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CHAIRMAN AND CEO REPORT ko te pūrongo a te tiamana me te kaiwhakahaere matua

JOHN BISHARA Tiamana Chairman

ko tongariro te maunga ko taupō te moana ko tūwharetoa te iwi ko te heuheu te tangata

Ka nui tō mātou harikoa i te horanga o te Rīpoata ā-tau me te Rīpoata Pūtea o Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board mō te tau i oti i te 30 o Pipiri 2021.

I tāngia tēnei rīpoata i te mate urutā Kōwheori-19 e horapa tonu nei.

E rongo tonu ana ngā hapori me ngā whanau o Ngāti Tūwharetoa i ngā pēhitanga o Kōwheori-19 i Aotearoa nei, i tāwāhi anō hoki.

Ahakoa ngā pēhitanga o te wā e kawe tonu ana mātou i ngā mahi me ngā kaupapa i tēnei tau e ripoatangia ana. Heoi anō, tērā ētehi wā i kati o mātou tari e ū ai ki ngā ture o ngā taumata ohiti. We are pleased to present the 2021 Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statements for the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board for the year ended 30 June 2021.

Our report is made against the background of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 continues to affect the lives and communities of Ngāti Tūwharetoa whānau across Aotearoa New Zealand and those living abroad.

Overall, we have been able to maintain our operations and services during the reporting period. Though, at times our offices had to be closed to comply with certain alert level rules.


• E raupapa nei ko ngā Kaupapa Nui: • Ko te $2.4 miriona tāra te tapeketanga pūtea āwhina i tukuna ki a Ngāti

Tūwharetoa; • Ko te rongohanga a te Kōti Teitei i tō mātou tono mo ngā wai o Taupō; • Ngā kokenga whakamua me te

Karauna e kītea ai ngā hua mo Ngāti

Tūwharetoa i raro i te Kawenata

Karauna; waihoki • He $9.2 miriona tāra ngā toenga pūtea.


Ahakoa ngā pōhauhau a te Kōwheri-19 ki runga ki te Ōhanga, he $2.4 miriona te wāriu o ngā karāti me ngā pūtea tautoko i tukuna ki ngā uri i tēnei tau.

He $9.2 miriona tāra ngā toenga pūtea (ko te $3.7 miriona i tērā tau).

Nā te whakawhiwhinga o te Tarahati ki ngā moni haumi me ngā moni karāti i tino eke ai te tahua pūtea.

Ko te hua, ko te tipuranga o te wāriu o a mātou rawa mā te $13,5% mai i ngā pūtea o tērā tau.

He hua pai tēnei mō te whakapūmau i ngā kokenga whakamua mō ngā mema hei ngā tau kei te heke mai.


I rangona e te Kōti Teitei to mātou tono nō te tau 2017 kia mārama kehokeho te wāhi ki o mātou mana ki ngā wai o Taupō moana.

I tū tēnei hui ki te Kōti Teitei i Te Whanganuia-Tara i te marama o Māhuru i te tau 2020.

I roto i te whakatau a Te Kooti Teitei i puta i te Hurae 2021, ka puritia e mātou te mana ki te tuku raihana, nama hoki ki ngā pakihi i runga i te moana.


Some of our key highlights include: • $2.4 million in grants and support distributed to Ngāti Tūwharetoa • The High Court hearing our Declaratory Judgment application on Taupō Waters; • Progress being made with the Crown to advance the interests of Ngāti Tūwharetoa under our Crown Accord; and; • A $9.2 million net surplus


Despite the uncertainty which COVID-19 has brought to the economy, we delivered $2.4 million of grants and support to our people during the reporting period.

We achieved a net surplus of $9.2 million (compared to $3.7 million for the previous year).

The increase was due to the significant growth in investments and an increase in grant revenue received which favourably impacted our overall group revenue.

As a result of this, the group’s balance sheet has improved and has seen a large asset growth of 13.5% since last year.

This is a pleasing result that will provide a stronger future for members in years to come.


Our application in 2017 to the High Court for a Declaratory Judgment to clarify our property rights in Taupō Waters was finally heard.

The hearing took place at the High Court in Wellington in September 2020.

In its decision released in July 2021, the High Court has upheld our right to licence and charge commercial operators on the lake.

He hua pai tēnei e mārama ai ngā rōpū katoa kei a wai te mana mo ngā rawa nei. Kua whakamanahia ā-ture nei ō mātou mana hei kaitiaki, hei rangatira hoki mō ngā wai o Taupō.


E ai ki te Ture Tarahati Māori 1955, me mātua whakarite hui mātou hei whakatau i ngā mema poari i ia toru tau.

I tēnei tau e ripoatangia ana, i tū ngā Kōwhiringa Mema Poari mō ngā tau 20212014.

E mihi nui ana ki a Tiwana Tibble i te huhua o ngā hua i taka mai ki te Poari nōna e noho ana hei mema poari. Kua eke tōna tūranga ki tōna mutunga. Ka noho mai a Tiwana hei ūpoko mō Taupō Moana Group Holdings, tā mātou peka arumoni.

E mihi ana ki a Te Takinga New, Trish Otimi me Channey Iwikau i whai tūranga ki te poari i ngā kōwhiringa 2021.


