davis, Tamaiharanui

Hemopo, Elijah-Hikairo

Johnson, Te Atawhai

Marshall, Gary

Dempsey, Aviana

Hemopo, Jaylah

Kelliher, Custom-Kurrupt

Marsters, Ahikaea

Trevelyan, Mariana Trueman, Easton Trueman, Eden

Whiu-Hepi, Te Miringa Whiu-Ihaia, Kahui Wikatene, Isaac Wikatene, Isabella Wikatene, Isla Wikohika, Te Awaroa Wilson, Indiana Winitana-Murray, Kaurangaihi


Biddle-Shelford, Jada-Rayn Biddle-Taoho, Te Kahumarina Biddle-Taoho, Whakahawea Boynton-Rameka, HineTitama Brown-Melrose, Olive-Marie Brown-Melrose, TrevelleLemar

Coburn, Grace Collier, Craig



Maru, Te Wiki

Puohotaua, Marley-Ray

Ross, Narliah

Thebus-Ladbrook, Naeema

Mason, Te Potiki

Rakei, Jack

Savage, Honey-Laylow

Maui, Tyla-McKenzie

Tipene, Te Awhiani

Rakei, Jayze

Savage, Kaipara

Maxwell, Tamatera

Rakei, Naytjah-Boy

Schaare, Caleb-Jordan

Todero, Kaya

McLaughlin, David

Rakei, Stephen

Simeon-Hartley, Hukatere

Mclaughlin, Matawhero

Rakei, Temaari

Simeon-Hartley, Ngawati

Mcleod, Cyril-Toa

Rakei-Whetu, Destiny

Smith, Hoani

Mcleod, Sapenapaenea

Rakei-Whetu, Katana’Rose

Snowden, Patungahere

Mcleod, Steven

Rameka, Deija

Snowden, Teruki

Morehu-Hamutana, Amaiorangi

Rameka, Kingston

Snowden, Waimarie

Morehu-Isaacs, Waiorongo

Rameka, Pepe-Liliu

Sparrey, Honour

Rameka, Rhegan

Staples-Fletcher, Te Autahi

Rameka, Rhyva

Stirling, Mareikura

Rameka, Season-Rie

Stirling, Nepia

Rangihau, Reremoana

Svay, Koda

Wall, Londonne

Rata, Mikaere

Tahau, Jason

Wall, Lyla

Ratema, Awhina

Takiwa, Lucas

Wall-Titoko, Sonnycreeed

Ratema, Te Waitoa

Tamepo, Boston

Wardlaw, Arley

Rauhina-Raroa, Kamira

Tamepo, Tahu-Potiki Tamepo, Te Aotaki

Waretini, Hori

Otimi-Woodhouse, Rose

Rehua-Mcintyre, MaeleneEzra

Otimi-Woodhouse, Te Puia

Reti-Taukiri, Maiotaki

Paewai, Hamua

Reuben, Jade

Taurerewa, Michael

Pakaurangi, Te Arohi

Reweti, Rivvy

Paki, Bobbie-Jae

Reweti, Titan

Peakman, Awatea

Rewiri-Konui, Snyder

Peakman, Karanema

Ritete, Takirirangi

Tawhito-Soloman-Avia, Mata’Iva

Peters-Brown, Te Aio

Ritete, Te Atatai

Taylor, Rangituamatotoru

Wilson-Ririnui, Duncan

Peters-Brown, Te Toi

Ropihau, Jack

Teepa-Wall, Te Ohomairangi

Wilson-Ririnui, Turanga

Pine, Ahi-Kaa

Ross, Jarvis

Thebus-Ladbrook, Leila

Wiremu, Andre

Ahleong, Rico-Shaan

Barrett, Mac

Bennion, Soleil

Caie, Troy

Albert, Acacia

Barrett, Megan

Bennion, Zion

Carlson, Jewell

Albert, Paddy

Barron, Jaydn-Lee

Biddle-Shelford, Jahvante

Changtime, Antonio

Albert, Te Rina

Barron, Prudynce

Bidois, Maia

Chapman, Caleb

Ali, Jarvis

Bartlett, Mikaere

Blackburn, Noah

Chase, Kaleb

Aramoana-Puhi, Kasey

Beauchamp, Baylee

Blakey, Heeni

Christy, Boss

August, Tyson

Beech, Heta

Boyce, Tukino

Clarke-Boyle, Erena

Babbington, Rakau

Beech, Waitapu

Boynton, Lawbricktim

Cook, Cody

Bailey, Deacon

Bell, Johnson

Boynton-Rameka, Dallas

Cooper, Kayse

Bainbridge, Reef

Bell-Kake, Jakob

Brooks, Romijn

Cotterill-Konui, Kendra

Barrett, Charlee

Bennet, Seth

Bruhn, Chelsea

Cottrell, Dean

Barrett, Connor

Bennett, Josaiah

Burge, Jordan

Courtney, Laquarn

Barrett, Ehiri

Bennett, Puaawai

Byles, Sean

Cribb, Mea

Natana-Kohu, Te Akau Natua, Tave Ngaheu, Riley-Elyse Ngamotu, Kenzie-Rayne Ngamotu-Tahana, Tangaroa Nixon, Nikau Nuku, Korena-Rose Nuku, Meri

Taumata, Kaleb Tauroa-Wall, Jax Tauru, Praise Taute-Wall, Kingi

Tupara, Alaya Tuwhangai-Crawford, Reihana Te Waaka, Awa Te Waaka, Ivan Waerea, Maisey Waerea, Mareikura Waerea, Marley Waerea, Te Awhiorangi Waiariki, Ria Walker, Ray

