Hui Wen Final Year Architectural Project (Nature Nurtures)

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nature nurtures

Toh Hui Wen 18022622

/ contents CHAPTER




a) Preface I. II.

Statement of Intent Studio Ethos

b) Introduction I. Manifesto II. Purpose III. Methodology IV. Origin of Title


Topic Exploration


Kinetic Architecture Architecture as a Living Organism The Psychology of Space and Inhabitation

d) Research I. Nature as Inspiration II. Symbiosis III. Synthetic Biology IV Formal Testing


nature nurtures





e) Oxford I. Background II. Site Characteristics III. Existing Environmental Conditions IV. Vision


Nature Nurtures


Precedent Studies Computational Design Physical Modelling & Sketches Final Strategy


Nature Nurtures II

I. Nature Heals II. Masterplan III. Rejuvenating the Existing IV. Growing the New

h) Closure I. Future Development II. Questions III. Hopes IV. Acknowledgements V. Bibliography


Oxford Brookes University Applied Design in Architecture

MarchD (ARB, RIBA Pt II) ARCH 7007, 7010, 7013

Spring 2020


Video Link


PREFACE This final project marks a closure to one of my academic milestones of the five years in architectural education. Nature Nurtures is an exploration of a concept; but more than the proposal itself, is a commentary towards future directions in architecture. Spurred by my personal motivation and interest, the book also serves as a self reflection for my continued pursuit in this architectural realm.

statement of intent. studio ethos.


statement of intent In my final year of Masters in Architecture at Oxford Brookes University, I hope to create architecture – be it the spaces, places and environment, that transcend the physical realm and explore emotional and social meanings of design. Architecture’s role, like a microscope, reveals things that are invisible in plain sight. It deals with very delicate issues and therefore requires highly complex thought processes and explorations. However, at the core of this journey is having to create a user-centric design. If we focus on the crafting of experiences, it will have the power to impact and influence people. Throughout this final year, I hope to further equip myself with a more pronounced ability to think critically and engage in conversations. Certainly, I aim to develop a greater aptitude, and strengthen my technical and visual techniques. This would benefit me in conveying the right messages and inspire positive attitudes in people. At the same time, I envision that most parts of my life and design would be shaped by the people and environment surrounding me, and with numerous fruitful discussions, grow to be a thoughtful, adept designer.

studio ethos We develop a clear focus on determining the architect’s role in supporting society’s adaptation to the climate change agenda. We challenge the status quo, as we pose questions on what humans value, contest and accept throughout the course of our lives. Our dedication towards the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals1 also reminds us of the Architect’s need to stay relevant and responsible to people and the environment. As we embark on this new semester, we each develop our own personal directions — to propose a world made better through thoughtful, sensitive and climate friendly designs. However, our studio continues to collaborate and discuss work as one team, amalgamating the creative assets of every unique person to produce a holistic piece of architecture.





INTRODUCTION This outlines the initial thoughts that inspired the project’s trajectory. What started out as an observation of the way architecture is designed and how it influenced human behaviours have turned into a deeper investigation of the factors arising to the phenomenon of ‘why do we not care about the environment?’

manifesto. purpose. methodology. origin of title.


manifesto Humans’ detachment from nature is the result of designing architecture as an envelope. It is static, dead and forms a barrier between living creatures and the natural environment. We start to dissociate ourselves, and care less about our impact on Mother Earth. There are lessons we can glean from nature and the more we negotiate this threshold between our lives and nature, we may start to experience life in very different ways. Hopefully, as humans become more conscious of the environment, we start to find beauty in the appreciation of life beyond ourselves, and also consider our actions that threatens to harm the planet. This project serves as a reminder of our preconceptions and ask us to challenge our mindsets of the existing boundaries we created in our lives, be it physical of mental. No matter how small, we can all make a difference, in hope of a brighter, happier future of the world.

“to find beauty in the appreciation of life beyond ourselves.”




To reconnect with nature and acknowledge its presence as a necessity for all methodology

We can attempt to achieve this by learning from nature — nature does not have any physical boundaries, it grows everywhere. Could this also suggest that we should also question the current boundaries we set between human, wildlife and nature to safeguard our functional requirements? Could there be any possibilities that these thresholds can be negotiated?

boost connection between human and nature both ways.


nature nurtures origin of title We often ask whether human behaviours are a result of nature or nurture, is it predetermined at birth or dependent on what happens after in our environment? I believe that nature (in a different form of the word) has the ability to alter our habits and lifestyles. We are tackling numerous environmental issues with solutions, but I see the possibility where nature can teach and nurture us, in a manner that we intrinsically consider our actions with regards to its impact to the Mother Earth. We on the other hand have another bigger role to play — to nurture nature. This cyclical relationship may then allow us to find greater balance in our world.




TOPIC EXPLORATION In the process of diving into topics relating to nature and people, some preliminary research and studies surrounding these several themes surface. Recognizing architecture’s role in a bigger picture and its capacity is key to influencing important decisions and habits.

kinetic architecture. architecture as a living organism. psychology of space and inhabitation.



kinetic architecture Theory ‘A city that adapts to endless change’. According to what Ron Herron from Archigram has imagined, our cities can move and evolve. This does seem ideal, if for whatever changes our climate may bring, architecture could forever exist. By relying on resources of our surroundings to subsist, cities (and its people!) can be in a constant state of protection. This superstructure of moving parts poses a bizarre technological challenge and would currently appear to only be set in a dystopic future. However, its ideologies of a nomadic society remain relevant in today’s context.

Ron Herron’s project ‘Walking City on the Ocean’ exterior perspective (Herron, 1966)

Responsive The Bund Finance Centre was described by the architects as having a facade that is “a moving veil, which adapts to the changing use of the building (..)”. This responsive facade has a functional purpose for both the interior and exterior. On the inside, this curtain helps to frame certain scenes. Externally, what has been designed to be a theatre is in fact a performance in itself as onlookers immerse in the shape shifting facade. This dynamic facade has made the building appear more life-like as it reacts to conditions that are set by users and the requirements of the building. On the other hand, the Strandbeests designed by Theo Jansen is a sculpture which moves not because of man-made factors. Instead, it ‘lives’ on the forces of nature and roam freely, self-powered by the wind.

Shanghai theatre by Foster + Partners and Heatherwick Studio features a curtain like facade that shapeshifts throughout the day (Frearson, 2017)

To visually see physical movements are often what we associate with a life form. Therefore, if buildings or architecture could transform and be mobile, would we be able to consider them as part of our living world and learn to live with it like how we do with other life forms?

