談德泉 個人作品集
20 21 年 夏 天
Tan Te-chuan Portfolio
Summer 2021
Tan Te-chuan
我是談德泉,1998 年生於台南,2020 年畢業於國立成功大學工業設計系。
我本來應該要跟同學一樣做一個普通的產品設計師,卻喜歡做一堆有的沒的: 產品設計、設計思考、樂器設計、程式設計、網頁設計、動畫渲染,雖然說每 個都稍微並一點點學的不精,但在突然發現在現在這個越來越複雜的社會當 中,讓我對於能設計的東西多獲得了很多可以切入的機會,也希望以後這些 能力可以幫助我完成更完整的設計。 單一的做法沒辦法拘束我,我喜歡利用我所學過的各種東西,我不斷嘗試融 合不同技術來創造不單純的作品。因此為了達到我的目地,我永遠維持在 學習的路上。
I am Tan Te-chuan, 1998 born in Taiwan, graduated from Department of Industrial Design in National Cheng Kung University in 2020.
Born 1998. Industrial Design, NCKU +886-910-194-835 tran0408tran@gmail.com https://fb.me/tntchn
Don't want to be a normal product designer, I like to learn many kind of things, including product design, design thinking, instrument design, program design, web design, and animation rendering etc. Not being an expert but these skills helped me a lot when I was designing. I hope that in the near future, I could make more complete design with these skills in the near future. Not being limited by old method, I blend all the things what I'd learned together to create my unique works. I am still on the way called learning for breaking myself everyday.
個人 介 紹 Self Introd u
c tion
課堂實作( 產品設計) Courses Implementatio
n (Product Design)
平面 設 計 企 畫 ign Projec t Graphic Des
影片企畫 ct Video Proje
In Class Project
Mi n ha n d 電 子 樂器操作概念設計
Electronic Musical Instrument Performing Concept
電子樂器不用受到物理上的發聲限制,只要改變電子零件的 交互關係就好了即可發出聲響。電子樂器的操作理論上可以 設計出各式各樣的型式,但常見的電子樂器卻都長得大同小 異。我們認為如果能在電子樂器的操作上增加一些不同的感 覺,會不會讓音樂演奏上能有不一樣樣的變化呢?
Electronical musical instruments do not have physically restrict to generate sounds. Changing the interactive relationship of electronic parts becomes an easier way to change the sound. Electronical musical instruments can theoretically be designed in various form of operation, but most of them all look alike. As a result, we try to make some differences in performing music with a brand new one.
從 20 世紀初電子樂器被科學家所發明後,流行音樂界開始有 了巨大的變化。音樂家開始可以用錄音、採樣、減法合成器和 效果等多種不同的方法創造各式各樣的音樂。時至今日,隨著 更多功能被加到樂器上,電子樂器現在像一個小電腦一樣有 著複雜的操作界面,音樂家必需同時操控數十個參數旋鈕才 能創造出理想的聲音,複雜程度跟駕駛飛機不相上下。
然而這之中有幾個著名的特例:1919 年被發年的特雷門琴是 一個不需要接觸,音樂家只要靠著姿勢的改變就可以演奏的 樂器,特雷明演奏家必需靠著細膩的技巧演奏音樂。近幾年 Roli 公司也推出以矽膠做為鍵盤的 Seaboard,柔順的外型以 及觸感也造成音樂界的一大轟動。 我們創造獨特的演奏體驗很感興趣,希望能藉由設計讓音樂 家能有耳目一新的演奏方式,激發出更多不同的音樂想法。
©Wikimedia Commons @Gregor Hohenberg
Electronic musical instrument, invented in early 20th centuty, had made huge changes in the music industry. Musicians used sampleing or synthesizeing techniques by controlling tens or hundreds of buttons to producing various of music, the complicated move just like flying a plane. However we appreciated the Theremin and Roli Seaboard, which made musicians have different performing experience with the special design and aroused their imaginary of music.
We focused on changing the performing experiences, and wanted to inspire the musicians to have more ideation of music with our unique musical instrument.
