The New Year is a time to look back and to look forward. Some people make resolutions to break bad habits, create new ones or maintain existing ones. The team at Toddle About also has a resolution it intends to keep; to continue to help families love life with little ones and provide you with a wealth of local information for all things bump, baby and toddler. So, grab your wellies and scarf and explore the great outdoors with these great winter events on page 8; or enjoy indoor activities on pages 10, 11 & 20; and check out some great book suggestions for World Book Day on pages 16 - 17.
Of course there is so much more to do with your little one so if you are looking for classes to ll your week, our daily activity planner is split by area, weekday and class type so you can easily nd what you are looking for. Please don't forget to mention to our advertisers that you saw them in Toddle About when you book. Check out the Daily Activity Planner from page 25. Help us plant a forest!
Please help us plant a forest by subscribing to the Toddle About magazine. We are committed to planting a new tree for every magazine we send to our subscribers. In addition to this, we will o set enough carbon to cover the impact of printing 200 magazines every time ONE person subscribes. Subscription is just £2 every 3 months and your rst issue is free! See our growing forest at www.ecologi.com/toddleabout.
Subscribe today at toddle.fun/subscribe
Loving life with little ones,
Bite Sized News4-5
Children's Imagination6
Winter Events 8
Valentine's Colouring10
Heart Biscuits Recipe11
Fab Products 12
Toddle Models14-15
World Book Day16-17
Special O ers 18
Kiddie Proo ng19
Felt Animal Bookmarks20
Competition - Spa Break 21
Subscribe to VIP Club22
VIP Club Reader Review23 Daily Activity Planner25-34 Directory 35
Call us on 01993 657064 or email: stephandmatt@toddleabout.co.uk toddleaboutsouthbucks toddleaboutsouthbucks toddleaboutsouthbucks
9,000 copies of Toddle About are distributed every quarter all over South Buckinghamshire, including Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Princes Risborough, Amersham, Marlow and surrounding areas. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information in Toddle About is accurate and correct, we cannot guarantee that this is so
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Toddle About South Buckinghamshire, 3 Magnolia Way, Carterton, Oxfordshire, OX18 1JJ. Call us on 01993 657064.
Tim & Ruth - Franchisors Lou - Advertiser Support and Toddle About Limited cannot and does not accept any liability taken by readers based on information or opinions presented in advertisements or throughout liability for legal transgression including breach of copyright remains with the supplying parties.Sally is very excited to bring Monkey Music to Maidenhead and Windsor in January! Their fun, interactive, educational classes o er you a place where you sing, dance, and play instruments, all whilst developing essential skills through music. Check out their new timetable on their website to nd your age speci c class, and book a free trial.
Visit https://www.monkeymusic.co.uk/area/ maidenhead-and-windsor See P.7
Tot Bop are very excited to have launched 2 new venues in January! As well as venues in Aylesbury, Aston Clinton, Tring, Berkhamsted, Wing and Leighton Buzzard, they can now be found in Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes and in Harpenden! Classes are designed to give younger children an inspiring and fun introduction to dance, music and creativity. With classes suitable from the age of 1, younger classes are parent participatory and both of you won’t only have loads of fun but will de nitely get your groove on!
Visit www.totbop.co.uk See P.26
Take a glimpse into Lockers Park. Join them on Friday 10th February or Friday 10th March from 9:30 - 11am where your son can take part in a fun lesson and play time with their reception class.
There is also an opportunity to talk with the Headteacher and Little Lockers teachers to gain a real insight into the pre-prep and school. Both of these events are ideal for children considering a reception entry in September 2023 or 2024.
Visit www.lockerspark.co.uk See P.36
By learning through play, Little Kickers give your child a positive introduction to sport by teaching high quality football skills in a friendly, pressurefree environment.
Where Learning’s a Ball
There are four di erent classes tailored speci cally to the needs of children between 18 months and eight years of age. It’s the perfect way to ignite an enthusiasm for sport that will stay with them for life. Find a local class near you on their website. Visit www.littlekickers.co.uk See P.7
Where Learning’s a Ball
You baby will feel at ease swimming both on the surface and below the water sensing a calm and holistic atmosphere as they swim unrestricted in their wonderful watery world. There are so many health bene ts to early swimming including motor and neurological development. Swimkidz have new winter baby and toddler swimming courses starting this January in Aylesbury. These 6 week courses have discounts available for new customers and available on a rst come rst served basis. Visit www.swimkidz.co.uk See P.30
Stage Plus could be just what you are looking for if you are interested in the Performing Arts. They are a friendly, supportive school with excellent teaching sta , all committed to developing each and every student’s full potential. Their aim is to provide high quality training to all ages and abilities and to encourage enjoyment, creativity and musicality. They strive to produce skilful, competent and hard-working individuals who have a passion for the Performing Arts.
Visit www.stageplus.co.uk See P.32
Are you tired of arranging the local village hall, the entertainer, sourcing the food, with it all costing a lot more than you had imagined and then having to tidy up the mess...
If the answer to this is YES, then why not book a party at Rugrats, where they can take the strain, and you sit back and may be enjoy it? They o er exible party bookings where you can either book an all inclusive Party Package or just come celebrate your birthday and bring a cake.
Visit www.rugratsandhalfpints.com/parties See P.11
Monkey Music baby & toddler music classes are launching in Marlow on Tuesdays at Christ Church URC from 10th January. With established classes in Amersham, Beacons eld & Gerrards Cross, Monkey Music bring the wonder of music to your child through instruments, singing & dancing. Classes are age speci c; babies 3-12 months, 1-2 & 2-3 year olds. Free trials available.
Visit www.monkeymusic.co.uk or email amersham@monkeymusic.co.uk See P.31
A Big Voice is accustomed to working with Babies, Toddlers, Children and young Teenagers both mainstream children and those with special needs.
ABV Entertainers provide a wide variety of age-appropriate songs and interactive party games.
Disco Lights, PA Music system, Character Mascots, Glitter Tattoos, Puppets, Action Songs, Parachute, Traditional- Modern games, Sensory Activities and more are all part of the fun lled party. Other Services Include: Singing Lessons, Live Music, Corporate Team Building and Pop Choir.
