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ngāti tūwharetoa live as tūwharetoa

We capture and maintain our Tūwharetoa mātauranga and are committed to ensuring the sustainability of our marae.


We acknowledge the pivotal role of Ariki Tā Tumu te Heuheu and the work being undertaken by the Ariki to secure the future of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and realise the aspirations of the iwi as outlined in Te Kapua Whakapipi and Ka Ora Kāinga Rua.

Assistance is provided to the Matua Tu Taua who practice and maintain the tikanga associated with supporting and protecting Te Arikitanga. The Trust Board has been supporting this kaupapa for more than 20 years.


• 4 hui delivered • 16 marae represented

Korowai Awhina provides a centralised marae network to disseminate information, discuss issues of collective importance, share knowledge between marae and receive direction/feedback on training and cultural development activities.

We facilitate quarterly hui and coordinate training workshops to provide support to marae to help them meet their capability requirements. Due to the pandemic and to keep our marae safe, the first three hui were delivered online via Zoom, with the final one held at Pukawa marae.

The first online hui was an opportunity for marae to share ideas and information on how they were coping during the pandemic and procedures implemented to ensure the marae is operating safely.


• Marae Insurance Scheme (AON New Zealand) • Building Warrant of Fitness (Taupō District Council) • Marae Sustainability (Haurere Energy Solutions Ltd) The final hui in May was an opportunity for our marae to enjoy a Matariki dinner and Matariki kōrero from Napa Otimi. Matariki packs were also distributed to those who participated.


In collaboration with Fire and Emergency NZ, Waihereora Ltd and Civil Defence, we coordinated the delivery of crisis training to prepare our marae as first responders in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.

Due to COVID-19, only one Emergency Services Training was delivered in May 2021. Nine (9) marae were represented at this year’s training.


In partnership with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust we provided five (5) marae capital works grants this year to a total value of $427,959.52

The grants were awarded to: • Hīrangi Marae – Manuhiri shelter and fencing • Maniaiti Marae – Technical feasibility study for a new wharepuni • Maroanui Marae – Wharekai upgrade • Opaea Marae – Wharepaku and kitchen extension • Waitetoko Marae – Kaumātua room roof replacement


The marae insurance initiative was established in the 1980s to ensure marae were safeguarded for future generations. The initial model entailed the Trust Board covering 50% of the premium costs with the remaining 50% the responsibility of the marae.

27 marae were supported with 100% of their insurance premium costs. This is an increase of one from the previous year with the return of Mokai marae. Sixty two percent of marae completed a contents inventory. In April 2021, we visited the marae to completed and marae valuations. This is conducted every three years.


• 100 Matariki packs were distributed at the Korowai Awhina hui – Matariki dinner celebration. • 2,000 calendars distributed

We engaged with Te Kura o Waitahanui, Te Kura o Hīrangi and Te Kura o Ngapuke to provide artwork for the 2021-22 Maramataka.

Merchandise packs were provided to each student and kaiako. Each kura also received copies of the maramataka to acknowledge their contribution to the calendar.

During the year, we developed and distributed rauemi that recognised the importance of our marae, supported te reo Māori acquisition, assisted with the maintenance and practice of Tūwharetoa reo, waiata, and mātauranga, and provided information on our taiao.

The resources were produced in both hardcopy and electronic versions and were distributed to marae, Tūwharetoa kohanga reo, and early childhood centres in Tūrangi and Taupō.


• 1 training module delivered • 9 marae in attendance • 20 participants

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