設計背景 Design Background
我們首先分析各種電子樂器及其他樂 器,提取其中並另外發想多種動作,做 為我們的動作資料庫。我們另外 研究 了發聲原理,創造出各種常見以及不常 見的聲音組合,希望能 藉由補充知識 提高創新設計的成功率。 接著,我們利用手 邊容易取得的工具 仿 造,利用奧茲巫師測試法具象化動 作和聲音之間的關係,做出主觀評分 評價,開始討論我們覺得比較有趣的 一些演奏可能。
We deconstructed hundreds of instruments and extracted the actions of performing as our actions database, and also learned the knowledges of sounds as our first step of the design process. Then we used the technique "Wizard of Oz" to combined our draft models and different type of sounds to find out the relationship between actions and sounds, rating and commenting the feels of the experiences.
設計研究 Design Research
藉著動作分析和與聲響的結合測試,我們得以更能瞭解動作 與聲響帶給人的回饋及感受。我們整理了一些感覺比較有發 展性的動作及聲響變化對,開始繪製產品發想的草圖,並製作 更多草模驗證概念是否為我們最終想做出來的成品。
在經過一番討論後,我們決定以能以旋轉動態表現出延續性 聲響的樂器做為我們的設計理念。因為能發出延續性聲音的 樂器不多,為發出延續性聲音而設計的電子樂器更為罕見,在 結合推拉動作的體驗效果甚好,所以我們由此概念設計出我 們的作品:Minhand。
我 們 將 燈 光、聲 音、以 及 動 作 的 延 續 性 融 為 一 體,在 演 奏 Minhand 的過程中,肢體的動作將影響樂器產生的聲光效果, 使得表演者以及觀眾都能夠獲得一個特殊的音樂體驗。
With the test, we could draw our draft confidently and later made more draft models to verify our concept. After lots of discusstions, we decided to focus on constant sound, which is hard to find on the instruments on the market, and was high-rated along with the push-pull movement. Led us to our final work: Minhand. Combining with the constant of light, sounds, and the posture of the performer, Minhand would create unique light and sound effects when performing, providing the audience and performer a special musical experience.
分析和發想 Brainstorming
彩現圖 Rendering
相片 Photos
團隊成員:談德泉、李羿璋、陳亭方 Team members: Tan Te-chuan, Lee Yi-zhang, Chen Ting-fong
In Class Project
華 爾嬰 兒 電 剪 精實產品設計產學合作企畫
Wahl Baby Hair Clipper LPPD Industry-Academy Program
這是工業設計系課程「工業設計」的計畫。本課程將與華 爾中國寧波分公司共同合作,研討使用精實產品開發流 程開發新型嬰幼兒電剪的可能性,其目標為利用精實產 品開發所找出之顧客價值及待做事項,並利用 A3 報告 方式研究產品之本質 *,試圖改進現有市面上產品而使 華爾能在中國嬰幼兒電剪市場有競爭力的產品。 本次成果在 2019 年 3 月所舉辦之華爾精實產品開發培 訓成果發表會中獲得銀獎肯定。 * 參考書目:稻垣公夫《精益產品開發的本質思考》
This is a work of the class “Industrial Design” in Department of Industrial Design. This course was cooperated with Whal China, trying to find the possibility of using Lean Product & Process Design (LPPD) method, including finding customer value and Jobs to be Done (JTBD), and using the A3 report method* to develope a new baby hair clipper, intending to improve the compititors' performence letting Wahl having a competitive product in China's baby product market. This work earned the silver medel in presentation event of Wahl LPPD training course in March 2019 in Ningbo, China.
* Reference: Kimio Inagaki "Essential Thinking for Product Development"
設 計 介 紹 Design Introduction
由於中國二胎政策開放後,出生率呈現明顯增長,新一波 出生高峰到來,母嬰家庭人群規模進一步擴大,嬰兒電剪 在市場需求逐年上升。
華爾是世界美髮電剪領導品牌,而華爾中國寧波分公司正 準備開發一項 適合家長在家中為 0~5 歲嬰幼兒理髮的電 剪,找出現有市面產品在使用上可能會遇到的問題,藉此 進行概念發想並產出一個能在市場上佔有一席之地的產 品,並展現中國華爾在搶佔中國無論專業以及業餘電剪市 場地位的決心。 After China's relaxation of two-child policy, the born rate in China is rising quickly. Market for mother and baby continously expanses, and the demands of baby hair clipper growth annually. Wahl is the leader compony in the world, and Whal Ningbo, China had been ready to develope a new hair clipper for hair-cutting 0~5-year-old children. They wanted to find problems of the products from the markets, used them to make ideations and developed a new product that could have a place in the market, revealing the mind that Wahl China wanted to seize the market in both professional and amateur hair clipper market.