Visit www.abigvoice.co.uk or www.facebook.com/SINGwithABIGVOICEcommunitychoir See P.20
In an age where technology is so heavily integrated into our lives, have our children forgotten how to use their imagination?
Let me take you back - it’s 1997, it’s the end of another busy week at school, and my resident Beanie Babies are preparing for their usual Friday night disco. The posters are up and everyone is excited to let loose and unwind!
My brother’s Action Man is working security tonight, because last week’s disco ended in a bit of a tussle between the cat Beanies and dog Beanies, and you never know when someone is going to start some beef… Six-year-old me is having the time of her life.
Looking back, this was what childhood was all about for me - role play, imagination, creation. But times are changing. For better or for worse, I can’t imagine my son engaging in much of this type of play. For his generation, it’s all tablets and smart phones - children have access to this technology before they’re even able to walk. Entertainment is ported straight into their brain, and they can simply disengage and let it happen.
And while the advances in technology have made our lives in nitely easier, I do wonder whether it’s really a good thing. Should our children be able to play, explore their own imagination and entertain themselves like we did? Or am I simply struggling to come to terms with a changing world?
Perhaps, instead of worrying, we should just encourage our children to ex their imaginations every now and again, instead of ghting the inevitable. Here are some of my favourite ways to do this: Arts and crafts - a fantastic and varied way to promote creativity and imagination in ways that your kids will love. It doesn’t have to get messy (if you’re anything like me, you like to avoid that where possible) - there’s always paper and crayons!
Outside play - another great idea for showing kids that there is so much fun to be had away from a screen! There are plenty of ways for everyone to enjoy the great outdoors - nature walks, bug hunts, star gazing - it really is a great big world out there. Books – are so good for promoting imagination and independence in children. Story books are the windows to other worlds and can take children on endless adventures, and there are plenty of practical but fun books out there to inspire you with di erent games to play and activities to explore.
What do you think? Do kids have less imagination these days? Should we encourage more ‘traditional’ play, or should we embrace technology and the bene ts it brings?
Tell us what you think in our poll at www.toddle.fun/vote
We’ll share the results with you in our next issue!
Kat Walsh is the author of the book ‘The Box’, which is heavily themed around imaginative play. If you’d like to discover what adventures can be had with a box and some good old-fashioned imagination, buy from Amazon at https://amzn.to/3UqUQfC
Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, 10:30am - 5:00pm
PaddingtonTM will be visiting Buckinghamshire Railway Centre in February half term! He’ll be appearing at intervals throughout the day. Also enjoy unlimited steam train rides, entry to their Railway Museum and Visitor Centre with Café and gift shop. Plus, ride the miniature railway and teacup rides and enjoy the model trains.
Station Road, Quainton, Aylesbury, HP22 4BY www.bucksrailcentre.org
Cost: Adult £14.50, Senior £13.50, Child (3-17) £10.50, 2 Adults + 4 Children £44.50, 1 Adult + 4 Children £30
Hogshaw Farm & Wildlife Park, 10:00am - 5:30pm
Get up-close with rare breed farm animals, enjoy wintery wildlife encounters & burn o some steam with indoor & outdoor adventure play. Coming this Feb half term - an exciting week of animal encounters and live entertainment, including The Zoo That Comes To You, a joyous journey featuring puppetry, live music and playful characters. Open Wed – Sun term time, daily during school holidays. Claydon Road, Hogshaw, MK18 3LA www.hogshawfarm.co.uk
Cost: Adult £10.95, Senior £8.95, Child (2-15) £9.95
14 - 16
Wycombe Swan, Multiple Show Times
Large in size and keen in nature, Zog is eager to win a golden star at Madam Dragon’s school, where dragons learn all the things that dragons need to know. Zog tries so very hard, perhaps too hard, and he bumps, burns and roars his way through years one, two and three. Luckily, the plucky Princess Pearl patches him up ready to face his biggest challenge yet…a duel with knight, Sir Gadabout the Great! St Mary Street, HIgh Wycome, HP11 2XE www.wycombeswan.co.uk
Cost: Adult £17.50, Child (Under 16) £15.50
College Lake Visitor Centre, 10:15am - 11:45am
Join BBOWT at College Lake with your pre-school little ones to explore the nature reserve and enjoy wildlife themed activities. Their two morning sessions will be Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th January. This event is for children 18 months - 4 years old. All activities are aimed at children 2-4 years old and your child should be a con dent walker to get the most out of the experience.
Upper Icknield Way, Tring, HP23 5QG www.bbowt.org.uk
Cost: Child £7
Bekonscot Model Village & Railway, 10:00am - 5:30pm
Bekonscot model Village and Railway is reopening it's doors after their winter break. With over 90 years of history, a huge model railway, 1.5 acres of well kept gardens and nely detailed model buildings Bekonscot is a great day out for everyone. Stuck in a 1930s time warp, see England how it used to be and discover a wonderful little world tucked away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Warwick Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2PL www.bekonscot.co.uk
Cost: Adult £13, Concessions £12, Child (2-15) £8.30
Wendover Woods, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Discover the small but mighty creatures in the much-loved story and learn about the everyday heroic feats of minibeasts in the forest. The new self-led trail features brightly illustrated panels and a trail pack full of fun activities, including your very own mask. Set o with Superworm and become a forest superhero!
Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, HP22 5NQ www.forestryengland.uk/wendover-woods
Cost: Trail activity packs available to purchase for £3.50
Details are correct at time of printing but may change. Please check with the event host for prices, times and dates.
An ingenius invention, the Switch Assist is an amazing device that attaches to an existing light switch to allow toddlers to use the light themselves, amazing for promoting independence. Developed by a dad of two girls, it’s set to be the next big thing! www.switch-assist.co.uk
O er: 20% discount using code TODDLE20
Scan to see the Switch Assist in action!