Theo Jansen, together with his creation of walking “Strandbeests” on a shore in Netherlands back in 2009 (Loek van der Klis, Cook, 2015)


The mapping of how some animals / objects move

This sparked my early exploration on looking at how different bodies move, with reference to living things, objects and systems. A physical study of joint systems modelled after wings and pantograph



architecture as a living organism Metabolism In another part of the world, the idea of living architecture possibly originated from the Metabolist. In the 1960s, as Japan started to rebuild its society after World War II, a group of architects initiated a new movement — Metabolism. It was a biological metaphor to call buildings capable of regeneration (Cohen, 2019), and to think of them as living creatures. The most notable work representing this movement was Kisho Kurokawa’s Nakagin Capsule Tower (1972). It was initially designed as a ‘plug-and-play’, a concept that was probably significant at that point in history where agility and adaptability was desired. However, this project eventually did not succeed as a piece of regenerative architecture when people started rejecting it and maintenance was stopped. Yet, this ambitious project still deserves commendation for shedding light on the kind of sustainable architecture that may not work in a realistic world.

The Nakagin Capsule Tower in the Ginza area of Tokyo, Japan (Arcspace, 1972)

Self-repairing Mechanisms The future of the Venice city remains uncertain, as its eroding foundations are being escalated by climate change. Rachel Armstrong, a professor at Newcastle University then came up with a idea of utilizing synthetic biology to aid the recovery of this endangered city with her project Future Venice. (Hobson, 2014) There was a chance where protocells — ‘a synthetic form of cellular life‘ (Xu, Xu and Yomo, 2019) would react with minerals in the tidal water to reinforce the city’s supports to protect the city. Armstrong is one of the pioneers of living architecture, as she focuses her study on living systems and how buildings should embody some of their natural properties. By understanding biology thoroughly, I believe that her research would provide answers to how to solve some of the world’s problems by working alongside natural processes.

Visualization of the Future Venice project by Christian Kerrigan (Hobson, 2014)


A moving, living ecosystem that treads along the streets within cities.

There was also a constant thought of how architecture may not only be created for the occupation of humans but many other living organisms as well. In some sense, this body can exist in silo without the reliance on the city’s resources.



psychology of space and inhabitation Architecture’s role in society How should architecture be positioned in a city or place? It is important to define the intended relationship between architecture to its surrounding and the wider context so it is able to take on a specific role in our society. This evolving notion of architecture from a mere inhabitable shelter to something else influences the way we live and how we perceive its presence. David Greene, another member of the Archigram has deviated from the group’s initial radical themes to pursue a opposing standpoint — soft and “invisible” architecture that will help rectify environments. (Frac centre, n.d.) He believes that architecture need not be manifested in physical forms.

“This evolving notion of architecture from a mere inhabitable shelter to something else influences the way we live and how we perceive its presence. “

This thought certainly challenges society’s expectations of conventional architecture. However, we should too be concerned whether we are able to derive similar outcomes without massive formal interventions. Can ‘invisible’-ness provide the same levels of emotional and psychological solace we so much anticipate from the built form?

Architecture can potentially be a designed as an educational experience for the public. In order for us to truly empathize with the effects of climate change and global warming, it may be necessary we personally feel the intensified heat. Architecture, instead of protecting and shielding us from elements of weather, is inciting extreme conditions for people to realize the need to act now. Spaces with varying comfort levels of either being exposed to the elements of weather or being sheltered



RESEARCH The topics raised here informs a major part of my thought process and has subtly influenced my design one way or another. The act of researching has been present throughout the entire design process. Though it is currently compiled here as a single component, the studies were always non-linear and unfinished.

nature as inspiration. symbiosis. synthetic biology. formal testing.



nature as inspiration Biomimicry & Biomimetics Scientists have long studied the workings of nature in the pursuit of discovering greater wonders and revelations of the world. What we may term as ‘Biomimicry’, is the understanding of nature’s wisdom. (The Biomimicry Institute — Nature-Inspired Innovation, n.d.) Biomimetics, a branch of biomimicry, is slightly different. It is a translation of nature’s laws to create radical technologies. (DeLuca, 2014) I looked into several interesting biology that offered insights on possible cross disciplinary design. This is just the tip of the iceberg towards what nature’s processes may offer in terms of its capabilities. Both biomimicry and biomimetics are needed to pave the way for future sustainable innovations in a sensitive manner.

“ ‘Biomimicry’ is the understanding of nature’s wisdom.“

Image of a slime mold (Physarum polycephalum) on a petri dish (Audrey Dussutour, CNRS)

/ Slime mold Classified as an amoeba, they are single-celled organism that does not have a brain. However, they are astonishingly efficient in hunting for food (Moskvitch, 2018). This behaviour is similar to that of swarm intelligence, where knowledge can be shared collectively despite existing as discrete units. They are able to learn and flock towards their source of food for survival by utilizing the shortest path after surveying its surroundings. There could be ways to devise for efficient circulation in urban planning so that less resources are required in the construction of buildings. The swarm behaviour is an anticipation of how future intelligent systems could also boost a city’s growth.


/ Bone (Spongy Tissue) Although the tissue appears weak with its numerous gaps, the make up of the spongy tissue actually has a natural algorithm that optimizes its mass and shape based on the stress points of bone structures. For the safety of buildings, structures are often overcompensated for and does lead to a large bulk of material cost. Could we also relook at these possible redundancies by thoughtfully optimizing materials? Without adding on to the unnecessary carbon footprint of a building, architecture may still be able to perform well in a more compromised situation.

Cancellous tissue, depicted in computer graphic (Hernandez, 2017)

Airbus Design Based on Bones and Slime Mold Together with Autodesk, Airbus has created an efficient set of well optimized partitions for aircrafts. Utilizing the concepts of the 2 naturally occuring phenomenon, we borrow the intelligence from the slime mold and structural logic of the bones to create a bionic design. It is a generative design process, optimizing the strength required, while utilizing the least material to build. (Rhodes, 2015)

AIrbus concept plane (Autodesk)

/ Bacteria It is a microorganism that thrives in diverse environments, and is a highly developable technology with programmable DNA. Already there are numerous potential applications of bacteria discussed. For instance, NASA has realize that bacteria like the Shewanella could consume organic waste in water and produce electricity to power systems. (L. Cheung and Tabor, 2018)

Scanning electron microscope image of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 bacteria (L. Cheung and Tabor, 2018)

If bacteria could be infused within our building materials, buildings may become dynamic and are able to better adapt to changes in the environment. Often times, material quality degrades over time, but what if we could work with the factor of time to allow for a building to age gracefully.


Model for biomineralization-meadiated scaffolding of bacterial biofilms (Dade-Robertson, M., Keren-Paz, A., Zhang, M. and Kolodkin-Gal, I., 2017)

Bacteria-associated precipitation of calcium carbonate The technology of self-healing concrete is gaining popularity in the industry. The basis of its ability to regenate due to the bacteria injected. This precipitative process is used to protect decaying stones and its growth shape can be controlled (Dade-Robertson, Keren-Paz, Zhang and Kolodkin-Gal, 2017). Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the compound as calcium carbonate is precipitated. Just like how our bones heal small cracks, this additive procedure creates a scaffolding that ‘heals’ with the aid of bacteria. Could architecture also grow out of bacteria and utilize existing resouces instead of creating new ones.