Waretini, Terina-Jay Whaiapu, Rehutai White, Titoko Wickliffe, Kahurangi Wikohika, Meiana Wikohika, Te Waipounamu Wilson, Arhys



Crown-Harris, Daria

Hepi Te Huia-Gatonyi, Jordan

Makea, Nataliyah

Ngahere-Jacobs, Cevantese

Davis, Kelly

Hepi-Cribb, Rinaria

Maniapoto, Lara

Ngamotu-Tahana, Rawakata

Davis, Shannon

Heurea, Rawiri

Mansell, Ducati

Ngamotu-Tahana, Te Wano

Davis-Bainbridge, Lorraine

Heurea, Te Onira

Manu-Pym, Tayla

Ngatai, Seth

Davis-Edwardson, Connor

Hika-Hepi, Elijah

Maranui-Hunter, Sarreal

Donaldson, Amaru

Hill, Darien

Marino, Tasiah

Ngawhika-Pihema, Te Kahuoterangi

Downes, Te Ao Marama

Hohua, Heraina

Marino-Hollingsworth, Sylvia

Nolan, Thomas

Duff, Kingi

Hokianga, Mana

Mariu-Rangihau, Parearau

Nolan, Turuhira

Hokianga, Ngarangiwhakaupoko

Mariu-Smallman, Ngamaioha

Northcroft, Jahsae

Holt, Darion

Mariu-Smallman, Te Rau Aroha

Ormond, Raureti

Houpapa, Sam

Marshall, Ramaia

Hui, Mika

Marshall-Duff, Matthias

Paenga, Jayde

Huirama, Rongomatane

Marshall-Duff, Navarre

Hura, Maia

Marshall-Ngawati, Ceree

Hurae, Anzac

Martin, Frances

Isherwood, Phoenix

Martin, Tara

Iwikau, Te Hina

Maru, Breeze

Iwikau, Turoa

Mason, Tyrese

Jacobs-Martin, SymphonyGrace

Matthews, Tamihana

James, Ata-Tyla

Mccarthy, Kahurangi

Ekuasi, Jayden Elliot, Kristin Elliott, Tamati Ellis, Quincy-Jazz Ellis, Siadin Emery, Tiana Ferris-Bretherton, Tiaki Fiaola, Robert Flight, Trylin Forsyth, Campbell Gair, Shaela Georges, Morgane Gilbert-Kennedy, Josian Gillies, Joshua Gillies, Mahangaiterangi Grattan, Mataara Gray, Tatiana Greaves, Daytona Greaves, Sidney Grimstone, Tatiana Haddon-Hall, Te Rina Haika, Te Oranga-Jade Ham-Taipeti, Fierce

Jordan, Kayla Judd, Manaia Kahura, Arahia Kamoto, Imajyn Kapua, Noaria Karekare, Jaymee Katene, Legacy Katene, Trent Kerrison, Te Aute

Mcdonald, Annie Mclaughlin, Monica Mclean, Bailey Mclean, Stella Mellon-Warena, Morphious Mete-Renata, Holly-Rae Mihinui, Tumeke Miller, Savanna Mita, Sheyquan

Paranihi, Clayden Parekura, Reece Parker, Lana Parsons, Caleb Parsons, Emma Patia, Sebastian Paul, Rakei Payne, Ashton Payne, Turahui Payne-Isaacs, Aiden Peck, Ranui Pereka, Kees Phillips, Allazaye Phillips, Kazeian Phillips, Kee's Pitiroi, Rautangi Poupard-Rupapera, Renae Puhi, Te Mauriora Puke, Erin

Khawaja, Ahmad

Moanapapaku-Stevens, Makarena

Khawaja, Kiara

Moanaroa, Shania

King, Karen

Mohi-Duff, Kayl

King, Madison

Mokau, Hope

Kirikiri, Pieta

Mokau, Kaya-Jae

Koopu, Kaurerewa

Moke-Anderson, Huia

Koopu, Mahonri

Moke-Anderson, Maya

Kuru, Tamamutu

Moore, Caleb

Hay-Bugg, Neihana

Lanifole, Nikora

Morehu-Hunia, Piata

Healey-Forde, Natalia

Lithgow, Reagan

Morris, Melissa

Rameka-Burgess, Ivyn

Hemopo, Warren

Logan, Alazaye-Rose

Morrison, Hunter

Rangi, James

Henry, Karina

Mackey, Quilla

Nelio, Graham

Rangihaeata, Kaea

Henry, Riana

Mahu, Chloe

Nepia, Eria

Raukura, Kaea

Henry, Toni

Maka, Diandre

Ngaau-Harnett, Jayda

Redden, Phoenix

Hepi Te Huia, Anahere

Makea, Jada

Ngaau-Harnett, Patricia

Rehua, Antares

Hania, Nathan Hania, Tia Hanley, Patrick Hansen, Zoe Hardiman, Bailee Hardiman, Denzel Harrison, Taine Harvey-Rach, Shaun


James, Reef

Maxwell, Alyssa

Paaka-Johnson, Tane


Puohotaua-Mellon, Shae Radford, Carl Rainey, Manunui Rakei, Creed Rameka, Abby Rameka, Ethan Rameka, Holly Rameka, Kahuroa Rameka, Traydon