This retro game helps to promote literacy and co-ordination skills. The exciting speed shing game for two players has three di erent games to play and features 100 word-cards so it improves spelling skills while having lots of fun. You can also learn French, Spanish and Italian words too! www. estacrafts.co.uk
Filled with tons of learning fun, each box contains a storybook and related activity or game that provides hours of entertainment. Every story enlightens children about a di erent topic, from sports and science to cultures, animals, nature and more. It’s an immersive and interactive way for children to learn.
This special book of nursery rhymes is personalised especially for your little one. Featuring their name on the cover, on the title page and throughout the handdrawn illustrations, the book aims to help little ones learn their name and become familiar with the 23 timeless nursery rhymes that are included.
My 4-year-old daughter is prone to over-thinking. She tends to worry about things and, like most children her age, she has trouble dealing with her feelings. So, I was excited to review this product. The Worry Plaque is shaped like a section of a log - to activate the plaque, your child must place their hand into the hand print shape on the front. When it glows red, your child can tell their worry to the fairies. Then the hand print turns green, indicating that the fairies have heard the worry and taken it away. As my daughter used it, her little face lit up, and she told me, ‘Mummy it really works!’ For me, having spent countless nights trying to help my daughter deal with very real anxieties, this simple but e ective plaque is absolutely genius.
Written by subscriber Kellie-Jayne. www.theirishfairydoorcompany.com (Review has been edited - see full review at www.toddle.fun/worry-plaque-review).
Subscribe to the magazine and become a VIP Club member and you can review products too! (Plus you get to keep the product).
Sign-up at www.toddle.fun/vip
Encounter a mysterious character who gradually appears when the sun starts to go down and disappears when the sun reappears in the morning. Is he a real person or just a trick of the eye? Rhyming words and an engaging vocabulary will help even hesitant children work on their reading skills, with an amusing tone and colourful illustrations.
Cost: £9.99. Buy from Amazon
Paying tribute to the women who kept the railways running during the Second World War, this story is warmly written and joyously illustrated and has family at its heart. Iris knows everything there is to know about Flying Scotsman. Her dad is the famous train’s driver, and every year her favourite birthday treat is a trip to see him at work. But each time Flying Scotsman pulls away, Iris wishes more than anything that she could be in the driver’s cab, just like her dad. Then again, who’s to stop her…
Cost: £12.99. Buy from Amazon
Bob the Dog is a busy dog. She always likes to have a job. One sunny day, Bob heads to the park to look for a new job and gets one at an ice cream van. Bob starts really well, serving every single customer, until the cones run out and the ice cream machine won’t stop making ice cream! Find out what happens to Bob and how she becomes the talk of the town.
Cost: £7.99. Buy from www.gra eg.com
There’s a shape up in the hills, where a giant’s said to sleep, beneath a grassy blanket, on a bed of moss and peat... Then, one day, the sleeping giant wakes – and a small boy called Tom is plunged into an unforgettable adventure. Along the way, he’ll discover what it means to be a true friend – and that even an ordinary boy can have the heart of a giant. With beautiful rhyming verse and gorgeous illustrations, this book is a real treat.
Cost: £7.99. Buy from www.bloomsbury.com
Dexter is in for a whirlwind of adventure when he realises that with a little bit of imagination, this boring old box can be just about anything at all - a pirate ship? A rocket? A stage for a puppet show? Join him on his adventures to nd out and be inspired.
Cost: £5.99. Buy from Amazon
If I were the world, I’d want owers and bees. A chorus of birds singing high in the trees. If I were the world, I’d want sparkling seas. If I were the world...
Would YOU look after ME?
This beautiful and uplifting book will inspire us all to join hands and help our amazing planet. With an irresistible rhyming text and stunning illustrations, it’s the perfect book to inspire children to ask questions and take action.
Cost: £7.99. Available from Amazon
Sunny loves jigsaw puzzles – the bigger the better. One day, her Gran gives her a ONE-THOUSANDPIECE puzzle. Piece after piece, she puts together the picture, until ... DISASTER! The nal piece is missing. Sunny may be small, but she is very determined – so she sets o to nd it. As the day whizzes by in a whirl of new places and friends, Sunny discovers that looking for something is every bit as fun as nding it, and that perhaps the missing piece was there all along...
Cost: £12.99. Available from www.waterstones.com
Brimming with positivity, this is a fun and empowering rst book of positive a rmations to help little ones stand tall - perfect for building con dence and self-esteem in very young children. With joyful, uplifting statements for each day of the week, it provides an enjoyable routine to help prepare young children for the wider world of nursery and school. The book also includes a bright, fold-out ending and tips for parents and carers.
Cost: £7.99. Available from Amazon
Something or someone is living inside Duck’s teapot! Who are they? What do they want? How will we get them out? Never fear, for Tiny Horse is here! Tiny Horse has a trampoline. She has a magni cent hat. She has a stick of celery. What more could anyone need to save the day?
A laugh-out-loud story with a message about kindness, Teapot Trouble is perfect for reading aloud and is a warm and silly picture book that children (and adults) will nd hilarious.
Cost: £7.99. Available from www.amazon.co.uk
Meesha loves making things, but there’s one thing she nds di cult to make – friends. She doesn’t know quite what to do, what to say or when to say it. Then one day she discovers that she has a special talent that might just help her...
Providing an a ectionate look at the joys and di culties of making and keeping friends, and nding your place in the world, this is the perfect springboard for conversations about mental and emotional health, and managing feelings.
Cost: £6.99. Buy from www.bloomsbury.com
50% OFF FIRST MONTH MEMBERSHIP www.littlekickers.co.uk mk@littlekickers.co.uk Email to book and quote ‘Toddle About’. Expires: 31/03/23
IF YOU REFER A FRIEND AND THEY SIGN UP FOR A TERM www.moo-music.co.uk/hwmb Call 07360 745264 and quote ‘refer a friend to moo’. Expires: 31/03/23
WHEN BOOKING A BABY BEGINNER COURSE www.swimkidz.co.uk 07889 905678 Email southbucks@swimkidz.co.uk and quote ToddleaboutFREE. New customers only. Expires: 31/03/23.
