Natural Science-Day 2012

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Natural Science-Day Priora Center Zurich-Kloten ≥ October 29th, 2012

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uralscien www.nat


Top-Employer at the Natural Science-Day:





through our



As global demand for food and fuel continues to rise, we are dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies with more than 25,000 employees in over 90 countries. We work in a collaborative and inspiring culture where personal contribution is rewarded and growth and development are at the heart of our culture. Through our world-class science, global reach and commitment to working with our customers, we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health and quality of life. There’s never been a more important time to join Syngenta. We’re keen to recruit the best graduates from a variety of disciplines. Agronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, information technology, supply chain or economics – at Syngenta, students and graduates in a wide range of disciplines will find an opportunity to launch their career. Visit and



Get a taste of working in the life science industry In determining your course of study you have already made a very important decision on your career path. But some day you will have to make the next decision with far-reaching consequences: The choice of the first employer for your career entry. Therefore, it is important to get an overview of the various career opportunities as early as possible. Exactly this overview you will get at the Natural Science-Day. The Natural Science-Day is a career fair, which has been created explicitly for the needs of students and PhD-students from the fields of biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and pharmacy. Due to the attractive program, the Natural Science-Day has become a popular fair that attracts every year more than 200 students and PhD-students: – In your favorite workshop, you will get practical insights into your preferred company. You will learn more about the challenges the company faces. Moreover, you will establish promising contacts with key company representatives in a very personal atmosphere.

– At the information stands, you will have the opportunity to talk in a very relaxed atmosphere to various company representatives. They will be happy to discuss your career opportunities. – At the company presentations, you will get an inside view of the entrepreneurial activities of top companies in the pharmaceutical and life science industry. You will learn more about their job profiles and your career opportunities in these leading companies. In short: At the Natural Science-Day you get information about your career paths, which you will never find on a website or in a shiny brochure. Hence, do not hesitate and register for the Natural Science-Day! We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at the Natural Science-Day!

Dr. Rolf Sonderegger Director together ag

votes from the natural science-day 2011 «It was great to get new information about different companies!» Nina Bäbler, Bachelor-Student Chemistry, University of Zurich

«I appreciate the event very much and I think it was very good for me and my future!» Ricarda Berger, PhD-Student Chemistry, University of Berne

«We particularly appreciate the collaboration with like-minded, motivated and inquisitive students and post graduates.» Teresa Paonessa, University Marketing, BASF Schweiz AG



Media Partner:

Bei uns stimmt die Chemie.

Sika – ein innovatives Unternehmen Sika ist ein global tätiges, innovatives Unternehmen der Spezialitätenchemie. Sika beliefert die Bau- sowie die Fertigungsindustrie (Automobil, Bus, Lastwagen und Bahn, Solar- und Windkraftanlagen, Fassaden). Wir legen an unsere Leistungen hohe ethische Massstäbe und fördern ein Betriebsklima, in welchem sich Leistungsbereitschaft und gegenseitige Wertschätzung entfalten können. Mit rund 15’300 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in über 76 Ländern erzielt Sika einen Nettoerlös von CHF 4.556 Milliarden. Im Sika Konzern ist die Sika Technology AG in ZürichAltstetten verantwortlich für die Forschung und Entwicklung. Um die Wachstumsstrategie konsequent fortzusetzen und um weiterhin unsere ambitiösen Ziele zu verfolgen, suchen wir laufend motivierte und innovative ChemikerInnnen von Fachhochschulen und universitären Hochschulen. Wenn Sie in einem zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen Ihre Stärken entfalten wollen und sich dafür mit Engagement einsetzen möchten, dann kontaktieren Sie uns. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter

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Sika Technology AG Tüffenwies 16 CH-8048 Zurich Tel. +41 58 436 40 40



Your participation


Participation Opportunities


The Natural Science-Day addresses to students and PhD-students of universities and universities of applied sciences above the 5th semester with a major in:

You can choose from two opportunities to take part in the Natural Science-Day:

Interested Students and PhD-students can register for free until Sunday, October 14th, 2012 via the website: ≥

– Biology – Biochemistry – Chemistry – Pharmacy

– Participation from 9.15 am: Take part in a workshop, get a free buffet lunch and visit the information stands and company presentations. – Participation from 3.30 pm: Visit the information stands and company presentations.

All participants have the chance of winning a one-week language training on a highly reputated language school in England – sponsered by Boa Lingua.

gutschein chf 100.–

Taking part in the Natural Science-Day is free of charge. An on-site registration is not possible.


Your Extras

chf 100.– voucher gutschein chf 100.–

ProsPekte unD Preise unter

Application Photos No application without photo. Get in the best light at the Natural ScienceDay by a professional photographer and receive a professional application photo for free!