We strive for a sound structure as we design for architecture. However, we may neglect the ecological impacts of what our building actually requires to exist — what is its carbon footprint? It is thus desirable to achieve both a structural and biological equilibrium to bridge the gap between what architecture and its balance with nature. The above two examples from Airbus and bacterial biofilms suggests how we may borrow concepts from the microscopic living organisms as potential applications in our designs.

“to achieve both structural and biological equilibrium for a balance between architecture with nature. “


A building that grows with and on everyone’s effort

Could we cultivate and grow our own buildings which takes on nature’s cues to develop over time? It provides people with as much as how much we are able to provide for it.


Arboculture The thought of growing our own buildings is very fascinating. The architect Luc Schuiten has been religiously producing visions of futuristic architecture. Such compelling images of beautiful cities expresses his ideas for L’archiborescence — architecture that uses living organisms or take its inspiration from living things. (Schuiten and Labrique, 2009). He hopes that we learn to see nature as a new model for our living.

The Vegetal City imagined at Brussels. (Schuiten, n.d.)

The Fab Tree Hab designed by Mitchell Joachim is a more modern intepretation of archiborescence. Grown from trees and grafted into shape, these become homes to humans and wildlife. As the dwelling is made up entirely of living nutrients, it becomes an indistinguishable part of the ecosystem. (Joachim, n.d.) Trees, apart from supporting natural habitats, can now also support human habitats and form a symbiotic relationship. The Fab Tree Hab. (Joachim, n.d.)


Both their works remind us that architecture should aim to achieve a subtle presence that treads lightly on the grounds it cover.

“ Architecture should achieve a subtle presence that treads lightly on the grounds it cover.“

Though Luc Schuiten’s visions were never realized in the built form, he continues to explore in drawings as a means to communicate his hopes for the world. These drawings could never be produced with just a computer, for the digital tool often represent the accurate and pristine. What if, we could embrace architecture like how it has been drawn — the work of hand that is always filled with uncertainties and imperfections?

/ Natural Tree House Architecture An attempt was done at consolidating concepts of biological systems in the research and the tree shaping techniques to create architectural space to tackle heat and encourage wildlife habitats. As trees take time to grow, it is crucial to also consider the intermediate stages where it can still be a functional space.

Steps for cultivation: 1. Planting of trees, small seedling plants 2. Gradual tree shaping 3. Leisure seating area 4. Inserting secondary frame support, creating interal spaces for community-run events 5. Aerial root shaping of root trees 6. Allow slime molds to form the initial shape and mycelium to trace its steps 7. Natural green wall flourish as it attracts other habitats Steps to cultivate the Natural Tree House Architecture as a community effort


We can establish a new form of nature driven design, where trees become structures, mycelium as envelop material and the slime mold creating efficient pathways for growth. This might alter the way we manoeuvre through streets and cities.

How the sprawl of architecture can be due to the natural behaviours of trees, slime molds and mycelium.

Physical model of the Natural Tree Houses (work from Semester 1)



symbiosis Humans, for the most part, have consistently been reaping the benefits of our surroundings. “Symbiosis — the art of living together” (National Geographic, 2019) becomes a challenge as we we increasingly need to create a relationship with the world’s environment that is mutually advantageous. Most of the living organisms in the world have already done that for centuries, and we should too.

“ ... a relationship with the world’s environment that is mutually advantageous .“

Corals and its ‘Residents’




calcium carbonate

CO2 + H2O => H2CO3 H2CO3 => H+ + HCO3=> 2H+ + CO32CO32- + Ca2+ => CaCO3

The coral builds up layers of calcium carbonate beneath itself. The coral polyps offer the algae shelter, and its waste products also serve as food for the algae.

The algae in return provides food for the coral through photosynthesis.

There is carbon dioxide in the sea water which enters the coral polyps.





The relationship between the coral and algae forms a crucial part to the marine ecosystem. This can be attributed to its ability to strike this balance of nutrient roles since thousands of years ago. We could consider a similar premise where we humans (‘algae’) are now residents of the architecture and our environment (‘coral’). We can only take as much as we can give, without inflicting harm and allowing our surroundings to grow and flourish.



Architecture Ecosystem (Proposed)



e en








slime mold




glucose habitat bacteria trees, plants

















ox id



calcium carbonate

The above is a suggested ‘food web’ of architecture. If we could design architecture in ways that is becomes a compounded form of bacteria, slime mold and calcium carbonate, we could live in a healthy circular economy.





synthetic biology Application in Today’s World Several of the research studies mentioned earlier had already demonstrated the application of synthetic biology. For a better definition, the National Human Genome Research Institute (, n.d.) has termed it as a “field of science that involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities�. Numerous other industries have too leap on this emerging trend. With a blend of computation, robotics and engineering, architecture is well-placed to utilize this technology to create forward looking designs that work with nature. The Silk Pavilion designed by the Mediated Matter group in MIT Media Lab started off as a plain looking sculpture of polygonal panels. Neri Oxman, the head of the group, had decided for this to a base for a massive silkworm cocoon. Silkworms placed on the sculpture then worked like a biological printer and started weaving. The outcome was a lightweight cocoon that varies in density of silk, allowing different levels of light to permeate the space. (MIT Media Lab, n.d.)

The Silk Pavilion at MIT Media Lab (Mediated Matter, n.d.)

Living Concrete as Material Living concrete is a material that could be grown out with the help of bacteria with regenerative properties. (Heveran et al., 2020) Under the sunlight, the bacteria produces calcium carbonate crystals, a process similar to that of corals. This material is similar to concrete in terms of its constituents like gravel and sand, but is much more alive. Furthermore, it can be controlled using heat and humidity as switches that prompts the bacteria to grow. This is a positive alternative to traditional concrete. The material gains most of its strength through photosynthesis by the cyanobacteria within, and in the process absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Though it has only be developed in a laboratory setting and with compressive strength only 10% that of typical concrete, improved properties can be attained over time, either with improved technologies or additives.

Sample of the living concrete in the laboratory setting (College of Engineering and Applied Science at Colorado University Boulder, 2020)


Illustrating the process of producing the Living Concrete — based off the method adopted in the Biomineralization and Successive Regeneration of Engineered Living Building Materials article (Heveran et al., 2020)

Steps to produce living concrete: 1. Binder Solution : Cultivate the growing medium for the bacterium which in this case acts as a binder - like ‘cement’ to concrete 2. Aggregate : Using sand as fine aggregate (potentially recycled concrete) to be washed and baked 3. Living Building Material (LBM) : Mix the aggregate and binder to allow for living materials to interact

The living concrete will be the main material I explore in the development of my design. As this material is still in its infancy, the technical developments are largely speculative with major references to the way conventional concrete works.



formal testing This is the first iteration at attempting to formalize some of the ideas and concepts into a piece of architecture. These explorative images are done without context and scale. What Defines the Internal and External? The exterior surfaces of the internal spaces are used in the external environment. Can design be ‘double-sided’ in a way that there is no distinction between what faces inside or outside, but to have seamless transitions instead.

3D illustration of a ‘inside-outside’ spatial maquette

Journey between the Different Zones The experience of moving from one place to another could be very direct and evident or may require time spent searching for the place. Such inconspicuous circulation may invite humans to behave more ‘animal-like’ as we scout for places, and eventually be greeted with elements of surprise.

Hidden circulation paths where people have to scout and search for places.


goals UN Sustainable Development Goals

Architecture has a major part to play in creating a sustainable and healthy world. Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals will help in directing the proposal to be a positive impact for the built environment and the world. It is thus timely to remind myself that the project should be grounded in a spirit of creating designs that aims towards the betterment of mankind.

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2019)



OXFORD A deeper understanding of the site is beneficial for a more contextualized and sensitive design. Though a site has been selected, it may not be the best or most ideal location for my proposed architecture. However, it is an experimentation of whether the concept could work successfully on the chosen site and inform future possibilities.

background. site characteristics. existing environmental conditions. vision.



background Green Areas in Great Britain Great Britain has a total size of approximately 24.2 million hectares, of which 7% is classified as the urban areas. Within the urban areas, 30% (0.54 million hectares) are known to be natural land cover and functional green spaces forms only 23% of this area. The largest proportion of this goes to public parks and garden, followed closely by playing fields. Interestingly, the area of the urban residential garden is equivalent to that of the natural land cover in urban areas. (UK natural capital - Office for National Statistics, 2019)

A person in England visits the the natural environment for an average of 1.7 times per week, with the main motivations of exercising or relaxing (Natural England, 2019). It can also be noted that two-thirds of people visit areas of natural environment that is less than 2 miles away from their home. Therefore, in order to increase the frequency of visits to the parks, it is important to have green spaces within close proximity to densely populated residential areas. I aim to create an extensive network of green so that people are more willing to leave their houses for fresh air in the parks and gardens.

It appears that a large amount of green land use has been allocated to residential areas. This is beneficial for people who have the luxury of access a backyard. However, there are instances when people do not make full use of their personal green spaces, but instead prefer to head to public parks nearby for relaxation.

Extent of urban green spaces in 2019, Great Britain Data source: Ordance Survey

Distance travelled on visits to the natural environment Data source: MENE 2018/19


Environmental Concerns Climate change is affecting the whole of the world, and United Kingdom is not exempted from the rising temperatures. Summers are going to get warmer with long dry spells and it is definitely going to put a strain on healthcare infrastructure. This image describes clearly how conditions have changed drastically since the past and this could be attributed to our current unsustainable ways of living. It is important that we start to question what can be done in such times to minimize the damage, so we can continue to live in a comfortable, healthy environment.

Average temperature; past vs present (Watts, 2019)

Oxford Oxford is a small city of 46 square kilometers with a population of approximately 155,000 people (, n.d.). Known as a university city where about 20% of its population are full-time students, it is a city for learning, development and discovery with a vast range of educational facilities.

Buildings in Oxford


Map 1 M CTAs and other areas of importance for wildlife in Oxford


Legend City Boundary River Local Nature Reserves SSSI SLINC Local Wildlife Sites Wildlife Corridors SAC


Ancient Woodland Conservation Target Areas


Oxford Biodiversity Action Plan: Oxford’s Biodiversity

The Oxford Biodiversity Action Plan showing Oxford’s Biodiversity (Oxford City Council, n.d.)


Oxford is also fortunately very rich in biodiversity. From the Oxford Biodiversity Action Plan (Oxford City Council, n.d.), it is evident that the River Thames that run through most parts of the city has became a natural wildlife corridor for many species , including floral and fauna. It is thus paramount that architectural proposals should conserve, if not enhance the lives of these habitats.


Oxford Brookes University City Center

Iffley Rd

Cowley Rd

Aston’s Eyot


100 200 300 400 500 M


Site map of Oxford with key locations



site characteristics Iffley Road The site is located along Jackdaw Lane of Iffley Road, just off a notable landmark — the Greyfriars church. This entrance is significant as it is also where most people enter the Aston’s Eyot Nature Reserve from. The 13-hectares nature reserve is home to a huge variety of wildlife and woodlands, and appeals to a wide audience. Iffley Road creates an important connection to the Oxford city center and other parts of Oxford because of its relative position to The Plains. As such, the site has been selected as a middle ground between the more urban areas and the quieter, more serene parts of Oxford.

Jackdaw Lane Iffley Road

The Plains


Iffley Road

Google Earth satellite image of Iffley Road and its surroundings


The Meadow 0

50 100 150 200 250


Figure Ground

Vehicular Circulation

Natural Elements

Programmatic Arrangement









metal scrapyard

recreation ground residential

playground skatepark

nature reserve

primary school

The site is adjacent to a great variety of activities and programmes. The architecture serves as a means of bringing people closer to nature and also allows for opportunities where nature can get closer to people and activities.

N 39

Site Survey

There is an abundance of trees and natural elements on the site, making it a very pleasant experience. The sound of birds chirping and children laughter can be heard as one walks around the area. Occasional cyclists and dog walkers tread along meadow lane.

meadow lane playground

2 line of expanded elevation


eyot’s place



Google Earth aerial perspective of the site’s surroundings



Sketches done of the site


A-A’ expanded elevation view of the surroundings from the recreation ground

Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO Image Landsat / Copernicus Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO Image Landsat / Copernicus




3 metal scrapyard





scrapyard hidden by dense vegetation



existing environmental conditions Wind Wind mostly comes from the south, south-west direction. To promote cross ventilation, openings should be located along the south to west regions and also between the north to east regions. N




Solar Sun Diagram Latitude: 51.8oN Longtitude: 1.26oW Due to the location of Oxford on the globe, the sun angles vary throughout the year. The sun would be at a high angle of about 61.5o in the summer and 14.5o in winter. Appropriate shading is needed to provide cover in summer but allow for sun to permeate spaces in winter for warmth.

Wind path diagram (Source: meteoblue)

Shadow Analysis The 4 images (right) displays the variation in the shadows casted on the site during the different seasons in the year. The site is a relatively open area thus the effects of shadows may not be experienced in most parts. However, there are also areas where dense vegetation is present, such areas would be usually shaded throughout the year.

Solar sun path diagram on the site for the months of January, April, July, October (4 seasons)










Shadow analysis across the year



vision Plan of Action Many physical boundaries exist on the site. Fences that segregate the different functions like the school and nature reserve may be important, but are they always necessary?

“ ... to encourage more spontaneous usage of spaces by people and wildlife“

We may be able establish new types of relationships or activities if we loosen the barriers we create, to encourage more spontaneous usage of spaces by the people and habitats. More importantly, when we reduce the difficulty of people moving to and fro, they are more willing to spend time outdoors in the nature.





