Te Kōtuku - Kōanga 2020

Page 1





He whakaraupapa Kōrero 4 Events

6 F rom the CEO’s deskwe’re living in extraordinary times

11 New video project to bring stories of Waikato awa to life

9 F eature StoryTūwharetoa unites during Covid-19 crisis

12 Court sentencing for 2019 Waikato River spill coming up 12 B ig turn out at community planting day 13 F irst iwi to take on council functions 16 Lake ownership 18 T aupō Moana Group Holdings Limited


Snow Rameka explains Matariki during a morning cruise on Lake Taupō ( Picture credits: Chris Jolly Outdoors )

21 F rom the general manager- Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust 23 H ealthy homes, healthy whānau 26 T ST donation helps secure new heart scanner 28 STEM scholarships awarded to three inspiring rangatahi

30 F rom the general manager- Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust

32 Trust Board annual general meeting to be held 21 November 2020 32 Te Takinga New returns to Tūrangi-Tongariro Community Board 33 Waikato River Authority crown appointment -Dylan Tahau 34 F reshwater Fisheries trust appoints Lisa Te Heuheu as chair









T hursday, 3 September

 T he theme of 2020 Māori Language Week is Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori. The week centres around a petition presented to Parliament on 14 September 1972 to make Te Reo Māori an official language.

M onday-Sunday, 14-20 September

 H igh Court hearing of the Trust Board’s application for a Declaratory Judgment with respect to Taupō Waters. ww.tuwharetoa.co.nz  w

Events may change at a short notice due to Covid 19 or other reasons.


 www.tewikiotereomaori.nz

01 Oct

TŪWHARETOA MĀORI TRUST BOARD SCHOLARSHIPS A pplications are now open and close Thursday, 1 October ontact Victoria University  C of Wellington Scholarships and PhD Admissions Office Tel: (04) 463 5557 Email: scholarships-office vuw.ac.nz website: www.wgtn.ac.nz





 A pplications open Thursday, 1 October

S aturday 17 October


 A pplications close on 31 December 2020. This grant is co-funded by the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.


 2 020 New Zealand general election. Make sure you are enrolled to vote whanau! Be heard and have your say.  w ww.elections.nz


01 Nov

21 Nov



S unday, 1 November

 Details to be advised.

S aturday, 21 November at 1:30 pm

 A pplications open for the 2021 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Scholarships.

05 Nov

2021 TŪWHARETOA MĀORI TRUST BOARD ELECTIONS N ominations open Thursday, 5 November and close 5 December 2020  Public notices published in newspapers inviting nominations.  F urther information will be available nearer to the time.

01 Feb

APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR EDUCATION GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND TRADE TRAINING GRANT  Monday, 1 February 2021  A pplications for these grants open on 1 February 2021 and close on 31 May 2021.

21 Nov

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING S aturday, 21 November at 10 am  Details to be advised.




From the CEO’s desk:

We’re living in extraordinary times Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board He hōnore He kororia He maungārongo ki te whenua He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa. Tēnā koutou katoa, If someone had told me in January this year, as I started as the Trust Board’s new CEO – that Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and the rest of the world – would be in lockdown, within two months, I’d have found that difficult to believe. Yet, it did happen and it remains unclear when we will return to normal. The COVID-19 virus has taken the world by surprise. In the space of just a few months, our lives and those of people across the world, have changed for the foreseeable future. As daily news reports the rising global death toll, fortunately for Ngāti Tūwharetoa, we have been blessed with no reported fatalities so far. I very much hope that remains unchanged. We are living in extraordinary times.

Mahi Rangatira – the Trust Board is committed to working for the benefit of our people

• “... our lives and those of people across the world, have changed for the foreseeable future.”


Shane Heremaia, Chief Executive Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board

On behalf of the Trust Board, I wish to assure our people that we are doing our best, within our limited resources to help Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Our Ariki, Tā Tumu Te Heuheu, has called for Ngāti Tūwharetoa to unite; to come together; to collaborate and tautoko one another at this time. Responding to his call, the Trust Board has collaborated with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust,


the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Trust, the Ariki’s Office, our marae and other key Tūwharetoa entities to help our people. This collectiveness and unity is essential in these worrying times. It is the first such occasion in recent years, perhaps in decades, in which many of our main entities have united for the benefit of our people. This has been heartening to see. I wish to acknowledge our marae, our hau kainga people, young and old, who have joined the collective call to action.