背景 Background
產品規劃 A3 報告書可以整埋市場調查資料,並從脈落訪 查得知的顧客痛點結合競品分析得知新一代產品可以切入 的角度,得以決定未來設計研究的方向。 The A3 report of design strategy is able to sort out the market research and survey data, and let us easy to choice our research goals by customer's requestions and our compititors.
產品規劃 Design Strategy
因果關係圖可以從顧客價值延伸出各種相關參數,讓團隊 可以分析該從哪個方面改進並補足知識缺口的研究方法, 並藉由此圖表進行產品設計草圖和打樣。 The causal mapping is a technique for the team to make design breakthroughs in knowledge based on customer value. The team can use any of the related node to make some design ideation and mockup.
因果關係圖 Causal Mapping
在做主體以及客體改進實驗測試時,我們也同時將測試 的結果做成一項實驗做成一張 A3 報告書,除了記錄各 個測試的結果方便未來向前檢閱,也讓每個測試過程都 更好理解。
在經過這個過程之後,我們得以確定我們的設計細節, 並完成我們最終的產品設計。
We alse made A3 report for each of all design concept testing, which can improve the readibility of the testing result, and let the team systematically ensure the design details. After the testing, we started to do our final product design.
因果關係圖 Causal Mapping
變速馬達,減少摩擦次數, 降低溫度
分套最低剪留長度為1mm 減少刀片直接碰觸孩童次數
分套改於在機身上, 並有功能提示貼紙
團隊成員:談德泉、劉芃成、陳奕瑞 Team members: Tan Te-chuan, Liou Pong-cheng, Chen Yi-juit
設計特色 Features
In Class Project
BOB -N 可 擕 式 電子樂器
Portable Electronic Musical Instrument
BOB-N 是一個讓音樂家能隨身帶著走的便携型 合成器,相較於其他市售合成器,僅有一個鉛筆 盒大小的 BOB-N 不僅容易放進袋子裡,也很方 便操作,讓音樂創作者即使外出也能隨時發揮想 法,並利用內建記憶體儲存樂段,讓創作者在外 想到的點子能更實際的記錄下來。
BOB-N is a portable digital synthesizer designed to facilitate music producers to make some musical ideations when they're going outside. The pencil box size synthesizer is easy to store in backpack, and the memory feature can store several score loops for recording the rhythms.
本作品是我在大三下工業設計課程所產出之個人作品。因為決定好要以電子樂器做為 畢業專題製作,因此在最後的設計課程中,想先進行一些比較簡單的設計來為將來的設 計先獲取一些先備知識。
在參考了許多不同新式合成器後,為了要達到設計的尺寸及市場定位的目標,BOB-N 僅 保留了能使音樂創作者外出發揮創意的必要功能,將產品的預定售價定在入門級合成 器的 5,000 元左右,使 BOB-N 成為讓音樂初學者或玩家較能負擔得起的價格。BON-N 設計以 Raspberry Pi 及 Pure Data 數位合成器的核心,並以大致上維持鍵盤的機構, 使我在開始畢業製作前,可以先對操作發聲以及電子產品設計有一定的熟悉度。 The BOB-N synthesizer is the design work of the class “Industrial Design”. Because of deciding to choose electronic musical instrument for my graduation design project, I wanted to have an easier design before the project, so I could have more prior knowledge about electronic musical instrument. To reach the target dimension and price, BOB-N only keep the essential functions for outdoor music writing. The estimate price is no more than US$200, which is equivalent to the price of an entry level synthesizer, making it affordable for the music beginners.Pure Data installed in Raspberry Pi is the core of the synth unit, and the structure of the instrument is similar to a regular keyboard. With those experiences, I could have more confidence for my graduation design project.
