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"LET’S BREAK THE BREAKING NEWS" was a training course that took place in Romania between 1-10 February 2023 with 34 participants and 3 experts
The aim of the project was to provide youth workers with new methods and tools to develop critical thinking and prevent fake news.
The methodology was based on non-formal education methods including presentations, world café, role play, forum theatre and many others. The project activities were preparation, introduction, getting to know each other, workshops in plenary and teams, outdoor activities, intercultural evenings, reflection and evaluation.
The final products were 2 forum theatre plays, 3 videos, promo materials and a collection of tools and methods to be applied in daily work to prevent and block the spreading of fake news.
This was the first mobility of the first year of FPT accreditation and we wanted to have a great start we can say that we succeeded. We are grateful for this to our team, to the trainers and facilitators that were dedicated every minute to help participants get involved and understand their role and to our partners that did a responsible selection that was one of the keys to success.
Daily evaluations and monitoring showed good group dynamics, perfect time management, achievement of objectives and wonderful final products that will stay as good practices for the next teams and next mobilities. Some of the methods and activities were very challenging (six thinking hats, zoom, cognitive biases and logical fallacies), mainly new for participants but their devotion and support from every side created a very good background to learn and have fun at the same time.
If we’ll hear some rumours that participants and youngsters they are working with on a daily basis or other beneficiaries are now more careful when they press the <share= button or think twice before using some information that will be a sign that our work was not in vain (Fabi, Bogdan, Tolea).