Kai and firewood help provided initially – longer term challenges lie ahead During the initial phases of the first lockdown the collective Tūwharetoa effort delivered help in a range of ways to our people.

Acknowledging essential workers in our community Of course, we could not function properly without having basic services available during Alert Levels 3 and 4. The Trust Board acknowledges essential workers, many of whom are whanāu. Tūwharetoa Health and our local doctors, nurses and medical centre staff around the district continue to provide invaluable support and advice. We thank all essential workers for putting themselves out there to help the wider community at a time when many of us were able to be home with our families.

 Support which has been provided to Ngāti Tūwharetoa


Tupara Tupara of Tūrangi, was named NZ’s supermarket hero

Call to action led by the Ariki Ariki Tā Tumu Te Heuheu’s leadership during a time of international crisis has been reassuring and heartening for our people.

• “We thank all essential workers for putting themselves out there to help the wider community [...]”

Delivery of kai to marae and whānau;

Provision of supermarket vouchers to kaumātua elivery of sanitisers, personal protection equipment and D cleaning products Establishing a call centre to check on the wellbeing of kaumātua




Our larger entities, such as the Trust Board, took heed of the Ariki’s call to work together, re-prioritising our resources to organise and deliver help to our people. In doing so, everyone was able to operate more efficiently. By putting our putea together, our people benefitted by having access to essential supplies, in a timely manner. Doubling up and duplication was largely avoided because we all knew who was doing what. Tā Tumu also asked that our entities work beyond the lockdown to identify economic development opportunities to help Ngāti Tūwharetoa with job creation and development.

Helping Ngāti Tūwharetoa’s economic recovery A significant challenge for Ngāti Tūwharetoa will be to recover from the economic fallout caused by COVID-19 within the Taupō and Tūrangi communities. A key focus for us moving forward will be to identify opportunities which lead to creating employment and economic development opportunities.

Help Ngāti Tūwharetoa on the road to recovery.

Looking ahead Aside from our focus on supporting Ngāti Tūwharetoa through the COVID-19 crisis, there is some other business as usual coming up over the course of the following months. The Trust Board’s Annual General Meeting to report on our activities and results for the year ended 30 June 2020 will be held on Saturday, 21 November. Further details will be confirmed in due course. Elections to the Trust Board are also coming up. Nominations for candidates will open on 5 November and close 5 December 2020. An independent Returning Officer will be appointed to manage the election process.

Further information about the elections will be provided in due course. On behalf of the Trustees, management and staff of the Trust Board I extend our very best wishes to you and your whānau. Piki te ora,

Shane Heremaia Chief Executive Officer


feature story

Tūwharetoa unites during COVID-19 crisis Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board The daily routine for Ngāti Tūwharetoa, like the rest of Aotearoa was abruptly interrupted at midnight on 25 March 2020, the first main lockdown. It’s when the government placed New Zealand into Level 4 Alert lockdown, the highest of a four tier COVID-19 alert system.

COVID-19 timeline Alert Level 4 came into force at 11:59pm Wednesday 25 March 2020.

Everyone other than essential workers was required to stay put at home. Bubbles became the new buzz word as whānau across the country went into isolation. Businesses shut, schools were closed and heavy travel restrictions were imposed. The transmission of the COVID-19 virus was happening across the motu. Drastic action was taken to reduce the risk of increased community transmission of the virus.

Ariki calls for Tūwharetoa to come together during pandemic

Alert Level 3 came into force at 11:59pm Monday 27 April 2020. Alert Level 2 came into force at 11:59pm Wednesday 13 May 2020. Alert Level 1 came into force at 11:59pm Monday 8 June 2020. Alert Level 3 for Auckland came into force at 12 pm on 12 August Alert level 2 for rest of NZ came into force at 12 pm on 12 August


Sir Tumu Te Heuheu, Paramount Chief, Ngāti Tūwharetoa

At the outset of the lockdown, Ariki Tā Tumu Te Heuheu called for Ngāti Tūwharetoa to come together to help one another.


“I am asking our trusts and entities to work together for the benefit of our people”. The call to action by the Ariki kicked in as marae, trusts and individuals did whatever they could to help others.

• “... I am asking our trusts and entities to work together for the benefit of our people.”

While most people were able to stay home in isolation with their whānau, a large number of Tūwharetoa people put themselves at risk to provide essential services to the wider community. Without such people, many in the community would not have been able to function or receive essential goods and services. Anne-Marie and Benoir Midwood-Murray, and their team, were involved in making countless deliveries of kai to Tūwharetoa marae.