設計細節 Design Details
In Class Project
動 物油 土 骨 架 模型
Clay Modeling of Animal Skeleton 這 是 工 業 設計系 課 程「 基 本 設 計 」 的 作 業。藉由鐵絲及油土塑型成動物骨骼骨架 的造形,訓練學生對塑型的基本能力。本 件作品完整還原鴨嘴獸身上的 69 塊骨骼, 使其除具展示用途外還具有教育意義。
This is a work of the class “Basic Design” in Department of Industrial Design. It trained students’ modeling skills by using wire and clay to model an animal skeleton. This work highly restored platypus skeleton which mades up of 69 bone parts, being not only able to be displayed but also instructive.
研究和草圖(部份) Studies & Sketches (Parts)
相片 Photos
In Class Project
成 功大 學 x 九 州大學青銀共創工作坊
NCKU x Kyushu U Intergenerational Design Workshop 在大三至大四期間,我參加了由成功大學與九州大學設計系共同舉辦的青銀共創工作坊,前往位於福岡近郊的 糸島市,由九州大學、糸島市政府和住友理工合作的社會福利學術究機構「ふれあい LABO」,探討解決地方人口 高齡化等相關問題。這個工作坊以服務設計為主,並邀請十二位定居於糸島的退休人士做為我們的訪談對象,期 望能在這個分為三個階段,跨度長達一年的工作坊中,提出對於未來高齡化社會的有趣想象。 In my last 2 years of my college time, I joined a "intergenerational co-living" workshop held by NCKU and Kyushu U to experience the process designing with different culture. We visited the "Fureai Labo" (*literally connection laboratory) located in Itoshima, Fukuoka, which is a public welfare research institute operated by Kyushu U, Intoshima City Government, and Sumitomo Riko Co. Ltd., focusing on the problems of aging society. The topic of the workshop is service design (design strategyin Japanese). 12 retiree who lived in Itoshima had been invited to be our interviewee, hoped us to propose some interesting scenery for the future in the 3-stage 1-year-long workshop.
我們將訪談的結果做成數個人物誌,並列出其退休生活的旅程地圖、 利益關係人等。我們得知ふれあい LABO 有著類似退休人士活動中心 的地位,並且這些老先生老太太們為了避免退休後的生活過於無趣,常 常會參與課程、運動或參與活動等充實自己的生活。我們另外發現他 們似乎在兒女紛紛到外地工作後,覺得自己有跨世代的社交障礙,希望 藉由更多與年輕人互動的機會能充實自己。
在回到台灣後,我們另外訪談了台灣的社福工作者,瞭解台灣與日本在 長照體系下的差異,同時可以分享給日方參考台灣的體制。 We made several persona and laid out their journey maps and stakeholder maps with the interview result. We got that the Fireai Labo was their aging community center, and the elders like to join many of activities to fill their retired daylife. The elders also told us thay it's hard to have time interactiving with youngers after their children went to other cities. We also interviewed Taiwanese social worker, understanding the difference of the LTC system between Taiwan and Japan, and shared it to our Japanese partners.
設計思考 Design Thinking
因為本身對文史工作感興趣,我們開始思考跨世代交流能不能同時與 地方誌作業結合。在青銀交流的同時將地方的鄉土風情紀錄下來。
Having interest in culture and history, we thought that the record and human study could be done along with the intergenerational interactions.
洞察 Insight
Itocafé - the local culture museum 我們提出的構想是由非營利組織經營的青銀咖啡館,同時也是糸島市 地方誌紀錄的博物館-糸珈琲。 糸島原本是一個漁村,當地居民早年以捕魚為生。博物館可以蒐集當 地的物品做為特殊的室內擺設,吸引感興趣的人前往。博物館亦定期 舉辦長者交流會,長者可以向年輕人分享過去或是現在的各種不同事 情,同時將被記錄下來當成館藏的一部份。隨著館藏的累積,博物館成 為當地人的一部份,也讓後代可以一窺糸島居民的生活風情。 We proposed that local NGO could run a intergenerational café, as well as a museum collecting local chorography, Itocafé. No.003
Residents in Itoshima usually fishing in early years. Itocafé collected the local objects as the decoratoins of the interior. Itocafé also held sharing meeting of the elders. In the meeting, elders was able to share anything from past to present to the youngers, and the record would also be one of the collections. Along with the collections accumulating, Itocafé would be one of Itoshima resident everyday life.
