6 minute read

Today & Tonight Magazine October 2022

Brittany Prine 10th Place Polk's Beloved Bartenders 2022

Photo by Chris Douglas




1015 S Florida Ave • Lakeland

How many years you have worked as a bartender? 14 years.

How long have you worked for this company? Almost 7 years

What is the secret to your success as a bartender? Creativity and a love for people. Sometimes people come in and say “I want a chocolate covered cherry martini...do you think you could make that?” The answer is always yes! Being behind the bar gets my creative juices flowing and keeps things interesting. I have always loved being around people, hearing stories and listening, but also telling my own, giving advice, being a shoulder to cry on.

Do you feel that we are back on track with the hospitality industry after coming out of the ‘dome and gloom’ of COVID-19? Yes, we are finally headed back to normal! Not all the way there yet, but almost. The Pink Piano did so much to stay afloat during the pandemic, from Wine on Wheels (home wine delivery) to live streaming for artists to have a platform to play on. I still remember the first day we were allowed to fully open back up I cried tears of joy because I had missed everything and everyone so much!

Have you been able to take any trips over the last year? Where and what did it mean to be able to travel again? My husband and I recently went to ATL for a weekend and found some pretty cool places... I always ask the Uber driver where the nearest spooky dive bar is because that’s where I want to go! It was amazing to be able to be out again and see the spots, eat the food and drink the drinks without the looming fear of Covid everywhere.

Where is the one place in the world you want to visit? Definitely Madrid, Spain. I want to see the Prado but also the shopping!

On a desert island, what 5 things can you NOT live without? My family, my wine key, my toothbrush, a Starbucks pumpkin cream cold brew and the Sunday newspaper.

If you weren’t a bartender, what would your profession be? Either a teacher or a psychologist, I love to learn as much as I love to impart knowledge onto others.

What is your favorite food? And why? Oh, that’s a tough one for a foodie like me, I love all food! I have worked in great restaurants/bars all my life so I’ve been lucky to have been around the best of the best. To narrow it down... it’s a catfish po boy with a slice of American cheese, a big bowl of pad Thai with extra fish sauce, some tuna kobachi with spicy mayo or a medium rare bone-in ribeye. I can’t pick just one!

Do you have a passion project or non-profit that you admire or are involved with? And why? Red Tent Initiative and Polk Pride. Red Tent is a group of survivors and allies working to end domestic abuse in the community, we have frequent events at The Pink Piano to fundraise for them and help any way we can. Polk Pride is just all about being true to yourself, uplifting your neighbor, loving who you are and being accepting of others even if they aren’t the same as you. Diversity is what makes life exciting!

What’s your zodiac sign? Is your personality type defined by this character? Virgo but on the cusp of Leo... and yes, this is me to a T! Most days I’m humble, practical, love to help any way I can...other days I want to rage to loud and fast punk rock music and dance on tables (Thanks Andrew for always indulging me)

Do you believe in psychics? Have you ever had a reading? If so, what was the takeaway? Haha, not really. I think it’s fun to listen to what they say, my grandma had a reading once and the woman told her that she had a hex on her life, but the psychic could remove it for $800. She didn’t go back, and she’s still alive so...you decide!

As a child, what was your favorite Halloween Costume? What was your fondest memory of Trick or Treating? I have always LOVED Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday and time of year. My favorite costume as a kid would definitely have to be when I dressed as Robert Smith from The Cute, I teased my hair all up and crazy, wore some tattered black clothes and smeared red lipstick. My Dad said, “I’m not sure what you’re dressing up as, this is the same stuff you wear every day!” My sisters and I would trick or treat all night long, come home and dump all of it out and trade for our favorite candies, Chelsey always got all the Snickers.

What was your favorite Halloween Candy to receive as a child? How about now as an adult? I was the weird kid who always liked the stale bag of pretzels shaped like Halloween figures... and I still am!

Do you still like to dress up for Halloween? What’s your favorite costume? Oh, for any occasion I can! My favorite costume would have to be Elvira (Mistress of the Night, not the country song) with the long black dress and big black hair.

Queen Elizabeth II just passed away. And a beautiful ceremony was held in her honor. When you pass, how and what do you want to be remembered for? I always want to leave people better than I found them, so if I can be remembered for making someone feel good about themselves on a bad day, I’d be happy. I’m the mother to 2 young children, Beau & Ivy, who are my favorite people in the world, they have softened me and made me who I am today, so of course I want to always be remembered as their Momma.

What’s your “spirit animal”? And why. I am a dog person, so naturally my spirit animal is a dog. I am loyal and protective of my family and friends, and I have been known to pee outside from time to time!

Espresso Martini

Photo by Chris Douglas

What’s your favorite Fall-flavored or Halloween inspired cocktail? And, what’s your signature cocktail? I, of course, love all things pumpkin spice, so a pumpkin spice martini is my favorite...equal parts vodka and brandy, Bailey’s, and pumpkin spice cream, topped with a pinch of cinnamon. My signature cocktail would be an espresso martini, it consists of vodka, espresso, Bailey’s and chocolate wine, chocolate rimmed glass. It’s the perfect nightcap to any evening!


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