The next steps would be to explore possibilities of altering or breaking down these boundaries to form connections.





4 playground


Thoughts on improving the site expressed on a physical model


Conceptual Collage

a network that connects people to places. ; to embrace and support existing activities

Connecting places, empowering nature along Meadow Lane


Lady looking out of her window

to allow us to connect to nature and wildlife as well as the opportunity for them to come to us ; nature does not recognize physical boundaries and should permeate into our spaces more wildly



NATURE NURTURES Our current environment provides invaluable insights to ways of designing and emulating nature. Chapter 2 is about looking at our surroundings as a source of inspiration. The process of formulating a design methodology towards developing my project asserts a more holistic manifestation of my ideas. They are expressed with the help of physical models, sketches and digital modelling.

precedent studies. computational design. physical modelling and sketches. final strategy.



precedent studies The precedent studies have been divided into 2 parts — functional and formal precedents. Functional precedents explore the opportunities of some overlapping in seemingly unrelated activities that may arise to interesting types of mix uses and dynamics. Conversely, formal precedents demonstrates the delightful spatial moments that are derived from nature-inspired designs. These cases also highlight methods of construction that allow structures to achieve an organic shape.

Functional Precedents

nature (N)

residential (R)

playground (P)

scrapyard (S)

learning (L)

Classification of functional types within the site

The following examples attempt at mixing the 5 different types above, giving rise to several different permutation of programmes.


4. Verde 25

3. Tokyo Kindergarten


P 2. Forevertron

1. ScrapHouse




/ 1. ScrapHouse — Public Architecture This is a building of a demonstration house out of garbage. It was assembled entirely from recycled materials in only 6 weeks. Some examples of such the upcycling include using retired fire hoses from the San Francisco Fire Department as the bedroom walls; phonebooks serving as insulation while creating a bookshelf unit in the main space. The solid-core doors had been used from school-improvement project as floor material, and there were many other instances (Bowling, 2006).

“... the future may no longer focus on a building’s longevity but being in a constant cycle.“

In a time when managing construction waste is essential, this project managed to open up discussions on possibilities of building with salvaged materials. Could this also be a cathartic expression of eroding architecture, where architecture is returned to where it came from? The architecture of the future may no longer focus on a building’s longevity but being in a constant cycle of the material economy.

The interior of the ScrapHouse. (Rubio, 2005)


/ 2. Forevertron — Tom Every

“ Aesthetics that create feelings of delight should not be solely benchmarked against its practical use.“

Tom Every built Forevertron in 1980, as he started creating this collection of beautiful old machinary parts to form a scrap-metal spacecraft for his previous workings as a salvage dealer. The entire structure weighs about 300 tons, and is 120 ft wide, 60 ft deep, 50 ft high, consisting mostly of metals like iron, brass and stainless steel. Tom Every commits himself to ‘form before function’ with a high focus on sculptural quality that serve more as a decorative purpose than any practical use. (Tom Every Forevertron, n.d.) To what extent should sculptural quality be valued over practicality of an object? Aesthetics that inspires, motivates or create feelings of delight deserves to be part of the architecture and should not be solely benchmarked against its practical use.

Old salvaged parts are reformed and given a new life in Forevertron. (J. Giesy, n.d.)


/ 3. Tokyo Kindergarten — Tezuka Architects

“ We should not encourage pre-determined actions, but let places be open ended for users to decide.“

The architects realize children requires a free, uncontrolled environment to explore and interact and they enjoy running around. Hence, they designed a circular form, where children can explore freely through this continous landscape. The ground level was also open to allow for natural learning environment, and a free plan encourages collaboration between different children. (Block, 2017) Distractions are designed to happen. Architecture should not encourage pre-determined actions, but instead let places be open ended enough for the users to decide their own usage. Children are especially great at this, for they know no boundaries. They enjoy mixing everything they do with play, and that teaches us a lot about how in the process of growing up, we unknowingly adopted this sense of clear delineation between things.

The circular landscape of Tokyo Kindergarten (Kida, 2017)


/ 4. Verde 25 — Luciano Pia The building aims to emulate a living forest, like a house on trees. The trees act as a sound and air pollution buffer against the adjacent traffic and provides a pleasant microclimate within the building. Parts of the building may become intertwined with the branches and trunks as vegetation grows. Larch shingles as its facade material provides a vibrant, textured surface. The species of plants are also diversified to provide a forest-like layers providing ample shade in the summer and good sun permeability in the winter. (Pia, 2012)

“ ... learn to live with nature, and embrace the impermanence of the living growing around them. “

Residents learn to live with nature, and embrace the impermanence of the living growing around them. They are able to experience seasons even within the confines of their homes as they witness the falling of leaves or changing colour of the leaves.

The house amongst the plants. (Giardino, 2012)


An illustration imagining the different functions coming together


Challenging the Conventional The precedents contest the expectations of particular functions — should a house be made of brick/timber; should a school have classrooms? Architecture need not always be about having perfectly enduring structures that informs particular usage, but is able to morph itself to the conditions of needs. Human movements are fluid, and we will flow to places where a space has been created.



Formal Precedents / 1. Organic House — Javier Senosiain Location: Area : Year :

Mexico 178sqm 1984

The architect’s aim was to create spaces that completely embrace the human body. He recognizes that “the straight line is pretty much absent from nature” (Senosiain, 1984), and that should translate into an architecture that is placed in nature. The house is built under a hill seemingly disappears as it blends into the landscape. The sense of connection between one and the exterior green landscape does not disappear when he or she enters the dwelling, instead it simply changes the dynamics. Transitions between spaces can induce a psychological change but does not always require a hard physical boundary to be drawn. One method is by maintaining visual connectivity that continues to provide the intimacy to nature. All images courtesy of Javier Senosiain, 1984.

Interior of the Organic House where the floors, walls and roof comes from the same continuous surface


The construction process was a challenge given that it was a highly continuous form designed in a time when technology was not that advanced. However, to achive this sculptural form without much mass, ferrocement was used as a method. It is a composite material made up of mortar reinforced with a light steel mesh. The steps to construct Organic House were: 1. Erecting a skeleton of shell where rods were shaped like rings 2. Application of concrete 3. Using 3/4 inch layer of polyurethane as insulation and waterproofing Organic shapes may often require large amounts of materials, but this method of construction is extremely efficient for such a organic shell structure because it can distribute the load evenly through the curved forms.

Transitions between dark narrow corridors to light-filled open spaces

Ferrocement construction skeletal frame, made by bending rebars into shape.


/ 2. Taichung Metropolitan Opera House — Toyo Ito Location: Area : Year :

Taiwan 58,000 sqm 2006 (design), 2009 (under construction), 2016 (completed)

The architect, Toyo Ito designed the Opera House with the aim of having “the inside and outside are continuous in a like manner to how bodies are connected to nature through organs such as the mouth, nose and ears.” Indeed, the cave-like interior was very successful in creating dramatic experiences as one traverse spaces in the building. An opera house without corners was also very functional for the acoustics. The design of the form as an expression of a concept is admirable because of its very unique geometry. Much can be learnt from how the interior and exterior spaces blend seamlessly throughout the landscape.