10% OFF HALF TERM CLASS BOOKING www.totbop.co.uk 01525 237474 Email info@totbop.co.uk and quote TODDLE21OFFER with the class you want to book. New customers only. Subject to availability. Expires: 31/03/23.
WATER BABIES (BEDS & BUCKS) WITH A NEW BOOKING www.waterbabies.co.uk Call 01295 709221 and quote ‘Toddle About’ when you book. Expires: 31/03/23
The following class providers all o er Free Trials as standard to new customers. Please quote ‘Toddle About’ when contacting them.
Little Kickers (Amersham, Beacons eld, Great Missenden, Milton Keynes, Chorleywood, High Wycombe, Chesham & Chalfont). 01494 911133 | mk@littlekickers.co.uk www.littlekickers.co.uk
Monkey Music (Amersham, Beacons eld & Chalfonts) 01494 716861 www.monkeymusic.co.uk/area/amershambeacons eld-chalfonts
Monkey Music (Aylesbury & High Wycombe) 01494 819138 www.monkeymusic.co.uk/area/high-wycombeaylesbury-haddenham-princes-risboroughtring-wendover-aston-clinton
Tot Bop (Aylesbury, Aston Clinton, Tring, Pitstone, Berkhamsted, Wing, Leighton Buzzard and Harpenden) 01525 237474 www.totbop.co.uk
All trials are subject to availability.
£1 OFF CHILD ENTRY USING BOOKING CODE ONLINE www.rugratsandhalfpints.com Use code TODDLESB1. Expires: 31/03/23
Anyone who ever uttered the words ‘let’s have a baby, it will bring us closer together’ has clearly never endured the parenting tag team during endless night feeds.
Having a baby is undoubtedly a wonderful occasion - it’s life changing in so many beautiful ways. But it’s also mind-blowingly challenging in others, and it’s important that every parent feels able to say and acknowledge the highs and the lows that being mummy and daddy often brings. To say it’s a ‘rollercoaster’ is perhaps a very clichéd phrase, but I think it’s the perfect description for what it often feels like – hurtling down the parenting tracks, unable to get o , and often looking windswept and shell-shocked to boot. It’s fair to say that the role of being a parent takes over your life, your emotions … and your bank balance! It also has an enormous impact on your relationship.
According to some reports, 1 in 5 couples break up within the rst year of having a baby, and as sad as that statistic is, I can understand why. Babies need constant attention. They rely on us adults solely for their survival, and that’s more than a little overwhelming. Our partner and our relationship often get shoved right down the pecking order of priorities.
by Anna WilliamsonSo if your relationship is feeling the strain, that’s OK. It’s normal. But this is the time to take stock and work out ways to ensure that you can keep some time and energy aside for each other - otherwise you run the risk of turning into glori ed roommates.
Now, it’s not all about sex. In fact, sex is most often the last thing on a couple’s mind in the rst few months – particularly for mum who has been through the birthing process – and the ‘right time’ to get your sex life back on track will be di erent for every couple.
A good tip is to actually take sex o the table for a bit, and instead work on emotional and physical intimacy. This could be hugging, enjoying a little shoulder or foot rub, curling up together on the sofa, chatting, and having a no pressure kiss.
Just being intimate with your partner, letting them know how much you love them, appreciate them, and respect them can make all the di erence for a mutually happy couple, particularly when you’re feeling exhausted and desperate for some adult time away from the nappy changing.
Find some time each day to be together as a couple, even it’s only 10 minutes! Make sure you make it a priority to re-connect, to share your feelings and news, to let each other know you’ve got their back. It can make all the di erence to keep the ‘couple cup’ full and ful lled.
Anna Williamson is the resident relationship expert at The Relationship Place. If you and your relationship would like some more help, support and advice, check out therelationshipplace.co.uk and try out her Couples and Kids Plan, where you can access video coaching tutorials and much more.
For a free taster video head to therelationshipplace.co.uk/couples-with-kids-free-giveaway
felt animal bookmarks take minutes to make and are so fun! Perfect for all your new World Book Day books
Scan the QR code and download, print and cut out the pattern templates.
Cut out the pieces you’ll need from felt scraps.
Hot glue details (eyes/nose/teeth) to the front circle.
Hot glue ribbon and any ‘sticky out’ pieces like horns, ears, ns etc onto the back circle.
Glue the front circle onto the back circle, sandwiching the ribbon and other pieces in between.
Trim ribbon to your preferred length for the bookmark. 10-12” works for most chapter books.
Glue the ribbon-bottom detail (apple, star, heart etc) on each side of the ribbon at the bottom of the bookmark.
Casdon has made kitchen role-play so much fun! Fill up the water bowl and watch the cutlery and crockery change colour. Water pumps from the basin back to the tap for endless play. Worth £25.
Filled with a range of healthy yummy snacks and delivered straight to your door. Approved by nutritionists and loved by kids. Worth £21.75.
These robot-shaped devices re-invent walkie talkies by bringing video to the experience - a very popular toy for both boys and girls to enjoy. Worth £58.
This device can easily mask noise and play comforting sleeping sounds to improve sleep anywhere, anytime. It’s a game changer to overcome sleep regression. Worth £36.
Cherry Bloom Clothing is your one stop shop for maternity, baby and children’s clothing plus character items, accessories and gifts. Worth £20.
An ideal pre-school size backpack for snacks and all their essential things. Made from an easy to clean fabric, with a mesh water bottle holder and reflective safety details. Worth £25.
3 month subscription with access to downloads and tutorials, videos and live make-a-longs, fun crafts, competitions, step-by-step art lessons. Worth £45.
Celebrating authentic recipes from around the globe, from sambar and tom yum to laksa and korma, introduce your children to a world of flavours Worth £24.
The accessory every mama needs, with a sleek design that combines textures with style. Personalise your piece to create a forever keepsake. Worth £19.99.
The Convertible Ice Cream Shop (RRP. £19.99) is an activity book and easy-to-assemble pop-up ice cream shop toy with slot-together ice creams for independent play for 3+ years.
