EPN Discovers Coming 2011
A New Made For TV Documentary Series
This is a Casting Call for regular every day people like just like me for documentary interviews for a made for TV series. Who do you know that’s a regular every day person like me? Could it be you? I bet you know other people like you and me. Can we work together to make great video content? Let’s find out how! Here's the history ... Ewen Prime Company was founded in 1994 to manage publishing talent to produce books. An expansion to other forms of media happened in 1998 with a broadcast radio show on two radio stations and speaking tour to promote the independent press industry. A successful college lecture series on business topics was launched in 2004 and continues today. In 2010, CD and MP3 downloads were produced as an addition to content produced by book publishing, radio shows, and lectures. The introduction of online promotional videos supported the expansion. With a variety of media being distributed, the network EPN at Studio 88 was born. In 2011, EPN goes to the next step by producing documentary interviews on a wide range of topics.
Education & Lifelong Learning Economy & Home Finance Career & Employment Politics, Government, & Law Family & Friends Faith & Christianity Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
The documentary series called “EPN Discovers …” are compiled interviews from people contributing to the topic. The format is one-on-one interviews with every day real people who have something to say. The shows will be available to everyone and can be seen on DVDs or online video download. toward TV distribution are underway with CMC. Who would like to volunteer to be in an interview? can be reached at Ewenprime@yahoo.com Thank you. David K. Ewen, M.Ed. Ewen Prime Company
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