Rehua, Te Arareo

Stirling, Whaita

Te Wiki, Areta

Tyson-Nepia, Regan

Renata, Anthony

Tahau, Boston

Teepa, Moehana

Valois, Ben

Renata, Brandon

Tahau, Tia

Teepa, Puria

Wade-Tukiwaho, Orongo

Reweti, Gabriel

Taiaroa, Kartiah

Tehuia-Eastwood, Jiarn

Wade-Tukiwaho, Taumaihi

Reweti-Clark, Airon

Taiaroa, Maraea

Teki, Isaiah

Waldron, Thomas

Ringiao, Akaroa

Taiaroa, Paige

Thompson, Eternity

Wall, Matuakore

Roberts, Lukas

Taiaroa, Raina

Tihi, Logan

Wall, Tukapa

Rolfe, Haylee

Taiaroa-Smithies, Tuihana

Timu, Annie

Wallace-Latoa, Legacy

Rolleston, Regan

Tamati, Rayarn

Tingle, Chloe

Wanikau, Matakatea

Rolls, Wharewaiata

Tango, Shaynee

Tiopira-Hawkins, Hinauri

Wanikau, Tangiariki

Royal-Morris, Taanepotiki

Tapiki, Snyder-Lee

Tiueti, Joshua

Wanoa, Ariana

Ruru, Te Aniwai

Tarawa, Lachlan

Tiueti, Siaosi

Warena, Fern

Sepulona, Serenia

Tarawhiti, Kandice

Tonga, Rawiri

Warren-Chapman, Tanner

Shepherd, Landon

Tauariki-Mete, Ihipera

Toni, Casey

West, Jai

Shortland, Gemma-Lee

Tawera, James

Topp, Aiden

Wetini, Peytience

Siddells, Kapi

Taylor, Parish

Topp, Anahera

Simeon, Bronx

Te Ahuru-Quinn, Manawa

Totoro, Sam

Whakatihi-Heremaia, Te Rangihuruao

Simeon, Gypsy

Te Fono, Elijah

Towers, Aiyana

Simeon, Manaroa

Te Hanairo, Leah

Trethowen, Aaron

Simmonds, Tayla

Te Hiko, Aria

Tucker, Angelica

Simmonds, Tumai

Te Kakau, Maioha

Tucker, Hinemoa

Singh, Priya

Te Kakau, Manaakitia

Tucker, Oscar

Slagter, Mia

Te Kakau, Te Omeka

Tuli, Uriah

Smallman, Bronson

Te Nana, Maia

Tupara, Te Rangihiroa

Smallman, Lawrence

Te Rangi Pumamao, Poutama

Turanga, Kauri

Smith, Duke-Maxine

Te Rangiita, Cole

Turanga, Riria

Spence, Nicholas

Te Wano, Rahera

Turanga, Rounin

Steedman, Te Riu

Te Wano, Seth

Turanga, Te Ariki

Stirling, Ngarimu

Te Wano-Ripo, Nikita-Jack

Turanga-Pryor, Jade

Young-Moeke, Te Whetu

Abraham, Hazel

Archibald, Nathan

Ballantyne, Jessica

Bidois, Kane

Akuhata-Huntington, Zaine

Armstrong, Gabrielle

Barbarich-Love, Te Atahuia

Bird, Angie

Albert, Deanna

Asher, Ethan

Barres-Williams, Taylor

Black, Barbara

Albert, Jasmine

Assink, Lauren

Barrett, Atawhai

Black, Hona

Albert, Mareka

August, Katie

Barsdell, Netana

Boyle, Samuel

Albert, Monique

Aupouri, Walter

Batt, Laura

Bridges, Brooke

Albert, Shaelin

Aupouri-Kaiwai, Ariana

Bell, Tania

Bristowe, Nicole

Allen, Te Matau O Te Rangi

Aupouri-Kaiwai, Moana

Bell, Trent

Brons-Nordstrom, Kaleb

Anderson, Amber

Avello, Holley

Benefield, Alex

Brown, Pani

Anderson, Corinne

Avello, Shannon

Bevan, Morgan

Bruhn, Trent

Anderson, Gabriell

Babbington, Maria

Beverland, Paige

Buchanan, Atiria

Aramoana, Carol-Joe

Bainbridge, Angelique

Biddle, Heneriata-Rose

Buchanan, Te Aroha

Arapere, Daniel

Baker, Jan

Biddle-Dingley, Nicole

Campbell-Bowden, Fynnzia

Whana, Kuramaiki Whareaitu-Galloway, Jave Wheatley, Albert Whenuaroa, Baylee Williams, Chase Williams, Jayden Williams, Ngariki Williams, Te Manawa Wirepa, Reuben Witeri, Shaye Woolford, Briah