In Class Project
S.ma j i 親 子 賣 場購物體驗
S.maji parent-child shopping experience 這是工業設計系課程「設計方法」的作業。本堂課要求學生使用完整的「雙鑽石」設計流程,藉由觀察、訪談、 及發想,設計出符合使用者需求的互動機器人。 S.maji 是一款針對帶著 2~5 歲幼童的家長所設計的購物體驗,將 RPG 的模式融入在購物中,使孩子與家長 能在購物時有更多的互動。 This is a work of the class “Design Method” in Department of Industrial Design. It ask students to use “Double Diamond” design process, through observation, interview, and brainstorming design the interactive robot fitting users' demanding. S.maji is a shopping experience for parents with 2to 5-year-old children. It integrates RPG games into shopping, makes parents and children can have more interaction in shopping time.
我們一開始以家裡孩子還小的家長做為研究目標對象。因為 法規的規定,6 歲以下的幼童不能被單獨留置在家中,家長 們必需在購物時將孩子們帶在身邊。 在決定我們的目標客群後,我們在學校附近的幾間全聯針對 數位家長進行觀察和訪問,想知道家長們在帶孩子出門購物 時是否會遇到不方便的事。 We initially set parents who had small kids as our research target. Because of that law, kids less than 6 years old can't stay at home by themselves, parents should take them away when go shopping. We chose several PX Mart near by school to observate and interview some parents, wanting to know if they had any inconvience in shopping time.
背景 Background
我們發現孩子對購物絲毫不感興趣,而為了吸引家長對他們的注意而做 出一些調皮的舉動,常常會對家長們造成干擾。同時,家長們做任何考 量時都會先以孩子優先,所以親子友善的環境能夠吸引家長們的光顧。 我們勾勒了一個帶著小孩出門購物的媽媽的人物誌,並欲分析帶小孩在 購物過程中帶來的心情變化。 We had found that kids are not interested in shopping at all. They act up, which distrubing their parents in shopping. Kids is always a priority for parents, and parents are prone to children friendly environment. We outlined a mother persona who brings kid to go out, wanting to analyze the change in mood in the process of shopping.
訪問結果研究 Interview Result & Research
我們利用我們的人物誌來創建我們的使用者旅程地圖,並藉心情組合來尋找我 們可能的設計方向。我們發現,孩童對購物過程不感興趣是造成家長攜帶孩童 在購物時可能會遇到困擾的主因。因此,我們希望主動讓孩童參與購物流程, 並增進親子互動,使家長和孩童都能有更好的購物體驗。
感到好奇 Curious 背小孩 Babywearing
吵鬧 Make noise
問東問西 Ask everything
幫忙結帳 Help purchasing 吵著買東西 Nag to buy Something
We created the user journey map with our persona, and found our point of view by putting all the mood components together. We found that the main reason making partents being disturbed is kids' uninterest in shopping. Consequently, we hoped to create a shopping process for kids to be participated in, making better parent-child shopping experiences.
家長購買時心情變化表(部份,越高代表心情好) Parent's Mood Chart (oart, high means good)
設計方向 Point of View
在 決 定 設 計 原 則 後, 我 們 開 始 腦 力 激 盪,試著以孩子們的角度思考可行的設 計。與一般比起來更困難的一點是,我 們必須兼顧使孩子對購物過程感到有趣 與減輕家長的負擔。在體力激盪的過程 中,我們可以驗證並開發更多種不同的 可能性,並完成我們最後的設計。 After having our design principles, we started brainstorming and thinking the feasibility of any design, and it was more difficult for focusing on only to interest kids in shopping process but to reduce the parents' burden on taking care of kids. We also verified our design and developed variety of possibilities througn bodystorming, and finished our design.
