2014 NEAA Alumni Promotion

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8:00 - 8:30 AM Registration, Main Hall Coffee in Everett Lounge 8:30 - 9:00 AM Greet and Welcome Franklin Shaffer, EdD, RN, FAAN President, Nursing Education Alumni Association, Philadelphia, PA Introductions by Franklin Shaffer, EdD, RN, FAAN Kathleen O’Connell, PhD, MA, BSN Professor of Nursing Education Teachers College Columbia University, New York, NY John Alligrante, PhD, MS Professor of Health Education and Associate Vice President for International Affairs Teachers College Columbia University, New York, NY 8:45 - 9:35 AM Keynote Speaker Engaging the Consumer: Nursing’s Greatest Ally — Maximizing the Engagement Experience Karen Drenkard, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Senior Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, GetWellNetwork, Inc., Bethesda, MD 9:35-10:15 AM Break: Poster Session/ Networking/Coffee, Everett Lounge Poster Session: Carole A. Baraldi, EdD, RN Marilyn E. Saviola, MA Breast Cancer Screening Project for Women with Physical Disabilities Robin S. Goodrich, EdD, RN Transition: From Nurse to Academic Nurse Educator Diane Maydick, EdD, RN Cindy Bravo-Sanchez, MPA, RRT-NPS Suzanne Carr, PhD, RN Mary Kiely, APRN Implementing Interprofessional Education in the Clinical Setting: A Pilot Study Audrey Neff, LMSW/ Social work Tawny Lowe, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner “The Joe Health Power Show”: A Health Literacy Program for Recent Immigrant Adolescents in New York City Priscilla Simmons, EdD, RN Use of a Wiki to Teach the IOM to Students in an On-Line MSN Program

10:15 -11:00 AM Championship for Nursing: Engaging Multiple Stakeholders Patricia Polansky, MS, RN, Director of Policy and Communications, Center to Champion Nursing in America, AARP Public Policy Institute, Washington, DC 11:00 -11:45 AM Engaging a Diverse Population Janice Phillips, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs, CGFNS International, Inc., Philadelphia, PA Noon - 2:00 PM Lunch and presentation of the 2014 Nursing Education Alumni Association McManus Medal, Achievement Awards, and Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon sponsor: Teachers College, Office of Alumni Relations 2:00 - 3:30 PM Engaging the Patient Carol Porter, DNP, RN, FAAN, Edgar M. Cullman, Sr. Chair, Department of Nursing, Chief Nursing Officer/ Senior Vice President, Mount Sinai Medical Center; Associate Dean of Nursing Research and Education, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY Engaging the Employer Tina Filoromo BS, RN, SPHR, Vice President, Systems Office Human Resources for Catholic Health East, Trinity Health, Livonia, MI Engaging Policy Makers, Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research Advocacy Karen Drenkard, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Senior Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, GetWellNetwork, Inc., Bethesda, MD 3:30 - 4:30 PM End Note Speaker Engaging and Advocating for the Global Consumer Sheila Davis, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, FAAN, Chief Nursing Officer, Partners in Health, Boston, MA 4:30 - 4:45 PM Closing Remarks Franklin Shaffer, Ed.D, RN, FAAN 5:00 PM Nursing Education Alumni Association Annual Meeting Presiding: Frank Shaffer


ISABEL MAITLAND STEWART CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN NURSING Pre-registration (US currency) Received by April 14 On-Site NEAA members $175 $200 General Admission $200 $225 Prelicensure Students $ 30 $ 30 All other Students with ID $ 60 $ 75 Luncheon for guest $ 55 $ 55 Awards luncheon is included for all attendees. Cancellation Policy: cancellations in writing are required. A $50 fee will be withheld to cover administrative costs. If registration fee is $50 or under, there will be no refunds. Attention TC Alumni Not a Member? Save $50 on your registration by joining NEAA q Check here to add NEAA membership dues to this registration. Total for pre-registration: $200 ($150 plus $50 NEAA dues) Total for on-site registration: $225 ($175 plus $50 NEAA dues) Stay connected to TC and your colleagues.

Credit card registrations may be faxed to (718) 797-1186 Attn: Dr. Mancino Note that NSNA will appear on your credit card invoice. Purchase orders also accepted via FAX (718) 797-1186 or via postal mail Mail registration and purchase orders to: NEAA c/o Julie Di Raimondo, 3 Old Kings Highway, Greenwich, CT 06870 Directions: Please visit http://www.tc.columbia.edu/ and click on Contact Us Questions Contact: Terry Gottlieb: Terry.Gottlieb@va.gov

For more information go to



DEADLINE: APRIL 14, 2014 ❑ Check here to sponsor a pre-licensure student (s): # of students _________ at $30 each= $__________.

❑ Please select student for me or provide name(s) of student(s): ____________ ❑ Check here to add luncheon tickets: # of tickets __________ at $55 each= $__________. Are you: ❑ NEAA Member ❑ New member (dues enclosed) ❑ Non-member ❑ Graduate Student ❑ Prelicensure Student Total $ ________________________________ E-mail address (print clearly) Name   Mailing address City                         Phone  (       )

State                        Zip FAX (       )

Credit Card Payment  ❑ Visa   ❑ Mastercard   Card Number (write clearly):  Expiration Date Name on Card Zip code of cardholder Total amount to be charged: $   Signature: Make checks payable to NEAA and mail to: NEAA c/o Julie DiRaimondo, 3 Old Kings Highway, Old Greenwich, CT 06870

Teachers College Columbia University Nursing Education Alumni Association c/o Diane Mancino 23-05 19th Street Astoria, NY 11105


ISABEL MAITLAND STEWART CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN NURSING About the Stewart Conference The Stewart Conference on Research in Nursing was established 51 years ago in honor of Isabel Maitland Stewart (1878-1963), Director of the Department of Nursing Education at Teachers College (TC) from 1925 to 1947. Prior to assuming this position, she served as the Assistant to the Director, M. Adelaide Nutting. Miss Stewart developed the first course dealing specifically with the teaching of nursing, a course that eventually was expanded to become an entire program for the preparation of teachers of nursing at TC. The Stewart Research Conference provides a forum for all nurses, including TC students, alumni and health care professionals to share their research with nursing’s scholarly community and to learn about the latest trends and issues in healthcare. About the NEAA Awards Luncheon All attendees are invited to come celebrate with us at the Stewart Conference Awards Luncheon, sponsored by Teachers College Office of Alumni Relations. The following awards will be presented: R. Louise McManus Medal, Nursing Scholarship and Research, Nursing Education, Nursing Practice, Nursing Service, and Leadership in Professional and Allied Organizations. All award winners and others will be inducted into the Teachers College Nursing Hall of Fame. See www.tcneaa.org for award winners.

2013 Honorees

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