What a great idea! This role play toy comes ‘ atpacked’ as a big book so it’s easy to transport and, when open, it turns into a pop-up ice cream shop.
My son spent most of his time as the ice cream shop owner, making us ice creams and excitedly asking us what toppings we would like. Toppings included fruit, chocolate, sweets and multiple avours of sauces. The sides of the pop-up shop can be used to put scoops of ice cream on images of cones, either one or multiple scoops on top of each other. It even has a check-out till image so the children can pretend to press buttons and take payment.
The only limitation is that there are only a couple of lollies and no place to really place them. Another recommendation would be to have some play money. This product can also be used as a book. I love how colourful and engaging the book is and enjoyed seeing my son talking about the pictures. There are also questions written throughout the product to engage children and get them thinking: for example, “What colour is the strawberry avour?”
Loved using this and so did my son. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it!
Buy from www.mileskelly.net
Chrishna was given this product as a freebie in return for writing this review. Subscribe to Toddle About and you can do the same! Find out more and subscribe at www.toddle.fun/vip Review has been edited - read this and more reader reviews by scanning here
Your local 'What's On Guide' for families with bumps - 5s in South Buckinghamshire.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe
St Martha’s Church, Park Road, Tring, HP23 6BP. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety Jig: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Heigh Ho: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Re exions Health and Leisure, Watermead, Aylesbury, HP19 0FY.
•Times: 10:30 - 12:30. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover, HP22 5GF. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:00 - 9:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 9 Jan - 20 Mar.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
Nu eld Health, 1-2 Trenchard Street, Aylesbury, HP19 7AA. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 13:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 9 Jan - 20 Mar.
Fishes Toddler Group
Church of the Holy Spirit, Church Hall, 71a Camborne Avenue, Aylesbury, HP21 7UE. 01296 394759. www.holyspiritbedgrove.org.
•Little Fishes Baby Group: 13:00 - 14:30. Ages: 0 - 1 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe Wendover Guide Hut, Manor Crescent, Wendover, HP22 6HH. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 10 Jan - 28 Mar.
Advertise them on the Toddle About website for FREE at toddle.fun/free-listing
Tot Bop
Prebendal Farm Community Centre, Fowler Road, Aylesbury, HP19 7QT. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 9:30 - 10:05. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs. Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential).
•Baby Boppers: 10:20 - 11:05. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 5 yrs. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Re exions Health and Leisure, Watermead, Aylesbury, HP19 0FY .
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover, HP22 5GF. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:00 - 9:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 21 Mar.
Cottesloe Physio, Old Park Farm, Cublington Road, Wing, LU7 0LB. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:15 - 9:45. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 10 Jan - 21 Mar.
Southcourt Baptist Church Southcourt Baptist Church, 40 Penn Road, Aylesbury, HP21 8HW. 01296 480080. www.southcourtbaptist.org.uk.
•The Ark Parent and Toddler Group: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 4 Jan - 29 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe Wendover Guide Hut, Manor Crescent, Wendover, HP22 6HH. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 11 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
St Marys Centre, Church End, Haddenham, HP17 8AJ. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 12:25 - 12:55. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 11 Jan - 29 Mar.
Tot Bop
Northchurch Social Centre, Bell Lane, Northchurch , Berkhamsted, HP4 3RD. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 9:30 - 10:05. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs. Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential).
•Baby Boppers: 10:20 - 11:05. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 5 yrs. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks Cottesloe Physio, Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton, Buzzard, LU70LB.
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 8 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds Nu eld Health, 1-2 Trenchard Street, Aylesbury, HP19 7AA. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 13:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 22 Mar.
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Fishes Toddler Group
Church of the Holy Spirit, Church Hall, 71a Camborne Avenue, Aylesbury, HP21 7UE. 01296 394759. www.holyspiritbedgrove.org.
•Times: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £2 per session (drop in). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 23 Mar.
Lighthouse Toddler Group
Walton Hall, Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP21 7QX. 01296 398110. www.htaylesbury.org.
•Times: 10:30 - 11:45. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 23 Mar.
Long Crendon Baptist Church, High Street, Long Crendon, HP18 9AF. 01844 201335. www.lcbc.org.uk.
•Times: 10:45 - 12:00. Ages: Pregnancy - 3 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 30 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe
Your Cafe in the Park, London Road, Aston Clinton, HP22 5HL. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:00 - 11:30 Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 yrs - 4 yrs 11 mths.
•Rock n Roll: 12:30 - 13:00. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 30 Mar.
Fairford Leys Community Centre, Hampden Square, Fairford Leys, Aylesbury, HP19 7HT. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 30 Mar.
Baby Sensory North Bucks Wingrave Community Centre, Church Street, Wingrave, Aylesbury, HP22 4PE. 07876 643276. www.babysensory.com.
•Times: 10:00 - 10:45, 11:30 - 12:15 & 13:00 - 13:45. Ages: 0 - 1 yrs 1 mths. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 23 Mar.
Sparkles - Speech Therapy for Children with Down’s Syndrome
Email for Location, Aylesbury, HP20. www.sparkles.org.uk.
• Sparkles Speech Therapy: 9:30 - 14:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 12 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 23 Mar.
Nora Grace Hall, Faversham Close, Tring, HP23 5BA. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 9:30 - 10:05. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs.
•Baby Boppers: 10:20 - 11:05. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 5 yrs.
Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Batford Memorial Hall, 2-16 Tallents Crescent, Batford, Harpenden, AL5 5BS. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 9:30 - 10:05. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs.
•Baby Boppers : 10:20 - 11:05. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 5 yrs. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Wing Village Hall, 71 Leighton Road, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0NN. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 10:00 - 10:35. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs.
•Baby Boppers: 10:50 - 11:35. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 5 yrs. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan, 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Cottesloe Physio, Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton, Buzzard, LU70LB.
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 8 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
Nu eld Health, 1-2 Trenchard Street, Aylesbury, HP19 7AA. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:00 - 12:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 23 Mar.
Fairford Leys Community Centre, Hampden Square, Aylesbury, HP19 7HT. 07796683206. www.weeniebeans.co.uk.