Where it concerned the bigger trusts and entities, they were able to make financial or other contributions to provide support to Ngāti Tūwharetoa in a range of ways. For example, this included: Delivery of kai to marae and whanau; rovision of supermarket vouchers P to kaumātua elivery of sanitisers, personal protection D equipment and cleaning products stablishing a call centre to check on the E wellbeing of kaumātua Marae kicked into action, being a first port of call for many whānau, establishing protocols to protect people, kaumātua especially. Several marae decided to close to further reduce the risk of contamination.

Essential workers the backbone during the lockdown There are many unsung heroes who also worked quietly behind the scenes during the Level 4 lockdown, without fanfare, doing what they could to help whānau, marae and hapū in whatever way they were able to.


Benoir Midwood-Murray

They were supported by Rongoa Taupō Moana Makers and Eric Midwood of Midwood Movers , who provided the trucks to transport supplies to people. “Often we had little notice when consignments of frozen (and fresh) kai were going to arrive”, said Benoir. Trust Board CEO, Share Heremaia said “It was backbreaking work loading and unloading pallets of kai. We couldn’t have done the job without Anne-Marie and Benoir”.


Natural Resources

New video project to Bring stories of Waikato awa to life Ngā Kaihautū o Te Awa o Waikato Ngā Kaihautū o Te Awa o Waikato has been working hard on a new video animation project to help inform people about the history and stories of the awa. Ngā Kaihautū was established to develop long term restoration plans and monitoring work for the Waikato Awa. The members of Ngā Kaihautū are appointed by Te Hikuwai o Tūwharetoa marae The animation project is expected to be completed in early 2021 and will be available to our marae and local schools as an educational resource.

Ngā Kaihautū o Te Awa o Waikato Ruby Pitiroi Emerina Adams

Chairperson (Te Rangiita) Maroa-nui-a-Tia

Ngahere Wall


Mark Ross


Mere Maniapoto


Matiu Heperi Northcroft Tutetawhā Kristy Northcroft

alternate – Tutetawhā

Madeleine Tuhakaraina


Danny Loughlin

Trust Board member

Judy Harris

Trust Board member

Kaimahi Maria Nepia PICTURED (L-R):

Danny Loughlin, Mere Maniapoto, Madeleine Tuhakaraina, Matiu Heperi Northcroft, Emerina Adams, Ruby Pitiroi, Ngahere Wall. Kneeling in front – Tredegar Rangiātea Hall Absent: Mark Ross

Trust Board Natural Resources Manager Tredegar Rangiātea Hall Trust Board Natural Resources Coordinator




Court sentencing for 2019 Waikato River spill coming up

Big turn out at community planting day


Hilary Westerhof

On 19 February 2019 there was a catastrophic break from a Contact Energy holding pond that allowed geothermal contents and sediment to enter the Waipuwerawera Stream and then the Waikato Awa. This resulted in a number of adverse effects, one of which was the Huka Falls turning brown for a fivehour period. The Trust Board alongside Ngā Kaihautū o Te Awa o Waikato, Waikato River Committee and our marae representatives have been working with Contact Energy on this matter since the spill. Contact Energy were prosecuted by Waikato Regional Council and have pleaded guilty. The parties have been working through a restorative justice process which includes a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) to assist in their sentencing which is set for 30 October 2020. While working through the CIA process Ngā Kaihautū have been proactively working with Contact Energy in undertaking restorative work along the Waipuwerawera stream with two planting days planned for 2020.

There was a big turn out of locals at a community planting day held in June which was organised in conjunction with Greening Taupō. The Trust Board’s Environmental Coordinator, Tredegar Hall, was pleased. “We were wrapped to see around 100 people from near and far, turn up at our first community planting day in Taupō.” “It was also cool to see a big contingent of tamariki from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa in Taupō present. The kids were busy planting and helping people to register.” More than 1,500 shrubs were planted on the day. Tredegar added “a big mihi and thanks to Nukuhau marae for the use of their marquee.”


Tamariki from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa



first iwi to take on council functions Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board

The Resource Management Act allows for a council to transfer some of its functions to public authorities, including iwi authorities. However, it has never been done before in New Zealand, making the transfer of functions a significant milestone for Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

• “... The transfer of water monitoring functions to Ngāti Tūwharetoa is the first of its kind in New Zealand under the RMA.”

Ngāti Tūwharetoa has become the first iwi in the country to utilise Section 33 of the Resource Management Act. Under a new arrangement, the Waikato Regional Council has agreed to transfer water quality monitoring functions in the Taupō catchment to the Trust Board.