Physical model of the Opera House expressing continuity between the exterior or interior (Studio Toyo Ito, 2010)


The entire construction process took 7 years because of its massive size and complexity of construction. It is expensive and time consuming to produce a doubly curved formwork for the concrete to be applied. (Hackethal, 2010) As such a temporary structural frame is created instead. The construction process includes: 1. Erection of a skeletal frame 2. Expanded metal steel mesh as a faceted formwork 3. Sprayed on concrete 4. Finished surface with smaller aggregate concrete The overall thickness of the concrete ranges from 200mm at the top floor to 350mm at the bottom. The achieved geometry unveiled the possibilities of having minimal surfaces when both sides of the envelop defines a space, without a clear indication if it is internal or external. The construction process of a doubly curved opera house. (Studio Toyo Ito, 2010)

An ongoing construction of the building showing large amounts of metal mesh and support structures (Ming, 2013)



computational design Grasshopper for Rhino 6 was used a method to model behaviours and experiment with the type of architecture this may entail. Several parameters are controlled while others are left to different levels of randomness. As with the real world, designing alongside nature does introduce unpredictable scenarios. Simulations

1. Defin and the

Slime Mold Test 1

Through research, the behaviours of slime mold can be simply understood as ‘food seekers’. They gravitate and flock towards the source, avoiding any obstructions along the way. I used a GH plug-in called Physarealm which follows a stigmergic mechanism — where actions are coordinated based on previous intelligence.

2 - Dimensional

If emittors = humans, and food = programmes we can design urban areas with the most efficient pathways for people to get from one point to another. Test 2 3 - Dimensional

Test 3 3 - Dimensional

Diagram of slime mold making the ‘shortest path’ connections

An obstruction is introduced here. The particles skirt around the obstruction, but still find the most efficient way of getting to their food.

An experiment using Physarealm to simulate the growth behavio


ne the source (emittor) e food (attractor)

2. Start, and the particles get attracted to the food

3. They take the shortest path to get to all food sources

our of the slime mold using Grasshopper in Rhino 6.


4. Trail patterns are left to show the most efficient paths

Programme Intersections The mixing of different activities may lead to new types of programmes. Grasshopper was used here as a tool to test the different iterations quickly and a suitable one is further developed. A process was designed for a more organized method towards achieving the final outcome.

Type 1

Type 2




Divide the functions into different zones — residential, play, nature, learning and scrapyard

Assigning ferent zon



Find the various intersection points between the 2 functions, in this example its the scrapyard and residential

Sizes of th vary accor cy of surro

Randomness Aesthetic Potential

*Type 1 and 2 is the design modelled after SLIME MOLD and the PROGRAMME INTERSECTIONS respectively.

Analysis A comparison is made between the two types of design method. Though type 1 is still in its rudimentary stages, it may not have the potential to be developed further. Its randomness level is high as the path trials differs in every iteration I make. This was not a suitable method as I have no control over the journeys people take — of which are important for the manipulation of boundaries between the different functions on site. Type 2 conversely allows for slightly more control, but lacks in terms of its aesthetic as the blob and tubular mass appears contrived. However, the spatial qualities has potential to be further developed. The form allows for a singular surface that wraps both the inside and outside.




random points within the region’s boundary (for all difnes)

Connect the points of different functions together, with the various permutations (e.g. nature - residential, nature - school...)





he circle at each point rding to the frequenounding points.

Select several key spots and create circulation paths between them

Create an envelop around the using key points and paths using Millipede, where sizes of the blobs correspond to the ‘weights’

In order to open up the mass, the inverse of the previous envelop is made.



physical modelling and sketches

Modelling Experimentation Taking the previous digital model of the ‘programme intersections’, a physical model was create to imagine the spaces at scale and how it works with the site.


“ the journey is an exploration through light and dark, followed by an eventual feeling of discovery “

(left) Nature Nurtures alters the way people move around and along the site (bottom) a close up view of some courtyard spaces for better natural lighting.


A space where the walls, floor and roof are indistinguishable.


A surface that continues from the interior to the exterior and divides spaces in a way that they meet in one section and diverge in the next.

Diagramatic sections across model


The supports of the 3D printed model (far left) were left as a means to experiment scrap materials being part of the building surface, wedged into place. The interesting visual texture stands out from the other smooth surfaces.

Contextualizing with Sketches

A continuous flow of activities is created with a mixing up of all the 5 functions in different parts of the site


Ideas of intervention, either by creating landscape structu

ures or latching on existing buildings

Through mixing the different functions together, I am better able to visualize the kind of architecture necessary to support and strengthen the existing context to improve connectivity between people to their surroundings and with nature.



final strategy Between Nature and Built Form

An abandoned greenhouse in Belgium, where plants become overgrown (“Jonk” Jimenez, 2019)

Nature climbs through and almost devour the wa

Abandoned monastery, and plants already start taking over buildings (“Jonk” Jimenez, 2019)


Haeps of scraps piled up on the scrapyard

Nature consumes and takes over places once occupied by humans and is now abandoned. The resemblance of this messy chaos can be seen in the scrapyard where materials are piled on top of one another without order. However, this is where the distinction between objects, places and boundaries disintegrate and blend together. If architecture can embrace these undefined spaces, the barrier between us and nature may start to dissolve.

“ as we embrace these undefined spaces, the barrier between us and nature may start to dissolve. “

alls amd windows


Scrapping the Metal Scrapyard

proposed location current location

The scrapyard on the site has imposed numerous negative visual and biological impact on its surroundings, and its loud sounds also disturb the ecological habitats of the nature reserve adjacent to it. Cars are considered commonly scrapped items at the metal salvage. An average person is less likely to own a car in Iffley, than in most parts of Oxford’s outskirts. Hence, I propose to move the scrapyard to the surroundings of the MINI car plant and the industrial region within the Lye Valley.

The average number of cars owned per person in Oxford


The Proposal

Description of the different elements in the project proposal


Living Concrete Application Gaps and holes are created in the mass of living concrete structure so that less material can be used and for improved visual connectivity. In addition, exposing the internal reinforcements creates a unique aesthetic and is functional. At some portions, the material slowly strips away and fades into the ground and reveals the landscape.

Climbers like Wisteria or Hydrangea that can grow on the walls and use the exposed rebars for support

Model experimenting with the exposing of internal structures.



exposed ing and

Steel Rebars

d to improve natural lightventilation

Poles made up of Corten steel, known as weathering steel, at the Berlin Wall Memorial (Hohmuth, n.d.)