E āta koke ana ngā whai pānga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa i raro i ngā whakaritenga Kawenata i waenga i a Ngāti Tūwharetoa me te Kāwanatanga.

Ko te whainga matua o te tau ko te waihanga i tētahi mahere mahi kia aronuitia ngā whakapaunga kaha, ā, kia whakarite i ngā hereherenga mō ngā hua.

E haere tonu ana ngā mahi whakatau nawe mō ngā papa awa kāore anō kia hoki mai, ā, me te whakatau i ngā tikanga mō ngā ara/rori o Taupō. Waihoki, e haere tonu ana ngā mahi tiaki mātauranga mō Ngā Wai o Taupō.


Kua piki haere te pai o a mātou aroturuki i ngā wai o Taupō me ōna kōawa. He mea timata tēnei mahi i te Hōngongoi 2020 nō te whakawhitinga o tēnei āheinga ki a mātou mai i te Kaunihera-ā-rohe o Waikato. This is a positive outcome which clarifies our property rights for all parties concerned and recognises our status as owners and kaitiaki of Taupō Waters.


Under the Māori Trust Board Act 1955, we are required to convene triennial board member elections every three years.

During the reporting period, the election of Board Members for the 2021 – 2024 term took place.

We would like to acknowledge Tiwana Tibble for his many contributions made to the organisation upon expiry of his term. Tiwana remains as a director on our commercial subsidiary, Taupō Moana Group Holdings.

We also extend our congratulations to Te Takinga New, Trish Otimi and Channey Iwikau who were all elected to the Board in the 2021 elections.


Steady progress is being made under our Crown Accord to advance the interests of Ngāti Tūwharetoa with government.

The key focus during the reporting period has been in developing a work plan to focus effort and create accountability for outcomes.

Some of the work involved includes resolving unreturned river beds, clarifying statutory rights of way on Taupō Waters and protecting our mātauranga about Ngā Wai o Taupō.


We have made good progress carrying out water monitoring functions on and around Taupō Waters following the transfer of this function to the Trust Board from the Waikato Regional Council in July 2020.

Ko Tongariro te maunga Ko Taupō te moana Ko Tūwharetoa te iwi Ko te Heuheu te tangata

SHANE HEREMAIA Kaiwhakahaere Matua Chief Executive Officer

mahi rangatira ki te iwi

Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te iwi tuatahi i Aotearoa ki te whakawhiti āheinga pēnei mā roto tonu i te Ture Whakahaere Rawa.

E aro nuitia ana ngā Riwhōma Kāwanatanga e pā ana ki ngā āheinga wai me te tiaki i ngā takiwā taiao Māori. Ko tā mātou he arotutuki i ngā whanaketanga me te tiaki i te mana tiaki o Tūwharetoa i ōna wai me ōna whenua.


Kua rewa te kaupapa tiaki whanau mā te wero ārai-mate a te Kāwanatanga i tēnei tau.

Kua aronui mātou ki te whakahau i ngā whanau ki te toro atu ki ngā puna mātauranga pono e pai ai tā rātou whakatau tikanga mō te wero ārai- mate. He mea tuku mā te pae papori, mā te kiriata me te tuku mēra.

I mahi tahi mātou ki te Tari o Te Ariki, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust me Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust ki te whakarite hōtaka wero ārai-mate mō ngā whānau, ā, me te tuku tīkiti hokomaha ki ngā kaumātua. Ngāti Tūwharetoa became the first iwi in Aotearoa under the Resource Management Act to be transferred such functions.

Recent proposed government reforms concerning water supply and regulation and the ongoing protection of significant natural areas is of high interest to us. We are closely monitoring these developments and advocating for the protection of Tūwharetoa water and land rights.


The government’s rollout of a vaccine to protect whānau has been underway during the year.

We have focussed our efforts on encouraging our whānau to use trusted information to help make an informed decision about being vaccinated.

Our outreach has been via social media, video and mailouts.

During the lockdown we worked with the Ariki’s Office, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable

E koke whakamua ana ngā uri kua whai tūranga mahi mā roto i te kaupapa o Ringa Raupā. He mahi whakatikatika i ō mātou marae tō rātou aronga nui.


E rere ana ngā mihi ki ngā uri o Ngāti Tūwharetoa e whakapono ana ki a mātou e kawe nei i ngā mahi hei hua mō tatou.

E mihi ana ki ngā Mema Poari mō rātou e whakatau ana i ngā aronga nui me te arataki hoki i a mātou rautaki mahi.

Ki ngā kaimahi, ki te hunga e whakatīnana ana i ngā whainga o te Poari, tēna koutou i ā koutou whakapaunga kaha mō te kaupapa. Trust to make vaccination bookings for whānau and provide supermarket vouchers for our kaumātua in affected areas.

Those of our people employed as part of our Ringa Raupā project to carry out maintenance and project work at marae have continued to make good progress.


We acknowledge the people of Ngāti Tūwharetoa who place their trust in us, to work and act in their best interests.

We acknowledge our Board Members who provide vision and leadership, and who set our strategic direction.

To our staff, who implement the Board’s vision and goals – thank you for your hard work and effort.

Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa.


mahi rangatira ki te iwi

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