The Trust Board’s Natural Resources Manager, Maria Nepia, said the Waikato Regional Council formally agreed to the transfer proposal on 30 July 2020. “The following day, on 31 July, the Trust Board approved the transfer at its monthly board meeting. We would like to thank our people and marae for their widespread support of this initiative.” “During the public consultation period, there were some prejudiced submissions made. However, these were outnumbered by the overwhelming support received from people from all over the motu and from all walks of life,” said Trust Board CEO, Shane Heremaia.



How the submissions stacked up






35 40




submissions made

In support of transfer proposal

Against transfer proposal


What’s involved in the transfer of water quality monitoring

Summer Bathing

13 submitters presented their submission in person to the council hearings committee

Summer bathing monitoring

Collection of weekly water samples at five Lake Taupō beach sites during summer Regional river monitoring

Monthly water quality assessments at 12 regional rivers Rainfall monitoring Rainfall

Regional River



Six (6) weekly rainfall monitoring on the western side of Lake Taupō Groundwater Monitoring

Six (6) monthly groundwater monitoring at 40 sites in the Taupō catchment between April – October Biannual monitoring at Kuratau and Waitahanui schools Six (6) weekly groundwater level measurements at 62 sites in the Taupō catchment







Natural Resources

LAKE OWNERSHIP High Court hearing on property rights expected to start soon A High Court hearing to clarify the Trust Board’s property rights in Taupō Waters is expected to get underway in September. The Trust Board began legal proceedings in 2018 and is seeking a High Court Declaratory Judgment to clarify the Board’s property rights and interests in Lake Taupō. Taupō Waters includes Lake Taupō (the lake bed and the space occupied by the water), the tributaries which flow into the lake and the Waikato River from the outlet of Lake Taupō to the ‘Rock of Tia’ (inclusive of Huka Falls).

What makes up Taupō Waters?

Lake Taupō

Rivers and tributaries

Huka Falls

The Trust Board’s property rights were noted by the Crown in a deed signed in 1992. In 2007, the Crown entered into a new deed which reaffirmed the Trust Board’s property rights. For a number of years, the Trust Board has sought to licence commercial operators on the lake. This is a common practice which is applied if someone is making a commercial return off someone else’s property. While agreement with some lake operators has been reached, there are still several businesses operating commercial activities without a licence. Some operators are unclear about the extent of Ngāti Tūwharetoa’s property rights. It is hoped the High Court Declaratory Judgment will clarify the situation. The High Court proceedings relate solely to commercial operations and activities, including any events held on Lake Taupō. Recreational users and members of the public are still guaranteed free and continued access to enjoy Taupō Waters. This will not change.


Lake ownership


High Court Declaratory Judgment hearing in September to clarify and confirm the Trust Board’s property rights.

The Crown transfers title to Ngāti Tūwharetoa of several river beds which flow into Lake Taupō.

1992 Under the leadership of then Paramount Chief, Sir Hepi Te Heuheu, the lake bed is returned under the 1992 Deed.


2007 Under the leadership of current Paramount Chief, Ariki Tā Tumu Te Heuheu, the terms of the 1992 Deed are enhanced under the 2007 Deed.





Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited is the commercial arm of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board.

The company manages the commercial strategy of the Trust Board by creating revenue streams and investing in commercial and business opportunities to grow the asset and wealth base. TMGH also has its own board of directors.

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board

Tūwharetoa FM radio

Taupō Waters Trust

Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited Board of Directors Tiwana Tibble (Chair) Shelley Katae Hayden Porter

Lake golf swings back into action and lucky punter pockets $10k grand prize

Since the business re-opened to the public on 15 May, there has been an average of 1.6 winners per week. The most recent major prize winner was Aucklander, Wade Eatts. He was passing through Taupō on 7 August on his way to the mountains. Mr Eatts landed the red flag hole-in-one prize and left Taupō with the $10,000.

The Lake Taupō Hole in One Golf Challenge swung back into action after the lockdown and was a welcome recreational relief for both local and visiting punters. Manager, Renee Kiwi, said “the team was excited to get back to some kind of ‘new normal’ after lockdown. In the COVID-19 environment we had to implement stringent health and safety measures as a priority. The hard mahi has paid off. We have been able to provide a fun and safe environment for people. As a result it has also been pleasing to see our key performance indicators performing strongly”, said Renee.