Living Concrete

The exposed rebars has to provide structural support and be able to withstand weathering, which typical steel rebars cannot handle. As such, Corten steel, which forms a protective layer over time as it rusts, is proposed as the structural frame. People are able to witness the rusting process and teaches us to accept ‘degrading’ materials as part of our architecture.

single form that translates itself from a wall to the floor and to also be a furniture piece



NATURE NURTURES II Proposals revolve around resolving the boundaries that happen within and between spaces. In addition to creating new landscapes and architecture to elevate the existing experiences, proposals also worked on existing buildings. As these buildings hold important values to its users and context, it is also crucial they share the same attention. The final visualizations conveys the narrative of my vision and implore us to reconnect with nature.

nature heals. master plan. rejuvenating the existing. growing the new.



nature heals Benefits of Nature Nature is not only of paramount importance to the balance of our ecosystem and the world, but also plays a huge role in our emotional and psychological state of mind. When we mention about nature, people are more than likely to say they love it than they hate it. It is a innate human desire to want to be close to nature, but it does not always happen because of circumstances. People feel happier and more positive being surrounded by nature, they have greater life satisfaction and lifestyles. (Coles, 2016) There is huge value in nature, and we need to protect it. The Wildlife Trust’s Lucy McRobert said “the more people that care intrinsically for their local environment and value the positive impact it has on their own lives, the more they’ll want to protect it from destruction.” I do concur with her thoughts and I believe that our connection with nature can be improved with intentional architecture that mediates our relationship with the environment.

Photograph captured at the Batsford Arboretum & Garden Centre in Cotswold

“ our connection with nature can be improved with intentional architecture that mediates our relationship with the environment.“



N 79

Masterplan Overview


rejuvenating the existing Residential — breaking through the walls Imagine how our lives will change if we could break down parts of our walls to allow nature to enter, and to live alongside habitats we used to detest. Embracing them into our homes is allowing them to be part of our lives. Should we not care about creatures that become part of us?

animals that create their homes alongside us

animals that create their homes alongside us

the becomes one with the furniture in our homes


a path escape

A’ B


creating an experience of waking up to nature every day



hway for the bored/dissatisfied to e from the confines of their homes parts of our houses will accomodate other habitats

Site location of Residential area

Breaking down our houses and allow nature to get closer — Section A-A’


Sun angle : 61.5o 4





6 3



Shade provision encourages people to spend more time outdoors when they are sheltered from the hot summer sun


Thermal mass of living concrete stores the heat from the summer sun


Semi-public safe zone for extended use outside the house surrounded by nature, and also an area cooled by vegetation




Stack ventilation cools the building, with a enhanced effect from the adjacent trees

Biodiversity allow for nature to be inhabitants within the house as well Low-E double glazed windows the summer heat is reflected away but light is allowed to enter


Residential — Environmental Section (Day)

Sun angle : 14.5o 1

2 3




Residential Section B-B’




Low angle of sun exposes most areas to sun for greater comfort outdoors


Climbing Hydrangea are cold hardy vines that attaches to brick walls using its aerial roots

Thermal mass of living concrete stores the heat from the winter sun


Low-E double glazed window indoor heat is retained in winter

Deciduous trees that shed leaves during winter to increase sun penetration to the ground and buildings














Thermal mass of living concrete releases the absorbed heat during the day with the aid of night time cooling air


Cooling effect of vegetation Evaporative transpiration from the leaves of the vegetation also aid in cooling its surroundings


Stack ventilation Roof windows provides opportunities for further cooling at night (if necessary)


Residential — Environmental Section (Night)





Residential Section B-B’ 1

Thermal mass of living concrete releases the absorbed heat during the day to warm its surroundings for greater comfort


Low-E double glazed windows heat is reflected back indoors to retain the warmth, and double glazing improves thermal insulation of the building








Scrapyard Office When the scrapyard is moved to another location, the office will be vacant. As such, it will be transformed and adapted to become a library.





Some parts of the scrapyard beside the office may be retained for visitors to learn and understand the process of scrapping materials and upcycling them.









Illustrative plan and section drawings of the scrapyard office, 1) first floor plan, 2) ground floor plan, 3) section A-A’, 4) section B-B’


Primary School — connecting to the nature reserve Nature is a great source for learning, and we should therefore not create any barriers between children and the nature reserve. Nature promotes creativity and imagination in children, at the same time elevating their spirits.

A B’





Educating the importance of nature needs to start young, so that as we grow older, we continue to be appreciative of nature and become more responsible over our own impact on the environment.

Site location of Metal Salvage office (left) and the St Mary & St John Primary School (right)

School’s extended bridge that connects to the adjacent nature reserve — Elevation A-A’


Primary School — letting nature enter our classrooms The school has a very traditional layout of classrooms, often enclosed within the 4 walls. This stifles creativity and the energetic children within the classrooms as they learn. Letting nature be part of their learning journey is important as they will grow alongside the vegetation. Eventually Nature Nurtures will continue to absorb parts of the school increasingly so that more children can get to experience nature.


Nature Nurtures breaking through the walls and entering the school building — Section B-B’

DETAIL 2 details will be explored; (left) how it is going to connect to the existing walls (right) roof connection between the existing and proposed


Primary School — letting nature enter our classrooms The exposed corten rebars can act as climbing supports for various plants and vegetation, and even be habitats for different species. As it breaks through the wall, there might be additional crevices that allow for other climbing plants to latch onto.



Rebars as supports for the Bougainvillea at The Getty Center, USA (ZeroRedFive, 2013)








Axonometric section of detail 1 — breaking into the classroom



Waterproofing layer with livin


Woven wire mesh


Corten steel rebar


Living concrete


Cellulose insulation













Blow up connection of the living concrete envelop to a wooden window frame




Stripping the material to display its internal constituents

ng concrete















Blow-up connection (left) Section detail 2 — the connection of the existing school roof to the proposed









growing the new

School Extension — Playground, Hide and Seek The playground has existing structures that the children engage with during their breaks. However, built as standalone structures on a large asphalt surface, they appear to be disconnected from nature that is so nearby! The view from Aston’s Eyot Nature Reserve is blocked by vegetation and a physical barrier of man-made fence, which is a misopportunity.

School Extension — Learning in the Woods Nature Nurtures extends out from the school into the woods to create a learning space within Aston’s Eyot as they learn to engage with nature.

Photographs of parts of the playground and school from Aston’s Eyot


Hide and seek sketch, with exposed surfaces towards the south for improve natural daylighting and vegetation to grow on



Undulating landscape that children can climb under, between and over while seeking for other children amongst the trees and vegetation



Learning space within the woods, lively in the day.



Serene and peaceful at night.


Studio — Dancing with Nature Oxford city is a student city with most of its facilities and spaces catered for students. However, there is also a large group of elderly people which would be able to benefit from public health facilities. Here, a dance studio is designed for everyone to enjoy, and especially for the seniors, where they can engage in healthy activities like ballroom dancing or yoga.