體力激盪 Bodystorming
S.maji 提供賣場一個親子友善的概念,利用機 器人做為介面,並利用螢幕的輔助,使孩子以 RPG 遊戲的形式參與購物的流程。機器人會指 定孩子完成一些任務,而在解任務的過程中逐漸 完成整次購物。 機器人的顏色代表著它的個性,並可以為不同的 機器人設計不同的關卡,使孩子在每次不同的購 物過程中都能有不同的體驗。
S.maji is a ststem concept providing for parent-child friendly mart, with an appearance of robot as the interface, letting kids can join the shopping process througn RPG games. The robot would assign some missions for kids, and parents would finish the shopping when kids achieve all the missions. The color of the robots represent their characterizations, which makes them different in such their talking or missions. Children could have diversity of experiences playing with different robots.
演示 Demostration
觸控式面板是輔助孩子與機器人互 動的載具,並藉由不同的情境介面, 將孩子快速帶入遊戲中。 Touchscreen display is the vehicle to support the interaction between kids and robots. By several scenes of missions, it takes kids getting into the game rapidly and joyfully.
演示 Demostration
示範影片 Demo Video (0:52)
演示 Demostration
這堂課程的成果僅要求以影片為主,使用粗略草模輔助使用。 The presentation of the course only ask for video presenting and draft model.
藉由課程引導循序漸進,使我們對設計流程有更多的認知。 We had learned many design process by the course guildline.
研究、發想:楊郁葇、許祐庭、談德泉、張育瑄、張婉琪 插圖、模型:楊郁葇、許祐庭、張育瑄、張婉琪 影片製作:談德泉 演員:張婉琪、謝偉珉、許祐庭 Research/Brainstorming: Yang Yu-jou, Hsu Yu-ting, Tan Te-chuan, Chang Yu-hsuan, Chang Wan-chi Illustration/Model: Yang Yu-jou, Hsu Yu-ting, Chang Yu-hsuan, Chang Wan-chi Video Production: Tan Te-chuan Actor/Actress: Chang Wan-chi, Hsieh Wei-min, Hsu Yu-ting
備註及團隊 Notes & Our Team
In Class Project
統 亞儀 錶 板 設 計競賽
KOSO Motorcycle Dashboard Design Compitision
This is a work of the class “Computer-aided Image-making” in Department of Industrial Design, cooperating with KOSO. I tried to blend vintage and digital elements together to make a industrialized feeling with needles and changing lights.
這是工業設計課程「電腦輔 助圖形設計」的作業,為與 統亞公司產學合作計劃。我 試著以復古及科技數位元 素結合,以橫向指針式與燈 光變化搭配營造出特殊的 儀錶板氛圍。
In Class Project
Lego NXT 超音波感測器 Lego NXT Ultrasonic Sensor
馬達 驅動手臂 Motor drive the arm
B.T. Cat 是一隻讓孩子能快樂刷牙的貓咪玩偶機器人。 藉由在孩子拿牙刷時給予回饋,讓孩子更樂於主動刷 牙,養成愛刷牙的好習慣。 This is a work of the class “Product Design” in Department of Industrial Design.
牙刷掛鈎 Toothbrush hook
B.T. Cat is a toy robot to make children brushing their teeth happily. By the feedback, children can aggressively brush their teeth and cultivate habit.
概念、模型:談德泉、李羿璋 插圖:李羿璋 平面設計:談德泉
影片長度:1:35 影片製作:談德泉、李羿璋 後製剪輯:談德泉 演員:李羿璋的表弟
B&M Presentation
Concept/Model: Tan Te-chuan, Lee Yi-zhang Illustration: Lee Yi-zhang Graphic Design: Tan Te-chuan
示範影片 Demo Video (1:35)
Video Presentation
Duration: 1:35 Producer: Tan Te-chuan, Lee Yi-zhang Post Production: Tan Te-chuan Actor: Lee Yi-zhang's cousin
Graphic Design Project
成 功大學第 26 屆學 生 會 正 副 會 長 選 舉 陳 估熊競選團隊宣 傳 平 面 設 計 26th NCKU Student Union Presedent Election Team Goobear Chen Promo Graphics Design
在過去的時間,成功大學學生會常常被認為沒有群眾基礎、亦沒有號召 力的空殼組織。學生會也因為成大過於繁瑣的系統造成施政效率不佳。 陳估熊及錢信達希望能喚起學生對校園的關心,並讓大家能藉由學生會 這個管道共同促進學生在校園內的權利。 即使同額競選,團隊還是成功將聲望擴散到全台各地校園中,亦打破了 台灣學生組織選舉在社群網站及媒體曝光的紀錄。 In past time, Student Union (SU) in NCKU was recognized as shell organization that without public opinion, having poor efficiency in execution. Goobear Chen and Chien Hsin-da hope to arouse public awareness in campus, and let students can access public issue easily.