•Times: 9:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 3 yrs. Cost: £7 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe Risborough Community Centre, Stratton St, Princes Risborough, HP27 9AX. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety Jig: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Heigh Ho: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 24 Mar.
Wendover Community Library High St, Wendover, HP22 6DU. 01296 382415.
•Bounce & Rhyme: 13:30 - 14:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 24 Mar.
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Swimkidz South Bucks
Cottesloe Physio, Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton, Buzzard, LU70LB.
•Times: 9:30 - 12:00. Ages: 8 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover, HP22 5GF. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 17 Mar.
Who Let The Dads Out?
Granville Street Church , Granville Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2JR. 01296 334154. www.granvillestreetchurch.org.uk.
•Times: 9:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £1 per session (drop in). Dates: 7 Jan, 4 Feb & 4 Mar.
Tot Bop
The Anthony Hall, 33 London Road, Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, HP22 5HG. 01525 237474 / 07775 582791. www.totbop.co.uk.
• Tiny Tots: 9:00 - 9:30. Ages: 1 yrs - 2 ½ yrs. Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential).
•Baby Boppers : 9:45 - 10:30. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Funky Monkeys: 10:45 - 11:30. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs 11 mths. Cost: £8.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Cottesloe Physio, Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton, Buzzard, LU70LB.
•Times: 8:30 - 12:00. Ages: 8 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 4 Feb.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover, HP22 5GF. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 8:30 - 13:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 18 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Re exions Health and Leisure, Watermead, Aylesbury, HP19 0FY .
•Times: 9:30 - 13:30. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 8 Jan - 5 Feb.
Holmer Green Tiddlywinks
Christ Church Centre, Holmer Green, High Wycombe, HP15 6XQ. 01494-715195. www.pshg.org.
•Tiddlywinks: 12:15 - 15:15. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs. Cost: £2 per session (drop in). Dates: 9 Jan - 27 Mar.
Little Fish High Wycombe
Wycombe Marsh Baptist Church, London Road, Wycombe Marsh, High Wycombe, HP11 1ET. 07940 953 909.
•Times: 14:00 - 14:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 9 Jan - 20 Mar.
Marlow Methodist Church, Spittal Street, Marlow, SL7 3HJ. 07799 854 535.
•Times: 8:45 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £1 per session (drop in). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
Urchins Toddler Group
United Reformed Church, The Broadway, Chesham, HP5 1BX. 01494776014. www.cheshamurc.org.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £1 per session (drop in). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The Chalfonts St
John’s Methodist Church, 60 Woodside Road, Amersham, HP6 6AN. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Rock’n’Roll: 9:30 - 10:00 & 11:30 - 12:00.
Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Jiggety-Jig: 9:15 - 9:45 & 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 13:30 - 14:00. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe Wrights Meadow Centre, Wrights Meadow Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1SQ. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety Jig: 9:15 - 9:45. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Heigh Ho: 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
Moo Music - High Wycombe, Marlow, Beacons eld & Bourne End
Lantern Methodist Church, 148 Marlow Bottom, Marlow, SL7 3PP. 07360 745264. www.moo-music.co.uk/hwmb.
•Baby & Mini Moo: 10:20 - 11:00. Ages: 3 mths - 3 yrs. Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
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Water Babies Oxford
Cedar Park School, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7EF. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs.
Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 9 Jan - 6 Feb & 20 Feb - 27 Mar.
The Lantern Babies and Toddlers
Marlow Bottom Methodist Church, Marlow Bottom, SL7 3PP.
•Times: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs. Cost: £1 per session (drop in).
Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The Chalfonts
Gerrards Cross Guide Hall, 29 Station Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8ES. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety-Jig: 9:15 - 9:45 & 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 - 4 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 12:15 - 12:45. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The Chalfonts
Christ Church URC, 18 Oxford Road, Marlow, SL7 2NL. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety-Jig: 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Moo Music - High Wycombe, Marlow, Beacons eld & Bourne End
Glory Mill Lane, Wooburn Green, HP10 0LU. 07360 745264. www.moo-music.co.uk/hwmb.
•Baby & Mini: 10:20 - 11:00. Ages: 3 mths - 3 yrs. Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Water Babies Oxford
Cedar Park School, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7EF. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
Lane End Private Pool, Walnut Tree House, Spring Coppice, Lane End, HP14 3NU. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 13:55. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb & 21 Feb - 28 Mar.
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Swimkidz South Bucks
Alfriston School, Penn Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
•Times: 9:00 - 13:00. Ages: 10 mths+.
Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 10 Jan - 7 Feb.
Farnham Common Community Library
Victoria Road, Farnham Common, SL2 3NL. 01296 382415.
• Story Time: 10:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 10 Jan - 28 Mar.
Burnham Library
Windsor Lane, Burnham, SL1 1HR. 01296 382415. www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
•Painting: 9:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs 10 mths.
•Duplo: 11:00 - 12:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 4 Jan - 29 Mar.
Radnage Mother and Toddler Group
Radnage Common Road, Radnage, High Wycombe, HP14 4DF. 07789902336.
•Times: 9:30 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £1 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
St Peters Burnham
St Peters Church, Church Street, Burnham, SL1 7HX. 01628 664338. www.stpetersburnham.org.
•Cherubs: 9:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £2 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
St. Anne’s Parent & Toddler Group
St. Anne’s Church, London Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1ET. 07443596304.
•Times: 9:30 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £1.50 per session (drop in). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Long Crendon Community Library
High Street, Long Crendon, HP18 9AF. 01296 382415.
•Bounce and Rhyme: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 4 Jan - 29 Mar.
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The Chalfonts
St John’s Methodist Church, 60 Woodside Road, Amersham, HP6 6AN. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety-Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs. Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 11 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
St. Michael’s Church 70 Sycamore Rd, Amersham, HP6 5DR. 01494 726680. www.stmichaelsamersham.org.uk.
•Nappy Days: 13:30 - 15:00. Ages: 0 - 1 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 11 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 22 Mar.
