Maminvent is a one-person business established by an inventive mother, who dares to dream big, otherwise she wouldn’t have started it in the first place, who considers women the cohesive force of societies, who believes in the power of small communities, who thinks she is a savior when giving new purpose to discarded garments, who loves to be around and make practical and multifunctional items, who recognizes the importance of an eco-conscious attitude, who feels calm and relaxed during creative activities and is happy to share these flow moments, who hopes for a better future for her sons and is certain that personal examples are the best tool to educate the next generation, who is a perfectionist, that is why her products are of high quality, who is busy all the time and deals with dozens of tasks simultaneously, who is not driven by money but rather value, who has introduced gift economy as an alternative to the traditional business models, and whose motto is: “You get what you give�.
repurposed by maminvent
photo & layout: kata t贸falvi