Continuing Education
Build and Maintain a Successful Business
Do you have an idea for your own business or consulting practice, but don’t know how to get started? In this brief, intensive workshop, you’ll get all the tips, tricks, techniques, and business knowledge you need to succeed and make your idea profitable. You will also learn how to reach clients with a sellable identity; close contract deals; and develop an effective marketing plan. After this class, you’ll have an understanding of all the planning and communication tools that are needed for a successful and profitable business or consulting practice. CRN #31560 1 Saturday, 10/13, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MCC Bldg. GPA GP138 Fee: $35 Instructor: David K. Ewen, M.Ed., has been a business consultant for Boston Voyager, a graphics design company; E.P. TelCo, a telecommunications contractor; Today’s Music Review, a promotional designer; and Ewen Prime, Inc., a publishing consultant.
Pick up our Credit-Free Catalog or call 860-512-2800 for more information Phone-in Registration 860-512-3232 (using MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card) Monday-Friday • 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Continuing Education
Publish Your Book
Are you a writer? Do you have a manuscript that you would love to publish? Did you know that many great writers got started by self-publishing? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to self-publish and market your book. Topics that will be covered include an overview of the history of publishing; the business and technology of publishing; book design aspects such as cover, spine, binding, and paper stock; production timelines; and marketing issues such as how to set up signing and reading tours, arrange for book reviews, and create a successful retail distribution. CRN #31577 1 Saturday, 10/20, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MCC Bldg. GPA GP138 Fee: $35 Instructor: David K. Ewen, M.Ed., has been in the book publishing field since 1994. The publishing house that he founded, Ewen Prime Company, has transformed into a consulting firm. He is also the former executive director of the New England Publisher’s Association.
Pick up our Credit-Free Catalog or call 860-512-2800 for more information Phone-in Registration 860-512-3232 (using MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card) Monday-Friday • 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Continuing Education
Movie Making and Film Production
Anyone can learn to use their own camera to make a quality movie. You will receive the tools you need to make your project available on DVD, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon and/or streaming on your own website. Learn how to promote your project at film festivals and local public access television. Included with the course fee is an instructive supplemental book. CRN #31529 1 Saturday, 10/27, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MCC Bldg. GPA GP138 Fee: $35 Instructor: David K. Ewen, M.Ed., is an author, speaker, talk show host, and film producer. He is executive director of the Springfield Community Festival, and he produces the documentary film series, “Your World Discovered.”
Pick up our Credit-Free Catalog or call 860-512-2800 for more information Phone-in Registration 860-512-3232 (using MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card) Monday-Friday • 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
CREDIT-FREE REGISTRATION FORM 5 easy ways to register for Credit-Free courses Please complete and submit this entire page.
1. By Mail
3. By Fax 860-512-3221 (24 hours)
Complete a registration form (one person per registration form, please). Pay by check, money order, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Mail entire page with full payment to: Continuing Education Registration, MS #13 Manchester Community College Great Path P.O. Box 1046 Manchester, CT 06045-1046
2. In-Person
Complete a registration form with MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Please call 860-512-3232 to confirm that your fax was received.
4. By Phone 860-512-3232
Call 860-512-3232 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, using MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. • Please leave a detailed voice message if staff is unavailable.
5. Register Online
At the Registrar in the Lowe Building. Pay at the Cashier's Office by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Please use the night drop box after hours.
Returning students, go to: (using MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card).
No written confirmations are mailed. Registrants will be contacted by MCC only if a course is full, cancels, or if classrooms, meeting times or dates change.
MCC Credit-Free Course Registration
Print clearly in ink. Register one person per form. Photocopy form if needed. Banner I.D. # (if known)______________________________________ Soc. Sec. No._____________________________________ Name (Last)_______________________________________________ (First)________________________________ (M)_________ Previous Name (if any)_________________________ Email address_________________________________________________ Home Address (Number and Street)____________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________________ State__________ Zip Code____________________ Tel. (Home)______________________________ (Work)____________________________(Cell)_____________________________ Be sure to include both a day and evening phone number in case we need to inform you of a scheduling change or cancellation. Birth Date_____________________________ Resident Information
Gender ■ Female ■ Male
Today’s Date_____________________________
ARE YOU: (Check applicable)
05 ■ NOT ON A STUDENT Visa - Other (Specify)________________________ COUNTRY OF ORIGIN____________________________________ 06 ■ PERMANENT RESIDENT (Registration Number)____________________________________________________________________________
hispanic/latino non-hispanic/non-latino
choose not to respond (none)
if you checked non-hispanic/non-latino above, what is your race? (check all that apply):
white (10) black or african american (20) native hawaiian or other pacific islander (80)
asian (45) other (90)
american indian/alaskan native (50) choose not to respond (60)
Start Date
Course Title
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Make check or money order payable to “MCC”.
Fees (total enclosed)_____________________
Credit Card #______________________________________________________ Cardholder name (print)_____________________________________________ Cardholder signature________________________________________________ Relationship to student______________________________________________ Cardholder Address_________________________________________________
Refunds are issued only for Credit-Free courses that MCC cancels, or if a written request is received no later than one (1) business day prior to the first scheduled class meeting.
Cardholder phone___________________________ Exp. Date (mo/yr)_________
Office Use Only
Receipt #