Carlson, Ahera

Emani, Tina

Hakopa, Tereinamu

Hooper, Kassell

Carlson, Bridget

Emery, Kylie

Hall, Hinemoana

Houpapa, Atamarie

Carlson, Heeni

Emery, Logan

Ham, Ruth

Howard, Kayla

Cashell, Marjorie

Epapara, Te Arani

Hancock, Megan

Howard, Zachary

Chapman, Teresa

Eriksen, Kim

Handcock-Scott, Awhina

Hug-Nicoll, Elsa

Chase, Genevieve

Eru, Ngaraiti

Hape-Tonihi, Ashley

Hui, Waimarie

Chase, Mania

Erueti, Maikara

Hapi, William

Hunia, Billy

Christensen, Jessie

Fagasa-Nuku, Mareko

Harris, Chelsea

Hunia, Gloria

Church, Cheyenne

Falaoa, Maryann

Harris, Mauwina

Hunia, Winiata

Church, Jesse

Flight, Marcus

Harris, Shakur

Hunter, Birtha

Clendon-Smallman, Te Rewhangaoterangi

Florence, Eden

Harris, Teylah

Hunter-Riri, Tuihana

Cooper, Jordaan

Fox, Rehera

Harvey, Daniel

Hura, Angelia

Gardinner, Miruh

Haurua, Daniel

Hura, Leonie

Gatonyi, Zenna-Maria

Hawea, Rowena

Hura, Ruby

Gemmell, Jalen

Hawira, Amoa

Hurae, Pauline

Gemmell, Laura

Hay, Jesse

Hurihanganui-Bennett, Jazmin

George, Jasmine

Hayes, Te Manawa

Hurst, Makere

Gilbert, Heemi

Healey, Natalie

Ikenasio, Sio

Gilbert, Tawera

Healey-Goodin, Lauren

Inu, Koria

Gill, Brandon

Heather, Luke

Ivory, Nikki

Gillies, Misty

Heke, Manaia

Iwikau, Maraea

Goodwin, Mark

Iwikau, Riakanga

Daly, Laura

Heke, Monique

Gordine, Madeline

Damsted, Alexandra

Hemara, Vivienne

Gordine, Samantha

Davey, David

Hemopo, Ashleigh-Paige

Gotty, Ariana

Davis, Parekohatu

Grace, Aniva

Hemopo, Charley

Davis, Queenisha

Grace, Cole

Delany, Caleb

Grace, Georgia

Dingle, Ariaan

Grace, Ngawaina

Doctor, Asjah

Grace, Samantha

Doctor, Denise

Grant, Angela

Donaldson, Deidre

Gray, Achaia

Downes, Dillen

Griffiths, Kieran

Downes, Savannah Downes, Taylar

Cooper, Rawinia Cooper, Taina Cornes, Jamie Cornes, Sarah Cotterill-Konui, Mathew Crawford, Areta Cudby, Jamie Daly, Jordan Daly, Katrina


Hemopo, Jessica Henare, Phoenix Henderson, Phillipa Hepi, Israel Hepi, Karmel Hepi, Whiti

Jacobs, Cayla James, Evelyn Jensen, Blake Jones, Hine Jones, Kimberley Jones, Maihi Jordan, Breana Joseph, Jivarne June, Dorothy