Did you know? Lake Taupō Hole in One Challenge Established 1993 More than 1,063 prize winners to date Purchased in 2017 by Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited on behalf of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board $10,000 top prize money for the red flag hole-in-one


Pictured: (R-L) Wade Eatts, his wife Kate and a friend



Dawn lake cruises celebrate Matariki

Did you know? Chris Jolly Outdoors

Lake tour operator Chris Jolly Outdoors put on a few early morning cruises to celebrate Matariki.

Founded 1980 4 charter boats Enters partnership in 2019 with Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited

Whānau from across the motu travelled from Wellington, Hawkes Bay and Wanganui to board the 6am sailings from Taupō harbour. Kōrero was provided during the cruise by Snow and Dinny Rameka. Participation was by koha with Chris Jolly Outdoors donating the funds to a local iwi project. Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited entered into a partnership with the company in September 2019 to bolster the Trust Board’s commercial and tourism portfolio in the district.


From the

General Manager Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust

Kia ora tatou, I hope you and your whānau have all come through the last few months safely. Whilst this was not a situation we ever want to be in again, personally I tried to make the most of it by spending more time with whānau, particularly my mokopuna. It was also a good opportunity to reflect, reprioritise and establish a better balance between work and home life.

Some investments impacted by COVID-19 Like most organisations, we have seen a negative impact on our investments during COVID-19, especially on our managed funds where the world financial markets suffered a significant downturn overnight. In March 2020, the impact was a drop of around six per cent in value, but fortunately we have seen this recover significantly over the last four months. International financial markets are predicted to be volatile for the rest of the year, and our investment advisors are constantly monitoring the situation and are prepared to re-balance our portfolio when necessary.

Ongoing monitoring of business and global markets


Greg Stebbing

Most of our other investments are not materially impacted by COVID-19 as they are backed by long term Crown leases (Taupō Schools, Hautu-Rangipo) and Crown Forestry Licences). The operations in




Kaingaroa Forest have resumed to almost preCOVID-19 levels, although there are some concerns around how long the demand from China will continue at current levels. Other impacts are timelines for the development of some of our properties, such as the Taupō CBD section in Tūwharetoa Street.

Supporting the collective Ngāti Tūwharetoa effort We were very pleased to collaborate with other Iwi Entities, the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries and the Paramountcy Office to provide some much-appreciated assistance to kaumātua and whānau through supermarket vouchers and grocery packs. Support was also provided to some of the essential services such as Tūwharetoa Health, Te Roopu Korowai, Women’s Refuge and local Food Banks.

We are also exploring how we can address housing needs and services — our Tūwharetoa Kainga Strategy is coming together well through the efforts of our Project Manager, Blandina Diamond. Further details on this are shared in the Healthy homes, healthy whanāu housing strategy story in this issue. Nāku iti nei, nā

Greg Stebbing General Manager

Annual General Meeting

Saturday, 21 November at 1:30 pm. Further details to be advised.

Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM scholarships awarded Looking ahead, supporting our whānau with finding employment will be a focus. We are pleased to announce three recipients of the TST STEM scholarship this year — you can read more about them in this issue.


Healthy homes, healthy whānau

Housing Strategy Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust Reliable affordable healthy homes are the most influential factor for healthy, happy, safe, stable, successful whānau. The Tuwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST) believes it is time for real change and is nearing the completion of its Tūwharetoa Kāinga Strategy. The strategy is being developed to look at solutions around the lack of access to affordable, healthy and accessible housing affecting many of our Tūwharetoa people, and whānau across Aotearoa.

Focus of the Tūwharetoa Kāinga Strategy The strategy focuses on affordable housing, assured housing, and healthy and accessible homes. TST General Manager Greg Stebbing says, “The strategy aims to enable collaboration with other Tūwharetoa entities and agencies across Aotearoa to investigate and design housing solutions for current and future generations that will help address these problems.”

• “... The strategy aims to enable collaboration with other Tūwharetoa entities and agencies across Aotearoa to investigate and design housing solutions for current and future generations that will help address these problems.” We were pleased to bring on board Te Wikitoria (Blandina) Diamond as Project Manager to assist

with this kaupapa. She said: “Our investigations have introduced us to some very good examples of hapū and iwi kāinga solutions that have either been completed or are at various stages of progress. Many Māori organisations have been very generous in sharing their experiences, as well as providing good advice on how best to proceed and avoid some of the challenges they had faced.” The strategy outlines solutions that are best suited to the rohe of Tūwharetoa and how initial projects will progress from here, within timeframes, resources and potential partnerships. With the land cost being around 40% of the cost of a new build, and with Tūwharetoa owning over 50% of the land in the rohe, strategies utilising Māori land will be an important factor in providing affordable homes. With average incomes in the rohe being well below the national average, home ownership is out of reach for a very large proportion of our whānau and so the strategy will also be heavily focussed on providing healthy and warm rental accommodation.

