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World Cafe
The World Cafe is an engagement non-formal technique designed to create a space that supports "good conversation" where anybody is able to talk about things that matter to them.

The technique is based on the assumption that people already have within them the wisdom and creativity to confront even the most difficult challenges and rests on two key principles: talk and understand the idea of the topic that matters to them. the gathered information can be used as a collective power.
During this technique, we had to talk about the causes and effects of fake news, on an individual and social level.
Reflecting on the World Cafe technique we have used <it's an amazing tool for brainstorming ideas and this method helps to understand a different perspective with different solutions. We (...) have 15 different countries with two/three participants, which allows us to form bonds with most of the participants= (Theodora from Romania).
"It was a good technique and we liked it a lot because we expressed different opinions. In addition, what is good is that we could write all our ideas on a sheet and then compare them to see if the same ones come out= (Mohamed from France).