Hepi Te Huia, Te Rehina

Kahura, Mikayla Kaitai, Elizabeth

Haami, Deanna

Hepi Te Huia-Gatonyi, Te Hauora

Kapua, Evanda

Haami, Kiriana

Heremaia, Paris

Kapua, Mosiah

Downing, Taylah

Haapu, Seth

Herewini, Pharyn

Karaitiana, Diane

Duncan, Hannah

Habib, Harley

Herewini, Te Herekiekie

Karekare, Sasha

Dunster, Maximus

Habib, Reon

Hill, Alexander

Katene, Belinda

Dunster, Nevada

Habib, Whitney

Hill, Marama

Katene, Reuben

Durston, Courtenay

Habib, Zoe

Hohaia-Hall, Oriwia

Katene-Burge, Johannah

Durston, Madison

Haggie, Marrin

Hohepa, Daniel

Katoa, Delstancia

Edmonds, Kawe

Hahipene, Jaedyn

Hohepa, Sharon

Kaukau, Georgia

Edmonds-Puketapu, Tira

Haitana, Khali

Hohepa, Vincent

Kelly, Caitlin

Edwards, Mereaira

Haitana, Te

Holley, Rhys

Kendal, Georgia

Edwards, Michael

Hakopa, Rawea

Hollingsworth, Kevin

Kerr, Moana

Elliott, Teah

Hakopa, Tapekaoterangi

Hona, Sara

Khawaja, Michelle


King, Rowena

May, Krystal

Paea, Kim

Read-Eden, Winnie-Mae

Kingi, Jacqualine

Mccallum, Jacqueline

Pairama, Memory

Ree-Keepa, Calyb

Kingi, Reihana

Mcghie, Michelle

Paki, Chasana

Ree-Keepa, Cory-Lee

Kingi, Tanira

Mckenzie, Shelley

Parai, Zyphveronee

Rehua, Haylee

Kohere, Anthony

Mclaughlin, Waiwhakaata

Paranihi, Tayla

Reid, Angelina

Kohere, Cheyenne

Mcleod, Chloe

Parker, Hinera

Rerekura, Keanyn

Koia, Sydnee

Mcmillan, Ariana

Paterson, Katarina

Rerekura, William

Kumeroa, Maureen

Mcneil, Shaun

Paurini, Seann

Rewi, Merirangitiria

Kupa-Elliot, Hannah

Mcrae, Tomairangi

Pearce, Danielle

Richardson, Robyn

Lawson-Holt, Heydin

Mcskimming, Cameron

Pehi, Elizabeth

Rihia, Danielle

Le Gros, Paulette

Meremere, Elizabeth

Petersen, Andrea

Rihia, Kristie

Leef, Taylor

Merry, Amy

Petersen, Nadia

Rihia-Reti, Stevee

Lithgow, Bradley

Meta, Bobbi-Jo

Phillips, Haylee

Riini-Ehau, Katarina

Locke, Sammy-Jo

Millynn, Evelyn

Phillips, Indigo

Ripia, Judith

Love, Awa-nui-a-rangi

Mitai-Ngatai, Hoete

Phillips, Sharne

Robb, Michelle

Lua, Kayla

Mitchell, Temple

Pihema, Tamawheti

Roberts, Darleen

Mackey, Te Maunga

Mohi-Dewhirst, Riria

Pilkington, Sarai

Rogers, Stacey

Magner, Rihipeti

Monika, Hineiti

Pitiroi, Awhina

Ruawai-Hamilton, Ngahiraka

Maika, Jermayne

Montgomery, Maureen

Pitiroi, Takoha

Ruha, Waiharakeke

Maise, Te Rina

Moore, Tyla

Porou, Te Rina

Ruha, Wharengaro

Maniapoto-Love, Puna

Morgan, Jacinta

Posthuma, Arnna

Rutene, Shirana

Maniapoto-Love, Waimihia

Morice, Christina

Posthuma, Shardae

Ryan, Tania

Manu-Pym, Dylan

Munn, Alix

Potaka, Jack

Ryder, Sheree

Marama, Casper-Rose

Murch, Wahinetapu

Potaka, Tamahauiti

Samuels-Rerekura, Roxanne

Marino, Crystalee

Murchie, Stella

Potter, Keith

Savage, Ami

Mariu, Asher

Nelio, Jeralene

Prescott, Jack

Savage, Ocsha-harmony

Mariu, Brandy

Ngamotu, Natasha

Prescott, Sebastian

Scanlan, Nicol

Mariu, Joanna

Ngamotu, Paula

Pryor, Matty

Schimanski, Shaunaye

Mariu, Natalia

Ngatai-Broughton, Tara

Puhi, Delise

Scott, Katarina

Mariu, Tomairangi

Ngawati, Kayley

Puhi, Te Awhina

Searancke, Priscilla

Marks, Danielle

Niao, Martin

Puke, Jaida

Selwyn, Celine

Marr, Sarah

Niu, Jordyn

Pullar, Jared

Sepulona, Pania

Marriner, Ezra

Nkhasi, Eileen

Raimona, Meresa

Sepulona, Reuben

Marriner, Mahinaarangi

Northcroft, Cainan

Rainey, Myaaliyah

Sheehan, Maree

Marsh, Kelsi

Northcroft, Jamie

Rameka, Aniwa

Shepherd, Tuihana

Marshall, Courtney

Northcroft, Karen

Rameka, John

Short, Aisha

Marshall-Wairwiri, Constance

Olsen, Hayley

Rameka, Neyshen

Siddells, Tori

Martin, Toni

Oneroa, Heneriata

Rameka, Zion

Simeon, Erenora

Marumaru, Dhyana

Otimi, Anehera

Rangi, Ngarui

Simeon, Moana

Mason, Chase

Otimi, Arahia

Rangitutia, Leah

Sinnott, Nicolas

Mason, Cruiz

Otimi, Erana

Rangitutia, Logan

Sio, Isaiah

Matena, Waimarama

Otimi, Erena

Raroa, Sarah

Smallman, Kataraina

Mato, Paora

Owen, Mahonri

Rata, Tamahae

Smallman, Keepa

Matthews, Richard

Paaka, Hokianga

Raureti, Retitia

Smallman, Kylie

Matuauto, Te Reiti

Paama, Raukawa

Rawiri, Ashley

Smith, Susan

May, Alice

Paea, Gladys

Read-Eden, Israel

Smith, Tania 71

Smith, Toni

Tawhitopou, Piki Te Ora

