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Jelenic Aleks
leks Jelenic is a Mindset and BusiA ness Coach that teaches ambitious entrepreneurs and those with a burning desire to follow the prompting of the spirit, embody their Authentic Selves with unshakable confidence, master the mind and eliminate disbelief so they can start living the life they were called to live! What are your core values, and how do you personally live up to them? My core values are Faith, Authenticity, and openness. I live by these values every day, and in everything I do. My faith gets me through all the challenges I face in all areas of life and business. I strive to bring out my authentic self in all I do; when I sense I am not, I know where the work needs to be done. I am always working on being open to new ideas, new thoughts, perceptions, etc. How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God? I was always intuitive and could see further than most, but I suppressed it because I feared it. When I did the mindset work and changed how I saw myself, I realized that this intuition was a blessing from God. I feel that my intuition is a blessing in helping others. It allows me to connect with my clients much deeper and help guide them through whatever situation they face.
Who are your ideal clients? My ideal client is an entrepreneur who wants to grow their business but feels stuck. Or someone who desires to become an entrepreneur and transition from their current career or lifestyle but is still determining what they would do or if it’s possible for them. What techniques do you use to push clients out of their comfort zones? I help my clients see the end result and the big vision for themselves through a visualization exercise to hold that image in their mind to pull them through their comfort zone and into a life of Purpose.
What should your clients expect to achieve by the end of their sessions with you? By the end of a 1-1 call with me, you can usually expect an aha moment, clarity about the solutions for your current situation, and uplifted energy.
What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season? Now is the time to do what you feel called to do. Step out of the “if this then that” or “when this then that” mentality. I felt called to hire a coach for many years. I kept saying, “if I make more money, then I will hire someone to help me,” or “When I achieve a lot of success in this career then I will be worthy enough to pursue my dreams/ purpose.” Let me tell you. There is no better time than NOW. If you feel called to reach out, if my story aligns with you, then reach out. You can stay in your own way for much longer by not reaching out for a hand. I help people get out of their own way and step into their authentic selves, so they start living their Purpose now.
www.aleksjelenic.com or @aleksjelenic