Book cites changes in publishing scene

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The Republiconr Wedn""



SPRINGFIELD - Advancements in the field of technolo,gJI'- has also thang-eq the ' Idndscape of bqokpub$sttinE: David K. Ewen,,b citY r€sl'


dent, noticed the imPortslce of tft*t" changes and detailed

them inthe thlid edition of his

book, ."Lets Make



'Book' Publishing, Setf-Pubtishing & The Independent PreisinAustt]," now available

, "There was' a fleed for'a new edition because of the

changing technolsgY'

Electronic book, i4dustry has

qourishgd, includilg the KiT,.-t rre authors get'pubtish;d {I., and the Nqq,E'qh*rr ry ifiemselves, .: Ewen --: ,Barnes

and Noblii's





said, rhese, dey.rop,ilJ":# *f#"iJ.'fr&:''*ff*,ti: can not. only :ltg: ,l9Y i"rliqrr.a *-puuiirhint comreaders read, but how.writers curiid iwr" _"rriae ; ;*i-must write. Conipanv. "from there I In his book, Ewen wrlte-p fuunitrecl the New EnEIand about how authors can worlr Publ' heis Association.-That . ' with the media in order_to ;;";-me an opportunity to :


promote their booFs. He.alsd Eonduct a spealiiirg tour in.all locuses on the basic.mechan' six New Eneland- States to ics-of publishing a'book' bq! promote autliors and the in- ' 'dependent


press industry:' _ ryas lust a small book. pi9.* of.the book., piece'oI,lthg :':*"1 ,' ilrtre book-iiaitored to ile. I*iie1:tii*ently ,tgaches af '-', ' -public geil€ral to',:'maki the. both Holyoke Com{qunity .,'frogess bf .,book publisping, lltO Westf[gfd SJatg -triS.'', ind promoting easi-er and un-- He uses his book in said that

derstandable,t Ewan




teaching, and said that it has

Ewen said his inspiration been a Aig hit with his stu for' writing a the book was dents thus far.

passion for writers. In his ;Munir

addi$on to - teaching, ' authors approached and his u&fk as an autho-1 , me when I first stailed work--- Ewen ha€,also been a-talk r ing in pubtishing, and said-it thow hos! oll.n{i-"-.utld !h9 #is: Verv har4-to get pub- Internet since 1998. He is cur- : if t cbuld rently workiqg oq another iirtt.a,-uhd-askeO -th"*," Ewan- said, The book, about the reJalig'nship he6 lio&. E'; *ay of helping fu- between buyers and sellers. :




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