Next steps and pilot programmes The TST Board of Trustees have approved the project moving into the next phase which is expected to take four months to complete. It will be focussed on wider communication of the strategy and delivery of three pilot programmes: 1. Advice and Advocacy – working with government agencies to establish resources that will provide support for whānau with advice on rental and home ownership, understanding crown subsidies, organising wānanga to improve budgeting skills and understanding the responsibilities of home ownership.






Affordable & quality homes are available (within the rohe) to members who are prepared and committed

Home repairs, insulation & accessibility renovations are available to members who are prepared & committed Coaching,

“... Well planned & quality papa kāinga developments are increasing.”




guidance, and support are available to members to achieve individual home ownership

More members are in a position to renovate their homes to a warm, healthy and accessible state

More members are in a position to purchase or rent a high quality and affordable home

A greater number of affordable homes are available (within the rohe)

NG More members have the resources and independence to own an open market home

All members have the financial resources neccessary to own and operate an affordable home

All members have the skills and support necessary to own an affordable home

The outcomes we are seeking

“... Our neighbourhoods are safe, strong, happy and vibrant places.”




2. Repairs and Maintenance – again working with government and council agencies on establishing a programme focussed on improving the health and warmth of existing houses. 3. New Residential developments – gathering whānau registrations of interest, confirming potential sites for two new developments, including papa kāinga and securing government support. The first communication will be through wānanga with all Tūwharetoa entities that have expressed interest in being part of the strategy. All relevant documentation will also be available on the TST website www.tst.maori.nz

Blandina Diamond is the General Manager of the charity KiwiHarvest which has been very supportive in providing food parcels that have been delivered to our Tūwharetoa whanau. She served 20 years as a NZ Military officer and trained with the US, British, Australian, Malaysian and Singaporean Forces. Her assignments included West Africa and East Timor. Blandina volunteers with her hapū and Iwi focusing on retaining the Māori culture, protecting assets and rights and helping whānau with their businesses.

Within Our Rohe

TST Housing Survey TST conducted a survey at the end of 2019 to better understand the housing needs within our rohe and inform our Tūwharetoa Kāinga Strategy. We received 707 responses — we thank our whānau again for taking part. The findings from this survey and other research indicate: • A greater need for 1 and 2-bedroom homes • Issues of dampness, cold and inaccessibility • There are more homes with fewer people living in them • A growing aged population within Aotearoa • House prices are increasing • More households with low incomes

Population Of Our Rohe: 37, 466 Taupō Tūrangi

86.5% 14%

Current Housing Deprivation 301 People

No Home 39

Shared 145

Median House Prices Taupō




Median Rentals Taupō




Household Incomes


Te Wikitōria, Blandina Diamond





Overcrowded 125



PICTURED: An echocardiogram (heart scanner) in use.

TST donation helps secure

new heart scanner for Taupō & Turangi Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust The Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST) was pleased to be able to contribute $5,000 towards the purchase of an echocardiogram (heart scanner) for the Taupō Hospital in February. The donation was part of a significant fundraising programme by The Taupō Hospital and Health Society (THHS), who raised the $350,000 required for the equipment. TST General Manager, Greg Stebbing, says the Trust is committed to being an integral part of the community. “It is important that we contribute in ways that have

a meaningful impact on our community, and in particular the wellbeing of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.” The new Cardiac Echo Service was officially opened in February. The opening was attended by Mayor David Trewavas; Lakes District Health Board (DHB) Chair, Dr Jim Mather; Lakes DHB CEO, Nick Saville-Wood; THHS Chairperson, Lil Hancock; local member, Christine Rankin; DHB staff; David Rameka from Taupō District Council; and TST General Manager, Greg Stebbing. Lakes DHB Chair, Dr Jim Mather, expressed thanks to THHS at the opening, noting that the DHB is very grateful to have had such strong support from the Society.