Noizee Productions Hazlemere Community Centre, Rose Ave, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7UB. 07717 879903. www.noizeeproductions.co.uk.
• Noizee Theatre: 17:00 - 18:00. Ages: 9 - 15 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Alfriston School, Penn Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
•Times: 12:00 - 14:00. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb.
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Water Babies Oxford
Cedar Park School, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7EF. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Walnut Tree House, Spring Coppice, Lane End, HP14 3NU. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 13:55. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Bourne End Community Library
Wakeman Road, Bourne End, SL8 5SX. 01296 382 415. www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
•Bounce & Rhyme: 10:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 4 Jan - 8 Feb & 22 Feb - 29 Mar.
Beacons eld Library
Reynolds Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2NJ. 01296 382415.
•Storytime: 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
• Duplo for Toddlers: 10:30 - 11:30. Ages: 1 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 12 Jan - 30 Mar.
Little Chalfont Community Library
Cokes Lane, Little Chalfont, HP7 9QA. 01494 764 602. www.littlechalfontlibrary.org.uk.
• Story Time: 10:30 - 11:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 5 Jan - 30 Mar.
Penn & Tylers Green Toddler Group
Penn and Tylers Green Village Hall, Penn, High Wycombe, HP10 8LN. 07766 881567.
•Times: 9:30 - 11:15. Ages: Pregnancy - 4 yrs. Cost: £2.50 per session (drop in). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Playhouse Toddlers - High Wycombe
The Hub, Union Baptist Church Easton Street, High Wycombe, HP11 1NJ. 01494 473889.
• Playhouse Toddlers: 9:30 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 4 yrs.
Cost: £1 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
St Peters Burnham
St Peters Church, Church Street, Burnham, SL1 7HX. 01628 664338. www.stpetersburnham.org.
•Little Angels: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 1 ½ yrs - 3 yrs. Cost: £2 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The
Gerrards Cross Guide Hall, 29 Station Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8ES. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh-Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 10:10 - 10:40. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:50 - 11:20. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety-Jig: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 12:15 - 12:45. Ages: 3 - 4 yrs. Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 12 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe Wrights Meadow Centre, Wrights Meadow Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1SQ. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:15 - 9:45. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs.
•Heigh Ho: 12:15 - 12:45. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Monkey Music Maidenhead and Windsor Maidenhead Community Centre, 4 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7HY. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:10 - 10:40. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 10:50 - 11:20. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 12 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Little Kickers MK
The Polish Club, Raans Road, Amersham, HP6 6LX. 01494 911133. www.littlekickers.co.uk.
•Little Kicks: 14:30 - 15:15. Ages: 1 ½ yrs - 2 ½ yrs.
•Junior Kickers: 15:30 - 16:15. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Mighty Kickers: 16:25 - 17:10. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs. Cost: £7.85 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks Alfriston School, Penn Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
•Times: 9:30 - 13:00. Ages: 10 mths. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb.
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Flackwell Heath Methodist Church Parent and Amersham Free Church, Woodside Road, Amersham, HP6 6AJ. Coleshill Village Hall, Barracks Hill, Amersham, HP7 0LN.
Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Water Babies Oxford
Tylers Green Middle School, Cock Lane, Tylers Green, High Wycombe, HP10 8DS. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Walnut Tree House, Spring Coppice, Lane End, HP14 3NU. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:35 - 13:55. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 5 Jan - 9 Feb & 23 Feb - 30 Mar.
Common Community Library
Victoria Road, Farnham Common, SL2 3NL. 01296 382415.
•Lego Club: 15:30 - 16:30. Ages: 5 - 15 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 5 Jan - 30 Mar.
Mickle eld Community Library
Mickle eld Road, High Wycombe, HP13 7HU. 01296 382 415.
•Bounce & Rhyme: 10:30 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Small Saints
All Saints Church, Castle Street, High Wycombe, HP13 6RF. 07791 389598. www.allsaintshighwycombe.org.
•Times: 10:00 - 12:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £0.50 per session (drop in).
Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Gerrards Cross Guide Hall, 29 Station Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8ES. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Jiggety-Jig: 9:15 - 9:45. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:45 - 11:15. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 10:00 - 10:30. Ages: 3 - 4 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 12:15 - 12:45. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Advertise them on the Toddle About website for FREE at toddle.fun/free-listing
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Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & The Chalfonts
St Teresa’s Catholic Church, 40a Warwick Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2PL. 07765257465. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh-Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety-Jig: 10:10 - 10:40. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Heigh-Ho: 10:50 - 11:20. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety-Jig: 11:30 - 12:00. Ages: 2 - 3 yrs.
•Rock’n’Roll: 12:15 - 12:45. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 13:00 - 13:30. Ages: 3 - 4 yrs.
Cost: £10.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe
Sands Village Hall, Lane End Road, Sands, High Wycombe, HP12 4JF. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:15 - 10:45. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Ding-Dong: 11:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 - 5 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 11:45 - 12:15. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.75 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Monkey Music Maidenhead and Windsor
Gardener’s Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR. 01494 819138. www.monkeymusic.co.uk.
•Heigh Ho: 9:30 - 10:00. Ages: 1 - 2 yrs.
•Jiggety Jig: 10:10 - 10:40. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs.
•Rock n Roll: 10:50 - 11:20. Ages: 3 mths - 1 yrs. Cost: £9.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 13 Jan - 24 Mar.
Moo Music - High Wycombe, Marlow, Beacons eld & Bourne End
Downley Community Centre, School Close, High Wycombe, HP13 5TR. 07360 745264. www.moo-music.co.uk/hwmb.
•Mixed: 10:20 - 11:00. Ages: 1 - 4 yrs.
• Baby: 11:20 - 12:00. Ages: 2 mths - 1 ½ yrs.
•Mixed: 12:30 - 13:10. Ages: 1 - 4 yrs.
Cost: £7.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Sing and Sign Banbury, Bicester, Brackley & Buckingham
Lace Hill Sports & Community Centre, Catchpin Street, Buckingham, MK18 7RR. 07771550335. www.singandsign.co.uk.
