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Our Company will open a place/an office for teenagers. We take care about education and we will have unformal studies; for example, we will have different clubs psychological clases, mental health club, bussines clubs because nowadays, curricular schools is boring for Young people.
We will fulfill the need for expertise personnel in several business áreas while providing at the same time extra chances to interested teenagers.
Our initiative will make more prepared people for opening businesses that will fill the society needs and also we can change teenagers mindset about education. Our office will make the teenagers prepared to open more competent businesses that will also make profit and will replace the non useful businesses that already exist on the business field
Logo and slogan
Storytelling of our idea

There was a group of people and they wanted to go on holidays to Hawaii. Unfortunately they didn’t have enough money, since they were unemployed, despite the fact that they have a university degree.
Companies wouldn’t hire them because they are inexperienced. So, they did a lot of seminars and voluntary work by themselves in order to get employed and finally go to holidays together.
After a lot of work they managed it. During the holidays, while in the beach somebody had the idea of helping teenagers not to face the same problem with them.
But problems will always appear in many aspects of our lives so they decided to expand the field of the Company not only to business help but also psychological support, mental wellness, etc.
Resources and comercial strategy
We will hire one of the top entrepreneur from different countries like: Italy, Sweden, USA, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and China.
Our Company is for teenagers form 16 to 25 years (men and women) and they have to study in economical colleges for example that study marketing or economic things.

About location, our office will be in Amsterdan, Netherlands.
Our strategy will be get money from an European Union program for start. Then pay our contributions in Company shares and get money from selling a percentage of our Company to sponsors.
Facebook did this in its beginning. So, sponsors and clients need our success in order to get their inverted money back.
We will totally give a 10-20% of our Company and we will equaly divide the rest amongst the funders

“5 people, form different countries, that never met each other before, gathered at Sarata-Monteoru at the 5th of October of the year 2022.
They needed an idea to change the future of their countries and the whole world at the same time. They wanted to create an easily accesible platform that would allow each and every person on the globe help each other.
But how would 5 people change the world? With our business plan. SGN”
SGN: Our business plan is the creation of a digital network that Will provide information on how to know on each and every aspecto of human nature. The needs that will be covered by Self Growth Network are divided in 5+1 categories:
Formal Education
Cooking Courses
Life-Coach Activity
Freelancer´s Exclusivity -> Because everybody can be an infopreneur

It will also motivate people to become the best versión of themselves and it will increase their curiosity on expending their personal horizons. SGN will help people with not that much free time achieve it will make working from home easy, trustable and fast.
Caracterize your resources (human, material, financial)
Human resources:
We are going to need 15 people for creating the web page and to maintain it. We are going to need a deal with a digital marketing agency torun the network and the advertising.

Materials resources:
A headquarters office is also essential.
Financial resources:
Costs estimation:
50.000$ for creating the platform.
5.000$ for yearly maintenance.
50.000$ will go to the digital marketing agency every year for running the platform.
25.000$ annually for advertising.
19.000$ will be the rent of the headquarters office.
Total Estimated Cost: 50.000$ + 5.000$ + 50.000$ + 25.000$ + 19.000$ = 149.000$
So, we are looking to get a loan from a bank around 200.000$ and anual interest les tan 2%. We will have pay off the loan in approximately 7 years.
Build your commercial strategy:
The great thing about our company is that it targets everyone, Young and old, men and women, basically everyone who is willing to better themselves in any way.
It doesn´t matter if you are a young man that wants to learn basics of economics or an old grandma that wants to learn a recipe on how to make cookies to her grandchildren, you can find everything you need on our network.
When it comes to the management of the company, the digital marketing agency in cooperation with the headquarters will make the company as efficient as possible.
About the marketing plan, all that SGN needs is social media advertising and search engine optimization. We will need SEO because learnwords.com and cornerstone.com are quite famous and it won´t be easy competing with these companies.
And of course, there are many risks when creating a new company. Competition is a hard one, not being able to pay off the loan in time is also quite stressful. Lastly, cooperation with the digital marketing agency should be flawless, otherwise running successfully the platform will be a hard timing to do.
“Accomodation was awesome, activities were perfect, serious and funny, especially in the forest, the tasks which every group did were pretty good and a lot of ideas were born. Also we met new friends and established strong connections.” (Alex – BG)