概念提議 / 陳估熊 Identity Concept / Goobear Chen
Even being an uncontested elections, the team had successfully promoted the election to all the campus, and broke the social media and broadcast exposure record of student organizition election in Taiwan.
於是我被門檻絆倒了 廢除外語畢業門檻
And I Was Stumbled by the Threshold
Abolition of graduational English threshold
發佈日期:2018.05.09 手寫文字:陳估熊 平面設計、美術設計:談德泉 觸及人次:7,600+ Release Date: May 9, 2018 Calligraphy: Goobear Chen Graphic Design, Artwork: Tan Te-chuan Reach: 7,600+
開放舊 K 館 / 新 K 館 / 一活 24 小時營運
I just Want to Find a Place to Sit
Old K-Center / New K-Center / 1st Activity Center, Make them available 24/7
發佈日期:2018.05.05 手寫文字:陳估熊 平面設計、攝影:談德泉 觸及人次:12,800+ Release Date: May 5, 2018 Calligraphy: Goobear Chen Graphic Design, Photography: Tan Te-chuan Reach: 12,800+
我在球場 等待日出
I Was Waiting for the Sunrise in the Court
Two-lane Chasm
Extension of the available time of the ball courts and make courts into coin-operated 發佈日期:2018.04.24 手寫文字:陳估熊 攝影:林敬軒 平面設計:談德泉 觸及人次:16,800+ Release Date: Apr 24, 2018 Calligraphy: Goobear Chen Photography: Lin Ching-hsuan Graphic Design, Photography: Tan Te-chuan Reach: 16,800+
促進校園交通安全,設置立體斑馬線 Paints 3D zebra crossing to make advancement of campus traffic safety 發佈日期:2018.05.09 手寫文字:陳估熊 平面設計、美術設計:談德泉 觸及人次:11,900+ Release Date: May 9, 2018 Calligraphy: Goobear Chen Graphic Design, Artwork: Tan Te-chuan Reach: 11,900+
Graphic Design
台 灣高 鐵 車 票 重設計 THSR Ticket Redesign
2016 年 2 月,台灣社群媒體上掀起一股設計 師台灣高鐵車票的熱潮,我也不落人後試著 做出了一個自己的版本。 單純好玩,我想挑戰將車票以正方形尺寸製 作,並以字的大小及配色降低乘車時可能會 發生的錯誤。 In Febuary 2016, a movement blew up social media that designers, including me, designed their own THRS tickets and commented together. Just for fun, I tried to use square layout to make my own ticket, and preventing reading mistake with suitable font size and better color.
Video Project
成 大工 設 系 電 影(系學會影片組)
NCKU ID Student Association Film Crew (NCKU IDDI) 系電影隸屬於成功大學工業設 計系學會,是系學會中負責影 像創作的部門。除了協助系學 會所需影像內容、進行一些獨 立小型創作外,亦希望能培訓 未來系內影像人才。 我自進入大學時加入系電影至 今,期間參與了一些系電影製 作的影片計劃,後也以組長的 身份提供影像創作教學課程。 The Film Crew in Student Association of ID Department NCKU, as known as NCKU IDDienIn (IDDI), is a team that help the Student Association for video creation, doing some self-production, and hoping to train video human resources. I've joined IDDI from getting into the college, participating in some IDDI video project, and have provided some courses about video creation as the leader of IDDI.
系電影合照 IDDI Group Photo
系電影 2018 短片計劃 IDDI 2 0 1 8 Short Film
《兄妹》為 2017 年系電影的年度製作。
故事的主角-妹妹暗戀班上的帥哥同學, 但因為在學校的人際關係不好而被霸凌。 有一天回家時,在哥哥的房間裡,妹妹發 現了一本神奇的雜誌。
“Brother and Sister” is the annual short film of IDDI in 2017. Sister, the leading actress, had a crush on a handsome classmate, but being bully because of the poor interpersonal relationship. One day, she found a wierd magazine in his brother's room.