•Stage 2: 9:45 - 10:30. Ages: 1 yrs 2 mths - 2 ½ yrs.
•Stage 1: 10:45 - 11:30. Ages: 6 mths - 1 yrs 2 mths. Cost: £8 per session (booking essential). Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Sparkles - Speech Therapy for Children with Down’s Syndrome
Email for location, High Wycombe, HP10. www.sparkles.org.uk.
• Sparkles Speech Therapy: 9:30 - 14:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Noizee Productions
Holmer Green Village Hall, The Common, Holmer Green, High Wycombe, HP15 6XG. 07717 879903. www.noizeeproductions.co.uk.
• Noizee Theatre: 16:30 - 18:00. Ages: 5 - 15 yrs. Cost: Free (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Water Babies Bucks & Beds
Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4UA. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 8:30 - 13:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 17 Mar.
Nu eld Health, Hemel Hempstead Industrial Estate, Maylands Ave, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4NW. 01295 709221. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 8:30 - 9:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £18.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 17 Mar.
Water Babies Oxford Cedar Park School, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7EF. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 10:00 - 11:30. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 6 Jan - 10 Feb & 24 Feb - 24 Mar.
Beacons eld Library Reynolds Road, Beacons eld , HP9 2NJ. 01296 382415.
•Chess Club: 14:00 - 15:30. Ages: 4 - 99 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 14 Jan - 25 Mar.
•Lego Club: 14:00 - 15:00. Ages: 5 - 12 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 14 Jan, 11 Feb & 11 Mar.
Burnham Library Windsor Lane, Burnham, SL1 1HR. 01296 382415. www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
• Duplo and Trains: 12:00 - 14:00. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs.
•Craft Club: 14:00 - 15:30. Ages: 2 - 5 yrs. Cost: Free (drop in). Dates: 7 Jan - 25 Mar.
Stagecoach Theatre Arts School (Buckinghamshire)
Wycombe High School, Marlow Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1TB. 07539753718. www.stagecoach.co.uk.
•Mini Stages: 9:00 - 9:45. Ages: 2 - 4 yrs. Cost: £7 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
•Early Stages: 9:00 - 10:30, 9:30 - 11:00, 11:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 15:30. Ages: 4 - 6 yrs. Cost: £14 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Little Kickers MK
The Royal Grammar School, Amersham Road, High Wycombe, HP13 6QT. 01494 911133. www.littlekickers.co.uk.
•Junior Kickers: 8:45 - 9:30. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Mighty Kickers: 9:35 - 10:20. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs.
•Junior Kickers: 10:25 - 11:10. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
Cost: £7.85 per session (booking essential).
Dates: 7 Jan - 4 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Advertise them on the Toddle About website for FREE at toddle.fun/free-listing
Little Kickers MK
Chiltern Hills Academy, Chartridge Lane, Chesham, HP5 2RG. 01494 911133. www.littlekickers.co.uk.
•Little Kicks: 8:45 - 9:30. Ages: 1 ½ yrs - 2 ½ yrs.
•Junior Kickers: 9:35 - 10:20. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Mighty Kickers: 10:25 - 11:10. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs.
•Mega Kickers: 11:15 - 12:00. Ages: 5 - 7 yrs.
Cost: £7.85 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 4 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
The Curzon Centre, 43 Maxwell Road, Beacons eld, HP9 1RG. 01494 911133. www.littlekickers.co.uk.
•Junior Kickers: 8:45 - 9:30. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Mighty Kickers: 9:35 - 10:20. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs.
•Junior Kickers: 10:25 - 11:10. Ages: 2 ½ yrs - 3 ½ yrs.
•Mighty Kickers: 11:15 - 12:00. Ages: 3 ½ yrs - 5 yrs.
•Mega Kickers: 12:05 - 12:50. Ages: 5 - 7 yrs.
Cost: £7.85 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 4 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Swimkidz South Bucks
Alfriston School, Penn Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
•Times: 8:30 - 11:30. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 4 Feb.
Water Babies Oxford Chiltern Wood School, Faulkner Way, Downley, High Wycombe, HP13 5HB.
01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 8:30 - 13:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
The Alfriston School, Penn Road, Knotty Green, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 11:30 - 15:30. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Cedar Park School, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, HP15 7EF.
01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 14:45 - 16:45. Ages: 3 mths - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 7 Jan - 11 Feb & 25 Feb - 25 Mar.
Rugbytots Thame, Bicester and Oxford Princes Risborough Primary School., Wellington Avenue, Princes Risborough, HP27 9HY. 07741476678. www.rugbytots.co.uk.
•Times: 8:30 - 9:15 & 9:25 - 9:55. Ages: 2 - 7 yrs. Cost: £8 per session (booking essential). Dates: 8 Jan - 19 Feb.
Swimkidz South Bucks Alfriston School, Penn Road, Beacons eld, HP9 2TS.
•Times: 9:00 - 12:30. Ages: 10 mths+. Cost: £14.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 8 Jan - 5 Feb.
Water Babies Oxford Chiltern Wood School, Faulkner Way, Downley, High Wycombe, HP13 5HB. 01869325499. www.waterbabies.co.uk.
•Times: 9:00 - 11:30. Ages: 0 - 5 yrs. Cost: £16.50 per session (booking essential). Dates: 8 Jan - 12 Feb & 26 Feb - 26 Mar.
Advertise them on the Toddle About website for FREE at toddle.fun/free-listing
Search activities online at www.toddleabout.co.uk
Little Kickers 7
Monkey Music Amersham, Beacons eld & Chalfonts 31
Monkey Music Aylesbury & High Wycombe 7
Noizee Parka 34
Sargent & Plester 20
Stage Plus School Of Performing Arts 32
Stagecoach High Wycombe 29
Health & Wellness
Butter y E ect 21
Cooper Studio 21
Family Days Out
Bekonscot Model Village and Railway 23
Buckinghamshire Railway Centre 9 Hogshaw Farm & Wildlife Park 20 Rugrats & Halfpints 11 Whizz Kidz 7
Schools / Childcare Childbase Partnership 9 Lockers Park 36 Thorpe House School 2