Toa, Shane

Wall, Maraea

Smyth, Mereana

Taylor, Adrianne

Toma, Chanelle

Wall, Te Rina

Snowden, Jean

Taylor, Brittany

Toma, Steelee

Wallace, Te Rua

Southon, Tiarne

Taylor, Paurini

Tonga, Lila

Walters, Angeline

Spence, Steele

Taylor, Samuel

Torepe-Ormsby, Kahutaiki

Wana, Adelaide

Springhall, Piripi

Taylor-Mason, Iyanah

Treanor, Jamal

Wanakore, Orewea

Squire, Carol

Te Ahuru-Millar, Courtney

Treanor, Kc

Wanakore, Taylor

Stevens, Eileen

Te Ao, Alisa

Trevelyan, Hope

Warbrick-Ellison, Mahinarangi

Stewart, Huiarau

Te Heuheu, Jamie

Tuakoi, Emma

Warena, Caelum

Stoneham, Darcy

Te Heuheu, Jean

Tuaupiki, Venessa

Warena, Hine

Stoneham, Sidney-Rei

Te Heuheu, Jordan

Tuka, Arama

Warren-Chapman, Barrett

Taewa, Gabriel

Te Heuheu, Shawn

Tuli, Krista

Watene-Hakaria, Kyea

Tahau, Dion

Te Hiko, Sharon

Tupara, Roslyn

Watson, Francis

Tahere, Anya

Te Kani-Wallace, Nathan

Tupara, Tukino

Webster-Epiha, Nikora

Tahere-Williams, Te Herenga

Te Kotuku, Lynora

Turanga, Toia

Were, Peta

Tahi, James

Te Moana, Priscilla

Turanga-Konui, Micheal

West, Hope

Tahi, Joella

Te Ngaru, Savannah

Turia, Arekatera

Wetere, Waitapu

Tahi, Tina

Te Pou, Puaawai

Turia, Parekaawa

Wetzel, Sophia

Tahuparae, Nga Remu

Te Puni, Niki

Turner, Charmaine

Whaiapu, Journey

Taiaroa, Rawinia

Te Rangi, Alana

Turner, Kaylee

Whaiti, Katarina

Taiaroa, Tom

Te Rangi, Candace

Tutua-Nathan, Te Mapihi

Whakatihi, Katarina

Tamakehu, Marilyn

Te Rangi, Casey

Twomey-Waitai, Rangituehu

Wikatene, Tenika

Taoho, Lindsay

Te Rangiita, Benjamin

Uruamo-Taiaki, Hinemaia

Williams, Jack

Tarawa, Mahue

Te Tawhero, Mika

Uruamo-Taiaki, Karere

Williams, James

Tatana, Jacob

Te Wano, Maraenui

Vercoe, Haukapuanui

Williams, Ngamira

Tataurangi, Vicki

Te Wano, Ravin

Vercoe, Sonny

Williams-Simeon, Kyle

Tate, Kendra

Te Wiki, Redemption

Vincent, Stefanie

Winikerei, Kahu

Taurerewa, Mike

Teki, Mikaere

Volau, Leah

Wood, Dante

Tauru, Daniel

Teneti, Sara

Waaka, Mihi

Woods, Rephan

Tauru, Steven

Thompson, Casey

Waikawa, Trevor

Woods, Te Aroha

Tawaka, Alexcia

Thompson, Devon

Waldron, Olivia

Wylie, Maia

Tawhai, Dusky-Rose

Thompson-Tahau, Monica

Walker, Te Wharau

Wynne, Kahurangi

Tawhai, Gypsy

Timu, David

Wall, Gresha

Tawhai, Pettnapah

Tinirau, Krystal

Wall, Ketura

Tawhiri, Logan

Tito, Tiare

Wall, Kurt

Ackerman, Jhyral

Biddle, Katarina

Emmerson, Daniel

Hepi, Trinity-Maria

Akuhata-Brown, Tray

Burgess, Bruce

Evans-Mcleod, Noah

Ihaka, Jasmine

Albert, Haami

Church, Manaaki

Gavin, Jordan

Kairau, Rzhael

Albert, Justyce

Daniels, Aramia

George, Jackson

Kingi, Mosiah

Albert, Shyarn

Davey, Addison

Godfrey, Laviira

Mamaku, Maraea

Albert, Tamaiti

Doull, Bradley

Hendrie, Cameron

Marshall, Sharon

Anderson-Herewini, Sires-Lee

Doull, Dallas

Henry, Neihana

Matthews, Chloe




Nau, Mele

Rameka, Robert

Te Rangi, Pania

Whiu, Jackson

Ngamu-Albert, Hikairo

Rangi, Jayde

Te Waaka, Ella-Maree

Wightman, Immanuel

Nolan, Bernard

Rangi, Mikaere

Thompson, Tia

Williams, Phoenix

Nordstrom, Aotea

Rangi, Nikkholas

Toa, Rico

Wilson, Boss

Nordstrom, Lyon

Ree-Keepa, Jordyn

Turner, Simon

Winiata, Reign

Northcroft, Dayne

Rehua, Mana

Walker, Regan

Wipani, Hoia

Ormond, Mapihi

Repoama, Ariki

Wall, Aaliyah

Ormond, Noah

Tawhai-Hamilton, Cuda-Lee

Wanikau, Te Hoka O Te Rangi

Ormond, Teina

Te Kira, Cortez

Watene, Kitana

Bridges, Brooke

Kaukau, Georgia

Owen, Mahonri

Tahere-Williams, Te Herenga

Carlson, Ahera

Ngamotu, Paula

Pitiroi, Awhina

Tobin-Cribb, Charquera

Te Kōhanga Reo O Te Puawaitanga



KŌHANGA REO GRANT Te Kōhanga Reo O Akina

Te Kōhanga Reo O Kimihia

Te Kōhanga Reo O Papakai

Te Kōhanga Reo O Atawhai

Te Kōhanga Reo O Mawake

Te Kōhanga Reo O Reporoa

Te Kōhanga Reo O Kauriki

Te Kōhanga Reo O Motutaiko

Te Kōhanga Reo O Taupo

Te Kōhanga Reo O Waihi

Ngapuke School

Taumarunui High School

Te Kura O Hirangi

Tauhara College

Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa

Alexander, Marina

Ball, Aroha

Blakely, Anita

Chambers, Julia

Angell-Morice, Robyn

Barnett, Keith

Bone, Arthur

Chase, Iris

Aranui, Maria

Beattie, Parekura

