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David K Ewen, M.Ed88 Appleton Street

Springfiel{ MA orro&29r9 kelvin.projects@ gm ail.com



Computer and digital mediatwhnologr, marketing, publicity, and mles David Ewen is a renowned author, speaker, and consultant on computer and digital media technology" economics, marketing, publicity, and sales. His lectures helping people with workforce development skills have received welcomed acelaim. Dav id has been working witb indiv iduals and eom panies to strengthen their talent at the lowest cost. He has been helping people publish eontent since r994 ancl working with multimedia marketing projects since r998. Davidlaunched the'Professor Lecture Series'in zoo4 speaking on thebusinessof new media technology, economics, anddelivering content to co$sumers. Daviil is a reliable, positive thinkiag, energetic producer, and. communicator.


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Mass. - Math Major with Computer Science C-oncentration: t98z-t985 College - M.M' - Edlcatbn with Caneentratbn in Management: tg86tg88

Univ ersity of



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Publicity: - Founder of Publicitg Prime. Devebp publicitg euents as uenue for marketing efforts - ?itles are in media, busmess, broaileasting, eeonomies, man'keting, cooking, andfaith - WORC r3to AM, WGtr 94oAM, KCIA 994FM, @S & EPN networks, Blog Talk Radio

Author: RadioTalk Show: TV &Film Director: Executive Director: Published

- "YourWorld.Discoaered" & eomedy shods "LaughMedicine',Resurrection&nterEuents - New England Publbhers Association, Springfuld bmmunity Festiual Event Management: - Author&publishertours and events, artuenues t9prtngfreldCommunitg Festival)


o t f zotz - Present . 5f2ol2 -Present . 6 /2oo4 - Present e 4lzoa9 -Present o 7 1t998 - Present c 6 /zoo6 - 4l2ol2 . 8/1999 '10/2ooi o 9/r985 - 4ltggg

- Sagbr

Foundation in Washington, D.C. - Qrriculum d.eveloper, consuking proJessor

- I@lll,inProjects-NearSpaceInunehPla{ormforSkylaunchen Useilformarketing- Forest Academg - I*cture tour in the 7 states of New York and New England (Professor) - COSRailioNettoork,-UPN&EPNNeluus-Broad.easter,Direetor,ProducerJorrailbshows - Publicitg Prime - Multimeilia C;onsuhant and. Publlcfu specialist -

Comcast Csbb - Develap customer support staffin sabs and customer educatbn - Exeeutel/&mpUSAfTeletech -Managing customercontaetcenter& teehniealsuppott - BayBank Systems & Putnam Investments -sgstens programmer& datareeouery



David K. Ewen,

M.Ed. -

http://davidewenpublished.webs.com (there is no ou)tatuo in beginntng) Search' Dar:iil K Eu en" in w w w .Amaz on.com & w w w -BarnesAndNobb.eom


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Kelvin Projects Publicity Prim e Forest


- wwtt:.IbluinProjeets.org > Technology & Science - www .PublicitgPrime,eom > Marketing, Publieit7, Sales - uww.ForestAcailemy.org > Hueatbn, Speaking

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