Total funds required for echocardiogram

Donation from the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust

“We are amazed at the latest efforts of the Society and its history of previous fundraising which has benefited Taupō Hospital across a range of projects, including the redevelopment of Taupō Hospital,” he said. Taupō Mayor David Trewavas noted the latest fundraising effort by the THHS represented a significant effort with tremendous buy-in from everyone across the district. The new service to the Taupō community started in late January 2020. The unit was received from the supplier in late December 2019, with the system configured to enable the images to be sent to Rotorua, to enable reviewing and reporting on echo ultrasounds by cardiology staff in Rotorua. Cardiac ultrasound is used across the entire spectrum of patient care from in-utero to the elderly patient.


Lil Hancock – Chairperson, Taupō Hospital & Health Society; David Trewavas – Mayor of Taupō; Dr Jim Mather – Chair, Lakes DHB; Nick Saville-Wood – CEO, Lakes DHB.


2015 35% increase of patients in Taupō/Turangi in need of a heart scanner 2020

The number of patients in Taupō/Tūrangi area needing an echocardiogram has increased by approximately 35 per cent in the past five years and up until January, those patients had to travel to Rotorua Hospital for the examination.





STEM scholarships awarded

TO THREE INSPIRING Rangatahi Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust

The Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST) has announced the three recipients of its annual $10,000 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) scholarships. 2020 STEM scholarship recipients This year’s recipients are Charquera Tobin-Cribb, studying for a Bachelor of Science, Shaun McNeil completing a Master of Science, and Tia Haira, who is pursuing a Master of Biomedical Science.


Charquera Tobin-Cribb


“In this regard, Charquera, Shaun and Tia have excelled in their studies and more than justified the focus our Trust has placed in this particular area of study,” says Dame Georgina.

Education advances our people and communities


Shaun McNeil


Tia Haira

The STEM Scholarship programme is an important part of TST’s commitment to promoting and advancing the educational aspirations of Tūwharetoa people and focuses on the importance of science and technology to the future success of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Aotearoa. In acknowledging the scholarship winners, Deputy Chair of TST, Dame Georgina Te Heuheu said

• “... TST was proud to recognise the academic excellence of Tūwharetoa young people through a dedicated STEM scholarship programme.”

“We appreciate the importance of education in the ongoing advancement of our people and our communities and our STEM scholarships are aimed at those of our whānau seeking to help unlock the potential for wellbeing and growth in the fields of science and technology. “Through the programme we also hope to encourage more of our young people to seek careers in these disciplines. “The wide-ranging impacts of current global events and issues like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and global economic disruption reinforce the need for continued investment and research in these areas, now and into the future” Dame Georgina added. The Trust has been impressed with the focus on Mātauranga Māori as an integral part of each of the recipients’ study programmes. The three $10,000 scholarships are open to university students in their third year and above studying in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and with a grade point average score of 6.5 or higher.

Applications for 2021 open in November 2020 Applications for the 2021 TST STEM Scholarships will open in November 2020. In collaboration with Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust, TST also contributes $170,000 to a combined fund of $580,000 that supports Tūwharetoa students in their tertiary studies across a wide range of disciplines.




From the

General Manager Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust


Danny Loughlin

2,500 who work in commercial fishing & aquaculture operations, out of 13,000 full time workers in NZ’s seafood industry.

Kia ora tātou, During the Coronavirus pandemic, just like dairy farmers, commercial fishing and aquaculture were ‘Essential Businesses’ and permitted to operating during the outbreak. However, as was the case for almost every other business sector in New Zealand, the fisheries industry has not been immune from the impact of COVID-19. More than 13,000 full time workers are employed in the country’s seafood industry. Of this, 2,500 people work in the commercial fishing and aquaculture operations at sea. The potential disruption to the seafood industry and jobs arising from the impact and fallout of COVID-19, is a serious concern and presents challenging times for all concerned.

How COVID-19 has impacted the Trust’s Income For Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust, we first noticed the effects of COVID-19 on some of our fisheries investments as early as February 2020. The Trust has an investment in lobster (crayfish), through Port Nicholson Fisheries (PNF).


PNF saw an immediate downturn in business activity arising from country border closures and a lockdown in China. The restrictions started to kick in around Chinese New Year – this is typically when the demand for lobster would be at a peak. So, the impact and sudden loss of bulk orders was swift and noticeable. During COVID-19 the directors of Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Holdings Limited have been undertaking financial modelling to assess and forecast potential medium – long term outcomes for the Trust. With many country borders still closed and uncertainty when business as usual will be able to return to ‘normal’ it is very much a wait and see approach for many. Storage and transportation to offshore markets remains a challenge. Government and industry have looked into arranging special flights. However, these are proving to be very expensive in the current environment. The Trust’s interests in Bay Packers LP, which exports tuna overseas, faces a number of challenges. For example, the fish are normally transported in the hold of passenger aircraft on flights to Japan. In general, we are expecting to see further impact on our business investments in the 2021 financial year.

