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Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc. 1000 N. Ashley Drive Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33602-3059


TransitNews is a newsletter of Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc.

Spring 2012


Return Service Requested

TDP Innovation: Customize Your TDP Take advantage of upda ng your Transit Development Plan (TDP) to inject new life, new ideas, and energy into your planning process!


Working at a transit agency, it is easy to get caught up in day ‐to‐day opera ons. Grant management, invoicing, and responding to special requests from elected officials, the public, and your manager can dictate a large por on of the day and, as a result, prepara on of a TDP some mes becomes secondary, procedural, and maybe even mundane.

New TOA Transit Projects

Contact Us Bill Ball, AICP

Polk Transporta on Planning Organiza on  Polk County Consolidated Transit Development Plan Major Update Florida Department of Transporta on Central Office (sub‐consultant to CUTR) 

ARRA‐Funded Capital Equipment Inspec on and Verifica on

Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organiza on (sub‐consultant to Jacobs)  University Area Circulator Study If you would like to be added to or removed from our newsletter mailing list, please visit: TOA is an equal opportunity employer.

Ocala/Marion County Transporta on Planning Organiza on  Transit Development Plan Major Update Space Coast Area Transit (Brevard County)  Transit Development Plan Major Update Central Florida Regional Transporta on Authority (LYNX) (sub‐consultant to VHB)  US 192 Alterna ves Analysis Page 4

TOA’s extensive experience with developing TDPs and TDP updates has provided some unique opportuni es for innova on. Lessons can be drawn from the TDP processes in Polk County, Lee County Transit (LeeTran), and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA): 

For the Polk County TDP, now known as “My Ride,” TOA will lay out a plan for consolida ng the three transit services opera ng in the county. The TDP will also include marke ng materials that will be used to advance efforts to solidify the governance of the Polk Transit Authority over public transporta on services in the county.


To get to the basics of transit service delivery issues, LeeTran asked TOA to talk to operators of some of the agency’s struggling routes to gather their perspec ve on route improvements, safety issues, and scheduling concerns.


Several agencies, such as PSTA and LeeTran, are using their TDP efforts to spur long‐term system plans or vision plans.

Chief Operating Officer

Joel Rey, P.E., AICP Director of Transit Services

TAMPA: 1000 N. Ashley Dr., Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 224-8862

ORLANDO: 135 W. Central Blvd., Suite 450 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 657-9210

BARTOW: 545 N. Broadway Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 533-8454

FT. LAUDERDALE: 1451 W. Cypress Creek Rd., Suite 300 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 644-3749

BALTIMORE: 1736 Jackson St. Baltimore, MD 21230 (410) 935-8811

So, take the opportunity to direct where you are going—don’t just manage the everyday. The TDP is your tool for resurrec ng past ideas and developing new ones. Innova ve approaches to TDPs are being conducted everywhere—it is important to remember that it is in every transit agency’s best interest to invest me and energy into customizing a plan that responds to the needs of the agency and the community.

Polk County and PSTA have customized their TDP processes.

Inside This Issue Sustainable Business Prac ces and Innova ve Project Awards


TOA Assists FDOT with Transit Grant Compliance


TOA Connects Land Use and Transporta on


New TOA Transit Projects


TransitNews is a newsletter of Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc.

Spring 2012

Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Project Awards 2012 is shaping up to be a great year! TOA has been recognized for its sustainable business prac ces and has assisted clients with several award‐winning, innova ve projects: 





2011 Race to Excellence – Gold Employer Award: Best Workplaces for CommutersSM is a program designed to encourage sustainable transporta on innova on. Fi een employers na onwide were recognized for taking exemplary steps to offer transporta on op ons such as vanpools, transit benefits, telework, and compressed work weeks for their employees. TOA received this award for providing a range of commuter benefits to employees. 2012 Earth Charter Sustainable Business Award: The Earth Charter U.S. Sustainable Business Coali on recognizes and unites the business community to develop a sustainable economy in Tampa Bay. TOA received this award for its exemplary long‐term, sustainable business prac ces.

TOA Connects Land Use and Transportation

TOA has been playing a major role in assis ng FDOT with on‐site monitoring and program compliance of transit grant recipients. TOA recently planned, performed, and documented the required 2012 annual on‐site monitoring visits for the FDOT District 4 Office of Modal Development. These monitoring visits are required to comply with program grant requirements.

Crea ng synergy between land use efforts and transporta on con nues to be a priority among growing communi es. The impact of that synergy, when done correctly, is much more pronounced when integrated with public transporta on. For public transporta on to be successful, it must be well‐used and well‐integrated with the exis ng built environment. Successful integra on is a func on of a connected street network, suppor ve densi es/intensi es, mul modal connec ons, and a diversity of uses.

The specific grant programs reviewed as a part of the annual on‐site monitoring include the following:    

TOA developed several innovaƟve ideas to promote sustainable business pracƟces among its employees.

