Publicity Prime: Getting Paid With The Least Amount of Effort The seven step sales process (shown below) involves assistance along the way with Publicity Prime. This process ensures you get paid with the least amount of effort and the client gets all the benefits Publicity Prime can offer. The whole idea is to remove complication and make the sales process real simple. The tracking sheet (below) will give you an idea how long it takes you to start, work on the campaign, and close a sale. You’ll get an idea of how much you can make weekly, monthly, and yearly. Step one is sharing with a potential client the videos, brochure, and The videos, brochure, and web site are intended to make your job easy. Your primary job is to introduce Publicity Prime and be the client’s connection to the company. Steps two and four is a phone conversation with Publicity Prime to ensure the sales process is on track and the right customized product is issued to the client. Publicity Prime does the packaging for you to present. Your presentation to the client is easy as it was the first step. Again, every effort is made to ensure you get paid with the least amount of effort. Steps three and five are both follow up conversations with the client. Here you will bring the client’s questions to Publicity Prime that go beyond what the videos and brochure did not answer. This is when a customized product is prepared by Publicity Prime for you to present. If at this point the client remains undecided, then it is best move on to the next potential client. Save the undecided client’s information for later, but do not put additional effort that could best be used on another client. Keep in mind the videos, brochures, and brief conversations are intended to make the product sell itself. Over time, additional videos will be created making your job even easier The last two steps, six and seven, is the followup to ensure you get paid after the client’s payment has been processed. Client Name
(1) First contact DATE: / / TIME: AM/PM (2) Assisted by Publicity Prime for action plan DATE: / / TIME: AM/PM (3) Follow Up DATE: / / TIME: AM/PM (Sold / Undecided / Declined) (4) Prepare final sales product with Publicity Prime DATE: / / TIME: AM/PM (5) Wrap up with customer DATE: / / TIME: AM/PM (Sold / Undecided / Declined) (6) Verify client payment to Publicity Prime so commission is paid - DATE: / / (7) Commission paid DATE: / /