Brennan, Timua

Chase, Richard

Arapere, Amiria

Beattie, Peggy

Brown-Sullivan, Nga

Chase-Purcell, Hokikau

Asher, Leslie

Biddle, Kereone

Cameron, Daisy

Christy, Lester

Asher, Paul

Biddle, Maryanne

Capper, Kathleen

Clemas, Marlene

Asher, Wayne

Biel, Puti

Carlson, Simon

Cockburn, Charmaine

Ashford, Edwin

Blackburn, Taniwha

Carrington, Ngahuia

Cook, Freda

Babbington, Lucina

Blake, George

Cassidy, Annette

Cotter, Colleen

Baker, Rota

Blake, Manunui

Chadwick, Edwin

Curtis, Helen

Te Kōhanga Reo O Waitahanui

SCHOOL AWARDS Tongariro School




Davis, Ripeka

Hepi, Christopher

Link, Te Awhina

Ormsby, Lily

Davy, Ruia

Hepi, Constance

Loughlin, David

Otene, Keiti

Des Barres, Aaron

Hepi, Eleanor

Lowndes, Dolores

Oxley, Maraea

Des Barres, Renee

Hepi, John

Mamaku, Corita

Paaka, Grace

Downs, Michael

Hepi, Tamangarangi

Maniapoto, Maehe

Pakau, Nicholson

Dunn, Anna

Hepi, Tauhopa

Marino, Oonagh

Paki, Luana

Ellison, Anitana

Hepi Te Huia, Josephine

Mariu, Graham

Panapa, Christine

Falanitule, Kararina

Herbison, John

Mariu, Lucy

Panapa, Riapo

Fincham, Ernestine

Hereaka, Abel

Mariu, Peter

Paranihi, Erueti

Friend, Brian

Heremaia, Te Tuari

Mariu, Ronald

Paranihi, Jacqueline

Fromont, Cecilia

Herewini, William

Mariu-Blake, Phyllis

Parry, Faylen

Galvin, David

Hiha, Frances

Marshall, Harry

Patena, Mahinui

Gardiner, Te Maari

Hill, James

Martin, Andrew

Paul, Miriama

Gartner, Kenneth

Hingston, Urupene

Matene, Miriama

Pearson, Neville

Gemmell, George

Hoko, Anthony

Mather, Kororia

Pitiroi, Te Kanawa

Gibbons, Allison

Hoko, Joseph

McKay, Hinetau

Pohio, Christine

Goldsmith, Margaret

Holliday, Shirley

Mclean, Glenda

Potter, Patricia

Goodburn, Christine

Hooper, Eva

McLeod, Kate

Presling, Hinewairangi

Gotty, Cynthia

Horne, William

Mihinui, Te Wharerangi

Pringle, Irihapeti

Grant, June

Hunapo, Veronica

Miller, Rona

Pullan, Ngahuia

Gray, Marya

Ireland, Taka

Mills, Heather

Rako, Mariana

Greenaway, Mihingarangi

Isherwood, Shane

Mills, Marion

Rameka, Charlie

Greenhalgh, Karen

Ivory, Keri

Mita, Materoa

Rameka, Gwen

Greenhaulgh, Thelma

Jackson, Donna

Moana, George

Rameka, Joanne

Haimona, Paul

Johnstone, Doreen

Moana, Penelope

Kakahi, Kevin

Mohi, Cherie

Randell, Huia

Hakiwai, Junior Hakopa, Erueti

Kakahi, Winnie

Mohi, Dinny

Ranginui, Te Irimaurimaramanui

Hakopa, Rawea

Kane, Shirley

Mohi, Hinerauamoa

Rangitauira, Benita

Hall, Alieta

Kapua, Emma

Mohi, Lee

Rapana, Terrence

Hallett, Mereaina

Kapua, Raymond

Moke, Hirani

Rasmussen, Lynne

Hallett, Robin

Karaitiana, Harvey

Moke, Pikiteora

Ratima, Mason

Ham, Barbarina

Katene, Kahuwaero

Moke, Tumanako

Rauhihi, Peter

Ham, John

Katene, Leslie

Morehu-Putaura, Tukutuku

Rauhihi, Te Omaki

Hapi, Kevin

Kelly, Hira

Morris, Linda

Register, Jane

Hapi, Manuel

Kelly, Kathleen

Morrison, Annemarie

Reihana, Colin

Harmer, Niky

King, Raymond

Nepia, Areta

Richards, Dennis

Harrison, Mary

Kingi, Marilyn

Nepia, Marlene

Rikihana, Marahera

Hawira, Joseph

Kingi, Walter

Ngamotu, Mary

Robin, Peter

Hawkins, Vonny

Kingi-Rihari, Tarita

Ngarotata, Michael

Robson, Nevil

Hay, Carol

Kitchen, Roberta

Nicholls, Pine

Rota, Timatanga

Hay, Denver

Knight, Mata

Nicholson, Wendy

Sayers, Jacqueline

Hay, Maxine

Kohere, Sonja

Nicoll, Frederick

Schultz, Valerie

Hay-McLaughlin, Alice

Kopeke, Althea

Northcroft, Anania

Senior, Patrice

Hemopo, Manuel

Kuru, Aroha

Northcroft, Jill

Seymour, Margarite

Hemopo, Nuia

Kuru, Delia

Northcroft, Linda

Sharp, Leola

Hemopo, Richard

Leach, Te Manakore

Oneroa, Akuira

Siddells, Catherine


Simmonds, Jack

Tamati, Laurence

Todero, Edith

Wallace, Priscilla

Simmonds, Sarah

Tanirau, Mere

Tukaki, Violet

Wallace, Te Rere

Simmonds-Teimana, Ockie

Taumata, Allan

Tupara, Piwhara

Walsh, Lynette

Sinnott, Paul

Taumata, Dian

Tupara, Sonnie

Walters, Hoana

Smallman, Douglas

Taylor, Shona

Tupe, Patena

Wana, Mihikore

Smallman, Robin

Te Ahuru, Cyril

Turanga, Martha

Warburton, Teresa

Smallman, Tuatea

Te Ahuru, Peter

Turner, Blanche

Wardlaw, Lilian

Smith, Kathleen

Te Awa, Aroha

Turner, Richard