介紹、劇照 Introduction & Photos
劇照 Photos
Duration: 10:38
製片:呂育葶、李玫 監製:衛宇澤
Producer: Lu Yu-ting, Lee May Executive Producer: Wai U-chak
製作:成大工設系電影 導演:陳柏成
主要演員:陳昱融、李建承、莊明翰、許新語 編劇:林芷妡、周玟璇 攝影:曹能寶 燈光:林芷妡 收音:周玟璇 剪輯:談德泉 此影片尚未公開播映
Production: NCKU IDDienIn
Director: Chen Po-chen Main Cast: Chen Yu-jung, Lee Jian-cheng, Chuang Ming-han, Hsu Hsin-yu Screenwriter: Lin Chih-hsin, Chou Wen-hsuan Videographer: Chao Neng-bao Graffer: Lin Chih-hsin Boom Operaton: Chou Wen-hsuan Editor: Tan Te-chuan The video have never published on web
劇照、團隊 Photos & Credits
工設系 2018 年冬季期末展「翻轉設計」委託系電影所製作的一個宣傳動畫。
「翻轉設計」取義於「翻轉教育」,利用方塊旋轉的形象,代表設計師尋求與使用者間能夠 有更多的溝通。 This is a animation that was delegated by 2018 ID Winter Final Exhibition “Flipped Design”. “Flipped Design” was named after “Flipped Classroom”, using rotating cube to represent desire about getting more communication between users and designers.
成大工設 2 0 1 8 冬季期末展宣傳影片 I DDI 2018 W i n te r Fi n a l Exhibition Prom otion V ideo
我們希望把一些現有的概念視覺化及動態化, 將設計師與使用者溝通的過程串成一個連續的 故事,最後以菲利普·史塔克有名的「外星人 榨汁機」做結尾,表達使用者在工業設計所佔 的重要角色。 最後的成品效果比原本分鏡圖還來得流暢,其 中比較特別的是,這支是大學中少數所有素材 包括插圖、音效都是自行產出的影片。 We visualized the target concepts and made them dynamic, creating a story about the communication between designers and users, and ended up with the “Juicy Salif” by Philippe Starck, which represented users as important roles in industrial design. The final result was more fluent than our storyboard, and it was very special that all of the elements includes illustrations and sound effects were created by ourselves.
粗略分鏡 Draft Storyboard
截圖 Screenshots
委託:「翻轉設計」成大工設系 2018 年冬展 影片長度:1:13 發佈日期:
製作:成大工設系電影 企劃:曹能寶、周玟璇、談德泉 動畫:曹能寶、談德泉 配音:林芷妡 混音、配樂:談德泉 觀看人次:5,700+
Client: “Flipped Design” 2018 NCKU ID Winter Final Exhibition Duration: 1:13 Release Date: Production: NCKU IDDienIn Project by: Chao Neng-bao, Chou Wen-hsuan, Tan Te-chuan Animation: Chao Neng-bao, Tan Te-chuan Vocal: Lin Chih-hsin Audio Mixing/Music: Tan Te-chuan Views: 5,700+
截圖、團隊 Screenshots & Credits
2017 工設系電影
組長:呂育葶、李玫 組員:曹能寶、周玟璇、談德泉、林芷妡、陳柏成
2017 IDDienIn
Leader: Lu Yu-ting, Lee May Member: Chao Neng-bao, Chou Wen-hsuan, Tan Te-chuan, Lin Chih-hsin, Chen Po-chen
2018 工設系電影
組長:曹能寶、周玟璇、談德泉 組員:林芷妡、陳柏成、李建承、許庭瑜、邱芊頻、 劉安國、賴郁仁、林家榛
2018 IDDienIn
Leader: Chao Neng-bao, Chou Wen-hsuan, Tan Te-chuan Member: Lin Chih-hsin, Chen Po-chen, Lee Jian-cheng, Claire Hsu, Chiu Chien-pin, Liu An-kuo, Lin Jia-jhen
系電影成員 Members of IDDI
2018 Summer 夏 . 初版 2021 Summer 夏 . 第三版增補