• “... the impact and sudden loss of bulk [lobster] orders was swift and noticeable”

How the Trust has been helping Ngāti Tūwharetoa during COVID-19 The Trustees did not hesitate to partner in the wider Ngāti Tūwharetoa ‘call to action’ led by Ariki, Tā Tumu Te Heuheu. An initial financial contribution of $100K was approved to support the collective Tūwharetoa COVID-19 response, in particular the supermarket vouchers which we made available for kaumātua. By and large, the collective effort was largely jointly coordinated by the Ariki’s Office, the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust. A further grant of $50K was made to the Ngāti Tūwharetoa (BOP) Settlement Trust. The Trust also helped with the logistical arrangements for delivery of kai parcels and hygiene packs to our BOP and southern marae.

2019 AGM to be rescheduled Due to the pandemic, the Trust’s 2019 AGM had to be postponed due to the restrictions put in place by government. We are closely monitoring developments and hope to convene the meeting when its safe to do so.

Key results: Financial Performance


Total Revenue




Operating Expenses





2018 Inc/Dec










Total Assets

27,419,801 26,886,302


Total Equity



Total Expenses Surplus for the Year

Ngā mihi, Danny Loughlin General Manager





NEWSBITES Trust Board Annual General Meeting to be held 21 November 2020


21 The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board’s Annual General meeting will be held on Saturday, 21 November 2020 commencing at 10 am. The Trustees will report on the Trust Board’s business and financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2020. Further details to be advised in due course.

Te Takinga New returns to TūrangiTongariro Community Board


Te Takinga New

The Turangi-Tongariro Community Board has appointed Te Takinga New to the board following a vacancy which arose in the Tōngariro subdivision. Mr New is actively involved in the community and has strong links within the Turangi-Tongariro Ward. He was the third highest polling candidate in the October 2019 local government elections for the Turangi/Tongariro Ward. Several local marae chairs in the area supported Mr New’s appointment. He previously served on the community board between 2013 – 2019.


Waikato River Authority crown appointment -Dylan Tahau Dylan Tahau has been appointed to the Waikato River Authority as a Crown appointee. Dylan has worked in local government and has expertise in governance, leadership, business planning and organisational development. Currently the Head of Community, Culture and Heritage at Taupō District Council, Dylan also sits on the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust Board, which he previously chaired. The Waikato River Authority was established to achieve the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River. The authority works to promote an integrated, holistic, and coordinated approach to the implementation of the management of the Waikato River.


Dylan Tahau

Did you know?


Function To restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.

Location Hamilton

Community support The authority provides funding for community research and improvement projects which help to improve the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.

Recent events The authority has been vocal about the Auckland water crisis which proposes to take water from the Waikato River.




Freshwater Fisheries trust appoints Lisa Te Heuheu as chair Te Wai Māori Trust has appointed Lisa Te Heuheu as its new chair in April 2020. Lisa (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto) specialises in the natural resources sector and for the past 12 years been an environmental management consultant. She has held a variety of roles in iwi planning, agriculture, policy and research management. Lisa has been a director of Te Wai Māori since 2017.

PICTURED : Lisa Te Heuheu

Did you know?


Function To advance the interests of Māori in freshwater fisheries.

Location Welllington

What the Trust does •H elps increase the capability of Māori to control their freshwater fisheries • Carries out research • Fosters indigenous fisheries knowledge, customs and practices

Mandate The Trust is a statutory body established under the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.



UP-TO-DATE & FULL OF NEWS We currently have 21,000 registered members. Approximately 3,000 don’t have an email address. 5,000 over the age of 18 have an email address. Stay up-to-date with marae, whānau, pānui, events and news from around Ngāti Tūwharetoa. To register online or download a form, visit www. tuwharetoa.co.nz

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board PO Box 87, Town Centre, Tūrangi 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō +64 7 386 8832 (Tūrangi) +64 7 376 5086 (Taupō) info@tuwharetoa.co.nz www.tuwharetoa.co.nz

Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō 0800 889 427 (within NZ) +64 7 378 6793 (from outside NZ) info@tst.maori.nz www.tst.maori.nz

Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust 81 Horomatangi Street, Taupō +64 7 377 3176 info@ntf.maori.nz www.ntf.maori.nz




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