Wardlaw, Michael

Sorenson, Peter

Te Heuheu, Augustine

Utiera, Daniel

Warren, Peggy

Southon, Hugh

Te Iwimate, Christopher

Vaitohi, Rangiamohia

Waru, Lorraine

Stanley, Areta

Te Kotuku, Allenor

Vanags, Jean

Waru, Lorraine

Steedman, Bessie

Te Kotuku, Lynora

Vercoe, Elizabeth

Watene, Nyron

Steedman, Terence

Te Rakaupai, Valentine

Waaka, Rihi

Whaanga, June

Sullivan, Waiata

Te Rangi, Raymond

Wakely, Gloria

Whenuaroa, Lorry

Tahau, Hemi

Te Tua, Winnifred

Waldron, Melton

Whitfield, Jennifer

Taite, Kui

Te Waa, Denise

Wall, Barney

Wikiriwhi, Monte

Taituha, Angela

Te Waa, Ken

Wall, Heemi

Williams, Barry

Takiwa, Catherine

Teddy, Sylvia

Wall, Peter

Williams, Gemma

Takiwa, John

Theodore, James

Wall, Te Reoirirangi

Wilson, Pat

Tamaira-Haddon, Josephine

Thompson, Robert

Wallace, Parekaringa

Wineera, Piko




Church, Hayley

Tipu, Benajamin

Ngā Taonga o Papakore Paurini - Flood Protection Project

Mirimiri Ora Wānanga

Dempsey, Jaydah

Tipu, Midaya

Whaikorero o Tūwharetoa Wānanga

Dempsey, Shakira

Tupaea, Keelyn-Hayze

Healthy Cooking - Italian Style Wānanga

Ellis, Quincy-Jazz

Waitai-Haengā, John

Haengā, Hiraka

Ngāti Turangitukua Māori Committee - Hirangi Stream Project Ngāti Turangitukua Māori Committee - Lower Tongariro River Project Leadership Development Ngā Mareikura o Tūwharetoa Wāhine Waananga Pitiroi, Ruby - PhD Taku Waiora Ngāti Tūwharetoa Initiatives Ngā Taikura o Ngāti Tūwharetoa Kapa Haka Matariki Rising 2019 Ngā Rehia o Tūwharetoa Tūwharetoa Marae Sports 2019 Te Roopu Taiopenga o Tūwharetoa - Tūwharetoa Kapa Haka Festival 2019 Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board - Kaumātua Dinner 2018 Rangatahi Activities Te Rau o Ahorangi - Rangatahi Wānanga Tūrangi Rangatahi Hub Rangatahi Wānanga


Te Rau o Te Huia Environmental Wānanga Moko - He Hoa Matenga Moku Wānanga Wiki Te Where Peene Tiaki Whānau Wānanga Sports Team Te Kura o Hirangi National Ki-o-Rahi Team Tūwharetoa Māori Mens Rugby League Team

Hurae, Allazaye Te Kakau, Maioha Te Kakau, Manaakitia Leef, Sharnay Marshall-Ngāwati, Rhiarna Mitchell, Tamamutu Paenga, Jayde Paengā, Bailey Paul, Anania Phillips, Azelea Pitiroi, Rautangi Rameka, Maraea

Tūwharetoa Māori U17 & U15 Rugby League Team

Rameka, Robert

Tūwharetoa Mixed Touch Team

Rhodes, Aria

Regional Akuhata, Ruamano Akuhata, Taniko Akuhata, Te Matauranga Albert-Jones, Addi Aumua, Maraki Campbel, Christopher Campbell, Keahn


Reweti, Gabriel Rhodes, Maia Rhodes, Tai Richardson, Emile Shelford, Devahrny Shelford, Rahquarne Singh, Priya Tawharu, Tyla Tipu, Anaru

International Albert-Jahnke, George Biddle, Chantelle Chapman, Luke Downes, Gavin Hokiangā, Mana Kerehoma, Marley Kerehoma, Whitikama Leef, Sharnay Niao, Stacey Otene, Tamara Paul, Mahina Paul, Mererangi Peti, Ashleigh Puketapu, Marama Smallman, Te Whareoranga Tawhara, Natasha Wallace-Latoa, Legacy Williams, Ora

NGĀTI TŪWHARETOA GENESIS ENERGY COMMITTEE Education Pitiroi, Ruby - PhD Taku Waiora Environmental Projects Ngāti Turangitukua Māori Committee - Hirangi Stream Project Ngāti Turangitukua Māori Committee - Lower Tongariro River Project Ngāti Tūwharetoa Initiatives Ngā Rehia o Tūwharetoa Tūwharetoa Marae Sports 2019 Ngā Taikura o Ngāti Tūwharetoa Kapa Haka -



Nukuhau Marae - Opera on the Marae

Mai te Whenua ki te Tepu Wānanga

Albert-Jahnke, George

Te Roopu Taiopenga o Tūwharetoa - Tūwharetoa Kapa Haka Festival 2019

Mirimiri Ora Wānanga

Biddle, Chantelle

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board - Kaumātua Dinner 2018

Peter and Maggie Hepi Te Huia Whānau Wānanga

Matariki Rising 2019

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board - Kaumātua Dinner 2019 Rangatahi Activities Te Rau o Ahorangi - Rangatahi Wānanga Tūrangi Rangatahi Hub Rangatahi Wānanga

Whaikorero o Tūwharetoa Wānanga

Rihitapuwae Tocker Whānau Wānanga

Amua, Maraki Downes, Gavin Harris, Teylah Otene, Tamara Paul, Anamia Paul, Mahina

Moko - He Hoa Matenga Moku Wānanga

Paul, Mererangi

Wiki Te Where Peene Tiaki Whānau Wānanga

Potaka, Joshua

Peti, Ashleigh Ngāti Hikairo Snow Sports Academy








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