Rejuvenated Scrapyard Office .library .study areas .training rooms


.dance .workshop .cafe


Community Center .co working spaces .meeting rooms .cafe

Skatepark Extension

Ground floor plan of the site (part) SCALE BAR 0 10


N 20






1. Foundation placement

2. Attaching inflatable fabric

3. Inflated formwork

4. Rebar and wireframe skeleton

5. Application of living concrete via spray-on

A step by step construction process to building the structure


envelop living concrete of thickness 200-250MM

mesh cage 4-6 layers of woven metal mesh, 1MM in a 15MM grid

structural frame 10MM rebar arranged in grid at 100-150MM intervals

Exploded axonometric showcasing the structures that make up the Studio


Studio — Finite Element Analysis (FEA) With such a free flowing organic shape, achieving structural stability may be more complex. An attempt to carry out a finite element analysis was conducted on Studio as a means to assess the viability of a free standing living concrete structure.

/ Method 1


Using Karamba for Grasshopper in Rhino 6, I first experimented creating a flat surface, assign its anchor points, and applied forces to pull the surface at selected points like a tensile structure. The resulting form creates a largely compressive form doubly curve surface. The main results to observe would be ‘displacement’ — image 1, and ‘utilization’ — image 2, which indicates how much would a certain segment deflect/warp under prescribed stress and how efficient the material is at handling the loads respectively.


In image 3, I imported a part of my model as a reference, I adjusted the loads and forces manually to try to achieve the designed form. However, this entire process was time consuming as it requires tweaking various load points and its corresponding values till the right shape is formed. Another method was subsequently adopted. 3

Snapshots from of Method 1 using Karamba in Grasshopper for FEA


Properties: (Living Concrete)

/ Method 2

Density (kg/m3) Elastic Modulus (Pa) Poisson Ratio Yield Strength (Pa) Tensile Strength (Pa) Compressive Strength (Pa)

A simplified model is analyzed using Scan and Solve for Rhino 6 on the overall form the Studio. The base acted as the supports, and gravity (as a load) is applied on the entire mass to test the performance of the free standing structure. This was a more efficient method as the mesh model could assigned as a shell input with thickness.

2410 1.40 x 1010 0.20 0 1.05 x 105 3.50 x 106

Displacement of the model in the X,Y,Z axis respectively

Displacement / Deflection Adapting from the original properties of concrete, I modified the compressive strength to that of the living concrete. (Heveran et al., 2020) Though the individual X,Y,Z displacement values of the areas are significant in the concave regions, the total deflection in these areas have an average value of 0.4 mm (predominantly in the -Z direction). This is presumably because of the better balance of the forces with a ‘dome-like’ shape. However, there are certain areas with longer spans that would require more support or thickness because of its more major deflection values (>1mm). These areas are highlighted as green/red in the final displacement model (right).

Final displacement model (a summation of the individual displacements at different directions)


Principle tension and compression model

Principle Tension, Compression majority of areas are in compression - of which the concrete material will be strong at. However, the living concrete, with a compressive strength of 35 MPa, is only 10% of typical concrete strength. It may not be able to perform as well. Thin shelled concrete construction called binishells have ferrocement thickness of 80-100mm. (, n.d.). Even for the Organic House by Javier Senosiain, the shell thickness was only 40mm. The capabilities of ferrocement are profound as one may expect organic forms to require much greater thicknesses, yet its compressive shell actually helps to distribute the load efficiently. To improve the strength of the structure, the overall thickness has been doubled that of binishells for my project (200-250mm). More additives can also be used to increase he compressive strength of the budding technology of living concrete.


Living Concrete vs Standard Concrete The two images on the right compares the relative performance of living vs standard concrete in terms of total displacement. It can be noted that the main points of displacement remains the same, but both the absolute values and displacement range is more significant in the living concrete. To contextualize the displacement values, we estimate the maximum allowable deflection using a L/360 rule, where L = span. A total displacement of 0.4 mm (average values in living concrete) would mean that spans should be more than 144 mm at specified areas. It appears that most regions have spans larger than 144 mm and can be declared safe. However, another analysis was conducted to review the ‘danger level (material default)’ in the model. Areas with danger level >1 have high chance of failure. It appears that these portions of the model require increased thickness and better optimization.

FEA, final displacement modelled after living concrete

FEA showing the ‘danger levels’ of the model

FEA, final displacement modelled after a mid-weight traditional concrete


Studio — the organic space A ‘normal mapping’ section was created where every angle of the surface is displayed in a different colour. This aims to express the non-flat surfaces that flow throughout the building, creating spaces for occupation. 1





Plan view of the studio with normal mapping applied






5 Sections at different points of the studio










Ground floor plan of the site (full)



People dance between the trees and across different functions as a more organic expression of themselves.



CLOSURE The end of a academic project never equates to the end of an architectural thought or design process. My project is not a solution to an issue, but raises questions that may be explored.

future development. questions. hopes. acknowledgements. bibliography.


future development Nature Nurtures relies largely on natural elements like plants and vegetation to develop and mature. This may or may not work cooperatively with the architecture proposed. In addition, properties of the living concrete outside laboratory conditions are still uncertain — are they able to work with Corten steel? Will the bacteria inside be affected by the plants growing alongside it? With that in mind, more studies need to be conducted in the technical aspect of the project to deliver a successfully healthy piece of architecture. In addition, I believe the internal and external spaces can be even much more exciting and pleasant. Complex organic forms are difficult to rationalize and design, and can manifest in endless configurations, giving rise to possible breathtaking moments. I would hope to continue experimenting with such organic shapes that further blur the boundaries. Lastly, it would worthwhile to test Nature Nurtures under different conditions — possibly in a high rise building, or commercial compounds where people are often deprived of connections to nature. This would challenge the existing dynamics and create refreshing relationships.

questions We have since progressed from the primitive hut of the past, and architecture is more than shelter, but bears deep societal and economic value. Can we therefore be able to rid our expectation of a shelter being a form of perfect protection from the external elements? During the pandemic this year, humans have observed the revival of habitats and return of wildlife to numerous places, likely due to the absence of human interference. Does nature necessarily benefit in the presence of humans? Would our improved connection to nature threaten its existence? I believe that with proper education and discussions, people will increasingly be open towards themes that lead to the overall benefit of the planet.


hopes I hope Nature Nurtures has served as a reminder for you, of the many things we need to uphold as living beings on the planet, as much as it did for me, if not more. Humans are powerful agents that have great hold over what the future may bring, be it climate change, the coronavirus, socio-political issues and many more. We need to continue to be responsible and thoughtful, not only for ourselves. Architecture shapes the way we live sometimes very evidently but sometimes extremely subtly, and this has huge influence over our lives and the world around us. Therefore, I believe with good architecture, we can slowly, but surely inspire positive changes in people, communities and the world.



to the people, places, nature, objects, and everything else; that have inspired me to do better;

thank you.


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nature nurtures

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