CV-Check and Career Advisory Service The first impression counts. At the Natural Science-Day experts will check your application documents for free and answer all your questions about your career entry!

Voucher Without language skills you will not make any career. Therefore Boa Lingua offers all participants of the Natural Science-Day a voucher for language studies with value of CHF 100.–. ProsPekte unD Preise unter ProsPekte unD Preise unter

Event-program Registrat ion closing d ate: October 1 th 4 , 2012 Regis www.natu ter now: ralscience


Agenda Monday, October 29th, 2012 Priora Center, Zurich-Kloten 8.45 – 9.15 am Arrival 9.15 – 9.30 am Welcome 9.30 – 12.00 am Workshops (Part I) 12.00 am – 1.30 pm Buffet lunch with information stands 1.30 – 3.30 pm Workshops (Part II) 3.30 – 5.30 pm Information stands and company presentations

Registration Students and PhD-students visiting a workshop as well as the information stands and company presentations have to register until Sunday, October 14th, 2012 via the website: ≥

Red Pigments for LCD Color Filters

Development of a new pharmaceutical product

You have studied (organic) chemistry and you would like to get an insight in the daily business of a BASF researcher? In this workshop you will work together with experts from BASF on a project aimed at the development of a new high performance pigment color filters in Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD). The different steps and work processes required to successfully setup a research project in an industrial environment will be elaborated. That includes for example the evaluation of different approaches regarding performance, economic and ecological aspects and their fit with BASF's strategy and values.

Millions of compounds are typically screened for pharmacological benefits. About 100 discovery approaches enter the research funnel each year. During research candidates are eliminated for various reasons, sometimes based on very limited knowledge. The decision which candidate to bring into clinical development is a crucial and often it is a true dilemma.


In this workshop you will be member of an executive development decision board. You will have to apply decision criteria, to assess and mitigate risks. You will be presented cases in which you will need to assess technical feasibility, clinical benefits and market ­situation. A special role will play the development of biotechnologically ­derived new medicines, especially biosimilars. ≥ ≥


Study Fields Biology Biochemistry Chemistry Pharmacy

The study fields that suit a workshop best are marked in orange above the workshop description.

Optimierung der Prozesse und Herstellkosten

Analytik in der Forschung und Entwicklung

Research & Development in Syngenta Crop Protection

In der Vergangenheit kamen in den Medikamenten relativ einfache Wirkstoffe zum Einsatz. Diese wurden in grossen Mengen produziert und zielten auf vielfaltige Anwendungsgebiete. Heutige Medikamente fokussieren auf spezi­ fische Anwendungsgebiete und werden in viel kleineren Serien hergestellt. In diesem Workshop erarbeitest du ­Ideen, wie ein internationales Phar­ma­ unternehmen im Spannungsfeld ­zwischen steigenden Anforderungen (Qualität, Gesundheit, Sicherheit, ­Umwelt) und anhaltendem Kostendruck erfolgreich agieren kann. Der Fokus soll dabei auf der Optimierung der Prozesse und Herstellkosten liegen, ohne Qualitätsrisiken einzugehen oder ­internationale Standards zu verletzen.

In immer mehr Branchen im Bau und der Industrie werden die Anforderungen an einzelne Materialien und vor allem an deren Werkstoffverbundsysteme immer höher. Um den wachsenden Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, existiert im Sika Konzern eine sehr gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Forschung und Entwicklung, Qualitätssicherung, Produktion und Analytik.

The participants will be given a brief presentation on the background of Syngenta, together with some information on how Syngenta scientists approach the invention and development of new agrochemicals. This will be followed by a carefully structured workshop, consisting of modules based on real industrial activities. It will be held in English, with some support in German and French if necessary.

≥ ≥

In diesem Workshop wirst du anhand eines praxisnahen Beispiels einer typischen Problemstellung aus dem BauBereich einen Einblick in die analytische Arbeitsweise erhalten. Die Sika Experten werden hierfür eine Einführung in die analytischen Methoden geben und zusammen mit dir eine Problemlösung erarbeiten. Das Ziel des Workshops ist die Verknüpfung analytischer Messergebnisse zur Lösungsfindung für ein gegebenes Problem, wie bei CSI.

The overall aim of the workshop is to illustrate in an interactive and enjoyable way how scientists in Syngenta approach the invention and development of new products. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of how research and development scientists in Syngenta work together to achieve technical goals as well as the issues which need to be considered. ≥


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information stands and company presentations

Information stands

Company presentations


At the information stands, you will have the opportunity to talk in a very relaxed atmosphere to various company representatives. They will be happy to discuss your career opportunities.

At the company presentations, you will get an inside view of the entrepreneurial activities of top companies in the pharmaceutical and life science industry. You will learn more about their job profiles and your career opportunities in these leading companies.

