2 minute read

TN2 Crushes

With the slow deaths of both Trinder and Trindr (RIP), we at TN2 reckoned you sad, sad souls need somewhere to detail your love, yearning, heartbreak, and strange fetishes (TN2 does not endorse “touching toes in the ussher”). If your confession isn't here, sorry. It clearly wasn't embarrassing enough. Try harder next time x you are the best dream - BNJ it’s a stupid cliché, but when i met you i believed i wasn’t the sort of creature who would find love. you keep proving me wrong. my angel, my sunshine, mo chroí. i love him, he is all i am. i attend him- terrible, beautiful plan. i fear he is all i could lose. he clears me, corridor, cloudless roof. i find him gone, bedless; fool; man. i regain him often, he is who i am. i love your passion for the arts let’s study bog bodies while touching toes in the ussher.


What sweet things must remain unsaid? or which should I not care to know? My love is mean. As am I, which is the only reason for loving you like this. I will not feel guilt for loving you: your coldness, the way you abuse my conscience, the way you mock me with your beauty. I am your fool.

It’s over. The right person at the wrong time. I love him, but he is not mine and I am not his anymore. I love you S.

This mightn’t be two notebooks but I still think you’re really hot.

Love, Anon.

I had it all figured out. You, me, together on the beach reading Tolstoy and Dumas. My dreams, my love for you, reflected in those hazel eyes. Imbibed on your gaze. Our chemistry was dazzling, irresistible - an unstoppable force in a world of unmoving conversation.

And thus, I ought not to have slept with your best friend. Twice.

AS in 3rd year nursing, I get lost in those piercing green eyes of yours every single time. Will you be my valentine?

You say everything is Gucci but I’m not your main. Sweetness overload driving me insane Call me you crutch since I’m someone to lean on L your beauty is something that could turn Mr clean on.

You are not very good at cooking, asking the waiter for ketchup, using scissors, getting up early or yoga. But you are very cute when you try and then look at me after as if to say “did I do it right?” and I smile, amused at your incompetence. And then I ask you to open up the jam jar, reach the thing on the high shelf, help me calculate something, fix the dishwasher and remind how to save a file on my laptop.

Completely fell for a guy I worked with this summer. He became my best friend, like no one I’d ever met. BUT BUT BUT. He has a girlfriend, which I completely respect, and nothing happened. I don’t know how to let go of that to move on. He said “I’ve never been so happy as I am around you”. WHO SAYS THAT!!! cry.So happy to still have him as a friend but my God am I in love with him. Never said that before. When we talked or looked at each other it’s like a whole other little world opened up. EW right that’s it. We ball. at least I can drive a car. Maybe some day.

Sometimes I listen to the song he was listening to when we first got together. It’s a terrible song but it makes me smile and feel fuzzy because I love him despite his atrocious music taste.

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