Agri Information Partners
Your ICT partner in agribusiness
Your ICT partner in agribusiness
Agri Information Partners
Business profile
Agri Information Partners provides services in the fields of information and automation for organizations in agriculture. Agri Information Partners has specialized knowledge regarding certification and quality, breeding administration and logistics in agriculture and horticulture. For the development of systems, tools such as .Net, Progress and Lotus Notes are used. ⁄
Being a partner means finding balanced solutions in collaboration with the client. But it also means taking risks if necessary. Being a partner means doing business on a basis of discussion, mutual respect and trust. ⁄
Our people and goal Agri Information Partners is located in Wageningen. All our employees have a University or Higher Vocational Education background in agriculture or technology. In addition, they have ample practical experience with the application of ICT in agriculture. Our goal is to help companies realize the value of their ICT. Application of ICT should never be a goal in itself. The services and products supplied by Agri Information Partners lead directly or indirectly to performance improvement for our clients. ⁄
Agri... Knowledge of the sector, the people and the processes leads to mutual understanding in a field where misapprehension is the major cause of failure. Knowledge of developments in the agricultural sector regarding breeding, logistics, marketing, production, and technology is therefore of vital importance. Besides the knowledge of the sector we are also convinced that the no-nonsense attitude of our employees is very important to implement successful software solutions.⁄
ICT... Agri Information Partners meets the need for new information systems and ‘functional fit’, offering innovative tailor-made systems on conditions comparable to those of standard systems. Agri Information Partners’ systems are based on knowledge of the agricultural sector, knowledge of ICT and a library of software components. ⁄
Services and products Services: Information analysis, strategic ICT consultancy, software development, software selection, support, projectmanagement. Products: OutSite; controlled registration on location. E-Brida; plant breeding, more than registration. Ÿ
Agri Information Partners B.V. P.O box 251, 6700 AG Wageningen, The Netherlands P: +31 (0)317 - 47 13 00, F: +31 (0)317 - 47 13 01, E:, internet: