Annual Report 2020-21

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ko te pūrongo a te tiamana me te kaiwhakahaere matua

JOHN BISHARA Tiamana Chairman

ko tongariro te maunga ko taupō te moana ko tūwharetoa te iwi ko te heuheu te tangata

Ka nui tō mātou harikoa i te horanga o te Rīpoata ā-tau me te Rīpoata Pūtea o Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board mō te tau i oti i te 30 o Pipiri 2021.

We are pleased to present the 2021 Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statements for the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board for the year ended 30 June 2021.

I tāngia tēnei rīpoata i te mate urutā Kōwheori-19 e horapa tonu nei.

Our report is made against the background of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

E rongo tonu ana ngā hapori me ngā whanau o Ngāti Tūwharetoa i ngā pēhitanga o Kōwheori-19 i Aotearoa nei, i tāwāhi anō hoki.

COVID-19 continues to affect the lives and communities of Ngāti Tūwharetoa whānau across Aotearoa New Zealand and those living abroad.

Ahakoa ngā pēhitanga o te wā e kawe tonu ana mātou i ngā mahi me ngā kaupapa i tēnei tau e ripoatangia ana. Heoi anō, tērā ētehi wā i kati o mātou tari e ū ai ki ngā ture o ngā taumata ohiti.

Overall, we have been able to maintain our operations and services during the reporting period. Though, at times our offices had to be closed to comply with certain alert level rules.

T Ū W H A R E TOA M ĀO R I T R U S T B OA R D / A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 02 1

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