Public Transit Block Grant Program FTA Sec on 5311 Rural Public Transporta on Program Public Transit Service Development Program FTA Sec on 5316 Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program  Transit Corridor Program  FTA Sec on 5317 New Freedom Program During the reviews, a number of noteworthy prac ces were iden fied and highlighted in the agency reports. Some of these items were in response to previous review recommenda ons, while others were the result of transit agency ini a ves. These prac ces include improved fiscal and grant management, development of analy cal and evalua on tools, and/or provision of be er decision‐ making.

Pruden al‐Davis Produc vity Award Cer ficate of Commenda on: TOA assisted the Hillsborough County Bicycle Safety Ac on Plan Team with its adapted pedestrian safety plan approach for bicyclists. The award recognizes efforts in state government for produc vity and innova on. 2011 One Bay Award and 2011 1st Place, Development/ Infrastructure Award: TOA assisted Pasco County with its innova ve and award‐winning approach to mobility fees. The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council’s (TBRPC) One Bay Regional Vision imagines future popula on and employment growth based upon responsible land use, mobility, and economic and environmental sustainability.

Overall, the review process seems to have been well received by the local transit agencies. The approach and focus of the reviews were designed with emphasis on the following:  

2011 1st Place, Public Educa on: TOA assisted FDOT District 7’s Community Traffic Safety Team in promo ng driver safety with the award‐winning Recipes for the Road, a collec on of alcohol‐free drink recipes submi ed by local restaurants.

TOA Assists FDOT with Transit Grant Compliance

TOA received the 2012 Earth Charter Sustainable Business Award from the Earth Charter U.S. Sustainable Business CoaliƟon.

 

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Minimal impact on transit agency staff responsibili es related to me and addi onal du es. Provision of training and technical assistance on grant program requirements and compliance. Sharing and ini a ng best prac ce ideas and poten ally incorpora ng them. Fostering a coopera ve partnership and team approach.

With the addi on of an urban design team, TOA can now assist transit agencies in working with local land use planning agencies to create unique urban design solu ons that improve the safety, func onality, and atmosphere of the built environment. Exper se in many areas is now available to our clients, including:      

comprehensive planning design strategies for transporta on corridors transit‐oriented and sta on area development streetscape design and placemaking parking lots as public space design charre es

Addi onal land use and transporta on resources are also available on the TOA website. This month, TOA urban designer Erin Chantry a ended the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) conference in West Palm Beach as a member of the press. As part of that effort, she was asked by the CNU to write a series of ar cles. Her insigh ul ar cle series is at h p://www. ng.html. For more informa on on TOA’s Urban Design prac ce, please contact Michael English at menglish@Ɵ

Page 3

TransitNews is a newsletter of Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc.

Spring 2012

Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Project Awards 2012 is shaping up to be a great year! TOA has been recognized for its sustainable business prac ces and has assisted clients with several award‐winning, innova ve projects: 





2011 Race to Excellence – Gold Employer Award: Best Workplaces for CommutersSM is a program designed to encourage sustainable transporta on innova on. Fi een employers na onwide were recognized for taking exemplary steps to offer transporta on op ons such as vanpools, transit benefits, telework, and compressed work weeks for their employees. TOA received this award for providing a range of commuter benefits to employees. 2012 Earth Charter Sustainable Business Award: The Earth Charter U.S. Sustainable Business Coali on recognizes and unites the business community to develop a sustainable economy in Tampa Bay. TOA received this award for its exemplary long‐term, sustainable business prac ces.

TOA Connects Land Use and Transportation

TOA has been playing a major role in assis ng FDOT with on‐site monitoring and program compliance of transit grant recipients. TOA recently planned, performed, and documented the required 2012 annual on‐site monitoring visits for the FDOT District 4 Office of Modal Development. These monitoring visits are required to comply with program grant requirements.

Crea ng synergy between land use efforts and transporta on con nues to be a priority among growing communi es. The impact of that synergy, when done correctly, is much more pronounced when integrated with public transporta on. For public transporta on to be successful, it must be well‐used and well‐integrated with the exis ng built environment. Successful integra on is a func on of a connected street network, suppor ve densi es/intensi es, mul modal connec ons, and a diversity of uses.

The specific grant programs reviewed as a part of the annual on‐site monitoring include the following:    

TOA developed several innovaƟve ideas to promote sustainable business pracƟces among its employees.

Public Transit Block Grant Program FTA Sec on 5311 Rural Public Transporta on Program Public Transit Service Development Program FTA Sec on 5316 Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program  Transit Corridor Program  FTA Sec on 5317 New Freedom Program During the reviews, a number of noteworthy prac ces were iden fied and highlighted in the agency reports. Some of these items were in response to previous review recommenda ons, while others were the result of transit agency ini a ves. These prac ces include improved fiscal and grant management, development of analy cal and evalua on tools, and/or provision of be er decision‐ making.

Pruden al‐Davis Produc vity Award Cer ficate of Commenda on: TOA assisted the Hillsborough County Bicycle Safety Ac on Plan Team with its adapted pedestrian safety plan approach for bicyclists. The award recognizes efforts in state government for produc vity and innova on. 2011 One Bay Award and 2011 1st Place, Development/ Infrastructure Award: TOA assisted Pasco County with its innova ve and award‐winning approach to mobility fees. The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council’s (TBRPC) One Bay Regional Vision imagines future popula on and employment growth based upon responsible land use, mobility, and economic and environmental sustainability.