Students and PhD-students visiting exclusively the information stands and company presentations have also to register until Sunday, October 14th, 2012 via the website: ≥

≥ Visit the information stands from 3.30 – 5.30 pm.

≥ Visit the company presentations from 3.30 – 5.30 pm.

Top-Employer At the information stands and company presentations you will have the opportunity to talk in very relaxed atmosphere with representatives of the following companies:

company profiles

apply for the top employers

BASF Schweiz AG

Dolder AG, Basel


BASF is the world’s leading chemical company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. Through science and innovation we enable our customers in almost all industries to meet the current and future needs of society.

Seit 115 Jahren liefert unser Familienunternehmen pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe in die ganze Welt. Als KMU bieten wir Berufseinsteigern fachspezifische Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten, ein vielfältiges Tätigkeitsgebiet und die Chance, bereits in jungen Jahren Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. DSM delivers innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in global markets.

Contact Eliane Mollenkopf, HR Officer P.O. Box 2676 4002 Basel +41 (0)61 815 85 57 ≥



Teresa Paonessa, University Marketing Klybeckstrasse 141, 4057 Basel +41 (0)61 636 74 00 ≥

Marianne Adler, Human Resources Immengasse 9, 4001 Basel +41 (0)61 326 62 15 ≥

Cilag AG

Metrohm AG


Die Cilag AG ist einer der grössten Produzenten der pharmazeutischen Industrie der Schweiz. Sie ist integriert in die internationale Unternehmensgruppe von Johnson & Johnson. Sie beliefert ihre Kunden weltweit mit den qualitativ hochwertigsten pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffen und Produkten.

Die Metrohm AG ist in der Schweiz für Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Be­ reich Analytik der Qualitäts- und Inno­ vationsführer – und das made in Switzerland. Wo immer elektroche­mi­ sche Vorgänge eine Rolle spielen, vereinfachen Metrohm-Produkte die Arbeit.

Syngenta is one of the world's leading companies dedicated to it's purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. With their innovation in Crop Protection and Seeds, they contribute to addressing global challenges.

Contact Judith Freiling, Recruiting Specialist Hochstrasse 201, 8205 Schaffhausen +41 (0)52 630 86 38 ≥

Contact Stefan Harder, Leiter Human Resources Ionenstrasse, 9100 Herisau +41 (0)71 352 87 10 ≥

Contact Tanja Perrot, Recruitment Services Lead Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4002 Basel +41 (0)61 323 73 94 ≥


Visit us

About us

Further Events


For students together ag is your partner for your studies and your career entry. With extraordinary career fairs and a huge network we help students and graduates from universities and universities of applied sciences to a successfull career start.

together ag organizes many further career fairs besides the Natural Science-Day:

together ag Poststrasse 18 9001 St. Gallen 071 222 28 18 ≥ ≥

For companies together ag is your partner for HRmarketing and recruiting at universities and universities of applied sciences. With many years of experience, professionalism and passion, we ­support companies and institutions to position themselves successfully as an employer of choice to students and graduates.

Master-Messe 9th – 10th November 2012 Messehalle WTC, Zurich-Oerlikon Retail-Day 15th November 2012 Priora Center, Zurich-Kloten IT-Day 19th November 2012 Priora Center, Zurich-Kloten Women's Contact-Day 23rd November 2012 Messehalle WTC, Zurich-Oerlikon Banking-in-Basel 30th November 2012 Coop Bildungszentrum, Muttenz Engineering-Days 7th– 8th December 2012 Trend-Sporthotel CUBE, Savognin Absolventenmesse Bern 14th March 2013 BERNEXPO AG, Bern women&work 20th April 2013 Kongresshaus, Zurich Sprungbrett-Events Spring 2013 In 8 different regions in Switzerland

Newsletter Would you like to be the first to know about our events? Are you looking for an internship, a topic for your bachelor or master thesis or a trainee program? And would you like to know which companies have positions available? If so, you should subscribe our newsletter! ≥ Facebook and Xing We are also very active in social networking for students as well as graduates. Join our group «Studierende und AbsolventInnen der Schweiz» and with one click you will open the door to your future professional career. ≥ ≥

Make a difference! DSM is a global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company with unique abilities across the elds of health, nutrition and materials. We supply innovative ingredients and applications that are helping to address some of the world’s most pressing issues. Think climate change, energy consumption and the need for a balanced food supply across the globe. Our end markets are as varied as the world around us. Whatever your discipline, and whether you’re looking to kick-start your career or just looking for a change in direction, DSM offers plenty of opportunity. You will be able to use your creativity and skills to help our customers – and everyday consumers – achieve more.

Put it all together and you have a unique health, nutrition and materials company with annual sales of close to €9 billion, locations in 49 countries and more than 22,000 employees worldwide. Royal DSM N.V. ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Are you into creating brighter living with us?


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