Overall, the review process seems to have been well received by the local transit agencies. The approach and focus of the reviews were designed with emphasis on the following:  

2011 1st Place, Public Educa on: TOA assisted FDOT District 7’s Community Traffic Safety Team in promo ng driver safety with the award‐winning Recipes for the Road, a collec on of alcohol‐free drink recipes submi ed by local restaurants.

TOA Assists FDOT with Transit Grant Compliance

TOA received the 2012 Earth Charter Sustainable Business Award from the Earth Charter U.S. Sustainable Business CoaliƟon.

 

Page 2

Minimal impact on transit agency staff responsibili es related to me and addi onal du es. Provision of training and technical assistance on grant program requirements and compliance. Sharing and ini a ng best prac ce ideas and poten ally incorpora ng them. Fostering a coopera ve partnership and team approach.

With the addi on of an urban design team, TOA can now assist transit agencies in working with local land use planning agencies to create unique urban design solu ons that improve the safety, func onality, and atmosphere of the built environment. Exper se in many areas is now available to our clients, including:      

comprehensive planning design strategies for transporta on corridors transit‐oriented and sta on area development streetscape design and placemaking parking lots as public space design charre es

Addi onal land use and transporta on resources are also available on the TOA website. This month, TOA urban designer Erin Chantry a ended the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) conference in West Palm Beach as a member of the press. As part of that effort, she was asked by the CNU to write a series of ar cles. Her insigh ul ar cle series is at h p://www. ng.html. For more informa on on TOA’s Urban Design prac ce, please contact Michael English at menglish@Ɵ

Page 3

Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc. 1000 N. Ashley Drive Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33602-3059


TransitNews is a newsletter of Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc.

Spring 2012


Return Service Requested

TDP Innovation: Customize Your TDP Take advantage of upda ng your Transit Development Plan (TDP) to inject new life, new ideas, and energy into your planning process!


Working at a transit agency, it is easy to get caught up in day ‐to‐day opera ons. Grant management, invoicing, and responding to special requests from elected officials, the public, and your manager can dictate a large por on of the day and, as a result, prepara on of a TDP some mes becomes secondary, procedural, and maybe even mundane.

New TOA Transit Projects

Contact Us Bill Ball, AICP

Polk Transporta on Planning Organiza on  Polk County Consolidated Transit Development Plan Major Update Florida Department of Transporta on Central Office (sub‐consultant to CUTR) 

ARRA‐Funded Capital Equipment Inspec on and Verifica on

Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organiza on (sub‐consultant to Jacobs)  University Area Circulator Study If you would like to be added to or removed from our newsletter mailing list, please visit: TOA is an equal opportunity employer.

Ocala/Marion County Transporta on Planning Organiza on  Transit Development Plan Major Update Space Coast Area Transit (Brevard County)  Transit Development Plan Major Update Central Florida Regional Transporta on Authority (LYNX) (sub‐consultant to VHB)  US 192 Alterna ves Analysis Page 4

TOA’s extensive experience with developing TDPs and TDP updates has provided some unique opportuni es for innova on. Lessons can be drawn from the TDP processes in Polk County, Lee County Transit (LeeTran), and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA): 

For the Polk County TDP, now known as “My Ride,” TOA will lay out a plan for consolida ng the three transit services opera ng in the county. The TDP will also include marke ng materials that will be used to advance efforts to solidify the governance of the Polk Transit Authority over public transporta on services in the county.


To get to the basics of transit service delivery issues, LeeTran asked TOA to talk to operators of some of the agency’s struggling routes to gather their perspec ve on route improvements, safety issues, and scheduling concerns.


Several agencies, such as PSTA and LeeTran, are using their TDP efforts to spur long‐term system plans or vision plans.

Chief Operating Officer

Joel Rey, P.E., AICP Director of Transit Services

TAMPA: 1000 N. Ashley Dr., Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 224-8862

ORLANDO: 135 W. Central Blvd., Suite 450 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 657-9210

BARTOW: 545 N. Broadway Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 533-8454

FT. LAUDERDALE: 1451 W. Cypress Creek Rd., Suite 300 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 644-3749

BALTIMORE: 1736 Jackson St. Baltimore, MD 21230 (410) 935-8811

So, take the opportunity to direct where you are going—don’t just manage the everyday. The TDP is your tool for resurrec ng past ideas and developing new ones. Innova ve approaches to TDPs are being conducted everywhere—it is important to remember that it is in every transit agency’s best interest to invest me and energy into customizing a plan that responds to the needs of the agency and the community.

Polk County and PSTA have customized their TDP processes.

Inside This Issue Sustainable Business Prac ces and Innova ve Project Awards


TOA Assists FDOT with Transit Grant Compliance


TOA Connects Land Use and Transporta on


New TOA Transit Projects


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